the-girl-who-sang · 4 years
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#HAPPY_JIMIN_DAY #JiminDay #to_JIMIN #JIMIN  2020.10.13 - Shine bright, my Promise of Serendipity...!
My dear Jimin,
Today, when I woke up, I felt my heart being instantly blessed and warmth up with the remembrance of the meaning of this day...
In this beautiful spring morning, 26 years ago, this world was bestowed with the endless joy of your birth... And there's no words in this earth, able to represent fully the meaning of this bless.
Since the very first moment I saw you, I deeply felt in my heart that you was one of the most incredible persons I ever meet in my short life. 
Every little detail about your existence is a reflex divine of all the best things existing in this life... 
For me, hear your voice is like feel my soul being warmly hugged, with the most honest vows of affection and consideration...
Watch you dancing, is like see an bird, painting the air with his grace and majesty...
The peace that overflow from you, is like a rain of the most perfect medicine, able to heal and care, from the inside to the outside, open the windows of the eyes to make see the beauty in front of us...
Your sweetness, his kind heart and his altruistic spirit are like an injection of courage and perseverance, which motivates me to move forward every day!
You know, my mother recently became ARMY and I must tell you a secret... From the first moment she saw him, she felt a unique affection, something difficult to explain. Since then, she always wishes you the best wishes for happiness and fulfillment... She adopted you as a son of the heart!!! And I would feel very happy and honored with the idea of having you as a brother!
Your interior strength, courage and generosity inspires me everyday, encouraging me to stay strong, to keep my faith high, to fix my eyes at the horizon, to fight with all of me to reach my goals and realize my dreams...
Thanks to you, I really started a path of self consciousness, self care and, more than ever, self-respect. 
Was watching you getting stronger, growing up day by day as a musician, dancer, artist, that I became more and more confident about my own abilities...
The way isn't being easy, but I know that if I fall, you'll rise me up, with your love, caring and words of comfort. I believe in you, Jimin, and this certain mades me start to believe in me...
In this ethereal day, when we have the bless of celebrate the gift of your life, all I can say is thank you for exist and give me the opportunity to be able to appreciate, support and love you!
Happy Birthday Jiminie!!! All the best things of life, I wish to you. Much peace, love, happiness, health, success, prosperity and good energies! That your way be always full of great reasons to smile!! That all your dreams became true and that you never forget how much you're loved, how precious you're and how much you means to us, just for be who you're!!!! Thank you for be so gentle. Thank you for be so strong. Thank you for never give up. Thank you for work so hard. Thank you for always give the best of you, in everything you do. Thank you for teach me how to fight my demons and how to win. Thank you for be my strength at the difficult moments. Thank you for show me that I really have reasons to love myself Thank you for make me so happy. Thank you for... Exist!
And never forget: I’m here with you and for you, don’t matter what happens. I’ll stay by your side, because I love you, not because you’re JIMIN from BTS, but because you’re Park Jimin, just our sweet ChimChim, and you’re so much more than the eyes can see…
I honestly love you so, I love the person you’re, I love the Jiminie behind the myth, the PERSON behind the ARTIST. I love and respect who you’re inside, even though I know that only by my heart ♡
Ps: I made this little gift for you… I hope you can feel my love!
🎊🎉🎁🎈🌌🎤🌟🐣🐥🐤🎂🌓💛🌻🤴🏻🕺🏻✨🌠🎇🎆 🎶
Yasmin de Carvalho - Brazil. 13.10.2020, 00:00hs.
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preciouschimine · 4 years
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fairetaire · 4 years
army’s seriously come up with the most creative hashtags on twitter. My fav’s are #Jiminourlucky13, #Jimtober and #Healingfairyjimin. 
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teteda · 5 years
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Happy birthday Jiminie ~
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jiejijiee · 4 years
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[🐥💜] 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑩'𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑱𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏-𝒂𝒉~~! ㅡkeep smiling like a beautiful crescent ❝healthy and happy is always jiminiee❞ #happyjiminday #ouroctoberprince #oureternalserendipity #angelvoicejimin #stagegeniusjimin #healingfairyjimin #cutiesexylovelyjimin #1013filtersofjimin #oursingerjimin #jiminday https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSKMZSJ0Yk/?igshid=ks4kdwlq8hkq
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aphelion-i-c · 5 years
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happy birthday, jimin!
busted out the old 4-colour pencil again. there was a lot of green this time which was surprising
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6 Hechos sobre Jimin de BTS, el príncipe encantador de la banda
 En el lapso del mes en que BTS estuvo en territorio estadounidense, se volvió viral unas 15 veces, y estos hechos sobre Jimin de BTS probablemente pueden arrojar algo de luz sobre por qué, exactamente, Jimin ha hipnotizado a los fanáticos y locales en todo el mundo.
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1.- Es el que trabaja más duro en BTS.
Antes de que vengas por mí y mi parcialidad, haré que sepas que este es un hecho reconocido por la banda y mundialmente también. Es innegable que todos los miembros de BTS trabajan extremadamente duro (¿cómo podrían no hacerlo cuando forman parte de la banda de chicos más grande del mundo?), pero los chicos han señalado varias veces que Jimin tiene el "error de práctica", también conocido como voluntad extraordinaria de ensayar sin parar.
"Tendría que decir que Jimin me ha dado la mayor influencia. De la forma en que lo veo, es perfecto", dijo Jin sobre Jimin durante un Q&A publicado en el canal de YouTube de BTS. "Es perfecto en el escenario, así que me pregunto cómo es capaz de trabajar incansablemente. Al ver a Jimin trabajar tan duro, practico con RM en la esquina y cuando estoy cansado, miro a Jimin. Y él  todavía está trabajando".
Puedes ver a Jin hablar de la ética de trabajo de Jimin con elogios al desplazarte hasta el minuto 27:17 en el siguiente video:
2.- Tiene formación en danza moderna.
Si bien cada miembro de BTS es un bailarín excepcional, Jimin es ampliamente reconocido como uno de los mejores bailarines del grupo e incluso en el K-Pop en su conjunto (junto con su compañero de banda y compañero de bailarín principal de BTS, J-Hope). A menudo es elogiado por sus movimientos suaves y elegantes en el escenario. Y eso es probablemente gracias, en parte, a su formación en danza moderna, en la que se especializó cuando asistió a la Escuela Superior de Artes de Busan antes de debutar como parte de BTS.
Definitivamente un estilo completamente diferente al que estamos acostumbrados a verlo actuar en BTS, pero ahora probablemente puedas entender por qué las partes asesinas de Jimin son tan legendarias.
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3. Se mantiene en un nivel extremadamente alto.
Jimin es un perfeccionista. Es, sin duda, parte de la razón por la que ha llegado tan lejos como artista, pero los corazones de ARMY se rompen cada vez que ven a Jimin siendo demasiado duro consigo mismo. En la serie Burn The Stage, que documentó su gira Wings , Jimin habló sobre cómo a veces puede sentirse inseguro sobre su voz.
"Otros podrían decir que no es gran cosa, pero esa cosa me hace sentir culpable y empiezo a estresarme por eso. Más aún porque no puedo hacer nada al respecto", explicó sobre sus actuaciones en solitario de "Lie."
Jungkook, quien es el vocalista principal de BTS, elogió la ética de trabajo de Jimin y explicó el viaje de Jimin para convertirse en el increíble vocalista que es hoy. "Si escuchas su canto ahora, cambió mucho en comparación con antes", explicó Jungkook. "Me hace muchas preguntas sobre la parte vocal ... Se siente mal después de cada actuación. Dice que no sabe cómo usar sus cuerdas vocales. Y me siento mal por él cuando lo veo así". No está en una posición en la que pueda tomar lecciones vocales ".
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¿Escuchaste ese sonido? Ese es el sonido de todo ARMY en existencia gritando "JIMIN, TIENES LA VOZ DE UN ÁNGEL" al unísono.
Aunque es desgarrador ver a Jimin ser tan duro consigo mismo con su voz quebrada, es su naturaleza modesta y perfeccionista lo que ha contribuido a su presencia épica en el escenario. Pero, como, Jimin: Lo único por lo que deberías sentirte mal cuando se trata de tu voz es el hecho de que me mantiene despierta por la noche porque no puedo dejar de maravillarme por su belleza. ¿Bueno? Bueno.
4. Su encanto es irresistible.
Esto podría decirse que no es un hecho. Te voy a dar eso. Pero lo cierto es que el encanto de Jimin en el escenario y en las entrevistas lo ha llevado a las principales tendencias de Twitter en todo el mundo innumerables veces.
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Caso en cuestión: Jimin apenas hablaba 10 palabras de inglés durante toda la edición de BTS Love Yourself en los Estados Unidos y, sin embargo, pudo comenzar el bromance más épico con Jimmy Fallon y captar la atención de los lugareños que vieron America's Got Talent.
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Echemos un vistazo a este momento en el que se encontró con un fan estadounidense durante la aparición de BTS en Good Morning America el 26 de septiembre.
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5. Es el mejor amigo de Jimmy Fallon.
Hablando del encantador Jimmy Fallon, ¿deberíamos revivir ese momento en que Jimin encantó a Jimmy Fallon? Los muchachos se presentaron en The Tonight Show el 25 de septiembre para interpretar "Idol", y aunque Jimmy y Jimin no hablan el mismo idioma, crearon un vínculo inquebrantable a través de su encanto compartido y su nombre casi compartido.
Jimmy comenzó el segmento de BTS con una diadema Chimmy en honor de Jimin, y Jimin cayó al suelo cuando lo vio (todos sabemos que a Jimin le encantan los elogios).
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Luego, solo para demostrar aún más su conexión incesante, Jimmy envió a los chicos sus mejores deseos antes de que realizaran su concierto histórico en el estadio Citi Field de Nueva York ... vistiendo un mono de Chimmy, por supuesto.
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  A lo que  Jimin respondió con una línea ahora icónica, "Te ves tan lindo".
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6. Tiene la fancam más vista de la historia.
Entonces, ¿a qué se asemejan los movimientos de baile impecables de Jimin, más su encanto irresistible? Una fancam de récord, obviamente.
"Fake Love" de Jimin de su actuación de MNet Comeback en mayo de 2018 aparece en la cima con 33 millones de visitas.
Traducción Renoo@ bangbangtan Crédito @ Elite Daily
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This is my journey of becoming a soft stan to a hard stan💜🌚 Like, comment and share this video. Stay tuned for more content. I love you all 💜 Follow @__dearbangtan__7 for more! Do not repost without credits ❌ . . . . . . . . . . . <Tags> #happyjiminday #ouroctoberprince #ouroctoberserendipity #oureternalserendipity #angelvoicejimin #healingfairyjimin #stagegeniusjimin #cutiesexylovelyjimin #1013filtersofjimin #oursingerjimin #globaliconjimin #bts #bangtan #bangtansoneyondan #armyforever #army #ipurpleyoubts💜 #borahae💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSajl3AJdI/?igshid=avuxg568hf39
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flingkin · 4 years
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Let your friends know you are dating #StageGeniusJimin #1013FiltersOfJimin #OurSingerJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #JIMINDAY #IndigenousPeoplesDay #JoeMorgan #Columbus #OurOctoberPrince #SCOTUShearings #AmyComeyBarrett #BenSasse #Jiminie #HappyIndigenousPeoples #Thanksgiving #Flingkin #love #usa #yummy #art #kpop #news #virus #z #nails #Koya #wifi #k #like #music https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQDSiVJC_J/?igshid=dc052k5g5e15
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ninisang · 4 years
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[#지민생일ㅊㅋ] 1013 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN A.R.M.Y's favorite angel, adorable duckling.🐥 💜🎂💜 #Jimin #박지민 #쥐민쒸 #박베짱 #박필터매력있나 #HappyJiminDay #OurOctoberPrince #OurEternalSerendipity #AngelVoiceJimin #StageGeniusJimin #HealingFairyJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #1013FiltersofJimin #OurSingerJimin #JiminDay (di Park Jimin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGP8g0MJBUL/?igshid=8p5qbxaxrp25
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🎂🐥 HAPPY JIMIN DAY! 🐥🎂 . . . #LovelyJiminDay #WithJiminTillTheEnd #OurLightJimin #OurSingerJimin #OurStageFairyJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #OurOctoberSerendipity #1013Gift #지민아_늘_사랑해 . . . . . #jimin #parkjimin #jimin #parkjimin #chimchim #jiminfanart #bts #btsfanart #kpop #fanart #kpopfanart #btsart #art #illustration #digitalart #myart https://www.instagram.com/p/CGP3spFgdbb/?igshid=19ggia0luzwhf
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the-girl-who-sang · 5 years
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#HAPPY_JIMIN_DAY #to_JIMIN 19.10.13 - Born an Angel! ♡ Dear Jimin, Today is a very special day... In this beautiful October 13th, the world received the bless of you existence.... And what a pleasure be able to celebrate your precious life with you!!! . Since the first time I saw you, I felt my heart be filled with the brightest joy. Your smile makes me smile in the purest form and I don't have words enough to express how light I feel when I listen to you. Your voice gives me peace, happiness and a will of gain the world. The way you put all yourself in your work, just express how talented and competent you're. I know you already had to deal with many problems and difficult situations, but your force and desire of win is a motivation to me, to stay stronger and believing!! Your happiness is contagious, light up all the world... Your caring soul and kind heart are too precious, too sweet, too lovely. . Your dance is so smooth and, since I saw you dancing, I felt so motivated to start to dance too... Even though I'm not good in it. You gives me hope, joy and courage, to face the world, to fight my demons and to reach my dreams! . Happy Birthday Jiminie!!! All the best things of this life, I wish to you. Much peace, love, happiness, health, prosperity and good energies! Never forget how much you are loved. Thank you for be so kind. Thank you for be so strong. Thank you for never give up. Thank you for work so hard. Thank you for make me so happy. . I honestly love you so, I love the person you're, I love the Jiminie behind the myth. I love who you're inside, even though I know that only by my heart ♡ . . Ps: I made this little gift for you... I hope you, hope you like & can feel my love! . . 🎉🎂🎈🎁🐥💐💜💫🎶🎧🕺🏻🌌🎊 . #JIMIN #BTS_JIMIN #to_JIMIN #LovelyJiminDay #JIMIN_DAY #WithJiminTillTheEnd #JiminIsLove #OurLightJimin #JiminShines #HappyBirthdayJimim #OurSingerJimin #JiminIsABless #OurStageFairyJimin #OurBrightLight #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #OurOctoberSerendipity #YouAreMy #Brazil #B_ARMY #BrazilianARMY #ARMYSforJimin https://www.instagram.com/p/B3lH1lmhgtd/?igshid=fvbcjybktdnk
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iamcarmaaganda · 5 years
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Did you know? It was you who saves me. Who brightens my day. Who gives me the will to live. Who makes everything better. Its your smile and your laugh that saves me everytime. Its your personality that is bright and as warm as the sun that lights up my life and gives me the comfort I needed when I feel like there's nothing but darkness around me. Its your voice, your songs, your music that gives me the push to still fight. I literally keep myself alive so I can still hear you and the stories you tell through your songs. Its your whole existence that makes this adulting life of mine a bit tolerable, thank you. I don't think I will be able to thank you enough for everything you did and doing for me, you know? No words or actions will be enough to describe how grateful I am of you. I hope you know how amazing and special you are. I hope you get all the love and happiness this world has to offer. You inspire me. You make me live. You are my angel. I love you so much,  Park Jimin. Thank you so much for being born and than you for being you. 생일 축하해요, 지민~! 🎉🎂✨ #HappyBirthdayJimin #LovelyJiminDay #OurOctoberSerendipity #HappyJIMINDay #OurLightJimin #JiminBirthday #OurSerendipityJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #OurSingerJimin #1013gift #OurStageFairyJimin #JiminWeLoveYou #WithJiminTillTheEnd ✩ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hnIxKA1_O/?igshid=bztjfyhsvtq1
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vbts-kook · 5 years
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TODO FULL MUNDO HABLANDO DEL ""TATUAJE"" DE JUNGKOOK, PERO ES UN EDIT Y MUY MALO POR CIERTO. #HappyJiminDay #LovelyJiminDay #WithJiminTillTheEnd #OurStageGeniusJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #JIMIN #OurLightJimin #OurSingerJimin #OurStageFairyJimin #OurOctoberSerendipity #1013Gift #/지민아_늘_사랑해 #지민생일ㅊㅋ #존재가_감동인_지민이의_감동날 #나의_오늘엔_지민이가있어 #지민이와_우린_서로의이유 #지민이와_끝까지가기 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hjzxLJHvi/?igshid=ivoadzisf6q
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magesticmangi-blog · 5 years
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"Floriography"-is the linguistic term for the language of flowers. Mallow: Coming from the Greek name "malakos", which means "soft" or "mellow", the mallow represents healing and tenderness as well as a consumption of love. Jimin loves wholeheartedly he loves so unconditonionally and I cannot say that enough. He is sweet and loving and I appreciate it so very much Foxglove: Though both within healing and hurtful meaning, chosen due to it's symbolism of insecurity. Jimin has been brave to share how he feels about himself and has grown so much over the years because of it. I intend for this flower to heal Jimin as he deserves. Gerbera: Gerbera daisies can symbolize innocence and happiness, chosen often in bouquets for their bright colours. Chosen in this due to it's means of promise. This relates both to Jimin's song promise which was a message to himself, it is also another meaning to Jimin to promise to always be himself, that is what I wish for him most is that he is able to be himself and be happy. Stay happy, promise? Happy Birthday, Jimin!! Thank you @_mochi_chim_ @_enamshine_ @artluff @cxmp.fire @leszmart @selenaspiral @an.mane @xxmalato.jpg for hosting this collab!! I had a lot of fun doing this! · · · · · · #FlowersForJimin #HappyBirthdayJimin #HappyJiminDay #LovelyJiminDay #WithJiminTillTheEnd #OurLightJimin #OurSingerJimin #OurStageFairyJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #OurOctoberSerendipity #1013Gift #지민아_늘_사랑해 #방탄소년단 #박지민 #지민 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3heqrAJ35m/?igshid=1d11rx6tm5hfz
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kookiesein-1997 · 5 years
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Happy birthday Jiminnie oppa 🎂🎂🎂 #LovelyJiminDay #WithJiminTillTheEnd #OurLightJimin #OurSingerJimin #OurStageFairyJimin #CutieSexyLovelyJimin #OurOctoberSerendipity #1013Gift #지민아_늘_사랑해 @bts.bighitofical (at Myanmar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hbvvQJ8ER/?igshid=qnz5lmd1trfn
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