#Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane
xx-carnage-xx · 11 months
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• Listens to Motley Crue
• Was originally serving eleven consecutive life sentences in Rykers Prison (and was fully prepared to make it 12 after killing his cell mate Eddie Brock cause Eddie was annoying him with his constant exercise/clapping)
• Was convicted of eleven murders but bragged about a dozen more
• Symbiote is described as being made up of black and blood by an eyewitness to Carnage’s first string of crimes
• Calls Spider-Man “Webster” the first time they fight
• Writes “Carnage Rules” on walls in either his own or his victim’s blood after he kills someone when he first becomes Carnage. It’s like his calling card
• Apparently had a stuffed teddy bear named Binky back when he was put in St.Estes Group Home. He also eventually (still as a child) burned down said group home
• Certified Cop Killer™️ (and this is just in his first slew of appearances)
• Allegedly (as of The Amazing Spider-Man: Carnage Part One) pushed a girl in front of a bus. He presumably did this as a child still.
• Before he was captured he was said to have been a ‘quite man who paid his rent on time’ by his landlord.
• Was described as a “Strange Lad. Poor Student,” and apparently there was some tragedy that happened at homecoming when he was still in school that presumably had something to do with him
• Carnage doesn’t trigger Peter’s Spider-Sense
• Can solidify his “costume” in a way Venom never could according to Peter
• The Carnage symbiote when detached from the “main body” can’t maintain molecular integrity (ie: if Carnage throws a symbiote projectile that detaches from his body it will disintegrate shortly after impact)
• He was a “Family Annihilator” (in criminal minds terms at least) in regards to how he became a serial killer before the symbiote. Kind of, he also killed on an individual bases often.
• Sometime after being defeated in Carnage: The Conclusion (I’m presuming) Cletus is incarcerated at: “Ravencroft, a maximum security institution devoted to the study of the criminally insane” - according to Ben Reilly in Web of Carnage Part Two)
• Has been calling the symbiote “Red” since Carnage: Part Two
• Likes grey poupon mustard on his sandwich (a sandwich that he was making in the house of one of the people he’d killed’s kitchen. The scene was still yet to be discovered by authorities)
• More susceptible to sonic (high frequency noise) attacks than to heat, as Carnage fell onto the third rail at Penn Station that “thousands of volts” of electricity were being channeled into and brushed the heat off with a joke. On the other hand he’s defeated in Carnage: The Conclusion by Spider-Man setting the speakers at Maddison Square Garden to the same frequency as the Fantastic Four’s sonic emitters. Carnage also goes down (by virtue of being younger than the venom symbiote) faster than Venom.
• Uses Webster & Webstinker in reference to Spider-Man. (I’ve pointed out Webster already but I just think it’s that adorable)
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marvelfracturedrpg · 5 months
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RACE – Human enhanced by goblin formula
POWER /ABILITY – Genius intelligence
OCCUPATION – America's son , Thunderbolt , HAMMER agent
“ Dying is easy. It’s something that’s done to us. But in Hell, we’re not punished for the sins of others– we are tortured by our own.   .“
Once upon a time
 Son of Norman Osborn, Harry always longed for his mother, but was sent here and there and had to uphold the family name. He was sent to boarding school shortly after Peter's parents' death. Solitude was a friend and a foe at the same time. He developped into a teenager who really just wanted to be accepted and loved. That's what he had when he reconnected with Peter and Gwen. Even if that was short lived.
He found out who Spider-man was and took the mantle of his father to prove a point. He was arrested and declared insane. Defeated, he was sent to Ravencroft Institute becuase of his insanity due to having taken a faulty goblin serum. He was kept in the insane criminal wing. There he bid his time, knowing that eventually he would be let out . His ressentment towards Peter only grew stronger.
During the Skrull war the institute was destroyed, Harry joined the resistance while not being stable at all. This led to a lot of accidents involving skrulls, humans, innocents, guilty people. He was kept on a tight leash , because his efforts were still useful. After the Skrull war, he was sent back to the newly reconstructed Ravencroft Institute.
That is, until his father got him out of the asylum and put him as the face of the Thunderbolts, a captain america kind of persona he for now does with pleasure.
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dispatchdcu · 9 months
What If...? Dark: Carnage #1 Preview
What If...? Dark: Carnage #1 Preview #carnage #whatif #whatifmoonknight #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
What If…? Dark: Carnage #1 Preview: WHAT IF…CORTLAND KASADY BECAME CARNAGE?  CLETUS KASADY, the mad man who bonded to CARNAGE, wasn’t the only family member to have a connection with symbiotes. CORTLAND KASADY, his long-dead ancestor, rests beneath the RAVENCROFT INSTITUTE FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE! What would happen if the symbiote reanimated the corpse of Cortland Kasady? Is the world big…
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that90ssmshow · 3 years
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Eddie & Cletus, enemies at first sight
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forevercaroline · 2 years
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Caroline Stark Series chapter 8
Tagging: @austennerdita2533, @iamcarito, @crazychicke, @karinanic, @bossyblondebabe, @missmystic-vampirebarbie cover by the amazing @black-angel-manips
A black SUV pulls up to the gates of RavenCroft institute for the criminally insane. "Can I help you?"
The drivers side window rolls down and the woman inside pulls her pink sunglasses off."Yeah you can let me in I'm Caroline Stark. I'm a family friend of the Osborn's."
"Your not on the list and Mr. Osborn is not permitted visitors."
Caroline's hand starts to glow volcanic and she reaches out and starts to burn his guard tower door. "Your going to let me in and tell me where Mr. Osborn is being held."
The bank vault door to Harry's cell opens he can't turn around to see who is coming because of the straight jacket but luckily they have him seated in front of a dirty mirror.
"Need a rescue Mr. Osborn."
He grins some might say evilly but you could also say delight. "About time Miss Stark."
As she quickly goes over to undone the straps of his straight jacket she looks up at his messed up hair which actually looks good on him. "They wouldn't let me in I'm not family. Plus when I said who I was here to see they said you weren't allowed any visitors."
Harry scoffs as he pulls his arms free for the first time in days. He has to hand it to the board of Oscorp they are good. "Who did you piss off to get in here anyway?"
He side eyes her as they go to the door. "You want to have this conversation right now?"
She rolls her eyes and hands him a white face mask and a white doctors coat. She is also wearing the same thing. "Here put these on." As they exit the cell they see two guards still unconscious on the ground. He's Impressed didn't know she had it in her.
Both are constantly aware of their surroundings while they head towards the main doors. They try to keep their heads down and look like they belong, they only get stopped once and a security guard asks for their badge to sign out. Harry punches him in the face. She wants to tell him seriously but how she got to his cell was no better so she can't judge. If only her father could see her now she honestly doesn't know what he would think, probably not thrilled that she is helping an Osborn or breaking him out of jail." Come on we have to go before everyone is found or wakes up."
They run towards the door once outside they ditch their doctor clothes and get into the black SUV awaiting them. Since Caroline sent Eric and Brock on a mission she will have to drive them out.
"Are you sure you know what your doing?" Harry looks over at her and how she is positioned it does not insure confidence in him.
" I know how to drive." She puts the car in park and as they are pulling out alarms start going off and the gate starts going down. She takes a breath she can do this. Tony taught her how to drive. She will admit she had more confidence driving in then driving out.
"Hold on!" Harry grips the handle on the roof of the passengers side door. Is it too late to go back to the straightjacket.
The rest of their escape and their shenanigans:
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frankenbolt · 3 years
Tell me about carnage and shriek - what're their life goals, what's their whole deal.
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Thank you for indulging me.
Cletus Kasady is a fictional serial killer who was cellmates with Eddie Brock, the first host of the Venom symbiote in the Spider-man comics. When they were in the process of breaking out of prison, the symbiote gave birth to a red symbiote, which latched onto Cletus, bonded and thus Carnage was born.
Carnage is...well. He's obviously homicidal. The reason why varies from comic to comic but roughly he has your standard 90s serial killer mo. He witnessed his father brutally murdering his mother, he pushed his grandmother down the stairs, he killed small animals. Eventually he was dumped into an orphanage after he testified against his father.
He's also a massive dork. He's not booksmart, in some iterations he has barely any reading or writing skills. He's also not streetsmart. He's socially awkward and he's really only ever had one friend in his entire life and he tried to kill him to "save" him.
Cletus is into heavy metal, horror movies and is easily influenced by pop culture in general. (See: "Carnage- It's a Wonderful Life", and "Carnage- Mind Bomb", 1996). When I say he's a massive dork I mean he's HUGELY over the top and hammy. When he lost the symbiote for a time, he broke out of jail, painted himself red and ran amok through New York in his tighty whities. That's how detatched from reality he is.
That being said.
Shriek, aka Frances Barrison is a fictional serial killer who, when shot in the head by a police officer, was taken into the superhero Cloak's darkforce dimension, which awakened her latent Mutant ablities.
Her mutant ablities are the ablity to shoot sonic blasts from her hands, and dark empathy- basically she can grow dissent, violence and the urge to inflict pain in others....and sometimes she can fly.
Frances was terrorised by her mother as a child for being overweight, which drove Frances to drugs. She was a heavy metal groupie and she frequently hung around bands and their hangers on, eventually dealing herself. It's not really any wonder why her mutant powers took so long to manifest.
She has a strong Mother complex. She adopts super-villians and babies them, "feeding" them with her dark empathy to prolong their bloodlust.
Marvel doesn't think she's interesting enough to spend a lot of time worrying over her backstory but I strongly disagree because GOSH that's a lot to work with.
Anyway anyway-
Here you have Cletus Kasady, who's broke loose of his confines in the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane, which was where all the Spider-man villians who were deemed mentally ill, and is about to make his big escape--when a woman's voice calls out from behind a heavily reinforced door.
He rips it away and finds...well. A woman practically made for him. Metal Chick? Check. Hugely Hammy? Check. Serial Killer? Check.
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Because she can feel the violence and panic that he spreads. She can feed on it and it brings her more power of her own. Frances is literally the perfect woman for Cletus Kasady and they're a match made in hell.
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A parasite for the parasite.
By and large, as is the way for most lady villians in comics, esp Marvel, Shriek usually only gets used when Carnage is about, and then not all the time. When they do appear together it's usually as partners, but the undertone is always that they're fucking on the reg. In Maximum Carnage, they have this whole Manson Family vibe, down to calling each other husband and wife. In Deadpool vs Carnage they're on a roadtrip? Well. A murder roadtrip.
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In the 2010/2011 Carnage miniseries, after Cletus is returned to earth from being cut in half (it doesn't matter why, but he now has robot legs which is fun), We get to see the symbiote's imprinted impressions that Cletus has of Frances.
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Do they actually love each other? Well. As much as they're capable of feeling anything for anyone. Cletus lacks empathy for pretty much everyone. He cares about the "great truth" - pure unmitigated chaos. His goal, if you can call it that, is to spread chaos via random acts of violence and murder. The random part is key. If it has any sort of planning to it, he's just not interested. If she's not in the comic he's currently in, he usually won't mention her, because his focus is on chaos.
But...he's also weirdly upset when things DO happen to his gothy wifu.
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I know I've focused a lot on Carnage's comics here, where he's the big bad but unfortunately, when Shriek appears in comics outside of their relationship, it's usually as a henchwoman or as a stock bad guy for a hero to take down. She and other characters will make reference to the fact that she's Kasady's main squeeze but it's there's rarely any indepth character building there.
The other thing I haven't mentioned is that I fell off the Carnage train for a very long time. I'm not exactly up to date with all the comics because the last time I checked, Carnage cut Shriek's fucking head off. I don't have any context for that, other than Knull stuff. But it was so...weirdly ooc for the sake of a big dramatic set piece that I was like "nope! I'm out, seeya when the movie drops". I may end up reading it at some point because I'm starving for content. I won't be happy, but--
...In conclusion (Was I trying to make a point? Or did I just want to gush on and on...) Shriek is an underrated character, Carnage loves (as much as he can as this is him we're talking about) his gothy wifu and I'm excited about Venom 2.
Thank you.
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themainframes · 3 years
We thank you for your patience and understanding during the last month. We highly emphasize ‘understanding’ as it is likely that forgiveness will not be found for a long while. Unfortunately, that’s what happens when you choose to ask for a retrospective forgiveness instead of permission. The fallout from Pleasant Hill has been expansive, which should not come as a surprise to anyone. In the last two week reports have been published by both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States Government regarding Pleasant Hill. Due to varying access levels we are unable to release them all to the public, but can present a synthesized version. Please see below.
Director Maria Hill has been under investigation for negligence, abuse of power and failure to comply with government regulations and orders. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Board of Oversight Affairs, S.W.O.R.D.’s Committee of Internal Review and the U.S. National Security Counsel have all been conferring as the Trustee Alliance and came to the consensus that Director Hill will not lose her title but all administrative decisions will have to be approved by the three councils. Hill contested the ruling, but it is to remain in effect for the next twelve months before being reevaluated. 
Other personnel associated with Pleasant Hill have also been subject to investigation and trial. Head scientist Dr. Erik Selvig has been cleared of criminal charges along with Dr. Kavita Rao and Dr. Randall Jessup. All research conducted for Project KOBIK has been confiscated and will be reviewed and distributed. Dr’s Rao and Jessup will continue to contract with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dr. Selvig is expected to resume independent study.
Pleasant Hill Administrators Sharon Hill (Agent 13) and Barbara Morse (Agent 19/Mockingbird) were placed on leave while their cases were reviewed. Due to her primary affiliation being the C.I.A., Agent Carter was pardoned by the government but they maintain that they had no involvement with the situation. She is expected to continue her actions as the liaison between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the C.I.A. Dr. Morse, primarily a Mighty Avenger now, was pardoned on the grounds that her actions as a whistleblower for the Avengers acted as a turning point that led to the dissolution of  Pleasant Hills. Morse has gone under oath that she will continue as an Avenger but report to S.H.I.E.L.D. when called for assignment. There will be no infractions to her record or change in rank.
On-Site Specialists and embedded agents have been vetted and cleared by the Committees. Agents Avril Kincaid and Daisy Johnson (Quake) were both called in to testify along with five others. Although culpable in participation, actions within the town during the day the border fell have been regarded as exemplary in preventing additional deaths. Agent Kincaid will continue to contract with S.H.I.E.L.D. while Johnson will be declared inactive and return to duty with the Ultimates.
The Wyngarde Sisters (Martinique & Regan) were both apprehended and returned to Krakoa. Because the mutant nation is a sovereign one, the Trustees had no say in their trial or assessment. S.H.I.E.L.D., however, sent a lawyer on their behalf that explained that their actions were sanctioned by the government. Krakoa has confirmed that Mastermind and Lady Mastermind will be subjected to disciplinary actions.
As it stands, 90% of the inmates have once again been apprehended and distributed between the Raft and Ravencroft Institute of the Criminally Insane. Some have been placed on wanted lists, some have returned to monitored areas and some are acting independently. Statuses are as follows:
 Agatha Harkness, Karla Sofen (Moonstone) and Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) all escaped the town and have not been seen since. They are currently on S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.O.R.D. and the U.S. Government’s wanted list. Please call in any sightings of them.
Cain Marko (Juggernaut), Elektra Natchios, Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) and Wilson Fisk (King Pin) all left Westview independently and the government is not currently seeking to arrest them once more. Their actions prior to Pleasant Hill were not severe enough to warrant internment, and while we will occasionally observe their behavior we apologize for their arrests. 
We also would be remiss if we did not extend a sincere apology to Roger Gocking (Porcupine), While investigating Pleasant Hill, Roger’s history as a former felon was flagged and he was mistakenly placed into Pleasant Hill. Claims have been made that he was turned into a literal porcupine to stop him from exposing the operation, but S.H.I.E.L.D. denies the accusations. They will privately be settling the matter with Jessica Drew (Spider Woman) and the Avengers.
Following Ripley Ryan (Star)’s departure of Pleasant Hill, the Council has been unable to reach a unanimous decision on how to proceed. Ryan is still listed as a high level threat and a rostered member of the Thunderbolts but it has not been determined if restorations need to be made or if time needs to be removed from her probation. For more on the Thunderbolts under Section 003.
AIM’s taskforce the Thunderbolts were some of the earliest inmates inserted into the town. The six members -- Anthony Masters (Taskmaster), Georges Batroc (the Leaper), Helmut Zemo (Baron Zemo), John Walker (U.S. Agent), Melissa Gold (Songbird), Ripley Ryan (Star) and Yelena Belova (White Widow) -- have all been approached separately about how to move forward. In exchange for lighter sentences, Masters, Batroc and Walker have agreed to work with the Thunderbolts again on a probationary level. As mentioned above, Ryan is still a rostered member of the team but has refused to sign any paperwork thus far. Belova, meanwhile, has had her record expunged in a deal with the C.I.A., similar to the one made with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff. Despite this, she has elected to work with the Thunderbolts under the agreement that she is able to break contract and leave at her own discretion. 
After the staged rebellion in Pleasant Hill, the Trustees were divided in how to move forward with Zemo. While Wakanda still wishes for him to be in their prison for the murder of King T’Chaka during the U.N. Bombing, it was narrowly agreed upon that Zemo will either have to work with the Thunderbolts under a handler or be sent to the Raft. The selected handler for the team is Melissa Gold, who contracts directly with S.H.I.E.L.D. Pre Pleasant Hill, Gold was offered a lighter sentence pending her ability to go undercover and resume her former relationship with Zemo. As an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gold was instructed to pretend as if her personality had been rewritten so that she could monitor the inmates on a closer level. Her ability to do so, along with her help in removing a fragment of the Mind Stone from Zemo’s possession has increased her rank and qualified her for a handler position.
We have high hopes for what the Thunderbolts can do as a rehabilitated unit working in tandem with A.I.M. on a probationary basis. Any member who fails to uphold their contract will be interred in the Raft for a time and a half of their original sentence.
004. AIM.
The agency has passed under various leadership over the years, but is currently being run by Scientist Supreme Monica Rappaccini. As it stands, the Alliance is unsure about how to interact with them in the long run. It would be beneficial to make peace, but we are hesitant that all motives may not be properly expressed. Allowing them to handle the Thunderbolts team with S.H.I.E.L.D. / C.I.A. liaison Sharon Carter overseeing it is a hopeful step in the right direction. Classified documents will not be shared between the agencies, and S.W.O.R.D. / S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue to work on a more intimate basis while allowing agents at A.I.M. outposts. The situation will be reassessed at the quarterly debriefing. 
Personal apologies have also been made to Dr. Rappaccini for the arrest and imprisonment of A.I.M. members such as Carmilla Black and Jeanne Foucault without advising the agency.
It has come to our attention that there may be some changes post Pleasant Hill that had not been originally accounted for. Although the transition from inmate to resident was precise, the return to true form was not. Following the splintering of the Reality Stone, one fragment went to Baron Zemo and was used to create a device that was passed around to various inmates, effectively ‘waking them up’ from their Pleasant Hill personas. The changes later made by Star when she reclaimed the Stone counteracted -- in some instances -- what had been done.
Please be alert  to any sort of physical or personality changes in inmates or absorbed Avengers. All inmates who are in custody are being subjected to biweekly sessions with our specialists and weekly doctors check-ups. The same applies for the Thunderbolts, who are on-field and under more scrutiny. So far, increased or reduced aggression has been noted in some inmates. Physical changes have been minor, but not all effected have yet to go through testing. Because Ryan’s Stone is based in Earth-616, we believe it may be a multiversal glitch that has caused these changes. At the moment we do not believe the changes to be life threatening or dangerous but should be monitored nonetheless. 
What happened in Pleasant Hill was a colossal mistake that should never have been allowed to progress for as long as it did. S.H.I.E.L.D. apologizes to all who were negatively impacted but stands by the decision to look into more creative ways to inter inmates in the long run. The inaugural group of Pleasant Hill residents consisted of thirty inmates, and 90 were ultimately removed from the town by the time everything was said and done. It is with heavy hearts that we announce that we lost the lives of ten S.H.I.E.L.D. ground agents, but are also grateful that the count stayed low considering the 184 agents assigned to the town.
Some have asked what the criteria was to be selected for Pleasant Hill and how it began. After reading S.W.O.R.D.’s research report on Westview and seeing Wanda Maximoff’s decision to leave Agatha Harkness in a friendlier ‘role’ of sorts, it was decided that the Pleasant Hill experiment would be elaborated upon. In order to minimize the risk of injury, Ryan was drugged and intubated in the town before any residents were brought on. The Database had already been established and was waiting for use, and one of its commands were to keep her comatose. The Thunderbolt’s Belova, Walker, Masters and Batroc were then sent on a rigged mission into the town, where they were apprehended and transformed into their resident roles. That took place in the beginning of May, with the following residents being Natchios, Zemo and Gold. After that, the Database proved to be functioning efficiently and more inmates were transitioned consecutively, instead of one a day during the initial experiment. Criteria was criminals who were in custody, those with active warrants or those who posed ‘potential threats to a devastating degree’. All inmates have been redistributed between Ravencroft’s Institute for the Criminally Insane, Ryker’s Island and the Raft.
Moving forward, we hope to put Pleasant Hill behind us to focus on future conflicts that may arise. The Trustee will continue to meet when need be, and classified Pleasant Hill documents will officially be sealed. Pleasant Hill, CT will be rezoned and no longer used by S.H.I.E.L.D. Please directly reach out to the Trustees for any further information or unanswered questions.
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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The character has appeared in several Spider-Man media adaptations over the years, including animated television series and video games. Dimitri Smerdyakov appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), portrayed by Numan Acar. IGN ranked the Chameleon as Spider-Man's 14th greatest enemy.[2]
Publication history
Fictional character biographyEdit
Dmitri Smerdyakov was born in Soviet Russia. In his youth, he became a servant and half-brother to Sergei Kravinoff, and later a minor associate of Gustav Fiers. Although Dmitri and Sergei were friends, Sergei was often abusive to Smerdyakov, leading to a combination of admiration and resentment towards Kravinoff. Eventually, Smerdyakov emigrated to the United States of America. As he had made a talent for himself during his youth by impressing his brother by impersonating friends and neighbors, he assumed an even more impressive disguise: the identity of Chameleon. During his first known criminal outing, he impersonated Spider-Man, though he was soon exposed and arrested. Shortly afterward, Sergei (now known as "Kraven the Hunter") came to America, and the Chameleon set his old associate's sights on Spider-Man.[10] Both men became long-time enemies of Spider-Man, part of his primary rogues' gallery.
The Chameleon inspired Kraven to begin hunting Spider-Man, inviting Kraven to dispose of the hero.[11] With Kraven, the Chameleon battled Iron Man,[12] and then confronted the Hulk.[13] At one point, the Chameleon disguised himself as Hank Pym, and robbed Pym's laboratory for documents to combat Virus Nine. While delivering the documents and a shrunken Hulk to HYDRA, he was encountered and defeated by Ant-Man.[14] The Chameleon disguised himself as the Torpedo and battled Daredevil.[15]
When his half-brother committed suicide,[16] the Chameleon became obsessed with making Spider-Man suffer for his failure to prevent this. He ingested a serum which made his face permanently featureless and malleable. He attempted to kidnap America's leading expert on superconductors, but was thwarted by Spider-Man.[17] He then kidnapped J. Jonah Jameson. He approached the Maggia for support to be New York's new crime lord, and formed an alliance with Hammerhead.[18] Disguised as a scientist, the Chameleon temporarily removed Spider-Man's powers. He allied himself with the Femme Fatales, the Scorpion, and the Tarantula to eliminate Spider-Man and the Black Cat, but escaped when his plan failed.[19]
The Chameleon's most ambitious play against Spider-Man happened when he formed an alliance with Harry Osborn as the Green Goblin. Before Harry's death, the Chameleon was told Spider-Man's secret identity could be found through Peter Parker, to construct androids of Peter's parents; the Chameleon later admitted that he went through with the plot to confirm once and for all that Peter was Spider-Man. The plan led to a psychotic breakdown for both Spider-Man and the Chameleon, Spider-Man briefly renouncing the civilian identity while the Chameleon is sent to Ravencroft Asylum.[volume & issue needed] But when Doctor Ashley Kafka sneaks him into a basement to try to continue treating him in the belief that he was close to a breakthrough when the court were preparing to put him on trial, the Chameleon escaped and attempted to convince Spider-Man of actually a hallucinating writer who had suffered a mental breakdown after his daughter's death in a car accident but Peter managed to break through this deception due to his own strength of will.[20] The Chameleon's confirmation of Spider-Man's secret identity led him to try to attack Spider-Man through family and friends but this effort met with rather dismal results when Mary Jane Watson subdued him with a baseball bat.[21] Somewhere in between this and subsequent appearances, he appeared to have been destroyed by his nephew Alyosha Kravinoff; Alyosha later threw a Chameleon mask at Spider-Man's feet, referring to it as 'That weakling Dmitri' but apparently recovered, waking in a hospital.[volume & issue needed]
After tricking Spider-Man to the bridge where Gwen Stacy's death occurred, on the pretext of having kidnapped Mary Jane, he declared his own loneliness and love for Peter. When Peter laughed, he threw himself off the bridge.[22] He reappeared some time later in a mental institution, completely incapacitated, believing himself to be Sergei Kravinoff rather than his true self.[volume & issue needed] He later reappeared in his Chameleon identity as part of the Sinister Twelve villain team organized by Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin.[23]
After Spider-Man was unmasked, the Chameleon gathered a gang of villains called the Exterminators,[1] including Will O' The Wisp, Scarecrow, Swarm and Electro, and also blackmailed the Molten Man into his employ all in an effort to defeat Spider-Man and attack the web-slinger's family.[volume & issue needed]
However, the Chameleon was dealt a most humiliating defeat by May Parker's hands, when he attempted to trick May into believing he was Peter, then murder May. But May was not fooled by any means, and defeated the villain with a plate of oatmeal-raisin cookies laced with Ambien. The Rhino was also employed as part of the team up and later defeated Spider-Man only to be unable to collect payment from the Chameleon as he was already captured.[24]
After the "Civil War", the Chameleon showed up among the villains at Stilt-Man's funeral at the Bar with No Name where the Punisher poisoned the drinks and blew up the bar.[25]
The Chameleon next appeared in the newest incarnation of Super Villain Team-Up called MODOK's Eleven. In this limited series, it is revealed that he contacted A.I.M. the moment he was telepathically summoned by MODOK. He then allowed A.I.M. to send in their newest creation, the Ultra-Adaptoid, under the guise of the Chameleon.[volume & issue needed] Additionally, it was revealed in Super Villain Team-Up: MODOK's Eleven that his apparent insanity and demise years earlier were in fact well-crafted ruses designed so that he could fade into the background once more.[volume & issue needed]
The "One More Day" storyline ended with the removal of Peter and Mary Jane's timeline from all memories and no one knows Spider-Man's identity, including the Chameleon.[26]
The Chameleon returns to New York more sadistic and sociopathic than ever before. To complete his hired goal of bombing City Hall, he kidnaps Peter who works for Mayor J. Jonah Jameson. While posing as Parker, he tries to better his life, revealing that he always tries to rectify the problems in the lives of his "faces".[27] Using Peter's security clearance to get access to various materials, the Chameleon was poised to bomb City Hall before Peter escaped and thwarted his plans as Spider-Man. During the resulting confusion, the Chameleon escaped.[28]
Sometime later at an alley building during "The Gauntlet and Grim Hunt" storyline, the distraught Chameleon is met by Sasha Kravinoff and Ana Kravinoff who want his help in avenging Sergei's death.[29] Various follow up issues during The Gauntlet storyline show the Chameleon helping the Kravinoff family into creating an alliance of Spider-Man's enemies as well as Diablo.[30] First, he and Sasha managed to spring Electro from prison.[31] Then Chameleon approached Mysterio stating that he has friends that are "dying" to meet him.[32] When it came to the Grim Hunt part, he posed as Ezekiel in order to get close to Spider-Man to defeat and bring to the Kravinoffs in order to sacrifice as part of a ritual that will revive Sergei.[33] After Sergei is resurrected, the Chameleon states that the problem might stem from inward anger of being resurrected. He and the Kravinoffs discover Spider-Man's corpse, which turns out to be Kaine in Spider-Man's costume instead.[34] The real Spider-Man goes to take revenge on the Kravenoff family. Spider-Man soon arrives and pulled the Chameleon and Alyosha into the huge nest of spiders. Sasha realizes that the Kravinoff family wasn't hunting the spiders, but it was the spiders hunting them.[35]
During the "Origin of the Species" storyline, the Chameleon is invited by Doctor Octopus to join his supervillain team where he gets involved in securing some specific items for Doctor Octopus. He poses as Harry Osborn to trick Spider-Man by telling him that Menace's infant has died. When Spider-Man has been away, the Chameleon got the infant.[36] Doctor Octopus later talks with the Chameleon saying that the baby is the first of a new species. Using a lead gained when he took down Shocker, Spider-Man arrives at the Kravinoff Mansion where he captures the Chameleon who reveals that the baby is still alive and is in the Lizard's clutches.[37]
The Chameleon later becomes a member of Doctor Octopus's latest incarnation of the Sinister Six. He poses as Captain Steve Rogers in order to infiltrate an Air Force base.[38] The Chameleon disguises himself as a tribal chief when he and Mysterio pull off a zombie pirate attack on some natives.[39] Using robots of the other Sinister Six members, Chameleon and Mysterio pulled off this scheme as a diversion so that Doctor Octopus and the other Sinister Six members can infiltrate the Baxter Building to look for specific technology plans while the Future Foundation were investigating the more obvious threat.[40]
The Chameleon later poses as Klaw in order to infiltrate Intelligencia so that he can help the Sinister Six steal their Zero Cannon.[41]
During the "Ends of the Earth" storyline, the Chameleon was present with the Sinister Six when Doctor Octopus tells them about a master plan.[42] The Chameleon was present at Palazzo Senatorio at a summit where the world's greatest minds and the world leaders is carried out to discuss about Doctor Octopus's supposed offer to save the world with the Chameleon disguised as Al Gore. As Al Gore, the Chameleon states that Doctor Octopus would save them. Without a counter-argument, Spider-Man punches Al Gore and reveals to everyone present that Al Gore is actually the Chameleon in disguise. Spider-Man's new costume could detect which person is actually the Chameleon based on heartbeats. A transmission from Doctor Octopus states activating the Octavian Lens which are blocking the harmful UV rays from the sun in order to reinforce this offer. After letting the Chameleon go, Spider-Man secretly places a Spider-Tracer on the Chameleon so that the Avengers could follow him. They follow the Chameleon to the Mediterranean Coasts where the Sinister Six is waiting for the Chameleon. Using many of the stolen objects, the Sinister Six successfully subdue the Avengers leaving only Spider-Man standing.[43] After Spider-Man and the Black Widow escape with Silver Sable's help, the Chameleon suggest that since the Sinister Six's remaining members had each received their $2 billion and their criminal records expunged, they should just leave Doctor Octopus and his scheme. But they stay on board as that would make an enemy out of Doctor Octopus. The Chameleon later gets involved with Mysterio in tricking Spider-Man's allies into thinking they were destroying Symkaria, in order to give Doctor Octopus more time to complete the 200 satellites. However, the Chameleon is captured and the Black Widow threatens to reveal the secret behind his real face.[44]
Following the "Dying Wish" storyline, the Chameleon later fights Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius's mind in Spider-Man's body) and the Secret Avengers on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.[45] The Chameleon ends up knocked unconscious and the Superior Spider-Man transports him to his hidden underwater lab where he ends up imprisoned.[46] The Chameleon, Electro, Sandman, Mysterion, and the Vulture are later seen as part of the "Superior Six" team. The Superior Spider-Man has been temporarily controlling their minds in order to redeem them for their crimes, doing this by forcing them do heroic deeds against their will which almost get some of them killed. Every time they are done being controlled, they are put back in their containment cells.[47] They eventually break free of the Superior Spider-Man's control and attempt to exact revenge, while nearly destroying New York in order to do so.[48] With Sun Girl's help, the Superior Spider-Man is barely able to stop the Superior Six.[49]
Following the true Spider-Man's return, the Chameleon attempts to drive Spider-Man insane as revenge for the Superior Spider-Man's earlier treatment of him. However, Deadpool switches costumes with Spider-Man, with the Chameleon unaware of this. He fails at driving Deadpool insane (as Deadpool is already insane), and ends up being shot in the leg by him. Both heroes (in each other's costumes) punch the Chameleon at the same time, knocking him out and later delivered him to the authorities.[50]
At the conclusion of the "Hunted" storyline, the Chameleon is revealed to be one of the attendees at Sergei's funeral as he is pleased that Sergei spared him from the Great Hunt. As he walks away, the Chameleon quotes to his dead stepbrother to sleep well and states "You needn't worry. The world is no longer your burden. Besides, there won't be much of it left soon...Not by the time I've finished."[51
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biggoonie · 4 years
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FRANK TIERI (W) • GUILLERMO SANNA (A) Cover by GERARDO SANDOVAL VARIANT COVER BY MICO SUAYAN The history of the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane has been shrouded in mystery for years. NO LONGER! In the wake of ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, the facility’s past has started to unravel, and in doing so has revealed hidden chapters in the lives of some of the Marvel Universe’s most recognizable heroes and villains! 40 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Thoughts on the final week of comics?
T̷̨̲̺͆͗͑̋̒͋̕͠h̵̦̲̣̹̼̎́͋̂̄͑̕͠ȩ̵͕̭̄̇̀͆̓̅̍͊ ̴̞̯̹̠͖̱͙̜̾̌̏̇f̵̮̓̌̓̈́́̈͌͝ī̶̪̰̻̯͖̉̈́͛̿̀̕͘͝ñ̷̩̲̗͓̟ą̷̨͉͕̑͑̃̿͂̀̊̈́͜l̸̰̂̃̈͂̾͂́̌ ̷̜̺̬̲̼̯̼̙͂ẅ̴̩̬̥́̀̈́͆͗͜͜͝e̷̝̣̥͓͑̏é̴̮̝̣̰̝̙̐̾́͗̀̕͠ͅk̸̭̗̾͌ ̴̨̧̰͇͕̘͔̌ơ̴̢̛̍̍̏̏͝f̸͉͐́ ̵̳̳̗̰̥̿̊̃͜ͅc̶̭̳̿͂̀̍͗̑o̵̢̡͎͚͖̪̰̪̞͐͝m̶͖̜̝͉͎̉͌̏͘ͅȋ̷̥̟̦̯̮̠͗̿͊̄̃̿͠c̵̣͖̭̟̤̹͛s̸̢̧̞͖͙͘
Ravencroft Institute For the Criminally Insane #3: So since I’ve been pulling Donny Cates’ Venom, my LCS has thrown all those Ravencroft spinoffs in the pile; I’ve always politely put them back on the wall, but as it turns out, given this was a mail-order delivery, that wasn’t an option this time around, leaving me with no option but going through Frank Tieri’s latest masterpiece. It wasn’t good.
Marvels Snapshots Fantastic Four: Absolutely wonderful, between this and Namor the Marvels revival is becoming one of the few “let’s do a sequel comic decades later” projects that justifies its own existence, and in spades.
Giant Size X-Men Nightcrawler: Fun, but slight between Alan Davis apparently doing most of the dialogue, and it reading for all the world like the ‘Nightcrawler’ label was just an excuse to get this out the door in the artist and extra pages Hickman wanted.
X-Men #9: Ten thousand worlds. Six trillion drones. One thousand queens. And now...one king.
X-Men + Fantastic Four #3: God, Zdarsky writes a great Doom.
The Immortal Hulk #33: For the oversized #750 (I actually got the variant, a Joe Bennett gem that I suspect will be the cover of the whole shebang once it’s one day released in omnibus) it’s fitting that this stars the ‘regular’ Hulk, but in spite of that divergence it’s hard to talk about this comic because it’s exactly as unbelievable and perfect in the way every issue of this run has been from the beginning. Special note though of course to Nick Pitarra going absolutely off the charts for his sequence, and that even for this book I’m surprised how many superhero intestines they let Bennett get away with in that first double-page splash.
Justice League Dark #21: Thus far I’m quite taken with Ram V’s debut, keeping me in line for this book I’ve been surprised I’m getting since day one.
Wonder Woman #754: A fine if of course unknowing choice for Wonder Woman’s potential ‘final issue’, a tale of truth, adventure, queer liberation, and Diana struggling with the narrative shackles left upon her by previous runs.
Suicide Squad #4: Still not the book I would have personally put Taylor on, but it continues to show why that was a perfect choice regardless.
Far Sector #5: Really getting into the meat of it now, and having finally gotten around to finishing The Fifth Season since the last issue, I’m even more in the tank than I already was. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone not native to comics arrive with such immediate skill in the form as Jemisin, and whether or not that’s because Jamal Campbell is helping out by being at the absolute peak of craftsmanship and surely helping guide her in the right direction, this by all rights deserves to become a perennial, and hopefully just the start of Jemisin’s time in the medium.
Batman/Superman #8: Derington leaves as fast as he arrived, leaving us a mere 40 pages to treasures as best we can. While this was as fun as the rest of the run has been thus far, I gotta say this feels like the least interesting possible way of dealing with Kandor in the fallout of The Man of Steel.
Legion of Superheroes #5: Better with every issue! Bendis actually opens up the mystery box within the first trade, and inside is a hell of a concept in terms of the weight of the new conceit and how it all ties back to ‘regular’ DC.
Action Comics #1021: And here we are, at the end(?). For what it is, an unintended finale of sorts on Bendis’s lesser Super-book with dangling threads and rushed Romita Jr. art, it’s as fitting as could be hoped for: Superman and his friends vs. Lex and his followers, the day is saved by Superman’s ability to believe in someone, and he reflects a bit on the weight on his shoulders before getting back to work.
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scienceninjaturtle · 4 years
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Variant Cover by MARK BAGLEY
* Sin Eater has leveled up and is looking for more sins to eat.
* His new target? A place with plenty of sins to go around: Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane.
* Spider-Man faces a conundrum he hasn't faced before, and it is messing him up.
* We are one month from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN LGY #850 and it is going to be a doozy.
32 pages, $3.99.
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gokinjeespot · 4 years
off the rack #1298
Monday, January 27, 2020
 It's the Year of the Rat man. I hope it's a happy one for you and yours. I had the pleasure of spending time with the newest member of the Jee Gang toting baby Ashton around while he took in the happy chaos at our Chinese New Year gathering yesterday. His wonder at the world makes it a happier place.
 Conan Serpent War #4 - Jim Zub (writer) Ig Guara & Vanesa R. Del Rey (art) Frank D'Armata & Jean-Francois Beaulieu (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This bizarre adventure teaming up Conan, Solomon Kane, Agnes and Moon Knight concludes with the demon Wyrm chopped up into fish food. This story won't matter to anyone other than fans of those four heroes but it sure was fun to read.
 Batman #87 - James Tynion IV (writer) Guillem March (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I'm happy Catwoman and Cheshire are in this story. I love how Guillem March draws women. There are a lot of players in Gotham City right now so please pay attention as the mystery unfolds.
 Once & Future #6 - Kieron Gillen (writer) Dan Mora (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). That's two fantasy stories that ends with the death of a serpent. Must be a common theme this week. One of the bad guys gets away and the story of Duncan and his Granny will continue. I don't know if I'll read the next arc since this one didn't conclude very well. I felt that Zombie King Arthur was defeated too easily.
 Detective Comics #1019 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Scott Godlewski (art) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). And so the winter solstice passes and the mystery of the Nordic cult ends. I'm glad this story about a creature from the nether regions was short.
 Atlantis Attacks #1 - Greg Pak (writer) Ario Anindito (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I picked this off the rack to read because I wanted to see what Namor was up to these days. He's back being the angry ruler of Atlantis pissed off at the air breathers. This time he's mad at all of the Agents of Atlas. That Jimmy Woo sure hangs out with the weirdest heroes of the Marvel U. If you're a fan of all those Agents you'll want to add this 5-issue mini to your subscriptions.
 Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2 - James Tynion IV (writer) Steve Epting & Javier Fernandez (art) Nick Filardi (colours) Travis Lanham (letters). Cool. It looks like Lex Luthor is going to be the one to save the world this time. I like who he's asking for help. I'll give you a hint: har.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #38 - Nick Spencer (writer) Iban Coello (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Here's the latest twist to the life of Peter Parker: J. Jonah Jameson is helping Spider-Man now instead of vilifying the hero. Jonah is also working for a new media firm and the old fogey does not like what he sees. We're back to the Chameleon storyline where Peter and his spy sister Theresa are trying to get back all the S.H.I.E.L.D. tech that was stolen. All the dangling plot threads are starting to get annoying.
 Superman #19 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ivan Reis (pencils) Joe Prado, Danny Miki, Julio Ferreira & Oclair Albert (inks) Alex Sinclair (colours) AndWorld Design (letters). I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop after Superman's big secret identity reveal. All of his Earthly super villains haven't taken advantage of the news so let's head out into space shall we? This is where Mongul attacks the new United Planets. The Superman versus Mongul fights have been epic and this new one won't disappoint.
 Fantastic Four #18 - Dan Slott (writer) Paco Medina, Francesco Manna & Carlos Magno (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Now I get the point of this "Point of Origin" story. When Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben launched all those years ago, the Overseer of the planet Spyre saw a threat to his perfect planet and shot cosmic rays at the ship to kill the FF. We know how that went off the rails. So now we have the Fantastic Four returning to Spyre and basically screwing up the whole planet like the Overseer foresaw. Hey, you don't mess with Destiny. I wonder why Reed is so pissed off in the next issue teaser.
 Batman Superman #6 - Joshua Williamson (writer) David Marquez (art) Alejandro Sanchez (colours) John J. Hill (letters). Well that was a whole lot of yakkity-yak. This issue takes place before Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1. Batman and Superman find Wonder Woman to tell her the bad news that Donna Troy has been infected by the Batman Who Laughs. Then they continue to try and find a cure for the infected. The issue ends with a surprise appearance of two super villains making the next issue a "must read" for me.
 Marauders #6 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Matteo Lolli & Mario Del Pennino (art) Erick Arciniega & Federico Blee (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Kitty (call her Kate) saves the day but is sunk in the end. I've been ambivalent about reading this title of political intrigue and this issue made up my mind to bench this book. The subject matter is mature but the dialogue is juvenile so I'm outta here.
 Kill Lock #2 - Livio Ramondelli (story & art) Tom B. Long (letters). The search for the key to disable the Kill Lock continues. I care about the plight of these four condemned droids.
 The Old Guard: Force Multiplied #2 - Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). The team goes to rescue victims of human traffickers and get a surprise when they open the container. This book will blow you away.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #1 - Al Ewing (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Federico Blee (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Call him Racoon, Rocket Racoon. Rocket's gone from looking like road kill in the last story arc to quite the fashion plate in this new run. And his guns have gotten a lot smaller. The team is recovering from the Universal Church of Truth massacre but their respite is short lived. Zeus and his Greek gods have returned and they're all evil now. You can tell because they're dressed in black. Nova asks the Guardians for help but only Starlord, Rocket, Moondragon and Phyla-Vell/Captain Marvel join the fray. I like that Marvel Boy is back and when the mission goes FUBAR, a surprise ally makes an appearance. The art alone makes this worth picking up off the rack.
 Basketful of Heads #4 - Joe Hill (writer) Leomacs (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). Poor June, she keeps meeting up with bad men. You can't blame a girl for defending herself. Now there are two heads in the basket. Basket head number three just introduced himself. This is just too weirdly fun.
 Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula #1 - Frank Tieri (writer) Angel Unzueta (modern day art) Stefano Landini (flashback art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This is the last of the one-shots leading into the 5-issue Ravencroft mini. It's going to have lots of Marvel heroes and villains if this issue is any indication. In the first few pages alone we have Man Wolf, Misty Knight, Mr. Fantastic, the Falcon, Power Man and Iron fist and the Winter Soldier who introduces the flashback where Captain America fights with Dracula. When we return to the present, new inmates are being incarcerated into the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminal Insane. I could only identify Mr. Hyde but I didn't recognise the others. The consultant hired to work with these inmates was a surprise and may entice you to pick up Ravencroft #1 when it hits the racks on January 29. Imagine if the Joker were hired to work at Arkham Asylum.
 Wonder Woman #750 - I read all 9 stories in this $9.99 US anniversary issue to see where Princess Diana was at right now. Nothing much has changed since I stopped reading her book regularly so I won't be picking up #751. I've read other comic books aimed at young female readers, the Unstoppable Wasp is a good example, but this one doesn't spark a renewed interest in me to follow Wonder Woman's adventures.
 Birds of Prey 100-Page Giant #1 - Now this is more like it. There are 3 new stories and 3 reprints that I've not read before so it's a great value at $4.99 US. The core team of Batgirl, Black Canary and Huntress are joined by Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman, all fabulous females ready for action. Almost makes me want to see the Birds of Prey movie that hits theatres Friday, February 7.
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bizarnage · 5 years
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Coming this August:
FRANK TIERI (W) • Alberto Jiménez Alburquerque (A) • COVER BY BENGAL
Codex Variant Cover by YASMINE PUTRI
Connecting Variant Cover by GREG SMALLWOOD
Variant Cover by TBA (Virgin Version Also Available)
When he was last seen, John Jameson was being recovered from the scene of a massacre in Doverton, Colorado, by Misty Knight. Since then, they’ve both been MIA. So how, then, are they the only two people poised to prevent chaos as a mysterious foe of Spider-Man’s is RESURRECTED in the basements of RAVENCROFT INSTITUTE FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE?!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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that90ssmshow · 3 years
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Venom escapes Ravencroft
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taffystake · 5 years
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Absolute Carnage #1 Review
Written by: Donny Cates
Pencils by: Ryan Stegman
Inks by: JP Mayer
Colors by: Frank Martin
Its here. Knull is here and Carnage is going to do his bidding, even if Cletus has the barest hints of a body to do it with. Hooray, the symbiote Slenderman is here to kill you all.
The comics by doing a quick recap of....Cates’ entire Venom run before we jump to Eddie and Dylan in Time Square....just in time for Cassidy’s little impersonation of Eddie that killed people in Ryker’s to hit the news. And seeing someone now following them, Eddie and Dylan make for the subway, still being followed by two men. The first pushes Eddie and Dylan onto the tracks in front of a train, while the second turns into ooze and coats Eddie, giving us the triumphant return of the Venom symbiote to Eddie. That joy lasts.....five seconds before the first man reveals himself as the reborn Carnage and attacks Eddie.
Carnage has god powers now, so Eddie cant do much to Carnage as Venom. So instead Eddie grabs Carnage’s jaw and the subway’s third rail to give the symbiote a direct blast of high voltage. And after that Eddie and Dylan flee to where Eddie had intended: Peter Parker’s apartment. The three go away to a diner, where Eddie gives a lot more detail about whats going on with himself and Carnage before a news story catches his attention. A giant spiral mass grave of thousands of bodies has been discovered containing people from the Life Foundation, the Fortunato crime family, and even General Thunderbolt T Ross. So Carnage has a good headstart on collecting the left behinds from all the symbiotes.
So with a lot more urgency, Eddie and Spidey go to track down The Maker, whose been busy designing a way to safely extract those symbiote left behinds. And Spidey has the first candidate: Normie Osborn, Norman’s grandson he infected with the Carnage symbiote while he was the Red Gobllin. But since they don’t want to test the highly experimental machine that could kill people on an innocent kid, The Maker offers them a choice to possibly grab another highly dangerous and obvious target for Carnage to target next.
And so we jump to Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane, where Spidey and Venom are breaking in to break out the most insane man of them all: Norman Osborn. Taking advantage of John Jameson being on the staff, the two are able to quickly reach Norman’s cell, which is when John’s eyes turn red and he pulls the alarm to let the siren overwhelm the Venom symbiote. Meanwhile, out in the hall, Carnage is pulling maggots out of his body and throwing them onto the inmates, slowly building up an army of symbiote warriors. So Venom and Spidey fall back into Norman’s cell where Venom tries to hold the doors shut while Spidey attempts break through the back wall. Unfortunately, Carnage and his minions are too strong and bust past Venom before Spidey can even make a dent in the wall.
But Carnage isnt there to kill Norman for the symbiote left behinds he has. No, Carnage has a different plan, as he begins to assimilate and transform Norman into another Carnage. And thats where we end.
So yeah. Absolute Carnage is an absolute blast and I am all in on reading this thing for the entirety of its run just based off the art and story strength this first issue brought.
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geekcavepodcast · 5 years
Marvel Announces “The Ruins of Ravencroft”
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So someone burned down Ravencroft in Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool, but before it is back up and running Marvel has three new Ruins of Ravencroft stories to tell from writer Frank Tieri and a host of artists.
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Ruins of Ravencroft: Carnage #1 finds the Marvel Universe trying to reconstruct the Institute for the Criminally Insane. However, “untold secrets may yet be waiting to be unearthed in the destruction Carnage left after his attack.”
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Then, Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1 reveals Ravencroft’s past, and therefore will uncover “hidden chapters in the lives of some of the MArvel Universe’s most recognizable heroes and villains.”
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Last, Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula #1 has Captain America discovering that Ravencroft has even more secrets.
The Ruins of Ravencroft one-shots will also take place in the 1600s (Carnage), 1900s (Sabretooth), and World War II (Dracula).
Finally, all of this culminates in the reopening of Ravencroft Institute with Ravencroft #1 (of five). The Institute has a new staff that included John Jameson, who is seeking to atone for his part in the Carnage incident. “But will Ravencroft return the mentally unstable villains of the Marvel Universe to upstanding citizens and give John the redemption he’s looking for, or will they all fall prey to the hospital’s seemingly sinister nature?”
(Images via Marvel Comics - Ruins of Ravencroft covers by Gerardo Sandoval, Ravencroft #1 cover by Gabriele Dell-Otto)
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