#Poor Stuart
narvaldetierra · 2 years
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Blindspot Rewatch 2022 ~ S03E07 ~
Stuart's last moments
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see-arcane · 11 months
The Wrong Ship
Dracula, misting out of his dirt box: Finally! Time to enjoy this seafood buffet--
The Captain: I see you’re new to the operation.
Dracula: ...You’re surprisingly, unappetizingly calm about a living corpse man leaking out of a box. 
The Captain: Mm.
Dracula: To drink people.
The Captain, checking his watch: Mm.
Dracula: Well, you’re boring me. Point me towards your underlings so I can get on with my meal. As payment you can die overboard. 
The Captain: Ah, very new to the operation. There is no crew that you’ll find aboard this vessel.
Dracula: I can smell blood enough to call you a liar.
The Captain: It’s no lie. You will find no crew here no matter how you search. Sniff them out, chase shadows, run laps around the deck. They’ll be there, but never found. Plenty of fog, though. You should feel quite in your element. If a bit peckish.
Dracula, about to chomp the good (?) captain: Not when you are in reach.
Captain Peter Lukas, dissolving into vapor before the Count can get a bite in: I do hope you enjoy the cruise. It’ll be longer than you think.
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lilmissfanficwriter · 2 months
Nicholas Galitzine in Acropolis:
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littletr0ublegirl · 23 days
what i’m wondering is how long it took to get every speck of glitter off ewan mcgregors body
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typicalopposite · 7 months
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They didn’t even give the door a chance to close
Like… You know Amy’s just standing out there listening to the mmmwwah’s and sound of clothes coming off like… I’m sooo gonna get chewed out when they ultimately get caught…
Then the next day they get caught ☠️
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You don’t see her, but Amy’s 100% avoiding Zahra’s eyes out there like the plague!
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cantsayidont · 5 months
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January to April 2004. Fans of MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN would likely enjoy this poignant 2004 miniseries by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen, about a young man named Clark Kent in a world very much like ours, where Superman is a familiar — and fictional — pop culture icon. Clark grows up the butt of many jokes, but when he's in high school, he discovers that he really does have powers like Superman's, something that has no precedent in his world outside of comic books.
If this premise sounds familiar, it's because it's a lot like the origin of the Earth-Prime Superboy, before he became a way for Geoff Johns to mock comics fans (and for DC to play out its institutional hostility toward Siegel and Shuster). In the pre-Crisis era, Earth-Prime, one of editor Julius Schwartz's little jokes, was supposed to be our world, where comics artists, writers, and editors transcribed the adventures of the real heroes of the other Earths. In the afterword to the trade paperback compilation of SECRET IDENTITY, Busiek admits that the similarities were wholly intentional, and that while he didn't mention it in his proposal (and DC didn't advertise it as such), this was essentially his extrapolation of that 1985 concept by Elliot S! Maggin, Curt Swan, and Al Williamson.
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After moving to New York City in his '20s, this Clark becomes a reporter — though not for the Daily Planet — and meets a young woman named Lois Chaudhari. To my knowledge, this was the first time a counterpart of Lois Lane was presented as an Asian woman (although of course she's not precisely Lois Lane).
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Throughout most of the story, Clark uses his powers only in secret, but he does make himself a Superman costume. Eventually, he feels compelled to come clean with Lois:
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Like Busiek's ASTRO CITY, SECRET IDENTITY is a very introspective story, less interested in action (of which there's relatively little) than in emotion and small observations of life with superhuman abilities. If you're expecting bigger dramatic stakes, you may find the series underwhelming — there are no supervillains or alien invasions, just Clark's reflections on his life and family, from childhood to old age — and the fact that the story never reveals why Clark has powers may frustrate. However, its autumnal wistfulness is appealing if you're in the right frame of mind for it. Immonen's art is gorgeous, and I can't think of a better artist for this story, which straddles the line between a real-world environment and the "heroic realism" of the modern superhero genre.
Fourteen years later, Busiek tried to do a similar story with Batman, BATMAN: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT, with John Paul Leon, which doesn't work nearly as well, wallowing in some uncomfortable attitudes about mental illness and an inappropriate though deliberately ambiguous supernatural element. Leon's art is interesting, but the story leaves a sour taste, and it does not succeed (at all) in doing for Batman what SECRET IDENTITY does for Superman, which is disappointing.
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In my au Stanley (narrow gauge) has a special interest in insects (I hc him as being into animals, they don’t judge you for your “jinx” and he’s got a soft spot for critters that are seen as “bad luck”) and tends to blurt out the most detailed information, he often info-dumps with and to Nia who encourages it cause it makes him happy once he’s freed from his “jinx” and she know every single insect name alphabetically along with their scientific names and nicknames Here we have Duke immediately regretting asking them if they can name every single species and ends up sleeping when they’re engrossed in their conversation before leaving when they were in the mid section of the e category (Nia gave him “the disappointment older sister look” awhile back so the poor guy can trapped there and wondered how did he got ever himself into this situation)
Basically it’s just Stanley to Duke in alphabetical order: Alderflies Angel Insects Anoplura (Sucking lice) Ants Antlions Aphids Archeognatha (Bristletails) Barklice Bees Beetles Bird lice Biting lice Blattodea (Cockroaches) Booklice Bristletails Bugs Butterflies Caddisflies Chewing lice Cicadas Cockroaches Coleoptera (Beetles) Collembola (Springtails) Crickets Damselflies Diplura Diptera (Flies) Dobsonflies Dragonflies-
Nia joining in cause she was mad at Duke: ah yes the alderfly which are megalopteran insects of the family Sialidae. They are closely related to the dobsonflies and fishflies as well as to the prehistoric Euchauliodidae. All living alderflies – about 66 species all together are part of the subfamily Sialinae, which contains nine extant genera. Sialinae have a body length of less than 25 mm (1 inch), long filamentous antennae, and four large dark wings of which the anterior pair is slightly longer than the posterior. They lack ocelli and their fourth tarsal segment is dilated and deeply bilobed. Dead alderfly larvae are used as bait in fishing-
duke:shooketh (Nia’s is basically the train version of a encyclopedia also her design is based off of MrTerrier673 on Twitter)
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ladykennymccormick · 1 year
Carol McCormick is the cig mom of the century and no one gives her credit for it. She tells her kids to hurry on home while the sun is setting, “in or out don’t waste the cool air”, her fingernails are yellow, she permanently smells like a pack of camels, her kids get used to tucking themselves into bed, she gives them her food, there is a haze of smoke wherever she is, and she hugs them tight before sending them to school or going to work. Carol isn’t a good mom but she loves them deeply even though that’s not enough.
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unabashedqueenfury · 5 months
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Reign 2013-2017/02-22
Mary and Francis
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sleepyxcocoa · 1 year
People say that Geordo is a manipulator, though I low-key headcanon that he gets relentlessly bullied by his friend group.
Then again, it's hard to take Geordo seriously as a manipulator, schemer, and possible heir to a kingdom if you saw said prince screaming at the sight of a small garden snake or being left behind by his duchess fiancee to cook fish.
You cannot change my mind.
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origami-butterfly · 5 months
Out of curiosity, I went on the Wikipedia page for Macbeth-the-real-historical-figure, and the contrast between him and Shakespeare's character is RICH. Say what you want about Shakey, but he knew how to write propaganda, given his character is all people think of.
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kennys-parka-jacket · 10 months
I am once again thinking about The Poor Kid
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coquette2004 · 1 month
Whenever I think about James II I'm like "awww he's so misunderstood and miserable!"
And then in the back of my mind I'm like "He legit forbade everyone at Saint-Germain to mourn Mary's death"
Like that's just cruel dude.
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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typicalopposite · 10 months
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It was in that moment Zahra realized she was the one who pushed Alex to make sure Henry was at that party and this might be her doing…
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sea-owl · 2 years
Me thinks someone needs to call Ostania’s equivalent of CPS on the Desmonds. 
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