#Prince Ben
kingchad · 9 months
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cleverqueencommander · 5 months
Found this on Descendants subreddit:
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What do you think of this? Btw, this is coming from a Ben hater.
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“We start with a few, just the ones who need our help the most”
“Daughter of Maleficent” oh for sure she’s pretty evil
“Son of Jafar” eh he’s bad for Auradon standards but like he’s really a common thief I don’t know that he needs their help that bad but fine reform the thief
“Daughter of Evil Queen”… the girl who was castle schooled and has the least amount of knowledge about the isle or villainy at all? Be for real
“Son of Cruella” I’m sorry the easily frightened tech genius?
Ben thought these kids needed his help not on the basis of their behavior but more because hey I think x is probably a bad parent.
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shy-blue-blossom · 4 months
Prince Ben
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Unease filled the air. The people of Auradon heard that Hades had tried to escape the barrier when Ben, y/n, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay went to pick up the villain kids who were chosen to go to Aurodon Prep. Luckily y/n was there and used her powers to push Hades back before he could get out and the barrier was safe and intact. However, it left her weak and tired. Ben got her to rest and said he would think of a solution before he talked through it with her.
Ben was in his office while y/n rested when he heard a knock at the door. He allowed the person to enter and Mal came in.
“Mal! What can I do for you?”
“I don't know whether my sister would tell you, but I think she would choose to close the barrier for good,” Mal told Ben as she looked at him. Ben stared at her and couldn't quite believe what she was saying.
“I see. I will have to have a look into that and see if it is even possible,” Ben looked at the paperwork on his desk before looking back to Mal. “Is there anything else?”
“No, I just thought I would let you know what she may be thinking,” Mal then left Ben to his thoughts. He let a sigh out as he sat in his chair.
Ben carried on working for a couple more hours before there was a knock at the door. He allowed them to enter and in walked y/n. He smiled before he remembered what Mal said and started to frown.
"I thought you would be happy to see me," Y/n said as she watched his face. "I can leave you alone if you want?" She continued as she began to turn towards the door.
"No," Ben said quickly before she could turn away from him. "I just remembered something as you walked in," Ben explained as he walked from behind his desk and over to y/n to pull her into a hug.
"Care to share?" Y/n asked as she hugged him back, head on his chest.
"It's nothing to worry about," Ben said as he pulled away from the hug. "I had a thought about what to do about the barrier though."
"What about closing the barrier?" Ben Started to explain and looked over y/n's head, she pulled back and looked up at him in disbelief. "I did not know if it was possi-"
"What are you talking about?" She questioned him. "Why would you suggest that?" Y/n pulled away almost completely but Ben had a hold of her.
"Why would we stop the kids from being able to go back to see their families?" Ben started to regret listening to Mal before talking it though with Y/n first.
"You're right," Ben said as he held her hands. "Someone suggested it, but I can see why it would be a terrible idea. We will have to find another way to ensure everyone's safety."
Y/n nodded as she hugged him and cuddled up in his arms as he hugged her back.
The end.
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kind-hufflepuff · 5 months
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oh-bennyboo · 7 months
i’d like to settle the ben x harry ship name issues by giving a humble suggestion…
hooked royalty
get…get it. do do you get it cuz cuz harry is a pirate and and ben is ben is a prin
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itsaaliyah2 · 3 months
Me and @gabbylovesreading watching descendants over again let me tell Prince Ben is freaking fine
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Like hello 😍😍😍😍
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So freaking fine 😍
(Credit to Pinterest for the pictures)
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curetapwater · 6 months
autistic Prince Ben send post
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professional-termite · 7 months
What do you think of the Ben x Harry ship?
(I’m just gonna add that I’m not a fan of this ship in case you feel forced to answer this question, which I’m not forcing you to do, especially if you dislike it)
i know this is about ben x hatty (which is. eh. nope) but your mistype made me immediately think of prince ben from descendants x prince harry, the british one, and now you must share my suffering
dont ship real people btw this is not a serious ship
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
No one:
Me, watching one d3 scene for the 9th time and crying: BEN CALLED CHAD BUDDY! HE CALLED HIM BUDDY! HE CARES--
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shanleenkinnjaskey · 1 year
Good Enough (Ways To Be Wicked Part 1/?)
Little Mix
Am I still not good enough?
Am I still not worth that much?
I'm sorry for the way my life turned out
Sorry for the smile I'm wearing now
Guess I'm still not good enough
Everything's been boiling for months.
It started with the coronation, with Auradon’s reaction after Carlos showed up in pictures after the very public defeat of Maleficent with Ben's ring on his finger. Gossip sites featured headlines like cruella’s child corrupting the prince and de vil’s the devil. Carlos had ignored them at first, bolstered by the support of his best friends, his new friends (Doug and Jane, who had been incredibly kind to a strange kid from the beginning), and, of course, the boy he loves. Ben had been the bright spot in a sea of dirty stares, the constant in a world of cruelty.
He’d been fine for a few weeks- settling into dating Ben, being free from the weight of his mother’s wishes, and having dinner with the Queen and King twice a week. Tuesdays involved all the Lost kids, and those were often insane fun, but Saturday nights were just him, Ben, and Ben’s parents. The first one had been insanely nerve wracking, with Carlos half expecting the King to get mad at some mistake and beast out at any moment as well as the fact that Ben’s parents are the King and Queen as well as the fact that these are Ben’s parents, and he’s never had to try to impress anyone’s parents before. Even after a few weeks of such dinners he’s still somewhat on the edge of his seat, half-expecting them to insult and punish him over some perceived slight. Months away from home haven’t relieved him of a lifetime of Cruella’s cruelty, and no matter how kind Ben’s parents are he’s still never completely at ease.
(Still, he’s adjusting.)
The problem had truly begun when he'd gotten a video message from his mother a few weeks after the Coronation. He remembers her shocked expression at the news, her sneered comment about never expecting the brat to make it anywhere, 'specially not near the throne. He was cast back to the years on the Isle when the only friends he'd had were Jay, Mal, and Evie. He remembers the fact that the only one of them to be truly loved by a parent had been Evie (though the Evil Queen had definitely had her own ways of showing it). Jafar and Maleficent, though never loving, had been fond of Jay and Mal, treating them like apprentices rather than children but still treating them with some sense of caring.
Cruella de Vil, however, had treated her son like a slave, a creature that existed to serve her every whim. Carlos's earliest memories are scuttling about the Isle, fulfilling her every whim as she barked insults at him. If it hadn't been for him bumping into Mal, the head of a small gang of kids (Jay, Evie, and Uma until she'd broken off to follow in her mother’s footsteps and started terrorizing sailors), he'd probably (definitely) still be in that position today.
Over the past few weeks Cruella’s words have been waiting in the back of Carlos’s mind, combining with the words of the media and the whispered gossip in halls to create a poison in Carlos's head. Even kissing Ben, cuddling with him in bed, going swimming with him, hadn't helped. Normally he'd be nothing but happy when spending time with his boyfriend, but right now all he can focus on is the words pounding through his head.
You're pathetic.
Scrawny. Weak. Young. Villain.
Not as talented as the others.
The final straw had been at today's Visiting Day. He'd been alternating between Ben's side and hanging with his friends, even ending up in a intriguing​ conversation with Doug's Uncle Doc and Evie about the hydraulics operating the most outside the Academy. For the first time in weeks he'd been having a good time, enjoying himself and talking about the things he loves.
He'd taken a break, intent on heading back to Ben to talk to his boyfriend about their plans for dinner with his parents (and Maurice, who was so incredibly awesome that it erased the anxiety of spending time with the Queen and King just a little bit) that night, when he’d heard Queen Hilde, Audrey's grandmother, talking to Chad.
“-That son of Cruella's a corruption, you know,” Queen Hilde says, and Carlos freezes, half way to Ben. He’s used to reading the words online, used to thinking them, but he hasn’t heard anything like it aloud since they all left the Isle. “It would have been better for everyone if he'd just stayed on the Isle. No wand fiasco, no villains dirtying up our lawns, and King Ben would still be dating my granddaughter instead of villain parasite.”
“Couldn't agree more, Your Majesty,” Chad says, haughty tone in place. “The villains have been nothing but trouble- cheating in class, being undeniably rude at their first Visiting Day, even going so far as to interrupt Ben’s coronation in the way they did. I do believe that they’re taking advantage of our good King and Queen, especially that de Vil brat. Leeching off Ben like that? It’s despicable. When he was dating Audrey we were ensured of someone respectable on the throne.”
Queen Hilde smiles. “You do know how to flatter my family, young man.”
Though Carlos can't help but feel resentment to the words- he and his friends have been trying to improve themselves, whatever Queen Hilde may think- there's a certain truth to what they say. Audrey and Ben were the ideal couple, as Audrey is so fond of reminding him- they're both born royalty, raised by heroes and taught the right thing. They're both perfectly poised, always knowing to say the right thing to sway a conversation (rather than just rambling until someone has to shut them up), and they even look good together.
(And, above all, Audrey can provide Ben with wealth, support, and a biological heir. Carlos can only give himself, and that's not enough.)
(Not for Ben, who deserves the world, and certainly not for the kingdom he is destined to rule.)
“Carlos?” Ben asks from behind him, and Carlos whips around to face his boyfriend.
He smiles, frayed nerves soothed mostly by Ben's smile. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you'd like to speak with Lonnie's mother? She's visiting for Family Day and she'd like to meet you.” Carlos almost shakes his head no (he'll embarrass Ben with his rambling, he knows he will) before Ben adds the kicker: “She says she wants to meet the man who stole the heart of her dearest godson.”
And Ben's looking at him with gorgeous smile, blue eyes sparkling, and there's no way that Carlos can say no. Ben offers his arm out to Carlos, who loops his arm around his elbow. Ben then leans in and presses a kiss to Carlos’s cheek (leading his embarrassing blush to come running back) before leading his boyfriend over to meet General Li Mulan.
Everyone’s words linger in the back of his mind throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, festering until they’ve hit a monstrous growth and they’re all Carlos can focus on.
“You okay, darling?” Ben asks as they pull up to the castle for dinner. He puts a comforting hand on Carlos's thigh. “You've been kind of quiet.”
Carlos lets out a startled laugh. Normally people want him to be quiet. Even the Isle kids sometimes express frustration with his babbling. Ben's different, though- he’s never told Carlos to shut up, instead smiling fondly whenever Carlos speaks. It's no wonder I'm in love with him. “It's fine. Just been thinking, that's all.”
“Thinking 'bout what?” Ben asks, genuinely interested, and Carlos could nearly cry with how perfect this boy in front of him is.
“You,” he says, mostly-honest.
Ben blushes, and for such a normally confident man it's really kinda cute. “Really?”
“I'm sorry,” Carlos whispers as he slips out of Ben's arms, “But you deserve better.” He’s determined not to cry, but he can feel his eyes burning. He leans forward and gently brushes a kiss against Ben's cheek. “I love you.”
Carlos grabs his satchel, complete with Mal's Emergency Isle Return™ potion, and slips out the door.
He’s going back.
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captain-is-king · 1 year
I’m writing fanfiction again and this time it’s Descendants
I’m doing a canon rewrite because I’ve loved Descendants for so many years and I have come up with so many ideas on things to change over those years. Mostly I wanted to flesh out the characters and change up some of the relationships (Evie/Lonnie instead of Evie/Doug is a big one), but there’s a lot of other things that are changing as well. Ben isn’t going to be king at 16. The love potion plot gets handled differently. Carlos and Jane actually get a story arc. The friendships between Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Doug, Lonnie, and Jane (and that found family dynamic as a whole) gets more screen time (this is, to me, the biggest change).
I’m planning on publishing at least once a week!!!
An excerpt:
Mal blew hair out of her eyes and looked at the pile of clothes Evie had helped her pick out. Almost everything in the pile was something Evie had made, and Mal was more than fine with that. Evie knew better than her which ones brought out her eyes or made her hair pop, whatever that meant.
After staring at it for a few more seconds, wondering if she should bring anything else, Mal sighed and shoved the pile into her purple duffel bag.
Normally, the duffel held her spray paint cans for when she would spend the day tagging around the Isle. She was still bringing small black, purple, and green cans, but once they ran out, she had a feeling she couldn’t just buy more from the local convenience store.
Oh gods, did they have convenience stores? Could they even leave the Auradon Prep campus on a normal day? Not for the first time since the genesis of this plan, Mal felt woefully unprepared for whatever they’d have to deal with in Auradon.
Regardless, she didn’t have room in her bag to fit anything else. Her boots and clothes (and the small stuffed green dragon she had since she was a little kid) took priority. At least dressing like herself might make her feel like herself, even surrounded by the stuck-up, entitled royalty and upper crust.
Evie’s voice took her out of her thoughts, “M, what do you think I should bring, my white cropped tee, or my blue shredded tee?”
“Is the white one the one with the crown on it?”
“Yeah, with the blue detailing.”
“Then that one. It looks nicer on you.”
“You’re right. I just wish I could take everything, y’know?”
“Yeah, well with any luck we’ll be back here with Fairy Godmother’s wand before Tuesday, so hopefully we don’t need all this stuff.” She paused, then called out to the boys in the other room. “Jay! Carlos! How are you doing on packing? We have to leave in like, ten minutes.”
Jay walked in that moment with his bag over his shoulder and a grin on his face. “We’ve been ready to go for hours.”
Evie looked up from her small mountain of accessories to give Jay an incredulous look. “Did you even pack a toothbrush? Deodorant?”
Carlos dragged his trunk into the room next and grimaced. “Were we supposed to? Mal said we probably wouldn’t be there for long.”
“What? I’m not trying to stay there any longer than we need to.”
“Yes, but if we only pack one outfit each and nothing else, people will get suspicious. Plus, we don’t know how long we’ll be there,” Evie reasoned.
“Please do not try to convince me that we’ll be there for more than a week. I really don’t think I can handle being around so much snootiness for so long.” Mal mimed a gag.
Evie rolled her eyes and said, deadpan, “M.”
“Fine, okay, fine. I packed a toothbrush. You guys should too.”
“And deodorant!” Evie added. “And shampoo and conditioner and soap! Maybe even a hairbrush.”
Carlos grinned. “Let’s not push it, E.”
“Look, we’re going to be late, okay? Can we like, get going so we can get back sooner?” Mal finally zipped up her bag and stood with a groan.
Shoving a hairband and a few more bangles into her suitcase, Evie nodded. “M’s right. We should go. The last thing we need is to have this fall apart before we even get off the Isle.”
“Okay, okay fine, give us a minute to get our toothbrushes,” Jay sneered.
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cleverqueencommander · 5 months
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Bruh Descendants💀💀💀
Sarah Jefferey in the the comments tho
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If I Made a Second Gen of Disney Characters
Maleficent would have a child specifically to steal the fairy godmothers wand and probably with Hades too based on the house of mouse canon. I don’t see her having a relationship with him, just using him and vanishing. As I’ve said before, her naming her child after herself makes sense so I think her daughter is still named Mal but with full name being Mal Violet as both a play on malevolent and a reference to Malvolio from Shakespeare’s Twefth Night who hates parties (such as the one Maleficent wasn’t invited to) and Violet as a reference to her own color scheme.
Making Jafar a salesman of stolen goods made no sense at all so I’m scrapping that. So he would’ve been trapped in the lamp and since magic doesn’t work on the isle he was freed but he is powerless. I don’t think he would try to make romantic connections with the other villains though I feel like he was extremely antisocial for a while and then saw Maleficent gaining some power around the island so he schemes to get on her good side which is unsuccessful because she sees right through him and she’s nobody’s trophy wife. so if he were to have a child they would be from before his exile so possibly an illegitimate son with one of the brothel workers? Since we don know how long he was grand vizier the window for this child’s birth could be anywhere from near Aladdin and Jasmine’s births to just before the events of Aladdin. But for the sake of not making things more complicated than we need to, we’ll say the kid is born just before the events of Aladdin which does make him older than Mal’s generation, but much younger than Aladdin. Since this kid would’ve grown up without his father around his mom probably wouldn’t name him an offshoot of jafar’s name. I looked up a couple Arabic names and I think maybe Majid would be good? From what I read it means noble or glorious and I think maybe his mom was hoping to use Jafar’s son to get herself some status before he got exiled. Also since her son’s father wouldn’t be well known she would’ve been allowed to stay in Auradon which means we have someone from the “good” side who might want revenge adding in to the message of Descendants 3 that good and evil can come from anywhere.
House of Mouse has Cruella on a date with Beast so I suppose a one night stand isn’t an impossibility. It does seem like her attraction to him is because of his fur so maybe her and the big bad wolf have a little fling? Which now that I think of it would explain Carlos’ lil tail clip.. also maybe his fear of dogs comes from Cruella subtly bad mouthing his father? “rabid vicious animals that attack little boys who don't behave” to keep him from leaving her to live with his dad. It would actually explain why her son would be afraid of dogs instead of obsessed with them/ their fur like his mom ah ha ha what if she had multiple kids since dogs usually have litters rather than one offspring at a time and Carlos has a sister who is obsessed with furs like maybe she wants to steal rapunzel’s magic hair which is definitely the museum with the wand
Evil queen eh I think if she were to have a child it would’ve been with Snow White’s father so technically the kid would have grounds to live in Auradon since they could’ve been born pre uniting the kingdoms so there’s no reason to send them to the isle. However the timeline could also be that evil queen was pregnant at the end of her film and gave birth after her movie tbh both could be interesting. I do think that puts that child (I recommend her name be Rose Red) in Snow White’s generation instead of Descendants’ current gen since Mal would’ve been born after exile and Rose Red would’ve been born just before or just after exile.
Ursula has the best birth control magic can make ain’t no way she has a kid. And even if she didn’t, she seems like the type to keep her pleasure in her own hands. But I love the idea of her raising a child so we’ll say after her banishment she couldn’t collect souls as payment since the isle doesn’t allow magic so someone gives her their baby. Since life on the isle is like super awful maybe they’re pirates and they needed her permission to have a boat without her destroying it. And possibly after she gets the baby she realizes the only chance for fresh food in the isle is fish and that’s when she opens the restaurant and forces her new daughter to work there. I don’t think she would really put much thought to the kid’s name so we’ll say her original parents named her Uma and Ursula let her keep it.
Captain James Hook had that weird vibe with Zarina so he’s definitely capable of seducing someone if he has something to gain from it. (I acknowledge that Disney’s descendants canon has him having children with Jane Darling but given that’s dumb as hell I’ve decided to ignore it.)But I can’t think of anything he might want on the isle since he’s not really power hungry he just wanted Peter dead. Except there is one thing he might want: safety from Ticktock the crocodile. So I think he would find someone associated with crocodiles. Like Madam Medusa. He gets to live without fear of the crocodile and she gets whatever probably fake diamonds hook has however he can’t exactly ghost her without risking ticktock getting him so he’s stuck in this relationship with her. Win, sorta win. And now we’ve got our boy Harry, (and yeah his sisters prob exist too) destined from birth to be a pirate and covet diamonds raised by unhappily married parents. Also, I’m giving him a juvenile’s crocodile as his animal sidekick and no one can stop me.
Having Beast and Belle be rulers of Aurodon felt so random to me and there’s never a reason for it to be them. They could be replaced with any couple and make zero difference. Also they both seemed content in their castle away from everyone else I don’t think they would enjoy all the attention royalty entails. I think their kingdom is part of auradon but I don’t think they’re In Charge. As much as I hate it, I feel like Belle would name her son Maurice after her father. I think he would probably be a lonely kid having no siblings and probably not be very good at relating to his peers, “mature for his age” and all that so I think he could be drawn to the dark side for friends or maybe vengeance against some of his peers for excluding him?
I feel like Cinderella and Prince Charming wouldn’t raise someone like Chad, but maybe I’m biased since Charming is my favorite Disney prince. Personally I feel like their kid would be the one pushing for the kids on the isle of the lost to be given a chance to live in auradon and I do think that his parents would still be resistant to the idea because there is very real potential danger from opening the barrier to get the kids much less letting these kids live in auradon. Also I’m aware Cinderella isn’t the first Disney princess but she is widely considered the “leader” of the princesses so I think she and her prince are a better fit as rulers of auradon also it makes more sense for fairy godmother to have such a prominent place in the kingdom
Okay so i did some digging and apparently in Enchanted Tales Aurora is kinda spoiled and in love with the idea of being royalty which since she was raised in the woods, kinda makes sense so I could see her being disgruntled that someone else is in charge of auradon and wanting her kid to be queen and being disappointed when it doesn’t work out. However I think king Stephan rather than Queen Leah would be the one to kick up a fuss over Maleficent’s daughter being allowed in Auradon.
I don’t understand why the dwarves have kids in the descendants canon and even though I loved Doug I can’t work my way to any of them having kids. At best they would babysit Snow White’s kid(s) I think and teach them to mine and stuff. I think probably her kid(s) would be a little naive and easily misled or manipulated. I don’t know why but I like the idea of her having two kids so I’ll say the older is naive and delicate and the younger wants to explore. I think both would be easy pickings for a villain to trick though, but I think the explorer might turn to evil himself so he can get some freedom similar to Melody in the little mermaid 2 giving Morgana the triton.
Let’s see, both Mulan and Shang wanted kids according to Mulan 2, he wanted lots and she wanted “maybe one or two” so I am giving them three. They have a son named Ping who was supposed to be a girl. I will accept zero arguments on this. Mulan gave birth to a boy and she and Shang looked at each other and named him Ping. Their youngest will be a girl with Lonnie’s personality but Mulan would not deny her daughter her own identity like that so we’ll say.. An. It means peaceful. Also there’s a female tennis player named An Li who I think Mulan would admire if she knew she existed. The oldest child I think Shang would’ve wanted to name after his father but since we don’t have a canon name for his father we’ll say Zhou after Milan’s father.
I actually do think Jane fits the person I would expect Fairy Godmother’s child to have but who to put as her father.. um I’m actually not really sure. It could be anyone.
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shy-blue-blossom · 2 years
Prince Ben (Descendants)
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Prince Ben, who was going to take the throne, had made his first proclamation. It was a chance for the offspring of four villains to have another chance. Cruella and Jafar's sons. The Evil Queen and Maleficent's daughters. They, along with all the other villains, sidekicks, evil stepmothers and stepsisters, had been cast off to the Isle of The Lost with a magical barrier surrounding it.
A crowd of people was waiting outside Auradon Prep for the chosen four villain kids. The marching band was playing as a limo was pulling up, with some students cheering. Carlos and Jay fell out of the limo, arguing over who got to keep something as Evie and Mal stepped out. The fairy godmother stepped through the marching band as they moved to the side for her. She kindly asked them to leave the stuff behind in the limo. Ben introduced himself along with Audrey.
"Ben! Ben!" A voice called out just as he was about to show them around. Ben turned to see a little girl running up to him.
"Y/n!" He called back to her as he caught her in his arms. "What are you doing here?"
"I asked mom and dad if I could meet the new people." She told him with a grin on her face.
"Where are mom and dad?" Ben asked, making y/n look behind her to see their parents and point it out to Ben.  
"Ah! I see," He nodded his head. "Well, this is Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal, the new people that are going to be at the school." He pointed to each of them as he said their names. "Everyone, this is my little sister, y/n." They all said hello to her as she smiled at them.
"Can I come with you?" She asked, looking at Ben.
"I don't think so. You have to go back with mom and dad." He told her as he put her down as their parents reached them.
"Ah, that's no fun," Y/n said as she walked over to their dad and put her arms up to him. He shook his head gently as he picked her up.
"Hey, I'll come to find you later, and we can go on our own adventure," Ben told her as he smiled at her.
Y/n nodded and said goodbye to them as her parents began walking away. She smiled at them over Adam's shoulder. Ben smiled back and waved bye to her.
"Cute sister," Mal said as Ben looked back at them.
"Yes," Ben agreed. "Now, shall we continue?" They all agreed. Then Ben continued to give them a tour of Auradon Prep.
The end.
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carpexdiemm05 · 7 days
Of Wit and Wile (Harry Hook x Reader) Masterlist
Also read on Wattpad!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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