#Our Fair City
worldgonewrongpod · 3 months
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Hey y'all- we have officially launched World Gone Wrong! It would mean a ton to me if you would go check out this show- we've have been pouring our heart and soul into it over the past six months.
You can listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or you can search "world gone wrong" wherever you listen to podcasts. MOST IMPORTANTLY- go tell your friends to listen, if you think they'd like the show~ The show is an unapologetic response to the feeling of "every day there is a new disaster"- except in this fictionalized version, the disasters we're dealing with are werewolves, alien body snatchers, time distortions, etc- basically every episode of The X-Files and Supernatural happening at the same time. It's also a celebration of the importance of deep, connected friendships- something we feel doesn't get enough prominence in media. The show stars Michael Turrentine and Hilary Williams- and the first chapter was written by Jessica Best (@idiopathicsmile), and produced and created by Eleanor Hyde and Jeffrey Nils Gardner (@euripidesredux) ~ We're so ABSURDLY lucky to get to work with these wonderful artists- it's been an absolute joy so far. ALSO- we're throwing a party to celebrate! Saturday, April 6 at 8pm! Whiskey Girl Tavern in Andersonville- we'll have the band who played our theme song (Olivia and the Lovers) doing a set, and we'd love to see you!
No cover, good times! Link for rsvp/reminders here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-gone-wrong-launch-party-tickets-856416874927?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl
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smallmediumproblems · 4 months
Propaganda under the cut
Why isn't John/David/Cecil/Obituary Writer/etc here?
I'm specifically excluding narrators who are also primary characters in the story. There are a lot of really good unreliable main character POVs, and some that are very, very popular. There are also a LOT of found footage / "documentary" shows, so the pool of "main character who is technically also the narrator" is monstrously large. This is for narrators who have things to say about the story but are moderately to severely removed from it. You'll notice I've also excluded the Documentarian from The White Vault, because by the time she's commenting on the story, she's also a main character.
Madeleine can stay because she's very polite.
Madeleine the mouse
Madeleine doesn't exactly serve a narrative so much as she plates and seasons it before bringing it out. Part plot device, part confidante, and all bohemian authoress. But please, consider the other candidates long and hard before you vote. She's not really too unreliable, she's just incredibly biased.
The Voice of HartLife
You have to be a special kind of unreliable for one of your characters to break down the fourth wall into your recording studio to kick the shit out of you.
The Historian
*Gesturing at a lithograph of Eisen and Telesphore making out sloppy style* "Truly, it is tragic that the men of our generation have lost such deep platonic bonds as are depicted here. So secure were they in their brotherhood that our contemporary idea of friendship fails to-"
The Narrator
No, not Leon. The other guy. I can't possibly describe what his Whole Deal is without spoiling a major plot twist of the show, but guys. He killed Matt Damon, guys. He killed Matt Damon while trying to murder dozens of other people at the same time. (Hundreds? I don't know how trains work.)
Yes, I know it's not really confirmed. That's what unreliable narration is all about. But what could be more reliable than the literal word of god on the puny machinations of his flock? :) :) :) Also he's voiced by Alisdair Stuart, our dad.
The Malevolent Patreon Hastur
...is specifically not included, because a) people are going to think I'm talking about John, and b) brand recognition is going to skew the whole thing, as if Madeleine isn't going to sweep for that very reason. But I'm mentioning him here because of the time he made people so angry that the actual real live writer had to come out and remind them that this is a fictional character. iykyk.
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
If podcasts have taught me anything it’s that living in large cities S U C K S but living in small towns and rural villages in the middle of nowhere is so much more worse
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technofinch · 1 month
Talpidologists notes: this is an old tunnel shanty, with unclear origins. Many verses have been observed. It's possible the molefolk use this song as a way to communicate across distances about tunnel conditions and daily orders. Recorded here are a few of the most common verses. If you have more information on this or other mole tunneling songs, please contact Brenda Dunn, Department of Mole Understanding and Research: Diagetic and Ethnolinguistic Recordings (MURDER).
Well I thought I heard the old mole say Deeper, Molly, deeper It's a cozy hole here in the clay But it's time to tunnel deeper
CHORUS: Deeper, Molly [short for Mollisol?] deeper Oh, deeper, Molly, deeper For the tower can't grow with no place to go So we'll dig the tunnel deeper
Oh the coffee is thin and the worms are too Deeper, Molly, deeper You'll eat it - what else can you do? We just have to tunnel deeper
Oh the ground is hard and full of rock Deeper, Molly, deeper You'll dig until your claws fall off And it's time to tunnel deeper
Oh the mold is bad but the ants are worse Deeper, Molly, deeper They'll eat you up before you can curse But you've got to tunnel deeper
Oh the water came up clear to my eyes Deeper, Molly, deeper I don't think my fur will ever get dry But we'll dig the tunnel deeper
Oh the tunnel collapsed with a pretty mole Deeper, Molly, deeper She said "young lad, you're rather bold But we've got to tunnel deeper"
Well I'm scared of wolves and I hate the snow Deeper, Molly, deeper So the surface is no place to go I'll just dig the tunnel deeper
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Happy You're a human painfully so Friday
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chemicallywrit · 2 months
You lucky duck, you have Our Fair City!
I feel like Our Fair City gets overlooked as an establisher of a bunch of audio drama tropes. It ran concurrent with early Night Vale and includes like, deranged evil scientists and mole men and the cheerful post-apocalypse that a lot of shows play with later. It's sprawling and funny and fantastic. Go listen!
Send me a number between 1-273 and I'll recommend an audio drama!
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Round 1 poll 20: Dr Wasabi Cookie from Cookie Run vs Dr Emily Caligari from Our Fair City
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Entrant propaganda:
Dr Wasabi Cookie
LOOK at her. Commonly headcanoned as wlw. GILF if I ever saw one.
Dr Emily Caligari
Canonically wlw, I can't even begin to describe how much of a Scientist she is so suffice it to say that she keeps brains in a tank (with proper stimulation!), invented a freeze ray, and begrudgingly helped save/overthrow the city multiple times
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“…and the world screamed; ‘kiss me, son of god!’”
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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Boris Dolgov - Our Fair City
(Weird Tales - January 1949)
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thediscsystem · 3 months
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The Our Fair City brainrot is making a comeback... I'm making posters.
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worldgonewrongpod · 2 months
What have you learned from OFC and unwell that’s you’re carrying into WGW?
Wow- @lack-of-daisy-cow, this is a FANTASTIC question. The very short answer- literally everything. The long answer could go for pages and pages, and still not get close to scraping the surface- but neither of those responses are very satisfying- so let me try to get something in the middle.
Each new show is informed by, and in some ways a response to the previous show. That may seem strange, given how fundamentally different each show is form, cast, and design-wise- but there's definitely a long throughline.
We learned a ton about structuring and planning long-form storytelling during the run of Our Fair City, which we turned around and put into practice with Unwell. We also learned a lot about what kind of characters we wanted to tell stories about, and how to build them over time- I think in Our Fair City you can see a really marked shift between Season Two and Season Three in how we were thinking about how to build an ensemble of characters.
Unwell taught us a lot about the audio-only medium- and gave us a lot of chances to experiment (it also, notably, coincided with Jeffrey in grad school studying sound art and theory). Whereas with Our Fair City, we were largely theatre and live improv creators making work in an audio medium, by the time we were rolling on Unwell, we were sound artists-and I think you can hear a lot of the things we were doing to push the medium and experiment with what we could do. World Gone Wrong has grown directly out of us thinking about audio drama as an audio-rich medium (rather than a visually-poor medium) and wanting to experiment with a narrow, restricted form.
So- we're going into World Gone Wrong with a lot exciting theories about how to make interesting audio that tells a story over an extended period of time. We've got actors and writers who we've worked with in some cases for 15+ years. And notably- because of the ongoing support of listeners (through our membership program and through their advocacy and enthusiasm online), we've got the space to make a run at a new show.
We're so thankful for our listeners for giving us a chance as we play in these radically different spaces within the audio fiction medium. We're fairly sure you'll hear that the heart- and the craft- are continuous throughout, and we hope you'll enjoy World Gone Wrong (and all of the future projects that it will inform)!
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I think they should have let George skitter
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kissmefriendly · 1 year
Man. Coming back to a podcast I haven’t listened to in a while is like coming home after a long exhausting day of adulting. Especially when that show has ended or is on hiatus.
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wildergrimm · 2 months
Convinced someone to listen to Our Fair City for the first time since I started listening almost a decade ago
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
Herbert West is permanently banned from all Lone Star Steakhouse locations after the "I'm Bringing Country Back" incident (six dead, thirteen injured).
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