gifti3 · 6 years
Leah with outfit D1 and accessory C1 (yep, I’d like to see her go nerd/her school years outfit XD)
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i cant stop looking at the shoes 🙏
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daftpatience · 6 years
May I ask for Leah from Stardew Valley, too?
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I love her house & hobbies!
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pudassassin · 7 years
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Oh hey! How’s everyone doing?
(Individual ladies’ GIFs / Gentlemen’s GIFs / Mod download)
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Question to Leyla and Leah, have you both do art together or be the model for each other?
Leyla “Me, doing art ? I barely can color in the lines on those fill-it paints. I could never do big art like Leah.”Leah “Yes, i’m sorry but your last attempt to paint with me was… Not really the Mona Lisa, heheh. But you can keep coming do it with me for the fun. You can even come with your bass to practice. It’s a form of art ! And it would be relaxing for me.”
Leyla “That’s a neat idea. I could come tomorrow, if that doesn’t bother you.”Leah “Not at all ! And for the model part… It’s up to you Leyla. I would like to paint you, you are such an inspiration sometimes.”
Leyla “M-me ? An inspiration ? You’re too nice… Huh… W-why not if you want…But i keep my clothes. No way i could do nudes.”
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hey--its--jess · 6 years
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I did a collab with @pudassassin . They did the lines and I colored it. Sorry it took me so long to finish the coloring! Person 5 called me to finally finish it.
This was a lot of fun! Thanks for collabing with me!
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oozegod · 7 years
May I request some drawing for Leah from Stardew Valley?
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i dont normally do requests because im busy with commissions, but im taking a small break for the day from comms so i scribbled this out real quick ;o; 
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common-mushroom · 7 years
Elliott's Dating/Marriage headcanon you've done was really great. I wonder about Leah's ones tho :)
Aw thanks! :) I’ve got some general Leah headcanons and some marriage-related ones!
-she’s tall. like, at least 5′9″ or 5′10″ 
-when she’s not painting or sculpting, she enjoys cross stitching, embroidery, and knitting, skills her grandmother taught her as a little girl. 
-she generally dislikes traditionally “girly” things, but one time Haley made her put on a sundress and honestly...she didn’t hate it that much.
-she met Elliott in college and they bonded over how pretentious art students were (ironic considering Elliott is....well, whatever), and have been friends ever since.
-she is 100% Irish! hence the beautiful red hair :)
-her wedding dress is handmade, and she and Emily worked together on it.
-for fun, Leah and the farmer love to take their horses to the outskirts of the city and ride around in the fields (Leah would definitely have her own horse by the time she’s married tbh)
-the farmer set up a special little section of the farm for Leah to try her hand at some gardening all by herself. it took a couple months but now Leah’s plants are just as large and healthy as the farmer’s!
-Leah taught the farmer how to properly row a canoe.
-every morning, the farmer makes Leah freshly-squeezed orange juice, and Leah whips up omelets for the two of them.
-Elliott periodically has poetry readings in the city, and the farmer and Leah make a point to come out to see him every time he performs.
-Leah loves to climb the trees on the farm, and only ever fell once (because she saw two of the animals fighting in the distance and scrambled down too fast). the farmer helped bandage up her wrist.
-Leah used to want to be a masseuse, and sometimes practices her skills on the farmer when they’ve had a particularly hard day.
-one of their favorite dates is to set up a couple of easels in the forest and paint using wild fruit juices.
-Leah used to always fall asleep on the rickety chair on the front porch, so the farmer put up a hammock between a couple of trees for her to nap on during the day.
-they collect sea glass every week because they’re saving up to make a huge mosaic piece together.
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stardew-stories · 7 years
I'm really curious about more of her kinky (nsfw) sides, she's so lovely and I want to know, please? :3
For whom? I want to say you’re asking for Leah bc that’s what you’re known for, but you didn’t mention her and I’d like to be sure before I write a while thing out for the wrong girl lol
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teddiesays · 7 years
I felt like poor Leah is really under-appreciated, that's one of reasons I try to do more of her fanart myself the best I could. But still not enough, and feel like I'm lonely for being only few people going for Leah. What can I do?
You’re already doing good by showing your love to this character. She’s a cool character in my opinion. Personally, I am more attracted to Shane mostly because I am damaged myself, however I liked Leah’s story. I think she’s underrated sometimes because people prefer the bachelors over the bachelorettes, from what I’ve seen on Tumblr. 
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star-droplets-blog1 · 7 years
Leah for me. She's wise, independence, and have certain will to escape her old life to pursue her artist dream. Certain events about her winning over my heart, and have show how determine she is to be in this point all by herself, living down to earth on foraging. Overall she's the one that made me start my own art as well :3
Oooo I like this !! I don’t know a lot about leah, but i think her story is v interesting and this is super sweet as well !!
Tell me about your favorite stardew valley character and why you like them so much !!
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moon-boat · 7 years
MAUVE = You are really talented
aaaaa thank you pud you are very sweet!
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themightygoat · 7 years
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a request from @pudassassin
I do commissions too!
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pudassassin · 6 years
Artist Update
As a part of college course, I have to do internship which is in June-July, during which I work daytime in weekday, leaving me free on weekends; in which I’d also want to start on project work as well. In short, art and creative flow might be slow down, or to put on hiatus altogether, it’s up to the situation.
Sorry for wait, my main blog will continue to run on queue reblogging SDV stuff, through.
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hey--its--jess · 7 years
Leah with C4 face? (Don’t mess with her :3 when she’s angry)
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Might as well use these as coloring practice along with warm-ups since I avoid coloring when I can.
From this prompt! –> http://hey–its–jess.tumblr.com/post/167137419439/all-this-goddamn-pastry-send-in-a-character
**My Commissions are open! Send me an ask if you’re interested! You can also just send an ask to just say hi!**
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retquits · 7 years
I'd saw some of your Stardew Valley art and they're all nicely done! I'm curious if you going to accept some request on SDV fanart?
heck yeah definitely! i’m super busy & don’t have time to tackle every request, but sdv is my biggest weakness and i’m always open for doodle suggestions & headcanons!! ;0
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common-mushroom · 7 years
pudassassin replied to your post “Elliott's Dating/Marriage headcanon you've done was really great. I...”
Honestly I have started drawing/doing creative sides since I have married her in-game
Thanks friend! :) yeah, Merida is a great character! And as for Leah, I’m glad she’s helping you along -- I’m always happy to see your artwork on my dash!! It’s great stuff 👍🏻
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