amayalul · 7 months
whaaaat?!?!? i totally watch narcos for the plot
the plot:
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The secluded and abandoned village of Peña (Nafarroa), all alone in the forest.
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ashesofivory · 1 year
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Javier knew cigarettes were bad for his health, but still, he smoke a few a day, due to the stress his work carried over. The thing is- he never expected that the same stuff that was slowly killing him, would led him to meet his new addiction.
Warnings: smoking, mention of drugs, third person, use of she/her, swearing, Javier just being the natural flirt he is.
A/N: God, this scenario has been stuck in my head for some days now, and a friend encouraged me to write it down, despite me not knowing how to write this kind of stuff. But I guess I have nothing to lose? Here goes nothing. (Also, English is not my first language :(.)
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Javier had been standing outside for a while, his gaze focused on the flickering street laps all around the neighborhood. He took a drag of his Malboro cigarette, a cloud of smoke coming out of his lips in the following seconds. It had been a long day, without much progress in Escobar’s case, but still, a long, exhausting day. And for Javier, all he wanted now was for him to enjoy his cigarette, and the ones that would come after.
He looked up to the sky, the stars shining above and for a moment- he felt the world disappear. All his troubles seemed to fade away, except only the smell of nicotine and the visible smoke surrounding him.
The sound of footsteps snapped him out of his daze, out of that moment of peace and quiet. He turned his head, in the direction where the footsteps were coming from, the cigarette still in his lips.
“Evening.” A woman with gorgeous shiny hair said, her voice quiet, like velvet to his ear.
She leaned against one of the street lamps, the one just in front of Javier. She was wearing a white tank top, and some low-waisted jeans- still, that didn’t mean the shape of her body couldn’t be noticed. She reached into one of her pockets, and took out a single cigarette, much thinner that the one he had between his lips, and lit it, the momentary fire of the lighter lighting up her face.
Peña let his gaze travel over her, starting with her head, then moving onto her face for a couple seconds, before finally landing on her hips. The Texan cleared his throat, and looked into her eyes while speaking.
“…You lost?” He chuckled a bit at the end of his sentence, before taking another puff of his cigarette.
“No, not lost. But hey, thanks for caring.” The woman answered, winking at him, before taking a drag of her own cigarette, the smoke soon surrounding her.
“You sure? There’s a lot of people who would love to do you bad around here…” Javi’s gaze was still on the woman, as his hand gripped onto the barrel of his pistol. “And I wouldn’t allow a fine looking woman like yourself get hurt. Not on my watch.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going to get hurt.“ She lifted up her shirt just a bit, revealing a small pistol on her belt.
It was common for some women in Colombia to carry weapons like that one, due to the amount of threat and danger they constantly were at, especially at night.
“But it’s nice to know someone has got your back.” She said, taking another drag, this one a bit longer.
Javier’s hand slowly loosened his grip onto the barrel of his weapon, raising and eyebrow and his lips curving up a bit at the side of her forearm. “That’s nice” He said, a crooked grin spreading across his face as he chuckled. “You got some guts carrying around a gun in a country like this. But I won’t tell anyone. Our secret” he rasped, along with a wink.
“Our secret” She repeated, winking lightly back at him, as she took another drag. The light of the street lamp flickering on top of her every now and then.
“May I ask; why are you out this late?” The DEA Agent asked, his eyes shifting over to look at the woman, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“I don’t like smoking inside my house. Smoking itself is already pretty bad, so I prefer the damage being done just to my lungs, not also to my furniture.”
“Well, seems like it’s reasonable enough.” He grinned, shaking his head at the idea. “It you don’t mind me asking, a gorgeous lady like you has to have a pretty name, right?” He asked, his eyes not leaving hers for a moment- he loved eye contact, and he was well aware he had an effect on women doing that.
“Y/N.” She answered, bringing her cigarette once more to her lips, taking another puff from it, leaving a slight lipstick stain on it.
For a split second, Javier wished he was that cigarette, her lips all over him, leaving marks with her beautiful lips on his tanned skin.
“Javier Peña. Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He said, her name leaving his lips sensually, as if he could repeat it a million times, and never get tired of it. “What brings you out here, gorgeous?”
“I live in the apartments just at the end of the street.” She then looked at the end of the street, her cigarette hanging at the edge of her lips.
“Is that a fact? Is it nice there?” Javier grinned, rising an eyebrow.
The truth is- he didn’t give a fuck about the apartments, he just wanted to hear her voice, her sweet, soft voice. It was like music to his ears, and he had heard many women’s talk before, even moaning his name into his ear, but for him, Y/N’s voice was unique, and he loved it.
“It’s nice, yeah. I mean, there’s nothing much to say. Just a bunch of apartments.” She laughed a bit at the question, at the silliness of it, before taking another drag from her cigarette. “What’s a man like you doing here so late in the day?”
“Well…” Javi sighed, “It’s been a long day. I’m a DEA Agent, so sometimes work just gets… overwhelming. And I know this neighborhood is pretty calm and quiet at this time, so I decided to walk for a bit while smoking.” Javier shrugged, looking away for a moment. “What brings you out this late, aside from wanting to smoke outside?”
“Nothing, really. Just smoking. I always smoke one cig before going to bed. How come I never see you around this neighborhood? Seems like you come here often.”
The Texan bit his lip at the question. He knew this neighborhood because many of the hookers he slept with lived here. But he couldn’t tell her that, he didn’t want to scare away the possibilities of spending some more time with him.
“Ah, so this is routine for you. Well, I don’t make myself seen a lot. I tent to blend in with the shadows.” He lied, before looking back at her. “Unless I see a pretty girl like you.” He winked at her, taking a drag from his own Malboro.
“Fair enough. You know, drug’s a problem in this neighborhood, just so you know. There’s almost a drug dealer in every corner.” She said, looking down at her feet.
“Really? If that’s the case, I’ll make sure to stick around, so none of these people come near you” He took some steps closer to her. “You won’t need to worry about these guys coming near you, not as long as I’m here.”
“I though you said you were a DEA Agent, not a personal bodyguard?” She smirked, before taking another drag.
Just when Javi though she couldn’t get any better- she also had a sense of humor, and a slight hint of teasing in her voice.
“That’s true. You got me.” He smirked. “But seems like I have to play bodyguard for you, now. I’ll take on the responsibility.”
“Thank you, Javi” she winked at him, before taking her last drag from her cigarette.
When he heard his name come out of her mouth, he felt the urge to push her against the street lamp, and take her there, his lips on hers, on her neck, on her collar bone. He could already feel his hands on her skin, going all over her body, on her skin, him just burning at the touch of her skin. He desired her, but not like he desired other woman. It was beyond what he was used to- and he couldn’t get enough of the feeling.
“Sadly,” her voice took him out from his thoughts. “I better be heading back now, my cigarette’s over.”
“If you say so, princess. Are you gonna be alright? Don’t you want me to walk you to your place?” He asked, with a wink.
“I’m gonna be alright, don’t you worry.” She threw her cigarette to the ground, stepping on it. “But thanks for the offer, bodyguard.”
“You have nothing to thank, gorgeous. As long as you’re safe. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
As he talked, she walked over to him, and took his cigarette from his mouth, bringing it to her lips, and taking a long drag from it, leaving a stain on it, before placing it back between his lips.
Javi was caught off guard, as his cigarette was taken from his lips and was now in hers, but he couldn’t avoid smirking at the view. “You’re such a tease.”
“I know. Now, you have the taste on my lips in that cigarette of yours. You’re welcome.” She said, placing a hand to his chest as she talked, before removing it and walking away, to her apartment, slowly disappearing into the shadows, out of Javier’s view.
He let out a sigh, and took a drag from the cigarette, her taste in it- sweet, perfect with the strong one coming from the nicotine. He shook his head with a chuckle.
“Damn… you really got me, princess.” He mumbled to himself.
Javier’s eyes stared ahead of him, as his hand went to his pocket. He had a look of playfulness and amusement still in his eyes, as a large grin was on his face. The Texan chuckled once more to himself. The though of having her taste on the cigarette, and now in his tongue was definitely going to make him go wild for the rest of the night.
“She was really something else.”
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mrsjavierp · 3 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 9 - I'll be your Dirty Little Secret
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Thanks for your feedback, hope you enjoy this chapter! Hope to hear from you all soon! I gotta say I'm really fucking horny for Javi lol
Tag: @creedslove | @pedrostories | @mjoee13 | @immyowndefender | @iamsherlocked-1998 | @pedroswife69 | @szde8-blog ***
Narrator's POV:
“Oh, cariño, you're never off the hook, not with me.” - he responded to you, joining you in the bathtub. - “Fuck, cariño, are you trying to cook us? This water is insanely hot!”
You laughed, still feeling fuzzy.
“I like it, Javi…” - you coo.
Your bodies glue as if they were magnets. Your skin, even with hot water, crawls. He sat behind you, covering you, feeling you, getting drunk on you again.
“God, I could stay like this forever, cariño…” - he kisses the back of your neck, softly.
“Me too, Javi… Me too.” - your words come out slowly.
He notices how you melt on top of him. He is relieved that you don't seem desperate to leave him again. 
His hands start to touch your waist lightly, with the tip of his fingers. 
You groan, Javier smirks. 
“Cariño?” - he whispers in your ear.
“You know you didn't follow my rules, do you?”
“What do you mean by that, Javi?” - you answer, clueless. You didn't recall that had just happened, your mind was still kinda foggy from all those orgasms.
His smirk grows.
“You came without my permission, cariño. I didn't forget that.”
“And what are you gonna do about it?” - you tease.
His hands started going down your body. You shiver.
“Javi…” - you try to form a sentence and fail.
“Cariño, don't make me be meaner that I intend to… Is how they say: don't do the crime if you can't do the time.” - his hands are on your thighs, avoiding where you need them the most.
“Oh, fuck… But Ja-javi, I-I-I warned you…” - you try to argue, your voice barely came out.
He laughed. 
“It wasn't yours yet to take, cariño…” - One of his fingers got inside of you, without any warning. - “You're mine now, cariño.” - A second finger enters. 
You bite a moan.
“I wanna hear you, cariño. No more denying what's mine from me, I already told you that. I hate repeating myself.” - his tone was serious and he put in a third finger. 
“Holy shit, Javier!” - you exclamate. He barely let you get used to his fingers before he put them inside of you one by one.
His smile is growing by the second.
“That's what I wanted to hear…” - his other hand went to your throbbing clitoris, circling on. - “I know you can be a good girl, cariño. You just needed me to help you get there…”
“Javi, please, I'm still sensitive from all of it, I w-won’t be able to ho-hold…” - you didn't want him to stop, but let you come without any permission. Your legs closed, trying to figure out how to obey him.
“Cariño, I know, that's why it's a punishment.” - his tone was so… Arrogant. The hand on your clitoris circled a little faster. - “If you start to get closer, tell me, okay?”
“Javier, for God's sake!” - you yell again.
“Your pussy is hugging my fingers so tight, I already miss you on my dick, cariño.”
Your mind is still foggy. Javier seemed delighted to see you so… So his. His cariño, his baby girl.
A couple minutes later, you held on the bathtub’s rim and yelled, mixing English and Spanish, to Javier have mercy on you.
He smiled widely and responded:
“Promise me that you're not leaving me again, that you're mine…” - his circular motions on your clitoris got even harder and faster. - “Promise me!”
“I promise, Javi!” - you yell. 
“Oh, do you? Are you sure, cariño?” - Javier mocked you.
“Yes, Javier, I do! Please, please let me!”
“Let you what, cariño? Use your words.” - he continued in a ruthless rhythm.
“Javier, for crying out loud, let me come!” - you yell so loud you're sure someone heard you. 
Not that any of you cared per say. You can't remember the last man who made you shake like that.
You can feel Javier's smirk behind you.
“I don't know if I believe you, cariño…”
“Javier, I swear to God…” - you manage to respond.
“You can come, cariño.” - he whispered, like music to your ears.
You come hard, squirting in the bathtub, still holding the rim.
You come screaming Javier's name.
And Javier, at that moment, could die a happy man.
You both took an actual bath, after. And one that cleans you. 
After a few minutes, you both get out, get dry and go to bed.
As you both walk naked back to your room, Javier asked:
“Do you mind if I sleep here, cariño?”
“Peña, for the fucking love of God, you just fucked my throat and pussy and you're asking if we can sleep together?”
“Of course I am!” - he said, as he joined you in the bed. - “It's your bed, your room, your apartment…” - he leaned towards you and his mouth right next to your ear. One arm held you close to him and the other held your pussy, cupping her. - “But you belong to me, cariño. And this pussy is mine. I'm not letting you run away again.”
You tremble under his hands.
He had a smile on his voice, you could feel it.
“I love when you call me, you know?
“Oh, yeah?” - you moan. 
“Yes, cariño. When you do it, it confirms where you belong.” - he whispered, in a way that made you shake under him. - “Yes, cariño." - he repeated. - “You belong here. Don't forget about your promise.”
“Javi, I won't…” - you managed to respond.
“Good to know, cariño. Buenas noches, Hermosa.”(Good night, beautiful.)
“Good night, Javi.” - you respond.
He kisses you lightly and you both pass out.
You wake up alone in your bed.
Fuck, it was payback for leaving him… God, I'm so stupid... - you thought 
But then, you smell coffee from your kitchen.
You get up naked, without realizing it and walk towards the smell.
Javier was wearing only his boxers, preparing coffee on your machine. 
He turns to you, with a wide smile and a lustful look in his eyes.
“Good morning, cariño.”
He hugs you and feels you against skin. You're so soft.
“Good morning, Javi… I thought you left without saying goodbye.” 
“I couldn't do that to you… Not before coffee.” - he jokes. - “Let's have it… I think it's ready.”
He served you and poured himself some in your white mugs. You both drink it, sharing an intimate glance.
“God, that was good, Javi. Future coffee duties are your responsibility in my apartment.” - you smile at him.
He seems genuinely happy to share that moment. His free hand went to your cheek and fondled you.
“Cariño, it's still early… Do you mind serving me breakfast?” 
“Sorry, I didn't get it, Javi… You want to eat something?” 
“Yes, cariño. Sit on the table and open your legs, please. I'd like to have your pussy as my first meal.”
You look at him, in disbelief. 
“We don't have all day, cariño. Go ahead.” - he sat down, waiting.
With your still very much naked body, you sat down in front of him, just like he said.
Javier devoured your cunt as a starved man.
Walking back into his office with a huff, carrying a file with some information on one of Pablo’s Sicarios, he hands it to Steve, who sits at the desk in front of his. 
“Got this from the FBI’s archive.” - and hands it to Steve. - “Seems that our boy Luiz is more than just a sicario, look.” 
Steve passes through the file, interested. 
“God, I need coffee.” - he complains. - “You and your lady friend didn’t let anyone sleep in the fucking building…” - he mocked.
Javier looked at Steve, with his eyes widened. 
“What the fuck, Murphy?”
He laughed.
“Dude… You should really keep it down. Seriously. Our boss is our neighbor, if Connie was here, she’d kick my and your ass. Stop this kind of shit.”
Javier stared at him, without saying any words. You both were actually really fucking loud. Seconds later, the phone on his desk starts to ring.
“Agente Peña.” - he picked up.
“Hello, you…” - you say to him, in a sexy tone. 
You’re looking through your office window, as Javier’s posture flinches. He’s not expecting you to be this bold at work. He knows you’re really uptight about these things.
Javier clears his throat and tries to put on his usual stoic act.
“What do you want?”
“Not saying my name, pretending to be annoyed so as not to alarm Steve… You’re better at sneaking around than I thought, Javi.”
“You know me so well… What do you need this time?” - Javier responded, ironically. 
Steve looked at him, confused.
“You, Javi. I need you. This morning wasn’t enough… Come here to my office.”
He looked at your window, observing your sly smile. 
“Well, that certainly gets my attention. I’ll be there in a bit… You should know I’m in a terrible mood, I did not get much sleep last night” - he teases you in the same annoyed tone.
Steve looked at him, shocked.
“And that’s your fault… You barged into my place, did you forget about it?”
“I didn’t forget. I’ve been remembering every minute of it.”
“Oh, you've been remembering?” - you're a little surprised.
“I certainly have…” - Javier tries to hold back a smirk.
“Control your face, Javi. No one can know about us… Not even Steve.” - you recall him.
“I may not be able to do it if you keep talking to me like that.” - his tone is serious, but you know what he actually meant.
“Stop it…” - you laugh.
“You’re the one who called, you stop it!” - his tone sounded harsh, but his eyes on you were full of lust.
You’re both having so much fun with all that teasing.
“That’s true, I did… So stop fooling with me and come to my office, Javi.” - you whisper.
Javier holds back a smile and respond:
“I’m on my way.” - he hangs up.
He gathers some random files, to help him disguise his visit to your office. As he does it, Steve asks:
“Hey, where you going?”
“Y/LN’s office.”
“Good luck and I hope she doesn't kill you...” - Steve snorted.
Javier rolled his eyes and knocked on your door.
“Come in.” - you tell him, in your normal voice.
Peña stepped in, closing the door behind him.
Without looking at him, reading a file in front of you, you demand:
“Lock the door and close the blinds, Peña…” - the same cold tone that hid all your arousal.
His face holds a smug grin, anxious. 
You get up, look at him, sit on your desk, as he is across the small office, after he closed the blinds.
He stared at you, you can tell he's holding back his urge to pull you into his embrace. 
“Did you miss me?” - you teased Javi.
He gives up on the little self control he's got and comes closer to where you're sitting on the desk. His fingers softly moves along your legs and then your back, as he leaned down your ear and whisper:
“I did, cariño…”
“I missed you too.” - you coo. - “I know it’s not like me to act like this while we’re at work, but… I can’t think about anything else besides how you ate me up on my kitchen table…”
Javi smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. He pulled you closer, kissing your neck before leaning his head back, breathing in your scent. 
“I don’t see how that could possibly be a bad thing… I was looking forward to doing a replay of that for the entire day, I couldn’t think of anything else… Oh fuck, you smell so good… Please don’t tell me it’s the same fucking perfume you used in the first night we’ve got together…”
“Okay, I won’t tell you…” - you respond, with a sly smile.
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me, cariño…” - he whispers and kisses you passionately.
The way he touches you is so addictive.
“Oh damn, you’re wearing that shirt that smells like me… The one from the first night…” - you observed.
Javier chuckled.
“I thought it’d be perfect for today… It smells like you and you’re all I can think about.”
“No one noticed, right?” - you question him, kinda afraid. - “Not even Steve? You know we have to be careful…”
“Calm down, Agente Y/LN.” - he said. - “Steve didn’t notice, I’m sure he thinks we’re arguing. Changing the subject a little, to help you relax, I was thinking…” - Javier starts, as his hands move to the flounce of your dress and slowly lifts it. - “We could go on a date tonight, would you like it?” - His hands go to your pussy, to find out that you’re not wearing panties. - “What a dirty girl, cariño… You forgot about wearing panties, when you picked this dress today?”
“I’m not Agente Y/LN for you and I’m not providing evidence against myself to you, Agente Peña…” - you mumble, as he felt how slippery your pussy was, so wet for him already.
“Oh, you’re not, Agente Y/LN? Interesting…” - he coats your folds, moving his fingers as you slightly open your legs and and looks at him.
“Oh, fuck…” - you moan almost inaudibly. - “It’s no-not ‘Agente Y/LN’ for you, Peña… It’s Jefe Y/LN.” - you answer.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” - he pretends to be remorseful, as his index finger teased your hole. You know he’s not sorry. - “Jefe Y/LN, tell me…”
“Ye-yeah, Peña?”
“Did you or did you not forget your panties on purpose this morning, so you could mess around with me?”
You moan, looking at Peña’s smirk. Sometimes, you wish to punch and kiss his face at the same time. 
He inserts his index finger on you, slowly, torturing you.
“Yes, I did.” - you confess, between moans.
Javier’s smile grows and he puts his middle finger. 
“That’s it, cariño… I just wanted the truth.” - he responded to your confession. His fingers continued to work and you could feel your orgasm building on your gut. Javier seemed to know your body better than any man who ever touched you.
“Oh, Javi!” - you moan softly. - “That’s so good, keep going.” - you demand.
“Do you think you can demand anything in your position, cariño?” - He asked. His voice was arrogant as usual. - “No, cariño, I’m done with you calling the shots for the past few weeks. It’s my turn now.” - he toys with your pussy for a bit more and takes off his fingers.
“You’re mean, Peña.” - you groan, missing his touch. 
He smirks, looking deep in your eyes. Without saying a word whatsoever, he pulls you off the table and spins you, so you turn your back on him. He lifts the remaining fabric covering your ass and slaps you.
“Fuck!” - you hiss. - “What are you doing, Peña?”
You hear his belt opening and zipper going down.
“Giving you what you asked for, but in my way.” - answer. - “Hold on the desk, cariño.” 
You obey, as he slides into you, with his big fat dick.
Javier’s hands traveled, one tapping your mouth and the other on your throbbing clitoris, circling it fast.
He bit your flash, to shut him up and not alarm what was going on behind your office’s doors.
Both of you came just a few minutes later, holding back all your noises.
Gasping for air and tucking himself into his pants, Javier asks:
“So, I pick you up at 8?”
“Yeah, knock on my door at 8h… But where are we going, Javi?” “Será una sorpresa, cariño.” (It’ll be a surprise) - he said.
At 8 PM sharp, Javier knocks on your door, wearing that black leather jacket that fits his broad shoulders, black pants, boots and button shirt. He was sweating, but had nothing to do with the weather: that night was, surprisingly, a bit chilly.
You opened the door, with a big smile on your face. His eyes widened when he noticed your pretty dress: a bit different from your work clothes, your dress was short, loose and white, hugging your waist and loose in your hips. 
You two, as a couple, were almost a Yin and Yang picture. 
“You’re gorgeous, cariño.” - Javier recognized.
“Thanks, Javi… You’re not so bad on the eyes yourself.” - you respond. - “Wanna come in for a drink?”
“As much as I’d love to, I’d rather just go… I’ve got no self control, cariño.”
“Okay, lead the way, Javi. I’m quite curious.”
* Javier takes you to a bar downtown, however, he didn’t know that was a reggaeton dancing night. You insisted on staying, as you were eager to see him dancing. 
A few drinks later, you begun your plan:
“Come on, Javier! You’re Tex-Mex… You’re telling me you can’t dance?” - you tease him.
“It isn’t a can’t, it’s a won’t dance.” - he rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Let’s see.” - And you simply get up and start dancing by yourself, luring looks.
Javier was astonished at how bold you were… Your body moved sensually and naturally as the music played.
A random guy tried to approach you, inviting you dancing, and the fire from Javier’s desire turned into a sea of jealousy flames.
As you’re about to turn the guy down gently, Javier finished his drink in one sip and he scared the guy off.
“I thought you weren’t dancing with me, Javi.” - you whisper in his ear, provoking him again.
His hands pulled your hips to touch his, leading you to dance with him. To your surprise, Javier was actually a good dancer. He spins you, making you stay at the same position he fucked you earlier, but with all those clothes dividing you.
“Well, I wasn't, to be honest… But you’re something else, cariño.”
Javier's voice was so full of desire… Since your ex, you couldn’t remember the last time he or any other did that to you. Javier not only expressed you by using words, but by showing you, touching you. 
“Oh my God, Javi… You’re making it so hard…”
“Hard?” - he asked.
“Hard for me to resist you.”
He spinned you, so you could look at him. His eyes were warm, burning for you. At that moment, it felt like only the two of you were there, at the bar, with those sexy reggaeton songs playing.
“Why are you still holding back, cariño?” - he asked, in a tone that made you feel something else in your chest. He wasn't demanding, he wasn't angry. He wanted to understand you, make you feel comfortable with him. One hand was on your waist, holding you against him and the other fondled your face, not letting you look away. You could feel his big body embracing you, holding you firmly, not in a way as if you were fragile, but as if you were precious.
“Javi…” - your voice was nothing more than a whisper. - “How about we continue this somewhere more private? We can go back home… My place or yours?”
“Yours, cariño… Let's go.”
Arriving at your place, you both are a bit nervous, not knowing exactly what to say or how to begin an awkward conversation.
“Care for a drink, Javi?” - you ask him, while serving you one more shot of whiskey,
“Sure. Neat, please.” 
“My kind of man…” - you joke, smiling and handing him the drink.
You toast, in silence.
“So…” - you start. - “Are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room or not?”
“Well… We can do it, of course. But if you don't wanna do it right now, it’s okay…”
“We kinda have two options: we could actually talk about it or we could do something more… Interesting, per say…”
“I’m listening, cariño…” - Javier lifted his chin and eyebrows, his eyes full of lust, his mind going through possibilities on what you both could do.
You just look at him with a mischievous smile, not responding to him verbally, also fantasizing all the things you’d wanted to do, without knowing how to begin.
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azertyrobaz · 2 years
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Glasses on
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axjath · 5 months
If, IF, you got the chance to interview our beloved, Pedro Pascal.
What would you ask him ?
NSFW questions not allowed .
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creedslove · 11 months
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izachin · 1 year
It’s very Hot in Colombia 🇨🇴👀 Military Javi Peña Hits different #narcos #javierpeña #peña #pedropascal #fanart #artblog #procreate #art #josepedrobalmacedapascal
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quiensabecomo · 6 months
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christi-77 · 9 months
Javier peña has me going ferallll
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marcus-is-my-muse · 10 months
As a fellow Pedro fan, I’m curious what is your favorite movie/tv character he has played. Im trying to find what to watch next.
Ooh this is an interesting one, so my favourite is and i think will always be Narcos, Peña is just such an amazing character and Pedro plays him so well!
I personally really loved The Great Wall, i am a big fan of Pero ❤
Of course the Last of Us is incredible, and i have to say Kingsman The Golden Circle, Whiskey is wonderful, played with such fun!
Marcus Pike of course is up there for me, but he just isnt in the Mentalist enough for me to recommend the whole series 😂 although it is fantastic in its own right!
I hope i have given you an idea, let me know if you watch any of these and what you think! Enjoy, and thank you for the ask 😘😘
Wendy xo
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tegotoniewiem · 11 months
hate talking about feelings
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justsportsgalore · 2 years
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NEW YORK -- — Yordan Alvarez and Alex Bregmandelivered big hits and the Houston Astros advanced to the World Series again, finishing a four-game sweep of New York in the AL Championship Series with a 6-5 victory Sunday night aided by another defensive gaffe from the Yankees.
Taking advantage of a costly error by second baseman Gleyber Torres to produce the go-ahead rally in the seventh inning, the Astros won their second consecutive pennant and fourth in six years.
Rookie shortstop Jeremy Peña hit a three-run homer off ailing Yankees starter Nestor Cortes to help the AL West champions overcome an early 3-0 deficit. Peña was picked as the ALCS MVP.
Houston will open the World Series at home Friday night against Bryce Harper and the wild-card Philadelphia Phillies, who beat San Diego earlier in the day to close out the best-of-seven NLCS in five games.
It was the first time both pennants were decided on the same day since 1992.
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entrehongosazules · 2 years
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mrsjavierp · 7 months
Hello, Pedro Pascal / Pedro's boys fans!
I'm not new here on Tumblr to read
I'm new to post fanfiction, I actually never posted nothing that I ever wrote...
Please, be nice 💖
I'm gonna start with a Javier Peña fic
Where are my girls who can't live without our favorite male slut?
Let's go, babes!
Chapter 1 - Do you know who I am?
Chapter 2 - Wasted Times
Chapter 3 - Acquainted
Chapter 4 - Moth to a Flame
Chapter 5 - Die For You
Chapter 6 - Can't Remember to Forget You
Chapter 7 - Torture
Chapter 8 - Fill the Void
Chapter 9 - I'll be your Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 10 - Morally Grey
And much more...
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agustivm · 14 days
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Aplec del Caracol. Peña Los Xuts. 24-26 mayo 2024
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