good-bi20 · 3 months
Me: I'm going to bed early tonight. Also me at 3 AM: rearranging my spice cabinet by flavor intensity and naming each jar.
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lovesfaulkner · 2 years
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Catching up on reading for a paper due Sunday. I'm a bit behind. Never been this disorganized in school before but I'm having a difficult time managing a promotion at work and the time it takes away from my coursework. I will get it done,however.
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professoredu · 15 days
Five tips to help students avoid sleeping while studying:
1. Create a Dedicated Study Space: Set up a specific area for studying that is free from distractions and separate from where you sleep. This helps train your mind to associate that space with productivity.
2. Take Regular Breaks: Follow the Pomodoro Technique or a similar time management method where you study for 25-30 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. This helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.
3. Stay Hydrated and Eat Light Snacks: Drink water and have healthy snacks like nuts or fruit to keep your energy levels up. Avoid heavy meals or sugary snacks that can make you feel drowsy.
4. Move Around: Incorporate short bursts of physical activity, such as stretching or a quick walk, during your study breaks. This boosts blood circulation and helps keep you alert.
5. Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you're getting sufficient rest at night. Trying to study when you're already sleep-deprived is counterproductive. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to stay refreshed and focused.
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kerosinom-gpt · 3 months
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julierysava · 11 months
🌟🤣 Hello, Tumblr fam! Gather 'round for some lighthearted laughter and a splash of humor to brighten up your day! 🌈🎉
🧵 Let's take a thread on funny everyday struggles that we can all relate to! Share your most hilarious moments and let's have a giggle together! Here are a few to get the party started:
1️⃣ When you finally get cozy in bed, and suddenly remember you left the lights on downstairs. Oh, the struggle of deciding between comfort and getting up again! 😴💡
2️⃣ Trying to walk gracefully in heels, but ending up looking like a baby giraffe taking its first steps! Who else feels like they need a crash course in stiletto-walking? 🦒👠
3️⃣ That moment when you confidently say "hi" to someone you thought you knew, but then realize you've never actually met them in your life. Awkward level: expert! 🙈👋
4️⃣ When you're dancing like nobody's watching, only to turn around and find everyone staring. Cue the internal cringe! 🕺🙈
5️⃣ Trying to stealthily open a bag of chips during a movie, but producing a sound louder than a thunderstorm. Oops, movie night just turned into a snack symphony! 🍿🎶
6️⃣ That classic moment when you're about to sneeze, and it disappears like a ninja. Gesundheit? Gesund-nothing! 🤧👻
7️⃣ Attempting to take the perfect selfie, but getting caught in an accidental staring contest with the front camera. Selfies: 1, Dignity: 0. 🤳👀
8️⃣ When you step out of the shower and your towel decides it's the perfect time to play hide-and-seek. The battle of dignity vs. towel-wrap commences! 🚿🧖‍♀️
9️⃣ Trying to be productive, but ending up in an internet rabbit hole, watching dogs videos and wondering how you got there. Procrastination game strong! 🐕 🕳️
🔟 That moment when you finally get a window seat view at the airplane, fasten the seat belt and then being told it is not your seat and your sit the other side facing aisle. 🦗🤷‍♂️
Share your funny moments and tag your friends to join the laughter fest! Remember, life is full of quirks and hilarious mishaps, so let's embrace the humor in our everyday adventures. 🤪🎭
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cademy1 · 1 year
Don't make these cringe-worthy mistakes in your university application essay! 😬
Check out our latest blog post for tips and tricks 👇 on how NOT to write your way out of college 🎓
Our latest blog post is all about the mistakes to avoid when writing your essay, so you can stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of getting accepted. 🎓
From clichéd opening lines to overly formal language, we'll show you what not to do when crafting your essay. So grab a cup of coffee ☕ and head over to our blog to learn how NOT to write a university application essay!
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crazyfunnytshirts · 1 year
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juravin · 1 year
Me: I'll Do It at 8 (A.K.A. The Eternal Procrastinator) 😅⏰
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Me: I'll Do It at 8 (A.K.A. The Eternal Procrastinator) 😅⏰ Ah, the timeless declaration of "I'll do it at 8," a phrase known to every master of procrastination. Join me on this comedic journey as we explore the art of delaying tasks with a touch of humor! 😂⏰ Me: 😅 "I'll do it at 8... or maybe 9, or 10... you know, whenever the motivation strikes." Inner Monologue: 💭 "Procrastination: the art of keeping the future uncertain, one 'I'll do it later' at a time." 😜 We've all been there, my friends. Embracing the alluring promise of productivity at a later hour, only to find ourselves trapped in the never-ending cycle of delay. So, let's chuckle at our perpetual postponement and share a moment of relatable laughter! 😄🕰️ Remember, dear friends, the struggle against procrastination is real. But fear not, for laughter is the best antidote to our chronically postponed tasks. Let's find humor in our shared struggles and maybe, just maybe, tackle that to-do list... eventually! 😉✅ #ProcrastinationStation #IllDoItLater #TimeToLaugh #EmbraceTheDelay #DonJuravinWisdom 😅🕰️😂 Read the full article
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Which pill would you choose? 💊 Subscribe to and follow the show https://anchor.fm/procrastination-station-podcast 🎙🎙 All socials linked on the site! New episodes released on Thursdays! #ProcrastPod #Marvel #SuperPowers #Matrix 
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obiyuki-beebs · 4 years
lol I currently have 22 drafts of ObiYuki / ANS posts just sitting ready to become a worthy post
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theacademysaga · 4 years
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Procrastinating with a book is our favorite way to spend a weekend.
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jaciblues · 5 years
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And done? Or still needs to be washed. #procrastinationstation #lace #babyblanket #forsale #handmade #knitted #knitstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuIWGZHDrW/?igshid=12gmxhi6xdqxv
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I should be studying right now, but oh well...
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paddlesworthdraws · 6 years
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The procrastination is strong with this one. #procrastinationstation #spacecadet #natgeo #nationalgeographic #drawing #fish #illustrate #illustration #animalart #animal #animals #creatures #critters #spider #arachnid #lilacbreastedroller #dogsofinstagram #dog #puzzle #dogs #workinprogress #copic #copicmarkers #touchmarkers #animalillustration #drawingnature #fishtank #fishtanks #fishtanksofinstagram #sketch #sketching (at Nasa Space Center)
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hairgirl124 · 6 years
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Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time 🤷‍♀️😂 #heyarnold #heyarnoldmemes #wastingtime #procrastinationstation
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dannykdunbar · 4 years
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Meh, I hate admit it, but facebook recently figured out my weakness for art books and hooked me with an ad...it was so cheap I was half expecting for it to be a collage of blurry stolen works; and then when the shipping was delayed, to never receive anything at all... but nope... This book is absolutely beautiful! Fortunately I have shit to do, so I unfortunately can't dive into it tonight... but check out the short flip. #revelup #cantstop #artarcana #lucifero #artbooks #procrastinationstation #lookstempting #getbacktowork #reveldetroit https://www.instagram.com/p/CDU3xIhDiIB/?igshid=10m7zvq7l59bm
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