#Puppet Connor
iwonderwh0 · 7 months
The end of the game where Markus is giving his speech and Connor is trying to escape the garden to resist the CL, but instead of winning or failing ends up shooting himself as a last resort.
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thebeeshaveknees · 1 year
Markus, in an attempt to expand on Connor's right-brain thinking, tries teaching Connor to paint. He gives the instructions 'paint something that doesn't exist', because that was the most influencial piece - to Markus - on what Carl taught him.
Connor paints the Zen Garden, flowers and leaves that stretch forever, crowding around cleanly cut hunks of sheer clean white. Markus thinks this is amazing, of course takes it as a 'natural cohabiting with artificial' sort of way. He tells Connor, so Connor paints for him every piece of the garden. Where Amanda trimmed her roses, where she meditated, where she waited with a boat for Connor to row. None had Amanda though, she was alive once, she exists somewhere - her corpse.
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senorpugbean · 6 months
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Imagine having a complex lore and backstory only to get shafted by a man with receding hairline
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12 days of Kara is over ‼️‼️
I thought I should celebrate with the different versions of Kara :) we got the current Kara, AX400 Kara, Tech demo Kara, Puppet Zlatko Kara and Egg Kara :3
I also tried to do all her hair colours
I doom scrolled for 20 minutes trying to find that one reference of egg Kara and failed 💀
Thanks again for the birthday wishes and support for the last 12 days !! <3 it is still nice to know there is love for Kara on Tumblr
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Would you believe me if I told you this guy is the main villain for my Feltling story.
Say hi to Glyde Connors! A self help philanthropist that is definitely not a cult leader who only wants to help heal you, you just gotta believe!
A kind philanthropist and self help leader with only the best intentions for everyone, Glyde Connors is seen as a modern day saint to even more than his followers. He was a sock Feltling that has since managed to stitch himself a serpentine body using scrap fabrics, and now through his strong speeches and appearances on TV and the Internet has managed to amass a large following, inspiring both Humans and Feltlings alike through Glyde's goal in achieving a world of no pain, where everyone has a purpose, and no one is left behind. His influence has become so great that he has managed to attain his own strong groups to contribute to charities and even set some up of his own.
Many followers even insist Glyde is able to perform miracles, such as healing the sick and showcasing mystic abilities, and Glyde himself claims this as well. The validity of Glyde's miracles are dubious, as many skeptics see them as just trickery from a charlatan that relies on placebo. However, interestingly enough, there have been cases of even strong skeptics becoming swayed by Glyde, fueling his ego and image even more.
However, for all of Glyde's charitable acts and gentle demeanour, there lies a more twisted and manipulative side. Glyde truly, wants the best for everyone, he wants everyone to have a role and a place to fill in, but it's all on HIS terms. He truly believes that the only way to live a fulfilling life is to fill a purpose for a greater whole, and it's all based on what HE decides is best for another person. In his view, if one has difficulty fulfilling that role, or if you don't get anything out of it or it makes you miserable, then you only have yourself to blame, because it was what was best for you after all…
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peachtozier · 10 months
puppeteer Richie... making all his silly voices for his homemade muppety sock puppets. runs little puppet shows for Eddie to make him laugh after sonia upsets him. learns how to stop his mouth from moving but never does it because watching Richie fail makes Eddie laugh harder
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bergoozter · 2 years
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the ultimate bit is prof’s name starting with a C — c dog 4 lyfe
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beastwhimsy · 2 years
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WIP {:
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No one:
Every Connor fic:
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krispyy-lotol · 20 days
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girs-art · 1 year
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My boys!!!
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As much as I love the fact that the professors canonical name is 'concupiscence', I am still calling him 'Connor' and none of y'all can stop me
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rats-and-clovers · 1 year
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some very messy Puppet!Alistair sketches because that wodden boy deserves all the attention >w>
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aster-is-tired · 1 year
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finally finished a Huenor (Connor as Swatch) full body :D
also Rascam but normal bc i realized that I never actually made a normal form for her lmfao
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kingofbr00klyn · 1 year
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I’m so happy rn 😭😭😭
I have no idea where I’m gonna put any of this there’s not a lot of room on my shelf plus I have another figure coming soon which I need space for
Maybe I’ll just buy a bigger shelf 😳
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theboxsys · 2 years
Checking on somone else's blog and immediately nope-ing out like good for you buddy but good god that's not my thing ._.
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akajustmerry · 1 year
JUST FUCKING LOVE a mirrored ending. everyone right back to the start. in the pilot, kendall has the ceo-ship yanked away at the finishline with his own botched acquisition. shiv ends how she started trapped in an emotionally barren marriage where she holds the only small power she has. tom ends as he began, an undeserving nervous wreck of a puppet. Connor, with all the bells and whistles and riches, and no one real to share it with. roman on the outside, alone. except unlike at the beginning, their father is dead and this is no longer his playground. they end where they start with one crucial difference, this time it's real.
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