#Rúben Dias fluff
heyhihellosworld · 5 months
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮...
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Rúben Dias x reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Fluff, alcohol consumption
Notes: Loved the request, so thank you! It has been in my drafts for a while but I finally managed to tie it together!
Request: Bestie i desperately need a ruben x footballer!reader, maybe where they can’t accept their feelings for each other for whatever reason and it’s kinda bratty and flirty + teasing -
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Bodies entangled, breaths mingling and hands roaming. It was all so hot, so picture perfect but it didn't give you anything. Your body keening but your mind reeling, nowhere close to being around the man who currently had his dick in you, he wasn't that special.
A mutter left your mouth, a mutter meant for the man who was currently stuck in your head. "Yeah you like that?" the man above you whispered hotly, and you did, you did like it but it wasn't good enough to erase the man in your thoughts.
"Mhm" you mumbled back, trying to shut down all the thoughts, be in the moment. Eyes closed, shoving him out of your head, your hands tangled around his neck, bringing him closer to you, his hot words in your ear worked, until your phone started making sounds.
He didn't care though, too close to the edge of coming to care. You let out a few exasperated moans as he started to jerk, feigning your orgasm already been upon you as he came with a loud groan.
He got the picture pretty fast, putting his clothes back on, greeting goodbye as you picked up your phone, your lockscreen filled with notifications but all of them were from the same person, the one person who was etched in your mind
That fucker.
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1 year earlier
Being out felt great, your friends in high spirits just as yourself as you drank and danced the night away. The Euros were done, the season was done and now you had those rare few days off before the new season would kick off and you hadn't said no to a party.
Dancing with arms raised, singing along to the music, head banging along with the tunes, drinks flowing, people flirting. It was nice to feel like a normal young person again, feeling like you blended in.
Standing at the bar you felt eyes on you, the man standing opposite from you gazing over you as you waited for your drink.
His eyes tuned in on you, scanning every centimeter of your body in a way that would have made you uncomfortable but for some reason it didn't. He was not subtle in the way he was blatantly staring at you and in some way you felt it intriguing more than uncomfortable.
It didn't take many more minutes until he approached, drink in hand and eyes a little hazy, telling you he was indeed not completely sober.
Your eyes followed his tall strong frame moving along the floor, gently nudging people as he went through the crowd until he stopped in front of you, his lips now in a small teasing smile.
Sleeping with someone was not on your agenda but if this man was as good at flirting as he was good looking, maybe that would change throughout the night.
It did in fact change. Not many minutes in and you were already craving for him, craving to go home with this man. So, you did.
He looked like a fucking art work and he fucked like a maniac, even in your drunk haze you recongised that much. His body moved into yours with such precise movements it didn't take long before you lost all control.
Waking up you felt exhausted to the bone. Eyes fighting against the light as memories flooded your mind. Blinking sleepily as your brain connected the dots.
You were not home, you were not in your clothes and you were not alone. Biting in a loud groan you turned around, suddenly face to face with the stranger from last night.
How did this happen?
You usually never had time to go out, too caught up with your career. The break was different though, time to let your hair down and have fun. However fun did not include hooking up with strangers.
You bit in another groan at the thought of the PR mess now at hand but pushed the thoughts away. It could be dealt with later and hopefully nobody had catched you with the man sleeping beside you. His body moved rhythmically in his sleep and you couldn’t help but let your eyes rake over him.
He was handsome, good job
His face chiseled and sharp, eyelashes soft against his cheek, lips slightly pouted, stubble perfectly trimmed. His hair was slightly messy on top of his head. He had no shirt on making it possible for you to see his gorgeous body, blanket thrown low on his hips and you had to force your gaze away from the handsome guy.
Instead you rolled around, looking around in the room. Too exhausted to get up from the comfortable bed yet and looking at the guy he wouldn’t be up yet for a while.
Your eyes traveled over the luxury room, big windows showing the beautiful view of Manchester, the drapes not closed due to the hurry from last night.
Clothes were scattered on a chair, neat but still laid out enough for you to see the bright blue shirt laying on the top. This guy had actually brought you to his apartment. Wow.
The shirt nagged you though, the color too familiar to look past. You teared your eyes away from it, looking at the bedside table that was completely clean of anything. His walls were pretty clean as well. The biggest wall taken up by the big windows, the door wall had a few photos but your eyes couldn't make out what they pictured in the dim light of the gray Manchester morning.
Your eyes traveled to the shirt again, fingers itching to see it more clearly, it was too familiar.
Soon enough you couldn't let it go. It was too familiar and it rang a bell somewhere. You gently crawled out of the bed, careful not to wake up the guy beside you as you tipped over to the chair. The bells only getting louder as you reached out to pick it up. Suddenly you understood why it was so familiar, it was the colors of Manchester City. The bright blue so bright it should be recognisable everywhere.
Your eyes traveled back to the guy in the bed, his toned body, strong thighs... not he couldn't be... right? He was probably just a fan.
He couldn't play for City, could he? I mean you did know most of the players in the team, at least basic knowledge.
You took the shirt out fully, turning it to read the name on the back.
Rúben Dias
Rúben Dias, fuck that was ringing a bell. Only Rúben told you nothing. But Rúben Dias. You knew that name, which meant..
You searched for your phone hurriedly, catching it on the bedside table and you immediately sprung for it. Clicking up google and searching the name frantically.
Benfica. Portugal
Manchester City
Fuck fuck fuck
No, how could this be? Since when was he in City?
You dropped the shirt like it was poisonous. Staring at it on the floor, eying it with hatred as you turned to the man again, how can someone so beautiful be in such a team? He was basically the enemy, you were fraternizing with the enemy.
You giggled at your dramatic reaction before turning around to the wall of pictures again, using your phone to light them up. City Champions league final, Portugal team photo, City premier league winners. The evidences were clear and you gulped, fuck. This was gonna be hard to explain to your team buddies in Manchester united.
As you stared at the evidences you heard a low murmur, looking over at the man in his bed, slowly waking up. Your brain shortcutted, should you flee? Scream? Stand still?
Your brain was shortcutting for too long and soon enough the man had woken up completely, blinking up at you in confusion as he tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes.
"Morning" he grumbled, slowly scrambling to sit up but you were too choked up to speak.
His eyes looked you up and down and suddenly you felt very naked in the t-shirt you had on. A cocky little smile made its way on his face and he chuckled at your deer-caught in headlight expression as he sloppily weaved his fingers through his messy hair.
"You, you play football" you choke out after what felt like an eternity, this was not that big of a deal but it still took a lot for your brain to cooperate and to work fully again.
"Yes? Is that a problem?" he chuckled, looking at you weirdly and suddenly it caught on to you how weird you must look, standing in his t-shirt on the floor, staring wildly at the man and looking a proper mess.
You sighed, tangling your hands through your hair and sat down on the bed with a sigh. "Sorry" you waved it off. "I just didn't know you played for City"
Rúbens face didn't seem more understanding as you chuckled to yourself "it's gonna be a fun one to tell in training"
You met his eyes again, smiling slightly as you shrugged "I play too, in Manchester united"
He looked almost perplexed for a moment as he swallowed hard, flacking his gaze around before letting out a small groan, his hands coming up to rub over his face.
"Oh" he mumbled before letting out an amused chuckle "Well this will indeed be a fun one to tell the boys"
If only that had been all. If all it had been was a fun story to tell, but it had become everything but fun. How a one nightstand turned into a cat and mouse game you had no idea. One night, it was great, fun and hot. You had thought that would be it, a hot night with a footballer, not so bad right?
However the fun little story had turned into a fucking burden. Somewhere along the way the amusement had turned into annoyance, the tension had turned unbearable and your one night stand had become more than that.
Maybe it had been the gala only a few days later, where you had been forced into the same space and had been pushed to interact. Maybe it had been the way you danced with his colleagues or the way he smiled at yours. But that silent understanding had turned into a competition.
He didn't want to share and neither did you. But, neither of you wanted to admit it.
That's how you had come to the place you were in now. Like a dance between jealousy, annoyance, sex and fights.
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That fucking bastard
He knew exactly what he was doing. It was the same every time. The same looks, the same lines, the same behavior. But it never failed. He always got you like he wanted in the end so why change a winning concept?
This night it had been easier than usual to give in. His shirt being a huge reason why as it clung to his chest and showed the outlines through the thin fabric. Ridiculous. But still so hot you could barely tear your eyes from him.
And that's why you were in his apartment. Looking at him with needy eyes as your fingers tried to unbutton the ridiculous piece of clothing he had chosen for the night.
"You could almost guess you needed me at this range" Ruben mumbled in your ear, the tone joking to the human ear only you knew it wasn't a joke. He was taunting.
Your tongue itched to say something back, talk back to him and that cocky attitude he had, but you bit your lip, keeping the words inside because you knew you would get what you wanted faster if you didn't.
"What if I do?" you spoke lowly, breath fanning his ear as you spoke your carefully picked words. His eyes almost widened at your words, having guessed you would not be admitting it, you usually wouldn't and the smirk he gave and the squeeze he left on your hip was along the same lines you hated. Good girl
It didn't take long for you to scramble off from the sofa and up to his room, strong arms and determined hands guiding you on the floors, around the corners, past the doors until you were in his bed.
His hands immediately helped you out of your dress, throwing it without regard. He quickly snapped off your bra with such a hurry even you were surprised.
You looked up at him with so much need he almost chuckled, glee in his eyes as he let his palms run up and down your body. Cupping your bare breasts before running down your thighs.
"You are so pretty" he mumbled, the praise going straight to your core, a soft whine leaving your lips to his amusement
He was quick to slip off your flimsy panties, not touching only teasing and you started to feel the frustration building. This was how it usually was, he got you all needy and fuzzy for him but then he teased you long enough for you to snap, the bratty attitude crawling forward to demand more.
Like he was reading your thoughts his hand came under your jaw, tilting your face up to his. His thumb rubbed over your bottom lip before slipping inside your mouth, pressing down on your tongue to keep you quiet.
He slipped his middle and pointed finger inside your mouth, coating them in your spit before pushing his thumb in again. Keeping it on your tongue as his spit coated fingers made contact with your sobbing pussy.
A loud whine left your throat, muffled over his tongue but he still heard it. He loved this, having control, battling for control. His eyes showed nothing but desire as he watched how your face contorted in pleasure.
"See how nice I can be when you behave huh?" he mocked you, his voice tingling with cockiness and sweet sweet praise.
"Ruben" you got out, only a distinct murmur in his ears but it sounded just as beautiful for him as anything else. "Hm?" he mocked you, looking up at your hazy eyes, mocking the state he got you in so quickly, without effort. He removed his thumb, eyes following the line of spit connecting you before you spoke up.
"Come on" you mumbled, breaking out to talk back, hating the mocking look in his eyes. "Do something" you demanded, his eyes narrowing, tutting at you.
"What happened now huh?"
your eyes rolled as his hands stilled between your legs, eyes glazing over. "Fuck of Ruben, just touch me properly"
His chuckle was again mocking, telling you it was not gonna happen this way but you couldn't wait. "Why so bratty? I thought you were gonna be good tonight, started so well" he tutted, feigning disappointment as he shook his head but his smirk betrayed him, telling you he loved this bratty behavior of yours because it gave him the opportunity to completely control you.
You bucked, groaning at him but you also knew this was not gonna get you what you wanted. He always waited until you gave up, dropping into submission before finally giving you what you wanted, it didn't make you stop trying though. Not bending easily.
You sighed, giving him an deadpan glare but still you said "please" the words so lowly muttered he barely heard them but he still hummed with praise "that's better"
His fingers gently moved between your legs once again, just as teasingly slow and light as before and it was driving you completely mad.
"Use your words pretty girl, tell me what you want"
Your eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus your mind on actual words instead of insults laying hot on your tongue at his silky sweet tone and laughable words.
"Please, touch me properly" you sighed out at last, words sure and a tiny bit biting but he was happy so far at least. Giving in to your wishes as his fingers started giving proper friction over your clit before slowly entering you with one.
Your head fell back in relief, breathing out a small yes, thank you which only made his grin wider. "Yeah? That's all you wanted? Why did you make it so hard for yourself then little princess" he mocked as he entered a second finger, slowly fucking you with them and curling them every other thrust.
"Fuck, feels good Ruben" you moaned, eyes fluttering closed as his fingers curled repeatedly against your wall making you feel floaty on the soft sheet.
"Please, don't stop" you pleaded, feeling the start of an orgasm curling to the surface, hands gripping the bed sheets tightly, back arching and eyes falling shut. "So good" you mumbled, head lolling to the side as it felt so so close now.
Of course he stopped, halting his fingers in a curl, chuckling at the groan you let out. "So so" he cooed lightly, mocking your pathetic thrusts, trying to make him move again.
"Ruben" you whined, opening your eyes to glare at his smug face "What? I never heard the question"
"I was so close!" you argued, stopping your hips as he pulled out completely, prodding the two fingers at your lips
"Were you?" he asked dumbly, feigning not understanding as he pushed his fingers in between your lips.
"Fuck you" you grumbled as you pulled of his fingers, a scowl on your face that replicated his as he looked down at you.
"Always have so much to say huh?" "Prefer me quiet and pliant?" you almost spat at him but the sudden rage suddenly disappeared as a smile made its way on his face, this time a fond smile.
"No, I actually kinda love this bratty little mouth" he whispered before leaning down to capture your mouth with his in a sweet but lustful kiss. Stealing the breath from your lungs as he continued to kiss you until you were writhing on the bed again. Desperate, even more so than before.
"Do you want something?" he asked sweetly as your hips grinded against his thick thigh, desperate for friction. You didn't want to fight it anymore, you needed him. Too desperate to talk back. "Please Ruben, want you to fuck me, please" you babbled out, head slightly fuzzy as you continued to move against his thigh. "Aw, such a good girl" he praised before finally taking off his shirt and jeans, letting you feel his gorgeous body before discarding his boxers. Jerking himself before lining up with you.
He didn't say anything else as he slowly started to sink into you, his eyes closing and face scrunching up in concentration.
Your eyes rolled as he bottomed out, moaning something not even you could make out but it just felt so overwhelming, like it always did with Ruben. It was so all consuming, heated and so much that it was almost to too much.
"Fuck" he muttered out, slowly starting to thrust, his chain flying around his neck as he did so and his eyes falling shut. "Always so good when I'm inside you pretty" he praised, relishing in the choked out sounds you managed to spill out.
"Feel so good"
"Think how much of this you could get if you weren't such a brat all the time" he teased, voice strained as he panted hard.
Fuck off where at the tip of your tongue but you bit it in, swallowing the words and jus let out a moan instead. This was what you wanted after all.
It was like all the tension in the air was edging you all the time, so when you finally got what you wanted, what you craved it was almost tipping you over the edge immediately.
Ruben was not that much better though, easily coming with you whenever you fell over the edge if he wanted to. It was never an issue, it was never something that mattered, it was so all consuming, loaded and heated it seemed impossible to have it any other way whenever he was close to you, let alone, inside of you.
"This is what you wanted, no? Being filled up? Getting fucked like you deserve?"
"Mhm" you mumbled, trying to move alongside him, trying to ground yourself with a hand in his short hair but all it did was make him moan which made you even more aroused.
It was barely a sound but Ruben understood regardless, moving your hips up slightly before pounding into you, stealing your breath and thought completely as you came point blank. Limp in his hold as he followed, grunting into your neck.
You stayed in that position, panting harshly into his chest. Nobody said anything, just trying to regulate your breathing, calm down from the high.
It was Ruben who spoke first, his face in the crook of your neck, words muttered out. 
"What if I want this to be more?"
His words caught you off guard, there was no way... no way he was giving up. "What?"
"What if I'm tired of this game, this jealousy. What if I want you to myself, would you let me?"
You couldn't stop the gigantic grin that spread over your lips, a finger gently tilting his chin to look at you
"Say it" you demanded and he did, not breaking eye contact as he spilled the words you had been craving to hear for so long now
"I like you y/n, I want you y/n"
"Then I'm all yours"
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emwritesfootball · 1 year
Protective Jealousy | Rúben Dias
Can you do a one-shot of jealous/ protective Rúben Dias? Thanksss
A/N: dedicated to @bluemoonstonesy, the love of my (and John's) life <3
Warnings: alcohol, secret relationship, some light smut
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“You’re staring again,” Stones says as he comes up to Rúben from behind, handing him a beer. 
“Can’t help it,” is Rúben’s reply as he takes a swig, his gaze still focused on you as you laugh at something Haaland says. His eyes narrow when Erling places a hand on your arm, though, and John briefly wonders if he’s going to have to hold Rúben back or stop him from taking on their star striker.
“I know what you mean,” John says, catching the eye of his girlfriend Olivia and giving her a small smile from across the room. 
Everyone is out celebrating the end of another great season and because you’re friends with a few of the WAGs, you’ve been invited to attend. The atmosphere is electric and you love being around it. You’d also come to see Rúben, but that was a secret you were trying to keep to yourself. 
You made eye contact with Rúben on your way to the kitchen to grab another drink, disappearing through the door. You were halfway through pouring the alcohol for your mixed drink when you felt a presence behind you, followed closely by hands wrapping around your waist and someone’s hard body pressed against your back.
“Hey,” Rúben murmured, kissing the side of your neck. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” You turned around, taking his face in your hands so you could give him a proper kiss. Rúben’s hands moved to grab your ass and deepen the kiss, but you stopped it before it could get too far. “We can’t - not here.” Both of you are breathing heavily after that kiss and you know just how good it could get if you let Rúben have his way, but you know it wouldn’t be a good idea.
“I know. Season’s almost over and then we’ll go public.” That was the agreement the two of you had entered this relationship on, and in that moment, you couldn’t quite figure out why you’d agreed to it. 
You stepped away from Rúben, trying to focus on pouring the rest of your mixed drink with your body still acutely aware of Rúben centimeters away. You let out a whimper as his hands slid up your sides to cup your boobs and he nibbled on your earlobe. “Rúben, please.”
“I should mark you…”
“But then people would ask questions.”
“It doesn’t have to be that visible. I could make it so only Erling could see it when he’s looking down your shirt.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, knowing Rúben would most likely mistake the response as approval. “He has not been looking down my shirt.”
“He has, but I know you’re mine so that’s okay.”
“Jealous there, Rúben?” You asked, smirking. 
“Not jealous,” he growled, kissing you hungrily. “Protective.”
“Same thing.”
“Absolutely not, Princesa.”
Your giggle was quickly stifled as Rúben picked you up and placed you on the countertop. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist as you made out with him while everyone else partied in the next room. 
“Okay, we really have to stop,” you whimpered as Rúben started to unbutton your jeans and slide a hand down your pants. “We can continue this at my place later. Leave separately within the hour?”
Rúben grabbed your hand and placed it against his growing erection. “Make that thirty minutes.”
It was the longest thirty minutes of your life, but now that Rúben had pointed out Haaland’s interest in you, it was obvious to you that he was staring down your shirt when you picked up the conversation from earlier. 
“I think I’m going to head out now,” you said, excusing yourself from your conversation with Erling.
“Enjoy the rest of the night with your boyfriend,” Erling replied, looking over you and nodding to Rúben.
“Wait…you know?”
“Everyone knows - we’re just waiting for Rúben to make it official.”
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oh-saints · 3 months
I found your page a couple of days ago and i love all your stories. I hope you won't be overwhelmed with the amount of Rúben dias requests you're about to receive from me 😂I would like to request something with ruben like oc is heavily pregnant and craving something weird (whatever weird this that comes into your mind lol) and he is laughing and teasing her about it lol, and oc us having non of it. Make it fluffy please 🥺
Thank you so much in advance
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craving during pregnancy is something we all are aware of, rúben even looks forward to it from the moment you broke down the news you were expecting. but what if you ask for something he doesn’t even know it exists?
rúben dias x you part of dad!rúben collection
wc: 2k
note: something that’s been sitting way too long in the vault because of the research I had to do about this but only now finished bcs I had spurts of inspiration suddenly so surprise, surprise it’s a double update! LOLOL but as usual, I happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet!
at your whisper, rúben stirred from his sleep. his eyes immediately spotted the clock on the bedside table. the numbers drawn 3:00 in the big, fat analogue font across the screen.
“uh, what is it?” being the alert husband he was, he turned around to face you in no time. “is there something you need?
you were already seated on the edge of the bed, meaning you had just finished from your early morning toilet trip. ever since you became pregnant, the little trip was a new routine for you—and maybe the majority of other pregnant women in general, and everyone around him who had become fathers before him had warned the footballer to watch where the mother was going.
that, and the last thing he needed was for you to slip somewhere when he wasn’t watching, when he couldn’t be any help for you. rúben and you had been waiting for your very own rainbow baby for years, so when you were granted one, it was within his most important priority list to make sure both you and the child—whose gender was still unknown yet; not even born yet and they already resembled your shy nature—happy and safe.
“are you okay?”
you didn’t hide your fascination towards the man in front of you, hair disheveled and eyes blurry with drowsiness. 5 years of marriage and you still found him endearing, even more so when he was now turning protective and alert all the time, borderline the leader of a pack with the appearance similar to a mother hen.
“i am, don’t you worry,” you said, your hands stroking the side of his face, feeling the little hairs growing to become stubbles in near future. “but i’m starving.”
ah… the infamous early morning craving.
you had never personally asked of anything alike before, contrary to what everybody else had been advising rúben that there would be a time where you would be craving something eventually in a very ridiculous time of a morning. four months in, and you were yet to show any signs of it so rúben naturally thought you were going to be an exception case. but look where they were now.
with a smile so apologetic for having to wake him up like that, rúben melted into the warmth your smile exuded. “of course, meu anjo. should i get my keys?”
rúben might be many things but you didn’t believe one chance that he was a psychic. “do you even know what i want to eat?”
“uh, mcdonalds?”
in any other time, you would’ve laughed at his meek attempt to guess your mind. given t was early in the morning, mcdonalds was supposedly a reasonable choice since it was open 24/7.
but you did not, in under any circumstances, want to touch your feet nearby that chain of foul fast food. besides, you were pregnant. didn’t your husband consider that the unhealthy intake of food would do no good for their baby?
rúben must’ve noticed the change in your demeanour. “did i say something wrong, my love?”
“yes, don’t assume anything you don’t know of.”
ah… this one rúben was familiar, the rapid change of your mood he had his money run for the fastest rollercoaster on earth, so he apologised instantly and asked you again what you wanted.
“remember the time when we travelled to asia?”
“you mean, our honeymoon?”
oh, you were so not having your husband being mr. i-know-it-all. “one more of that and i’m walking out.”
the threat was enough to make rúben circle around the bed before kneeling down in front of your frowning figure. not because he was a loser, but because he knew you might actually do it. you had a capability to do it, you always do, which was why he was drawn to you in the first place.
but he didn’t want a runaway wife, pregnant on top of that, so he quickly apologized again. “what about it, baby?”
“i want durian.” *✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿**✿❀○❀✿*
what on earth is durian?
rúben sighed as he stared at his phone, the screen frozen helplessly for how many tabs he’d opened up in the browser. he rubbed his face rather roughly, due to the frustration, as he sat on the cover of the toilet and pondered his life choices and its respective life expectancies.
no one—literally no one—had warned him about the effect of any slip of tongue around a pregnant woman.
you were the calmest person he’d ever met, never wanting to bite off someone else’s head because it drained your precious energy. which rúben agreed to, and had been a devoted student of yours in terms of anger management on and off the field. but it was getting very hard to keep his own composure intact when you even lost yours.
ironically, rúben realised that one of you should still stay sane for the sake of everyone in this household, now inclusive of the unborn baby and it didn’t look like it was going to be you anytime soon.
so realistically, he couldn’t say to you that he didn’t remember a thing—not even an ounce of it—that you both had seen the fruit in question during your honeymoon. according to you, though, you both were even mesmerized by the look but decided that the possibility of dying because of the foul smell was larger than the delicious taste. as a result, when was the best time to try the exotic fruit than now, at 3.30 AM, when you were nearing the fifth month of pregnancy?
thus, his final resort to the internet, hoping for a miracle in the amount close to how much he needed to create the apple of his eyes with you.
but of course, the search engine didn’t show anything that could help him save his own lifeline this early morning from a pregnant wife that was so ready to stab the knife to his chest. the best option rúben got was to visit chinatown and head to the fruit market.
with a particular note from a lovely reviewer that the fruit was subject to a particular season—durian season, as the asians called it. if you were to seek for the spiky fruit beyond the particular calendar, then you either (i) got one that tasted as foul as it smells, or (ii) came home empty handed.
but of course, you wouldn’t get it, would you? rúben had already had it in his head you were going to wail at how incredulous his justifications are—what the hell is a durian season? we have spring, summer, autumn and winter and not durian! he could imagine—and would accuse him of trying to get his way out of the hard labour of satisfying you craving. worse, you’d scream out rúben should be responsible for this because he was the one who knocked you up and not vice versa.
other times, the footballer would just laugh it off. even at first, he did so and thought you were the cutest thing in his life, an actual living plushie. now, he just didn’t know what to do…
“what takes you so long?”
rúben jumped slightly at the question thrown at him from behind the door, the only thing separating him and his thoughts with the rest of the world and their expectation towards him. “nothing, meu anjo. i’ll be out in a minute.”
“good, because we gotta go. i’m sleepy already but the baby needs to eat.”
the husband closed his eyes once more, regulated his breathing, visualizing the flow of his breath before letting them out slowly—just the way you taught him how—before coming out of the loo. “baby, can i ask you one thing?”
you looked up, and rúben felt bad because you were already dressed and ready to go out and fight the coldness of an early morning. “what is it?”
“what if we go and have the durian in the morning?”
“rúben, it’s already morning now,” you clicked your tongue impatiently. “what are you saying?”
“i have a place to go already but they’re only open later at 8.”
and pregnant silence fell upon them, no puns intended.
“why at 8?”
“because that’s when the market opens,” rúben sat again in front of you, his hands were rubbing the back of your hand and on top of your knees respectfully. “i’m afraid we’ll have to go to chinatown to get them and it’s only open then.”
rúben was so ready with your fit, so he was rather surprised to hear you answer, “okay.”
good god, the mood swing had returned it honestly felt like rúben had just jumped off the cliff with bungee jumping.
rúben was the one not okay that morning.
you turned out to opt out sleeping that night, despite being cuddled by your husband—which was your favourite way to go to sleep, even faring better than being lullabied—but rúben forgot you were living your life for two people for these nine months, so you still had a bar of energy and excitement while he had to drag his feet to the en suite bathroom.
you were literally counting in seconds as to when you’d get to the chinatown. your legs were involuntarily shaking from excitement, while he’d become more sensitive due to the lack of sleep (per his standard). as soon as the car stopped at the parking lot, you ran to the nearest entrance and lost yourself in quest to find the fruit. it wasn’t even 8 AM yet.
rúben had to call and asked you to share your live location, in case you were lost. but you were already moving in a pace so different than those mothers he’d gotten to know lately due to the parenting class, there was no way he could catch up.
“where are you?” as soon as his phone rang, he picked up, panting from the endless count of steps inside a huge market. “i cannot find you.”
coincidentally, you happened to call rúben in order to tell him that you were going to line in a queue to a small shop selling imported exotic fruits. the small hadn’t been open, yet there was already a waiting list, and in your dictionary of words it should only mean that the said shop was relevant to be called the local’s favourite.
“there you are,” rúben was about to comment
like a lucky charm, they were called in to make their purchase not long after.
you had your eyes already set on durian, so when the uncle asked if you wanted to eat at that place or bring home a peeled one, you didn’t hesitate to have them immediately. besides, you didn’t know how to split durian into two and whatnot.
“oh my god, so damn good!” you didn’t waste a minute to dance your little moves that you made to indicate you’re happy at that moment. “i can eat this every day for the rest of my life!”
good god, please help me.
“you should try, baby!” you were so excited to share your happiness with your husband, one hand holding a tiny bit of yellow and ready to be shoved into rúben’s mouth. who could deny such endearing request? “you’ve never had one before!”
and that was also the last time rúben had a bite of that yellow, mushy inside of durian. apart from the smell, he decided he didn’t like the texture and the bitter aftertaste.
but that was him. you, on the other hand, were munching the fruit as if it was going to be your last time seeing that scarce fruit. it appalled rúben too even at the length and amount you could eat in one seating. and looking at that, seeing you were this elated, it also made him full—in every sense of the word, literally and figuratively.
when you were done with the last chunk, you grinned at him, rather sheepishly. maybe you were drunk from the fruit, maybe you were shy because you just let out one hell of an appetite. “thank you for coming here with me.”
“anytime, my love, but we’re not doing this again. okay, meu anjo?” rúben wiped your fingers one by one from the sticky texture, internally wincing at the stinky smell. “promise me that.”
“sim, meu amor.”
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
hot n cold / rúben dias
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summary: being in the will-they-won't-they stage with rúben was confusing, to say the least. maybe a bit of rain during the treble parade can make things clearer for you.
wc: 1.1 words.
author's note: just a lottttt of pinning and tension that doesn't really get addressed, i'm sorry 😮‍💨 but they KNOW!!! 🙏🏻 also, lots of soft rúben for my soul 🙏🏻
rain in manchester. it shouldn't surprise none of you, part of the whole team that organized the parade, but still, it does.
first, the answer is to delay it. but, you all know the achievement is too big to overlook, so cancelling it isn't an option, with the fans and team all ready to celebrate the huge achievement only done once by a previous team. a direct rival, nonetheless. and considering there are already a sea of blue waiting for their home heroes, the answer comes rather easy: do it anyways. under pure, manchester weather.
the rain comes pouring down on all of you, and it almost feels predestined: like there was no other way of doing it. but also, you're freezing cold, rain soaking all your clothes and glueing them to your body. you couldn't care less at the moment, too focused on not missing a thing, which was difficult to do when jack was putting on a show for everyone to see.
your back clashes against somebody's front, and you want to turn desperately to offer your apologies, except, two big arms wrap around your figure, effectively immobilising you. "fuck, you're freezing" is the first thing the person says, and by his mere voice you know who it is.
you're not only dripping water with the sassines that can be perceived coming out of your lips. "i think that's the expected result when you're standing in the rain for one hour, rúben," you deadpan, and try to get out of his hold. you don't really care about prying eyes from fans right now, because the bus just got to its destination, so the coast is clear, one could say. but still, feeling you flush against him feels wrong, just because you know you're enjoying it far more than you should. he's a colleague, after all.
"come on, come here," he insists, and you can't really get out of his grip with the force he's caging you in now. you two are so close together that you can feel the medals hanging from his neck, and resting comfortably on his chest. his voice brings you back, and you feel like you've been caught staring, when in reality, you've not. "i'm hot. i can warm you up" he resonates, and although he doesn't refer to him being hot, but rather, his body temperature, which is notoriously higher than yours currently, you can't hel but laugh at the connotation. "wasn't really a secret that you're hot when you're shirtless, dias".
he tries to stifle a laugh, but still, the smirk painted on his lips, which enhances the little dimple he has in his cheek, betrays him. "anyways, you'll freeze to death," you say, turning a bit to get to see his face when you're speaking to him. you notice now the way that he's looking at you, so lovingly, that you're almost forced to turn around again to avoid getting flustered in his gaze. especially, when he shrugs your statement off. "wouldn't be such a horrible way to die, right?". thankfully, john comes before you can answer anything to the portuguese.
"come on, lovebirds, we have a treble to celebrate!".
you freeze at his words, and rúben is the one to move you forward when he starts walking, still holding you onto him, as if you'd leave his side at the first chance you had. that's what you would be supposed to do; but everybody's too drunk to remember any of the ruled you must follow, so you decide to follow that path too. except, you know that rúben doesn't have a drop of alcohol on his system, and you're not really in for drinking while at work: so you two are completely sober. "don't listen to him," he whispers when john's out of sight, and you realize you two are the only ones still in the bus. "but he's right. we have to get you warmed up. can't have my favorite staff getting sick, can we?".
ruben doesn't leave your side at all. not when you get down the bus, not when you enter the building. you don't see any of your colleagues, and your first instinct is to go out there, and search for them. for sure, they're all in place, doing their job, and you feel guilty not being there.
rúben gets to catch your wrist, just barely. "where are you going?" he asks, his eyes big and questioning. you only get to point with your thumb, signaling back towards where the exit to get to the stage is, but he's clearly not pleased with your answer. "you're not getting back there without a dry shirt" he says, giving you the blue shirt he had in his hold, and the towel a staff member had somehow dumped on him in a hurry. your eyes clearly spoke before you needed to, because ruben answered before you even muttered a word. "don't worry about me. see you out there, yeah?".
you're too focused filming and taking pictures to even see when rúben gets out, but the way the crowd cheers his name alerts you of his presence on the stage. the first thing you notice is the clear contrast between his shirt and the one the rest of his teammates are wearing. he has a nice, white shirt that hugs him just right, at the same time that marks him as a champions league champion. instead, the rest of the guys are wearing a light blue one, with light blue and neon yellow letters accentuating the fact that they're treble winners.
no one seems to notice the slip up, or at least, think it's accidental, but john sees you, and he knows. after all, it's not too complicated to put two and two together. he nods approvingly, like a proud father, only to shift his focus to clap rúben in the back. it seems to be a bit too strong to his liking given how fast he turns around, browns knitted together in confusion.
your focus gets taken out of their little interaction when jack does the next thing that has the crown roaring, and get reminded, again, of what your job here is. not to fool around with rúben, you chastise yourself, but still, can't help but look for him a few minutes after. this time, he's looking at you, and it makes your cheeks grow warm. he tugs his shirt and points at you, making a little thumbs up. rúben seems to mouth "looks good on you", and you playfully roll your eyes at him. "it's because it's yours".
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rubenfinity · 2 years
Voodoo ⤷ Rúben Dias
genre: fluff
words: 1.3k
summary: you catch a glimpse of a side to Rúben you do not see often enough when on holiday with him and his friends.
note: this video lives in my head rent free, even til this day so I decided to write a little something :)
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The sky shifted from a deep golden hue to a velvety black canvas as you sat on the main deck with Rúben and his friends. Ropes and chains helped to secure the yacht at the marina whilst conversations and uncontrollable laughter filled the air. It was nice to have a well-deserved break from the successful but strenuous football season, so this catch-up was definitely needed. You and Rúben spent the first half of the holiday with his family, and the second half with his friends.    
Nervous does not even come close to describing how you felt about meeting Rúben’s family and friends for the first time. You were unsure about whether they would like you or if you would even get along, but those doubts were quickly cast aside the second you met them. Every one of them had made you feel so welcome and loved, you realised it was futile to have been so worried.    
Rúben was now standing beside the table shirtless whilst talking to his friends in the warm air of the night, a gentle breeze passing through. Conversations alternated between both Portuguese and English, some involving you and others not. You were not given the usual amount of attention from Rúben, but you didn’t mind that at all. It had been a while since he saw his friends, so naturally he would have lots to talk about. You simply sat there, watching him in pure admiration as he sent you the odd wink when he caught you staring, a small smile of enchantment forming on the corners of your mouth.   
As the night went on, the temperature cooled, taking a slightly chilly turn as the air teased your skin. You knew that Rúben would inevitably begin to feel the cold, so you decided to grab his grey hoodie and give it to him before he falls ill.    
Rúben stopped mid-conversation, turning his head in your direction when he saw you walking towards him. His face lit up at the sight of you before his gaze landed on the hoodie you were holding, a smile creeping onto his face at your small but thoughtful gesture.    
"You read my mind, thank you baby," Rúben took the hoodie from you, tilting his head to the side as he pecked your right cheek. You would think that after being together for so long, you would not redden at the smallest of things, but your cheeks still blushed every time without fail.  
"Oh, get a room!" All the boys shouted in unison like innocent little children.  
"What? It was just a peck; you guys are exaggerating!" You laughed, shaking your head as you turned away from Rúben to walk back to your seat.  
Rúben, on the other hand, had a better idea and was not going to let you go that easily, especially after the boys’ little protest. He dropped the hoodie on his chair before catching your arm to pull you towards his bare torso, your hands landing on his cold but muscular shoulders and his arms wrapped around your waist. You glanced into his mischief-filled eyes as he smirked playfully with his tongue pressed against his cheek. In that moment, you knew exactly what he was planning, and you were more than happy to comply.     
After a quick look in the direction of his friends, Rúben winked at them, followed by him closing the gap between his lips and yours. He did not hold back with this little display of affection, his tongue instantaneously sending shivers of desire coursing through you. With each kiss, you fall deeper and deeper in love with him, making it impossible for you to ever become bored of feeling his warm lips against yours. Your tongues danced as the boys hid their faces, not wanting to look as their complaints and whines filtered out as background noise.    
If you carried on like this, you and Rúben would actually need to get a room, so you pulled away.     
“Is it safe to look now?” one of his friends asked, peeking through his hands which were concealing his face.    
“Are we done?” you mumbled, trying to catch your breath as Rúben’s lips hovered over yours.   
“We’re done,” he smiled triumphantly at you, equally as breathless, before looking over at his friends, “you need to be careful what you wish for,” Rúben teased as his friends held their hands up in defeat, one of them muttering on about how he is going to be scarred for the rest of his life, making you giggle.    
Rúben picked up his hoodie from the chair, sliding into it but leaving the zip open. You sat back down on the couch next to Rúben’s friend, who gave you a disapproving look as he playfully nudged you with his shoulder.   
Music started playing from one of the phones, volume on full blast. It was a song you had heard Rúben play before, but not one you understood since it was in Portuguese. You grabbed the closest throw pillow and hugged it as you unlocked your phone to scroll through Instagram.  
The sound of Rúben singing along to caught your attention so your eyes flickered to him. What you did not expect was to see was Rúben also dancing along to the song with his friend. It was such a pure moment, a silly side to Rúben you did not see often enough. So, you closed Instagram and opened the camera app instead, tapping the video option to capture this memory. Throughout the recording, a radiant smile was embedded on your face as you watched Rúben so carefree and relaxed.
Eventually, the music quietened as the boys decided to call it a night, each heading to their own rooms to get some sleep as the fresh scent of ocean water continued to linger in the air. You rubbed your eyes as Rúben lay down beside you on the couch, an elated expression on his face.   
"You okay?" You shuffled closer to him, resting your head on his chest as you felt the warmth of his body heat against your face.   
"Mmhm," you hummed with content as Rúben tenderly ran his hand through your hair.   
“Sorry if I got a bit carried away with the boys and didn’t pay you much attention,” Rúben apologised unnecessarily. You lifted your head up to look at him, brows drawn together in confusion.   
“You've got nothing to apologise for,” you reassured, “after all, the holiday is for you to catchup with your friends.”   
“You’re not mad?” Now Rúben was the confused one, a soft sigh of relief escaping his lips. 
“Of course not! I had a really good time honestly,” you started, “but if you feel that bad, you can make it up to me... tonight,” you whispered suggestively, your hand travelling lower down his body, as you felt his muscles tense beneath your fingertips.   
“Nah, I don’t feel that bad,” Rúben teased affectionately as he scrunched up his face.   
“Ruben!” You playfully hit his chest, turning you head away as you refused to look at him.   
“I'm joking, I'm joking!” He threw his head back in laughter. It was so contagious you bit your bottom lip to try and stop yourself form bursting out laughing.
“I love you really,” he admitted as he lifted his hand under your chin, tenderly turning it to face him as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.   
“I love you too,” you smiled brightly, eyes fluttering shut as you snuggled into Rúben.   
The two of you lay there for a minute, watching the starry sky and enjoying each other's company. As you got up to walk to your shared bedroom, Rúben insisted he carry you bridal style, not talking no for an answer, as he put one of his arms around your back and the other under your legs, lifting you up so effortlessly. You wrapped your arms around his neck before nuzzling your face into the crook and planting a soft kiss there. 
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joaofelix70 · 6 months
i don't make full angst stories, but some elements involving the category can be included. request me a smut (politely asking for no extreme bdsm kinks), fluff content too, which i'm passionate about. (anonymously or not). i apologize if your unproblematic ask wasn't reciprocated in the name of my busy activities. please, try to send me again or give me more details of your wishes, using the private inbox. feel honored to talk to the readers. love it infinitely!
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── joão félix sequeira.
a crescent love, an ephemeral passion ── joão félix
summary: you and joão spent all the summer together. you even met his friends and brother. could this be the beginning of a crescent love or just an ephemeral passion? his friendship with his ex would ruin everything between the two of you?
69 with joão félix
summary: a concept of you and joão félix sharing jubilation and becoming one.
── dominik szoboszlai.
miss diplomat and mr. charming ── dominik szoboszlai
summary: your job is involving the commitment of unify the population and create interrelations to another countries, using the eurocup qualifiers and the hungary national team executions. you just didn't expect to fall in love with the no. 10's captain player.
── kostantinos "kostas" tsimikas.
none yet.
── rúben dos santos gato alves dias.
none yet.
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devilishchaos · 11 months
Hi, I just read your Miami fic and it was awesome! If your requests are open, could write more Rúben smut, where is making love you to during your anniversary night, him being really gentle and end up with cockwarming until morning xx
Anniversary | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben have soft anniversary sex.
Warnings: Explicit smut, oral sex (f receiving), explicit talk, unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, use of pet names "baby", "babe", "princesa", size talk just for a sec, google translated portuguese
AN: Thank you so much. I loved this request, I just had to deliver <3 They have sex in the morning, I hope this is okay with you :) enjoy x
Word Count: 2 143 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Your eyes opened slowly as you were dragged out of your dream. You felt fingertips gently trailing up and down your bare spine, the touch a familiar one. 
Rúben laid next to you in bed, though he’d been awake for a while. The noise coming from the raging storm outside had stirred him out from his own sleep. He enjoyed laying in the dark, listening to the storm and tracing shapes onto your skin. He loved to feel the movements of your steady breathing under his touch, it brought him comfort that nothing else could. 
Your eyes adjusted to the dark, watching lightning flash behind the sheer curtains. You had no idea what time it was, the storm making the sky pitch-black. 
“Good morning, meu amor.” he spoke in his deep, husky morning voice. You rolled over to face him, offering a sleepy smile. He leaned in and kissed you slowly. Nothing about this morning was rushed. You and Rúben were in your own little world. 
Your fingers went into his soft hair, deepening your kiss. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get home earlier last night.” Rúben apologized softly when the two of you split for air. 
“It’s okay, amor.” you said quietly, letting him slot one of his legs between yours. 
Rúben had gotten caught up at the Etihad Campus the night before, filming content for the City youtube channel, and you were already in bed when he’d finally returned. He had managed not to wake you as he climbed into bed and you were just happy to wake up to him in the morning. 
His lips were back on yours then, his hand on the small of your back pulling you closer to him. He had stripped down everything before getting in bed the night before and you hadn’t bothered to get dressed after a bath. 
It was all skin-to-skin contact, warm and soft, as you sleepily made out in bed. You sighed quietly into Rúben’s mouth and he smiled against your lips. 
“Happy anniversary. Eu te amo.” you whispered softly as he kissed your neck and he hummed against your skin before pulling back to look at you. 
“Happy anniversary, princesa. Te amo mais.” he said, rolling you over so he was on top of you. 
You shuddered as thunder shook the house, rolling through the city. Rúben smiled gently down at you and you exhaled deeply as he kissed down your body. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he hummed against your skin, making you blush at his sweetness. 
“It’s dark.” you giggled quietly. 
“I know what you look like.” he defended himself as his tongue pushed out from between his swollen lips, flicking over the perked bud in the center of your breast while his long fingers knead and twist the other. You tilt your head back, your eyes fluttering closed as your jaw falls slack, panting breaths filling the quiet between the two of you. When he scrapes his teeth over your sensitive skin, your breath comes out as a moan and you can feel his lips curve into a smile against your breast. 
Rúben’s knee disappears from between your legs, leaving your damp, throbbing center with nothing to push against, and you whimper slightly. “Shh..” he murmurs against your skin and shifts his body so that he’s on his knees in front of you, pressing his mouth to your sternum, down your stomach as his fingers grab greedily at your hips. 
When he looks back up at you, eyes hazy and heavy with lust, bright red spots appearing over your skin where he’s mouthed at your body, hair mussed from his fingers, Rúben can’t stop himself from letting an eyebrow slide up, a smile forming on his lips. 
When he leans back into your body, his lips fast and sloppy now as he presses wet, open mouthed kisses to your stomach and hips, you let your head fall back against the silky pillow and your fingers ghost up to curl in his hair. Rúben’s hands slide behind your thighs, gripping the swell of your ass before he tugs you, to the edge of the bed. You jerk forward, grateful for the closeness he has created as his shoulders press in between your thighs. 
“Rúben- ” you whisper and you realize it’s the first word either of you have spoken in a while amidst the sounds of moans and panting. 
“Shh, babygirl.” he says, taking your face in between his hands. He brings your face to his, pressing a gentle kiss against your mouth “Let me love on you.” he pulls back from your lips and his hands slide to your shoulders to gently push you back against the bed. Rúben’s head dips and you feel his warm mouth pressing against the top of one thigh, then the other. When his hands grip your knees, sliding your legs farther open, you feel your heart racing in your chest with anticipation. 
Rúben’s facial hair tickles where it comes in contact with your thigh as his mouth trails down the inside of your thigh, pressing a gentle kiss where the skin dips between the swell of your thigh and your sex. When he replaces his lips with his teeth, biting suddenly and harshly, your thighs try to come together, closing around his head as you gasp. You relax your muscles as his teeth ease and he pulls back slightly to run his tongue over the indents he’s left behind in your skin. 
You push a hand into his hair, pushing the bangs back and digging your nails into his scalp as his head dips to the other thigh. Rúben replays the same touches, biting and soothing your soft skin on the other side, and you feel your chest rumble with a moan as you think about the matching bruises you’ll be sporting on the insides of your thighs for the next few days. His fingers slip in between your folds, sliding through the slick arousal that he’s built in your core. 
“Ohh, Rúben..” you whisper, not sure what you’re going to say - maybe, “you don’t have to.” or “please, just put your dick in me..now.” - but he cuts you off. 
“Don’t speak.” he says, glancing up at you from between your thighs and you can feel his words against your throbbing centre. You hold his eyes with your own for a moment, seeing the glint of lust and passion in his, and nod slowly. 
“Be my good girl.” he purrs, the words slightly muffled as he presses them into your slick lips and you feel a shiver running down your entire body.
With one last glance up at you, Rúben’s mouth presses to your core, parting your swollen lips with his fingers so he can slide his tongue from your throbbing hole to the swollen bundle of nerves above it. His tongue, wide and gentle, slides over your pussy, forcing you to roll your hips slightly over his face. His nose brushes against your clit with the motion and you gasp at the friction. Rúben takes this as a cue, bringing his mouth up to the sensitive bead and sucking it between his lips. He rolls his tongue over it then around as he suckles gently. Your fingers curl, scratching his scalp as you slightly force his face closer, desperate for more. 
“Oh, God..” you gasp, your back arching slightly and Rúben’s hand disappears from where it’s been kneading the soft skin of the inside of your thigh. Two of his fingers are suddenly pressed against your hole, teasing before sliding in easily in your vagina. You feel him filling you, knuckle by knuckle, as he continues to move his tongue over your swollen bud. 
Rúben’s fingers curl inside of you before he pulls back slightly, beginning to use his hand to thrust deep into the part of you that aches with how badly you want him, how badly you need him. His fingers slide against your walls, satisfying that part of your brain that’s been crying out for more. Amidst your own panting and whimpers, you hear him say something, mouth still between your legs and you push his head back from your thighs. 
“What did you say?” you ask breathless as your chest expands rapidly, your cheeks hot as he looks up at you. 
“I love you so much, baby.” Rúben says, and the look on his face is like he’s drunk “‘I’m  so lucky..” he says again, fingers still thrusting in and out of you with each word “..lucky to know you..” he presses another kiss to your other thigh “..lucky to touch you..” his mouth is against your clit “..lucky to love you.” 
He runs his tongue over it, to ghost over your sensitive bud, bringing it back between his lips, and this time he lets his teeth scrape gently over it right as he slams his fingers deep into your body. The feeling that’s been building in your core, the tightness that has had you writhing under his touch, suddenly peaks and your jaw drops open, your hips thrusting against his hand and mouth as your fingers grip his head. 
Rúben’s fingers make smaller pushes now, gently guiding you down as he keeps his mouth in place, his tongue running over the pulsing swell in his mouth. Your muscles tighten around his fingers, gripping him as you spasm through your release. When your body finally eases, the muscles in your body loosen as your release washes through your body, Rúben pulls his hand away from you, sitting back on his heels as he wipes the back of his hand over his slick chin and lips. 
Despite the storm outside, you felt safe with Rúben and you were melting in the softness of the moment. 
“Ready?” Rúben asked, kissing your lips before settling between your legs. You reached your hands out to him and he intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing the backs of your hands. 
“Want me to hold your hands?”
“Yes, please.” you nodded and he smiled in the dark. 
Your breath caught in your throat as Rúben eased inside of you. He praised you for taking him in so well and you breathed as you adjusted to his cock. You never quite got used to how big Rúben was, despite your frequent sex life. Once he bottomed out, he stilled for a few moments to let the dull ache subside. 
“I love feeling you stretch to take all of me in.” he hummed, and you squeezed his hands. His lips brushed over your cheekbone, pressing gentle kisses on your face. 
“Rúbenn..” you moaned as he slowly rocked his hips, pushing all the way into you. His breathing grew heavier as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. 
You let go of one of his hands to pull him down to kiss him passionately as he continued to thrust into you. You were like velvet around him, every part of you so soft. You were addicting and Rúben was mesmerized by how perfect you were for him. 
“Rú, I- I want- ” you were cut off with a gasp as the head of his dick brushed against your g-spot. 
“Tell me, amor. What do you want?”
“I want to be on top.” you got out through whimpers of pleasure. 
Rúben snuck an arm under you, holding you tightly against him, staying nestled deep inside of you. He moved to sit up against the headboard, your legs still wrapped around his hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning into his mouth as you rocked your hips against his, nearly crying out at the deeper angle. 
“I love seeing you ride me like this.” he praised, reaching down to gently massage your clit, feeling your walls tighten around him. You kept your movements slow and steady, the pleasure making Rúben’s head fall back. You kissed the column of his throat, his deep moan sending a wave of arousal through you. 
“Babe, I’m so close..” you whimpered and he increased the pressure on your clit, making you cry out his name.
“Cum for me, baby..cum all over me.” Rúben breathed and a shiver rolled down your spine. You rolled forward as you came, squeezing your husband’s shoulders. Your breathing became uneven as your nerves sparked with electricity. The sight of you coming undone above him had Rúben spilling inside of you with a deep moan that echoed through your bedroom, mixing with a boom of thunder. 
I love you’s were murmured in the dark, kisses pressed to your head as you caught your breath. You laid on Rúben’s chest, keeping him buried deep inside of you, even after you were done. You squirmed a bit at first, but Rúben rubbed your back lightly and your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being full.
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zoyasribbon · 7 months
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ೃ࿐ summary : The moments spent with your family, they are the most precious in your life, a pure delight that bring solace to your soul. And on this specific Sunday afternoon, this one, you are poised to savor every bit of it.
ೃ࿐ words : 0,7k.
ೃ࿐ genre : mature. fluff. suggestive.
ೃ࿐ warning : cute daughter-father moments, sexual tension.
ೃ࿐ author's note : Despite my deep disdain for Man City (while I do acknowledge Pep's genius football philosophy), I must confess—I find myself particularly attracted to some players... and a certain 6’2 Portuguese center-back has managed to steal my heart. Ugh, what can I sayyyyy, what can I sayyyyy.
You were drawn by the soft, deep chuckles emitted by your husband, guiding you towards the entrance of the living room, where you discreetly pushed the door ajar. 
There he was.
Dressed in his black Puma sweatpants and a simple, white undershirt, he was doing push-ups with your little daughter perched on his broad, muscular back. Her cheerful, high-pitched voice counted his progress as he effortlessly raised and lowered his body multiple times. You observed them tenderly: the pure joy and trust of your child blending with Rúben's extraordinary strength and patience. Home.
If he noticed you leaning against the doorframe, he said nothing... and you couldn’t help but admire his new three-day stubble beard, a bit more developed than usual, complementing his charming face. 
Suddenly, he twisted to one side, landing on the floor while effortlessly lifting your excited little girl with his sturdy arms before gently placing her on his firm stomach. A timid chuckle escaped your lips at this heartwarming sight. But this gesture didn't deter him from maintaining a somewhat intense gaze that met yours, igniting a fire within you.
"Go play in the garden, princesa. I'll do a few more and then join you," he murmured, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. As his words prompted her to dash out of the room, flashing you a mischievous smile in passing, the room fell into an almost oppressive silence. Only Rúben's erratic breathing and the sudden accelerated beats of your heart seemed to animate the space. 
He eventually raised himself from the floor, taking his sweet time to stand, his brown eyes never leaving your burning gaze for a second. 
Rúben's smile took on a different shade as he crossed the room to approach you, leaving only a few brief inches between you. His arms, marked by the effort, found support on the wooden doorframe, not far from your head, asserting his dominance in height. 
In the depth of his gaze, you discerned the glint of a tantalizing promise.
"You didn't have to stop, you know?" you innocently scolded, letting your right hand wander from his neck, to his left flank and to his hip. You made sure your nails lightly grazed his skin through the thin white fabric, intending for him to feel your provocation. As you did, you sensed a trickle of sweat dampening his shirt, clinging to his still-toned abs, evidence of his numerous push-ups. 
In just a few seconds, his body responded. Engulfed in goosebumps that hinted at desire, Rúben's eyelids trembled, and his Adam's apple bobbed. Though your line of sight didn't reveal it, you were certain that his fingers fervently clutched the doorframe, evidenced by the emerging veins on his glistening shoulders. 
He was on the verge of losing control. The mere thought elevated the corner of your lips into a sly smile, concealing the pleasure you took in this little teasing game. You must admit, you were very in the mood to play today. After all, Rúben simply had no business being so sexy on this delightful spring afternoon. 
Your right hand, still placed on his hip, dared to venture even further beneath the fabric of his black tracksuit to bring him even more closer to you and explore the skin of his lower back and his firm bottom, leading him to open his mouth slightly, letting out a timid gasp. 
Unable to resist the excruciating slowness of your caresses, he leaned forward, daring “Why? Do you want to keep watching?” he managed to inquire with an innocent tone, though mischief lingered within. 
His alluring, plump lips so close to yours beckoned, yet you resisted the temptation they promised... at least for the moment. You knew what he expected from you at this moment, but you just wouldn't comply. You were far too determined to win this battle. 
Nevertheless, the warm breath escaping his mouth was enough to slightly distract you. In that moment, you even forgot your somewhat disheveled appearance—your hair was in a messy bun, and you still had your apron on, still warm from the breath of the oven you had opened to check the crumb-topped salmon you were preparing. 
This seemed not to bother Rúben, whose gaze remained just as fiery and thirsty. His fingers sought revenge, gently sweeping aside a loose strand of hair that had fallen during your observation, trailing across your cheek, your neck, before finally resting on your nape. Then his entire hand delicately settled upon it. Your eyes were nearly completely mesmerized by the movement of his lips. Ruben's voice became huskier and smoother. “Or maybe you want a turn too."
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itsgiovanna · 3 months
it's us against the world
pairing: fem!reader x rúben dias
type: instagram a.u
summary: you're a renowned supermodel and has to deal with rumors and haters because rúben dias is your boyfriend. despite that, he'll never stop telling how much he cares about you.
notes: hey! this is my first instagram a.u with rúben, i hope you love it 🤍
warnings: fluff, cursing.
face claim: christina nadin
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liked by sarasampaio, rubendias, bellahadid, sydneysweeney, kyliejenner and 46,789 others
yourinstagram 💋 @pradabeauty #pradabeautypartner
view all 18,620 comments
user8 MOTHER
gigihadid wow 😍😍😍
britishvogue 💌
user2 that's it i'm speechless
caradelevingne 🤍🤍🤍
sydneysweeney missing youuu
↳ yourusername me too 🥺
user2 you're back to ig 😭
fan7 rúben liked omfg
fan1 unbothered and gorgeous as always 😍
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liked by eerlinghaaland, joafelix, bernardosilva, judebellingham, johnstones, yourinstagram and 104.567 others
rubendias addressed.
view all 84.875 comments
user4 i'm not even a manchester city fan but damn........
eerlinghaaland finally 👏🏻🙏🏻
fan2 this should be illegal 🥵😭
fan9 not that model liking the pic 🙃
↳ user2 what about it? lmao
↳ fan9 he cheated on her but she's still with him
↳ fan1 stfu you don't know shit
yourinstagram 😮‍💨😙
liked by the author
fan5 what the hell is going on
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↳ yourinstagram added to their stories
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liked by milomanheim, sophieturner, bellahadid, rubendias, haileybieber, sofiarichiegrainge and 84,876 others
yourinstagram greece, you have my heart 🇬🇷💙
view all 64 comments
sofiarichiegrainge are you even real? 😍
bellahadid a real life mermaid
haileybieber serving 🔥
inesdegenertomaz não há mais linda ❤️
↳ yourinstagram amei te ver 😭
rubendias 😮‍💨💙
↳ yourinstagram 🫶🏼🤭
comments on this post have been limited
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↳ yourinstagram added to their stories
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liked by rubendias, madisonbeer, bernardosilva, johnstones, eerlinghaaland, kendalljenner, zendaya and 107,879 others
yourinstagram birthday dump 🤍
view all 65,421 comments
rubendias ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourinstagram te amo 🥺🩷
↳ rubendias hope you liked our date 😉🤪
fan7 does rúben’s comments has a double meaning? 😳
mancity 🩵🩵
fan1 it's official 😭😭
johnstones 🥰
user7 rúben can you fight????
fan3 if this is a dream pls don't wake me up 🥺
user1 it's so cute how she's still with him after the cheating scandal 🤍
↳ fan3 wtf is wrong with you? get a life
↳ fan7 you're just boring 🥱
liked by the author
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liked by mancity, bernardosilva, johnstones, eerlinghaaland, portugal, masonmount, landonorris, yourinstagram and 467,782 others
rubendias parabéns, meu amor. you're the best thing that ever happened to me and no one can never take this away from us. i love you. ❤️
view all 98,657 comments
yourinstagram it's you and me against the world, forever. i love you, bebê! 🤍🥹
mancity love is in the air! 🩵
portugal muitos parabéns ✨
eerlinghaaland 😄❤️
johnstones finally 👏🏻
user2 she’s so beautiful 😫
bellahadid the most beautiful couple there is 🤎
bernardosilva felicidades 🥳
inesdegenertomaz 😍😍
fan9 i knew it!!!!!!
231 notes · View notes
oh-saints · 1 year
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it’s not a rare occurrence to spice up some things in your love life with rúben, including but not limited to the sex aspect. but when things get tough for you, you have to tap out and at that sight, rúben has never felt so sorry for you.
rúben dias x you
tw: filthy smut (like, foreplay to overstimulation while being blindfolded kind of filthy) and its aftercare
wc: 2.3k
prompts: “using safeword during sex” + “aftercare”
note: so many of you ask for a rúben smut, therefore may i present you, in this 1st post of smut week... this is based on these two asks! I never said I didn’t warn you, guys… pls DNI if you’re not 18 yet! but as usual, I happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet.
���oh fuck, rúben!”
you didn’t know if your mouth produced a groan or a gasp or something in between because they sounded so carnal to you that you didn’t want to find out what that sound was categorised as. your brain had been melting since the first touch rúben landed on your skin after he’d managed to persuade you to put on a blindfold.
it’d be fun, he said.
of course it’d be fun for him. your boyfriend wasn’t on the receiving end of his torturous, sensual touches.
of course it’d be fun for him. your boyfriend wasn’t on the receiving end of his torturous, sensual touches.
it wasn’t your boyfriend that felt the sensation of his fingers pinching on one of your nipples while his mouth engulfed the other pink bud, his sinful touch worked wonders simultaneously with his teeth lightly biting.
it wasn’t your boyfriend that arched whenever his thumb pulled your nipple to a stiffness you didn’t know could make you more receptive than any other time he’d done this with you.
it wasn’t your boyfriend that was taken aback whenever he switched his thumb with his mouth, left and right, so relentlessly without giving you a break to breathe. it wasn’t your boyfriend that felt the striking difference between the cold air of his bedroom and the warmth you were provided by his hands and mouth.
it wasn’t your boyfriend’s ears that were fed by the disgusting sounds of his tongue lapping the areola like it was his last supper—sucking them good to the point he could tug on the erected bud gently, circling them around, back and forth like he didn’t want this to end.
but god, you did because he’d been doing these sinful things to you that it endangered your sanity. because you couldn’t see whatever he was doing.
it wasn’t your boyfriend that was being blindfolded, resulting in every of your senses heightened in sensitivity. as if being cuffed to the bedpost above you wasn’t enough, rúben killed you twice by heightening your anticipation.
it wasn’t your boyfriend that already came—thrice, mind you—under his ministrations because of that spiking anticipation, not knowing what to expect and when to expect his agonizing foreplay, and he hadn’t even touched you where you wanted him to.
and now his hands was stroking gently from the death grip of yours against the silk tie he was wearing earlier, down to your armpit, while his mouth alternated between the left and right sides of your mound like he couldn’t pick a better one to settle. so selfish of him, so arrogant, yet so sexy. “rúben, I—”
“I know, baby,” he said, and god was he not satisfied at your posture underneath him. arching so sexily like a vixen in need of mercy not to be killed, anything to get you off. fortunately for him, it was the figurative meaning. “you can come.”
“I don’t think—ow, fuck!”
you trashed your body to the left this time because he was nipping on the sides of your right, down to your belly button, before settling down just an inch before your opening, which had been dripping wet shamelessly even before you came for the first time this evening.
with his touches everywhere and his mouth so close yet so far to the very itching part of your body, you felt like your insides were exploding but too weak to combust. “I can’t, rúben, I can’t—”
“yes, you can, baby,”
you wanted to—god did you want to reach your high so bad—especially with the way rúben left trail of kisses all over the inside of your thighs, ending with a gentle kiss on top of your swollen labia.
but you didn’t have the energy too. your stamina had been diverted elsewhere—to your senses when kept blindfolded, to your hands when you gripped the silk material preventing you from touching your boyfriend, to your brain when you forced your lungs to breathe.
“you’re my good girl,” rúben whispered huskily against the sensitive skin, his teeth and tongue grazing insanely close to where you wanted him. with the way you were spread submissively, an inch closer to your inside would grant you his tongue on your clit. “I know you can.”
you knew you could, but not now. you needed a break first.
“rúben, I—” you bit your lips because you wanted to cry. you wanted to cry as rúben dived into your clit, licking them like they were a gelato served on a plate, because you couldn’t take it anymore, yet rúben was incredible on his tongue work you didn’t want to miss it. “rúben, no, no, no,”
if you thought the sounds rúben was making earlier was disgusting, the sounds rúben was making now was downright dirty. his tongue went up and down along your clit, circling the bud for a while as he enjoyed your bodily reactions, even went to dip the tip of his tongue to your hole slightly before pulling out. and before you realised it, you were shaking and trembling as orgasm knocked on your door.
“oh fuuuuuuuck—”
you could feel your juices coming out so liquidly fast you would’ve been so embarrassed at it if it was any other sex for you, but it wasn’t and you were now limping out of energy. strikingly different to your boyfriend who you were sure could still hold up another dozen rounds of sex, indicated by the patient pace of him licking your cum and devouring it like the drink to his last supper.
he even still had the guts to suck your swollen clitoris like he wanted to bring you to another orgasm. you swore that tongue—oh fucking hell.
not the fingers coming into play now.
rúben inserted two of his fingers while his thumb supported his tongue, going up and down while his tongue went sideways against the clitoral hood and his other fingers stroked in and out of your insides. you swore you had never heard a raunchier sound than what your boyfriend was currently torturing you with, so wet it became so slick and smooth for his fingers to glide in and out.
“you taste so delicious, meu amor,” you could even feel his smile against the hot skin of yours. the audacity, you groaned inwardly. “give me one more.”
you were now on the edge of consciousness, you could feel it. especially with the way you were slowly but surely spurting in his palms. you really couldn’t to it anymore, for god’s sake.
so you cried in your scream while you were brought down to another earth-shattering high. fuck the bedpost if you succeeded in bending them. “red! red! red!”
gone immediately was your boyfriend from literally every inch of you. you could sense him pulling away from you, and as much as you hated him for pushing you over the edge—quite literally at that—you missed his warmth exuding from his giant body already. it was the only thing that kept you going during the excruciating moments that you just passed with not-so flying colours.
seconds later, you felt the bed dipped on the sides of your head, along with rúben’s hands—gone was the harsh touches too—freeing you from the restrains on your hands. you might have to ask how he could tie something so tight while untangling them so easy.
“I’m going to take off the blindfold now,” you could feel rúben rubbing off your wrists, kissing the insides of them that must’ve gone red by now because of your constant bodily protests against the material of his tie. “please stay with me, meu amor.”
the kisses went down from the insides of your wrists, to your arms, to your temple before it settled down on your lips. which had gotten swollen from his ruthless bites and your attempts to suppress your moans from getting too loud, you were sure of. you then felt his lips touched the sides of your cheeks, simultaneously with his hands cupping your face gently.
his thumb wiped the fresh tears escaping your shut pair of eyes as he whispered against your lips. “me perdõe, minha vida. I’ve pushed you too far.”
you couldn’t respond to his apology because you were still silently crying underneath the blindfold. not because you hated him for pushing you too far—his words, that is—but because you were so relieved it was over this time and you gained back your ever gentle, ever loving boyfriend back.
tonight was only a test from rúben of how far he could take you and how far you could trust him, and you wished to remain that way. tonight only, not more.
“please talk to me, baby,” you could feel him detaching one of his palms from your cheek, before feeling them stroking the top of your head and ended up on the back of your head, where the knot of the blindfold was. “please, I’m so sorry, my love.”
you could feel the material slipping off around your head but you were still gathering your composure and leftover energy before you could face your boyfriend without feeling ashamed. you initially wanted to show him how much you trust him, that your trust never wavered, but you failed. pretty badly at that. it felt like you were the one that was supposed to be apologising.
you could feel your throat getting dry from the endless intake of broken breaths and gasps and moans in between rúben’s relentless ministrations earlier, so you asked for a glass of water before you could embarrass yourself further by producing an ugly screeching noise. rúben immediately dashed for the kitchen, and you utilised the small space of privacy to adjust your eyes to the light dimming in the bedroom.
your earlier suspicion was confirmed—your wrists were very red, your breasts were swollen badly, your thighs were disgustingly wet. not to mention the blue-ish and purple spots trails everywhere from your collarbone to the insides of your thighs. you tried to sit up to see whatever more your boyfriend gifted your skin with, but your body ached everywhere. you could even swear the muscle on your abs were even tenser than the first time you did poundfit.
just as you plopped back your head back to the pillow, resigning from the reality that you wouldn’t be able to be out of bed for the remaining of the weekend, the culprit of all this came back with a glass of water and a mini basket of what you’d like to think as creams. hopefully one of them had the capability to soothe the tense muscles.
“I can’t move, rúben,” you chuckled, feeling ridiculous yourself, as you were handed the quench to your thirst. “please help me get up.”
your boyfriend visibly flinched at the implied information that he had, indeed, pushed you too much over the limit. so selfishly, like you weren’t someone so precious to him. but he collected himself in seconds, dropped everything else to the bedside table, before scooping you in his arms in bridal style as if you weighed nothing more than a stack of paper.
you took the chance to bury your nose on the crook of his neck, wondering how the hell his signature smell could still stay on despite being sweaty the past hours. it shouldn’t be fair, you thought, while your boyfriend sat down on the bed, leaning against the bedpost he tangled yourself to earlier, with you in his arms still.
by the looks of it, he didn’t have the desire to let go of you. he almost lost you in less than 15 minutes ago, mind you.
“are you comfortable now?” and you could only nod in your position, cradled like a fine china by your favourite giant. he took it as a sign to fetch back the glass of water he brought for you, guessing you must’ve been very perched from voicing your exasperations being held back. “what else do you need, baby? tell me.”
this time you shook your head as you downed the clear liquid, while rúben’s hands were both drawing circles on the top of your hip and on the side of your thigh respectively, in hope it could further relax you. he certainly wasn’t lying when he said the last words—he was on that level of sorry he would do anything for you this instant.
but he knew you weren’t one to jump into the water when given the opportunity. at least, materialistically.
“please stop saying sorry, big guy,” this time was your turn to hold the side of his face, directing them so you could see him eye to eye. “I want this too, remember?”
“but still—”
“okay then, you’re forgiven,” you said, but the widening smile on your face signalled him you had something else up in your sleeve. “but you have to carry me everywhere because I really think I can’t walk.”
and he truly stood by his words, for he carried you bridal style everywhere you wanted until the weekend ended. despite being embarrassed on some locations—your favourite baker down the block laughed at the sight when you told rúben you were craving for her sourdough—you weren’t complaining. you were confident that he’d always love you like this.
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sportswriters · 2 months
sportswriters' football recommendations list
first of all, we love lists. second of all, we appreciate everyone who takes their time to put these works together, so we decided to do our own recommendation post. at last, these authors deserve all the love, we keep coming back to the space you created in this mess of a world. thank you, truly.
be aware of the individual warnings before reading. if the links are wrong or stopped working, please let us know.
love, namu and ella.
LAST UPDATE: 10/04/2024
guidelines | a: angst, f: fluff, s: smut, c: comedy, 💗: personal favorite
mason mount
yours for the night by @carlottawllms | a, f | friends to lovers
because i love you by @carlottawllms | a, f, s | friends with benefits
on the verge of goodbye by @carlottawllms | a, f | established relationship
a mountain to climb (masterpost 1, masterpost 2) by @mountttmase | a, f, s | series
i'll fix this by @mountttmase | a, f | dad!mason
damage is done by @mountttmase | a, f | established relationship
cold hands, cold heart by @mountttmase | a, f | established relationship
are we okay? by @mountttmase | a, f | friends to lovers
you deserve better by @tsimvkas | a, f | established relationship
bad idea, right? by @julianalvarez9 | f | social media, summer love
christmas miracle by @julianalvarez9 | f | social media
can't choose ft. christian pulisic by @julianalvarez9 | f | social media
dominik szoboszlai
hand holding during sex with dominik szoboszlai by @formulalfc | s, f | established relationship
calling him to pick you up with dominik szoboszlai by @yungbludz | f | situationship
new mate with dominik szoboszlai by @photmath | a, f | friends to lovers(?)
heungmin son
i'm not sick with heungmin son by @itsabitcloudy | f | established relationship
sleepy sonny with heungmin son by @itsabitcloudy | f | established relationship
jude bellingham
just a fan by @kobbiesmainoo | a | established relationship
joão félix
his best friend ft. kai havertz by @yungbludz | s | threesome
smitten by @julianalvarez9 | f | established relationship
i mean it by @yungbludz | s | casual sex
kai havertz
national day by @julianalvarez9 | f | social media, established relationship
adoption by @gagaslonina | f | established relationship
the way i loved you by @gagaslonina | f | established relationship
amnesia by @gagaslonina | a | established relationship
pablo gavi
valentine's day through the years by @spidybaby | f | established relationship
you're losing me by @leilakisakabiri | a, f | established relationship
surprise by @leilakisakabiri | f | established relationship
opposites attract by @808heartz | f | social media
spanish boy by @leilakisakabiri | f | established relationship
liar, liar by @leilakisakabiri | a, f | established relationship
comfort zone by @pedriscroquettes | a, f | academic rivals
antoine griezmann
i feel it coming by @yungbludz | s, a | established relationship
persuade daddy by @footballxixstars | f | dad!griezmann
rúben dias
3 am by @yungbludz | a | exes to lovers(?)
9 am by @yungbludz | s, a | exes to lovers(?)
appreciation post by @julianalvarez9 | f | social media
with you by @coolemmasulivan | a, f | brother's best friend | part 2
teasing for two by @rubenfinity | f | brother's best friend
platonic lies by @mountsmason | a, f | pining, friends to lovers
guardiola!reader by @oh-saints | s | enemies to lovers
a boy on a mission by @natwrites08 | f | dad!rúben
julián álvarez
yellow by @julianalvarez9 | f | strangers to (?)
nhl recs list | list of players we write with | masterlist (soon!)
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rubenfinity · 2 years
Teasing For Two ⤷ Rúben Dias
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genre: fluff
summary: you often spent the weekends at your brother’s house but this time it was different, as his best friend Rúben was also staying over. There has always been a spark between you and your brother's best friend but neither of you acted on it until now.
words: 2.1k
note: hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it,, likes/reblogs/comments are always appreciated <3
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The clock struck 1 in the morning as you tossed and turned in bed. A quiet exasperated sigh escaped you whilst pulling the duvet back. Clearly, the whole sleeping thing was not working out so you dragged your feet downstairs, wearing only an oversized shirt and shorts. You searched for food in the fridge and kitchen cupboards, but there was only one thing that would be able to satisfy your late night cravings — chocolate chip cookies. And not just any old chocolate cookies but your ‘signature bake’ as your brother would put it. After several failed baking attempts in the past, you created your own recipe and since then, you never looked back.
As you knew the recipe from the top of your head, you preheated the oven and weighed the ingredients into separate bowls. Whilst  stuffing some of the left-over chocolate chips in your mouth, you mixed together the butter and sugar, followed by the eggs and then the dry ingredients.
“Need some help?” a deep voice took you by surprise, causing you to drop the wooden spoon.
“Shit, Rúben! You scared me,” you whisper-yelled, bending down to pick up the spoon and throwing it in the sink to wash later.
“And you need to be a little quieter,” he whisper-yelled back, mockingly. You did think you were being quiet but obviously not.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—,” your eyes found Rúben standing at the bottom of the stairs. And that was when you properly looked at him, a lump forming in your throat. 
He was wearing nothing but a pair of grey joggers hanging low on his hips. Despite the dim kitchen lighting, you were still able to see each and every one of his defined muscles from his arms to his abs. And when you noticed his messy hair, all you wanted to do was thread your hands through it. 
“Like what you see?” Rúben asked, unable to resist a smirk.
“Huh, I wasn’t staring at you,” you denied too quickly, looking everywhere but at him. You hoped that the dimly-lit kitchen was enough to mask your now crimson coloured face from the embarrassment of being caught staring at him.
“What would you call that then?” he raised an eyebrow, trying to see what kind of excuse you were going to conjure up this time.
“I was… analysing you,” Nope, that definitely made it worse. This was all going downhill so fast; it was so unlike you to stumble over your words.
“You were analysing my body?” Rúben teased. You could just tell he was loving every second of this by the cockiness smeared all over his face.
“No, I was analysing how ugly you look,” you retorted, wincing at your reply as you crossed your arms. You could have at least told a more convincing lie.
“Is that so?” he chuckled amusedly, not believing a word that came out of your mouth, whilst finding this nervous side of you endearing.
“Uh-huh,” you spun round without giving him another chance to tease you, hoping he would leave it at that. Your attention was now focused back on the cookies, giving the ingredients a final mix to make sure they were all combined. Then, you started to roll the mixture into cookie dough balls.
“What are you making then?” Rúben’s voice was getting closer and closer.
“Chocolate chip cookies,” you managed to say as you felt Rúben stand behind you, his bare torso ever so slightly pressed against your back. Impulsively, you leaned into his touch as your body ached for more, feeling his body tense under your touch. At this rate, you'll be here until morning baking cookies.
“My favourite,” your breath hitched as you felt Rúben’s words against your neck.
“Since when do cookies fit into your footballer diet?” You turned around, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but you were caught off-guard by the distance, or lack thereof, between the two of you.
“They don’t, but no-one needs to know,” he winked suggestively, and you could not help but think whether his words had a double meaning. You hated how Rúben was in control of the whole situation when normally you are the one teasing him.
“The only way you’ll be allowed any cookies is if you help,” clearing your throat, you tilted your head up to look at Rúben's face and not his shirtless torso you were currently standing very close to.
“I’ll do whatever you want, I’m all yours,” Rúben lifted his hand as he tenderly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, your eyes locking.
“Okay, now stop distracting me, I need to get these in the oven,” A blush crept onto your face under the heat of his gaze.
“How am I distracting you? I’m just having a conversation with you… unless you’re analysing my body again,” his mouth curved into a smile. You were never going to live that down.
“No!” you said a little too loud as you spun back around to continue rolling the dough.
Rúben moved to stand beside you, his back leaning against the countertop as he intently watched you roll the dough.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you muttered sarcastically, but nonetheless he takes his phone out, opens the camera and takes a candid photo of you in your element.
“Did you seriously— I didn’t actually mean it,” You explained incredulously after hearing the camera shutter sound from Rúben’s phone.
“I know,” he stared proudly at the photo on his phone, earning an eye roll from you.
“Make yourself useful and help me roll the cookie dough,” you plastered on a fake smile as you pushed the bowl of mixture a little to your right. The two of you rolled the dough in a comfortable silence, your hands often brushing whenever either of you took the dough from the bowl, each touch sending a fluttering sensation to your stomach.
“Am I doing this right?” it was impossible to resist a smile when you saw Rúben furrowing his brows, his forehead crinkling in concentration for such a simple thing.
“Yeah, that's perfect and then just put it on this tray,” you pushed the baking tray lined with greaseproof paper closer to Rúben.
When the tray was full of cookie dough, you slid it into the oven to bake for approximately 10-12 minutes. In the meantime, Rúben started to pile the dishes in the sink as you wiped the marble countertop of flour you spilled when measuring out the ingredients.
“Only the dishes left now,” after cleaning the last of the mess, you turned to face Rúben, whose eyes fell to the corner of your mouth.
“You have a little something on your face,” Rúben leans in, his thumb wiping chocolate off your face, which was most likely from those chocolate chips you were practically inhaling. When that was done, Rúben didn't move away. His thumb glided along your bottom lip as his gaze lingered on your lips and then darted to your eyes. You were unable to look away as a sense of longing and anticipation filled his eyes. The air around you thickened as you inhaled shakily, feeling your heart race before parting your lips slightly. 
“Rúben, I…,” you leaned in closer until the gap was almost non-existent, “... I need to check on the cookies,” you teasingly whispered against his lips, a glint of mischief flashing in your eyes before casually walking towards the oven, pretending to be unfazed by the past few minutes.
Rúben bit his lip, shaking his head amusedly as he knew you were teasing him as payback for earlier. The cookies had barely been in the oven for 5 minutes so they definitely would not be done so soon.
Two can play that game, Rúben taking it as a challenge.
As you bent down to open the oven door, you subtly lifted up your shirt to make sure Rúben had a good view of your ass. If you knew that he would be spending the weekend here, you would have packed some sexy silk pyjamas, but you had to make do with what you had now. You 'inspected' the doneness of the cookies, standing in that position for a little longer than necessary.
"Nope, they still need some time," you shut the oven door and propped yourself on the countertop, a grin on your face.
"I know what we can do until then,'' Rúben walked towards you, standing between your legs as he mindlessly traced invisible patterns on your bare skin. A rush of pink stained your cheeks as your pulse quickened with each caress.
"Yeah?" You breathed, feeling his hands travel higher up your thighs. With each touch, your heart pounded louder and louder, to the point that you were convinced Rúben could hear it.
"Yeah," Rúben inched nearer to you, his lips dangerously close to yours as your noses gently brushed. The two of you waited for the other to make the move, but you were equally as stubborn, and Rúben knew that too. So instead, he tilted his head to the side, his breath hot against your ear when he softly said, "you can wash up and I'll watch."
"Or you can shut up and kiss me," Rúben’s head snapped back in your direction, his mouth agape as he blinked slowly, surprised at your blatant statement. You froze, eyes widening at the realisation of what you said.
"Did I just say that out loud?" Shit. 
"You did," A smirk was playing on Rúben's lips, that smug smirk that vexed you beyond comparison. 
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around Rúben's neck as you pulled him in for a kiss. He didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, a fleeting smile on his lips since he has finally felt your lips against his. Rúben’s hands swiftly travelled down to your waist, pulling your body closer. He needed to feel every inch of you. The kiss started off slow and gentle but grew more heated the longer you kissed. Reluctantly, you pull away, missing the warmth of the kiss almost instantly.
"That, uh, wasn't a kiss by the way," you mumbled breathlessly, "I was just getting rid of that stupid smirk," you bit your bottom lip, trying to hide the smile on your face.
"Just admit it Y/N, you like me,"  Rúben’s gaze locked with yours for a brief second.
"No, you admit it," your voice barely a whisper as you avoided eye contact. Your hands trail down to fidget with the chain that rested on Rúben’s collarbones, his muscles tensing under your fingertips caressing his chest.
"You already know how I feel about you,"
"I need to hear you say it," you found the courage to look into his eyes which glistened with nervousness.
"I like you Y/N, like a lot and I didn't say anything before because I didn't know how you felt about me but the more time I spend with you, the more I know you feel it too. So tell me, am I wrong to think that?"
"No," you breathed, shaking your head, still gazing deep into his eyes.
"So… you like me back?" hope tinged in Rúben’s voice.
"Yeah…” you started quietly, “but when you said you like me a lot, I like you a little less than a lot," Rúben narrowed his eyes in utter confusion, but when he finally understood what you said, he playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you.
"You should've just stopped at yeah," he chuckled against your lips. Conveniently, the oven timer started beeping, which meant the cookies were ready.
"Rúben, let go of me," you giggled as he peppered gentle kisses on your neck, "the cookies will burn or worse, my brother might wake up." 
Rúben stopped in his tracks, freezing on the spot for a split second before throwing himself across the kitchen. He frantically searched for the oven gloves and took the cookies out, leaving them to cool. The smell of freshly baked cookies surrounding the kitchen as Rúben made his way back to you.
"There, cookies are out, now, where were we?" 
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devilishchaos · 9 months
Wildin', on a boat on an island | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben go on vacation..again.
Warnings: Explicit smut, explicit talk, oral (f receiving), unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, use of pet names "baby", "babe", "princesa"
AN: manifesting this photos energy <3 enjoy x
Word Count: 5 871 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you analyzed the shirtless brunette standing in front of you, your arms were crossed firmly across your chest. His eyebrows were raised as he awaited your answer, his back pressed against the kitchen island. 
“You are suggesting we don’t sleep together for the vacation..why?” you questioned, waiting for a decent explanation. 
“Because..my parents room is literally 30 centimeters from ours.” he explained quickly as he shrugged his shoulders with ease “AND I didn’t say that we can’t sleep in the same room! Just no funny business while in it..”
For more context, Rúben had asked you to accompany him on a little trip, on this beautiful boat on his family vacation. And has decided that now - an hour till you guys go on the boat  - is the perfect time to let you know he didn’t want to have sex with you. 
“It’s not like that has stopped you before?!?” you questioned him, with some suspicion still. 
“Babe..in the house is different. It’s a big house. Practically no one can hear us.” he answered with obviousness, it was a simple but logical answer “Listen, I’m going to go upstairs to bring your luggage down and put it in the car, while you cool off a bit, yeah?” 
You already knew it was probably one of the worst ideas he'd ever had and considering it's impulsive, spontaneous Rúben we're talking about..it was indeed terrible. 
"No." you replied simply, with no further explanation or motives as to why. 
Rúben looked actually taken aback by your answer, not being used to getting a ‘no’, not even from you. Though, he knew the only reason you'd said ‘no’ was to contradict him, and you, having no apparent reason to refuse, was an open invitation for Rúben to keep insisting. 
“Come on, it'll only be three days out.” Rúben insisted, using the nicest voice he could “Out there in the nice sea, with perfect weather, with food, drinks and a nice AC system... yeah? Plus - the boat has a double jacuzzi! Yeah?” he questioned you with a raised eyebrow, and at that, you shut your mouth. 
“Uh huh, exactly.” 
“I can live without it!” 
“Oh, come on Y/N..” Rúben sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a few seconds, as if recharging his patience before adding “I'll give you whatever you want, whatever it is, I'll get it for you..after those three days. The only condition is - no sex on the boat."
That really got you thinking. 
“I can’t believe you. You sound really confident in yourself right now! Why do you think it is going to be me that is going to initiate something with you first? But you’re lucky that I love João, Bernardete and Ivan and would love to spend time with them. Have a great day Mr. Dias.” and with that you went inside the house to get your luggage because you are an independent young lady, who is not going to let things play out like her boyfriend wants to. 
In no time at all, the five of you were out. Rúben told you it would take a couple of hours to reach the perfect spot and if everything went well the fun on the boat could start in the early hours of the next day. 
It didn't seem like a bad plan, so you saw no reason to complain, it seemed fair. And if it wasn't so many days together you could easily ignore him. 
Rúben had kept his word about the ship's commodities, there were all kinds of snacks, drinks, and he had brought other kinds of substances. It was actually very comfortable and a part of you was glad you'd accepted to join them. But you still weren’t able to relax knowing your man didn’t wanna sleep with you. 
To say you were pissed at him was an understatement, but you were at that point of anger where you didn't even bother to show it, you immediately resorted to ignoring Rúben, which was very hard to do considering the fact that he was walking basically naked around you, only wearing his stupid short shorts that you wanted to rip off of him so bad. 
You had had your doubts about it at first, but now you were more than grateful that you had packed your swimsuits. Since you were giving Rúben the cold shoulder, you would have to find another way to entertain yourself; and being that you were in the sea and the weather is so nice, the most logical and comfortable thing to do would be to lie down on your towel, put on your sunglasses on and at least get a good tan out of it. 
Rúben, on the other hand, was annoyed with himself. He knew it was among the possibilities that you would get mad at him and do just what you are doing now, which is ignoring him completely. 
He hadn't seen you since last night, when you two had an argument during dinner about sleeping in separate rooms, which you insisted on. Since he didn’t wanna have sex with you - you didn’t want to tempt him..yet. 
Rúben felt his heart almost leap out of his chest as soon as he saw you come out of the booth, in your red swimsuit, the one that accentuated every curve of your body. You'd worn it around him before, and the last time you did, he fucked you in the pool. 
You seemed not to have seen him, or if you had, then you did a very good job of pretending he wasn't there. Once you knew you were within his range of view and he could see you perfectly well, you bent over to lay your towel on the floor of the boat, feeling the fabric of your bathing suit slide slightly over your butt. It wasn't much, but just enough. 
Rúben’s jaw tightened so bad he feared his teeth would crack, to keep from letting out a groan at the sight, he closed his eyes shut and gripped the edge of the table until his knuckles turned white; focusing on what Ivan was telling him, trying to get the image of you, bent over a few feet in front of him in nothing but your bathing suit, out of his mind. 
Rúben knew you were doing it on purpose, you knew how much he liked that bathing suit on you. But today? Right now? You were playing very dirty games with his head. 
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take his eyes off you. The way your skin glowed under the sun, how well your swimsuit fit and the fact that you were doing this to provoke him, caused his shorts to feel too tight all of a sudden. 
Rúben didn't even know what to do with himself, so he decided to go take a cold bath; he wouldn't give you the satisfaction of messing with his head like that. 
He excused himself and exited the small cabin, leaving Ivan, and you lifted your head to see him walk away. Rúben looked a little uncomfortable and you noticed how he slightly tugged the front of his shorts as he walked. 
"What, do I make you nervous, Rúbes?" you teased in a loud voice, causing him to turn around and flip you off. Without saying anything else, Rúben entered another door and slammed it shut. 
And with that, a little victory smile appeared on your lips. 
Eventually, tanning got boring. You looked down at your own body and lifted the edge of your swimsuit slightly, the tan lines were just the way you liked them, on point. Full of satisfaction, you gathered your things and decided to go back inside, maybe to take a bath and eat something. 
You entered quietly, not wanting to attract anybody's attention. You walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Just as you grabbed the bathroom doorknob to open it - the door opened. Out of the bathroom came Rúben, with nothing but a towel tied around his hips. You stopped dead in your tracks in the hallway at the sight, which you couldn't deny was very good. The towel was wrapped around Rúben’s hips so low that his prominent V-line was visible to a rather dangerous point, one you didn't want to let your eyes get to. 
He was shirtless obviously, so you had a perfect view of his defined torso and muscular arms, some water droplets still rolled down his body, making a path from his chest, down his abdomen and getting lost under his towel. 
His hair was still wet, framing his face perfectly. His dark eyes were fixed on you, and you realized, too late already, there was a little smile on his lips, prompted by the way you were eyefucking him. 
“What, do I make you nervous, princesa?” Rúben questioned you, using the same condescending tone and smirk you had earlier, as he took a step closer to you. 
You genuinely felt your knees weaken at his voice and the way he looked, but you were too proud to let him know that, so you simply shrugged. 
“Come closer and maybe I'll tell you.” you teased with a low tone, letting your eyes travel down his body. 
Rúben’s smirk only grew and you thought that finally you two were on the same page, thinking about the same thing, and more importantly, that it would happen. He took a confident step towards you, so this way he was towering over you, his chest barely inches away from yours, his lips basically hovering over yours. 
You placed both hands on his body, letting them travel from his abs all the way to his chest, causing him to bite his lip at the feeling. Rúben leant down even more, his lips grazing with yours, breaths mixing and skin touching. 
And then.. 
You pushed him out of the way and locked yourself in the bathroom. By doing that, provoking Rúben in that way and then putting a door between the two of you - you had started a silent game, in which you were provoking each other in an obvious way, waiting to see who is going to give in first. And you were determined it is not going to be you. 
After hours of playing tease, any slight contact or brush from Rúben’s skin against yours had you biting your lip to silence a sound and any look you gave Rúben with your bedroom eyes had him on the verge of jumping your bones. 
The staring game got a little too heavy for Rúben, so he stood up from the booth and walked to the kitchen, pulling out a cold bottle of water to refresh himself. You knew you couldn't let him get away with it, at least not without trying, so you stood up and walked to the kitchen as well, if he asked, then being dinner time would be a perfect excuse. 
Rúben heard you walk into the kitchen, but paid no mind, deciding to focus solely on his water, placing a hand on the kitchen island and letting his head hang low. Funny enough, the drawer where pans are kept is right where Rúben is, by his left hand, and sure as hell you wouldn't ask anything from him. Which left you with only one choice. 
You walked to where he stood, which he noticed as he turned his head sideways to look at you, and right when he took a step back, you found the perfect opportunity to slip right between him and the kitchen island, your body grinding on him, in all the right places. 
The sound of Rúben’s breathing picking up gave you a sense of victory, as you remained in front of him and bent slightly to take out the pan you needed, only to walk away right when you felt him harden behind you and the ghost of his hand over your hip. 
He really thought he had you. Again. 
Your smile of victory didn't disappear, not even when the stove wouldn't turn on and you had to resort to chopping fruit and hoping that was enough to rid your hunger. Now is when Rúben found the perfect opportunity to tease you back, seeing as you were completely distracted while cutting fruit. He slowly walked back into the kitchen, making sure you couldn't hear him. You were completely clueless to his presence, even when he stood right behind you. 
However, as soon as Rúben took another step closer, you did become aware of his presence. Very. 
“Oh, don't mind me.” he mumbled in your ear. 
“Rúben, what are you doing?” you asked, pretending to be completely unbothered, while the reality is that you're screaming on the inside. His chest was pressed to your back, one of his hands had found its way to your hips, and his breath tingled in your ear. 
And right there was when he reached out to grab a glass, which was on the cabinet above your head. The reality is that he didn't have to stretch to reach the glass, it was just a matter of raising his arm. But where was the fun in that? 
As he stretched, his body pressed even closer against yours, you could feel him hard against you, his breath now in your ear. And in an attempt to avoid his lips, you bent over, a move that only served in Rúben’s favor, causing you to bite your lip in an attempt to silence the moan that would come from your lips. 
You both were thinking the same thing. Of just how easy it would be for him to take you right there and then. 
But you wouldn't give up just yet, no sir, you still had one ace up your sleeve. Which is why you picked up your fruit tray and slid out from the right space between the bar and Rúben’s body. 
Normally, you wouldn't care if Rúben decided to just watch you eat instead of eating something himself, but right now it had you on edge. 
You and his mother were sitting on the couch in the booth, while Rúben and Ivan were sitting opposite of you, their dad fishing on the other end of the boat. Rúben was sitting on the seat in front of you, his legs spread slightly, his hands on his thighs and his eyes fixed on you. He was basically manspreading, occasionally lifting his hips from the chair to ‘get comfortable’, but you weren't stupid. 
“Are you done flexing your muscles?” you asked him boredly, raising an eyebrow at him. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed again as you stood up, his eyes followed your hand closely, especially when you drove your fingers to your lips and sucked the remaining fruit juice off them. The sight almost made him roll his eyes, but not in annoyance. 
“I'm going to the jacuzzi.” you announced, letting your eyes travel over him. “You continue doing that.” 
Even though it had not been an open or direct invitation, you knew Rúben had understood the innuendo. 
You hurried to the jacuzzi, taking off your clothes as the water heated up, you poured the bubble soap while letting your hair down, knowing that Rúben wouldn't be long in coming, although he wasn't hot on your heels to disguise how desperate he was, you knew he was coming for you. 
As you stared at the steaming, bubbly water, a wicked idea found its way to your mind. 
Meanwhile, Rúben paced back and forth in the hallway, running his hands through his hair repeatedly, especially when he stopped and had that urge to open the bathroom door where he knew you were. 
You're just a door away and what's holding him back is his pride. Knowing that if he opens that door, he's admitting his need for you. Proving that chasing after you is more important than his pride. 
He cursed himself for what felt the longest time before giving in and opening the bathroom door. The first thing he saw was steam. Lots of it. It made him squint his eyes while they trailed over the place in search of you. 
His eyes fell on the jacuzzi, it was filled with small bubbles, the room smelt like you, white musk scent surrounding you. And there you were, your back pressed against the side of the jacuzzi, arms spread over the edge, the bubbly water covering your body, stopping right below your collarbones, just atop of your chest. 
His mind automatically went places, but Rúben kept his thoughts at bay as he took off his shirt without a word. You did nothing but stare at him, your eyes following his every move, from the way he gripped the edge of his shirt, to the way he slid it off his body and his torso came into view. 
Rafe took a step closer, but he felt something soft under his foot, so he looked down. And what did he find?
Your swimsuit. 
At first he didn't process entirely what it meant, but then his eyes widened. 
You were naked. 
In the jacuzzi that's just a couple of steps away from him. 
And he was just..standing there like an idiot? Rúben was embarrassed of himself. 
A soft giggle escaped your lips when you noticed how flustered Rúben suddenly got, he actually struggled while taking off his shorts and if you hadn't been so amused by the view, you would have offered to help. 
Eventually he stopped fumbling with its ties and right when he pulled it down his hips, you looked away. Your tongue glided over your teeth as you felt the temptation to look, but you were stronger than that. 
“Enjoying the jacuzzi you said you could live without?” Rúben asked in a calm tone as he got in it, sitting by your right side. 
“Very much.” you assured, running your hand through the water, moving the bubbles slightly, you really had no intention other than to distract yourself from how nervous you were, still, Rúben tried to see through the bubbles. 
He couldn't handle himself anymore, he had denied himself of you for so long that he wanted you now. Told himself he was crazy. But now that he has you in front of him - he will do anything to have you. 
And an idea popped up in his mind. He knew this would be pathetic, lame even, but it would work. 
As you both did nothing but enjoy the hot tub and tried to ignore each other's bodies, Rúben discreetly slid his hand to the side control panel of the hot tub. Although he would never admit it, he spends so much time in the hot tub that he learned the controls by heart. So he knew exactly which buttons to push to disable two of the hot tub jets, the ones on your side, for that matter. 
Your state of relaxation was interrupted as soon as you stopped feeling the hot water flowing on your side of the jacuzzi, the vibrations had stopped and you no longer felt the soft massages on your skin. 
You raised your head and opened your eyes, noticing that indeed, the water stopped on your side. “What the..”
“What's wrong?” Rúben asked, his eyes closed as he did his best to hide a little smirk. 
“The water just..stopped?” you replied in confusion, not understanding why he was so calm. 
“Oh, that's bad. My side is just fine.” he replied simply, opening his eyes. 
You rolled your eyes at his disinterested tone. You couldn't believe that you had actually gone out of your way to plan all this and he couldn't even stop getting on your nerves for a second. 
Utterly done with his bullshit, you slowly moved to the little steps that led out of the hot tub, the last thing you wanted was to slip and embarrass yourself. 
However, before you could even reach them, you felt long fingers wrapping around your wrist, his skin was soft and warm due to the hot bubbly water. You turned to look at him, doing your best to keep your eyes focused on his. 
“Come closer.” his voice was calm, his fingers softly tugged your wrist; as if wanting to pull you closer but not quite to make you uncomfortable. 
You complied to his request and walked slowly to where he sat, the bubbles doing all the work and covering your body from his. You kept getting closer, Rúben slowly opened his legs, so you could stand between them. 
The feeling of the skin of his thighs against yours was your cue to stop, knowing that if you took one step closer, you'd feel him against you. 
His eyes bore on yours. The hazel color of his eyes was darkened by the lust running through his body, his pupils were dilated, his lips plump and red. He was one hell of a handsome man. 
Your faces were inches away from each other, but neither of you would yield to the temptation. 
You bit your lip slightly as soon as you felt Rúben’s large hands resting on your hips, the grip was firm, showing he wasn't hesitating. 
Testing the waters, you took a step closer and he let you, the grip on your hips becoming firmer and more secure, you could even say you felt him pulling you into his body slightly. 
Keeping eye contact, Rúben’s hand began to slide lightly, brushing your hip with his fingertips. His hand moved down to your thigh, where he caressed your thigh with his fingertips, drawing imaginary circles, which moved closer and closer to the center of your legs. 
Knowing exactly what he was doing, you felt fire in the pit of your stomach. You wanted him. And you wanted him now. But you also didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Maybe after all you were as stubborn as he claimed you were. 
You motioned to move your leg, and immediately, Rúben took a hold of your thigh, stopping you. A smirk appeared on your lips. Without saying anything, you yielded to his touch and moved even closer, putting your leg over his thigh and quickly bringing the other leg up as well, straddling him. 
The direct contact of your skin with Rúben’s, your core brushing against his dick..made him let out an agitated sigh right in your ear. 
And you would have teased him about it, but the truth is that the contact of his hard dick against your body almost made you moan. He was right under you, all it took was for you to raise slightly and for him to align himself. 
Ignoring how much you wanted to grind on him, you put your arms around his shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck in the process, moving even closer, your chest pressed against his and your chin resting on his shoulder, wanting to enjoy the warm water a while longer before the inevitable happened. 
Rúben’s arms wrapped around your body, your breasts pressed against his chest, your pussy brushing just the right places on his dick. If this is the game you wanted to play, then Rúben would be just as good at it. 
He lifted his hips slightly and at that you couldn't help but let out a gasp, which you prayed he hadn't heard, but he did and it only fed his ego. 
As his fingertips caressed your spine, Rúben moved your hair from your shoulders to get better access and brought his lips to your neck. He started with innocent kisses, little brushes of his lips against your skin, while his fingertips caressed your skin. 
However, he was determined to break you. He brought his lips to the small spot below your ear, where he sucked, receiving an audible moan from you. One of his hands had slid down your back until it ended at your left asscheek, which he squeezed and used to push your body against his, causing you to grind on him. 
“Fuck..” you mumbled, throwing your head back out of mere instinct. 
He had so many dirty comments to make, but he decided to concentrate on you. Since you had thrown your head back, he had more access to your neck. He brought his lips to your skin again, starting to leave little bites and kisses all over, while one of his hands traveled to your breasts, his fingers taking one of your nipples and giving it a twist. 
At this you squirmed slightly on top of him, your hips moving against his, rubbing his dick in such a perfect way that it made him growl against your skin. 
“You like that, meu amor?” he murmured against your skin, voice husky “Want me to do it again?” 
“Yes.” you mumbled breathlessly. 
His fingers moved deftly between your legs, as you grasped his jaw and moved his head to the side, so that you could have access to his neck and an efficient way to quiet the sounds he would elicit from you. 
His index finger slipped between your folds, while his thumb searched for your clit until he found it, and began to give circular notions. You accidentally left a little bite on his neck, which was welcomed by Rúben , as he started to speed up his thumb and slid his middle finger inside you. 
“Rúbenn..” you murmured, your walls automatically tightening around his finger. 
“Does this feel good, princesa?” he murmured in your ear as his thumb accelerated his movements, he slid his ring finger in as well, your walls clenching at his voice "Oh it does, you're already clenching around my fingers." 
Now he had two fingers inside you, which he began to move in a come hither motion, hitting your sweet spot instantly, the one he had found in a matter of seconds. 
“Oh, fuuuck, Rúb-” 
He could feel you, how your walls clenched around his fingers so tightly it was hard for him to move them, your kisses on his neck had become sloppy and wet and your eyes were closed. Just when you felt you would reach the tip of ecstasy, Rúben pulled his fingers out of you. 
You were about to yell at him, but he spoke first, taking your jaw with one of his hands, fixing his eyes on yours. 
“I want to make you cum on my dick, yeah?” 
And you swore you could've come right there. Just by his words. 
“Yeah?” he questioned again, making you realize it had been more of a way to get your permission. 
“Yeah.” you nodded your head eagerly and that was all he needed. 
Rúben wrapped his arms around you and stood up, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his torso, biting your lip in anticipation for what was about to come. 
Rúben knew the boat like the back of his hand, so in a matter of no time, both of you were in his room. Rúben placed you down on his bed, not caring in the least that you were wetting it. 
He was soon close to you again, his lips on your skin. Your breathing started to become erratic, unable to control yourself in the face of the new sensations. His kisses traveled all over your neck, part of your shoulders and even on your jaw. 
Without a word, Rúben grabbed you with moderate force by the jaw and caught your lips with his immediately. You lost yourself in the kiss completely, the sensation of his lips against yours stoking the fire within you even more. 
Unable to stay still and wanting to discover your whole body, Rúben began to leave kisses and little bites on your neck. You tried to grab his face to bring him back to your lips, but as soon as you tried, he pulled away from you, took your wrists and put them against the bed, his face was above yours, the room was barely being illuminated by the light that was filtering through the blinds, so you couldn't see much, only the shadow of his features. 
“You want me?” he asked over your lips, his voice hoarser than usual and his breathing was rapid. 
“I want you. So bad.” 
You saw the shadow of a victorious smile on his lips and felt them against yours again, he put both hands holding your wrists above your head, and held both of your wrists with one hand, freeing his other one. 
His kisses began to descend again, with a slowness that clearly had the sole purpose of driving you crazy. You lifted your hips off the bed so you could feel some more of him, while Rúben took advantage of this and positioned himself between your legs with ease. 
He stopped kissing you momentarily, you could feel his breath on your skin and without warning, he returned his hand in between your thighs and now pushed three fingers inside you, while his thumb returned to your clit, you inevitably ended up letting out a moan, as his fingers had hit the right spot again. Having located the spot already, he began to move his fingers faster and deeper, curving them from time to time, accelerating the speed of his thumb as well. 
His lips went lower and lower, until his head was between your thighs and your hand was lost in his hair. His lips concentrated on your clit, sucking and circling it with his tongue, making you let out an erotic moan that you were ashamed of, because of how loud it had been. 
His hand kept up that incredible rhythm, but what made you almost climax was the feeling after he sucked on your clit and bit down lightly. 
“Rú- Rúben..I'm gonna-” 
That was all he needed to know to remove his hand, he would keep up with his word. As soon as he moved his hand away from your pussy, you immediately felt the emptiness, but you were too busy getting back to normal to complain. 
Rúben brought his fingers covered with your wetness to his lips and licked them clean, the sight of that, combined with the ‘mmm’ that he let out, was mouth watering. 
Rúben pulled you closer to him, so that your legs were over his thighs, he placed his hands on the sides of your head. His dick rubbed against your entrance, which brought gasps to both of your lips. 
He leaned over you and you could hear his breathing fast and heavy in your ear, it was almost like he was waiting for something.
“What's wrong?” you asked. “Are you doubt- ” 
You didn't get to finish saying the sentence, because he entered you with a quick movement of his hips, making you moan immediately, it took a few seconds to get used to the sensation of having him inside you. It always did. No matter how many times you've slept together, he is just so big. 
He stayed still for a few seconds, letting out hoarse mumbles of how good you felt, directly into your ear. Once you felt comfortable, you tightened your walls around him, which made him let out a grunt and start moving his hips against yours. 
You brought your hands to his neck and pulled his face to yours, bringing your lips together in a desperate kiss, as his hips moved incessantly, one of your hands tangled in his hair and as if on reflex, he put a hand around your neck, squeezing the sides lightly, something that made you moan into his lips. 
“How could you do this to me? All that teasing..I’m not made from steel..” he whispered in your ear. 
“Rúben, oh my God..” 
“I love you so much.” 
His words and the movement of his hips made your eyes roll “Don't stop, babe..please.” 
He pulled his face away from yours and placed his weight on the arm he had placed at the side of your head, speeding up his movements. You wrapped your legs around his waist to deepen things. 
You noticed that he started to slow down, but his movements still had depth. You knew he was doing it so he wouldn't tire quickly, but maybe you could help.  You used a considerable amount of strength to be able to turn you both around, ending up on top of him, while he looked at you with his lower lip between his teeth. 
Just to tease him further, you slipped his dick out of you and moved away, your body hovering over his thighs. He sat down on the bed, waiting for you to do something, but you only smirked at him. 
Rúben sat there while stroking himself and being done with your attitude, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back to him, starting to fill your breasts with wet kisses and hickeys, biting your nipples from time to time, while you put your legs around him, slowly positioning yourself on top of him, again. 
You knew you wouldn’t last too long, anyway. 
“Stop teasing me, princesa.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
He used the grip he had on your hips and pulled you down, entering you again, a hoarse moan came from his lips. You pushed him down by the chest so he’d lay down and began to move on top of him, in circles and up and down while his hands were on your hips and yours on his chest. 
You knew those moves were only satisfying you, as you moved as you needed to, and Rúben was quick to notice that. The grip he had on your hips began to tighten, a sign that he was getting desperate. Until he finally sat down in a rush, and began to move you at the pace he wanted, as the hand he kept on your hip guaranteed him control. 
“You're so stubborn, you know that?” he emphasized every word with a hip thrust. 
“Fuck, fu- fuck, Rú- Rúb-..” you weren't even able to say his name, or speak at all. 
You placed one hand on his shoulder and another on his neck, starting to move faster. He left sloppy kisses on your chest and you scratched his back, sometimes even left bites on his shoulder to stifle moans, especially when he murmured things in your ear, along the lines of ‘you're mine’, ‘this pussy feels so good’, ect. 
It didn't take long before you two began to lose rhythm, his movements were erratic and your speed had slowed. Until he finally came inside you, seeing the way his eyes closed tightly, as heavy breaths came from between his pink lips along with the “Fuck, Y/N, you feel like heaven..” he mumbled, was what made you climax too. 
While you both came down from your highs, there was nothing but silence, Rúben was still inside you and remained like that, after he turned you over, collapsed on top of you and you wrapped your arms around his body, both of you falling asleep without another word. 
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pensat-i-fet · 11 months
Not important enough (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Another request I got a couple of weeks ago that really intrigued me when I first read it and I finally got what I thought was the right idea for it. I hope you enjoy a bit of angst and fluff on this lovely Sunday afternoon ❤️**
Word count: 2753
Your eyes hurt from staring at the laptop’s screen for too long so you took your glasses off to massage the inner corner of your eyes, trying to relieve some of the pressure building near the bridge of your nose.
“Take a break”, said Rúben but you shook your head while keeping your eyes closed. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. You won’t be able to work properly while your eyes are teary from how tired they are”.
“Are you the doctor now?”
“Yes, it’s Dr Dias’ advice to take a break”.
You chuckled seeing his serious face. He was definitely not a doctor but he was right. So you got up and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea that could help you wake up a little.
“I could make it for you”, offered your boyfriend.
“I appreciate it but you never get the milk ratio right. And you always forget the honey”.
His pouty face made you laugh again and you got up on your tiptoes to peck his lips.
“I still love you despite your inability to make good tea”.
“It’s just you being too complicated”.
“I prefer high maintenance. Sounds more expensive”.
Even though Rúben couldn’t make tea, he was very good at getting your favourite biscuits so you could have them with your cuppa.
“Thank you. I can’t even remember when I last ate”.
“You’re working too hard”.
“Well, this project won’t finish itself, sadly. But it’s almost done. And then we enjoy showing it off to the world”.
Rúben moved closer to wrap his arms around your waist. “Everyone will see how smart you are and I’ll have to fight them all off. As if being pretty wasn’t enough for you. No, you had to be a genius too”.
Laughing at his joke, you turned to face him. “Well, when they see you by my side, they’ll know to keep their distance”.
“See me?”
“Yeah, you’re coming to the presentation, right?”
“Why would I? I’m not a doctor”.
“I’m not a football player and I go to your matches”, you said, removing his arms from around your body.
“It’s not the same, you understand football and can enjoy it. What am I supposed to do at that presentation? I won’t get anything you all say. I’m a dummy”, he tried to joke but you weren’t in the mood for jokes.
“It’s not about understanding it, Rúben. It’s about supporting me like I support you”.
Grabbing your cup, you went back to your desk. You were fuming but didn’t want to argue more. You were exhausted from all the hard work your boyfriend didn’t even care about.
“Of course I support you. I spent the last week worried about you working too much, trying to get you to take breaks, worried about your health…”.
“Sorry to be such an inconvenience to you”.
“That’s not what I meant. I like being worried”, he groaned, realising he just kept saying the wrong thing. “I don’t like being worried but I like looking after you. I don’t mind. I just…”.
“You look after me for weeks but can’t spend two hours sitting on some comfortable chairs listening to me talk about something I’ve worked on for months”.
“I told you, I won’t understand a thing so it’d be boring for me…”.
“Boring? You think I enjoy seeing 6-0 wins against Nottingham Forest?”
“You’re missing my point”.
“I’m not missing any points, Rúben. I see this very clearly. I'm not important enough for you to make a small effort”.
He flinched at your tone. You didn’t raise your voice but he could hear the hurt you felt in every word.
"It's like you only care about my career because it makes you look good".
“What? What does that even mean?”
"Every video you do, every interview is the same. Look at me. I'm so smart and I date someone smart. I'm not going out with bimbos like all the others".
“That’s not what I’m doing”.
“You might not notice but it is. It seems to me that you talk more about my career with others than you do with me”.
"Is that how you feel?"
"Yes, sometimes it is. Right now, for example".
“I never meant to make you feel like that”, he says, his voice so low you could barely hear him.
“Yeah, well…but thank you for giving me an excuse to not go to your matches. I also find them very boring. But I’ll make sure to tell everyone I’m dating a footballer just to show off”.
Rúben was hurt by your words but cared more about how he had been hurting you by doing something he wasn’t even aware of, so he just left you to keep working. When you were angry, you needed time to cool down. So he would give you time.
But by the time he was getting ready for bed, you were still working and he didn’t know what to do. Normally, he would try to get you to stop working so you could rest. But now he feared another argument happening so he didn’t say anything.
The following morning, Rúben woke up and found your side of the bed was empty and it looked like you hadn’t slept there. That really worried him. He knew you were capable of staying up all night working. You told him about all the times you did that in uni during exams.
But you weren’t working. You were asleep… on the sofa. He shook his head, noticing your bad posture. Now you’d be angry at him and in pain. Great.
“Wake up”, he said gently, caressing your face.
“If you want to sleep, you need to go to bed. Your back will kill you later for sleeping here”.
You finally turned to face him and he noticed the way you looked at him. No longer angry, but still hurt.
“What do I need to do so you forgive me? Name it and I will”.
“Too late to pretend you care, Rúben”, you said, getting up and going to your bed.
He followed you, but when he saw you cover your head with the blankets, he let you rest. There will be time to talk later.
Bernardo worried seeing how weird his friend was behaving since he got to the training centre. He didn’t push him around once, so there was something wrong for sure.
“What’s going on?”, he asked, sitting next to Rúben, who had been staring at his phone for a while.
“You’re acting weird. Everything alright?”
“Sure, other than the fact that my girlfriend doesn’t even want to speak to me because I’m an idiot”.
“What did you do?”
“She’s been working on this huge project for months and has to do a presentation next week”, he said, and Bernardo kept nodding to show he was listening. “And she thought I would go to the presentation but I didn’t expect her to invite me. I mean, that’s for doctors and such. I’m not smart enough to be there. So she got angry at me for not supporting her”.
“She’s got a point”.
Rúben sighed. “I know she does. But that’s not the worst thing. She thinks I only care about her career because it makes me look good to date a doctor. But that’s not true”.
“So”, said Bernardo, looking at Rúben’s phone. “Your solution to that is buying flowers? Really?”
Rúben locked his phone, annoyed at his inability to fix this. “It’s a start. She likes flowers”.
“I think what you two need to do is talk”.
Rúben knew his friend was right but still bought a bouquet of flowers on his way home. It couldn’t hurt, right?
No response. Maybe you were out. That’d actually be good because you need the fresh air.
“Hi”, you said, taking your laptop from the kitchen to go back to your desk.
“You don’t need to hide from me”.
“I need silence to work. And are those for me?”
“Yes, I just thought it could cheer you up to see some fresh flowers. I got your favourites”.
“Thanks”, you said, but barely looked at the bouquet and went back to your desk.
Rúben knew he should allow you all the time you needed to stop being angry but he had to leave in two hours.
“Please, let’s just talk and fix this. I have to leave and I don’t want to be away from you knowing you’re mad at me”.
“We can talk when you come back from the match”.
At least you wanted to talk. “Ok. I’ll leave the tickets under your name like always…”.
“Don’t bother. I’m not going”.
“What do you mean you’re not going?”
“Too boring. And I have work to do”.
“But you’re always at my matches supporting me”.
“Yes, I know. I wish the support went both ways instead of being so one-sided”.
With that, you closed the door and Rúben knew there was nothing he could do. So he picked up his things and left. He could drive around the city for a couple of hours and try to relax. But the guilt didn’t allow him to do it.
You hated arguments. Always had. But arguments with Rúben hurt even more. Still…you were right to be angry. You were only asking for two hours of his time when you had spent God knows how many at matches. Even travelling to other countries to support him.
But then you went to the kitchen and saw the flowers and felt terrible for being so harsh. You could feel the tears in your eyes while you got the vase and placed the flowers there. He was trying but just didn’t understand why he had hurt you so much.
Somehow, you managed to sleep for a couple of hours. And when you woke up, you headed to the shower to get ready for the day. There was a lot of work that needed to be done. And then there was Rúben.
Rúben also only slept for a couple of hours, which wasn’t ideal before a match. But he couldn’t stop thinking about your argument. And knowing you weren’t going to be there supporting him really showed him how painful it must have been for you to hear he wouldn’t attend your presentation.
The match was thankfully pretty uneventful. Otherwise, he would have been in trouble because he hadn’t been able to concentrate properly at all. His teammates must have noticed how silent he was but didn’t say anything. They knew he didn’t take it well when his performance was subpar so they just assumed that was what was bugging him.
“Hi. Can you drive me home?”, he turned when he heard your voice and found you standing awkwardly. “I called an Uber to come to the stadium so…can I go back home with you?”
He nodded, not believing you were there. “I thought you weren’t coming to the match”.
“I’m always here to support you, Rúben. No matter how badly you mess up”.
He finally had a reason to smile and the smile only got bigger when you hugged him. “I don’t deserve you”.
“Don’t say that. And I’m sorry I was so mean to you but you really hurt me”.
“I know”, he said, moving back to look at you. “I get it. And I’m sorry. I’d love to go to that presentation even if I don’t understand anything. I want to support you, always”.
“You don’t have to…”.
“But I do. And…yes, you were right about me showing off how smart you are. But it’s not to pretend to be better than others. It’s just because I can’t believe someone as smart as you would want to be with an idiot like me who only knows how to kick a ball”.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You also know how to head a ball”, you joked, making him laugh. “You aren’t stupid, Rúben. I would never date someone stupid. I've got high standards”.
“I feel very stupid now”.
“Wait until you go to the presentation, then”.
                          ��          **
After months of hard work, it was time to show it to the world and you were absolutely terrified.
"Why are you staring at yourself like that?", asked Rúben when he got inside the room and saw you standing in front of the mirror, only wearing a towel after your shower.
"I forgot everything I've ever learnt".
"No, you haven't. Did you take something for your anxiety?"
When you shook your head, he went back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and then took one of your tablets from the nightstand. You thanked him and took the tablet, letting out a big sigh afterwards.
"Need anything else?"
"No, I just have to get dressed and do my hair and makeup. Nothing too fancy. I won't take long".
You grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. And just twenty minutes later, you came out and Rúben couldn't stop staring at you.
"You look so sexy".
"I'm not supposed to look sexy, Rúben. I'm supposed to look professional".
You went back to the mirror to see your outfit again. Was the skirt too short? Should you do the top button of the blouse too?
"You look professional. But also sexy because you just can't help it".
That made you chuckle. "Heels or flats?"
"Heels and that skirt…".
"Rúben, you're drooling".
"And that's just from imagining it. When I see you actually wearing them, I'll need CPR. Thank God I live with a doctor".
You rolled your eyes and found the earrings you wanted to wear before putting on your heels.
"See? You didn't faint".
"No, but is this normal?", he asked, grabbing your hand and putting it on his chest so you could notice how fast his heart was beating, which only made you roll your eyes again.
"Let's go or we'll be late".
Only five minutes into the presentation, Rúben realized how wrong he had been. Boring? This topic was fascinating!
He actually enjoyed listening to the physios whenever they chatted with each other about the player's injuries. Even if he didn't understand many words they said. But he made himself feel better thinking he probably knew them in Portuguese but not in English.
By the time you were done with the presentation, he was even more impressed by how smart you were. And you always played it down saying you just knew the same as every doctor but Rúben could hear other people whispering about how brilliant your presentation was so he knew that brain of yours was very special.
Everyone stood to applaud you and your colleagues but no one did as enthusiastically as Rúben. Actually, one of the men on his right looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"She's my girlfriend", he said, pointing at the stage.
The only boring part was having to wait for you by the car. So many people wanted to talk to you and congratulate you…but Rúben just wanted to get his girlfriend back.
"Finally!", you said, approaching the car and taking your shoes off.
"You were so brilliant!", said Rúben, lifting you in his arms and spinning you around. "Everyone talked about how good your research was. You should have heard them. And you looked so good too. My extremely smart and sexy doctor".
You were still laughing when he finally put you back down. "I take it wasn't boring then".
"Boring? I have so many questions. Let's get in the car and you can start answering them. That last bit about the muscle tissue blew my mind".
"I'm a bit tired of talking. Could we leave the questions for tomorrow?"
Rúben realized how exhausted you looked and nodded. "Sure, whenever you can and want".
You got into the car and closed your eyes, trying to calm down after such an intense event.
"But just one thing. That first procedure you explained, could it be applied to athletes too? I think our doctors would love to hear your presentation".
Opening your eyes, you turned your head to look at your boyfriend. And you couldn't help but smile at him and his excitement. "Do you want me to do the presentation again but for them?", you laughed.
"Only if I get to be there. I'll bring a notebook to take notes and everything".
"Don't worry. I heard you're sleeping with the professor, I'm sure she'll let you borrow her notes".
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i found you | rúben dias
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💘 synopsis: it's rúben's and isabella's first valentine's day together. warnings: fluff and gratuitous valentine-cute-themed smut becasue why not. (can be read as x reader cause i forgot to mention the oc name in the story) (this is a sequel to between the lines, but can be read as a standalone; since there's no actual smut in the original story, i figured i should give my oc a nice epilogue) (W.C. 1.5K)
Once upon a time, I was convinced that romantic love was nothing more than an annoying distraction. It was like a stubborn pebble in my shoe, constantly irritating me and diverting my focus from what truly mattered.
With great ambitions driving me forward, I embraced the life of a workaholic sports journalist. I'd dreamed of this career for as long as I could remember, and I was determined to make it to the top. Nothing and no one could derail the carefully plotted course I had set for myself. Or so I thought.
But then, love snuck up on me when I least expected it, turning my world upside down. I found myself falling for someone who challenged my carefully constructed plans and made me question everything I thought I knew about myself. And as much as I tried to resist, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull drawing me closer to him.
As Valentine's Day approached, I reflected on how much had changed since that time when I thought love was nothing but a nuisance. Now, it is the very thing that brings color to my life. 
And as I prepared for a romantic dinner with the person who had stolen my heart, I felt nothing but gratefulness for the delightful chaos he had brought into my life.
We stepped into a cozy restaurant, the aroma of delicious food enveloped us, and I felt a flutter of excitement in my stomach. Valentine's Day dinner with Rúben – it is still surreal, like something out of a cheesy rom-com.
We plopped down at our table, and Rúben dove into the menu like it was a puzzle. Couldn't help but poke fun at him.
"Can't make up your mind, huh? Let me guess, torn between the steak and the seafood pasta." I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.
He glanced up, "Actually, I was thinking of going all in and ordering the entire dessert menu. You know, for research." He joked, his laughter contagious.
After dinner and a couple drinks, we decided to head back to Rúben's place. As we walked out of the restaurant, the crisp evening air hit us. We strolled side by side, our steps matching in rhythm, exchanging playful banter along the way. 
Eventually, we reached Rúben's apartment building, and he held the door open for me with a charming smile. I followed him inside. As we stepped into the elevator, the atmosphere shifted, a sense of excitement mingled with nerves. Our eyes met, and in that silent exchange, we both knew what was coming next.
The elevator ride felt like it lasted an eternity, the anticipation building with each passing floor. And when we finally reached Rúben's floor, the door to his apartment swung open, and we stepped inside. 
We stood there for a moment, taking in the scene before us, the air thick with anticipation. And as Rúben turned to face me, his eyes sparkling with desire, I knew that this was where I was meant to be.
"I'm so happy." He whispered, his voice barely above a breath.
"Yeah?" I replied, a smile spreading across my face. "Well, there are plenty of ways you can show me just how happy."
"I'll do my best." He answered, his eyes twinkling with excitement as he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on my forehead.
His touch sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire of desire within me. I nodded, unable to find the words to express the storm of emotions raging inside me. 
The atmosphere was charged with electricity, every glance and touch sending jolts of excitement through my veins. Rúben's eyes sparkled with desire as he guided me further into the room, his hand warm against mine. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire between us. We lost ourselves in each other's embrace. This was where I belonged – in Rúben's arms, surrounded by love and desire.
We surrendered to the intensity of our connection. Rúben's hands moved with purpose, exploring every inch of my body as if committing it to memory, each touch igniting a new wave of desire within me.
With practiced ease, he lifted me off my feet, his strong arms holding me close as he carried me towards the bedroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lost in the sensation of being so close to him, my heart racing with anticipation.
As he gently lowered me onto the bed, our eyes locked in a silent promise of passion and devotion.
His kisses became more intense, I could hear the rhythm of his breathing growing more rapid. His fingers curled around my hips, pulling me closer, pushing me further onto him. I whimpered as pleasure surged through me.
His hands continued their journey southward, tracing the curves of my body with skillful precision. The look in his eyes told me he was feeling the same wild need I was.
I arched my back, grinding my hips against him, letting him feel my desire. And the sensations only intensified as he teased my clit with his tongue, coaxing it into bloom. With every touch, with my body under his mercy, the room around me began to spin.
He parted my legs with his knee and buried his face between them, moaning as he kissed my inner thighs. In that moment I realized I could reach orgasm with just his lips caressing my most intimate flesh. I lost control. I cried out as ecstasy overwhelmed me.
Without warning, his mouth descended on mine again, seeking out the sweetness of my lips, inserting one finger inside of me. Then another one. I cried out in delight, pushing myself deeper onto his digits. His fingers worked relentlessly at their task. I let go of my inhibitions and gave myself over to his expert ministrations, gasping as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me.
Finally, after several moments of total bliss, I collapsed under him, breathless and spent.
He pulled away and smiled, cupping my cheek tenderly, gazing deeply into my eyes. 
My eyes were heavy as I stared into his; dark pools that bore an intensity I'd never seen before. There was a strange expression on his face, a combination of curiosity and wonder. It didn't take me long to realize that he was looking at me with complete adoration.
Cuddling with him, I could feel just how hard he was, laying on top of me. I smiled, still feeling a bit shaky after such a harsh orgasm, and placed my hand on his member. He looked at me with wonder.
"Are you sure you're ready to go on?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Mmm, not really." I admitted, rubbing the bulge tentatively.
"Maybe I should give you a rest first." He leaned forward and licked my earlobe playfully.
"Oh, but I've been dreaming about this all day." I breathed into his ear.
He whispered back, "Well, who am I to deny you your dreams?"
His words sent a shiver down my spine, turning my knees weak. I reached up to pull him closer, craving the feel of his skin against mine. Then, before I knew what was happening, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.
It was like he possessed me. With just one swift motion, he pushed me backwards, then pressed himself firmly against me. He let out a low moan as he lifted my leg higher, curling me around his waist, penetrating me with one forceful thrust. The sensation was incredible. He reached behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight.
As he slowly moved in and out of me, I heard the same soft sound of pleasure escape from both of us. I found myself getting lost in his deep brown eyes, forgetting where I was and everything else around me. My head fell back against his shoulder as he moved ever so slightly faster. It wasn't long before I came again.
But instead of slowing down or stopping, he picked up speed even more.
My heart raced as I surrendered to the whirlwind of sensations coursing through me. With each powerful thrust, I felt myself edging closer to the brink of losing my mind, my body trembling with ecstasy.
He whispered my name like a prayer, his breath hot against my ear as he drove me to the edge and beyond. I clung to him desperately, my nails digging into his skin as I rode the waves of pleasure crashing over me.
And then, in a crescendo of bliss, we reached the pinnacle together, our cries of release mingling in the air. 
We lay entwined in each other's arms, spent and breathless. In that moment, there was no past, no future, only the intense connection between us, binding us together. With him by my side, I was ready to face whatever challenges life threw our way, knowing that our love would always be our guiding light.
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neverinadream · 1 year
W E ' V E B E E N K E E P I N G A S E C R E T
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Summary: Your first anniversary as a married couple isn't the only thing you'll be celebrating this year.
Pairing: Rúben Dias x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: fluff, bestie!kyle, talks of pregnancy, not proofread
Notes: i feel like it has been so long since i posted something for this man!! did you like it? feedback is greatly appreciated!
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liked by rubendias, sasha__rebecca and others
youraccount: my grandma once told me to fall in love with the boy who holds your hand when you're nervous, who walks you to your door at the end of the night, but, more importantly, fall in love with the boy who pictures a future with you in it. so that's what i did. and one year ago today, i married him. i'll never get tired of telling you how much i love you because i'm one hundred per cent sure that my love for you will never run out.
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📍youraccount: 📸: @/sasha__rebecca
rubendias: i love you so much ❤
youraccount: not as much as i love you ❤️
sasha__rebecca: have i ever told you that you're my favourite couple?
youraccount: maybe...but you can say it again if you like
sasha__rebecca: 📣 you're my favourite couple!!
youraccount: 🤍
kylewalker2: oooh i love you so much rúben 🤮
youraccount: i see we're still upset 🤭
kylewalker2: me? upset? never!
youraccount: okay pinocchio 🤥
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liked by johnstonesofficial, youraccount and others
rubendias: why do i love you? i love you because you can bring me out of my sadness and make me the happiest man alive with only just a smile. i love you because you make me want to be a better man. i love you because of how you make me feel even when you're not around.
and i love the little things, too, like how your hand fits perfectly in mine, how nice and sweet your voice sounds, even when you're butchering the portugese language, how soft your lips are... when i'm able to make you laugh, i feel accomplished because i know that i am the reason you smiled.
you are my best friend, you are my partner in crime, but, more importantly, you are my soul mate. here's to celebrating more anniversaries with the one i love ❤️
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youraccount: great, now i'm crying again
rubendias: and i'll be there to dry every tear, meu amor
kevindebruyne: happy anniversary! 😊
jackgrealish: who knew rúben was such a sappy fucker
sasha__rebecca: it's not sappy, it's romantic
rubendias: you should try it sometime jack 🤭
jackgrealish: i can be romantic!
kylewalker2: OBJECTION!
johnstonesofficial: mate you're a year too late
kylewalker2: i will get my best friend back
youraccount: i literally saw you yesterday 🙄
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liked by yourclientsaccount, yourmumsaccount and others
youraccount: today i was privileged enough to be involved in one of the coolest maternity shoots to date!!
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📍youraccount: the rest of the shoot can be found on my professional account @/yourphotographyaccount
yourmumsaccount: when are you going to be in a maternity shoot?
youraccount: mum...
yourmumsaccount: i want grandkids
youraccount: you've got grandkids
yourmumsaccount: and with all the sex you and @/rubendias had over the summer, i'm surprised i don't have any off you two
youraccount: MUM!
yourmumsaccount: what? you know the walls are very thin
rubendias: good afternoon mrs y/l/n
yourmumsaccount: are you firing blanks?
rubendias: blanks?
youraccount: mum get out of here before i block you
yourmumsaccount: you would block your own mother? hmm. how nice
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liked by mancity, youraccount and others
rubendias: exciting times are coming
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mancity: 👀👀👀
youraccount: 🫣🤭
kylewalker2: got something to tell your best friend?
sasha__rebecca: yes do you have something to tell me?
kylewalker2: i think you'll find i'm her best friend
sasha__rebecca: sure kyle
johnstonesofficial: what's this about then?
rubendias: 🤐
kevindebruyne: it's rude to keep secrets
jackgrealish: come on spill the beans
youraccount added to their story
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seen by kylewalker2, kevindebruyne and others
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liked by yourbrothersaccount, jackgrealish and others
rubendias: this one has been keeping us thoroughly entertained all weekend
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youraccount: babies are hard work 😴
rubendias: you were a natural with her
youraccount: yeah...when she would actually pay attention to me
rubendias: i can't help it if everyone loves me 😅
yourbrothersaccount: just think about how tired you'll be juggling two
rubendias: please reread that comment before your sister has your head off 😅
yourbrothersaccount: oh shit 😳
jackgrealish: and you thought i'd be the one to spill your secret
youraccount: ⭐️
jackgrealish: what's that for?
rubendias: it's a gold star for doing so well
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liked by rubendias, kylewalker2 and others
youraccount: since the cat's now out of the bag.....can't wait to meet my little boys 👶🏻👶🏻
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rubendias: my gorgeous mamma 😍
youraccount: i'll finally get to sleep with a dilf 🥵
sasha__rebecca: so happy i could scream 😁
yourinstagram: wanna plan the baby shower?
kylewalker2: uh i think the fuck not! that's my job!
sasha__rebecca: i think you'll find out as her best friend that's my job
youraccount: you can both plan it together
kylewalker2: also...this is how i find out?
yourinstagram: oh, right, it's not like i didn't tell you first 🙄
kylewalker2: i know 🤭 i just wanted everyone to know that i knew first
erling.haaland: 👶🏻
rubendias: more like 👶🏻👶🏻
@shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @1-800-benji-chilwell @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @greykitkepa @thoseboysinblue @breakablehcaven
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