#R. adaptor
apdistractions · 1 year
Chaos reigns!
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emblazons · 1 year
Honesty Hour: I am literally never going to understand “Duffer doubt” or full abject disappointment in them as show runners…and it’s because their story makes sense.
Like. The fear for queer rep thing I understand completely, but so far, even with how little I resonated with S3 or S4-2 at first…they are solid writers with a sense of both direction and their audience, and I have no core issues with what they’ve presented.
Forewarning: pettiness, byler doubt (only mentions for context) & potential elitism idk (it’s also a little long lmao)
This idea The Duffers are gonna drop every single thing they’ve set up from the get go to accommodate the most surface level, least in-character storyline “because heteronormativity” is absolutely insane to me. The idea that, after setting up FOUR SEASONS of buildup, they’re going to kill off the primary protagonist of S1 and drop every single character lesson / core narrative to shove the YOUNGEST CHARACTERS in the gd show into a Disney fantasy marriage is crazy. I literally don’t even know how to imagine them doing that—not because it has never happened in a show, but because hearing them talk about ST makes it clear it’s BEEN mapped from the get, and they have explained clearly why certain things went the way they did in their own way.
Noah got cast on a monologue from a second season before they even have a confirmation of its existence, and character traits we are just pulling on now in characters like Mike (his insecurity especially) are written CLEAR AS DAY in the PITCH OF THE SHOW. Every single sign people on THIS LITERAL APP have pointed to for Y E A R S before S4 that Will was gay turned out to be right, and there has been, from the very first moment Netflix picked this thing up, a 25 page document where they broke down the UD lore.
Where on literal earth are people getting that they have no idea what they’re doing? Or that the lore people point to as foreshadowing is gonna get thrown out the window in the final season of the show? I get being nervous or anxious that your favorite character might not get all the time you want, or even being afraid that they won’t dig into all the things you want personally, but…the idea that two self-proclaimed film boys who were as into their inspirations as we are their show are going to undermine their own narrative integrity to pull a 180 on every theme they’ve set up from the get go and start killing off characters who are front and center in the “we tell the stories of the outcasts as a fuck you to the people who make media we think sucks” narrative? I’m gonna need you to be serious.
As a long time fan and fandom consumer of television, and someone who had to live through being invested in Game of Thrones, I am saying with my whole chest that the doubt is entirely emotional rather than based on anything objective that the duffers have said or done.
They’re not D&D from GoT, who were great ADAPTORS but who just started winging it because they didn’t have completed source material from GRRM. They aren’t the Voltron writers who had a good premise but mixed it all up because of firing their best writers and then caving to fandom nonsense. They aren’t the supernatural writers, or the Sherlock writers who set up an ongoing joke without the follow through people expected. They are the Duffers. And while their writing style is nothing like what I would do, they are telling a story that I can follow and respect until proven otherwise.
All this talk about “mistakes” and the like, even with queer rep. Like??? They released this show in 2016, and the last several years in its country of origin have been absolutely steeped in a horrifying level of bigotry both sociopolitically and in media. Stranger Things was released the same year Tr*mp was elected, and still managed to stand in abject criticism of every value on display in American conservatism ever since.
The push and pull of what was “allowed” in media because of the cultural insanity & bigotry that moved to center stage in the United States makes it clear why they didn’t bring their queer storyline to the fore at first glance and just put it in the subtext—to tell the story without being undermined by the “two seasons and cancelled” era of Netflix before it got huge (because, as we all know, Netflix and cancelling shows is a huge problem for many writers to this literal day) and to keep the bigots on main from noticing it until the train was too fast to stop. That’s what we’re dealing with now—a lot of people yelling loudly on places like Reddit, expecting to be consoled in in their homophobia and bigotry, because now Stranger Things is popular and far along enough to start saying the quiet part (that has ALWAYS been there) out loud.
Hiding the queer storyline in the subtext is something people have done in tv and film for DECADES anyway, and in literature for CENTURIES before that…but somehow the fact that it wasn’t made explicit until the fourth season invalidates it? Or makes it suddenly a reason to call into question the integrity of the entire show, or to let some random m*leven shipper undermine your sense of what makes a good story (which is also what matters most to the “we don’t listen to Reddit, and we regret focusing more on fan theories than our plot” duffers)? Once again: I’m gonna need you to be serious.
All I’m saying is that the way some people in this fandom are willing to believe and agonize over the takes of 18-19 year old actors or a random twitter account or YouTuber instead of listening to the creators of the show + looking at cultural context and how queer stories have been told for eons is crazy. It reeks of immaturity insecurity and media illiteracy, and gives two guys who have put a lot of time and (ADMITTEDLY IMPERFECT) effort into a show that remains one of the best told stories (despite network interference) in recent memory.
I get being nervous. I get being suspicious. But critical consumption & media literacy is more than just theorizing about what things mean or watching what inspired The Duffers. Stop looking at social media posts and randoms for information and start paying attention to the people who MAKE the things you’re so emotionally attached to in their context. I am literally begging at this point.
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elvain · 1 year
I know in my heart Roxxon was the earliest adaptor of rainbow capitalism for capitalism only like they were only doing rainbow capitalism in certain countries too
they saw all the gay corporations like stark and rand doing it and went US TOO US TOO US TOO and immediately started saying "look at these oil stains in the ocean... they r rainbow... bc we love gay people... and oil"
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owlixx · 2 years
Mega Man 7 Thoughts
I understand MM7 to be underrated, but I really liked it!
I think the bright, cartoony graphics really pop in 16 bit
Honestly, Mega Man X and X2 have yet to convince me. Yes, they have smoother gameplay and weapon hot swapping, but the mavericks themselves and the music hasn’t impressed me as much. And obviously level design is kind of lost on me as a “cheater” which is a little unfair
Shade Man and his stage, amazing. Maybe best robot master yet
Spring Man’s stage is great
Slash Man’s dinosaur stage is cute
Jet pack is back on the menu, boys!!!!
I love proto’s shield being usable even if he isn’t playable yet
First classic mega man with hot swapping
Brutal final boss, those homing shots are really something
Really fun weapons, my favorite is the sound wave gun that gets stronger if you bounce a shot back to yourself first
I wish there was an easier way to hot swap to the adaptors, or a way to customize which weapons are quick-equipped for the L and R buttons
I continue to just use a password to get all the items for the final stage, as much as I love the idea of a shop and encouraging grinding to increase the longevity of the game back in the day
Side note: I booted up Mega Man for the Game Gear and ended up skipping it. The promise of Mega Man V’s unique solar system robot masters on Gameboy was enough to get me to play the first four Gameboy titles, which this game lacks, but also this game feels more like a 1:1 shrinking of 6 classic stages rather than a reimagining. As a consequence, the camera follow mega man which started to make me feel a little sick what with all the jumping the little guy has to do.
Up next is Mega Man Power Battle, which I believe I can play as part of the GameCube anniversary collection, but I suspect I won’t “beat” it unless there’s a super easy mode or cheats. Which means that X3 is the next main game!
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solipseismic · 2 years
👻😳🎀📎 for your choice of oc(s)!
DIPPING U N KISSING U ON THE MOUTH !! doing these for eden + ira bc they r both on the mind rn ❣
emoji ask game!
👻: do they believe in ghosts? what are their 'ghostly experiences,' if any?
ira - needed context is that she's (and eden) part alien, part human and born on another world. so, ghosts. not really, though she does believe that paranormal activity can and does exist, but she doesn't necessarily believe in the stock sort of ... mythology? around ghosts? so if someone dies somewhere she isn't going to say "this place is haunted" but she does however personally know like three necromancers so, y'know, anything is possible!
eden - if she can't fistfight it then it is of no concern to her
😳: when scared, do they go into 'fight' or 'flight'?
ira - if it's something she's really scared of (ie intimacy and vulnerability around others) then flight. anything else, fight. but she's also just kind of fearless (often in a stupid manner)
eden - fight 110%. eden's rationale is simple: either she kills it or it kills her and that's that
🎀: how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
ira - both are set in a modern-ish parallel earth setting (they're vigilantes!) but as mentioned, part alien. i've always wanted to do a college roommates au with alan (ira's archnemesis / neighbor / fellow vigilante / lover) but ira's shtick is that she's a worldhopper, so she can (allegedly) (she's still working things out) travel to any other dimension / world + her magic relates to that (absorbs culture / language like a sponge, very good at surviving in hostile environments, etc) so she's just kind of a walking universal adaptor, au-wise
eden - aggressively modern setting figure skater vigilante from egypt and aforementioned alien world. she would shade differently in a marvel vs dc vs wildstorm setting but i have to say i'm intrigued at the thought of her in hard sci-fi or space opera (star wars. i'm thinking star wars). she is, however, an unrepentant asshole at all times of day in all places imaginable so, as you'd have it, she doesn't really get along with (most) other people
📎: a random fact
ira - stims by snapping her fingers, usually with her right hand but if she's especially stressed she'll do both. her and alan are adhd / autism hostility, respectively
eden - never give her the aux because 1) you will not get it back for the duration of the trip and 2) she will play a never-ending stream of 80s and 90s hard rock, heavy metal, and grunge
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BBP I've been following the NewJeans story since you talked about them on your blog and yesterday ADOR finally released a statement addressing all the issues. Have you read the statement yet? I was very impressed with how ADOR systematically addressed all the issues. Kpop fans who raised the issues should be satisfied now right?
Lol Anon,
If you think that statement is going to change anything you've either not been around long enough or you've not been paying attention.
As a general rule, if you can avoid even acknowledging a typical k-pop fan you should, because all those stereotypes muggles have about stans in these communities are well earned. I mean, there are exceptions, but K-pop stans are notorious for trolling, double-speak, and employing a shopping list of various logical fallacies. They're some of the pioneers and/or early adaptors of modern internet-speak in that way, the nature of many conversations in spaces like this is extremely dysfunctional and should usually be avoided because it's self-defeating. So all ADOR has done by putting out that statement is add fuel to fire lmao.
Their first mistake is thinking that statement is how you address k-pop stans. Because the frenzy around NewJeans is not about protecting minors, or inappropriate lyrics, or anything like that. If it were, k-pop stans wouldn't be hyper-focusing on one group when they are far from the only group guilty of all this and worse.
The point is to create an 'ick factor' to handicap the group and I'll explain what I mean (it's something that happens all the time in k-pop). The narrative is that NewJeans is especially deserving of this scrutiny because don't you know their CEO is a pedophile? So therefore NewJeans makes music for pedophiles and all their fans are secretly or naively supporting pedophiles disproportionate to the baseline number of creeps who stick around k-pop spaces anyways.
Oh, and fuck HYBE.
Anon, earlier on I'd actually thrown your question to my gc, because I'm only loosely following any NewJeans chatter. I like them, but don't actively keep up with them, so I sourced my friends for info and they sent me these SS:
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Nobody knows if Min Heejin is actually a pedophile. I think it's unlikely she is because there is nothing that points to this being the case, but even if all the rumours about her were true, in the worst case all they'd indicate is that she or someone she knows has a creepy taste in movies by some standards. But it's not enough to say the CEO of the hottest group in Korea right now might have creepy taste in movies. After all, then we'd also be up in arms about JYP being bffs with R. Kelly (currently serving time), or YHS and his brother talking about how cool it was to marry a trainee he met when she was 14 years old (I'll skip Lee sooman for now lmaooo). Heck, it could even implicate Bang PD and his ties to Scooter Braun cause some Republicans apparently think he's one of the people funding Pizzagate. So it's not enough to think Min Heejin is creepy cause then which k-pop CEO isn't, she has to be an actual pedophile so the talking points around NewJeans have staying power.
It's the perfect narrative. Because if you're convinced the creator of a group with children is a danger to children, then:
you have a reason to put everything they do under a microscope,
you have every reason to second-guess their motives and intentions and assume bad faith, including when they put out a statement explaining their reasoning and approach to including lyrics some people consider controversial,
it's even reasonable to demand that the CEO be fired and the team replaced <- and this particular demand is what many of them are making.
NewJeans is the brainchild of Min Heejin and her leaving could seriously handicap the group. K-pop stans are demanding she step down because she's a pedophile, she denies she's a pedophile (of course) and so sees no reason to step down on what she considers to be a false charge, k-pop stans continue to have reason to (negatively) obsess about the group because there's no world in which it's appropriate for a pedophile to manage children.
It's the perfect narrative because it has no resolution. Min Heejin can never prove she's not a pedophile or extreme creep (in the best case). And so k-pop stans will always have this to use against the group.
Hyper-competitive environments quickly become toxic and one way this shows up is the creation of a scapegoat, such as the sort for people with narcissistic personality disorders. Scapegoating is very common in online and political communities. It's the logical basis for Republicans believing Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, or Taekookers obsessing with Jimin, or the Garam witch-hunt. And then there's the flashbacks I get to how k-pop stans treated 2014/2015 Bangtan - there's similarities here that I find very amusing.
Anyway, like I said in my first post on NewJeans, hate for them is only going to intensify. Their management team refusing to just put the song out with new lyrics also isn't helping. I think ADOR has made a mistake by expending so much of the goodwill they have defending lyrics that are sub-par to begin with.
Personally, I like Cookie and got nothing but cool vibes from it the first time I listened to it, and it seemed obvious to me from the MV that Cookie is a metaphor for a physical CD given all the times they alternate. But I get it if other people feel differently.
I wish the best for NewJeans. The girls all seem genuinely hopeful, and they're talented. The shift in musical direction this group has brought to k-pop is, in my opinion, the sexiest thing about them.
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theemperorsfeather · 2 years
Had to (for certain values of "had") go into town to pick up a rug I ordered so I took my wretched pile of dishwasher-connection parts with me and went to the hardware store, too.
Went to the other hardware store, because I thought they might have ALL the parts I needed to get the last connection to connect. Wrong. Wrong. W R O N G ! ! !
But: they did have a part that I could use in conjunction with a part I didn't buy at the other hardware store, because the other hardware store didn't have the piece that this one does. So I bought the part, and went to the 2nd store and bought the adaptor I didn't buy on the weekend. (And returned the fuckin' piece I did buy.)
So. I think I might finally have all the valves and adaptors and extra lengths of water line I need to get the dishwasher connected.
Rug has to wait for the weekend to be put into place. I have to move my desk and some other stuff out of the way, and then either cut a large square out of one corner to fit the rug around the honestly pretty janky "closet" built into one corner OR take allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the boxes out of the closet and off its top and disassemble it, put the carpet down (and - regretfully - cut out a chunk when the outside door swings into the room b/c the door has about 2 mm clearance over the existing floor, so what else can I do, take up all the vinyl laminate flooring to gain some space? mmm, no, I don't think so, no idea what's under there or how the laminate is attached to it), and then grudgingly reassemble the closet, because it's kind of ugly but it beats looking at a stack of boxes.
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imperias · 27 days
Magic Alone
Chaos, Kevin thought, then about three seconds later he changed his views on his family to crazy. He could here everyone rushing about for their trip to France and why because it was full of love. He sighed and pulled the pillow over his head to drown out the noise coming from down stairs. When that didn't work he got up out of bed and found his uncle Frank sorting through some old junk the spare in the room.
"Uncle Frank im bored, can i watch Predator?" Kevin asked him, he slowly turned around, in his weird way he did " Kevin, your suppose to be packing and No its R18. Now go, i need to find my crystal spoons" he snapped and turned back to whatever he was doing.
"Oh man, this family sucks' Kevin grumbled, then he stomped off to find his mom.
"Mom, Uncle Frank won't let me watch a movie, but the big kids can. Why can't I?"
"Kevin, I'm on the phone". She said rolling her eyes at him" When do you come back? Not 'til then?"
"It's not even rated R. He's just being a jerk."
"Kevin, if Uncle Frank says no, then it must be really bad. No, we put the dog in the kennel for the- Hey hey hey, get off! Kevin, out of the room." she said trying to shoo him off the bed.
"Hang up the phone and make me, why don't ya?" he said without thinking and his mom stopped in her tracks and eyed him hesitantly..
His father then entered the room "Kate, did you pick up those..Gah what's that blasted muggle contraption called again?"
"Peter!" his mom shouted at his father and Kevin looked at up at his parents weird behaviour and then shook his head. Parents were so weird it wasn't funny, Kevin thought looking back down at his magazine.
"I mean did you pick up a voltage adaptor thing?"
"No, I didn't have time to do that.
"Then how do I shave in France?"
"Grow a goatee or.."
"Dad " Kevin interrupted "nobody will let me do anything."
"You don't have anything to do? I have something for you to do. You can pick up those Micro Machines that are all over in there" his father said pointing out of the room to the toys sitting next to the stairs " Aunt Leslie stepped on one of them and almost broke her neck"
"Really!? i wish i was there to see that" Kevin said smirking and rubbing his hands together.
"He was in the garage again playing with the glue gun." his mother had said, looking all weird like while his father looked at him with horror.
"Didn't we talk about that? "
"Did I burn down the joint? I don't think so. I was making ornaments out of fish hooks."
"My new fish hooks?
"I can't make them out of old ones, with dry worm guts stuck on them.
"Come on, Kevin. Out." his father said then picked him up while aunt Leslie entered the room.
"Peter, Kate, do you guys have one of those voltage adaptors?"
"Here! Here's a voltage adapter! " His father said, handing him over to his aunt.
"Oh God, you're getting heavy!" she said dropping him to ground "Go pack your suitcase." she hustled him out the door and closed it behind him.
Weird he thought, then hushed voices and flickering lights came from his parents room. Adults are so weird. He shook his head "Pack my suitcase?" he grumbled then headed back to his room.
"I don't know how to pack a suitcase. I've never done this once in my whole life." he mumbled.
"Tough." His brother Jeff said grabbing his own suitcase.
"That's what Megan said"
"What did I say?" his sister Megan said appearing next to Jeff.
"You told Kevin "Tough."
"The dope was whining about a suitcase. What was I supposed to say? "Congratulations, you're an idiot"?
"I'm not an idiot!"
"Oh, really? You're completely helpless! Everyone has to do everything for you.
"She's right, Kev."
"Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm a lot smaller than you. I don't know how to pack a suitcase."
"I hope you didn't just pack crap, Jeff." his younger sister Linnie said
"Shut up, Linnie."
"Do you know what I should pack?"
"Buzz told you, cheek-face. Toilet paper and water. " Jeff said pushing Linnie out of the way with his suitcase in his other hand.
"Listen, Kevin, what are you so worried about? You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff, anyway. You're what the French call "les incompetents".
"Bombs away! His brother said throwing his bag down the stairs.
"P.S.: You have to sleep on the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he has something to drink, he's going to wet the bed. " she said with a evil grin, flicking her hair and walking out with Megan by her side.
"This house is so full of people. It makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone!
"Did you hear me?"
"I'm living alone! I'm living alone! I'm living alone" the whole house started to shake and no one knew better than the guy standing at the doorway..
Kevin stopped his triade and entered Buzz's room.
"Who's gonna feed your spider while we're gone and where did you get it again its massive?" Rodd asked Buzz.
"Oh, He just ate a load of mice guts, He should be good for a couple of weeks. My dad found him on one of his business trips, I swear he just keeps on growing and growing. Is it true French babes don't shave their pits?"
"Some don't."
"But they got nude beaches?."
"Not in the winter."
"Buzz?" Kevin asked standing beside him and Rodd.
"Don't you know how to knock, phlegm-wad?"
"Can I sleep in your room? I don't want to sleep in the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he has something to drink, he'll wet the bed."
"I wouldn't let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my ass." Buzz looked out the window. "Check it out. Old man Marley". Rod, Kevin, and Buzz went over to the window and watched the Old Man outside..
"Who's he?" Rodd asked taking a gulp.
"You ever heard of the South Bend Stick Slayer?"
"That's him. Back in '58, he murdered his whole family and half the people on his block... with a broken stick he snapped from a tree. Been hiding out in this neighborhood ever since."
"If he's the Stick slayer, how come the cops don't arrest him?" Rodd asked pushing his glasses back on his face. Kevin watched his deer caught in the headlight look and suppressed a laugh. He was such a wimp he thought.
"Not enough evidence to convict. They never found the bodies. But everyone around here knows he did it. It'll just be a matter of time, before he does it again."
"What's he doing now?"
"He walks up and down the street every night, salting the sidewalks."
"Maybe he's just trying to be nice."
"No way. You see that garbage can full of salt? That's where he keeps his victims. The salt turns the bodies into muggles."
"Muggles, that's what dad said" Kevin said frowning, then the Old Man looked up them.
"Look out!" Buzz said quickly, shutting the curtain blinds.
Unbeknownst to them the old man shook his head and mumbled "damn squibs" before pulling out his wand and clearing the snow away from the driveway.
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apdistractions · 2 years
(R. adaptor)
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crazyqueengentlemen · 4 months
How Buyer A Comparatively Cheap Samsung 1080P Lcd Television
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Deciding to buy TV Screen protector for your LCD, LED, or Plasma High Definition TV is a good move. Modern flat panel TVs aren't built like their picture tube ancestors. During the old style tube TVs you basically had to hit it with a sledge hammer for you to interrupt it. Now a small tap with a toy or sippie cup can cost thousands of dollars. There are quite a few different brands available on the internet. How can you make sure an individual might be buying the right one?
No TV dinners. Eating in front of the television the robs someone of their presence of mind, but takes away the pleasure of gnawing. Rather than feeling empowered, you may be found away feeling full in your stomach but empty with your spirit.
You need ensure to getting the type of installation which you deserve. It would be these are of aerial that meets your budget and you needs all at once.
Connecting to the net is made easy through an Ethernet Port or a built-in wireless LAN Adaptor. Once connected you can access smart tv or a connected device via the AllShare DLNA technology. For instance you is likely to stream videos, music and photos from my PC meant for HDTV. USB playback additionally be supported. The BD-D6500 can handle the playback of BD, BD-R, BD-RE, DVD-V, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA, MP3 and JPEG.
The tube does something else, besides robbing young children of all the activities they will be doing, it makes them fat. TV and food go in conjunction. A little recovery time and a beautiful after school snack are some things. Hours of zoning out eating junk food is quite another. An ever increasing number of our own youth are obese, or just plain off form. I place the blame for this on TV and foods. This does not in order to a child that eats right and stays hectic.
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As a result, it just worked for me personally. In their basic bundle or package, the channel of my interest is included. It's where I'm really a great idea to buy a simple package like no other kinds of. Best of all, the price really affordable for me to yield. The other point that I am about to mention is no other than reception. Simply by TV's reception is unhealthy for the customer to watch, you will be presented a poor rating. Consist of words, the customer will start making frustrated and immediately call your customer support hotline. Automobile important the to have a superior quality cable tv service for your customers. Putting quality over quantity is the foremost thing to do, especially in terms of picking the appropriate bundle or package.
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spacenutspod · 7 months
The Thanksgiving holiday typically brings families and friends together in a celebration of common gratitude for all the good things that have happened during the previous year. People celebrate the holiday in various ways, with parades, football marathons, and attending religious services, but food remains the over-arching theme. For astronauts embarked on long-duration space missions, separation from family and friends is inevitable and they rely on fellow crew members to share in the tradition and enjoy the culinary traditions as much as possible. In this most unusual of years when the pandemic may alter typical Thanksgiving gatherings, it seems appropriate to review how astronauts over the years have celebrated the holiday during their time in space. Enjoy the stories and photographs from orbital Thanksgiving celebrations over the years. Thanksgiving 1973. Left: Skylab 4 astronauts Gerald P. Carr, Edward G. Gibson, and William R. Pogue, the first crew to celebrate Thanksgiving in space. Right: Gibson, left, Pogue, and Carr demonstrate eating aboard Skylab. Skylab 4 astronauts Gerald P. Carr, Edward G. Gibson, and William R. Pogue were the first crew to celebrate Thanksgiving in space on Nov. 22, 1973. On that day, their seventh of an 84-day mission, Gibson and Pogue completed a 6-hour and 33-minute spacewalk, while Carr remained in the Multiple Docking Adaptor with no access to food. All three made up for missing lunch by consuming two meals at dinner time, although neither included special items for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving 1985. Left: STS-61B payload specialists Charles D. Walker, left, and Rodolfo Neri Vela of Mexico enjoy the first Thanksgiving aboard a space shuttle in Atlantis’ middeck. Middle: The STS-61B crew enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner while floating in Atlantis’ middeck. Right: Mexican payload specialist Neri Vela, who introduced tortillas to space menus. Twelve years passed before the next orbital Thanksgiving celebration. On Nov. 28, 1985, the seven-member crew of STS-61B, NASA astronauts Brewster H. Shaw, Bryan D. O’Connor, Jerry L. Ross, Mary L. Cleave, and Sherwood C. “Woody” Spring, and payload specialists Charles D. Walker from the United States and Rodolfo Neri Vela from Mexico, feasted on shrimp cocktail, irradiated turkey, and cranberry sauce aboard the space shuttle Atlantis. Neri Vela introduced tortillas to space menus, and they have remained favorites among astronauts ever since. Unlike regular bread, tortillas do not create crumbs, a potential hazard in weightlessness, and have multiple uses for any meal of the day. The crew of STS-33, NASA astronauts Frederick D. Gregory, John E. Blaha, Manley L. “Sonny” Carter, F. Story Musgrave, and Kathryn C. Thornton, celebrated Thanksgiving aboard space shuttle Discovery in 1989. Gregory and Musgrave celebrated their second Thanksgiving in space two years later, joined by fellow STS-44 NASA astronauts Terrence T. “Tom” Henricks, James S. Voss, Mario Runco, and Thomas J. Hennen aboard space shuttle Atlantis. Thanksgiving 1996. Left: STS-80 astronauts Tamara E. Jernigan, left, Kent V. Rominger, and Thomas D. Jones enjoy Thanksgiving dinner in Columbia’s middeck. Right: The STS-80 crew during aboard Columbia exchanging Thanksgiving greetings with John E. Blaha aboard the Mir space station. In 1996, Blaha celebrated his second Thanksgiving in space with Russian cosmonauts Valeri G. Korzun and Aleksandr Y. Kaleri aboard the space station Mir. Blaha watched the beautiful Earth through the Mir windows rather than his usual viewing fare of football. The STS-80 crew of NASA astronauts Kenneth D. Cockrell, Kent V. Rominger, Tamara E. Jernigan, Thomas D. Jones, and Musgrave, now on his third turkey day holiday in orbit, celebrated Thanksgiving aboard space shuttle Columbia. Although the eight crew members were in different spacecraft in different orbits, they exchanged holiday greetings via space-to-space radio. This marked the largest number of people in space on Thanksgiving Day up to that time. One year later, NASA astronaut David A. Wolf celebrated Thanksgiving with his Russian crewmates Anatoli Y. Solovev, who translated the holiday into Russian as den blagodarenia, and Pavel V. Vinogradov aboard Mir. They enjoyed smoked turkey, freeze-dried mashed potatoes, peas, and milk. Also in orbit at the time was the crew of STS-87, NASA astronauts Kevin R. Kregel, Steven W. Lindsey, Kalpana Chawla, and Winston E. Scott, Takao Doi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and Leonid K. Kadenyuk of Ukraine, aboard Columbia. The nine crew members aboard the two spacecraft broke the one-year-old record for the largest number of people in space at one time for Thanksgiving, also setting the record for the most nations represented, four. Thanksgiving 2001, Expedition 3 crewmembers enjoying Thanksgiving dinner aboard the space station. Left: NASA astronaut Frank L. Culbertson, left, and Vladimir N. Dezhurov of Roscosmos. Middle: Dezhurov, left, and Mikhail V. Tyurin of Roscosmos. Right: Tyurin, left, and Culbertson. The Expedition 1 crew of NASA astronaut William M. Shepherd, and Yuri P. Gidzenko and Sergei K. Krikalev of Roscosmos celebrated the first Thanksgiving aboard the International Space Station on Nov. 23, 2000, three weeks after their arrival aboard the facility. The crew took time out of their busy schedule to enjoy ham and smoked turkey and send words of thanks to people on the ground who provided excellent support to their flight. Crews have celebrated Thanksgiving in space every November since then. In 2001, Expedition 3 crew members NASA astronaut Frank L. Culbertson, and Vladimir N. Dezhurov and Mikhail V. Tyurin of Roscosmos enjoyed the first real Thanksgiving aboard the space station, complete with a cardboard turkey as decoration. The following year’s orbital Thanksgiving celebration included the largest number of people to that time, the combined 10 crewmembers of Expedition 5, STS-113, and Expedition 6.  After a busy day that included the first Thanksgiving Day spacewalk aboard the space station, the crews settled down to a dinner of smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans with mushrooms. Blueberry-cherry cobbler rounded out the meal. Thanksgiving 2008. Left: The Thanksgiving dinner reheating in space shuttle Endeavour’s food warmer. Right: The crews of Expedition 18 and STS-126 share a meal in the space shuttle middeck. Expedition 18 crew members NASA astronauts E. Michael Fincke and Gregory E. Chamitoff and Yuri V. Lonchakov representing Roscosmos, welcomed the STS-126 crew of NASA astronauts Christopher J. Ferguson, Eric A. Boe, Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper, Donald R. Pettit, Stephen G. Bowen, R. Shane Kimbrough, and Sandra H. Magnus during Thanksgiving in 2008. They dined in the space shuttle Endeavour’s middeck on smoked turkey, candied yams, green beans and mushrooms, cornbread dressing and a cranapple dessert.  Thanksgiving 2009. Left: Crew members from Expedition 21 and STS-129 share an early Thanksgiving meal. Right: The Thanksgiving dinner for the Expedition 21 and STS-129 crews. The following year saw the largest and an internationally diverse group celebrating Thanksgiving in space. The six Expedition 21 crew members, NASA astronauts Jeffrey N. Williams and Nicole P. Stott, Roman Y. Romanenko and Maksim V. Suraev of Roscosmos, Frank L. DeWinne of the European Space Agency, and Robert B. Thirsk of the Canadian Space Agency hosted the six members of the STS-129 crew, NASA astronauts Charles O. Hobaugh, Barry E. Wilmore, Michael J. Foreman, Robert L. Satcher, Randolph J. Bresnik, and Leland D. Melvin. The twelve assembled crew members represented the United States, Russia, Belgium, and Canada. The celebration took place two days early, since the shuttle undocked from the space station on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving 2010. Left: Expedition 25 commander and NASA astronaut Scott J. Kelly awaits his crewmates at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Right: The Expedition 25 crew of Oleg I. Skripochka of Roscosmos, left, Kelly, NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheeler, Aleksandr Y. Kaleri and Fyodor N. Yurchikhin of Roscosmos, and NASA astronaut Shannon Walker sending Thanksgiving greetings to the ground before digging into their dinner. Thanksgiving 2013. Left: Expedition 38 NASA astronauts Michael S. Hopkins, left, and Richard A. Mastracchio showing off food items destined for the Thanksgiving Day dinner. Right: Close-up of the Thanksgiving dinner items, including turkey, ham, macaroni and cheese, green beans and mushrooms, and dressing. Thanksgiving 2014. Left: Eager for Thanksgiving, Expedition 42 commander and NASA astronaut Barry E. “Butch” Wilmore sets out his meal several days in advance. Right: Expedition 42 crew members Wilmore, left, Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency, Aleksandr M. Samokutyayev and Anton N. Shkaplerov of Roscosmos, NASA astronaut Terry W. Virts, and Elena O. Serova of Roscosmos enjoy the Thanksgiving Day dinner. Thanksgiving 2015. Left: Expedition 45 crew members Mikhail B. Korniyenko, left, Oleg D. Kononenko, and Sergei A. Volkov of Roscosmos, NASA astronaut Kjell N. Lindgren, Kimiya Yui of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and NASA astronaut Scott J. Kelly pose before the Thanksgiving dinner table. Right: Kelly, left, and Lindgren show off the Thanksgiving dinner items. Thanksgiving 2016. Left: Expedition 50 crew members Oleg V. Novitsky, left, Sergei N. Ryzhikov, and Andrei I. Borisenko of Roscosmos, Thomas G. Pesquet of the European Space Agency, and NASA astronauts R. Shane Kimbrough and Peggy A. Whitson pose before the Thanksgiving dinner table. Right: The Expedition 50 crew tucks into the feast. Thanksgiving 2017. Left: The Thanksgiving table is set. Middle: The Expedition 53 crew of Paolo A. Nespoli of the European Space Agency, left, NASA astronauts Joseph M. Acaba and Mark T. Vande Hei, Sergei N. Ryazansky and Aleksandr A. Misurkin of Roscosmos, and NASA astronaut Randolph J. Bresnik patiently awaits the start of the dinner. Right: The Expedition 53 crew digs in. Thanksgiving 2019. Left: The turkey is in the oven, or more precisely the smoked turkey packages are in the Galley Food Warmer. Right: Expedition 61 crew members NASA astronaut Christina H. Koch, left, Aleksandr A. Skvortsov of Roscosmos, NASA astronaut Jessica U. Meir, Oleg I. Skripochka of Roscosmos, NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan, and Luca S. Parmitano of the European Space Agency celebrate Thanksgiving aboard the space station. Thanksgiving 2020. Left: Expedition 64 NASA astronaut Kathleen H. “Kate” Rubins prepares the Thanksgiving dinner. Right: The Expedition 64 crew of NASA astronaut Michael S. Hopkins, Soichi Noguchi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sergei V. Kud-Sverchkov and Sergei N. Ryzhikov of Roscosmos, and NASA astronauts K. Meghan McArthur, Victor J. Glover, and Rubins enjoying the Thanksgiving meal including frozen treats for dessert. Thanksgiving 2021. Left: Thanksgiving dinner cooking in the “oven” aboard the space station. Right: Expedition 66 crew members NASA astronauts Raja J. Chari, left, Kayla S. Barron, Mark T. Vande Hei, Thomas H. Marshburn, Russian cosmonauts Anton N. Shkaplerov and Pyotr V. Dubrov (partially visible), and European Space Agency astronaut Matthias J. Maurer (taking the photo) enjoy the Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving 2022. Expedition 68 crew members NASA astronauts Nicole A. Mann, left, Josh A. Cassada, and Francisco “Frank” C. Rubio, and Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency send Thanksgiving Day greetings. Thanksgiving 2023. Expedition 70 crew members Andreas E. Mogensen, of the European Space Agency, front left, NASA astronauts Loral A. O’Hara and Jasmin Moghbeli, and Satoshi Furukawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency beam down their Thanksgiving message to everyone on the ground. We hope you enjoyed these stories, photographs, and videos from Thanksgivings celebrated in space. We would like to wish everyone here on the ground and the seven-member crew of Expedition 70 aboard the space station a very happy Thanksgiving! Share Details Last Updated Nov 22, 2023 Related Terms NASA History Explore More 12 min read 55 Years Ago: Eight Months Before the Moon Landing Article 6 days ago 12 min read 50 Years Ago: Launch of Skylab 4, The Final Mission to Skylab Article 6 days ago 7 min read 65 Years Ago: NASA Formally Establishes The Space Task Group Article 2 weeks ago
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tdsci · 7 months
(Renewed) Dell Optiplex 790 Desktop (IntelCore i3/8 GB RAM/ 1 TB HDD/ Windows 10 Pro,MS Office/Intel Q65 Express Chipset/DVD R/W, 17"Monitor(1398 x 780), Black
Price: (as of – Details) From the manufacturer Memory & Storage: 8 GB RAM with Intel HD Graphics 2000|Hard Drive: 1 TB HDDOperating System: Windows 10 Pro| Preinstalled Software: MS Office| In the Box: CPU,Power Cord,Monitor, Keyboard, Wifi Adaptor and MousePorts & CD Drive: 4 X USB 2.0 Ports,6X USB 3.0 Ports, DVDR/WHardware Interface: Usb3.0; Form Factor: Small Form Factor; Connectivity…
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guncelkal · 10 months
Adaptor Canon 3442C005 EOS R
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Adaptor Canon 3442C005 EOS R at an unbeatable price. SKU: S55015679
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electroverge · 1 year
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Discover one of the fastest CO2 sensors on the market. The SprintIR®-R takes 50 readings per second, making it ideal for high-speed and rapidly changing CO2 sensing environments.
50 readings per second
Optional customised flow adaptors
Low-power CO2 sensor
Solid-state LED optical technology
UART data interface
The SPRINTIR-R-60-M high-speed CO2 sensor is part of a range of CO2 sensors designed to deliver unprecedented high-speed measurement capability. The SprintIR®-R will take up to 50 readings per second, making it ideal for applications that require individual measurements at high repetition rates or where the CO2 concentration is changing rapidly.
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maximuswolf · 1 year
How could I improve the brewing with a Sage/Breville precision brewer?
How could I improve the brewing with a Sage/Breville precision brewer? I've had the brewer for almost a year now, and I've stopped using it as no matter how I brew the coffee always tastes hollow and very weak. I've tried very fine ground beans almost espresso fine, to very coarse ground which doesn't change much.I've got it currently set on my brew at 96c, 60 seconds of bloom with the minimum amount of water and the slowest drip speed. I also use a 1:15 ratio and using Filtropa aroma brown filters.I have held off buying the V60 adaptor, and it's only really used for cold brewing.Any help would be appreciated. Submitted February 18, 2023 at 08:04AM by ashyjay https://ift.tt/6EtPbBe via /r/Coffee
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technuter · 1 year
DIZO launches its calling smartwatch - DIZO Watch D2
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DIZO launched its new calling smartwatch, DIZO Watch D2, the 2023 version of its best-selling DIZO Watch D that was launched last year, and immediately became a hit in the market. The newest smartwatch comes with a #SuperBigDisplay - biggest-ever by the brand; stylish hybrid aluminium frame; new and refreshing watch faces; clear, stable and noise-free calling feature; abundance of sports modes; DIZO Health Suite and much more. The fully washable smartwatch is in line with the brand’s mission of offering "Smart TechLife for Every Different You” and is definitely one of the most competitively priced smartwatches with calling solution, just what the users have been demanding. The latest smartwatch, with its biggest display and the style factor, also makes it to one of the best available solutions at its price point - one that is feature-rich and also great in terms of quality, performance and durability. Making headway to realising its goal of popularizing tech among masses, the brand has been launching smartwatches among other smart products with a variety of features and at different price points that suit the needs of the ever-evolving consumers. The DIZO Watch D Pro, DIZO Watch D Ultra, DIZO Watch R Talk Go and DIZO Watch D Plus from their 2023 launches are a testimony of the same. Aside from this, the brand launched over 25 products last year that include smartwatches, TWS, neckband earphones, trimmers, adaptors, cables and car chargers.
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Commenting on the launch Abhilash Panda, CEO, DIZO India said, “We are constantly discussing the ongoing and upcoming consumer-trends with our partners as well as with consumers directly; simultaneously working hard towards fulfilling these varied needs. Currently, calling and bigger displays are on the top of the users’ list and hence, the DIZO Watch D2. The youth today want to stand out in everything they do and flaunt everything they own, and this smartwatch is exactly something they would love to show off to everyone. We are hopeful the consumers will be equally excited and show the same love that they showed for our DIZO Watch D, last year.” Display with trendy design The DIZO Watch D2 has a massive 1.91" (4.85-cm) display that is 500nits bright for a convenient viewing even on a bright and sunny day. The smartwatch is only 42g in weight, thanks to the combination of Aluminum and polycarbonate frame. This hybrid frame along with 2.5D tempered glass makes it sturdy in built, stylish in looks and comfortable to wear. The detachable wrist straps, made of soft silicone, are even plusher and skin-friendly to wear even for longer hours - throughout the day and even during the good night's sleep. The DIZO Watch D2 elevates your appearance with unique shades and is available in two of the most preferred - Deep Blue and Classic black colour options. Along with these, it offers more than 150+ watch faces that are refreshed on a regular basis along with topics like Pride Month, Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, X-Mas, New Years, and many others in the works. One may also go extra and custom add their favourite wallpaper to the watch faces. Noise-free calling with longer battery life The DIZO Watch D2 offers the option of calling directly through the smartwatch via dial pad or even by adding frequent contacts on the watch. It answers, rejects and mutes the upcoming calls as well. Further, the users can set alarm, vibration or silence mode for the call notification. However, where it actually stands out from the crowd in calling is the noise cancellation feature for calls. Talking of calling, if you are wondering about the battery life, it has a 260mAh battery inside that offers upto 7 days of usage without calling and upto 3 days with calling feature for users to make the most of it. DIZO Health Suite with 120+ sports tracking and more The smartwatch is capable of 24x7 real-time heart rate monitoring along with blood oxygen (SpO2) monitoring, detailed sleep tracking, and sedentary and drink water reminders. For the females, it has a menstrual tracking feature as well. Additionally, there are more than 120 sports modes that include almost all the fitness activities that users can think of, even the extreme ones like gymnastics, dancing, taekwondo, horse riding, disc games, skipping ropes, hoverboards, etc. It offers detailed data recording, such as tracking running routes using the smartwatch's in-app GPS, providing reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The fully washable smartwatch also brings additional smart features such as built-in mini-games, camera, and music controls for the phone, set an alarm, find phone, call and message notifications, weather forecast and a lot more. realme TechLife quality assurance Every DIZO product goes through rigorous quality tests in DIZO Labs to ensure the quality standards are maintained. Some of these tests that the DIZO Watch D2 have passed include a charging test 5,000 times, buckle test 5,000 times, button test 50,000 times, and aging test for 168 hrs at 550C/ 95% RH. Price, Availability and Offers For the users who want to #GoBigOnStyle the DIZO Watch D2 flaunts its #SuperBigDisplay, stylish hybrid aluminium frame design, noise-free calling, upto 7 days of battery life and a lot more. Originally priced at INR 1,999/-, the latest smartwatch – DIZO Watch D2 will be sold via Flipkart, starting from February 10, 2023, 12:00 PM onwards. Moreso, the users can grab an even better deal of INR 1,799/- only, as an introductory offer but for a limited period. Read the full article
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