#Pelvic Health Devices
sulfurart · 8 months
Kegel exercise devices typically consist of a comfortable, body-safe silicone or plastic insert able component that is designed to be gently placed within the vagina (for women) or the rectum (for men). These devices often connect to a smartphone app or a remote control, allowing users to customize their workouts and monitor progress.
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pelvictech · 4 months
Penis pumps can be used for a variety of purposes, including enhancing erectile function, recreational use, and joint play. They are frequently used to temporarily increase length or girth since some people find a larger penis to be more attractive. When shopping, consider your motivation for using a penis pump because some are more designed for enjoyment and others are created with penile health and wellness in mind.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 11 months
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Caitlyn Tivy, the (awesome) pelvic health physical therapist, is back with us again, talking vaginal dilators in a new two-part series.
"Perhaps you’ve heard of dilators — also known as vaginal trainers — before, but you weren’t sure where to learn more about them. Maybe you’ve never heard of them, but you’re looking for ways to manage pelvic pain. Perhaps you’ve already tried using dilators, but weren’t very successful. Regardless, you’re in the right place!
“Vaginal dilator” is the most commonly used medical term for these devices, though many clinicians and researchers are shifting to the term “vaginal trainer.” Many pelvic PTs—myself included!—prefer the term trainer. Not only does “training” sound less aggressive than “dilation”, it also communicates a key concept of trainer use: it should be an active, participatory process in which the user is in control, rather than an experience that is happening to them as a passive recipient.
I also generally refer to these devices simply as just “trainers”. This terminology is inclusive for everyone with genitalia that allow for use of these devices. For these reasons, I’ll use the term “trainer” for the remainder of this article.
If you search online using the terms “pelvic floor trainer” or “vaginal trainer”, you may see ads for other devices designed to help people learn to perform pelvic floor exercises, or “kegels,” properly. These devices are not the same as the trainers we’re discussing here, but not to worry: I’ll include a guide to finding the right type of trainers later!
The trainers we’re discussing here are medical devices used to decrease pain and improve flexibility in the tissues of the vaginal and neovaginal canals.
Trainers can be made from a variety of materials. They are typically cylindrical in shape. At first glance, they can look a bit like sex toys, but that’s not their intended use. Trainers are designed to provide therapeutic stretching and pain relief for the tissues of the vaginal canal. Let’s learn more about the many cases in which trainers can be useful!"
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thescrumblingmidwife · 8 months
what advice would you give to a trans person who is terrified of getting health checks such as pap smears? I'm generally rather touch-averse and that doubled with the dysphoria makes it very scary to think about.
Hi Anon,
This is a topic close to my heart, because I myself am touch-averse and have a trauma response to pelvic examinations. I also want to make sure everyone understands why it's important to get pap smears!
Let's start with what pap smears are, why they're important, and who they are for. Maybe understanding that will be the first step in finding the strength and courage to go through with them.
What is a pap smear for?
Your cervix is the gateway to your uterus, sitting atop the vagina. It's a thick ring of muscle that is normally closed, opening just a tiny bit for menses to escape (the sensation of the muscle opening is what causes cramps).
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Now, the trouble comes when cervical cells have been infected with a virus called human papillomavirus (or HPV) - especially certain "high-risk" strains. HPV is very common in the human population - almost everyone sexually active has had it at some time, with about 50% of infections being a high-risk type. Most people just clear the virus themselves and never even know. But sometimes, this viral infection will start a process of dysplasia (basically growing weird cells), which can be the start of cervical cancer.
The job of a pap smear is to check the cervical cells for dysplastic changes that indicate things might progress towards cancer, or for the virus itself. (What it looks for specifically depends on your age and previous results, but the process is the same for you). When lesions are found early, they are VERY easily treatable. The pap smear saves thousands of lives every year by preventing cervical cancers.
How is a pap smear performed?
A device called a speculum will need to be inserted into your vagina to hold open the walls of the vagina and allow the provider to visualize the cervix. Once this is in place, a soft brush-like device is passed up through the vagina, pressed against the cervix, and swirled around several times to collect cells. This may feel weird or uncomfortable, but shouldn't cause pain. Most people don't feel it at all, the speculum being the worst part. The whole thing takes about one minute.
Separate from the pap smear, the provider may also perform a bimanual exam, which is when they insert fingers from one hand into the vagina while pressing down on the abdomen, to look for masses, abnormalities or tenderness.
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Who needs a pap smear?
CURRENTLY (as of 2023), everyone with an intact cervix who is 21 or older is recommended to get pap smears, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual history. Between ages 21-29, you should go every 3 years, and after age 30, every 5 years (depending on results - if you get a positive, you would need more frequent observation).
If you are older than 21 and have never had any kind of sexual contact with anyone at all (including hands, mouths, or sharing toys!), you can discuss with your provider to see if a modified schedule may make sense based on your risk level.
Note: The HPV vaccine may change these recommendations in the future! I strongly recommend getting the vaccine if you have not already!
OK, Anon. With that public service announcement out of the way, let's talk about the real meat of your question.
The best thing I can recommend is to take the time to find a provider you vibe with. Someone with whom you feel safe, with whom you have mutual respect. See if your local LGTBQIA+ support group has recommendations, or if any clinics in your area have providers that specialize in LGTBQIA+ or trauma-informed care. Call and ask providers questions about how they handle people who struggle with pelvic exams. Generally, avoid crusty old men.
A good provider will warn you before ever touching any part of your body, go slowly, and ask permission each time, and stop the second you tense up. A GREAT provider will make you feel in control the whole time - they may let you insert the speculum yourself and not make you use stirrups if they're triggering for you. Medical consent is the same as sexual consent - just because you're disrobed in that room doesn't mean you need to let anyone touch you. You do not have to undergo a pap smear with a provider you don't trust. You are allowed to walk away.
Other things to try:
You can ask for a short-acting anti-anxiety medicine, like Xanax, to take before the visit, provided you've got a ride.
You can bring a companion, or ask for a nurse to hold your hand.
Chat nonstop, tell stupid jokes, or listen to music on headphones, whatever kind of distraction works best for you.
Meditate, practice belly breathing, really focus on full body relaxation, especially of the pelvic muscles
Remind yourself that it's one minute every few years for the piece of mind that you won't get cancer.
Be open to the possibility that it won't be as bad as you're fearing.
Know that you are brave and strong. You can do hard things. You can do anything for one minute.
If any other trans folx out there want to share tips with Anon for how to navigate gynecologic exams, please share!
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Happy New Year! It feels significant that our first show of the year should be from Jojo.
Last week, Jean was experiencing painful cramps and Kat suggested she go see Alex because he is considered to be a very good gynecologist. Because Alex knows nothing, we and he received a lesson on proper procedure for a pelvic inspection. Jean panicked as she thought about the last time she was this vulnerable with Alex and fled the office.
Elsewhere, Alex has reunited with his high school friends, Ew, and Nim. Ew is into puppy play, but it seems his girlfriend is not. Nim is seeing another woman, whose name I don't know yet, who wants to have a baby. Foreshadowing says Nim is going to carry that baby.
Also, we watched Army get head in a car, which is significant because anal requires too much planning for some of the spontaneous sex BL likes to use.
I like present-day Army. He sees Jean running from Alex and knows it's definitely his fault, and then immediately vents how frustrated he is with Alex, too.
Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen a Thai drama, of any sort, voice the opinion some of us have that gays and straights cannot be friends. (I don't personally believe this, but I completely understand where it comes from).
Army is also right to feel like Alex is being hypocritical when his current reputation is one of a player.
Nim's girlfriend is Bew, and she's got big dreams. I love lesbians. Excited to see Nim come to grips with carrying a child.
I think Sing is perfectly cast for Eiw. You need someone who can seem a little silly, and also who can be extremely heartfelt. His hurt at his own friends calling him abnormal hit perfectly.
Oh no, Army. Please vet this boy. Don't have sex with someone underage.
Jojo said, "It's 2023. We all vers now."
Nothing but praise for this rejection scene. Love that Army had to say no more than three times, and held firm despite his own arousal. I'm sure this boy is going to cause more problems later, but super glad Army is sensible.
That's right, babies! The laws about age of consent are designed to protect both parties! Don't endanger yourself or others by lying about your age!!
Sincerely, I don't think Joe overreacted here. Given Army's reputation and his apparent personal experience, it is the right response to protect your student when you see signs of danger. If Joe is also queer, this is especially important.
Why are fictional lesbians consistently so demanding when they want a close friend to be their donor? I'm not complaining, but it's very specific. Also, poor Eiw being rejected out of hand as a donor.
Okay, Mollie! They have also figured out some things in the last ten years.
I'm still not sold on Joong, but Fah is good with almost any scene partners.
Yes, Mollie! You better crush this role!!
Love Mollie's and Jean's integrity.
I'm so nervous about these cramps for Jean. They serve as a convenient plot device to force Alex and Jean back together, but I'm also worried about her health and the health of women like her.
Ice is correct to call his friend out about being rude to Kim. She doesn't need to reveal the interior aspects of their sex life to their friends to sate their curiosity.
They're not backing down in this show. Now we're discussing men's sexual health and the dysmorphia about penis size.
This scene between Ice and Kim is important. It's important to understand that people want different outcomes from sex sometimes, and that the opinion that most matters regarding sex is that of your partner. Ice does not need to worry about what his friends think, because he's got a partner who wants him in Kim.
Okay. I am glad they showed Army reflecting back to a time with Joe while masturbating in the shower, but did they really have to make him run his hands through his hair IMMEDIATELY afterwards??
Cannot overstate how relieved I am that this show is going out of its way to show that Jean and Kat do not have any beef with each other.
I don't think it's smart of Army to go looking for Joe on a school campus. He clearly has sexual intentions, and they should not do anything at a school. The risks are too high.
Love that this isn't BL, so Joe is just closeted for professional reasons, and also pissed at Army for the unknown infraction.
Again, it's like Jojo has been listening to our complaints about spontaneous gay sex. Making out and jerking with clothes on in a locker room is the exact kind of thing gays would do. Army jerking Joe off and begging him to forgive him might top end of the year lists and it's only the second day of the year!
Still, I'm glad a student showed up looking for Joe. Let's not forget that it is a terrible idea to do this at a school.
Fluke Pusit... I see you, sir. Good job.
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pillarsalt · 1 year
hi i'm young and have a genuine question about this post - what about periods? wouldn't women in the age range to have children not have to suffer menstrual cycles anymore without their uteri? i know there's a point about eliminating shame of a natural process but they still suck to experience in the first place anyway. just wondering.
Hello! Thanks for asking this question. I've seen a few people bring up periods in the notes of the first post and I definitely understand where you're coming from. Periods are a pain in the (uter)ass and they can be hell for many women. I can get why you would want to be rid of the organ that causes you so much monthly grief. But I again want to refer everyone not totally knowledgeable about the human uterus in respect to the function and health of your body, as well as hysterectomies and their side effects to this post here (it includes sources and further reading if you want to know even more which I recommend checking out, I spent hours and hours poring over it earlier this year.)
Getting rid of your uterus will cause you so, so many more problems than your period gave you in the first place. It's just not worth it. The structural integrity of your pelvic organs depends on it, in the case of a total hysterectomy you lose the hormones that benefit your entire body (not to mention the uterus's function in orgasm), and incredibly disturbingly, losing your uterus puts you at greater risk for developing dementia in the future.
I've seen a few additions to my post you linked where people point out that if men suffered period pain like we do every month, they would want to remove their organs too. But I think if men were the ones who had to be in agony every month, we would already have a cure for this pain. Women's pain, especially related to their reproductive organs, is notoriously universally ignored. It's the same for birth control, if men were the ones getting pregnant, we'd have had foolproof, painless contraceptive solutions years and years ago. Women are told we're overreacting, over sensitive, they named the term "hysteria" after the uterus which is everything you need to know. What women actually need to do is fight for modern medicine to hear us, to work to develop both medicinal and societal solutions for us, not to remove the body parts that make us "other" from men.
And I think we're on our way to that progress too, I have had an IUD (intrauterine device) for almost five years and my previously extremely heavy period has calmed down to next to nothing since it's installation. I haven't had to buy menstrual products for years (my periods still arrive monthly which is a good indicator of health but the periods themselves are basically discharge of a different colour and texture), my cramps are barely there, and I have had no side effects to my knowledge. IUDs aren't for everyone, but I believe with even more research we will have a way to help women stop suffering without removing important parts of our bodies.
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myhealthhospital · 4 months
Treatment For Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence, the involuntary leakage of urine, can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Treatment options depend on the type and severity of incontinence, as well as underlying causes. Common treatments include:
Lifestyle Modifications: Behavioral changes such as bladder training, scheduled toileting, and fluid management can help improve symptoms.
Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels): Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can support the bladder and improve urinary control.
Medications: Certain medications, such as anticholinergics or beta-3 agonists, can help reduce bladder spasms and increase bladder capacity.
Medical Devices: Devices like pessaries or urethral inserts can help support the bladder and reduce leakage.
Electrical Stimulation: Techniques like sacral neuromodulation or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) use electrical impulses to improve bladder control.
Interventional Therapies: Botox injections into the bladder or bulking agents around the urethra can help reduce incontinence episodes.
Surgery: In severe cases or when other treatments fail, surgical options like sling procedures or artificial urinary sphincter implantation may be considered.
It's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and health status.
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jpmcompanyreviews · 8 months
The Benefits of V Steaming
The Benefits of V Steaming
Vaginal steaming, often referred to as "V steaming" or "Yoni steaming," is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. While V steaming has a long history in various cultures, it's now making a resurgence as a holistic wellness option for individuals seeking natural ways to support their well-being. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of V steaming without making any medical claims. We'll also touch on the use of Yoni steam herbs and portable V steamers as part of this rejuvenating practice.
Before we dive in, if you're new to V steaming and want to learn more about it or explore a selection of Yoni steam herbs, you can visit Leiamoon.com for comprehensive information and high-quality products.
What Is V Steaming?
V steaming, also known as Vaginal steaming or Yoni steaming, is an age-old practice that involves sitting or squatting over a pot of herbal-infused steam. The steam is created by boiling a blend of herbs that are carefully selected for their therapeutic properties. This warm herbal steam is directed towards the vagina and perineum, providing a soothing and potentially beneficial experience.
The Benefits of V Steaming
Supports Menstrual Health: V steaming is often used as a natural way to alleviate menstrual discomfort. While not a medical treatment, some individuals have reported reduced menstrual cramps and a more comfortable period after incorporating V steaming into their self-care routine.
Enhances Circulation: The warm herbal steam from V steaming may promote improved blood circulation in the pelvic area. Healthy circulation can be essential for overall reproductive health and vitality.
Stress Reduction: Taking time for a V steam session can be a meditative and relaxing experience. It allows individuals to disconnect from daily stressors and focus on self-care, promoting a sense of emotional well-being.
Postpartum Recovery: Many new mothers turn to V steaming as part of their postpartum recovery process. While not a replacement for medical care, it can offer comfort and relaxation during this transformative time.
Supports Vaginal Health: Some women use V steaming to support vaginal health. The practice is believed to help maintain a balanced vaginal pH and support the body's natural cleansing processes.
Empowerment and Self-Care: V steaming can be a powerful way for individuals to connect with their bodies and practice self-love. It's a ritual that promotes a sense of empowerment and self-care.
Using Yoni Steam Herbs
Central to the V steaming experience are the herbs used to create the therapeutic steam. Yoni steam herbs are carefully chosen for their unique properties and benefits. Some commonly used herbs include:
Rosemary: Known for its aromatic and soothing properties.
Lavender: Renowned for its relaxation-inducing scent.
Calendula: Believed to have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Rose Petals: Celebrated for their gentle, nurturing qualities.
Mugwort: Often used in traditional V steaming for its potential benefits.
These herbs can be used individually or blended together to create a personalized V steam experience tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
If you're interested in exploring a variety of Yoni steam herbs, you can check out Leiamoon.com's selection of high-quality, organic herbs.
Portable V Steamers
While traditional V steaming setups involve squatting or sitting over a pot of steaming herbs, modern technology has introduced portable V steamers, making the practice more accessible and convenient. Portable V steamers are compact devices that generate herbal steam, allowing you to experience V steaming in the comfort of your own home.
These portable devices are designed to be user-friendly and safe, and they often come with adjustable settings to control the steam's intensity and temperature. This makes it easier than ever to incorporate V steaming into your self-care routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about V steaming or Yoni steam herbs, you're not alone. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:
Is V Steaming Safe?: When performed correctly, V steaming is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and not use extremely hot steam.
How Often Should I V Steam?: The frequency of V steaming can vary from person to person. Some may do it once a month, while others prefer a more frequent schedule. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.
Can V Steaming Treat Medical Conditions?: V steaming is not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical care. It is a holistic wellness practice that some individuals find supportive.
Are There Any Side Effects?: While many people experience positive effects from V steaming, it's essential to be aware of your body's response. If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, discontinue the practice and consult a healthcare professional.
V steaming is a holistic wellness practice that has been embraced by many for its potential benefits. It offers a unique opportunity for self-care, relaxation, and connection with your body. Remember that V steaming is not a medical treatment, and its effects can vary from person to person.
If you're interested in exploring V steaming further or purchasing Yoni steam herbs, you can visit Leiamoon.com. They offer a range of products and information to support your V steaming journey.
Please note that this blog does not make any medical claims, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for any specific health concerns or conditions.
With the rise of portable V steamers, it's easier than ever to incorporate this practice into your self-care routine. Whether you're looking to enhance your menstrual health, reduce stress, or simply indulge in some well-deserved self-care, V steaming and Yoni steam herbs offer a holistic approach to wellness that's worth exploring.
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My best friend Nevra Liz is a 27 year old woman in Karachi, Pakistan who has been suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and related comorbidities such as dysautonomia since childhood. However, her health has taken a dramatic downturn in recent years with the onset of severe Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Before becoming dangerously ill she studied many languages, and later used her translation skills to help out disabled patients all over the world, and advocated for disability rights. She is no longer able to do any of these things. 
The first smaller goal for Nevra is £4,000 (equivalent to $4898.30, euros: €4661.12)
This includes laparoscopic surgery
at Aga Khan University hospital and a hospital stay, which costs about 670,000 PKR or £2,500.
Nevra needs relief for her excruciating pelvic pain as soon as possible. (Her pain is 9 to 10 on the pain scale every day.)
The remaining £1,500 will go towards hospital stay for additional days, food, medication, transportation, home care, at home nurse, caregiver, supplements, and medical device support items.
We have less than 4 weeks to reach our goal and we need the doctors to continue taking the pain seriously and not deciding against the laparoscopy because of a lack of funds and putting Nevra on random medications again.
The GoFundMe link to donations: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-nevra
To know more about the case:
Your help is valuable and we appreciate it really in these crucial times.
May God bless you 🙏
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cliftontherapy2 · 2 years
Physical Therapy near Cedar Grove for Pelvic Floor
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Our Group
We have a carefully selected group of individuals who are profoundly skilled and qualified in their specific part of training. We have clinical specialists available, who investigate the patient's progress and offer guidance on the most proficient method to continue for every individual based on their needs. Alongside this we also give a specialist chiropractic staff that is knowledgeable about all forms of treatment remembering hands for therapy as well as different modalities such as neuromuscular or manual therapies like Needle therapy
"Aside from these two groups, our personal trainers at Physical Therapy near Cedar Grove will assist you with checking your movement levels so they can ensure legitimate recuperation."
Treatment Plans
At our rehab focus, we have a special process for assigning treatment plans to patients. This is because every individual has various goals and needs with regards to their recuperation program. First of all, we play out an underlying diagnosis on the patient by social occasion input from doctors, specialists, therapists and physicians who are most learned about that condition or disorder. 
The previous clinical history of everyone will be considered before any decisions can be made so they know which treatments would work best based on what kind of care they need as well as how successful those treatments were in the past with others suffering similar conditions or disorders.
Do I have a Pelvic Floor Pain?
How are you feeling today? You might be encountering pelvic floor dysfunctions that can severely influence your lifestyle and leave you with embarrassing symptoms. Be that as it may, there is potential for a superior life! 
With the assistance of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Passaic District NJ we will cooperate to figure out what's happening down beneath so that we can ensure all that functions like it should again discreetly and with no pain or discomfort. Schedule an assessment now before these disorders characterize your identity as a person!
The Public Health and Nourishing Assessment Survey viewed as 1/3 American women have encountered pelvic floor dysfunction in the last ten years. These conditions frequently lead to incontinence, organ prolapse, sexual capability problems generally exceptionally normal issues which cause.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Treatment in New Jersey
Our pelvic floor nj muscles can be frail, overactive, ungraceful or have trigger points. Treatment might incorporate myofascial release, strengthening down - preparing techniques and engine control preparing. Biofeedback is a device that we use to retrain our own muscle patterns: the more you practice this new example of getting your muscles in specific ways voluntarily even while sitting still! You'll see the way a lot easier it becomes with time.
What's in store ?
The Underlying Assessment commonly runs around an hour. You will survey past clinical history, as well as any complaints that prompted your meeting with a physical therapist at Passaic District NJ. 
An orthopedic test is usually directed during the assessment this includes checking for whatever might be causing pain or discomfort in and around the pelvic floor region of our body including hips, lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint etcetera; it might also incorporate an inner assessment which involves contacting/feeling perineal area (vagina and rectum). 
We frequently see skin condition sores on patients who have had injury/surgery through their groin region these are called surgical scars . The other aspect we investigate is reflexes strength and versatility while assessing.
Clifton Physical Therapy
1373 Broad Street Suite 204, Clifton, NJ 07013
T: (862) 249-1330
F: (862) 249-1331
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday Call In For Availability!
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pelvictech · 3 months
Pelvic Medical Devices: Personalized Treatment Approaches
Pelvic medical devices have revolutionized the treatment landscape for various pelvic floor disorders, offering personalized approaches tailored to individual patients’ needs.  References: https://pelvitech.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/pelvic-medical-devices-personalized-treatment-approaches/ https://pelvictech.com/blogs/news
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poojahd99 · 5 days
Hands-On Course for Aesthetic Gynecology Elevate your Practice with IAVA
Aesthetic gynecology is a rapidly growing field that combines advanced gynecological techniques with cosmetic enhancements to improve both function and appearance. If you're looking to expand your expertise, the Indian Academy of Vaginal Aesthetics (IAVA) offers comprehensive hands-on courses that are ideal for gynecologists, plastic surgeons, and dermatologists. Led by experienced professionals like Dr. Sejal Ajmera, these courses provide invaluable training in both functional and aesthetic gynecology. This blog will delve into the details of the hands-on course for aesthetic gynecology and highlight key aspects such as gynecological surgery workshops, advanced techniques, and certification.
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Why Choose IAVA for Aesthetic Gynecology Training?
Expert-Led Training
Dr. Sejal Ajmera and other seasoned professionals at IAVA bring years of experience and knowledge to the table. Their expertise ensures that participants receive top-tier education and mentorship throughout the course.
Comprehensive Course Structure
IAVA offers a range of courses tailored to meet the diverse needs of medical professionals. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, IAVA has something to offer.
The Importance of Specialized Training in Gynecology
Aesthetic gynecology involves procedures aimed at improving the appearance and function of the female genitalia. These can range from labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation to more complex surgeries that enhance both look and feel. In contrast, functional gynecology focuses on restoring or improving the functionality of the female reproductive organs, including treatments for urinary incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, and sexual health issues.
Course Details
Gynecological Surgery Workshops
IAVA’s gynecological surgery workshops provide in-depth training on various surgical procedures. These workshops are designed to enhance your skills in performing intricate surgeries with precision and care. You will have the opportunity to observe and practice under the guidance of experts, ensuring you gain confidence and competence in advanced gynecological techniques.
Labia Majoraplasty and Minoraplasty
Clitoral Unhooding
Hymen Reconstruction
Vaginoplasty with Perineoplasty
Aesthetic Gynecology Course Details
The aesthetic gynecology course at IAVA covers a wide array of topics, including:
Introduction to Aesthetic Gynecology: Understanding the principles and scope of aesthetic gynecology.
Applied Anatomy: Detailed study of female genital anatomy relevant to aesthetic procedures.
Energy-Based Devices: Hands-on training with the latest lasers and radiofrequency devices used in aesthetic treatments.
Injectables and Fillers: Techniques for using botulinum toxin and fillers in genital rejuvenation.
Surgical Procedures: Training on labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and more.
The aesthetic gynecology course provides in-depth training on procedures that enhance the appearance and functionality of the vaginal area. The curriculum includes:
Botulinum Toxin for Vaginismus: Techniques for using botulinum toxin to treat vaginal muscle spasms.
G-Spot Amplification: Procedures to enhance sexual pleasure.
Genital Peels and Fillers: Techniques to improve the skin texture and appearance of the genital area.
PRP in Vaginal Rejuvenation: Using platelet-rich plasma for vaginal rejuvenation.
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Functional Gynecology Training Program
Functional gynecology focuses on improving the physiological function of the female reproductive system. IAVA’s training program includes modules on:
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation: Techniques for strengthening pelvic floor muscles.
Urinary Incontinence Treatments: Non-surgical and surgical options for managing urinary incontinence.
Sexual Dysfunction: Addressing and treating various forms of sexual dysfunction in women.
Advanced Gynecology Techniques
IAVA stays at the forefront of gynecological advancements by incorporating the latest techniques into their training programs. Participants will learn:
3D Imaging for Precision Surgery: Using advanced imaging technologies for accurate surgical planning and execution.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: Techniques that reduce recovery time and improve patient outcomes.
Stem Cell Therapy: Innovative treatments using stem cells for tissue regeneration and repair.
IAVA's courses emphasize the latest advancements in gynecological techniques. These include the use of:
CO2 and Diode Lasers: For non-invasive treatments like vaginal tightening and skin resurfacing.
Radio Frequency Devices: For improving vaginal laxity and skin texture.
HIFEM Chairs: For strengthening pelvic floor muscles.
These advanced techniques ensure that participants are equipped with cutting-edge skills to meet the demands of modern aesthetic gynecology.
Hands-On Training
Dry Lab and Wet Lab Sessions
IAVA’s courses include extensive hands-on training through dry lab (simulations) and wet lab (real cases) sessions. These practical experiences are crucial for mastering complex procedures and gaining real-world skills.
Mentorship and Support
Post-training mentorship is a key component of IAVA’s program. Dr. Sejal Ajmera and other mentors provide ongoing support to help you integrate new techniques into your practice successfully.
Certification in Cosmetic Gynecology
Upon completion of the course, participants receive certification in cosmetic gynecology. This certification not only enhances your credentials but also opens up new opportunities in the field of aesthetic and functional gynecology.
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How to Enroll
Enrolling in IAVA’s hands-on course for aesthetic gynecology is straightforward. Visit the IAVA website to learn more about course dates, fees, and application procedures. You can also contact their support team for any queries.
Investing in advanced training for aesthetic and functional gynecology can greatly enhance your practice and patient satisfaction. With expert-led courses, hands-on training, and comprehensive support, IAVA stands out as a premier institution for gynecological education. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best and take your practice to new heights.
Visit IAVA today and start your journey towards excellence in aesthetic gynecology.
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mirandamckenni1 · 11 days
Boost Your Penile Length And Girth With a Penis Pump?! Urologist Explains In this video, Dr. Rena Malik reveals the truth about penis pumps and how they can boost your length and girth. Is it fact or fiction? Watch now to find out! Thanks for watching!! Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content: https://ift.tt/2IXslLa Schedule an appointment with me: https://ift.tt/EOnSj3D ▶️Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:17 Vacuum Erection Device 01:26 Radical Prostatectomy 02:39 Nerve Sparing Prostatectomy 05:44 Guidelines on Penile Size Abnormalities and Dysmorphophobia 06:57 Takeaway The Resurgence of the Vacuum Erection Device (VED) for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction https://ift.tt/2OJA50U Is the daily use of vacuum erection device for a month before penile prosthesis implantation beneficial? a randomized controlled trial https://ift.tt/RTWvyLC Is There Still a Role for Vacuum Erection Devices in Contemporary Sexual Medicine? https://ift.tt/BK19lWO A vacuum device for penile elongation: fact or fiction? **https://ift.tt/0243R8B Non-invasive and surgical penile enhancement interventions for aesthetic or therapeutic purposes: a systematic review https://ift.tt/FQI5AM7 European Association of Urology Guidelines on Penile Size Abnormalities and Dysmorphophobia: Summary of the 2023 Guideline https://ift.tt/Qht10VN Male esthetic genital surgery: recommendations and gaps to be filled https://ift.tt/w7Hc9Db Watch the video till the end and let me know your thoughts in the comments. If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell 🔔, like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all. 😍 Rena Malik, MD is a urologist and pelvic surgeon on youtube to educate people about all things urology including erectile dysfunction, how to increase testosterone, problems with sex, premature ejaculation, urinary leakage, or incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, prostate issues and more. ▶️Check out my Amazon storefront (affiliate links included): https://ift.tt/SbdxWP0. ▶️Coupons & Discount codes (affiliate links included): https://ift.tt/6aHQVZe -------------- ▶️Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@RenaMalikMD/?sub_confirmation=1 ▶️Visit my website: https://ift.tt/9Ow05y8 ▶️Listen to the podcast: https://ift.tt/3jLAadu --------------- ▶️Follow Me On: • Instagram: https://ift.tt/z8VDXWE • Twitter: http://twitter.com/RenaMalikMD • Facebook: https://ift.tt/UZ05DiG • Tikok: https://ift.tt/VA7sG2C • LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/nqBE3D8 • Pinterest: https://ift.tt/nVxTyYZ --------------- ▶️Sign up for my e-mail list and get more content from me: https://ift.tt/bFl51oK ▶️Get your FREE OAB Guide: https://ift.tt/xU6N1aP --------------- ▶️Check out these playlists: • A Urologist explains what is edging and is it SAFE: https://youtu.be/qN23jUSSdVM • Penis Problems?! Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation & More: https://bit.ly/3wwivzS • Overactive Bladder Treatment: https://bit.ly/3hMzBoP • How to Increase Testosterone: https://bit.ly/2T9QJKV • Women’s Sexual Health: https://ift.tt/AcfJVKY -------------- ▶️DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. The content of this video is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use of this information is at your own risk. Rena Malik, M.D. will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death. -------------- via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH4w56kRaSs
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ankittripathiiii · 14 days
U.S. Women’s Health Devices: Market Share, Size and Forecast to 2030
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A Latest intelligence report published by Market Research Forecast with title "Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market Outlook to 2032. A detailed study accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the U.S. Women’s Health Devices market. This report provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development. Definition: The U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market size was valued at USD 19.85 USD Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 37.71 USD Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 9.6 % during the forecast period. Major Players in This Report Include: {"Coloplast A/S (Denmark)","Hologic Inc. (U.S.)","Boston Scientific Corporation (U.S.)","ALLERGAN (AbbVie, Inc.) (U.S.)","BD (Becton, Dickinson, and Company) (U.S.)","F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Switzerland)","CooperSurgical Inc. (The Cooper Companies, Inc.) (U.S.)","Caldera Medical (U.S.)","Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC (U.K.)"} Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/us-womens-health-devices-market-640/sample-report Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices the manufacturing cost structure analysis of the market is based on the core chain structure, engineering process, raw materials and suppliers. The manufacturing plant has been developed for market needs and new technology development. In addition, Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market attractiveness according to country, end-user, and other measures is also provided, permitting the reader to gauge the most useful or commercial areas for investments. The study also provides special chapter designed (qualitative) to highlights issues faced by industry players in their production cycle and supply chain. The Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: {"Application: General Health & Wellness, Cancers & Other Chronic Diseases, Reproductive Health, Pregnancy & Nursing Care, Pelvic & Uterine Health, and Others","End-user: Hospitals & Clinics, Home Healthcare, and Others"} Market Drivers: Introduction of Cost-effective Manufacturing Processes to Drive Market Growth Market Trend: Increasing Number of Hospitals and ASCs Identified as Significant Market Trend Restrains: Side Effects Associated with Devices May Hinder the Market Expansion Enquire for customization in Report @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/us-womens-health-devices-market-640/enquiry-before-buy Geographically World Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years. In the last section of the report, the companies responsible for increasing the sales in the Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market have been presented. These companies have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the application and product type introduced by each of these companies also form a key part of this section of the report. The recent enhancements that took place in the global market and their influence on the future growth of the market have also been presented through this study. Report Highlights:
Comprehensive overview of parent market & substitute market
In-depth market segmentation (Trends, Growth with Historical & Forecast Analysis)
Recent industry trends and development activity
Competitive landscape (Heat Map Analysis for Emerging Players & Market Share Analysis for Major Players along with detailed Profiles)  
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the U.S. Women’s Health Devices market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market.
Chapter 3: Changing Impact on Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the U.S. Women’s Health Devices;
Chapter 4: Presenting the U.S. Women’s Health Devices Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2019-2024
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the U.S. Women’s Health Devices market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2024-2032)
……………. Buy this research @ https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/us-womens-health-devices-market-640/checkout?type=corporate Key questions answered
Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices market?
What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices market?
What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global U.S. Women’s Health Devices market?
What possible measures players are taking to overcome and stabilize the situation?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Asia. Contact US: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) Market Research Forecast Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: (+1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166) [email protected]
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drchitrachampawat63 · 18 days
How do fibroid treatments differ from one another?
Treatments for fibroids can differ according on the patient’s general health, the size and location of the fibroids, and the symptoms they produce. The following list of typical therapies and their variations:
Medication: Medication can assist in the management of symptoms related to fibroids, such as severe bleeding and pelvic pain. These can include hormonal therapy such as birth control pills, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH agonists), or progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) to help shrink fibroids or control bleeding, as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) for pain relief.
Non-invasive procedures: Without making any incisions, non-invasive techniques such as focused ultrasonic surgery (FUS) use high-energy ultrasound waves to heat and kill fibroid tissue. MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS), which blends focused ultrasonography with MRI imaging, offers a further non-invasive approach.
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Minimally invasive operations: Compared to regular surgery, minimally invasive procedures typically require fewer incisions and require less time to recover from. As examples, consider: - Laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy: This procedure uses sophisticated surgical devices to remove fibroids through tiny abdominal incisions. - Hysteroscopic myomectomy: Without making any incisions in the abdomen, fibroids inside the uterus can be removed with a hysteroscope that is introduced through the cervix and vagina. During uterine artery embolization (UAE), the fibroids’ blood supply is cut off and they shrink as a result of the injection of small particles into the blood arteries nourishing the fibroids.
Traditional surgical options: In some cases, traditional surgery may be necessary for fibroid removal. This can include:
Abdominal myomectomy: This involves making a larger incision in the abdomen to access and remove fibroids from the uterus.
Hysterectomy : In severe cases where fibroids are causing significant symptoms and other treatments have failed, a hysterectomy may be recommended. This involves the surgical removal of the uterus, and sometimes the cervix as well.
Each of these treatments has its own set of benefits, risks, and considerations, so it’s important for patients to discuss their options with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment for their individual situation.
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doctorrupalichadha · 22 days
Your Guide to Discovering The Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi
Women's health is an important part of general health, and gynecologists are very important in making sure it stays that way. These doctors are experts in the female reproductive system and can help with everything from simple check-ups to complicated treatments. It's important for women in a busy place like Delhi to find The Best Gynecologist Doctor In Delhi so they can get good care that fits their needs. What gynecologists do, what services they give, and how to find the best gynecologist doctor in Delhi are all covered in this piece.
If you are looking The Best Gynecologist Doctor In Delhi so you can contact with Dr. Rupali Chadha, Dr. Rupali Chadha is Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi. Dr. Rupali Chadha with her kind and compassionate care, Dr. Rupali Chadha is perhaps best gynecologist specialist the issues related to women's reproductive. She is well-known in the medical community for her expertise in this field. She is a highly qualified obstetrician, gynecologist, laparoscopic specialist, and infertility specialist.
It can be very important for women's health and well-being to find the Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi. With so many choices, it's important to be careful and thoughtful as you look for the right doctor. Our piece will talk about useful tips and ideas that will help you discover the Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi for your requirements.
You can look online for the Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi to start your search. Look for websites that have scores and reviews of doctors from patients. You can also ask friends, family, or other health care professionals for suggestions.
If Rupali Chadha is said to be the Best Gynecologist Doctor in Delhi, you can check her credentials, experience, reviews from past patients, and any awards or honours she may have gotten. You can also go to her office or hospital if you can to see how it looks and meet the staff.
It's important to think about the doctor's knowledge, conversation style, ease of access, and how well your needs fit with their area of expertise before making a choice. Don't be afraid to set up a meeting to talk about your worries and see if they are a good fit for you.
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Understanding the Role of a Gynecologist:
A gynecologist is a doctor who focuses on working with women's reproductive systems. They take care of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. They are trained to find and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases that affect women's reproductive health. This includes everything from simple gynecological checks to complicated surgeries. Gynecologists are also very important when it comes to prenatal care and helping with childbirth.
Services Provided by Gynecologists:
There are many services that gynecologists provide to help women stay healthy and have babies throughout their lives. Some of the most important things that gynecologists do are:
Routine gynecological exams: It's important to get regular check-ups to find any problems early and make sure your general reproductive health. To check for things like cervical cancer, breast cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), gynecologists do pelvic exams, pap tests, and breast exams. Confidential Advice on Contraceptives: Gynecologists can give advice on birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraception implants, and barrier methods. They help women pick the best method of birth control for them based on their personal tastes and medical background. Management of Menstrual Disorders: Gynecologists identify and treat menstrual disorders like periods that come and go, periods that hurt, periods that are heavy (menorrhagia), and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). They might suggest making changes to your lifestyle, taking medicine, or having surgery to help you deal with these problems better. Treatment of reproductive Conditions: Gynecologists identify and treat a wide range of reproductive conditions, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ovarian cysts, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Medication, hormone therapy, or slightly invasive surgery may be used as treatments. Prenatal Care: Gynecologists give pregnant women complete prenatal care and keep an eye on both the mother's health and the health of the growing baby throughout the pregnancy. To make sure the pregnancy and birth are healthy, this includes regular check-ups, prenatal screening tests, ultrasound scans, and food advice. Treatment of Menopause Symptoms: Gynecologists help women deal with menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. They might suggest hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or other medicines to help with these symptoms and make your life better during menopause. Family Planning and Reproductive Health Counseling: Gynecologists can help you make choices about family planning, such as how to keep your fertility, diagnose and treat infertility, and deal with sexual health, pregnancy, and childbirth problems.
How to Find the Best Gynecologist in Delhi:
To make sure you get the best care, you need to carefully think about and study your options before choosing the best female doctor in Delhi. These tips will help you find the best doctor for your needs:
Ask for suggestions: To start, ask friends, family, or coworkers who have had good experiences with gynecologists in Delhi for suggestions. Personal suggestions can tell you a lot about a gynecologist's level of care and how well they treat their patients. Look into their credentials and experience: Before picking a doctor, look into their credentials, experience, and skills in the field. Gynecologists who are board-certified, have had specialized training, and have a history of giving excellent reproductive care are the ones you should look for. Specialty Areas: Depending on your needs, you should think about whether you need a doctor who focuses in reproductive hormones, infertility, minimally invasive surgery, or high-risk obstetrics. Choose a doctor who knows how to deal with the health problems you are having. Look at reviews and testimonials from patients: Read reviews and comments about the gynecologist's office that other patients have left online. Listen to what people say about the doctor's ability to communicate, how they treat patients, how long they have to wait, and how happy they are with their general care. Check Out the Clinic's Facilities and Amenities: Go to the gynecologist's office or website to check out the facilities and amenities they offer. Find a center that has up-to-date diagnostic tools, comfortable exam rooms, and a staff that is both friendly and knowledgeable. Think about Location and Accessibility: Pick a doctor whose office is close to your home or place of work and easy to get to. To make sure you can easily make meetings, think about things like where to park, how to get there by public transportation, and the clinic's hours. Set up an assessment: Once you have a short list of possible gynecologists, make an appointment to meet with them in person for an assessment. Talk to the gynecologist about your health issues, ask any questions you may have, and decide if you feel safe and confident in her care.
More information about The Best Gynecologist Doctor In Delhi: Name :- Dr. Rupali Chadha
Phone No :- +91 8826008865
Address :- B-404, LGF, B Block Bipin Chandra Pal Marg, Next to Bangiya Samaj, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi - 110019
Website :- https://drrupalichadha.com/best-gynecologist-doctor-in-delhi/
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