#PJ’s stories
ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
AmeLiet One Shot: The Beauty from the Sea
The man entered the lab. He looked around. Everything looked huge and impressive. The man’s name was Alfred Jones. He just graduated from the best scientific school and was new here. He was so happy about gaining the chance to work among the best scientists. Right now, he was leaning against the wall. He was waiting for the person who was supposed to be his guide and give him a tour of the lab. "Gosh, I’m so excited. I wonder what will be my first assignment. Is gonna be probably something not that complicated, since I’m new."thought the man. Finally, a young lady with black hair tied into a ponytail and some glasses on her face came up to him:"Mister Alfred Jones?" He looked at her:"Yup, that’s me. And you are my guide, I suppose." She smiled:"That’s right. My name’s Marianne. Nice meeting you. Now, let’s go. There’s a lot to show you around." Then she pressed a button to open a door and start it walking away and he followed her. First she showed him the computer room. Right after that they went to a botanist room where they experimented with plants. Then went down to the basement, where there was a vent that leads to the canals and where they kept their unsuccessful experiments. After that they returned to show where the bathroom is. Then they went upstairs to see the other rooms. The scientific room where they create a lot of substances, the second bathroom, the mechanic room where they create a lot devices. Finally they came to the experiment room, where they test their creations. While Marianne was introducing everything, something caught Alfred’s eyes. There was a tank filled with water. And inside of it there was something, or someone. He came up to take a closer look. Inside of that tank, there was a sea creature, a merman. He was laying there, with eyes closed. He had beautiful long brown hair reaching his shoulders. A huge dark green tail with really beautiful scales. Although it looked like some of them were missing, as if something or someone would tore them out. The merman was also wearing some sorts of a collar, that looked really uncomfortable. And looked pretty injured. The new scientist looked a bit closer at the merman’s face. He could clearly see a grimace on his face. Alfred’s eyes got filled with sadness. He felt pity for the poor thing. "Poor guy, he must’ve been through a lot. I wonder why nobody took any interest to help the poor thing out. He looks so much in pain." Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder:"Alfred, there you are. While I was talking, I noticed you disappeared and I start it looking for you." He turned around to see Marianne:"Ummm… can I ask you something?" She smiled at him:"Sure, ask right away." "What is this merman doing here and also why nobody bothered to help him out? He looks like he needs help." asked the man. Marianne opened her eyes wide open:"Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. Is a merman that we fished out from the sea few months ago. But that’s not important. What’s important now is that you go see the boss." She took him by the hand and dragged him away from the tank. The merman opened his eyes. His eyes, his beautiful green eyes, filled with nothing but sorrow. Before Marianne managed to drag Alfred out of the room, the merman looked at Alfred, making an eye contact with him. The boss was already waiting in his office. When Alfred and Marianne arrived, she left him and attended her business. "Mister Jones, the fresh blood in our lab. Is nice having you here. I would love to chat with you more, but there’s a lot of work to do. Here’s the list of stuff you will have to do today." said the man and hand it over the list to Alfred. He took the list and went out. It took a while but he did everything from the list. After he finished, he went back to check on the merman.
There he was, inside the tank. He heard the door open and saw Alfred in them. "Hey, is nice seeing you again." said Alfred. The merman looked at the scientist with shook:"Is you… That human… I’ve never seen you here before…" "Oh, that’s because I’m new here. My name is Alfred. What about you? Do you have a name?" asked the man. A face full of frustration appeared on the merman’s face:"And why would I tell you? Why should I trust you? You’re one of them. You’re a human." Shook appeared on Alfred’s face:"Wow, hold up. Do you have something against humans?" The merman got even more frustrated:"Humans are pests that only care about power and control. They don’t care about the well being of other creatures. They’re such selfish beings." Alfred was about to say something when out of the sudden the merman grabbed by his collar and start it screaming in pain. "What’s going on? What’s happening?" asked Alfred in panic and worried for the sea creature. A moment later, the merman lost consciousness. "Hey, are you alright? Please, wake up!" shout it Alfred. "Don’t worry about the sea creature, mister Jones. He’s gonna be alright." said a familiar voice. It was Marianne. "The work is done for today. You can go home." she said. "But what about him? He really looks in a bad condition." said Alfred. She patted his head:"Like I said. We’re gonna take good care of him. Don’t worry about it." In the end, she end it up convincing him to go back home. Next day, Alfred came back to work and gained some new assignments. When he was done with his work, he decided to check on the merman again. He wanted to be sure he’s alright. On his way to the experiment room, he thought about what he said yesterday, before he fainted. Just as he entered the room, he witnessed some of scientists with the merman out of the tank, holding him down and tearing out some of his scales from his tail. The sound of the merman’s agonizing screams echoed in Alfred’s ears. After all of it stopped, they let go of the merman, leaving him laying on the floor. "What’s going on in here? What are you doing? Stop this immediately! Can’t you see you’re hurting him? You should help him instead." said the man as he start it approaching the merman. But his way got blocked by two of his colleagues:"Don’t come any closer. We need those scales for experiments. And beside, is a test subject. It doesn’t matter how he feels or what he feels."said one of them. "Do you hear yourself? This is a living creature. He may not be a human, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings." The merman opened his eyes and looked at Alfred."This human… Why he’s defending me?"he wondered. "Listen here newbie, you can see the merman if you want but don’t you dare interrupt our research." Then they kicked Alfred out of the room, while the rest took the merman and got him back inside the tank. A few hours passed. The merman was sitting there, wondering about why that human was defending him. What was his goal in all of this? Was he trying to trick him? Then he got snapped out of his thoughts to the sound of the door opening. It was that human again. And he brought…food? "Hey, I thought you might be hungry. They probably don’t give you proper food, huh?" said Alfred. He got closer to the tank and slowly handed over the food to the merman. He took and looked at it:"Is this some sorts of tricks? Did you put something in that food?" "No, of course not. I am not like that." answered the man. The merman didn’t want to believe him but he could feel he was telling the truth. He start it eating and Alfred watched him. After the merman finished, he asked the scientist a question:"I don’t get it. Why are you helping me?" Alfred gave him a gentle smile:"Because helping is the right thing and something all people should do. And you definitely need help."
The merman turned away. "You don’t believe me, right. I can’t blame you I guess." said the man and start it walking off. The merman turned around:"Wait! Please. Don’t go." Alfred faced him. "Alfred? Is it? Yesterday you asked my name. Is Tolys. My name is Tolys."said the merman. The days passed. Alfred visited Tolys everyday. Providing him proper food and comforting him when he need it. He just wished he could stop these awful people from hurting Tolys. Days by days, the merman slowly start it to trust him. And they slowly start it to become friends. One day, when Alfred finished his work, as always he came to see Tolys. The merman, just as he saw the friendly face, with happiness he swam up to him. The two chat it until, Alfred decided to ask Tolys about how he got there. He let his face down and a moment of silence accurate. "All of this was unexpected. I was just swimming when all of the sudden I got caught in a fishnet. I tried to escape, but my tail got tangled up and while struggling I accidentally hurt myself and some of my scales got ripped off. But the situation got worse when i end it up here. These awful people kept on running tests on me, hurting me or tearing out the scales from my tail. And once when I tried to make my escape, they put that awful collar on me making me unable to transform in a human form and to force me into doing things I don’t wanna do. I tried many times to take it off, but it just won’t come off." said Tolys as tears start it coming up his eyes. Alfred looked at him with sadness:"I’m really sorry to hear that, dude. That’s terrible." He comforted the merman. Right now he really needed it. A moment later an idea sparked in Alfred’s head:"I have an idea. Tonight I will get you out of there." Confusion appeared on Toyls’s face:"But how are you planning to do that?" "Don’t you worry about it. I have a plan." said the man. Later at night, Alfred broke into the lab. First he desactivated the cameras and then went straight to the room where Tolys was being held. "Alright, I know you can barely swim but I will really need you to make an effort and swim up, so I can get you out, okay?" said Alfred. Tolys noded and did as Alfred asked him. Moments later, he was out of the tank. "Now, I will lay you down on the floor for a moment. And whatever happens, try to be as still as possible, so I can remove that collar of you." said the man. It wasn’t easy to stay still for Tolys. After all, he was still injured. Alfred took a screwdriver and gently removed the screws from the collar. After the screws were removed, the collar got loose and got easily taken off. Tolys turned into a human form and Alfred hand it him some clothes. "Can you walk?" asked Alfred. Tolys got up and made a few stumbling steps and fell on his knees:"Barely." "Is alright. I can carry you." said Alfred, took him in arms and left. Once they arrived to Alfred’s house, he put Tolys on the bed and told him to change back into his merman form. He looked over the injures:"Damn, those are pretty deep injuries and needs to be taken good care of. At this point you won’t be able to go back to the sea yet. I’m really sorry dude." "Is not your fault. You weren’t part of the people who hurt me." said the merman. "I know, but if I did something earlier, maybe you wouldn’t have such deep injuries." said Alfred closing his eyes.
Suddenly he opened his eyes as he felt a hand touching his cheek:"Don’t blame yourself. Beside, now at least I’m free thanks to you." Alfred giggled softly:"Well, I guess you’re right. Anyway, since you will be staying for a while, do you got any wishes?" "Well, it would be nice if I could sleep somewhere where’s water." answered Tolys. "Oh gosh, I don’t have anything like a tank. Would a bathtub be enough?" asked the man. "Sure, I guess" answered the merman. A moment later Alfred filled the bathtub and put Tolys in it. "All good and comfy?"asked the man. Tolys noded:"Yes. Well, maybe is not as huge as the tank but I can still fit in it without a problem." He smiled at him:"Good thing I decided to have a bigger bathtub." He got close to the door and was about to leave when Tolys decided to ask him a question:"Alfred, what about your job?" Alfred turned around:"After everything that happened I will quit. There’s no way I can work with this kind of people." "And what if they’ll come here to take me back and hurt you?"asked Tolys all worried. "Don’t worry. They don’t know where I live. And beside, I’m well prepared just in case." said Alfred. He got closer to the door:"Alright, sleep well. Tomorrow, I will take better care of your injuries. Goodnight Toyls." And he went to sleep. Days passed. Alfred was taking really good care of Tolys and his injuries. Step by step it was slowly getting better. Also the two had a lot of fun in each other company. Before they knew it, they developed romantic feelings for each other but didn’t know how to confess to each other. Until one day it happened over one of their conversations. "I really can’t thank you enough for helping me out. I’m really greatful for this, Alfred." said the merman. "You don’t have to thank me this much, really."said Alfred applying new bandages on the injuries. "And done. Soon, enough you should be able to get back to the sea and join your family."said the man. A mixed up look appeared on Tolys’s face:"Alfred… I don’t have a family. Since I remember, I never had one. I always used to be alone." Alfred immediately hugged him:"I’m really sorry for saying that. I didn’t know that…" Tolys cut him off:"Is okay." They stayed like that for a minute. "Tolys, there is something I need to tell you. Some time ago, I’ve developed certain feelings for you. I think that… I love you." said Alfred. Tolys looked at him:"Honestly, I think I feel the same way about you Alfred. I love you too." Then they shared their first kiss. That night Tolys couldn’t sleep, so he turned into the human form and went to sleep with Alfred, in one bed together. Some months later, the merman could finally go back to the sea but something bothered him. "Here we are, honey. Just like I promised. You can now go back to the sea." said Alfred. "Oh, true."said Tolys and slowly got into water. "I’m really gonna miss you, Alfred. You showed me that not every humans are bad." said the merman. "I will miss you too. I just love you so much, but I know that I shouldn’t be keeping you away from the sea." said the man. The merman took his true from and start it swimming away. Before diving in, he decided to look at his lover the last time. Alfred waved at him, holding back tears. Tolys couldn’t take it and swam back to the surface, turning to the human form:"No, I can’t do this. I can’t leave you. You’re the only person I know and that I have. I don’t want to be alone ever again." They hugged each other. "But the sea. Are you sure you wanna stay with me?"asked Alfred. By surprise Tolys placed a gentle kiss on his lover’s lips. After they broke the kiss, Tolys asked:"Is this enough to answer your question?" "Yes" said Alfred.
The End
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PJ Harvey
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fluentisonus · 7 months
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thranduil is literally so delighted with him
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megahorous · 2 months
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walkerrenee · 5 months
it will never not feel like having a knife twisted in my eye when i'm rereading trc and get to the end of trk where gansey goes off by himself to wake the king and then is so fucking genuinely shocked when the rest show up. like there was any other option than to follow him!! they would follow him anywhere for anything and they had been and he never let himself believe he was needed or wanted as much as he needed or wanted them.
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friedricebunny · 6 months
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it's him... the sniler
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erinlivingdeadgirl · 7 months
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me if you even care……….
this is what i mean when i say “girlhood is a spectrum”😴
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setsunaaalt · 5 months
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sentientxen · 11 months
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pj harvey stories from the city, stories from the sea 2000
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 7
A few days passed since Tolys and Alfred’s date. Alfred was glad to know that his boyfriend has a friend he can completely trust. But still, he need it time before he can completely like Gilbert and start to trust him. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt something really suspicious about the German man. Today, the American was on a day-off but his boyfriend had to work unfortunately. The man layed in bed a bit longer than usually. He was thinking about what he could do. Then an idea came up to his mind. He went to his kitchen and start it making pancakes for breakfast. When he finished, he took a sit in front of his TV and start it watching a movie on Netflix, while eating his breakfast. He thought about that time when he saw Tolys as a werewolf for the first time and when he told him about his abilities. Then another thought stroke his mind. "What if perhaps, Tolys had some other abilities as a werewolf, but didn’t know about them yet. But if so, what could those hidden abilities be?" wondered the American. Just as he finished his breakfast and watching the movie, he went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that he dressed up and went outside. He decided to take a walk around the park. He thought about what Tolys could have as his hidden abilities. As he walked, an idea pop out in his head:"What if he could actually turn into his werewolf form whenever he wanted to?" As the idea came up, he felt the need to go see his lover and ask him about it, but in the same time he was still at work and he really didn’t want to interrupt him. After the walk, Alfred went to the café shop where he and Tolys were on a date last time and ordered a coffee. Meanwhile waiting, he got a message from Tolys:"Hey hun, how are you doing today? As for me, the work is pretty rough. I’m affraid I won’t be able to see you today. One of my colleges got sick and I decided to takeover his work for him as well. So, I will probably come back home really tired. But tomorrow, I’m on a day-off. I hope you’re not mad at me. So how about we see each other tomorrow then?" The man smiled and texted back:"Hey love, I’m doing good. Oh and don’t worry. I’m not mad at you. I know you’re the type of helping others out. And that’s of the reasons I love you so much. Just, please don’t overwork yourself. And I know that you have a habit for waking up early, but please try taking some more rest if possible. And sure, I’m fine with seeing other tomorrow. Love you sweetheart." A moment later he got another message back:"I love you too <3" After café, he went back home, and most his day he spent on playing some video games.
The next day, Alfred came over to Tolys’s house. He locked at the door and it got opened by his lover. "Alfred, nice seeing you dear. I’m just about to finish making dinner." said the Lithuanian. "That’s amazing. Anyway, what are you making for dinner?" asked the American. "Oh, is nothing special. Really. I’m just making one of Lithuanian dishes. I’m making cepelinai."said Tolys. "I never tried those before, but I’m sure I’ll love it. Especially since it was made by you." said Alfred winking at Tolys. After the dinner was ready, the two lovers took their sits at the table. Alfred took a small bite of the food cooked by his lover. His immediately has lighten up and he start it stuffing his mouth with some more. Tolys felt so much joy seeing his lover enjoying the meal that he has prepared. "I see you really like it." said the Lithuanian. "Are you serious? I love it. You really do have a talent for cooking love. This tastes absolutely amazing. Told you I was gonna end up in love with your cooking." said the American. Tolys smiled shyly at him, as a blush appeared on his face. "Now, now. I am not that good. I mean, I’m not saying that I suck at cooking or anything but, I’m sure there are people who cooks better than me." said the man. All of the sudden, Alfred put his hand on Tolys’s cheek and leaned for a kiss on the lips. It was a pretty long kiss. After he let go, he said something really lovely to his boyfriend:"To me, you will be always the best cook in the world. And nothing will change. To me, you’re the master chief number 1 in the world. And I don’t care on how much the others will not agree." Those words made Tolys blush even harder and made him speechless:"I…Thanks love…" After dinner, the two lovers decided to watch a movie. "Tolys, there is something that came up to my mind yesterday and I wanted to talk about it with you." said Alfred. "Go ahead Alfred, say it." answered Tolys. "Well, I was thinking. What if you had some more abilities as a werewolf? You know, the hidden ones that you might not know about yet." said the man. "Like what?" asked the Lithuanian. "Like having the ability to turn into your werewolf form whenever you what for example." said the American. Tolys thought about it.
"Well, I never tried before. I never even thought about it in the first place. But I think I could give it a try. But maybe later thought. And maybe somewhere where no one can see. Beside my house or your house of course." answered Tolys. "Understood" said Alfred. "And beside, we still need to finish that movie." said Tolys. Alfred smiled:"You’re right. Anyway, how about we have a movie night with our friends?" "Sounds good to me. But, first we will need to ask them if they’re able to. I mean they could have plans. Or work." answered the Lithuanian. "True that" said the American. When the movie end it, they played some video games for a bit and later went on walk together. When they came back, they decided to take a nap together. Basically, they did stuff together until evening finally came. They went to the forest and made sure no one was around. They double checked just in case. "Alright, dear. Are you ready?"asked Alfred. Tolys stretched for a bit and answered:"I’m ready." He closed his eyes and concentrated on trying to switching to his werewolf form. After a moment, he felt something. His eyes changed and his teeth got sharp. Then a smoke appeared around him. When it disappeared, he found himself in his werewolf form:"It worked. It actually worked. Who would of have thought?" Alfred smiled:"Tolys, you’re absolutely amazing dear. Being able to turn into a werewolf whenever you want? That’s so cool." "You’re amazing. After all, you’re the one who come up with the idea. And I only tried to make it work." said the Lithuanian. Alfred went for a hug:"Oh, Tolys. I’m so happy to have such a lovely and badass boyfriend like you." Tolys’s tail start it waging with happiness:"I’m happy to have you as my boyfriend as well." After they stopped hugging, Tolys changed back to his human form and they went back to Tolys house, since he invited Alfred over for the night.
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yonpote · 6 months
dan and phil literally LOVE lying for fun it is their favorite pastime
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leotanaka · 11 months
jughead almost immediately removing himself from the musical aka the narrative the moment that someone else (kevin & clay) starts writing their own version of it and in turn, his removal from controlling the narrative ends up allowing the characters to take back control of their own narrative because when jughead writes and rewrites the story, it ends up trapping the characters deeper inside the narrative and the cycles they are desperate to escape until they are repeating the same behaviours over and over again but when kevin & clay write and rewrite the story, it ends up giving the characters back their agency because they're trying to help them which then allows them to break free from the narrative and walk away.
#riverdale#riverdale spoilers#rvd text#rvd meta#rvd narrative#jughead jones#kevin keller#clay walker#like i love jughead this isn't anti-jug or anything just to be clear but the show has imo perfectly established how traumatised jughead#really is and that he never actually deals with any of it and then this season you go from his comic episode whereby it demonstrates so#clearly that despite good intentions his anger heavily influences his writing and storytelling and then the next episode he acknowledges#that his father abandoned him and writes about it. we don't know what he wrote exactly but he wrote something and it slowly starts to#change him for the better#and the story really does start to slowly change from that point too#and even clothing wise. someone pointed out that jughead's clothes (pjs especially) drastically changed the moment he wrote about fp#what that means i have no idea but you can't not notice it#and when you look at the musical episode especially kevin and clay had an idea in mind for it - a narrative they were trying to push#but then saw what it was doing to the characters and were prepared to take a step back and listen to them and what they want#and change the story accordingly and while it ended with the majority of them leaving the musical#they left because they were given the freedom and choice to do it because they weren't being forced into a role someone else assigned them#like that's the point: THEY COULD LEAVE!#THEY MADE THEIR OWN CHOICES!#THIS IS STORYTELLING!!!#and i won't hear anything bad against it
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krookodyke · 7 months
if you cannot handle mean dykes then DON’T WATCH EMMA SELIGMAN MOVIES FUCKHEAD.
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mizuribbons · 4 months
call me akito shinonome the way i sang so much my voice hurts 😎
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PJ Harvey (2000)
© Lex Van Rossen
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megahorous · 10 months
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Milk Can Origins
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