electricsynthesis · 14 days
the way I conceive of the garrison era where the team (sans pidge) were all attending at the same time is so specific. like first of all, it’s important that you understand that I don’t just think that keith was an irritatingly competent child prodigy. I think keith was the best irritatingly competent child prodigy to grace the garrisons doors, ever. I think keith was that 1 in a million talent, the kind of talent that makes you want to claw your eyes out because he’s tiny and he’s insane and he’s MEAN but by god he can fly better than anyone. like. I don’t just think keith was the top of the sim scores. I think he was beating the records for the sim scores. Ever.
so if there’s one thing that causes groups of students to go insane it’s ^^ that. It’s knowing that there’s a guy Your Age who is not only better than you but is better than Anyone Else. mix in the fact that socially, keith is like a stray dog that’s been kicked too many times, and you have a bad combination.
I think keith got away with a lot because while he may be the star student of the century, takashi shirogane is the golden boy. he can do no wrong. A kind man with a charmed childhood who dreamed of the stars. joined the military for all the right reasons and none of the wrong ones. Isn’t a suck up but absolutely bows to authority like it’s his job. iverson fucking LOVES him. Has never raised his voice. he’ll chew keith out for 20 mins and then turn to shirogane and sweet like milk will be all…… well I guess it’s fine. I won’t give kogane detention I guess
everyone loves shiro and everyone has loved shiro since shiro entered the school at baby faced aged 15 with stars in his eyes. He’s 23 and getting married and there is a not a soul on this earth that dislikes him. so he shows up like :) so my foster brother is joining us this year! and he warns everyone that keith is “pretty shy” and “a little anxious & awkward” and everyone’s like awwww shiros baby brother is gonna be shy :) and then shiro carts in this 16 year old hell child who talks to no one unless directly addressed and even then has to get a Look from shiro before he’s like. Hi. and somehow it is the angriest sounding hi ever conceived. It’s not surly. It’s not whiney. He just sounds mad
and shiro now spends half his time gripping this random ass kid by the scruff of his neck (metaphorically and literally depending on the situation) and very kindly explaining to him that getting into Physical Altercations with his classmates does not beget learning. and he keeps using these goofy ass phrases that belong on a motivational poster. what the fuck is “patience yields focus”. What the hell does that even mean. but then it seems to WORK??? The kids like yeah. Patience yields focus. You’re right.
I don’t even think half the fights keith gets into are really the fault of his overactive temper. I think insecurity and teenaged immortality is going to be causing these children to treat keith like the dirt underneath their boots. I’m talking sabotage. Someone definitely tries the “is nice to him to get his guard down in order to sabotage something” trick but it doesn’t work because by the time keith is at the garrison he already hates the world and the children are FEEDING into this . and he isn’t going to take this with a stiff upper lip he’s fucking biting people
The reason he doesn’t remember lance is because keith was getting bullied by like 3 other people who were all actual fighter pilots in his class and shiro spent all his time talking keith out of doing the social version of chewing on electrical chords. Lance was unmemorable because he was harmless . a bit of a dick maybe but that wouldn’t have registered to keith at the time. he remembers hunk as a guy who bought him lunch once when he came into the cafeteria bleeding from multiple lip splits after having gotten his wallet stolen
The administration has wanted keith out of this school for like an entire year by the time shiro leaves for kerberos. The only reason he isn’t court martialed to hell for slamming someone’s head into a locker hard enough to bounce is because shiro hit iverson with the puppy dog eyes. once Shiro’s gone it’s a foregone conclusion and only a matter of time before keith’s getting the boot. even the most minor infraction is going to send his ass packing . They are waiting for him to even slightly fuck up. 1 feather out of place
he still manages to go out in a blaze of glory by punching iversons lights out so bad he breaks his nose. he’s five foot five and seventeen. Iverson is 6’3 and 45. It’s the greatest thing the entire student body has ever seen. lance feels something awaken in him
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
Keith doesn’t miss Earth the way everyone else does.
He does miss it, of course. He had a few months early in their journey that he stubbornly insisted he didn’t, but he’s grown enough now to admit that yeah, wifi was nice. So was non-recycled air. And a yellow sun. (God, it’s so weird to genuinely miss a yellow sun. He never thought that shit mattered.) None of this even covers how much he misses, to his grand shock, the culture of Earth — it’s strange and humbling to have to explain what a car is. Or a country. Or the concept of global warming, which is an embarrassing thing to have to put into words to someone who’s never really heard of it. (Like genuinely very humiliating. Explaining to someone that they very nearly shortened the life span of humanity because of consumerism, essentially, is something he still thinks of and just shudders.)
Mostly, though, he’s happy to be in space. Space is weird as shit and so is he, so he feels like he has an easier time just functioning, really. He likes the untethered-ness of it all, the lack of general structure. He doesn’t spend a lot of time wishing things were different.
Except for right now.
His sword, which he has been boredly slashing and poking at the wall of the Empire ship, gets stuck in the tiny crack where two sheets of metal panelling are pushed together. He huffs grouchily at it, pulling it out, then has to plant his boot on the wall and yank when it refuses to do so. The tip of the blade gets unstuck quicker than he’d expected and the change in force startles him, sending him sprawling on the floor.
He scrambles to his feet, bright red, clearing his throat and trying to roll his shoulders casually, as if he was intentionally on the floor. He looks like a huge massive dork, so thankfully no one was looking his way anyway.
“Are y’all almost done?” he calls, trying really hard to sound like he’s just innocently inquiring and not whining. It is no easy task — he’s bored and he’s hungry and he’s restless and this stupid ship smells like a stale refrigerator and he’s really really bored, in case he forgot to mention.
He scowls when no one answers, sticking out his tongue at the green and yellow paladins, both of whom are hunched over a control pad, wires everywhere, trying to hack in or out of something. Keith’s not sure. They told him and Lance to keep watch at the door and then stopped responding, basically.
This is the part of Earth that Keith has missed. Back home, Keith got to do all the investigative shit, too. Don’t get him wrong, he likes being the stabby one, as Shiro has so patronizingly put it; he likes being the one to run head first into conflict with a smirk on his face and a sword on the ready. It’s fun to be the impulsive one and be rewarded for it. It’s fun to be able to wreck Empire shit and practice witty one-liners to shoot off at annoying generals and sergeants or whatever the Galra equivalent is, just to watch their eyes twitch in rage before Keith cracks them one. All missions are two parts, essentially, fucking around and finding out, and Keith loves having free reign to fuck around.
He just wishes he got to be part of the finding out, too.
He sighs, long and loud and petulant because obviously no one is listening. He knows that his investigative research with Blue was at a very different level than all the stuff Hunk and Pidge do. He understands that on an objective level. If he wants to be part of the find out portion then he has to be prepared, has to put in the effort to learn and keep learning, to know how to recognise red flags and read code and all that nerd shit.
But computer science is just so boring.
Keith is a science person. Duh. He went to pilot school. Physics was eighty percent of that whole spiel, and he’s always had an affinity for chemistry, even if said affinity caused a lot of explosions and also Adam’s blood pressure condition. Science is cool as shit.
But coding is fucking boring. He has tried and tried to sit down and learn it, but every time Pidge tries to explain the basics his eyes glaze right over, and it’s not fair to her to waste her time.
He sighs again. He gets to wait, then.
Deciding that he’d rather not slash a hundred new scratches in the ship’s wall, lest the damn bridge feel more like a prison cell than it already does, he starts to pace, swinging his sword back and forth randomly. He could try to practice a few of the techniques and swordplay choreo he’s been learning, but that’s no fun without a partner. He’s become spoiled with the castle’s training bot. With Shiro hanging back with Coran and Allura, there’s no one around to clash swords with.
He perks up. There is, actually. He forgot that Lance had unlocked a sword when he first got switched to Red.
He spins around, trying to find where Lance ducked off to. He expected to find him leaning on Hunk’s back or pestering Pidge, like he often does — they’ve long since learned to work around him — but he’s nowhere to be found. Keith walks around the area, poking his sword at piles of sentry parts he cut up a few hours ago, peeking behind control panels and various big important chairs. Nothing.
“Lance?” Keith calls softly. Something like worry sours his stomach.
Please, for the love of all things good and holy, don’t let Lance have been hurt or taken this whole time. Keith will never forgive himself.
Thankfully, a hand sticks up by the far end of the bridge, blue armour glinting in the ugly purple lighting. Keith heaves a huge sigh of relief, jogging over. He thought he’d seen Lance before Hunk and Pidge had hunkered down to get info. But in that brief moment of panic, he wasn’t sure.
“Whatcha doing?” he asks as he comes close enough to Lance to speak. The red paladin has wedged himself between some kind of steel storage bin and the wall, in an impossibly narrow sliver of space, which explains why Keith missed him when he was looking.
Lance doesn’t answer right away, instead nudging a roll of wire with his foot. He has something resting in his lap, and wire is looped around his fingers, sliding back and forth as he carefully weaves it into a pattern. Keith watches, intrigued, for several passes of the craft.
“Nicked it from Team Punk when they really started to get wrapped up in their nerd corner,” he explains, finally looking up at Keith to shoot him a wry grin. Keith grins back. “Standing guard is boring as hell, especially when we took out all the sentries and barred the doors. And the castle is parked outside, so hell if I know what we’re guarding for.”
“Fuck, I know,” Keith groans, sitting down in front of him. Honestly, there is no real reason for them to be here. He half suspects Shiro has sent them all out for some peace and quiet, which is rude.
He grabs the spool of wire by Lance’s feet, inspecting it carefully. It’s very thin, and flat instead of a round tube-ish shape that wire usually is. There are two wrapped around the spool, too, one red and one blue. Keith curiously looks back over to Lance’s lap, trying to get a better look at what he’s doing with the wire. He doubts it’s anything mechanical — Lance gets as bored as he does when Hunk and Pidge try to explain stuff — but he’s intrigued on what has kept Lance’s interest for so long.
He’s surprised to find that he recognises what Lance is making, or at least sort of. It’s a long, spiralling chain, like the wire has been woven together to make some kind of mini spiralled staircase. He remembers, although vaguely, seeing other kids at recess in elementary school, sat down all over the place, clambering all over each other with flat plastic string, making boxy keychains or scratching spiral bracelets.
“Oh, hey, I know that stuff,” he says. He scrunches his face, trying to recall the name of the craft and coming up completely empty. It’s not friendship bracelets, the string was too stiff for that. Not that loom elastic thing either. “I don’t know the name, though.”
Lance chuckles lightly, sliding a last piece of string through a loop before tying it all off. He hooks it next a growing collection of them that Keith just notices, with a wide array of colours and patterns, hanging off his utility belt like leaves from a branch.
“I don’t know the name, either.” He tilts his head in consideration. “Well, I do. I googled it once, and I got some strange French name that didn’t fit, so I never used it. No one ever, like, sought it out or anything. Someone just came to school with a pack of the thread and everyone was obsessed with it for a week before forgetting about it.”
Keith tilts his head in acknowledgment. That’s what he remembers, too, but he doesn’t remember ever having any friends who would give him any of the string to try, nor was he ever comfortable enough with whatever foster parents he had to fumble through a request for the string.
“…Can I try?” he mumbles, after watching Lance start and weave a new one. He’s not entirely sure why, but suddenly his cheeks are red, and shyness pricks at the back of his neck. He’s suddenly nervous that Lance is gonna laugh at him, gonna tell him no, gonna give him a weird look for asking at all.
It’s ridiculous. Lance wouldn’t do that, and there’s nothing wrong with Keith asking. But he feels the nerves anyway.
“Sure,” Lance says easily, tugging on the strings and setting his chain aside. He smiles brightly at Keith, brown eyes crinkled and soft, and although the shyness fades away his blush goes nowhere. If anything, Keith feels his face get hotter. “What colours do you want?”
Keith clears his throat, wishing the flush away. He points to the red and blue spool he’d seen first. Lance quickly unravels thread to the length of his arm, matching up both colours before cutting. He sets the spool to the side then carefully lines up both threads, folding them in half and wrapping them over his thumb too quickly for Keith to see what he does exactly.
“I’ll start it for you, ‘cause it’s hard.”
“Hey,” Keith protests immediately. “I can start my own.”
Lance raises an eyebrow. He blinks at him, slowly, for several moments. Keith huffs and looks away.
When he looks back, Lance is grinning, and he holds out the carefully started craft.
“It’s genuinely very difficult to start them,” he promises. “I’m the only one of my siblings who knows, they used to ask me to start theirs all the time. It’s way easier to do rather than start, trust me.”
That mollifies Keith a little. He does trust Lance, and now that he thinks about it he can vaguely recall how one person on the playground would hold court while a million people crowded around them, fielding dozens of requests for starts.
“Okay, watch me first, then I’ll walk you through doing it yourself.” Slower than he was moving before, Lance loops and weaves the thread, taking great care to keep his hands open so Keith can see the entire process. The chain he’s making looks different from the one he made earlier, and Keith says as much.
“Yeah, this one’s a box chain, it’s way easier. The spiral one is hard.” He snorts at Keith’s pout. “Don’t give me that look, doofus. You can work your way up to spiral. Try this one for now, okay?”
He hands the started chain off to Keith, then scoots out from his little nook, settling in beside Keith to help guide his hands.
Right beside Keith. His entire left side is pressed against Keith’s entire right, and he slides one hand under Keith’s arm, accidentally brushing across Keith’s ribs, to help guide his hands. Keith tries everything he can to stay still, breathing shallowly out his mouth, determined not to move even a muscle, either so Lance doesn’t move or does he’s not sure. He’s not sure what’ll make him feel less like he’s going to explode, less like every spot Lance touches isn’t going to burst into flames.
“Okay, start with the loops. See how there’s already kind of a square shape? Flip the red thread in either side of it, yeah, like that. There should be two loops and the extra string should hang opposite of each other. Okay, now take the blue string, and weave it over and under — yeah, just like that! It should create four mini squares in a big square, you nailed it.”
Lance looks up at him to shoot him that big beaming grin again, and Keith tries to muster a weak smile back at him, realising for the first time that he has yet to breathe and he should probably do that before the spots in his vision get any worse and he passes out.
This is fine, this is normal, Lance touches people all the time. He is a touchy person. This is so not worth him going batty about, what is his brain’s deal.
“Alright, now loop the extra thread around your fingers and pull it away from each other. It’s kind of a pain because it’s super smooth so it doesn’t really want to stay together, and it takes a learning curve, but — oh, hey, you got it! Good job. Now do it again.”
Trying to remind himself to breathe every few seconds, Keith repeats what Lance taught him, over and over again until the chain starts to look like an actual chain, to Keith’s pleasure. He’s fascinated by the quick way the squares build, how the layers are so thin but it doesn’t take long at all for them to stack into something longer than his pinky finger.
Keith blinks, startled, when Hunk and Pidge clap their hands, calling out that it’s time to go. He realises that there’s a bit of a crick in his neck from hunching over, the tips of his fingers feel raw, and the chain has become as long as his hand. Although it hasn’t felt like more than a few minutes, he’s clearly been doing this for a while.
This is amazing. A boring mission has never flown by this fast before!
“Looks great,” Lance says, genuine pull of his brows belying the truth to his words — he’s not just saying that at all. “You picked that up fast.”
Keith coughs, standing on wobbly, half-asleep legs. “Uh, yeah. I’m good with my hands.”
Lance makes a strange noise as he bends down and tucks the spools of wire away, a muffled, kind of derisive snicker. “Yeah, I bet you are,” he mumbles to himself, turned away, as if he didn’t mean for Keith to hear it.
Keith stumbles. His jaw drops. Lance is out the door and on his way to his lion before Keith can react.
He twirls his chain in his hands when he finally remembers how to do other things rhan have Lance’s words repeat in his head a bajillion times, walking slowly to his own lion. His right side still tingles ever place Lance touched it. He grins a little to himself, remembering the easy way Lance guided his fingers, smiled at him.
Maybe these boring missions aren’t so bad after all, actually.
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nostalgicish · 5 months
My favorite tropes in klance fanfics that are never not funny (to me):
"Fighting" over little things
Lance: "I cannot believe you just said that......" Keith: "What?? I stand by what I said. Anchovies are objectively bad and are by far the worst pizza topping." Lance: "What! A pizza without anchovies is like— like a rose without petals! an ocean without waves! a night sky without stars! Keith: "Don't care. They're gross." Lance, theatrically: "You wound me!"
Then bringing the others into it
Lance: "Hunk, are you hearing this nonsense??" Hunk: "Nope, sorry bud, I'm with Keith on this one— anchovies are nasty." Lance: *clutches his chest like he's been fucking shot*
Keith getting confused by Lance's bad flirting but it ends up working on him anyways (i.e. wrong formula right answer)
Lance: "Holy shit, dude. Your hand looks super heavy. Do you want me to hold it for you? Keith, confused: "It's uh... I was— my hand? I— uhh...... yes...?"
Keith pretending he hates pet names/PDA
Lance, planting a wet kiss on Keith's cheek: "Anything for you, baby." Keith, trying really hard not to smile: "Oh my god you're so embarrassing."
Casual sibling-energy banter among the team
Lance: "Pidge is sooooo tiny. She's like. Three feet tall! So cute!" Pidge: "Lance, I swear to God. I will beat your ass." Lance: "Bring it, munchkin. We put out the mousetraps." Hunk: "Oohhh!" *high fives Lance* Pidge: "I am going to bash in your kneecaps." Keith, deadpan: "He'll just stand on the table then." Hunk: "OOHHHH" *high fives Keith* Pidge: *deep inhale* Pidge, eerily calm: "I'm gonna give you guys. a five-second head start... One..." Keith: "Uh... a head start for what?" Pidge: "Two..." Lance: "Wait, like five seconds each or...?" Pidge, gritting: "THREE..." Hunk: "Go go go gogogogogo—"
(unabashedly stole part of that from "Shut Up and Dance With Me" by wittyy_name on ao3)
Everyone knows they're in love EXCEPT them/the team placing bets on them (is it overdone? yes. is it still funny? to me?? also yes.)
Keith: "And uh... guys? There's... one more thing we need to tell you—" Lance, blurting: "WE'RE DATING." Everyone: "..." Pidge: "Fucking finally." Hunk: "Hah! Pay up, guys!" Shiro, pulling a $20 out of his wallet: "Seriously? You guys couldn't wait one more week?" Coran, whispering to Allura: "They weren't courting before??" Allura: "I'm just as confused as you are."
And like. a million other things! i love them!!
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jalapenobee · 10 months
"Are we there yet?"
Hunk uses his shotgun position to pelt him with tiny rocks he collected beforehand, the pebbles aimed straight for Lance's eyes. And mouth. "Oh my God, no, we are not there yet!"
The teen in question smirked mischievously, attempting to duck away from Hunk's attacks (unsuccessfully). He cowered behind Pidge, who was currently enraptured by a video game (which, if he may add, hasn't even come out yet. They probably got it off the black market.) and didn't appreciate the sudden jostling. They shoved Lance back in his seat, earning a wet sock to the face and a press of the power off button on their computer. The sock in turn was flung back at Lance, and The Great Car War V had started. Keith lifted his head off of his fist and shouted up to the driver. "Oi. Can't I drive?"
Shiro shook his head and snickered. "No chance. Last time you drove you got pulled over twice and nearly committed a hit-and-run. I think that says enough. Besides, you took all the M&M's out of the trail mix again when I specifically told you not to."
"I said I was sorry!" He wasn't. And besides, isn't it general code to do something someone else explicitly told you not to?
"Suck it, Keith. I'm just a more experienced driver."
"Oh, so now you wanna admit you're old."
"Isn't he the youngest? He's like, six," Pidge chirped from the floor of the car. Lance had his foot on top of them and was spamming their blank screen with random keyboard smashes as Hunk started throwing larger rocks. "Leggo of that!"
Shiro, regretfully, took a look in the rear view mirror. "Pidge, put on your fucking seatbelt or so help me God-"
Hunk snickered. "Oooh, you're in trouble, Pidgeon."
"You wanna switch spots with Keith?"
"..." Hunk sighed and slumped back in his chair after throwing one last rock at Pidge (he'd love to keep going, but being in the front means he can harm and not be harmed. That's not something to give up.)
"Ow! Shiro, make Pidge stop biting me!"
It was gonna be a long ride.
Two hours later, Pidge was sleeping and Lance was…well, not looking at Keith. Who, in question, was looking out the window. Lance prided himself on being in the middle; he was just out of reach of the sun's grasp while Keith was its indifferent victim. It was the perfect place to take a nap without waking up to a burning smell that you'd quickly realize was you.
Or maybe not indifferent. Lance didn't watch as Keith bent down to rummage through his duffel bag to pull out a small hairband. He definitely didn't watch as Keith tied up his hair, and absolutely didn't notice how…y'know what, maybe Lance should stop thinking about it and focus on his chess game. He was losing to AI, by the way. Completely Keith's fault.
He also didn't gawk at Keith's exposed neck, and didn't take note of how he looked so much more…uh, OLD. Yeah, not mature or handsome or anything. Just plain old. The thin sheen of sweat on Keith's forehead that should've been gross was still gross. It didn't make Keith look like a shining angel or whatever.
Later, Lance would tease him for it. For now…a nap would suffice. He shifted so that his back was to Keith and started to doze off. Hunk was the one driving now, and he took a sharp left onto the highway, causing everyone to slide to the right.
Lance fell asleep soon after, slightly pissed at himself for not moving off of Keith's shoulder.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 35: Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics Season 1, Episode 36: Lotor's Clone
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Episode 35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics I realized the text was hard to read in the long post so here's some color so you can tell which episode is being watched
wild that whoever made the choices for the space Olympics really thought hard and said "yes we're absolutely having it on Arus, where it's currently at war and has a weekly occurrence of giant fucked up robots fighting each other"
Is soccer actually an Olympic sport or is the world cup the biggest even for them?
Oh so doom IS actively boycotting the space olympics, I know It's for evil reasons but i have to agree just based on the fact THAT ITS ON A PLANET IN ACTIVE WAR AND ROUTINELY HAS GIANT MECHA FIGHTS
why are the boys in an army barrack 😭 the castle is right there is it not
Allura this is why you KNOCK walking in on the team showering in only towels is your fault entirely LMAO the boys are ragging on nanny for trying to make it their fault svsiodv woman just sit down and leave the food at this point
"I'm sorry I meant to surprise you!" "You did!" Keith that was adorable omg, I know you guys can't hear it, but his tone was the cutest
I love this show because in every other one it's hunk looking after Pidge, but originally it was Lance instead T-T He's currently very concerned about Pidge eating two kabobs at once, at least he isn't talking with food in his mouth
I'm sorry when did haggar get blueprints to voltrons wiring??
are they about to make a decepticon out of the beefed up bulldozer the team has outside to build the stadium?? Oh my god they are
man the only reason the team finds out about lotors plan is because one of the kids that was tagging along with hunk this entire time needed to take a leak outside 💀
haggar described her weird virus for that bulldozer as like a chip,,, it is not a chip it's a tiny robeast that takes over the entire machine just by standing onto the hardware i know they were making it easier to understand for kids but c'mon that had to be confusing for them, kids are real smart anyway
The boys: kid you were dreaming, nothing attached itself to the bulldozer (bulldozer proceeds to turn on and wreck their barrack) the boys: O-O guys please listen to the children, they're so upfront with everything they see its wild
PIDGE WHY ARE YOU JUMPING STRAIGHT ONTO THE BULLDOZER well at least he found out nobody was driving it UNTIL IT THREW HIM OFF, he's a gymnast (ninja) though so of course he lands on his feet anyway like a goddamn CAT
why do they always make hunk grunt like that? wild somehow they figured out it was lotor, i mean i feel like itd be obvious once they knew nobody was in it but still
WHY IS HE SO LONG IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, IT LOOKS LIKE THE PASTED HIS HEAD OVER LANCES BODY he didnt even stop the thing i think lotor just told it to stop to lull them into a false sense of security
that same kid was yelling about not being listened and immediately punched the control panel with started up the bulldozer again 💀 I think you're old enough to know how to regulate your emotions my dude oh also he and two others are trapped inside now, dire stakes indeed
hunk and pidge got thrown off the bulldozer, how high up were they?? ft older brother lance again because he was making sure pidge was okay in the background
at last a lion comes out to actually do something NOT BEFORE THE BOY GOT BURIED ALIVE THOUGH WHAT THE FUCK THEY SHOULD BE DEAD
I don't think this is the first time lotor has told allura his plans for her, but it's good that he actually tells her so she doesn't get a worse idea
the team is free after allura creates a goddamn tsunami in the stadium ft MORE OLDER BROTHER LANCE BECAUSE HES HOLDING PIDGE NEXT TO HIM IN THE WATER
immediately after being freed the kids just sit there and do nothing UNTIL THEY GET TRAPPED IN IT AGAIN god this show makes so many characters stupid
all-scan?? Are you telling me you fuckers could've done that before, and you just haven't?? I'm gonna say you just recently learned it for my own mental health
the kids are out after Hunk bashed his way inside without a lion i love seeing scenes like these because the pilots are actually skilled outside of being inside the lions!
Ooh so I was right, it was a mini robeast who could interact with machines, and then it just combines with it to make it an actual robeast well they could've just said that earlier >:/
voltron is formed and definitely is spewing propaganda for the olympics but at least hes able to damage the robeast LMAO
holy shit easiest fight ever, they barely even did anything to the guy before pulling out blazing sword and skewering it
time to rebuild the stadium and gym using the lions my question is why they only gave one of those beefed up bulldozers to the team
/episode end
Episode 36 Lotor's Clone
Episode opens with Zarkon yelling at Lotor, this oughta be good lol
"quit sending robots to arus and destroy voltron yourself!" my guy how the FUCK is one dude gonna do that, you kind of need another big guy to help weaken him first
"you mean really lead? Like from up front?" "Where else you idiot!" LMAOO
I know they make the doomites robots so the show can skirt past ratings but do not give robots that much sentience and still say they're not people these fuckers were talking about defecting and living on Arus!
oh so this episode's robeast is just another lotor because he doesn't actually want to do the work HAHAHA
"but beware, whatever you know he will know" foreshadowing?
onto planet arus, the team is doing some lion training
Pidge: it feels like my head is on backwards! Keith: I always knew that! THE KID JUST FELL OUT OF THE SKY KEITH BE NICE LMAO
Pidge: did you know your nose wiggles when you're upset Keith: my fist wiggles too! KEITH PLEASE-
mystery power surge huh, at least we can tell that the castle actually has employees since they're running around trying to fix stuff
oh never mind the drules have an actual robeast that's fucking with the castle, the lotor clone is just so lotor doesn't have to do any of the work expected of him LOL
Keith has a plan but i can't remember the sleds/boats he mentions having used before with the team maybe they're just making it up to show that the pilots actually hang out on their off time fnvsdoi
"some of these parts are older than nanny!" GET HER ASS LANCE
it's good to know that the pilots are all slightly mechanically inclined, definitely a skill they gotta have to actually stay alive on Arus
Not lotor complaining that his clone isn't working hard enough for his hero image 💀 no wonder this man always gets his ass kicked
secrets out, keiths been fighting the clone this whole time and because of lotor having a telepathic argument with it, he knows it's not the real him anymore
Damn he was so offended by the clone calling him Lotor used the robeast to blow his ass up 😭 Keith's right, this was his only chance at winning
did they just fix up that sled thing to not actually use it?? What a waste of time oh never mind lance is using it while the others use the lions
"if you're gonna lie around the beach all day I'll come back later" i don't think any other show can replicate the absolute sass dotu lance brings
I like that hunk is the defacto leader when its him pidge and allura, I know allura has no experience so she wouldn't be but i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull something like this with pidge lol
voltron is formed, haven't seen lion head attack in a while so it's nice to see it back man that robeast just stoof there and took the beating, are they just giving up at this point soidns
ooh scene reuse, this is definitely from the bridge episode that i cant remember the name of, everyone is joking about how another clone of them would be good for the universe lol
/episode end
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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willadisastercry · 3 years
Lance ignores his asthma and Coran is not willing to be an accomplice pt. 2
It’s a race against the clock as Lance’s lungs worsen and his team scrambles to come up with a remedy before it’s too late. And though this whole mess certainly could’ve been avoided had he been upfront about his situation to begin with, his team will have to save the scolding for when Lance can focus on something other than the pain of trying to force air into his rapidly constricting airways. Altean technology works fast, but what if fast isn’t fast enough?
Part 1 / Part 2
“D’you check these yet?” Hunk asked as he threw open the topmost drawer of the in-wall storage space in Lance’s cabin.
“No, and it’s not in here either... I don’t understand wh—shit!” Keith cursed as he knocked over the trash can beside Lance’s nightstand and began scooping the contents back up.
“I don’t know where it could possibly be if—“
“—found it...” Keith interrupted as he held up the inhaler that had fallen out with the rest of the trash.
“Did you just get that from the... don’t you dare tell me it’s... oh, quiznak!”
“We’ve gotta tell Shiro...”
Keith was scared that Hunk would actually cry with the way his body tensed and his eyes glossed over.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Coran will know what to do,” Keith offered as he forwent cleaning up the rest of the mess he made for the sake of time.
“Bring that with you, maybe it can help him figure something out,” Hunk said after a second of staring blankly before he turned on his heel and joined Keith in a mad dash back to the training deck.
When they finally made it back they wished they’d never left.
Lance was collapsed onto his forearms with a very distraught Shiro rubbing circles on his back as he struggled to take in heaving breaths. He hadn’t even realized they’d returned until Shiro spoke up.
“Thank god you guys are back, just toss it—”
“It’s empty, this was his last inhaler...” Keith offered for the look of utter despair on Shiro’s face as Hunk sunk down next to them and placed one hand beside Shiro’s on his back and wrapped the other around Lance’s, receiving a weak squeeze in thanks for the small comfort.
“You’re gonna be fine dude... Coran and Allura are going to help, they can fix this. Just keep breathing as deep as you can,” he repeated over and over as Lance’s chest continued to hitch, the wheezes so loud and guttural now as his lungs worsened and his body grew more exhausted.
Understanding washed over Shiro all at once and then he was moving, maneuvering Lance’s struggling body despite the unwillingness of his lax limbs.
He was too exhausted to do much of anything aside from keep his chest rising and follow whatever direction his pliant frame was guided, letting himself be pushed back onto his heels as hands clasped his forearms and settled on his back to keep him from tipping over.
Every muscle in his abdomen was screaming. A similar tension burning up his neck and seeping into the sinews between his shoulder blades that made his head feel way too heavy to sit atop his shoulders. After not even thirty ticks of trying to summon the strength to keep it up he let it hang forward, the hands on him tightening their grips when he did.
He was extremely grateful they couldn’t see his face anymore because tears were beginning to form quicker than they could fall and he was sure he would have been fully sobbing at that point if he’d had any energy to spare.
“We’re meeting everyone at the infirmary then, you guys run ahead and let Coran know,” Shiro ordered as he motioned for Hunk to take hold of Lance while he turned away and crouched.
With some help he rose on shaking legs, Keith rushing to support his other side when his oxygen deprived legs protested the action.
“Woah, we’ve got you... thanks Keith...”
Their hands under his armpits kept him standing long enough to collapse onto Shiro’s back.
He literally only had the energy after that to throw his arms over Shiro’s shoulders and nestle his chin securely in the space between his own bicep and Shiro’s neck before his body sagged against his leader like dead weight.
“Go! I’m right behind you,” he shouted, his voice dark and fearful.
He could feel Lance straining against him as he followed after them, could hear the way his congested airways sputtered each time he tried to breathe.
Shiro made his way with steady urgency, not exactly jogging but not walking either, the anxiety bubbling in his stomach only forcing his legs to pump quicker as Lance got worse.
Keith and Hunk made it to the medbaby in record time though, both boys panting after sputtering to a halt once they made it through the whooshing doors.
The paladins knew today’s workout would be a doozy, but none of them expected to be doing this much running, especially under these circumstances.
Pidge was on the floor sorting through boxes of medicine and supplies carrying on an in-depth conversation regarding the compositional makeup of altean pharmaceuticals with Coran and Allura.
“Hey guys—wait why do you have...?”
Keith answered a bit breathlessly as he waved the tube of navy and teal plastic in the air before gesturing to toss it to Coran who nodded and raised his hands in anticipation.
“...figured you’d want to take a look at the ingredients or whatever before Shiro got here with him.”
The air in the room seemed to thin as worry descended upon everyone.
“Christ, Lance!” Pidge exclaimed and sat back on her heels.
“Yeah, he’s not doing too hot,” Hunk said as he joined them, stealing the box of tubes and gadgets from Pidge to rifle through it himself.
Coran’s frown somehow deepened and Allura looked increasingly more distraught as he began filling them in.
“What level of dangerous is his breathing at?” Pidge asked hesitantly, like she didn’t want to hear the answer.
“He’s panicking and already really exhausted, so pretty dangerous. It’s one of the worst attacks I think he’s had in a while...”
Allura worried at her lip and kept glancing between the jumble of medical supplies and the medbay doors while she worked absently to ready a bed, the mice smoothing out wrinkles in the sheets and pulling down corners for her.
“Well, it was smart of number four to think of bringing this. I am synthesizing several medicines in likeness but none of them are exactly complete yet—”
“That’s—fuck, that’s not gonna be good enough...”
Everyone stilled at Hunk’s harsh interruption, his hands shaking in loose fists at his sides while he stared fixedly at the boxes of miscellaneous medical equipment in front of him.
“Lance can’t breathe, he can’t just wait for something to finish synthesizing, he might not be breathing at all when it’s done!”
Pidge scooted across the floor and laid her tiny hands on top of Hunk’s trembling ones.
“I think what Hunk means to say is that Lance’s condition is, erm, kinda dire and requires something that works as fast as possible.”
“Hmmm, I see. That is why the blue wilgam bark salve is strictly for prevention... this is indeed a rather tricky—ah, though I suppose I can try to extract and aerosolize whatever might remain of his earth remedy for a temporary solution,” Coran noted as he braved his stern concentration face and began separating the metal canister from the outer plastic to compare the words on it to the words on the bottles of medicine in front of him.
“And we can always place him in a pod for however long it takes to create an accurate remedy... he is truly in the best hands Hunk, do not fret so much,” Allura finished with a tight smile that was warm and assuring all the same.
It was strange how well she could do that, squash so much worry with such a simple act.
Coran hurried over to a station with lots of tools and canisters and turned on several machines that made various clicking and whirring noises.
Keith’s nose wrinkled at the new sounds but he couldn’t find it in him to feel angry about it. Not when they were going to help Lance when was in such bad shape.
“Okay, okay... those are good ideas,” Hunk agreed with a gasp, he hadn’t realized he’d been withholding air as he lost himself in his panic.
“Deep breaths, big guy,” Pidge urged, the weight of her hands bringing him back down from the brink of panic as his mind raced.
“Yeah, don’t forget that you’re the one who can actually breathe,” Keith chided gently with a hesitant hand on Hunk’s shoulder.
“Right... sorry. It’s just that these can get ugly really quick if—“
The doors whooshed open with an unsettling burst of air as Shiro emerged and crossed the room in a matter of seconds, a flurry of concerned exclamations filling the silence in between pauses of commotion that should have been hurried gasps for air.
But weren’t.
There wasn’t time to make sense of the lack of color in Lance’s face or the absence of movement in his chest as Shiro slid him off of his back, human hand trembling as he moved to support his middle and the base of his neck as he lowered his lifeless body onto the bed.
It was a grim enough sight to have even Allura’s mice crying out.
“Holy fuck...”
Pidge was acting on autopilot as she pinched the altean breathing mask Coran had pulled out over the bridge of his nose and cupped it under his chin to secure the seal, Keith moving in eerie similarity to connect the tubing and flip the right switches on the machine when it became apparent that Hunk wouldn’t be spurred from his horror any time soon.
It wasn’t prepped because they hadn’t realized they’d be needing it so soon.
“No... nonononono—“
They aren’t sure how they heard it through the muddle of commotion and devastating silence but it stopped them all in their tracks, the faintest whisper of air passing his lips.
His very blue lips, go figure.
“He’s breathing, Hunk. Just barely, though...”
Lance’s eyes were open still and staring at nothing as his neck strained for air that was there now but still not accessible with how severely inflamed his lungs had become, the only sounds leaving his lips at all just rapid exhales where he couldn’t expel enough before his aching lungs screamed for more of what the mask was providing
“It doesn’t look like it’s helping...” Hunk all but sobbed as he gripped the base board of the bed so tightly his fingers blanched.
Lance’s eyes bobbed at that, struggling to locate who out of his friends was distressed through the tears welling at their brims.
They were puffy and bloodshot as silent tears spilled in a continuous stream, his eyebrows drawn together with pain and desperation.
“That’s because it’s not,” Shiro deadpanned, his hands working to soothe over Lance’s stuttering chest as his rasping breaths caught in his throat on their way out.
“Wh-how is it not working... it’s oxygen?!”
It was almost pitiful how helpless Keith looked as he stated the very blatant fact, his expression sharp and his tone prickly, like he didn’t know who or what to be mad at.
“His airways,” Pidge started weakly, her voice wavering, “they must be too tight for the air to get through...”
Shiro’s hand gripped Lance’s fiercely. It was ice cold.
The gravity of the situation dawned on his friends like a literal blow then, all eyes turning to Allura.
“Coran... he-he’s working on something, but...”
It wasn’t often that the paladins saw the princess hesitate. Her usual order of proceeding during a crisis was to do something brave or noble first and think about it later, but her impulse instinct was uncharacteristically absent as she stared at Lance’s greying face.
Her hands rose slowly, long fingers uncurling from where they’d been pressed tightly in her palms to reveal a subtle pink glow.
“I know, Shiro... it’s just—I am scared it might cause him greater discomfort...”
“I don’t think we have time to worry about that, Allura,” Keith noted gravely from the foot of the bed where Lance’s eyes were half focused and darting between him and Hunk.
A status update from Coran made the tension in the room skyrocket further as he estimated another twenty or so dobashes before anything was viable.
It only took one more particularly worrisome sound of distress from Lance for Allura’s hands to descend on his chest with certainty, the pink furls leaving her fingers and settling on his body for not even a second before his back arched off the bed with a strangled gasp.
Allura grimaced as she called upon several energy reserves to ease the vice constricting Lance’s lungs as fast as she could.
A phantom tightness bloomed in her own chest as she visualized the pressure leaving his while she forced each passage back open, the channel she had opened between them by using her powers allowing her to feel the gridlock for herself.
She didn’t let up until Lance was sinking back into the pile of pillows and by then she was so lightheaded that her vision was spotting, but Keith was at her side and gripping her elbow securely before she could even stumble when the strength in her legs wavered.
“I am quite alright, just feeling a bit weak.”
“Are you sure? Why don’t you take a seat for a few anyway?”
Lance couldn’t really make sense of the conversations going on around him while he collected himself after being released from the pulls of Allura’s magic.
“It’ll pass, Keith.”
Not that he was known for having stellar listening skills, but he was just usually able to follow along with the general flow of things even when otherwise preoccupied.
“Coran you said only eighteen minutes, right?”
The voices of his friends filtered back in slowly though, his skull throbbing still after the horrible pressure had lifted.
“Can you lift his head for a sec so I can secure the strap?”
He hadn’t been coherent of much of anything before, fixing what remained of his energy on the miserable stalemate in his chest.
“It’s only seventeen dobashes and forty three tics now...”
And then the twisted relief of Allura’s magic.
But after that his hearing seemed to flatline, zeroing in on a high pitched hiss that was either static or the oxygen flow of which droned on and dribbled into his present when the tension that had yanked every muscle in his body taught alleviated all at once.
It was so disorientating it almost nauseated him and brought a distinct rush of blood to his eardrums, the oxygen flooding his deprived bloodstream like a dam had broken and left him feeling utterly weightless.
Shiro was the first one to break through the barrier of cotton that muffled his brain.
“Easy, Lance,” he instructed when he didn’t start breathing normally right sway, too stunned by the sudden levity to remember how.
“Take it slow hermano, you’re okay now...”
Everything was still uncomfortably tight and restricted, but air was at least accessible even as his body struggled to acclimate to the change, his heaves greedy and crackling.
“I was able reduce the inflammation for now but there is a substantial amount of fluid that remains in his lungs.”
“Fluid? What like blood?”
“No, Keith, not blood. Phlegm.”
“Oh, gross.”
Lance let out an indignant huff at that and despite the restriction of the mask managed to return the look of disgust the mullet had given him.
“Why is that so bad if it’s just phlegm?”
“Because anything in your lungs besides air is bad, Keith. It’s your lungs!”
“Precisely, Pidge. And it will only keep irritating Lance’s but we cannot risk him progressing back to such a state before Coran has derived his medicine when my powers are not indefatigable.”
“Yep...” Lance winced.
In order to speak he had to battle against the congestion in his chest which made his already wrecked voice sound downright abrasive.
“Shhh, no talking!” Pidge hissed with a warning glare.
But when was Lance ever known to take good advice when it’s given?
“Think... I can feel th’fluid... s’not very—“
He didn’t have to elaborate any more than that to get his point across because the rapping of his own vocal cords against each other had him launching into a harsh fit of coughing that rocked his entire frame. The accumulated cloud of condensation in the mask never allowed to chance to dissipate fully as he hacked.
It sort of felt like he was drowning since he didn’t have the strength to get his arms underneath him while all of the crap that his stupid respiratory system produced to counteract the strain in his lungs only worked to suffocate him and his freshly reduced air passages.
“Shit someone help me get him up, it’ll be easier to breathe if he’s vertical...”
Hunk surged to grab the arm that was closest to him as Shiro slotted his own beneath Lance’s back and hefted him into what only partially passed as a sitting position. But the motion made his head spin and his stomach clench and then Hunk’s hands planted on either of his shaking shoulders to keep him from tilting over as Shiro slid behind him.
The others looked on with horror.
“You’re okay,” Shiro assured as he pulled Lance towards himself.
He was grateful for the solidity of Shiro’s chest, his hold firm enough that Lance didn’t have to work anymore to keep himself up as he slumped into it, but the tears started back up anyway when he continued to actively choke on what felt like nothing despite being upright.
But there wasn’t anything in his throat to actually choke on.
“Just gotta work through it...”
He was starting to get really tired of the exhaustion and malaise that came with being deprived of oxygen for an extended period of time.
“Paladins! Only fourteen—er, minutes remaining.”
“Hear that bud? You’re gonna be okay.”
He did hear but he’s shaking his head in the crook of Shiro’s arm where his head had lolled because he can’t wait that long. He can’t.
“Yeah, you’ll feel better real soon,” Hunk affirmed.
But Lance was verging on a hysteria that he couldn’t summon the strength to express when every muscle that can be strained in his body felt like it most definitely was. And with how acutely his ribcage ached he was also certain he’d displaced a couple of those false ribs made up of just cartilage too.
“Hey, no don’t get upset, you’re gonna be fine!”
He’s never been more exhausted in his life and he can’t communicate that he can’t wait that long because he hasn’t stopped coughing.
His eyes are burning from the amount of crying he’s done so he relies on touch alone when a hand cups his chin and turns it, deducing it must be Allura.
“Lance, can you hear me?”
A shakey jerk seems to be good enough for her.
“I know you aren’t the biggest fan of the healing pods, but I understand that you are in a great deal of distress still and I believe you have endured enough...”
“What are you—oh, yeah! We could totally just put him in stasis like you and Coran were for thousands of years and bring him out when the medicine is ready.”
“Yes, just as Pidge puts it. There is no need to extend the suffering of one of my paladins.”
Shiro set his jaw as he regarded Allura sternly, it didn’t matter what she believed if Lance didn’t agree and he knew how wary he was of returning to the pods after the harrowing experience that landed him in one for the first time.
“Is that something you want to do? It’s alright if you aren’t comf—“
His voice was small, hard even a rasp, but it didn’t need to be loud for Shiro to accept it as his answer.
Lance checked out after that, allowing himself to save the energy it took to focus on what was happening around him.
So when he started registering Shiro’s voice in his ear he wasn’t exactly sure how both him and the respirator came to be at the foot of a cryochamber but he made a desperate noise at the realization.
“I know, bud. You’re almost there but we need to take the mask off.”
No one missed the fear that flashed across his face before it softened into resignation, or otherwise known as I don’t care, please put me in that stupid thing right now.
Shiro was still holding him and seemed to sense the urgency in it.
“I’m gonna stand up with you...”
It was so surprise when Lance’s knees hardly held any of his own weight before wobbling and giving out as Shiro stood with him still flush against his chest.
He regarded Hunk with a lazy roll through lidded eyes as he tipped his head forward and worked the strap off but held the mask in place.
Distantly aware of the burst of air from the pod opening and a renewed flurry of commotion around him, Lance tried to work with Shiro as he ushered him forward but his legs were too heavy and he couldn’t coordinate his movements well.
Someone else’s hands were on him, bending his knee so they could set one leg down in the pod and send the rest of his body with it. He thinks it might’ve been Keith.
The various sets of hands on him stay even after he’s securely in place, probably scared he would crumple if they did.
They were probably right.
“-nce. Hey, Lance? There you are, this is gonna suck but only for a second. I promise. Ready?”
You would’ve missed the brief hum from his somewhere deep in his sore chest if you weren’t practically inside the pod with him like Shiro seemed to be.
“Okay, now Hunk.”
The crackling heave that erupted from hims mouth was something a dying thing made, but he couldn’t hear himself or the horrible sound he made as consciousness began to swiftly melt away in stages.
First with the initial pressure everywhere after the removal of the mask.
And then pain because holy shit he couldn’t breathe.
But the cold creeped into his bones at light speed and the darkness wasn’t too far behind.
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vldkeith · 3 years
keithtober💢🎃🔪 day 15: with pidge🪴
a/n: having a lot of wii-related feelings rn. week's been tiring, also, so that's why this is so short! rest assured i love them tho 🥺
🔗ao3 link
content included: bffls pidge + keith, wii sports, wiimote mishaps.
Keith rears his hand back, trying to mimic a holding a baseball bat with nothing but a Wiimote. It’s hard, and when he swings, his little character on the screen just kind of flails a little bit and misses the pitch.
For the third time in a row. On the final inning. In other words—
“Youuuuuuu’re out!” Pidge croons, cackling from her place on the couch as her Mii, surrounded by her team, crowds the screen in celebration. Keith groans and throws the Wiimote down onto the coffee table of Pidge’s living room, annoyed.
“It’s impossible,” he huffs, collapsing onto the couch next to Pidge while she snickers. “I can’t move anything with a Wii remote.”
“Oh, sure, blame the technology.” Pidge shakes her head, flicking her wrist to end the game of baseball and cycle through the rest of their options. Only one they haven’t tried yet is boxing.
Keith’s interest is piqued. All of these other options—tennis, bowling, baseball—are very…sport-like, while boxing is very fight-like. Keith can do fighting; it was the only thing he could do for a while, actually. Pidge has won against Keith at every other game they’ve played until now, but Keith has a lot more experience hitting things than she does (…he thinks).
He’ll take his shot. Pidge selects the boxing square, and Keith stands up, falling into the position he’s being shown on the screen.
“No actual hitting, Keith,” Pidge warns warily, raising her tiny fists. Keith rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. It wouldn’t be a fair fight if I could actually hit you.”
In response, Pidge actually hits him, right in the shoulder. Who’s playing dirty, now?
Before Keith can retaliate, though, their boxing match is starting, and he realizes that Wii boxing is—perhaps predictably, but Keith never said he was smart—not akin to actual fighting. In fact, there’s no precision to it at all. About 10 seconds in Keith just starts flailing his arms around, a situation which is not much helped by the fact that Pidge is doing the exact same thing.
“Hey, would you—Am I even hitting you? Hey—”
“I can’t fucking tell, oh my god, this game is broken!”
“Watch it, you’ll knock my face off!”
“Sorry you’re so small that whenever I move I run into you—”
“Get it, get it, ohmygodohmyogod FUCK—”
Without warning, Pidge’s frenzied movements land squarely into Keith’s jaw, the Wiimote knocking his teeth right into his nose, from the sound of it. Keith collapses instantly, howling with pain, and Pidge is screaming “sorry, holy shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see” just as the twisted cords of the Wiimote-nunchuk-combo tangles her arms into a knot and she loses balance, falling instantly on top of Keith.
Above them, their on-screen Mii characters just stand there, moving jerkily every time one of the controllers gets rustled a little bit. Eventually, the fight times out, and nobody is declared the winner.
Keith and Pidge don’t really care about that, though. They’re too busy laughing their asses off.
“You’re a menace!” Keith shouts, pouting his finger at her with a grin. “You could’ve broken my jaw!”
“Not my fault you have a weak jaw that can be taken down by a Wii controller!” Pidge returns good-naturedly. She’s trying to untangle her hands from the jumble of cords, and once she does, she stands and dusts her pants off, still shaking her head with laughter. “God—are you actually okay? You need ice?”
“That might be good,” Keith admits, struggling up himself. His jaw really does hurt; Wiimotes are a lot more hard and painful than people give them credit for, he thinks.
Pidge leaves and comes back with the ice pack quickly, and after Keith has had around two minutes to rest it on his face, both she and he look at each other.
“So…” Pidge ventures, smirking, “rematch?”
“Of course.” If Keith gets hurt too much, Pidge can just build him another robot body-part anyway.
☕️ko-fi - so i can buy wii games
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maandags · 3 years
Requests are open!!! *does an excited hoppy dance* oh my goodness the excitement. May I suggest a) something with Matt Holt, perhaps in an au with some sort of power (like a demigod or witch or ATLA au, etc.) or b) something for HTTYD with no pairing and plenty of dragon presence! Bonding/interacting with dragons, etc. Thankyouthankyouthankyou you are such an amazingly skilled author and making requests like this is a very special privilege. Thank you for sharing your writing :)
it’s Capture the Flag day at Camp Halfblood, and nobody lets you forget it.
of course, the nervous jitters get to you, as well. you’re not immune, even though you’ve never been a particular lover of the game. but it’s Camp tradition, and Camp Halfblood is your home, so you’ll fuck up your friends (and not-so-friends) every once in a while to keep things interesting. sure.
it’s Hephaestus, Demeter, Ares,  Apollo -- that’s you -- against Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus. you’re not worried about Dionysus’ kids -- their heart isn’t in the game, and it’s easy to tell. Athena and Hermes are the ones who will pose an actual problem, you suspect. 
as you get ready, fingers making quick work of the straps on your breastplate, swinging your quiver over your shoulder (holding blunt-tipped arrows -- so they’ll still hurt like a bitch, but won’t do serious damage); strapping on your bracer, then pulling on your leather glove. you reach for your helmet, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at the red plume sticking out of it. it’s tradition, Y/N.
“you think you’re gonna win today, L/N?”
you squint up at the boy decked out in full Capture the Flag regalia, a sword at his side and a knife strapped to his thigh, brown hair mussed and glasses slightly askew on his nose. “half your team aren’t fighters, Matt. not like you and I am.” you lean back, cross your arms. “let’s just say I’m not disliking my chances, here.”
Matt shakes his head with a grin. “we’re going to crush you.”
“HOLT!” both of you whip around to the source of the voice -- it belongs to a tall Hermes kid, one of the only campers older than Matt and you, standing with his hands on his hips, glaring intensely at his teammate. “stop fraternizing with the enemy!”
Matt snickers, then bows. “well. I guess duty calls. I’ll see you after we win the game.”
“you’re so full of shit.”
“I love you, too.”
as he turns, you shout after him, “I’ve got an arrow with your name on it, Holt!”
the team captains convene -- Matt’s sister Pidge, on one side, and an Ares kid named Tyler on yours. the flags are hidden, everyone moves to their side of the creek. as you walk, Tyler and Keith, a Hephaestus kid, go through the battle plan one more time. you’ve heard it countless times before, so you listen with one ear. 
Tyler points to you. “Y/N, up in the trees. slow ‘em down as much as you can.”
“always, boss.”
“don’t get distracted by brown-haired sons of Athena,” Keith quips with a grin.
without missing a beat, you reply, “as long as you don’t get distracted by blue-eyed sons of Aphrodite, fuckwad.” Keith goes red and shoves his middle finger in your face, so you respond in kind.
“guys,” Tyler says, sounding both annoyed and tired and resigned, “focus, please.”
some obscene gestures and mouthed insults later, you’re stationed up in your tree, standing on a sturdy branch, bow at the ready, an arrow nocked. (special arrows. Keith helped out with this; you’ve got some stinkbombs, some explosive arrows, some sticky ones... they’re nasty. you can’t wait to use them.) you’ve tied yourself to the tree by your waist, having made the mistake of not doing so in the past and paying the price with bruises and cuts.
the horn sounds. the game’s begun.
border duty isn’t the most exciting part of the game. if you were a close-range fighter, you would have killed to be in the scouting group, or the flag-capturing group. but you’re not, so a spot up in the trees it is.
after a couple minutes, you spot the group of campers charged with capturing the actual flag leap over the creek like cheetahs, splitting up into two groups immediately after crossing over into the other side. despite everything, your heart rate speeds up, just a bit. your grip on the nocked arrow tightens. 
then, out of the depths of the forest in front of you, three campers race towards your side of the creek. trying to go fast, while also being quiet. heh. not if you have anything to say about it.
you bring your bow up to your face and aim, loosing it almost immediately. elegantly. effortlessly, as Matt would say. it sinks into the earth in front of the nearest camper with a dull thud, and a split second later it explodes, sending dirt and loose branches and leaves everywhere. 
before the three campers can do anything to react, you’ve let loose another arrow. this one, when it explodes, poofs out a cloud of thick red smoke, which rises high above the treetops. could just as well have been a flare. stealth mission? not so much.
but you’ve given yourself away, now. not that it matters much, now. worth it. 
“FUCK YOU, Y/N!” that’s Lance. son of Aphrodite, one of the few who is actually invested in the game. (a little too invested, in your opinion.) 
you blow him a kiss, send him a wave. “I love you, too!”
Lance yanks his fellow campers up, shakes his fist up at you. “you play dirty!”
“I’ve been here for eleven years, Lance. I deserve to play a little dirty.”
at that, Lance laughs. you narrow your eyes. “eleven years, huh?” he grins. “still can’t recognise a simple distraction?”
“what are you –” you cut yourself off, cursing, whirling around, only just managing to spot a head of brown hair zipping through the trees. 
before you realise you’re doing it, you’ve already drawn another arrow. this time, as you pull it back, you breathe out, relaxing, concentrating on the tiny shifts of movement you can still see through the trees. behind you, Lance is still shouting – “he’s gone, Y/N, we’ve outsmarted you, just admit it, you’re gonna lose –” but you drown him out. 
you let the arrow fly, and a whole second later there’s the unmistakable “augh!” of someone who just ate shit. (tangling arrow: its impact triggers the uncoiling of a spool of iron thread, hopelessly tangling the target’s legs.) 
you throw Lance a glance over your shoulder. he throws up his hand. “for the GODS’ SAKES, Y/N.” 
“do not,” you say, lips curling into a grin when you spot your group of flag-catchers, three strong, approaching from the other side of the river, the silver Athena banner rippling between them, “underestimate a child of Apollo.” 
Keith and Tyler are being chased by a growing group of blue-plumed campers, but you know it’s no use; those two are fast bastards. for the fun of it, you send another exploding arrow towards the pursuers’ ankles. the dull pop! and consequent yelps make you grin.
Keith takes a final leap over the creek and skids to a halt on the other side. the banner shifts in his hand, from silver to blood-red. 
he holds it above his head, and you let out a loud whoop before sticking two fingers in your mouth and letting out an insanely loud, piercing whistle.
the game is over. you’ve won.
you descend from your tree, dropping the last five feet to the ground, shaking your head at the mob of campers who’ve hoisted Keith and Tyler upon their shoulders and are jumping up and down. you cross your arms.
“fucking eh. I really thought we had you this time.” 
an arm drapes itself around your shoulders, and you grin, shooting a glance up at your boyfriend. “I told you I had an arrow with your name on it.” 
“you did. I’ll outrun you eventually.” Matt dips down, presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“pfft. good luck with that. you almost fooled me this time, though,” you add, poking his side. “almost.” you look down at his red-streaked legs. his knees are also scraped and slightly bloody, but his eyes are twinkling with mirth. “sorry about your ankles.”
he sighs. “yeah. I think I’ll need someone to carry me back to camp.” 
you shake your head again with a chuckle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “you’re so full of shit.”
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bluedemon1995 · 3 years
You know I suck at chapter titles, sorry 😞 I got aa lovely review for this on AO3 so I decided to continue. Hope you enjoy.
This week at work has been...busy and exhausting so I hope I can keep my focus! Stay safe and warm!
Keith wanted to talk to Pidge but even he could see she didn’t want to listen to him right now. And it was pretty much what he expected. He understood her probably better than he understood himself. Once she latched onto an idea it was hell changing her mind. Stubborn was a true Holt trait. Even that is an understatement. Keith tried to come up with a plan.
Ok, so she didn’t believe he had feelings for her. She needed proof. Of his feelings and isn’t that the rub. How could he prove how he felt? Or when those feelings actually started? Then there was the fact that she wasn’t talking to him so when he considers that Shiro let him know that the other Keith was with him and to head straight to the lab for a conference, well, that was just great. Except it wasn’t.
Not only was she NOT talking to him but her husband was there. Fuck.
Keith tried to think of his options but really they were limited. Keith decided his best bet would be to take his bike because at least Pidge would at least physically, have to be close to him. Just by sheer force of gravity. And if he drove a little faster, knowing she’d have to hold him tight, well, who could really say. He enjoyed the speed, the wind and the presence of Pidge’s arms around him. It would at least calm him down before he got pissed again.
Pidge tried to argue that they should take the car but Keith pretended he didn’t hear her. Then he dropped the bomb that Cosmo had to go to Krolia who needed him so there was no valid reason for needing the car. As far as Keith was concerned, whatever worked. Stomping over to the bike, he knew she was being petty and was unhappy but it’s been a rough day all around and it was still early.
As they arrived at the lab and stored the helmets, Keith held her shoulder stopping her in her tracks. Neither moved. Keith let the heat of his hand transfer to her and and turned her slowl towards him. Looking at his hand on her shoulder, he forced out an uncomfortable explanation.
“Pidge, I know that a lot has happened in a short time. And I know that the other Keith is better at talking and giving you the words for what he’s feeling. But if he’s being honest, and even I can admit it looks like he is, please just consider that he’s had years of experience handling you. And I just, I want to, God, I just wish I was better at this. But here we are. Just me.”
Now he looked straight into her eyes, capturing her gaze by will alone as he continued. “And what I can say is that he’s not the only person who loves you romantically. And I know you need proof. And you don’t believe me. And I get that I do.” Closing his eyes, his forehead drops to hers. In a low murmur just for her to hear, he says, “Just know, that this isn’t a case of jealousy or confusion. It isn’t a competition. Or a game. Or any of the other hundred scenarios you’ve concocted in your head. Instead it’s just me being dumb and not telling you when I knew what I felt for you. And if you don’t feel the same, I get it. I do. But I can’t stop how I feel, I don’t even want to. And I guess most importantly I can’t walk away, so please don’t ask that of me.
Pidge frowns, muttering, “Keith”
“No. Don’t say anything. I don’t need that from you now. Right now I just need you to just …trust me. I need for you to let me be at your side, whether it’s to help or, or…”after a moment of looking at each other, he whispers, “please, just trust me.”
Pidge’s eyes fill with tears, and she replies, “Damn it Keith, you know I do! I’ve always trusted you! That’s not the problem.”
He sighs and brushes his lips over hers, so softly. His hand is still on her shoulder and with his other he drifts his thumb down her cheek. “Okay, then that’s all I need to hear, for now. Now, let’s go and save Shiro from Slav. You know he doesn’t handle him well for long periods.”
Pidge gives him a watery smile and laugh finally nodding , “Yeah okay.”
Elsewhere, Krolia and Cosmo waiting for Kolivan in the visitor hangar. As he emerges from he ship he barks, “Status?”
As they quietly talk, a plan is formed to provide assistance to the tiny paladin. No one was going to hurt their kit’s mate.
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kandyklancing · 4 years
klance fic | mini skirt lance 🔞
lance loves showing off his leggy body when he wears his mini skirts. so when he saw a tiny black one hanging in the window of a store in the space mall he couldn't resist. the team had gone there under shiro's command to "stock back up on essentials" he knew a mini skirt wasn't exactly something he *needed* but he had missed dressing up nicely like he sometimes did back on earth. he couldn't resist the opportunity to snag the little black number. "lura! let's go in that one!" he called excitedly, snagging allura's hand. her eyes lit up as she caught sight of the clothing store, and lance looked back to the others. "we'll be back, he called." starting towards the store. keith's eyebrows rose questioningly, but he said nothing, turning back to pay attention to shiro who was beginning to lead hunk slowly toward the grocery store, reading from a list of things they needed. lance knew he had been getting on keith's nerves lately, with him exasperatedly telling him that he never took their tasks or missions seriously. he tried not to let it get to him, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult to do. who says just because they're fighting in an intergalactic war that he can't be cute? besides, pidge wasn't even around right now, she had dragged coran with her to the nearest video game store, and allura willingly came with him, also interested in buying something to wear. so if keith wanted something to bitch at, he'd have to take it up with all of them. that was only somewhat reassuring to lance though, he didn't enjoy upsetting keith as much as he was sure keith thought he did. but it wasn't enough to stop him from walking through the doors of the store, albeit slightly sulkily. "oh my god lance!" allura squeeled. "look at this!" she said, holding up a purple strappy and sparkly crop top. "that's pretty lura. you should try it on" he encouraged weakly, lacking his usual vigor. he knew it wasn't gonna bypass allura, how his mood had been dampened. the two had grown close since he practically got plucked off earth to fight battles in space. they were best friends. her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked at him caringly and cautiously. "are you okay? what's the matter?" she asked. he sighed. "keith's still on my ass. i know he's wondering why i'm wasting time fucking around in a clothing store rather than helping them buy food and supplies" allura took his hands in hers gently, looking into his eyes. "listen" she began. " i love keith, but just because they boy doesn't know how to unwind that doesn't mean that you shouldn't. we've all been working so hard lately. it's not unwise to treat yourself." "you're right, i know" lance sighed. "it's just that..." he turned his gaze elsewhere, cheeks slowing becoming alight. "i just...want him to understand me..." he sulked. allura smiled softly. she knew about lance's personal feelings toward keith. she also knew that keith had his own feelings about lance, he just grew frustrated with himself at not being able to express them, and often ended up projecting that frustration onto lance. he didn't know how to properly express himself. "listen. how about you show him the good that comes out of an impromptu shopping trip? force him to get it!" she smiled cheekily and excitedly. "oh please! he doesn't look my way except to complain about something ive apparently done. give it up allura, he's not into me." it was a conversation they had had time and time again. allura was convinced that keith digged him just as much as lance was into him. she rolled her eyes. "then do it for yourself. buy something you feel good in!" that he could do. he hightailed it over to the mini skirt in the window, allura in tow. "OH. that's the one lance. he won't be able to take his eyes off you" she smirked. lance bit his lips to hide a smile, rolling his eyes at her and signalling for the salesperson at the front.
-2 weeks later-
the team was exhausted and exaxperated. the battle with the galra they had just returned from was a long one. they had won, yes, but not without completely draining themselves. they were a lot of close calls, and things felt dismal. "listen up, team. we're taking the day off tomorrow. we've been working tirelessly, and i know we're all feeling weighed down. so relax tomorrow. do something you like" he told them. it served to be a giant relief to them all, even keith let go a placated sigh. lance woke up with a smile on his face the next day, ready to pamper himself. he spent time doing his favourite skincare rituals and singing to himself. when finished, he walked over to his closet, staring longingly at the mini skirt. "fuck it" he said to himself and put it on. lance trailed into the kitchen where the others sat, already eating breakfast. allura looked up, whooping loudly upon his arrival. "you look amazing lance!" she encouraged. he smiled at her in response. he felt shy under the rest of the group's gaze. shiro only smiled, telling lance to sit and have some breakfast. "lance! bro! you look good!" hunk told him around a mouthful of his food. "thanks buddy." lance smiled genuinely. pidge was fiddling with some game console in her hand, having thrown lance a small smile when he walked in. coran dove estatically into a story about how he used to wear his own fair share of skirts back in his day. and keith... keith is keeping his eyes resolutely on his plate. lance felt a pang of sadness but he quickly pushes it down. he looks GREAT and they finally have a day off. he's not gonna spend time thinking about his unrequited crush at all. he dove into his food. later on in the day, after lazing around and playing dungeons and dragons, lance suggests a game of hiding seek with the castle lights off. shiro and coran have retired to their rooms, so he insists they won't be slowed down by the "old people" allura, hunk and pidge say they're in, and keith does too, albeit reluctantly. "this is...juvenile. but i guess i don't have anything better to do" he says, shrugging. lance looks at him closely. keith hasn't looked him in the eye all day. still he pushes down his disappointment. "okay i'm counting! better go hide you bastards!" pidge yells out excitedly. allura runs in a circle for a solid minute, panicking and giggling before she takes off to the left side of the castle ship. hunk runs to the right, and keith slinks off somewhere stealthily. lance knows exactly where he won't be found, smirking to himself and taking his time walking there. he knows he won't be found in the "secret" door in the back of the library. it's an inconspicuous looking door, in the back left corner. the only way he'd found it because he was sulking one day alone, sitting on the floor of the library thinking about his family back home, resting his back against what he'd originally thought was the wall. it felt different, and after running his hands over it, he came across a doorknob sized button, and upon investigation, found that if pushed it the "wall" slid up to reveal an open room. in it was a massive floor to wall window, where he'd sat many nights gazing out at the stars. "fucking altean technology" lance mused to himself, stepping through the space upon arrival. he hurried over to his favourite spot where he liked to perch by the glass. except, he tripped over some lump like object. "shit!" he hissed palms slapping onto the tiled floor. "what the fuck man?" a disgruntled voice called. "keith??? how the hell did you get in here!?" lance asked, infuriated. "how did YOU get here? how do you even know about this place?" keith demanded.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 150
Settling back into Garrison, Keith and Lance were rather rudely woken as Pidge and Hunk slid into Lance’s bed with them, the day after the they’d come home the previous afternoon. Krolia had somehow managed to give them food poisoning. Not that he knew for sure. Yet seeing she’d tampered the possibility was strong. Coran the only one game enough to finish his slice of cake.
Kicked out of the house so their friends could set up for their “Surprise Return Party”. He and Lance had nothing to do except wait until they’d gotten the call from Pidge that they were allowed to return. She didn’t need to call. The pair of them had only gone as far as the back lawn, Lance lamenting over the state of his garden and Keith annoyed his sleep had been interrupted after being sick the previous night.
Playing up the surprise theme, they both had their eyes covered, then were led into the living room. The space had been transformed. A Christmas tree up. Stockings hung. Presents piled up on the coffee table. Kosmo dressed in a reindeer outfit with Blue glaring from her cat tree, not pleased to be dressed as an elf. Okay. So maybe their friends got a pass because of the theme. Wearing a hideous green sweater, Pidge beamed as she waved her arm to gesture to where “Merry Christmas” hung over the fireplace
“Ta-dah! It’s our Christmas do over! I know! I have the most amazing ideas!”
Keith didn’t bother correcting Pidge about it being Lance’s hope to recreate Christmas
“Guys! This is...”
Lance rushed Hunk, throwing his arms around him. Hunk sweeping Lance up with a chuckle
“Merry Christmas, bud!”
“I love you! Oh my god! I can finally give you guys your Christmas presents! And I can finally give you your birthday present! Please tell me we’re celebrating your birthday!?”
Hunk laughed awkwardly as he set Lance down
“Nah, it’s...”
Lance cut Hunk off
“Don’t you dare think you’re getting out of this. I was the worst friend in human history and didn’t call for your birthday!”
“It’s wasn’t...”
Great. Lance was being hyperactive... Seeing his boyfriend hadn’t stopped cleaning until nearly 1am, Lance had too much happiness and energy...
“Nope. Okay. Keith, can you grab Mami’s bag for me? I’ll grab everyone else’s presents...”
That seemed a lot of work and everyone seemed to have forgotten to give him his coffee. Blankly staring, he hadn’t realised Matt was wearing a set of ridiculous antlers on his head, or that Curtis and Shiro were there. Baubles hanging on Curtis’s horns. Groaning, Keith bumped into Matt as he went to turn, not really sure where to go
“Pidge, did you kick Keith out without his coffee?”
Pidge cackled
Always loud, Matt started yelling
“Guys! We’ve got a Keith without coffee! I repeat; We’ve got a Keith without coffee! It’s a category three disaster in the making!”
Pidge confessing
“It’s not that we didn’t make him coffee... I forgot and drank it myself”
Well “fuck you” to Pidge. He deserved his coffee. He’d barely got his morning pee in before they were tossed out. No wonder he’d been so sleepy and useless as Lance talked
“Don’t worry, bro. I’ve got you. Double shot topped with tequila, right?”
“Fuck off and get fleas”
Matt laughed at him. Too many people were laughing. Not enough coffee to upright. Lance moved from Hunk to his side, kissing Keith on the cheek
“I’ll put the coffee maker on for you. Don’t worry about Mami’s bag, I’ll grab it. You just focus on your coffee”
Lance hadn’t eaten either, Keith trying to remind him
“Food... you?”
“Yep. Gimme a bit”
Caffeinated Keith perked up. He’d been worried about them coming home, Lance admitting he feared the house would no longer feel like his after all the time he’s spent away from it. So when Lance had gone on a cleaning frenzy, Keith hadn’t interrupted. He’d let Lance do what he needed, despite the fact his boyfriend hadn’t been happy until late in the night and Keith just wanted to go bed several hours earlier. Seeing Lance happy felt right. He knew some of it was an act. And he’d noticed the occasional jolt in Lance’s moves as if he was forcing himself to move, but there was definitely something there that told him Lance felt more at ease than he had in a long time.
Disappearing, Lance returned with his arms laden with presents. Keith immediately trying to help. Vampire or not, Lance shouldn’t be moving heavy things around. His boyfriend laughing as he tried to protest the fact. With the size of Lance’s present pile, Keith couldn’t help but be conscious of the fact his own was tiny in comparison. His nerves over gifting left his stomach rolling, with a cold sweat across his forehead. He’d tried to gift shop on his own as much as possible, but with Rome being Rome and the daily repetition of the council meeting... No. He was making excuses. He’d sucked at gift giving for the others because his head was filled with how much he missed Lance.
Setting the presents down, Keith noticed then that a whole bunch were for Shiro. 7 wrapped all the same way, seemingly from each of them
“Is that everything? Because I want to open my presents already!”
Lance shook his head at Pidge
“Not quite. You’ll have to be patient a little longer, Pidgeon”
Shiro gaped at Lance, Keith kind of feeling the same way. Their Christmas’s were never like this. Staring at their friends group. His brain supplied an unwanted thought. Pidge was a girl and Hunk was a boy. Rieva was a girl and Matt was a boy. Was this party extra important because Lance had already thought about them? That they could be hurt? Or was it just him over thinking things? Pulling the top present off the pile, Pidge threw it at Shiro
“How can that not be everything? And why is there so many presents for Shiro?!”
Lance chuckled at their impatient Gremlin. Pidge seemed mortally wounded at the stack for Shiro
“Mami bought you all presents. Just small things from Cuba. We weren’t sure when we’d be allowed back, so we hit the markets in case we could come back for Christmas. It’s not much, but she did try to think of you all”
“Do you want me to...”
Lance sighed with a roll of his eyes at Keith’s offer
“Babe, sit down already. You’re being overly attentive. I can still do things like face the stairs”
“Okay. I just thought...”
“Stop thinking and sit down. Pidge will divide the presents up. Hunk, do you need any help bringing things in from the kitchen?”
“I’ve got it! But... uh... Bud, please be careful on the stairs”
Matt nodded quickly
“Maybe Keith and Hunk have a point, dude? You don’t have a great track record with the stairs”
The look Lance gave everyone spoke volumes. The stairs were now a forbidden topic that he didn’t want to be reminded about again. He’d healed from falling down them, and they’d all be in the shit if they started fussing over him. Keith felt goosebumps erupt at the look. Swallowing hard, Keith couldn’t remember the last time he’d shut up by a single scathing look like that from his boyfriend. He couldn’t help the almost phobia he’d developed over Lance and stairs. Especially with two very special passengers on board.
With Lance upstairs, Pidge went about dividing out presents, asking as she did
“So when are we going to hear all about Rome?”
Keith shrugged. He supposed Pidge and Hunk had been super anxious in their absence, but the topic of conversation had kind of fizzled out
“When Lance hears about Rome? I don’t know. All I can tell you is that he’s safe”
Pidge huffed, pausing mid-sorting to look up at Keith
“I can see that. I mean, like, is he really safe? We were talking with Shay, and she’s worried about him too. He seems happy but I don’t know. He wasn’t that happy when he came back”
Keith was surprised when Rieva answered
“In his defence, he was exhausted. Physically and mentally. Matt getting us kicked out of Cuba wasn’t on the plans. He’d had a very long day”
Pidge sighed
“I wish we got to go with him”
Lance had been so very missed by his two best friends
“Lance would have loved to have you guys there, but he couldn’t tell anyone he was down there in case you guys were contacted or in danger”
Matt added unnecessarily
“Yeah. Listen to Keith. The first thing he did was lose his shoes, then he made Lance cry. Boyfriend of the... ow!”
Rieva elbowed her boyfriend in the ribs
“Keith was under a lot of stress too. You guys should have seen him. He barely kept his temper under check, too impatient to be back with Lance”
Shiro chuckled
“You guys should have seen him in Rome after you left. I think he must have packed and unpacked a hundred times so he’d have something to do before his flight”
“That’s true. I don’t think he slept the night before he left. I worried about letting him on a public flight with how much coffee he’d had”
Now Curtis was teasing him. Keith looked to Hunk
“Don’t worry, man. We all know how in love with Lance you are”
“The only couple more loved up than you guys are Hunk and Shay. Oh! I forgot to tell you, Shay totally knows everything!”
Pidge dropping a bombshell like that had him, Curtis, and Shiro, all shocked as they looked to Pidge
“What do you mean she knows?”
“Apparently Hunk gets blabber mouth after sex”
Hunk blushed so deep a red, Keith was surprised his head didn’t pop
“It’s... not... I didn’t... Pidge!”
Pidge laughed at Hunk, resuming present sorting
“I’m not judging, but I think you could have picked a better time to tell her vampires and werewolves were real”
“It’s not my fault! She’s... Lance wanted to tell her!”
Okay... but if Shay knew, that led to an important question
“If Shay’s in the loop now, why isn’t she here?”
“Because she’s working. I tried to get her to swap shift. Plus, he didn’t tell her Lance was up the duff with twins. Nice going with that. You and your wonder sperm”
That wasn’t entirely his fault. It was. And took full responsibility, but he still wasn’t sure how it happened. Snarking back at Pidge, he felt defensive of Lance who wasn’t there to stick up for himself
“They were a complete surprise. We’d only just gotten around having one, let alone two. There’s nothing wrong with Lance being pregnant or the twins”
Sensing a potential fight, Shiro forced a laugh
“Leave him alone. He’s super excited about the twins. And frankly, I think we’re all looking forward to meeting them. It gives us something good to focus on”
“I hope you remember that the first time you change a shitty nappy, Uncle Shiro”
Coming back into the room, Lance had much smaller gifts this time, as well as an envelope with something in it that Keith couldn’t help but cock his head at
“What’s that?”
“I don’t know. It’s to you, from Krolia. I found it in my room when I was looking for my phone. I guess it’s a present or something”
That sounded just like this mother. How hard was it to shove something into his hands awkwardly and change topic? It’d worked well for Shiro and Adam. They didn’t make him awkwardly exchange gifts
“Of course she can’t just give it to me like a normal person”
Lance smiled, he could because he faked out of the cake with nausea. Not completely fake, but the only smart move that wouldn’t make Krolia angry or suspicious
“Be nice. I’m sure she didn’t mean to give you guys food poisoning. Anyway. We got these in Cuba. When I still could go out and stuff. They’re not much, but each is heart felt. Mami loved all of you. She loved the bond between Shiro and Keith. She loved how mischievous our little Gremlin was. She whole heartedly agreed that Hunk was like sunshine whenever he’s around. She thought Matt... was a bit... weird, but in a good way. Curtis, you may as well have been my actual cousin. I think she might have even slipped up and said you were. And she found you very exotic and mysterious Rieva. She was very upset that someone would ever hurt you. Mami was a lot better at a lot of things than I am. I guess... I know this might be selfish, but these are the last presents from her. I guess it’d make me happy to know that you’re taking care of them... and... she just loved you all so much. I made on my own for so long, but... she was so grateful I had all of you in my life. She always worried what would become of me after she passed... I know she made Keith swear to be there... but... I really did miss you guys... I’m sorry my anxiety was so shit I couldn’t talk... and I was so scared you’d all never want to talk to me because I had to lie so much... I hated lying to you. I did...”
Keith was the first to move, but they all kind of moved as group. Lance forced into being hugged by the lot of them
“You are the biggest undead idiot around!”
“Oh, man! You’re my brother!”
“You’re part of my pack! We’ll never leave you alone!”
“Group hug!”
The words fell over each other. Lance’s sniffles turned to laughter. Keith not too happy that his boyfriend was being squashed, and that he was being squashed as he tried to protect Lance’s bump, but at the same time he was overwhelmingly happy that they were all together again. Mami knew someday she’d pass, and had entrusted him with being there for Lance. She’d left Lance, but no matter how far their little family split or went, they’d always have each other when they needed someone.
“Okay! Off! You’re going to crush me and the twins!”
Lance gave them a few long moments. Everyone other than Pidge and Keith let go, Pidge poking her tongue at Keith
“He’s my brother. You have to share”
“I’ve already shared enough. Now take your paws off him”
“Laaaaance, Keith is being mean”
“I’m sorry, but he does have a point. Your hugging my belly. Squeeze too hard and I might throw up”
Pidge wrinkled her nose as she let go
“Curse you vomit. Next time I shall have my hugs”
Lance smiled at her fondly
“Will you settle for me sitting between you and Keith?”
“Fine. Now hurry up. I’ve been dying waiting for this”
“Okay. Okay. Calm down. You do know this is Keith’s first Christmas with us. You’re going to have to be nice”
Lance sounded like a dad scolding this hyperactive daughter. Keith clueless to what they were on about
“He snoozes, he loses. Them’s the rules”
“Be nice!”
Opening their presents was a thing. A very different thing than living with Shiro and Adam. They did small gifts, lunch if they didn’t have to work, and movies after work which usually involved falling asleep on the sofa. That was not the case here. Seeing Pidge was so damn excitable she went first, opening all her but one of her gifts before it moved onto Hunk next, and so on around their circle of friends. Lance took his time to explain that normally on Christmas Day he’d be in Platt with Mami until the evening, then they’d do presents at his place. That didn’t explain what was coming after the present part... which he was honestly more nervous about than his own gifts, which were more or less trinkety things from Rome, apart from his gift to Lance which was an old fashioned wrist watch he’d found in an antiques store. He wasn’t sure if Lance would love it, but he seemed to as he was made to help put it on his boyfriend’s wrist almost immediately after opening. Lance’s gift to him was a vintage camera that probably cost a fair bit. His boyfriend also sourcing the film for it, which Pidge laughed over being antiquated and all that.
They all seemed on the same wavelength about keeping Miriam’s gifts until last. Shiro buried under a pile of ugly sweater that Curtis found hilarious, as he’d known about them. Down to Miriam’s presents, they all fell kind of quiet, appreciating that Mami had thought of them all. Keith couldn’t help but not want to open the lovingly wrapped gift. Hunk and Pidge had gifted him a new kitchen knife and a coffee cup. Shiro’d already given him his gift Christmas Day, a new clip on cover for his personal phone so he’d be able to wear it on his Blade suit seeing they’d both probably stick with the Blade suits despite being full time hunters for Coran.
Watching Lance, his boyfriend ran his fingers over the small gift in his hands. Eyes growing teary
“Sorry. I already know what it is... but... She was really happy picking out presents. Honestly, if I’d left her unsupervised your gifts wouldn’t have been quite PG”
“It’s okay, babe. We don’t have to open them right now if it’s too much”
“Nah. She wanted you to have them for Christmas. She’d want you to open them and to smile as you did”
“Should I go first?”
Lance nodded, wiping at his eyes
“Yeah. Sorry... God... we haven’t even gotten to Hunk’s birthday presents and I’m a mess. Mami’s birthday present to you is in there too. I rewrapped them after... so they’d stay together. That’s why your present is a little larger than the rest of ours”
There were still two other presents that hadn’t been handed out sitting on the coffee table. Pidge had left them, Keith didn’t know why. Making to sling his arm around his boyfriend, he used the reposition to see they were to both he and Lance from Miriam. Lance had mentioned she had presents for the twins. It must be those
“Come on, Keith. You said you’d go first”
Keith ignored Pidge. He only had one hand free unless he wanted to put Lance in a choke hold. Thank god he was ambidextrous. Pulling the paper away from the tape, something small dropped into his lap. Picking it up, he realised it was a red stone pendant
“She knew you loved the colour red. It was what caught her eye first at the stall. All our gifts are similar. If you tilt it you can see cat in there. It’s like micro etched in. Mine has a fish. Shiro’s I think is a tiger...”
Keith interrupted. He wasn’t really a pendant kind of person, but this was one of the most heartfelt gifts he’d been given in his life. He wanted Lance to know he appreciated it
“Do the clip for me?”
“Sure. You guys can open yours. No trades or swapsies. She picked each thinking of you”
Rieva and Matt both had wolves with mother of pearl inlay. Curtis’s was a white shiny stone that kind of looked like a pearl. Lance said it was made from a polished tooth, Keith immediately glad he hadn’t met anything in Cuba with teeth a big, and that he hadn’t said he thought it was a stone. Shiro’s stone was black, Keith thought it looked more like a Lion than a tiger, a bigger cat than his, his was cooler because it was red. Hunk’s yellow stone had a sun. Pidge’s green stone a leaf. And Lance’s blue pendant was indeed etched with a fish.
Other than the two presents on the table, Keith thought the line of gifts had come to an end. Picking up both presents, he passed one to Lance, who seemed to be attempting to go cross eyed looking down at his pendant
“Babe, these are the last two from Mami”
“Oh. What. Oh... technically there’s a gift for Allura, Coran, and Krolia... but they’re not here...”
Pidge scrambled to her feet, holding her hands out as if trying to stop them from ripping into the last two presents
“Wait! There’s another two presents from me and Hunk... well, Shiro chipped in, and Curtis helped... hold on. Do we do this now?”
Pidge looked to the group, Matt rolling his eyes at his sister. Keith was slightly jealous of how much energy Pidge had. Then again, she’d probably had a propers night sleep and more coffee than him
“Go on. I know you’ve been dying to show them all fucking week”
Keith playing along with Matt, trying to sound serious and not half an emotional wreck over all the thought behind each present
“Should we be worried?”
“Ha! Rude! Okay. We’ll do the one for Lance first, then we’ll do Keith’s because his bigger”
Matt groaned
“Why don’t you just tell them already, big mouth?”
“Shut it, you. Okay. So, like, this ones from the group. Coran totally helped out. Then it took hours to get it right... wait here”
Climbing on the sofa, rather than going around, Hunk was smacked in the head as Pidge pulled out a ridiculously large flat gift
“Sorry! It’s not like you were using your head anyway. Okay. We kind of had the idea but we changed it, and anyway...”
“Dear Sister of Mine, you are babbling. Pass it over. You didn’t even show us before you wrapped it”
“Shut up! I’m trying to do this right. Okay, so you guys are probably better standing up for this. It’s kind of big”
“It’s nearly as big as you”
Matt’s joke earned him a kick in the shin and a huff from Pidge.
Getting to their feet, neither of them knew what to expect. If it was a gift from Pidge it’d either be tech based, or some kind o explosion for leaving Garrison for as long as they had. Rieva suggesting
“Why don’t you let Keith hold it while Lance opens it?”
Pidge snapping back
“I was going to do that! Here. Don’t you dare drop it”
Passing the gift over, Keith could feel what felt like a frame through the wrapping paper. Lance on the same wavelength as him
“It’s not going to blow up, is it?”
“Rude. A lot of love went into this. And we totally ripped off Keith’s idea. Now open it already!”
Lance started with a small rip, then all but tore the paper apart. Eyes filling with tears that made Keith look down to realise what it was
“We got the footage from Coran. It took ages to clean it up and pick the right shot
“Mami’s first scan...”
Okay. So that was it was. Keith wasn’t that great at picking that up from upside down
“Yep. And then down the bottom it’s got us, because we’re the bestest friends ever. We wanted to get you something big to remember it by... it was going to be of us camping until... Mami passed. Do you like it?”
Lance nodded as he covered his face, Keith would have put the frame down but he kind of didn’t know how to, or where to put it
“I do... Guys... thanks... I...”
Lance fleeing wasn’t what he saw coming. Turning, Lance jogged from the room. Keith handing the frame to Hunk, intending to go after his boyfriend. Shiro stopping him before he could
“Why don’t you let Hunk and Pidge go talk with him? He’s missed them. We can work out how to hang the frame”
But he was Lance’s boyfriend. Plus he kind of needed a break too. Everything was a lot and a lot at once. Matt lifted the photo frame off Hunk
“Keith, they’ve got this. He’s out the back, if you want to guys want to go. We’ve got this”
Shiro sided with Matt
“It’ll be a good chance to show Lance we can handle putting the nursery together”
Keith unconvinced that they could, yet... Pidge and Hunk had really missed Lance. He’d let them go this time, but next time he wasn’t being swayed so easily
“Go. But go easy on him. His anxiety levels have been pretty high”
Pidge rolled her eyes at him
“We’ve got this. Personally I’m more concerned with how you losers are going to hang the frame up. If you break it, I’ll castrate you all”
Shiro saluted Pidge. Keith internally groaning at his brother feeding the Gremlin’s ego
“Ma’am, yes, Ma’am!”
“That’s more like it. And don’t make a mess! Come on, Hunk, our bestie needs us”
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
fic rec friday 38
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
only the dead have seen the end of war by @kartoffxl [MCD]
Lance must have seen something in Keith’s face, because his expression crumpled in anguish. “You… You love me back.” He put his head in his hands. “Oh my god. You loved me. You love me. This—This is so fucked up.” “Lance, I—” “Tell me I’m wrong.” There were tears in his eyes. “Tell me we didn’t just waste all those years being cowards.” Keith clenched his fists at his sides, still reeling from the whiplash of what he had just heard earlier. This can’t be happening. “Say it!” Lance pressed. “Say you don’t love me.” Please, his eyes begged. Keith and Lance finally figure out that they’re absolutely, undeniably, embarrassingly in love with each other, just not exactly in the best of circumstances.
okay so. this is. technically. one of the meaner fics im reccing. HOWEVER. it is gaspingly unbelievably beautifully and painfully written. even the summary kills me -- say you dont love me. im begging you. im begging you to lie to me right now. as we lay dying im begging you to have mercy on me and let me believe i didnt have a chance for beauty with you. im begging you to let me die with one regret instead of millions. please. please dont let me die being loved by you. LIKE WHAT
2. Toast to Freedom by @icypantherwrites
Keith is used to more than his fair share of dark looks. What he’s not used to is seeing those looks directed at Lance for no reason that he can determine and it’s making something uneasy settle in his stomach and the heavy press of the mantle of leader weigh even heavier as he should be doing something about it but he doesn’t know what. But causing a scene will upset the alliance they need and so Keith chooses to wait it out, to address it after the feast. He should never have waited.
will never ever in my life get over to 'i drank your poison because no suffering would be worse than watching it on you' not ever. it is always so so everything. and NO ONE does it like icy panther
3. Disjointed Soul by @icypantherwrites
Lance falls victim to a Soul Leecher, a dark spirit that is drawn to disjointed souls to steal them for itself. The Paladins must go into Lance's very soul to save him, uncovering truths about themselves and Lance in the process. Time is of the essence before Lance is lost forever. Good thing they have such helpful, adorable soul guides.
"Hi there baby Lance," Hunk greeted. "Ohwah," Lance burbled back. "¡Ohwah!" "Ohwah?" Pidge repeated. "I think he's saying "hola,'" Hunk grinned. "You know, "hello" in Spanish. Hola, baby Lance." "¡Ohwah! ¡Ohwah!"
this is one of THEEEE original insecure lance fics fr like it was the BLUEPRINT. 2018 there wasnt a langst loving soul who hadnt read this at least twice. its not too long for my dears w shoddy attention spans but its long enough to have quite a bit of substance!! team as family with communication and lance at the centre of it. what more do u want
4. Sleep Well, My Son by @icypantherwrites
A tiny accident becomes literal when Lance is turned into a child with no recollection from his older self. Coran has hopes the effects will be relatively short-term, but in the meantime he has a scared child that needs both reassurance and care. And while Coran might not have had the chance to be a father… he feels like one now.
look i love a good de aged lance fic and obviously when i was making these bookmarks i was scrolling my way thru the tag. and this one is especially amazing bc it is coran centred! this is a coran fic! this is a fic about quiet grief in the life you never got to live and acceptance for the life you have now and love for the people life has brought you!! it is about coran finding family through people who so desperately need it!! it is everything!!
5. Amigos by @icypantherwrites
A dangerous mission becomes even moreso when Lance is turned into a child with no recollection of his older self in the middle of it. Keith has never been good with kids and that certainly isn’t going to change now. Somehow though he’s got to convince Lance — who doesn’t speak a word of English and is staring at Keith with too wide, too scared of eyes — to come with him, get them both out of the Galran base now crawling with sentries alive, and then, assuming they get that far, figure out how to change Lance back.
shut up about the repeated author shut up about the same trope shut up about the. okay. i am a simple creature. i am annoying. i like to sit on my little armchair and open my little phone and read the same thing a million times. there is a Way to read fic and that way is to click on and scroll through a tag until you find a fic you like then scroll through that author and then go back to the tag and rinse and repeat. besides this fic is amazing okay i love klance but we rarely get platonic klance and its GOOD okay
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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delaneytveit · 3 years
Satellites Part 13
WHOOOOO we’re halfway thereeee! OOOHHHHH (Actually we’ve been a little bit more than half way for a bit) but don’t worry, there’s still A LOT of story to get through. If you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, please consider buying me a coffee! 
Oh and I’m on twitter! if you want to give a follow, or watch me scream into the void about Lance in tactical gear, that’s the place! 
Twitter - sfw -> @/spacemom_laney | nsfw -> @/15_agentwash
ko-fi - ko-fi.com/delaneym_15
 ( Part 12 ) ( Satellites Master Post ) (Part 14) 
The team left at 0800 the next morning. Allura had convinced, after quite a long time, Blue to let her pilot. Though it was clear that Blue was not happy about it. The only lion that was missing was the red one.
Keith had chosen to stay behind, to much confusion of the team. Though Lance could vaguely guess why. He felt guilty. Keith had been the one to bring into question Lance’s ability to complete missions, and even though that wasn’t his intention, he knew that it still hurt Lance.
Their relationship was rocky as it was. Neither of them really knew where they stood with the other, what they were to each other, and it seemed that the present situation had complicated things even more so.
Lance was refusing to talk to Keith, and it hurt. He hadn’t meant to indirectly ground the sharpshooter. He had only wanted to voice his concerns to Allura, positive that she would be able to do something for Lance that he couldn’t.
Normally, the only kind of confrontation Keith would be willing to face was violent, but he didn’t want to fight Lance. He wanted to apologize. To take responsibility for what was happening to Lance. He owed him that much at least.
It wasn’t hard to track the Blue Paladin down. He had locked himself in his room since breakfast. It was a good thing Keith knew the code by heart.
Punching in the code, he was relieved when the door whooshed open revealing Lance sitting at his desk. Keith could hear the volume of the headphones from where he stood, which made him cringe. The EDM music that Lance listened to was loud enough, didn’t anyone warn him of blowing out an eardrum?
Keith knocked twice before taking loud steps towards the boy, hoping that they would be loud enough to let Lance know that he was there. Lance’s anxiety had spiked dramatically since his return and it took one accidental sneak up by Pidge to inform the team that it was vital for Lance to know that you were coming, so as to avoid a swift punch to the face out of panic.
“What do you want, Keith?” Lance sighed as he removed his earphones. He swiveled his chair to look at the red paladin, arms crossed as he leaned back in his seat.
This was it, Keith had been rehearsing his apology for hours now, trying to make it sound as genuine and coherent as possible. Though at the very moment, what ever award winning speech he had come up with beforehand had vanished as those hard blue eyes stared into him.
“I’m sorry.” he blurted out, cursing himself for his lack of grace.
He immediately dropped his gaze, eyes staring at the floor. There was only a tense silence between them, and Keith begged his mind to come up with something, anything to put an end to this crushing feeling.
But of course, his mind, nor his mouth could seem to work correctly.
It was Lance who broke the silence instead.
“For?” he asked, the question forcing Keith to look up and face the boy. Blue eyes met his once more, a questioning brow raised as Lance waited for Keith to answer.
He could do this.
“I shouldn’t have told Allura about all of this. I- I didn’t know that she would take you off of missions. I should have talked to you and voiced my concerns to you, you didn’t deserve what Allura did to you and it's my fault that it happened. And I am so, so sorry for that.” He was rambling, he knew he was. How did people do this? How did they apologize?
He was only stopped when Lance held up his hand.
“I appreciate the apology, I really do. And to be honest, I’m glad that you told Allura. I don’t think she would have found out if you hadn’t. I’m not mad at you Keith.”
“You’re not?”
Lance chuckled a little, running a hand through his hair.
“I mean, I am a little bit. But I think I’m more pissed at the situation in general.” Lance leaned forward, perching his elbows on his knees. Looking down at his clasped hands, Lance spoke “You guys are right, I’m not okay. I haven’t been for a while and no matter how much I pretend that I am, I’m just hurting myself. I’m not getting better.” he sounded so...broken. Lance never really talked about himself, at all really. Superficial things, sure. Like how he got barely any sleep, or that he missed his mom’s cooking. But he never really talked about things deeper than that. Keith hadn’t really noticed until now, but Lance had been hiding a big part of himself away this entire time, and it only came out at his most vulnerable times at night.
A year ago, Keith would have thought of the way that Lance talks about himself as vain, but now he knew that it wasn’t really the case. Lance has been putting on a mask this whole time.
“But we don’t have time. The universe doesn’t have time for me to get better. It's a long ass process that Voltron can’t afford.”
He was right, of course he was right. Lance was vital to Voltron, even if he didn’t really see himself that way. He still knew that Voltron needed him. It was even more present today with Blue’s little tantrum about having to take on Allura as a pilot.
“But is the universe really more important than having you here?” That was what Keith was most afraid of. Lance had always been the self-sacrificial type. He couldn’t argue that he himself was any better, but Lance seemed to take it to a whole new level. The paladin would miss sleep and meals to make sure that everyone else was taken care of. He would jump in front of a bullet in a second to spare the others. On one occasion Lance had bounded into a burning building to save a few children stuck on the third floor, that had been the worst as it only reminded Keith of how he lost his father. He couldn’t lose Lance too.
“No, Lance. Listen to me. The universe is not worth you throwing yourself away like that. What you need time to heal, what you went through was fucking terrible. It's no wonder you have PTSD from it.”
“We are the literal Defenders of the Universe, I can’t just not do my job!”
“I’m not asking you to stop being a paladin! I’m asking to for once in your life put yourself first. We need you, I need you! You need to let yourself heal from all of this because there is no Voltron if you continue to let your own health fall by the wayside!” Keith meant every word of it. They needed Lance. They needed him to come back, to be the best he could be, and as hard as he was trying right now, this wasn’t it.
“I’m worried for you, Lance. I can’t lose you too.” Keith’s voice was so small, he himself almost didn’t hear it. But he knew that Lance did, as the boy stood up from his seat and walked over to Keith, instantly wrapping his arms around the shorter one.
“You won’t Keith, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Keith breathed in the scent of ocean and sandalwood of Lance’s detergent, and thanked whatever higher being was there that Lance had insisted on buying his own detergent all those mall trips ago. The pompous asshole had good taste in soap, and it comforted Keith easily.
“Just promise me you’ll at least try.”
He felt Lance take a deep breath.
“I am trying, Keith. I’m trying every day.” If Keith felt the shaky breaths or the wetness on his shoulder, he said nothing. It was clear that Lance needed this as much as he did, maybe even more. “I never wished I was Shiro, more than I do right now. He’s been through everything and he’s able to handle it all so easily.”
Oh, absolutely not. There was no way in hell Keith would let Lance talk about himself like that.
He pulled away from their hug, to much of his own dismay, and held Lance at arms length. Violet eyes bore into icy blue ones. The eyes that he could get lost in, but now as not the time to think about that, Keith.
“Lance, you said it yourself. WHat Shiro went through and what you went through was completely different.”
“No. You really think that Shiro would be in any better of a state than you are now after being treated the way you were? I have no idea the extent of what they did to you, but I do know that it had to have been absolute hell. You don’t get to compare your pain to others, just because they seem to be doing better than you. Your pain is your own, so stop being an idiot and just acknowledge the fact that those guys are assholes!”
Keith was most definitely not expecting a chuckle from the Blue Paladin, but he assumed it would be better than the alternative.
“That was good, Mullet. You come up with all that yourself?”
Keith rolled his eyes. Of course, leave it to Lance to make a joke about a serious conversation.
“As a matter of fact, I did. And I’ll say it again. As many times as I need to for it to get through your tiny brain.”
“Hey! I’ll assure you my brain is of average size. Some may say it's even above average!”
It was Keith’s turn to laugh.
“Yeah, I’m sure it is.” he joked offhandedly, letting his grip on Lance’s arms finally fall.
Lance fixed him with his characteristically famous smirk that Keith knew could only mean trouble.
“Want to know what else is above average size?” Lance waggled his eyebrows knowingly as Keith facepalmed.
“Oh my god, Lance. No!”
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ashkazora · 4 years
Plance - captured by the bad guys who think they are a couple but they aren’t - YET
(This was going to be whumpy buuuuuuuut I wanted to have fun with this before going on to BTHB. I’m… not great with humour, so sorry in advance. Sorry if this ended in a weird place)
It’s the second time this phoeb Lance has been captured. 
Sure, it’s not entirely his fault (somehow the Blue Paladin always ends up taking hits meant for someone else), but this time it’s different. Every other failure both recent or not, he’s always alone to bear the brunt of the Galra’s brutality. It’s not Keith who has numerous burns on the inside of his thighs, nor Hunk who’s back had been mangled with scar tissue from an explosion. Even if it mars his seriously good looks, Lance felt that it was his duty to help his teammates in every was possible, even if it was sparing them from the Galra clutches. But today…
Today he fucked up. Badly. 
Now Pidge is trapped in the dingy Galran cells with him. There’s a large, transparent partition separating them, though Lance is sure that it isn’t glass (the only thing that shattered after punching it was his knuckles). The cell itself isn’t too big, probably a couple meters or so in length, but the partition caused it to feel a lot more claustrophobic. It didn’t help that Lance was on one side and Pidge, still unconscious, on the other.
He must’ve been drugged or something, having no recollection of what happened between getting thrown into a wall while trying to protect Pidge, and waking up in the cell. The groggy remnants of forced sleep still clung to Lance like burrs in a cat’s fur, ever-present yet something he couldn’t shake. 
The Blue Paladin looked around the room for the umpteenth time after he woke up. It was just him, Pidge on the other side, and the thick, heavy chain that connected both of their ankles to the wall. It’s not Lance’s first rodeo with being chained up by someone, only this time he’s not alone. 
A couple doboshes later, something finally stirred from the other side of the cell. Pidge’s small body seemed so tiny, so fragile without her armour. The thought of anything happening to her made Lance’s throat burn with bile. She turned onto her back, before finally blinking her hazel eyes. 
God, she sounded so scared. Lance wanted to rush over to Pidge, to hold her and promise her everything would be alright, but the stupid glass-like wall separated them.
“I’m here, Pidge. It’s all right, someone will come for us.” He tried to sound brave even through his wavering voice and aching body. Pidge looked like she wanted to believe him.
“Ah, so you’re finally awake.” 
In unison, both of their heads snapped towards the outside of their cell. There, in the darkness, two menacing yellow eyes glow amongst the shadows. Lance would have laughed at the Galran’s words but his jaw was locked shut in fear. 
“Let us go, you overgrown bat!” Pidge screeched. “Voltron will come for you if you don’t!”  The Galran seemed unfazed by her words, his stare growing so cold that it sent shivers down Lance’s spine. 
“What a delight you are, Green Paladin.” The Galra finally steps out of the shadows, and Lance is greeted by the sight of a man oddly resembling a pinker Sendak, sans the prosthetics. Even the vague resemblance causes Lance to flinch. “You might want to hold your tongue, for your mate with bare the brunt of your words.”
Wait a minute… mate?! Shock rippled across Pidge’s face and Lance guessed he wore the exact same expression. Despite the cool air of the cell, he felt a warm bush spread over his cheeks.
“Hold up-”
“Excuse me-”
Both paladins shouted at the same time.
“I’m sorry Mr. Galra Dude, but you’re horribly mistake. Pidge and I-” Lance gestured to the two of them, “are not together.”
Lance heard Pidge suck in air through her teeth. Looking at her, she seemed almost… wistful?
“Oh?” The Galra sounds genuinely confused, like he expected them to be together or something. “I was under the impression that the Green and Blue Paladins were engaged in a relationship.”
And in that moment, Lance almost wished they could be interrogated. Having the enemy dissect your love life? Not cool. 
“Sorry to disappoint, dude, but-” Alarms punctuated the Blue Paladin’s sentence. Lights lit up around the room, and the Galra’s face darkened into an annoyed expression.
“I will be back, after we have defeated the remaining paladins.” He threatened. And with that, the furry alien exited the room. Talk about being saved by the bell.
The two paladins stood in silence (aside from the ringing alarms) for a minute, neither knowing what to say.
“Sooooo….” Lance trailed off, awkwardness getting the better of him.
Pidge snorted. “That happened.” Even through the glass, he could see her body slouched in an uncomfortable manner. 
“I’m sorry I got you stuck here-”
“Do you want to go out?” Cutting him off, Pidge said almost too fast for him to hear. “Like, after we get out of here.”
Shock permeated Lance’s body. That was… the opposite of what he expected her to say. He opened his mouth then closed it.
“Did you just ask me on a date? In a Galran prison?!”
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Shance - Puppy
Lol I swear I didn’t mean to make a contrasting title to the last one, but that’s where we are I guess. That’s what happens when I have to write a ton for class I suppose haha. A reminder that I’m slowly but surely adding my old stuff to my ao3 account (under the same name), so feel free to check that out. I’m getting lots of comments from both sites, and I’m loving it haha.
Personal update because I don’t know how to be chill! My class! Is! Killing! Me! Not really, but like, it’s definitely stretching my brain and my writing, so that’s stressful but chill too lol. I did get someone on my ao3 request a lengthier fic, and I’m trying, I swear, but like you never realize just how many pages 20000 words comes to, and it’s a lot. (by the way you incredible folks with like 100k+ words fics? HOW??? Ya’ll are something else!) So wish me luck! Maybe I’ll have it done by the time the semester ends! Hopefully before the next semester, at the latest. Other than that, not too much going on. School, work, life. My sleep schedule is officially backwards again, so my husband is hating that, but he’s gonna have to chill cause it’s temporary, while we have school. Hopefully.
“Wait, Keith, we have to tell you—”
           Keith skidded to a stop. “Why the hell is Shiro a dog?” he growled.
           Lance shrieked. “He’s not a dog, Keith, he’s a puppy!”
           And sure enough, hiding on their lounge pad, there was a small black ball of fluff, though it was difficult to make out, as all they could easily see of the dog was his glistening nose and wide, inky eyes. A velvety pink tongue peeked out from the shadowy dog, and Lance was gone. “OH MY GOD HE’S SO CUTE!!!”
           Keith winced, expecting Shiro to startle, but instead, his butt started wiggling, the movement just barely noticeable as the blankets shifted. That little nose poked further from the blanket, showing a fraction of the length of the muzzle, and then there was a small yip. Keith glanced sideways at Lance, who, he was pretty sure, he had never seen look so ecstatic. He chuckled to himself. Lance probably thought he was in heaven.
           Lance was in heaven. Like, okay, so having his boyfriend turned into a puppy somehow was not the best situation they could be in, he knew that. But. Puppy Shiro was just so cute he couldn’t help but be excited at the thought of spending more time with the pupper! And maybe it would make it a little easier to be so far away from the family pets he’d known and loved and also left behind when they fucked off to Earth (which was Lance’s fault Lance’s fault but, no, he’d promised Shiro he wouldn’t keep thinking like that). But the fact of the matter was, Lance was going to make Shiro’s time as a puppy worth it!!!
           Besides, if anyone enjoyed endless snuggles, it was Shiro. Always a firm believer in setting a good example for the rest of the paladins, initially as their leader, and now just as the oldest and most experienced, Shiro never gave himself near enough time to enjoy himself and relax. Maybe that’s why they worked so well together as a couple. Lance was able to remind Shiro to take breaks every once in a while, and Shiro knew just how to push Lance without having to resort to prodding and picking at his insecurities.
           Lance was broken out of his thoughts by puppy Shiro crawling into his lap (and when had he sat down?), yipping and nuzzling him as he went. Keith stood nearby, a familiar smirk twisting his lips. “There you go, Shiro, now you can have your human.”
           “What the hell, Keith, you can’t just gift me away to puppies like that!” Shiro whined, forcing himself higher up Lance’s torso and then he wedged himself under Lance’s chin.
           “Awww, c’mon, Lance, he missed you so much!!! Look at how much he loves you!” Shiro gave out his baby bark again, causing Lance to flush a deep red. Keith laughed. “All right, well, I’ll just leave the two of you to it, shall I?”
           Lance hesitated. “Are you sure, Keith? You’re welcome to join us, you know.” A gentle eyebrow waggle accompanied his words. Keith just brushed him off, “That’s okay, Lance. I trust him with you. You’re good for him; you’ll take care of him. I’ll go bug Coran and Pidge until they figure out how to reverse what ever they did. You just have fun with him. Besides,” here his voice got a lot quieter, “maybe he can help you some more with your homesickness.”
           At those words, Shiro pulled back with a concerned whimper and Lance involuntarily flinched. Because, yeah, he hadn’t quite gotten around to telling Shiro about that yet. Really, what would even be the point in complaining? He knew that wouldn’t fix the issue, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do to make him feel better. It wasn’t like they would just ignore or abandon the war and go home, even just for a quick visit. No, it was better if Lance just suppressed the pain and the grief and moved on. War waits for no one, ya know? Least of all for Voltron: Defenders of the Universe or whatever they were calling them these days. Apparently, however, Shiro disagreed.
           He’d managed to trap Lance’s slender fingers in his mouth, nipping at them with tiny needle-like teeth rebukingly. Almost like he was warning Lance…
           “Oh, great,” he groaned. “You’re gonna make us talk about this later, aren’t you?” Shiro released him long enough to release yet another yip, but then quickly reclaimed those fingers and settled down in his lap, lovingly gnawing on those digits. The weight and warmth of Shiro’s little puppy body was lulling Lance into a more relaxed state, urging him closer and closer to sleep. His free hand moved to start stroking at Shiro, silently marveling at how soft the puppy fur was. Each with their own soothers, eventually they lulled themselves to some of the most restful sleep they’d had in a while.
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