#Photoshopped Scammer Photos
neechees · 10 months
I'm putting out a scam warning for the user @/sheeyancjoje, also previously @/sheeyanc @/sheeyancjosie, possibly other urls, who claims to be a homeless & asthmatic trans person living in a tent. I have reason & evidence to believe that they are not who they say they are, that their photos/evidence is stolen, and that they are actually the scammer Laura Deramas, who is likely also running the blog @/destrawberry. They exhibit multiple red flags for typical scammer behavior including the following evidence:
First off, who is Laura? Laura is a scammer who was initially called out for scamming & suspicious behavior in 2021, then with some manipulation, convinced multiple people that she was genuine (including me), then it was revealed once more that she was scamming & doing everything she was originally called out for: including pretending to be multiple different people & then lying more when confronted about it, exaggerating how badly her family apparently needed "help", guilt tripping people into giving her money and then harassing anybody who did give her money & demanded they give her more. & then later lied a bunch more including faking an arrest & faking her own death (& later pretending to be her own sister asking for funeral money, & calling any evidence against Laura being alive "hate") despite the fact that shes still very much alive & has posted on her own social media multiple times after her alleged "arrest" on May 30th 2023, & alleged "death" on June 2nd, 2023. We'll come back to Laura & why all that is relevant in a minute.
First off, Sheeyanc doesn't actually ever provide evidence that proves what theyre saying is true. They say they're homeless and living in a tent, and while they keep showing a tent, how do we know that these photos aren't stolen? How do we know that those photos aren't just from some camping trip, or staged? How do we know they didn't just go take photos of an another homeless person's set up? We don't. They make other claims that they don't provide proof for, such as saying their legs were swollen, but didn't provide photos of this. We've also had a similar tactic of someone else claiming to he "homeless" and "living in a tent" & this turned out to be false.
Secondly, Sheeyanc has been harassing people to send them money, either by going into their dms to beg them and sending people photos to guilt trip them, or even literally telling people to open up their askbox or messages when they were closed specifically so they could do this. Laura was ALSO known to do this to various users, & she would send people unsolicited photos of her child or her family & talk about how much she was "suffering" to get people to feel bad for her, which she ALSO did to me. When she pretended to die, she also randomly sent people photos of her allegedly "dead" body to ask for money, which upset many people. If you go into the notes of this post, there's multiple users testifying in the notes that Laura would regularly pester them for money & send photos. Note that people asking strangers for large sums of money as a "loan" is a big red flag for scammers we've seen multiple times, including Laura. Below is Sheeyanc doing the exact same things listed above that Laura did: sending people unsolicited photos, talking about how much she was "suffering" unprompted, and asking for large amounts of money from individual users. Also notice the similarity in language and tone between Laura doing this & Sheeyanc doing this.
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Thirdly, Sheeyanc blocked the Filipino user who called out Laura Deramas. This Filipino user was the one to discover she had faked her death & photoshopped someone else's death certificate to pretend it was hers. In addition to this, we also know Laura isn't actually dead also because after she'd been called out for this, the user who called her out very mysteriously started getting anon hate in Tagalog. Below is sheeyanc interacting with them just before blocking
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& we know Laura has been known to get sassy & rude with anybody who called her out like here. note the appropriation of aave by itssmelau when confronting people who called her out, just like Laura did in the first callout link with the user lizardamiibo while ALSO pretending to be someone else.
As another major point, Sheeyanc has been seen interacting with another scam blog, @/destrawberry, and verbally encouraging people to give them money. Destrawberry is very likely run by the same person who was running imgonetoofar/imthegonetoofar because theyre claiming to be the same person & using the exact same photos, & before deleting, imgonetoofar was promoting & being promoted by the scammer sassysweetiegirl/zaquaaaablu (who referred to "imgonetoofar as their "friend"), both of whom I called out here. And as I mentioned before, the person behind @/destrawberry is a scammer, either someone who stole imgonetoofar's (another scammer) photos & is pretending theyre recent & to be them, or they're the same person who faked their death and came back again to ask for more money. And who else do we know who faked their own death? Laura lol. So in other words, Sheeyanc/destrawberry/imgonetoofar/sassysweetiegirl are all likely run by Laura pretending to be different people. On the left below is Sheeyanc promoting destrawberry, & then on the right is imgonetoofar promoting sassysweetiegirl in the replies, where you can also see me calling them out.
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And lastly, Sheeyanc's banner is of the New Matina Town square in Davao city, the Phillipines. Davao city is where Laura lives. Here's a screenshotted image just in case they change it, and below, here's a comparison between Sheeyanc's banner on the top part of the image, while the image below it is a screenshot from a video of NMTS in Davao, very near where the banner photo would've been taken, but at slightly a different angle/position. You can tell its the same place because of the little circular green grass section in both of the photos, which is surrounded by a metal fence with the same design, both have the exact same road signs in the exact same place, & both are in front of a yellowish-white building with a second floor & balcony & the same design of roof, with palm trees.
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& heres that same building but at a different angle (at the front). If you google "New Matina Town Square", you get the yellowish white building featured in the photo, and if you reverse image search sheeyanc's banner photo, you still get results for this Town square. Left is Google results, the right image is the Google reverse image results, highlighted in yellow.
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If you want to be more precise, The yellowish building is a restaurant called "The commons at MTS", while the photo would have been taken next to another restaurant called "Taboan". Below is a helpful legend I've created from a Google maps view of the New Matina Square. The highlighted red area is where the banner photo approximately would've been taken, & the yellow area is where most Google search photos are taken at the front of the building. You can see the buildings I've mentioned, & if you don't believe me you can go take a look at Google maps & see for yourself.
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And just so there's no confusion that Davao city is indeed where Laura lives, here's my old reblog of a post that Laura convinced someone to make for her where it confirms she lives in Davao city, as reblogged also by Laura and she was fundraising because of allegedly being affected by a flood there.
So to recap: the user Sheeyancjoje is likely the scammer Laura Deramas due to similar patterns of behavior, such as 1. Vague "proof", 2. Harassment of tumblr users in asking them for money, including sending unsolicited photos and guilt tripping or repeatedly asking for more money from people who already donated, 3. Asking for large amounts of money from individual users the same way Laura did, 4. Fighting with and blocking the same user that called out Laura for faking her own death, 5. Interacting with other confirmed scammers, including another one involved in a funeral scam, like how Laura was, 6. Their banner is literally a photo of Laura's city of residence
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evansblues · 10 months
No, you saw a photo of them on what looks like a plane and he was wearing the same top and vest as the TGM premier. You do not know where that was or when.//
Mod there was huge hoopla about it a few months ago when scammer blogs claimed it was taken during Ghosted filming but neither Chris hair or beard was the same as during TGM premier. Taking it in the plane on the way also was ruled out because companies will charter out planes just for cast members, PR or real no partner is allowed in them either. You aren't the first person who got the answer that they weren't there together, other readers got the same answer.
It was the Germany premier. I remember at that time eyewitnesses from the premier said he looked kinda nervous/pissed off than the other premiers. At that time we chalked it up to the extreme heatwave and traveling because Chris hates both those things. So when exactly did they squeeze in that randomass photo that looks like it was taken inside a private jet? There was also the whole hoopla about how every photo Chris showed in those montages were fake and photoshopped, but I also think that's a crazy take.
I don’t think they were photoshopped but I think they were clearly taken and shared for the sole purpose of painting a narrative.
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kyra45 · 2 years
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@milkyymintt-draws I've long assumed the scammers are stalking my blog because I'm calling them out. They will do anything to stop me, like telling me I'm a scammer and I'm sure some people will start to trust anons and start sending me more hate.
However I do not steal someones photos and pass them off as my own. Any pics showing me doing that are photoshopped and I state who owns the pets. If scammers are starting to get angry at me, maybe they need to quit going on facebook and stealing sick pets to get money.
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A few of the photos I edited with generative AI in Photoshop turned out beautifully. The crazy thing is that two of the photos were taken with my iPhone and iPhone photos are usually trash even after you edit them. But the lighting was just right when I was shooting.
My only hope is that the ad listing service does not use software that automatically scans newly uploaded images for AI. I think their main concern is that people or scammers are not uploading fake women to the profiles or just flat out misrepresenting themselves. I should be good.
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clairehadenough · 6 months
“ I literally don't expect anyone to believe ANY blog blindly .. But it's TERRIFYING you all choose to blindly believe a blog that changes a story every FIVE minutes and acts like they have some inside information of this man's every move, after having NOTHING for 20 years. “
LMAO this from the person who said he wasn’t in PT in May but when the photos came out this month claimed it was from May when he was in PT.
Act like they have inside information - that’s the post calling the kettle black. This from a team that think they know her immigration status, have people checking reservations for WDW, claim to have insiders on sets.(and the only thing they tell them is he had no visitors on set. Nothing about what who he sees off set)
Also I see they are pushing their timeline for the Halloween sightings. So as DM has weekly sightings the restaurant one in LA was the weekend before Halloween,easy to fly back to MA for the rest of the week, go to Tara’s party, fly back to LA for meeting at his accountants on the Monday. It’s not like he’s flying to the other side of the world and people do it all the time. And it’s allegedly they were at the party as there was no clear pic of them. Hey there wasn’t last year either until months later Chris & Scott posted evidence.
They never believed the Toronto sighting but Chris himself told someone at NYCC he had been there.
Never believed the Boston bar pic and this blog abused the guy only for Chris himself to confirm he was there.
This coming from a blog who believe it’s just a coincidence that his out of town friends, RDJ, Chris H, Renner, Jenn, Scarlett all just happened to be in Boston the same weekend as he supposedly got married. His friends and brother just happen to all be in Lisbon a few days later when the 2nd wedding happened.
After it was pointed out a private flight left MA to PT on the Monday after the wedding this blog and others claimed a private flight returned to MA on the Wednesday but when asked for proof it’s crickets. People were monitoring flights and said there were no private flights on the Wednesday or that week. I also find it funny they mentioned this weeks after the event.
These people who claimed the airport pics of them arriving back in Boston were photoshopped or was it originally they never sat together.
The same blog that said a BUA was coming in April and was still saying it days before the ‘fake’ wedding.
The same blogs that believed every word the scammer told them about Chris and how CAA were withholding his money and he was assaulted.
And they dear to call out other blogs for changing their stories.
Give me a break🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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curious-minx · 9 months
Hey! Look over here! This is NOT SPAM! Get $$$! Get ORB
I haven’t been on Tumblr.
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I haven’t been on even though Deadpool joined.
I haven’t bothered posting about much of anything, because the Internet is made for bots and spamsters; fans and haters. I like to believe I am none of these things and more. I am a depressive, pot smoking, clean water enthusiast. I am constantly recovering from the psyche terrorism that simply being alive in 2023 in NYC can cause everyday. And no, I am not a New Yorker nor will ever be one. I simply don’t want car. Anyway, whenever I open any of my dormant social media accounts whether it is Tumblr or IG all I ever see is the spammy siren call of a mid, never my type, cyber scammer wanting me. Wanting my time, money and attention. Joke’s on them! I am in the red except with time and time allows me to introspectively masturbate away all future and past regrets. 
And yet. I must open up and lay my soul to bare. To do it if for nothing else to appease my under heated haters. Haters come out wherever you are! I know you followed me from the atease Radiohead message board where you lovingly photoshopped my picture on a bukake. That kind of cyberbullying took real effort. Dudes rock. Gender dysphoria and depression and late capitalism. Dudes soft. 
Jenny Hval somehow is popular as Taylor Swift in my cyber reality and all these girlies cannot stop themselves. Brian Wilson is alive but also a ghost. There are artists painting sunsets that appear better than actual sunsets. Using New Mexico browns, pinks and mysterious blues. Colors that no nail appliqué can even show. Cinema used to be brighter and less dull. I want to live in a world bursting with color where all land privatization has been overturned. I want to frolic and mosey in the woods all my life long. I simply no longer see the desire to labor, to shed myself for any kind of corporation. I used to want to be an actor someone you could really build a parasocial relationship with. Get that branded bag! But now I want to be a blurry sepia photo hiding in your neon hotel bible drawer sans bible. The picture looks like a friend I had back in highschool who lost his tooth in a basketball game gone awry. Aside from the photo there’s only a turquoise flask with a rosy cartoon saxophone in the drawer. Taking up space. Good thing I don’t drink anymore. Too vain for that kind of dehydration. And it’s all been done to death. 
I am a proud day into night sleeper. I want to sleep longer than the lady in My Year of Rest and Relaxtion. I want to rip harder than van Winkle. And no one can take away what makes us dysfunctional. Sure, every employer, land owner and any other genteel, fair tormentor knows and claims ownership of what makes you good and special, but the parts of myself that make The Neurotypical, Action Figure Owners, Capital Shakers, Christian Trap and Traitors, And Workaholic Girl Bosses shiver and sick with disgust. Those parts of myself: The vanity, the sloth and dreaminess that can be xeroxed, entered into infinite search engines and reconfigured Bigger and Better. Bigger and better closet space. Bigger and better floor plan space. Oh this annex of the apartment would be perfect for my ring light rig! And you could use this as your crafting galaxy! I can really see me making content in a place like this. 
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bigbluelogox · 1 year
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🤢 NO, the LogOX isn’t green. 😂NO, we didn’t change the angle of the carrying handle and add a goofy looking jumbo hook to it. 🤬NO, the LogOX is not now nor will it ever be made in the open air concentration camp that is communist China. What you’re seeing in these photos is just a sampling of the Chinese knockoffs we’ve seen pop up on Amazon and other platforms over the past few months. Some of the scammers just photoshop their knockoff version into a photo (like this old lady) or steal our photos then change the tool’s color. It’s just part of the $136 million in intellectual property that the US Department of Defense estimates that China steals from US companies EVERYDAY. The LogOX is patented and we’re fighting back against these scammers. We always appreciate when people let us know where they’ve seen a knockoff online. ✅A great way to check where any product is manufactured and where the company selling it on Amazon is physically located, is to use the @wecultivateus Chrome extension. For those of us who actively try our best to look for American made products first, this is a great tool to try! 👍🏻🇺🇸🪵 #TeamLogOX #madeinusa #iptheft #forestry #firewood #knockoff #logox #buyerbeware #amazon #onlineshopping #ecommercebusiness #scammer #cultivate #americantoolsforwoodsmen #buyamerican https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNQKhfvNIM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ghosts s3 Reactions
Ep 6 - 'Part of the Family'
This was an great episode and a wonderful end to the season!
It was lovely to see the Captain cheering Kitty up in such a kind, fatherly way, just before he noticed something off with Lucy's photo. Fanny going full 'Murder She Wrote' to investigate the situation was brilliant. I loved the older ghosts' reaction of 'Can you perhaps change a photo with newfangled technology? Let us consult Julian!'
Speaking of Julian, to see him show some genuine kindness by helping Mike to film his video was refreshing, and perhaps a sign of some character development? I like that it meant Mike and the ghosts could end the series on somewhat good terms. I hope if there's a series 4 we'll see more of Mike finding new ways to interact with and get to know them, and vice versa.
The improvisation with Mary and Robin was too funny. I couldn't stop laughing every time Robin just deadpanned 'no.'  And then there was Cap popping up like a meerkat from behind the sofa when he saw the drone - Cap has done a lot of peering out from behind things (or around doorways) this series and Ben's expressions when he does it always makes me laugh.
I felt pretty sad for the civil war ghost following Alison and Lucy and being ignored. Poor guy, he just wanted to ask who won the war. It really must suck to be a ghost stuck haunting some random bit of road. At least the Button House ghosts have furniture and rooms and things to do.
Anyway, it turns out Lucy WAS a scammer in the end. I felt pretty underwhelmed by her the whole way through, but I do like the intended message about the ghosts being Alison's found family, doing their best to look out for her when things go wrong. And I'm so proud of Humphrey for saving the day with his quick thinking by asking Thomas to kick him after Alison's car. Humphrey has, to be honest, been the MVP of this whole season.
The final scene around the dinner table with the imaginary food was exactly the kind of bittersweet, soft ending that I love this show for. Robin finally figuring out improvisation with his little excited 'yes and berries! Yes and cream!', Alison photoshopping a picture for Kitty... Ghosts never fails to make me feel so much for its characters. 
So, thoughts on this season, overall? 
My biggest dissapointment was the plot with Lucy. I wanted to either care about her or hate her, but she just felt like more of a plot device than a character. I enjoyed the final rush to solve the mystery and save Alison from being scammed, but that felt as if it could have been the focus of a single episode, rather than a whole series arc.
What I loved, though, was seeing new aspects of each of the ghosts personalities and stories throughout this season - as well as learning more about their various relationships with each other and about what matters to them, what helps each of them cope with the afterlife. I could go into what I mean for each character, but once again this post is long enough already.
We also saw how they really have now become a family, not only to Alison but to Mike as well. I hope there is a season 4, because i want to see these characters keep growing and finding support and comfort in each other.
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BLOCK AND REPORT THE BLOG FOR A SCAM. This one involves a sick toddler.
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The child is a different toddler on all 3 photos, the medical "document" was photoshopped and belongs to the same hospital the laura scammer frequently trys using, the claim to also have a fb and reddit for donations is a lie since before the tumblr blog started 2 days ago there is NO mention or source for the fundraiser at all, the blog also says it needed the donations for august 1st yet the blog only started 2 days ago (aug 4th)
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fakeyourdrank · 3 years
FakeYourDrank Scammer
 You’re spending $100 or more on a fake ID, please realize that we get a lot of orders, we will do our best to edit your photo but if it sucks, is covered in shadows or is blurry there is not much we can do to improve it. FOR BEST RESULTS follow our guide on how to take a photo for your fake ID. Scammer
 Go to the store and purchase a light blue poster board. They’re like $3 and they will make your resulting fake ID look 100% better than if we have to photoshop the background ourselves.
 Look at your ID photo in your real ID. The photo is taken from directly ahead of you. With a flash, and the shadow (if any) is behind your head. Take a photo similar to that. No selfies, webcams or low quality pics.
 Wear your hair neat and tidy. Try to minimize “flyaway” hairs. Wear contrasting clothing (If you’re on a blue wall do not wear blue, wear dark colors if you are against a light background and light if you are against a darker background) No sunglasses or regular glasses. Stand straight-on, do not take a pic from the side. Your photo needs to look exactly like a real DMV photo. Please do not send us passport photo scans. We need high quality photos.
 Do not take your photo against a wrinkled sheet or a textured wall.
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neechees · 9 months
So Laura Deramas is back and begging people not to call her a scammer even though her presence on this site 1. Proves she faked her death (including pretending to be her own sister afterwards to ask for "funeral" money & photoshopping someone else's death certificate to pretend it was her own, sending people photos of her allegedly "dead" body unprompted & upsetting or traumatizing multiple people in the process, & then lying & saying she was "forced" to photoshop the death certificate), and 2. That she asked for funeral money after the faked death, which is... a scam. Which makes her a scammer. By definition this is a scam. & this was just ONE of them.
She's also claiming me, Mangocheesecakes, & Kyra are "putting her in danger" for talking about her actions that she literally just admitted to doing. And like, she's literally been putting multiple variations of her OWN FULL NAME on tumblr for the past two years on posts that SHE PERSONALLY MADE while asking for donations/scamming. Her name was already well known before the three of us had even known about her existence, if her name was in "danger", she did that herself FIRST, not us?
Like she literally approached me and Kyra FIRST. I wasn't even one of the people who called her out originally and I hadn't even made my own post about her by the time she approached ME begging me to help her & believe she was genuine (which I did), and by the time I blocked her (& by this time I also didn't believe she was a scammer yet), she went and blocked KYRA first even though Kyra had also never called her out, was friendly towards Laura, and believed she was genuine at the time.
She's acting like we started this vendetta against her out of the blue & for no reason even though out of the 3 of us, she literally approached us FIRST, treated us badly (again, which she admits to & we have proof of), and yet now wants us to pretend like none of that happened.
Either your "apology" video is bullshit & you admit to doing all the things we said you did but just want us to stop talking about it, or you're lying AGAIN and saying WE'RE lying, but now you talking about your "mistakes" is redundant
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romancescams · 5 years
As AI Increases Its Creative Capabilities Scams Are The Inevitable Outcome - SCARS|RSN™ DEEPFAKE NEWS
As AI Increases Its Creative Capabilities Scams Are The Inevitable Outcome – SCARS|RSN™ DEEPFAKE NEWS
SCARS|RSN™ DEEPFAKE NEWS: As AI Increases Its Creative Capabilities Scams Are The Inevitable Outcome
Scammers are always on the search for tools that can allow them to invent images to reinforce their scam stories. They use Adobe Photoshop and other tools to paste the head of impersonation victims onto the photos of others. The create fake documents in Microsoft Office.
It Is Never Ending But…
View On WordPress
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best10datingguide · 3 years
Online Dating: 10 Rules to Help Find Your Ideal Partner
We all know that online dating is the easiest way to meet a partner in the digital age - but is it really that simple?
Is there any guarantee that even with the best dating site in the world, you're going to stumble into an ideal partner who you'll want to be with forever? 
How do you know you're choosing the best free dating apps in USA states that aren't populated by scammers and hookup daters?
 The key is to have a clear idea about what you want and where to find it!
 In this guide, the Best10 team runs through our ten online dating rules to find your happy ever after (without the stumbling blocks along the way!).
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Rule One: Use Online Dating Apps Purposefully
 Ok, so here a common scenario: 
You're tired of being single and seeing all your friends loved up.
Now is the time to work on finding a relationship, so you join a dating site.
You're not sure whom you want to meet or what that connection would look like.
You spend hours scrolling, swiping, pretty bored of the whole process.
Three months later, you've had a couple of lousy dates, an inbox full of Randoms, and have dropped a few bucks on a subscription - with zero results. 
Let's go right back to step one. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's not time to join a dating site!
Assess whether you're after love, romance, long-term commitment, marriage, casual dates, fun, and thrills, or something altogether different.
Being purposeful means you'll choose the best dating site in the world for your relationship aspirations and start on a much better footing.
Rule Two: Make Your Profile Personal 
So many dating sites have handy nudges to help you skip past your profile creation and dive right into the good stuff - but it's a common mistake if you're genuinely looking for a partner! 
Your profile is your opportunity to make a great first impression, so make it count. 
Don't try to emulate anything that doesn't speak to your truth. We're not all hilariously funny (present company excepted, obvs!), and we don't all want a 2.4 family - so be authentic, and you'll match with people who truly meet your requirements!
Rule Three: Take a Fresh Profile Pic 
Next up, your profile image holds similarly heavy weighting in meeting someone perfect. 
Take a new photo, so it's up to date.
Smile! Positivity attracts positivity.
Never use photoshop or filters - a date that doesn't like you as you are isn't for you.
Update it regularly, or whenever the mood takes you! 
The best free dating apps in USA states are crammed with attractive people, so it's not a competition to find the hottest selfie possible. Instead, it's about showcasing your personality and demonstrating the person you are.
Rule Four: Send DMs at Will! 
One of the easy mistakes to make with online dating is sitting back and waiting for the perfect guys or girls to rock up in your inbox. 
Now is NOT the time to be shy! 
Found someone who looks nice, or you could imagine yourself on a date with? Send them a message! 
You have nothing to lose.
Rule Five: Don't Send Generic Messages 
Nine out of ten messages start precisely the same way. 
Hi, how's it going?
Hey, are you interested in a chat?
Hiya, we matched! 
There's nothing wrong with any of those sentences, and we get that it can be nerve-wracking to try and think of a killer opening line! However, if you can be exciting and engaging, you'll instantly stand out from the crowd. 
Mention something about this person's profile that makes you think you might be a good pair or ask a question about where they live or what sort of relationship they're hoping for.
Rule Six: Practice a Gentle No 
Let's be clear here - your time is precious. You aren't obliged to respond to every person who messages you. If there isn't a spark of attraction, it's not going to work out. 
If you're like me, the urge is always there to be polite and chatty, just because it's human nature. 
However, do that with online dating. You can fall down a rabbit hole of hundreds of chat messages with people you have zero intention of meeting - and potentially miss out on that perfect person who got lost in your cluttered inbox! 
You never have to be mean or dismissive. 
But, practicing a kind but firm refusal is a vital skill. That could be, 'Thanks so much for the message! But, unfortunately, I don't feel that we're a good fit.' 
Dating burnout happens when you're trying to message too many people too often. Set yourself a limit of, say, three people, and focus on the conversation, so you're engaged in it and not creating a second full-time job for yourself.
Rule Seven: Be Genuine and Honest 
Leading on from the ability to say no, you've also got to keep it real with people you are interested in! 
Of course, you don't want to be discussing your shoe size, childhood memories, or bank details with any old person online, but you do have to be open to honest conversations. 
If you're authentic rather than guarded, you'll find it much easier to establish a genuine connection.
Rule Eight: Progress to a Date When it Feels Right 
There is no right or wrong answer as to when it's time to meet up in person. 
If you've met someone online who feels like a real prospect, there's little point in endless DMs if you think that you're ready to date and get to know each other in real life. 
Likewise, waiting for weeks to meet can put a tonne of pressure on the situation that all but guarantees it's going to implode!
Rule Nine: Don't Spend Time Trying to Force It 
So clearly, you're the most eligible person on any dating site you join - but don't take it personally if every single dater doesn't feel the same way! 
If someone isn't interested, hasn't responded, or goes cold, put on your boots and walk right away.
Rule Ten: Give it Time 
Online dating works, but it isn't magic. 
You might be fortunate and meet a to-die-for person on the first day, but let's face it - you're as likely to win the lottery. 
Take it easy, don't rush, and stop putting pressure on yourself to transform your love life instantly
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adriensaltprompts · 4 years
Hi guys, in the future, please do not submit prompts that bash Alya, they will not be accepted.
The Miraculous Ladybug fandom has a problem with racism, and it will not be tolerated here. Anything that implies or outright states that Alya is a bully, a liar, a thief, a scammer, violent or angry, or in general a bad person who is worse than Lila, Chloe, or Gabriel, will be deleted, and if it happens often enough you will be blocked.
There’s a difference between salt and bashing, which is why some of these prompts are specifically tagged as “OOC prompt”.
Salt is in character, bashing is not.
Alya salt means:
Dealing with her encouraging people to photoshop Ladybug and Chat Noir together in the same breath where she confirms that Ladybug told her they are not dating
Dealing with her posting the photo of Ladybug and Chat Noir kissing in Oblivio, even though Ladybug was clearly upset by it
Dealing with her shipping real people,
Dealing with her pulling Marinette out of the seat she was defending in Origins, allowing Chloe to ‘win’.
Alya bashing means:
Claiming that Alya is a bully who constantly pushes Marinette around, either verbally or physically
Claiming that Marinette is afraid of making Alya angry
Claiming that Alya never fact-checks anything and never does research
Claiming that Alya is ‘mooching’ money or food from Marinette or Marinette’s parents
Claiming that Alya is a worse person than Chloe
Claiming that Alya is bitter and angry and mean
In any way reducing Alya to a stereotype
Alya salt isn’t racist. Prompts based on things Alya has actually done wrong in canon are fine.
But there’s a difference between salt and bashing. One of them is in character, the other is not.
Alya salt isn’t racist. 
Alya bashing is. 
And it will not be tolerated.
(and the same rules apply to Nino, though Nino bashing isn’t as common.)
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Artificial intelligence start-ups are selling images of computer-generated faces that look like the real thing, offering companies a chance to create imaginary models and “increase diversity” in their ads without needing human beings.
One firm is offering to sell diverse photos for marketing brochures and has already signed up clients, including a dating app that intends to use the images in a chatbot. Another company says it’s moving past AI-generated headshots and into the generation of full, fake human bodies as early as this month.
The AI software used to create such faces is freely available and improving rapidly, allowing small start-ups to easily create fakes that are so convincing they can fool the human eye. The systems train on massive databases of actual faces, then attempt to replicate their features in new designs.

But AI experts worry that the fakes will empower a new generation of scammers, bots and spies, who could use the photos to build imaginary online personas, mask bias in hiring and damage efforts to bring diversity to industries. The fact that such software now has a business model could also fuel a greater erosion of trust across an Internet already under assault by disinformation campaigns, “deepfake” videos and other deceptive techniques.
Elana Zeide, a fellow in artificial intelligence, law and policy at the University of California at Los Angeles’s law school, said the technology “showcases how little power and knowledge users have in terms of the reality of what they see online.”
“There’s no objective reality to compare these photos against,” she said. “We’re used to physical worlds with sensory input … but with this, we don’t have any instinctive or taught responses on how to detect what’s real and what isn’t. It’s exhausting.”
Icons8, an Argentina-based design firm that sells digital illustrations and stock photos, launched its online business Generated.photos last month, offering “worry-free, diverse models on-demand using AI.”
The site allows anyone to filter fake photos based on age (from “Infant” to “Elderly”), ethnicity (including “White,” “Latino,” “Asian” and “Black”) and emotion (“Joy,” “Neutral,” “Surprise”), as well as gender, eye color and hair length. The system, however, shows a number of odd gaps and biases: For instance, the only available skin color for infants is white.
The company says its faces could be useful for clients needing to jazz up promotional materials, fill out prototypes or illustrate concepts too touchy for a human model, such as “embarrassing situations” and “criminal proceedings.” Its online guide also promises clients they can “increase diversity” and “reduce bias” by including “many different ethnic backgrounds in your projects.”
Companies infamously have embarrassed themselves through haphazard diversity-boosting attempts, Photoshopping a black man into an all-white crowd, as the University of Wisconsin-Madison did on an undergraduate booklet, or superimposing women into group photos of men.
But while the AI start-ups boast a simple fix — offering companies the illusion of diversity, without working with a diverse set of people — their systems have a crucial flaw: They mimic only the likenesses they’ve already seen. Valerie Emanuel, a Los Angeles-based co-founder of the talent agency Role Models Management, said she worried that these kinds of fake photos could turn the medium into a monoculture, in which most faces look the same.
“We want to create more diversity and show unique faces in advertising going forward,” Emanuel said. “This is homogenizing one look.”
Icons8 created its faces first by taking tens of thousands of photos of about 70 models in studios around the world, said Ivan Braun, the company’s founder. Braun’s colleagues — who work remotely across the United States, Italy, Israel, Russia and Ukraine — then spent several months preparing a database, cleaning the images, labeling data and organizing the photos to the computer’s precise specifications.

With those images at the ready, engineers then used an AI system known as StyleGAN to output a flood of new photos, generating 1 million images in a single day. His team then selected the 100,000 most convincing images, which were made available for public use. More will be generated in the coming months.
The company, Braun said, signed three clients in its first week: an American university, a dating app and a human-resources planning firm. Braun declined to name the clients.
Clients can download up to 10,000 photos a month starting at $100. The models will not be paid residuals for any of the new AI-generated images built from their photo shoots, Braun said.
Another firm, the San Francisco-based start-up Rosebud AI, offers clients a chance at 25,000 photos of “AI-customized models of different ethnicities.” Company founder Lisha Li — who named it after an infinite-money cheat code she loved as a kid for the people-simulator game “The Sims” — said she first marketed the photos as a way for small businesses on online-shopping sites to invent stylish models without the need for pricey photography.
Her company’s source images came from online databases of free and uncopyrighted photos, and the system allows clients to easily superimpose different faces on a shifting set of bodies. She promotes the system as a powerful tool to augment photographers’ abilities, letting them easily tailor the models for a fashion shoot to the nationality or ethnicity of the viewer. “Face is a pain point that the technology can solve,” she said.
The system is offered to a limited group of clients, whom she said the company assesses individually in the hope of blocking bad actors. About 2,000 prospective clients are on the waiting list.
Both companies rely on an AI breakthrough known as “generative adversarial networks,” which use dueling algorithms to refine their work: a creator system outputs a new image, which a critic system then compares with the original, informing the creator’s next design. Each iteration tends to beget a better copy than the last.
But the systems are imperfect artists, untrained in the basics of human anatomy, and can attempt to match only the patterns of all the faces they’ve processed before. Along the way, the AI creates an army of what Braun calls “monsters”: Nightmarish faces pocked with inhuman deformities and surreal mutations. Common examples include overly fingered hands, featureless faces and people with mouths for eyes.
The software has in recent months become one of AI researchers’ flashiest and most viral breakthroughs, vastly reducing the time and effort it takes for artists and researchers to create dreamy landscapes and fictional people. A seemingly infinite stream of fakes can be seen at thispersondoesnotexist.com, as well as a companion AI system trained on images of cats, called thiscatdoesnotexist.com. To test whether people can tell the difference between a generated fake and the real thing, AI researchers at the University of Washington also built the side-by-side website whichfaceisreal.com.
The machine-learning techniques are “open source,” allowing virtually anyone to use and build on them. And the software is improving all the time: A newer version of StyleGAN, unveiled last month by AI researchers at Nvidia, promises quicker generation methods, higher-quality images and fewer of the glitches and artifacts that gave old fakes away.
Researchers say the images are a gift to purveyors of disinformation, because unlike real photos taken from elsewhere, they cannot be easily traced. Such forgeries are already in use, including on Facebook, where fact-checkers have found the images used to create fake profiles to promote preselected pages or political ideas.
In another case, the LinkedIn profile of a young woman supposedly named Katie Jones, which made connections with top officials around Washington, was found earlier this year to use an AI-generated image. Counterintelligence experts told the Associated Press that it carried the signatures of foreign espionage.

The technology is also the foundation for the face-swapping videos known as deepfakes, used for both parodies and fake pornography. The systems once required mountains of “facial data” to generate one convincing fake. But researchers this year have published details showing “few-shot” techniques that require only a couple of images to produce a convincing mimic.
Creating AI-generated images at this volume could be prohibitively expensive, because the process requires extraordinary computing power in the form of costly servers and graphics cards. But Braun’s company, like others, benefits from the cloud-computing competition between Google and Amazon, which both offer “credits” that start-ups can use for heavy AI work at steeply discounted rates.
Braun said there is a reasonable fear of AI-generated images being used for disinformation or abuse, adding, “We have to worry about it. The technology is already here, and there’s nowhere to go.” But the solution for that problem, he said, is not the responsibility of companies like his: Instead, it will require a “combination of social change, technological change and policy.” (The company does not use any authentication measures, like watermarks, to help people verify whether they’re real or fake.)
Two models who worked with Icons8 said they were told only after the photo shoot that their portraits would be used for AI-generated imagery. Braun said the first shoots were intended for stock photography and that the idea of an AI application came later, adding, “I never thought of it as a problem."
Estefanía Massera, a 29-year-old model in Argentina, said her photo shoot involved facially expressing various emotions. She was asked to look hungry, angry, tired and as if she had been diagnosed with cancer. Looking at some of the AI-generated faces, she said, she can see some similarities to her eyes.
She compared the face-creating software to “designer baby” systems in which parents can choose the features of their children. But she’s less worried about how the technology could affect her work: The world still needs real models, she said. “Today the trends in general and for companies and brands is to be as real as possible,” she added.
Simón Lanza, a 20-year-old student who also sat for an Icons8 shoot, said he could see why people in the business might be alarmed.
“As a model, I think it would take the job from people,” he said. “But you can’t stop the future.”
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I have to laugh at this nasty piece of crap. She spreads crap about my friend, and then plays the victim, mind she has always been very good at this, anyone remember that scamming incident early last year, the one where Judy said there had been a miscommunication, and she didn't realise she had broken the agreement, well she played the victim there as well, and basically accused the ACTUAL REAL Victim of setting her up and trying to make her look bad. Yeah because everyone wants to make you look bad, you don’t do it yourself. Judy always plays the victim, shes very good at it, there has been a number of incidents she has caused over the years, and she has always been the one responsible for causing the incident, she then plays the victim and spreads crap about the REAL victim.  so what actually happened, there was an argument between Judy and another player in game and to be honest it was in my opinion her fault as always, she jumped the gun and started being funny to this other player, and this other player told her where to go and called her a scammer. So I will now explain the situation, Judy likes mounts, but she refuses to Mount farm (at least she used to) unless it was set to Loot-Master (there is actually past proof of this on her actual blog where she posts these things about my friend all people have to do is look), This one particular day Judy decided to make her own mount farming party,  and invites us, we accept not knowing that she set it to loot master she said nothing to anyone, we couldn't get the last DPS so Judy puts the party up in party finder, we soon get the last DPS. We went in to the duty and that’s when the random person asked why it was set to Loot-Master, we also were like . . .wait loot master . .so we all left the duty. Well out of the duty Judy kicked off demanding she would get the first mount as she was party leader, and any items the boss would drop again as she was party leader. Now Im going to say me and the other people in the group were not okay with this, and we were not aware she was like this, before we had only farmed 2 mounts with her, and she complained and whined through each one, she was very annoying to be honest, and if I am honest, she was carried through the previous 2. Anyway Judy claimed it was clearly displayed and she had clearly explained to everyone it was loot master, but she didn’t and it was not displayed we didn’t have a clue until we got in there and the random person saw it. But instead of saying sorry, Judy basically insults this other player saying she herself is Chinese and has better reading skills than this person and they them self must be stupid, so in linkshell my friend said to her Judy you should just say sorry and stop this and set it to normal loot roll please,  a number of the group who were in this linkshell agreed with this. Well Judy refused so after say 5 mins the rest of us left, and started a new group and put that up in PF, the random person joined us, and Judy joined us and she carried on bickering with this random person, who was not replying and seemed like they had blocked Judy. We then kicked Judy from the party.  So all of this started over Judy attempting to scam someone in Early September 2019. Judy wont admit to this though, she says it all started in November and December when my friend Freya’s account was inactive.  The second incident was in early October 2019 and was in the linkshell, so Freya and myself were in a PvP group with Judy and 2 of her friends, now it was not a pre made group, we just got unlucky and got matched with them, we were not really on good terms with Judy from the first incident, I mean I dont like people who try and SCAM others, why the heck would anyone.  Well Freya spelt something wrong in the party chat, and immediately Judy and her 2 friends started having a go at Freya, they were literally AFKing at base throwing abuse at her in party chat. Well unlucky I voted to kick Judy, and it passed. Well then Judy probably annoyed because she got kicked started having a go at Freya in the Linkshell that we were all in, and carried on insulting her. Freya has got dyslexia and English is not her first language so yeah she does spell things incorrectly, however I know people who do not have dyslexia and English is their first language and they spell things incorrectly, and in Judys case, I mean has anyone seen her take on English, I mean the above screen shots are traumatic enough its broken English at the best, I mean really no reason on this earth for Judy to actually have a go at someone for their English. The funniest thing was Freya didn't sit there and put up with it, Freya told Judy, which Judy didn't like, and then proceeded to kick Judy from the linkshell, it was so nice and peaceful with out the constant shrill tone of that bitches complaining, because let me tell you she complained about everything. I seriously think she has a queen complex.  So the next thing Judy claims is that we deleted our discord, we didn't we kicked her from it, because she was harassing people on it, we only invited her in the first place because she was a friend of one of the people we farmed mounts with. So harassment wise she contacted the daughter of one of our mount farming members and showed the daughter some stuff Judy claimed had been said by the daughters father to Judy over discord. . .I will use the word fake because these discord conversations had the other persons name blocked out, you could not see who the other person was everything had been blocked out. Basically Judy was trying to make a father look bad in front of his daughter by sending her altered screen shots. So we kicked her, she actually mentions her version of events in her blog posts, she says  “ I was suddenly pulled into the conversation team by them in discord. I didn't say anything before and thought I was worried. Fear of a fart, I had expected that you would come to play the big dragon and the phoenix. I was not surprised, and he also added the shrew to that group of conversations and Just say I design traps, I am a bad guy or something. I told my father and daughter that I left because I chose it because I had read what they said. As for which shrew finally said his desire to destroy my reputation, I will say on the spot that you continue to roar. I don't care anyway, all the so-called evidence that passes through your hand is the conversation you ps.”  (PS=Photoshop) so This blog was posted on  28/10/2019, I want to point out now that no one else seemed to know about any Photo Shopped images at this point the first mention of these from the other involved people like Yuri Fairytale comes in late November early December, So my question here is why does Judy mention Photo Shopped images, how does Judy someone who claims she is on the PS4 know these images are photo shopped when no one else even knows they exist until late November early December 2019, Yuri didn't know until November 30th so how did Judy know a month before everyone else ??? I think it is because Judy made these photos herself, she certainly made / altered the discord screen shots she sent to the daughter, i also know Judy is not using a PS4 all the time, Judy did start out playing on the PS4, but she bought copies for the PC, when she had a better PC, I know for a fact 1 persons account can be multi platform, I have had 2 different friends who have started with PS4 accounts and then gone on to the PC, it is an actual thing. So saying her account is PS4 doesn't mean shes still playing on the PS4, it means she originally started on the PS4.  Also going to point out Judy mentions Yuri and herself looked at these screen shots they claim are fake, Judy actually says they (Judy and Yuri) EXAMINED them closely personally I think this is very suspicious, I mean why would you need to examine something so closely, especially when you claim like Yuri does and has in the past, he has no idea when it comes to things like discord. Very Strange Judy also mentions she has access to a discord account which she calls the FAKE discord account and says she checks it and in fact has access to it, Is that the account that’s been pretending to be my friend seems like it Judy says it is anyway, and the only way Judy would have access to this FAKE account is if she was the one who made it.  I will say myself and my friend have involved discord, they have been very decent and have provided my friend with proof that her account was not active during the months of November and December. I mean I understand people may not be interested now, but people should be interested in the truth, these idiots from the lich congress for no reason set out on a witch hunt against my friend, and to a point myself, and a few of our other friends. They have spread lies about us for no reason, and we are not the first people this lich congress has done this to. They are idiots, they are people who love drama and thrive on it, so much so that they make it up themselves. 
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