#Petrenko Family
fundieshaderoom · 5 days
Ellissa Petrenko calls out the Bridgerton show
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duggarsetal · 10 months
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Ellissa and Andrii's son has been born
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Katya Kovalevskaya 🌹
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An updated bio sheet of Katya! The last one felt like it was straight Wiki format style, but doesn't really explain her character properly, I also added some changes to her character as well so, here you go! <3
Name: Katya
Full name: Yekaterina Viktornovna Kovalevskaya
Codename: "Katyusha"
Alias(es): Lady of Death (by the Red Army), Mama Katya (by her soldiers), Der Russische Leutnant (by the Germans)
Age: 32 years old (Call of Duty: World at War), 58 years old (Call of Duty: Black Ops), 70 years old (Black Ops: Cold War)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Languages spoken: Russian, German (for intelligence purposes), English
Date of birth: June 15, 1916
Place of Birth: Ural Mountains, Imperial Russia
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single
Occupation: Senior Lieutenant and Sniper of the Red Army (retires after the events of the first Black Ops)
Status: Active
Rank: Senior Lieutenant (1942), Lieutenant Colonel (1945)
Affiliation: Red Army, CIA (briefly)
Universe: Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Black Ops: Cold War (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Anna Chipovskaya
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Song: "Katyusha" by Boris Alexandrov
Biography: Yekaterina, commonly known as Katya joins the Red Army for the service of the Soviet Union to avenge her parents death under the hands of German forces. While defending her country amidst the raging Second World War, she faces tremendous amounts of obstacles and barriers in her life which often try to make them as her weakness, but the woman was sworn to take her last breath in achieving one goal with her comrades — and that was liberating Berlin.
3rd Shock Army (Red Army)
Sergeant Viktor Reznov [K.I.A]
Private Dimitri Petrenko [K.I.A]
Private Chernov [K.I.A]
Commissar Markhov [fate unknown]
Major General Nikita Dragovich [K.I.A]
Colonel Lev Kravchenko [fate unknown]
CIA (Call of Duty: Black Ops)
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Jason Hudson
Grigori Weaver
Weapon induced: Scoped Mosin-Nagant, Tokarev (TT-33), PPSh-41, Molotov Cocktail, RGD-33
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand combat, but rarely, since she's more used to being a sniper giving covering fire
Special skills: Is a very experienced sniper, that gave her the infamous name of "Lady of Death", but Katya didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she was only serving her people as a soldier of the frontlines.
Talents: Knows natural remedies, holds a lot of empathy for others, can speak fluent German even if she knows a little bit of it
Shortcomings: Due to the incident, she lost her face partially along with the half-vision of her eye throughout the accident, faces survivors guilt, is a bit mentally depressed but she's able to push those negative thoughts down
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ (The Defender)
Is very protective towards her comrades: Ever since she lost her parents, Katya had always been searching for a way to cope up with her loss by taking care of the people she loves and believes in the most. Even if she never married, or birthed a child, she automatically unlocked her motherly instincts by calling her comrades as her "sons and daughters", considering them as her one, found family.
Ruthless, but at times merciful: Katya has shown immense strength and courage in the battlefield as a sniper and a squad leader, haunting the Germans in their own sleep thinking Katya wouldn't kill them and make the mattress they're sleeping on as their deathbed. But also, when Katya wants to show mercy, she'll show it. She thinks there's no use to wasting her own bullets on someone who already decided to surrender to the Red Army.
Emotional: Let it be a soldier dying, or a civilian, she'll ask forgiveness from God that she wasn't able to save an innocent despite having the duty to protect her own people. The incident that killed all of her soldiers left her deeply scarred, and believed she committed a bigger sin for being too naive and careless, and she deserved the impact on her face. It was even worse when Nikita Dragovich killed her teammates again by putting them as test subjects for the Nova 6 experiment that made her grow deranged and bloodthirsty to hunt Dragovich and his lapdog, Kravchenko in a fit of vengeance, until the CIA caught her presence.
Intelligent and observant: Katya is more aware of her surroundings ever since the incident impacted her, which caused her to be very vigilant, and grew her intelligence in the battlefield which made her useful for the Red Army as a sniper and as a squad leader in the infantry.
Katya was born around 1916 with her mother Elizaveta Kovalevskaya (neé Petrova) and father, Viktor Kovalevsky. Spending her childhood in the Ural Mountains, she learnt how to snipe at a young age from her father, who was a hunter, the reason why she took her father's skill in the field of sniping.
In 1939, she recruited herself in the Red Army as a sniper, in which her talent gave a huge role and reputation among the soldiers as a source of bravery, courage and inspiration, that gave her the name "Lady of Death". But, Katya on the other hand didn't want to coin such a name for herself when she believes she's only doing it for the protection of her own people.
But, in 1941, when Germany attacked Soviet Russia under "Operation Barbarossa", her village became a victim of the attacks, which ended up killing her family in the process. Broken and enraged, Katya wanted to avenge her parents death by going through missions and eliminating every single enemy who tried to cross the Soviet borders. Her life completely changed when one day she encountered General Heinrich Amsel, who was responsible for the death of her family along with many others, wanted to kill him by her own hands but never succeeded because he evaded before she could get to him.
Furious, the General wanted to eliminate Katya in her path, by luring her into a trap that he was staying at a hotel and could grab her an opportunity to end his life there. But little to her knowledge, it was all a set up, when he used that entire building as a decoy with the explosives attached. His soldiers locked away his teammates, including Katya but she was able to break through it. In a desperate attempt to find her comrades who were still locked inside, it was too late before the explosion could take effect, and blew her out of the building, leaving her drastically injured.
The explosion was the turning point of her life, where it emotionally scarred her and made her regret being a soldier, when she couldn't even protect her own soldiers, who basked into the flames of Amsel's planned explosion. She was taken for medical assistance, which took her a month to recover physically, and mentally. But, that didn't stop Katya from retiring, as her mind still revolved around that one goal — to eliminate General Amsel, and push all the German forces back from invading Russia.
Somewhere around 1942, she was promoted to Senior Lieutenant, and became the squad leader for the 3rd Shock Army, and participated in the Battle of Stalingrad alongside Pvt. Dimitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov. As the General's whereabouts were found, she led her team throughout the warzone and successfully countered Amsel, which led to his untimely death under the hands of Dimitri's sniper rifle. Katya, who held immense pride for the Private for doing something she couldn't, made him along with Reznov and Chernov as her closest comrades.
After the entire battle, in 1945, they finally achieved victory by liberating Berlin by hoisting the Soviet flag on the Reichstag, Katya was now at peace, hoping for a better future after the war's end.
But, somehow.. her life was going to go into a bigger turmoil, when she gets sent to the mission around the Arctic Circle, leading the events of the first Black Ops.
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Behind the OC Name
So, I was tagged by the wonderful @iamcautiouslyoptimistic so thank you!!
So, as I currently sit at my laptop, staring at this screen, my brain says "do every original character you have ever made" and I have to quietly bat at it to tell it to shush because we'd be here for centuries. But, as a reminder, one day I may showcase other ocs that I have and add their names to this post.
For now *glares at my brain* I think sticking with the three originals people actually know about would be best- so here goes.
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Jodie "Bell" Hall, a.k.a Nadezda Pugachev.
So, to avoid confusion, I mostly refer to my Bell oc as either Bell or Jodie, as in the 'canon' narrative (not my Call of Booty fic) she decides to stick with the name she was given by Adler and Park. I decided to go with Bell being in the MI6 as I am from the United Kingdom myself and so I then decided that I wanted to give her a name that sounded British.
As much as I'd like to say that name for her goes much deeper, it doesn't, but I feel like that reflects this whole idea that her identity was rushed to be made in the face of her brainwashing. I am not convinced that Adler and Park (and whoever was involved with that process) sat down around a table, cigarettes in hands, and took the time to find a fitting name. I 100% believe that they would have gone with what sounded enough to convince Bell.
To me, Jodie Hall was that fit.
As for her actual name? Well, I had this feeling that her name would have begun with an 'N' and I went looking at Russian names. I always like to make sure, when it's a language or culture not my own, that I look into it as much as possible - I'm ADHD and it gives me the strength to do this kind of research.
With that in mind, I was looking through them and waiting to see if a particular name resonated with me and eventually Nadežda/Nadezhda stuck out to me. The foremost name's spelling took my fancy, I liked how it looked and I can't explain how I knew that it was perfect for my Bell oc, but there it was, looking at me like 'HEY HELLO HERE PICK ME!'
What I love about that name, though, is that it means hope. I think I have mentioned this before, but I really loved that hope was the meaning of the name because I feel like it was something her family would have always told her to have. It's also something that she loses sight of but regains during the narrative I have for her.
Not only that, but isn't Bell the last hope that Adler and his team had at stopping what Perseus was trying to do at Solovetsky? I just liked the parallel and I only came to this specific realisation about Bell being their hope after I chose the name.
As for her last name, again there isn't a meaning from what I could find, but it was this feeling again of knowing what I wanted her last name to start with and then finding a surname that jumped out at me and seemed to fit with her.
I had originally played with the idea of giving her a surname from one of the previous Russian characters from World At War or Black Ops, but I thought using Reznov or Petrenko might have been a bit too on the nose and I wasn't certain of how to fit the idea of them being related into her backstory.
Anyway, I didn't end up going with that idea and allowed myself the creative freedom to ruin her life by NOT having her be related to any previously known characters.
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Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
Franca was only known as Major for quite some time while I was working on her - she came about after my first play through of MW2's reboot and a lot of the character progression and little stories I thought about didn't really push me to find a name.
When I eventually started working on what I wanted her to be called, Franca was not the first choice. I actually called her Seraphina. But that name didn't sit right with me and for several weeks I remember going back to it and thinking 'that name doesn't fit. it's not her'.
Seraphina most definitely is a name I'm going to use, just it wasn't for her, you know? Cause I ended up going down a rabbit hole of Seraph could be a good callsign, but again... it just wasn't this character.
It was then back to being nameless. Here I was, her entire family being named but her.
I ended up going with Franca because it means 'free one' and her entire backstory is about struggling with the expectations of her family, feeling like she was obliged to go through with what they wanted, but then deciding to do what she wanted and breaking free. So, that was the one. I said it out loud and my brain was like 'yep, itch has been scratched'.
I also thought about having her surname be different to the one she has now, initially having Nota. However, the only reason I went with that is probably because I was lazy - Nota is the surname of my Italian family that moved over in the early 1900s. It was a safe option, but again didn't end up fitting my character. Sorry fam! Lorenzetti was then chosen and seemed like the perfect fit!
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Nanette MacTavish
I'm pretty certain that Nanette means something along the lines of graceful, merciful, or something similar and given that she has such a kind heart it felt right for her to have this name. I didn't really do much research into her name as it was the first one that came to mind for her. Sometimes I'm either right on the money the first time around or I have to do a little bit of figuring out before a character's name ends up being chosen. Like I say, Nanette's came right to me.
Of course, her surname is MacTavish because I kept seeing husband headcanons and what he'd be like as a dad and I needed that. So they're married.
Prior to that, though, her maiden name was Oakley! The only reason I chose this surname was because of how earthy is sounded - Nanette to me is someone very grounded, earthly, and she's also a Virgo. By extension, her father is very green-fingered and her mother loves nature. The family name fits all three of their personalities so it just fit too well not to go with it.
Thank you so much for reading this far, I hope I didn't rattle your ear off too much!
Overall I love all my ocs' names but I think I like Bell's the most, if only because of how complicated their meanings are for that character in connection with the storyline.
As for tagging other people, I'm not sure who's been tagged and who hasn't. If you've already done this, I'm sorry for the re-tag and I'm heading straight over to read your behind the oc name posts.
@angstkings @walder-138 @adlerboi @adlersoldspice uh uh uh panique- and uh @ anyone else who wanna do it!
Goodness gracious me, who thought tagging people would be stressful-
Anyway, have an absolutely wonderful day as each and every one of you deserves it. Remember to be kind to yourselves <3
with much honk,
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head-post · 2 months
Russia’s Investigative Committee claims Ukrainian trace in financing terrorist attacks
The Russian Investigative Committee reported that money channelled through the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings over the past few years was used to finance terrorist acts on the territory of Russia and abroad, according to Russian media.
The committee’s spokesperson, Svetlana Petrenko, reported that the funds routed through Burisma Holdings financed activities aimed at eliminating high-ranking politicians and public figures, as well as at causing economic damage.
It was established that funds received through commercial organisations, in particular the oil and gas company Burisma Holdings, operating in Ukraine, had been used to carry out terrorist acts in the Russian Federation over recent years.
The Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky, former minister of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine, and is linked to the US president’s family, as Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, joined its board in 2014.
Read more HERE
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clamarcap · 5 months
Fly Forward
Jennifer Higdon (31 dicembre 1962): Concerto per violino e orchestra (2008; Premio Pulitzer 2010). Solista: Hilary Hahn (dedicataria della composizione); Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Vasilij Petrenko. 1726 Chaconni Fly Forward
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cyberbenb · 10 months
Brothers Brick creates four more LEGO minifigs of Mariupol defenders
The wife of Azov soldier Valerii Petrenko (call sign ‘Teyvaz’) asked the founder of The Brothers Brick, Andrew Becraft, to design the figures for her husband.
After his release from captivity, Valerii received a long-awaited gift — 4 LEGO figures. They were handed over to Teivaz by Kateryna Prokopenko, head of the Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders, who recently returned from America, where she met Andrew Becraft. In the United States, she held a series of meetings with influential figures as part of a campaign for the captured Mariupol defenders.
“Memories of the fallen. A set of LEGO minifigs made for former POW Teyvaz to honor his brothers who didn’t make it out of Azovstal. No Photoshop — a sunbeam came out and shone on the fallen as I took this photo,” wrote the figures’ creator Andrew Becraft.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Santa stops by the Halifax Ukrainian Store
It’s a new beginning for Roman Petrenko and his family, who have been the Maritimes for two mont.
This will be their first Christmas in Canada, and until now, it was not looking very good.
“We had to explain to our daughter we couldn’t buy some sweets for her and why we cannot buy toys for her,” said Petrenko.
Like many other Ukrainian refugees, Petrenko received a call from the Halifax Ukrainian Store, offering Christmas gifts for kids and pictures with Santa.
Many were excited to meet a Canadian Santa. They know him as Svaty Mikolay back home. Organizers said a familiar face is important at a time like this.
“They lost their homes, and here, they can find their new home and we want this home to be very happy,” said organizer Olena Kryshtope.
Over the last month, volunteers have been organizing and fundraising for this Christmas event. They compiled a list of families in the Halifax area and invited them all.
“It was just unexpected. Olena called me and said we need to do it, and somehow, we started doing it,” said volunteer Natalia Ivcheko.
Donations have been piling up. Organizers said they were surprised by the generosity of the community. Many gave monetary donations, while others dropped off children’s gifts.
“I mean we were opening boxes and boxes and [they had] Barbies, big trucks, and wheelies -- all the stuff that kids love to play with,” said store manager Nanette Dean.
About 80 children were expected, but closer to 100 showed up. The photographer and Santa at the event were among 60 other volunteers who showed up to make it all happen.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/HY4bOsg
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Shock questions after the gruesome murder of a Palestinian gay
As news of Abu Markhiya’s death spread, a completely different version of events emerged from Israel. LGBTQ organizations and emergency shelters that help LGBT asylum seekers said they knew he was gay and needed to escape from the Palestinian territories, where he was a target. Rita Petrenko, founder of The Different House, an Israeli gay rights organization serving the Arab community, said Abu Markhiya’s fear was palpable when they met in 2020. “He told me that people not only in his family but in the village wanted to kill him,” she said, adding that he fled to Israel as news of his sexual orientation spread in Hebron two years ago. “He was afraid for his brothers, uncles and cousins.” Petrenko said Abu Markhiya was going from shelter to shelter and taking out occasional jobs at a Tel Aviv restaurant, while she helped him apply for resettlement in Canada. He had no prospects in Israel. Petrenko said he was temporarily prevented from working until last July, when Israel began granting work permits to Palestinians who have sought asylum due to violence and persecution based on their sexual orientation. “The situation was appalling for all of them,” said Ibtisam Marana Menuhin, an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset who petitioned the Supreme Court to grant gay Palestinian asylum seekers work visas. Israel frequently promotes tolerance for issues of sexual orientation, despite the rejection of homosexuality in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities. But Tel Aviv is proud of its reputation as a top destination for gay and lesbian travelers. Critics accuse Israel of “pink washing,” saying it uses such tolerance as a way to divert attention from its unchecked occupation of the West Bank, now in its 56th year, and its harsh policies toward the Palestinians. Petrenko said that just hours before Abu Markhiya was killed on Wednesday, he spoke to volunteers at his Tel Aviv shelter for a regular check-up. There was nothing wrong. The next day, the story of his beheading dominated the media. From Tel Aviv, there was an avalanche of pain. loading “We are broken… We will always remember you, Esso,” said Elm, a group who helped Abu Markhiya, addressing him with a nickname. “We will never stop fighting until others like you can live as freely as any other human being.” At the shelter he recently stayed at, staff lit a candle for Abi Markhiya during a vigil Friday. Petrenko said she did not know how he appeared in Hebron. “He never felt safe,” she said. Palestinian gays tend to be wary for fear of attracting unwanted attention from their socially conservative society and backlash from the authorities. In 2019, Palestinian Authority police banned a gay and transgender rights group from holding events in the West Bank and threatened to arrest the participants. Homosexuals in Israel’s Arab minority have faced violence and ostracism in their communities. West Bank Palestinians, like Abu Markhiya, have long crossed the border into Israel to live openly. Representative Marana Menuhin said there are approximately 100 Palestinians living under asylum, but the number is likely much higher. “It’s not that these people are coming out of the closet. They were found and hunted down,” said Hila Beer of Aguda, an Israeli LGBT rights organization. “Ahmed’s case is just another example of how bad the situation is and how dangerous it is.” AP Get a direct note from our alien correspondents About what’s making headlines around the world. Subscribe to the weekly What in the World newsletter here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Fundies and Adjacent Families I Follow: Babies Due in August
Zach and Whitney Bates are expecting their fifth child (third daughter)
Nate and Laura Paine are expecting their fifth child (unknown gender)
Elissa (Baird) and Andrii Petrenko are expecting their second child (first son)
Devon and Lauren (Andregg) Wikstrom are expecting their second child (first son)
Hannah (Salyer) and Luke Hoover are expecting their first child (first son)
Nathanael and Katrina Wissmann are expecting their first child
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gossipgirldefined · 2 years
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She’s here!
Emiliya Heidi Andriyivna Petrenko
Born March 19, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary
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duggarsetal · 2 years
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Just a collection of photos of Baby Emiliya Petrenko
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spiritcc · 5 years
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Petren took part in the Immortal Regiment walk today with his sons
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squishmittenficfan · 6 years
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Holby City - The Family We Choose
Frieda Petrenko
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shirazkindofgirl · 6 years
Our Gothic Princess is looking gorgeous tonight.
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clamarcap · 1 year
Fly Forward
Jennifer Higdon (31 dicembre 1962): Concerto per violino e orchestra (2008; Premio Pulitzer 2010). Solista: Hilary Hahn (dedicataria della composizione); Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Vasilij Petrenko. 1726 Chaconni Fly Forward
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