#Relative Truth
pratchettquotes · 2 years
"You think that's really true?" he said.
She shrugged. "Really true? Who knows? This is a newspaper, isn't it? It only has to be true until tomorrow."
Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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bogslob · 4 months
I was so sad when they cut Luke teaching Percy sword fighting from earlier episodes, one of the main reasons being because it would have meant that they couldn’t reasonably have Luke giving Percy instructions during the Ares fight, but having sword fighting lesson flashbacks during the fight was genius it tied everything together really well and made so much sense considering Luke hasn’t been in a huge portion of the show and your average viewer wouldn’t necessarily recognise his voice
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heckyeahponyscans · 4 months
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Snopes.com was THE fact-checking / lie-debunking website in the 2000s, covering everything from lighthearted fare like "is this a picture of Bigfoot?" to rumors about Iraq War, which at the time often spread via chain emails or Dick Cheney.
Well, Snopes still exists and I encourage you to check it out. They will investigate until they find the primary source of a photo, a quote, an article. This is especially important in a world where AI is increasingly able to fool the human eye and human ear.
In case you were wondering, the status of the photos / articles I clipped for this post are:
Israel making a deal with BetterHelp - Real, and the company was founded by an IDF soldier who proudly brags about this fact in his online profile. Also they have previously been caught selling private medical information.
IDF soldier threatening a woman with children - Real picture but not from current conflict
Are Palestinians forbidden from collecting rainwater? Yes, and the situation is even more dire than the headline makes it sound. Really recommend this article for a deeper understanding of the discrimination the Palestinians suffered even prior to the current conflict.
Did Israel use white phosphorus on Gaza? The evidence strongly points to yes. This article is VERY good, very well-researched.
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chuthulhu-reads · 2 months
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[ID: Two panels from Dungeon Meshi. The first scows Senshi clutching his face as tears start to spill out of his eyes, saying, "I've always... always wanted to have this soup one more time." He's not wearing his helmet in this panel, so his face is unusually visible, detailed and vulnerable. The second panel shows himself as a youngster, surrounded by his old mining team, all smiling at each other, one of them rubbing Senshi's head. Modern-day Senshi continues, "Thank you. All of you. Thank you." End ID.]
Holy shit. I anticipated some tragic backstory from the "I must feed the young ones" panels, but what I'd guessed was that Senshi might have become so devoted to cooking and eating literally whatever because he'd previously survived a famine and had seen children starve to death. I did not expect him to have been the child who was the sole survivor of a doomed travel party, one of whom was determined to feed Senshi first because he was the youngest, and that Senshi has lived with the fear of having inadvertently committed cannibalism by eating stew that he'd never quite known the contents of. I'm happy for him that Laios deduced and confirmed for him that it was griffin meat, that he was able to taste the meal that saved his life once more and remember the friends he lost. Seriously, I'm crying, and also earnestly relieved that while his backstory is pretty dark, it's not the type of fucked up I'd been preparing myself mentally for.
#Dungeon Meshi#Delicious in Dungeon#Dunmeshi#though it IS really worth exploring the ethics of cannibalism in survival situations#The podcast You're Wrong About has a really interesting pairing of episodes#in the Donner Party and Flight 571 Crash episodes#Both about disasters in which people wound up eating their dead to survive#and an interesting connection they drew was that it wasn't the cannibalism itself#that destroyed the lives of the Donner survivors#it was the horror and disgust and societal rejection they got for having eaten human flesh#even the children who had no idea what they were eating were treated with revulsion#and this is clearly the response Senshi feared facing if anybody knew what he'd eaten#But Flight 571 like a century later#the survivors were faced with a lot of understanding when rescued#relatively little condemnation and revulsion#by and large commentators acknowledged that they did what they had to do#and sympathized with how difficult and painful it must have been#which is what Senshi gets from his party#Laios wants to figure out the truth because he knows it's hurting Senshi not to know#But at one point Marcille straight up says that none of them would think less of Senshi if he did eat dwarf stew#Okay so this is Marcille 'ardent student of blood magic' Donato#but Chilchuck agrees#anyway I think that would be a particularly interesting conversation to have in a cooking manga#how do you safely eat a dead friend when that's all you have to survive on?#what are the nutritional benefits other than 'better than starving'?#what are the risks? There's prion diseases and all sorts you can get#they write it off as eating the dragon part but they DO spend seven days eating Falin at the end#ARE there any in/famous cannibalism cases in this world?#Do peopel argue about whether or not it's cannibalism if a dwarf eats a tallman?#enquiring minds (mine) want to know
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kagoutiss · 11 months
*complaining for no reason again because i am bored* i need more ppl to know that these. are all the same person these are literally canonically all the exact same individual person im begging u
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literally almost all the ganondorfs are the exact same individual and almost all the ganons are the exact same individual, almost all the ganondorfs & ganons are the same exact person just in different forms and circumstances. except for FSA and maybe whatever the fuck is going on with TotK ganondorf but i still think it’s weird that he still has golden eyes & rounded ears when even the gerudo in TotK’s ancient past dont, but anyway ashfjsbfjsn
#not like you always have to subscribe to canon because it’s often impossible to know the truth of certain things#or some things that are canonical just suck and should be changed anyway but like#of all the things that are like relatively basic facts for ppl engaging in the Lore or whatever#ppl are like always. Always talking about ganondorf as if every iteration of him is a different person just like link & zelda#but so much of his character development stems from the fact that WW ganon and TP ganon are both different timeline offshoots of OoT ganon#i’m ​not even citing the ‘Official Timeline’ on this because it is silly & confusing but i just literally mean#in terms of basic canon continuity#that WW and TP were conceptualized even in the early 2000s to be the events that occur distantly after the two timeline splits OoT created#because OoT is a game about time travel and the entire concept of the split timelines in this series#originated from the two different scenarios that are created by link & zelda’s use of the master sword and the ocarina#WW ganondorf and TP ganondorf are both literal older versions of OoT ganondorf in 2 different futures#not to mention all of the ganons in the early games. OoT was made as a prequel that both literally and figuratively#attempted to humanize the main antagonist of the series#OoT ganondorf at the time WAS the ‘ganondorf with character development and an actual motivation’#WW ganondorf (who is the same person.) just actually got to vocalize what specifically his motivation was#which is great!! and also retroactively gives OoT ganondorf more context & depth#can u tell i am off my meds at the moment and have nothing better to do with my time ahsjfhskfhdj
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lovekenney · 5 months
Troy Barnes is known as the funny, out of pocket, and immature one of his little study group. But because I’m insane and love to over complicate thing, here ya go.
He has said it was hard being popular in highschool, it’s canon (kinda..?) that he purposely dislocated both of his shoulders in a keg flip because of fear and pressure.
it’s canon his family beat him with a switch. if you don’t know what that is, it’s a a literal stick you get spanked and beat with.
Not to mention we find out his dad kicked him out of the house purely for selfish reasons regarding his dads new girlfriend. this means his parents were divorced or his mom is dead, both of those options aren’t great.
Another scene that comes to my head is when levar burton comes to see him and Troy decides to curl up in a ball on the bathroom floor and gently rock himself back and forth while singing/sobbing.
All of this along with other stuff like his mom lying to him about his age, his repressed sexuality, the way he can’t handle his friends fighting so he just starts screaming till his nose bleeds, how he says in one ep “yeah I screwed up, classic troy”
he has a quite insecure nature about him that he hates. And not to much on how easy he cries.
Along with other stuff I’m to lazy to write about rn.
so - obviously his life wasn’t perfect. I just want to know what else happened in his life. I would like to know more details and more stories of his shitty high school experience.
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tainted-esau · 6 months
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I think my favorite detail is that Penn is the MOST suspicious of ‘Zelda’ like he will go “oh of course she had our safety in mind! …but why didn’t she just say that…”
I love his dedication to finding out the real story. That just. That makes my heart happy.
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hearts4hughes · 8 months
mullet boys are hot. luke hughes is hot.
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callsign-bunnie · 4 months
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Not actually about COD, for once, this is about the dude from Community
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bogslob · 4 months
Nah coz having the pearls take them to Montauk beach rather than Santa Monica was genius
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starleska · 6 months
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hold the fuck up - i cannot believe the Toymaker has canonically played Truth or Dare before!!! i thought i was being deeply silly for writing it 🙈💖 it even comes with forfeits!!!
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blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
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Ideology wants to convince you that its truth is absolute. A novel shows you that everything is relative. The more ideological our century becomes, the more anachronistic is the novel. But the more anachronistic it gets, the more we need it.
Milan Kundera
Milan Kundera 1929-2023 RIP
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songofstrawhats · 7 months
Hi yes hello I cannot stop thinking about Kaya going off to medical school (I think realistically she'd be in more of a private internship situation but GO WITH ME HERE) so she's at med school and her classmates are like ooh girl have you got a special someone we can hook u up if not
And shes like hahaha there is sort of someone he's so sweet and such a fun storyteller he was really there for her after her parents died and they both left home to follow their dreams but they write and she hopes they can make something together someday
And her classmates are alternately like aww how sweet or like babe if you don't wanna go on a blind date you can just say so you don't have to make up a canadian boyfriend
And Kaya is mostly very good at medical school and very helpful when her classmates are figuring out how to study and sometimes she doesn't know basic things about how the world works but they all help each other out and then sometimes she'll do something concerning like stare out into the ocean and say 'oh I hope Usopp is having fun out on the Grand Line'
And they're like ........right okay he's a storyteller isn't he lmao the Grand Line is a metaphor hahahahaha for a moment there I really thought your not!boyfriend was out on the Grand Line for real or something hahahaha
And Kaya's like no i was seriously he actually is, last month he sent me a letter about [insert relevant plot point here idk I'm only at Alabasta]
And her friends are like ...........as a Marine? Kaya please say that your not!boyfriend who has run away to follow his dreams and ended up on the Grand Line joined the Marines. Or that he's lying to you. Kaya please say psych right now
And then they conveniently walk past a wall of wanted posters and Kaya is like OH LOOK THERE HE IS RIGHT THERE!!!! Awwww his bounty has gone up I'm so proud of him ^v^
And her classmates are there just like ......... and reassessing everything they know about her lmao
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varibean · 1 year
Thinking about Craig growing a shitty starter mustache in high school that all his friends make fun of, but he’s not allowed to shave it bc tweek adores it and starts bullying the guys back twice as much if they grill his bc too hard about it
Clyde: it’s like a starving caterpillar crawled onto your face and is waiting to die
Tweek: …you know who else was waiting to die Clyde? Your mo-
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
toji will be the embodiment of the 🤨🤨🤨 emoji when i walk in with my "big dick is back in town" shirt😋😋😋😋
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