#Other than that he's kinda just a cutey ideas guy...
panvani · 10 months
I've never read Cortázar in Spanish so I don't know if it's the translation that makes his prose incomprehensible or if he's like that in Spanish
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unfriedough · 3 years
Greetings fellow Zuko enthusiast. You say your ✨desperate✨ eh? Well, I’ll give you three ideas and you can just choose which one/ones you want to write (if you yk, feel like writing them at all 😳)
1. Hcs where Zuko joins the gang and falls in love with the kind and caring earthbender? Ik they already have Toph but idk maybe this earthbender could specialize in like herbology or plants. Idk, it’s whatever you wanna do.
2. A oneshot with Lee (Zuko but in ~different font~ lol 😂) where him and his uncle have competition with the coffee shop across from them. So Zuko *ahem* pardon me, Lee, goes over there to see what it’s all about and ends up like meeting the manager of the place and low-key hating them at first. But then, they like….slowly grow on each other from seeing each other around and running into each other. Eventually they start dating and well….you can decide how it goes from there.
3. Hcs for Zuko with a librarian s/o? Maybe they manage the palace library and where like just hired or smth?
Just some of my random useless thoughts. Hope your morning/evening is going well, take care of yourself! 💞
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‘Flower Field’- Zuko x fem!reader
Masterlist <3
Imma do them all I think but I’m starting with the first one for now :)
See request number 1.
Warnings: None.
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When Zuko joined the Gaang™ you were practically the first person to be nice to him.
It was in your nature what can I say
But like? He didn’t really get it?
Because the only other earthbender he met was Toph, so he kinda expected the rest to be the same-
So like, not only were you kind and caring, but also, a herbalist.
So technically a healer.
Very confusing concept for Zuko
But eventually he warms up to you too.
When Azula attacked y’all at the temple, Katara didn’t wanna heal his small burns and whatnot.
So you did.
In your tent.
Safe to say he was dying.
That’s when he realised he was crushing on you
And his reaction was just to get super flustered-
Anyways, you healed him using plants obv
“Uhh thanks.” he fiddled with his hands
“Oh don’t worry about it, cutey.”
Words came out of your mouth before you could comprehend it.
Trying to play it cool though
Zuko is literally dying.
You give him instructions and whatever about what he needs to do to heal fully, then he leaves your tent.
He gets jealous when you heal Sokka or literally any other guy that could be a love interest.
Ahem Haru Ahem
Like you would be healing Sokka after sparring and he’d be in the distance like: >:(
Sokka, Toph, and Katara catch on.
Aang does not.
Sokka ships it 100%, Toph thinks it’s funny, and Katara is not fond of the idea.
“Zuko isn’t a healer,”
“I know,”
“Are you saying we should hurt Zuko!” Katara yells
“It would be my pleasure!”
She spars with Zuko and defeats him
He’s hurt
Sokka’s like “oh nooo! I’ll call Yn!”
He brings you over and you inspect the wound.
“Hm, I dunno, maybe Katara would do a better job on this one”
“Doing what?”
You eyed Sokka, knowing he was lying. What on Earth could he be up to?
“I’m sure she can pause training to help Zuko,”
Zuko is just behind you, completely flustered and dead inside.
“Nope she can't,” Sokka added.
“Okay” you sighed, not having the energy to argue.
Plus you get to spend more time with Zuko so 🤷‍♀️
You brought Zuko to your tent, and began collecting your things.
“This is going to hurt a bit” you smiled, as you gave him your hand.
Could you have given him something else? Probably. Did you want to hold his hand? Yes.
He took your hand, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
When you began healing him, he squeezed your hand really tightly
So cute.
After you're done, you wrap it up.
“All done!”
Ok time skip-
So he was definitely teased a lot by Sokka. Like he caught on to the fact that Sokka caught on.
Even angstier than usual :(
You notice.
It seems like he’s avoiding you like the plague,
You are sad, bc your in love with this grumpy idiot
So one day, you invite him to get plants with you (for healing because you ran out)
He doesn't want to.
“Please, you’ve been avoiding me and I miss hanging out with you.”
He feels SO BAD
So y’all are picking flowers and whatnot
And you take one of the prettiest flowers there, and put it behind his ear.
Then you laugh at him because he’s blushing, but you’re covering your mouth to try not to laugh.
But your laughing makes him blush even harder.
After a while, you guys decide to sit down and chill for a bit.
“I’m sorry I ignored you,”
“It’s okay, but did I do something wrong?”
“No no you didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Oh. Then, why’d you ignore me?”
He stares for a bit, before sitting facing you.
You are so confused
He sighs
(Think of it as the gif in the start. like that's how he looks)
“It’s because I like you. I like like you. Like more than I would like a friend. I like you like a-”
You cut him off by crashing your lips into his
It takes him a second to understand but he gets it
He kisses you back with so much passion.
Then when you separate, you say:
“I like like you too,”
He’s so happy.
When you guys go back to camp, Sokka notices Zuko not avoiding you anymore.
You walk Zuko to his room, and give him a goodnight kiss.
Just as you're about to walk away, Zuko grabs your wrist lightly.
“Can you actually stay?” he says avoiding your gaze.
Ofc how could anyone say no-
You guys cuddle all night.
Katara comes to wake y’all up in the morning.
“Oh my god, Sokka was right.”
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An: I really hope I did a good job with this lol. Again, Thank you so much for the request. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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anima-contritum · 6 years
SMFDR magic!au headcanons
A/N: as promised, i give to you the smfdr boys featuring angsT. im currently still working on the fic so stay tuned y’all because i might do another hc post with other characters (; and as always, enjoy (and check out my girl @11wolfpup11 because she’s my co in this). sidenote: Luna Andre is my oc and is John Andre and Peggy Shippen Andre’s daughter. all ya need to know for now is shes a freckley, sassy cutey that will do anything for her fam and a-a-ron
Death Wizard
dis poor boy can kill or weaken any living thing with just the touch of his hand
hell, any part of him is almost toxic 
and he hates it more than anything, I mean who wants to be friends with someone who can’t give hugs or even the smallest gestures without the fear of dying at his hand?
honestly, no one really fucks with him
most avoid him at all costs besides James, but sometimes that’s a good thing
he can also sometimes talk to spirits and the dead as his ability is often linked to the dark arts, but the ghosts and such have to be the ones to contact him first
it scared the shit out of him the first time it happened
one of the other students’ dead grandparents reached out to him in the middle of class and he flipped the fuck out
but he himself has yet to hear from his own parents...
sometimes other students call him the Grimm Reaper
This boy would give anything to have a new power
he tries hard not to use his powers because someone either gets hurt or ends up passing out in the middle of class
he shoves it all down but because he’s so damn powerful (one of the most powerful in the school) but it leaks out anyways
it usually just kills nearby plants in which James fixes
most times he wears a lot of thick clothing and black leather gloves to keep himself from hurting people
when he first found out what he could do, he accidentally killed his parents
no one mentions it unless they literally have a death wish
either way, he’s tried so hard to try and erase the power from his soul
he’s tried spells and potions and chants and even tried to sell his soul because, i mean, if he doesn’t have a soul then he wouldn’t have any magic as magic always originates within one’s soul
James didn’t let him out of his sights for weeks after that
Did i mention he loves attention and affection?
Tommy boy puts on this sort of ‘bad boy’ aura to push people away but deep down he just wants affection
he never shows it in public but when he and James are alone in their shared dorm room, he’ll let James put flowers in his poofy curls and rant about how much he hates how Professor Hewlett gets sidetracked so easily in class
he’ll make sassy remarks in class all the time just to get the attention
and most times, it’s hilarious
emphasis on most
but he still always has a soft spot for his best friend
My boy trusts James Madison more than anyone else
because of James’ counteracting power, the two sorta just fit
Thomas is able to take his gloves off around him and be comfortable, mostly in the setting of their dorm
it took him a while to be able to do that kind of stuff because for most of his life he didn’t touch anyone
but when James assured time after time Thomas’ powers don’t affect him, eventually he became more himself around James and allowed himself to be comfortable with touches and pretend he doesn’t feel his pulse quicken and his heart jump in his throat bc fuck he loves his Jemmy
Sometimes it’s not enough
there are some instances where Thomas looses himself in the pure amount of strength his power has and James has to be the one to pull him back
and despite James being equally as strong, it still weakens him
Thomas never forgets those times...
he’ll lock himself away from everyone, including James for days
it’s like his power surges in him, begging him to release darkness and death on every damn student
it’s hard to control it and it comes in big waves, usually in correspondence with his anger issues because
this poor boy gets mad pretty fast
but James is still always there for him
he defends Tom and protects him
through it all, it always seems like they were meant to be
Life Wizard
can bring most things to life and heal wounds 
although depending on what the thing is or what kind of wound depends on hard it is to actually resurrect or heal
he really likes to heal plants and can even spawn lil flowers and such 
he’s honestly the cutest flower boy
if he passes a dying tree or wilting flower, he always stops and makes it the most lively, beautiful thing he mostly does it with what Thomas accidentally kills
he takes pride in it but sometimes his gift can be a burden
when he first discovered them he revived someone who was dead while he was at damn funeral
it was a shit show
The most puRE
he wears these round glasses and is the quiet type in classes
if he notices someone upset or nervous, he leaves them a flower on their desk as an anonymous person but everyone knows it’s him
he has his own garden in his dorm along a window on his side of the room and checks it over every morning
he knows how much Thomas tries to avoid his garden in fear of killing it but he trusts him to not do it intentionally
Thomas sometimes gives him skulls he finds in the woods that surrounds the school and James likes to fill them with flowers and put them in the garden
“That just takes away the intimidation purpose of it, Jemmy.”
“Shush, you love it.”
usually he can pick out the days Thomas will be moodier than usual and makes sure to put on his favorite show and give him all the love and affection he wants
and yes, he loves putting flowers - usually violets - in Tom’s hair
his favorite flower type to grow are blossoming flowers because he likes the way they just bloom
Even though he pure, he fierce 
don’t let appearance fool you
he may be a smol cute little guy but when it comes to people talking crap about Jefferson or shutting down his own brilliant ideas and works, he will throw down
there was this one time he “accidentally” had a giant vine wrap around another student, hanging him on a ceiling fan
he’s very methodical and cold in his fierceness but combined with Thomas’ brutality and kill-first-ask-questions-later attitude they’re kinda known as people to never get on the bad side of
Shadow Wizard 
this bean can control or manipulate shadows and darkness to his will
in some ways he can even travel through shadows but he has to envision just exactly where he want to go and its kinda complex
but he can also use his power as a dark art even though he doesn’t prefer to do that
he mostly uses his powers to create shadow puppets and mimics that are mindless, dark creatures that are harmless and normally gentle that he can control (though he prefers not to most times)
everyone’s a little bit intimidated by him though because of his mysteriousness and just... dark aura
He loves his shadow puppets
he summons them to help with simple tasks or for company
sometimes, he sings with them for his own entertainment
it helps to avoid his loneliness
(Shadows: we dream of a brand new start, Burr: but we dream in the dark for the most part)
or he sometimes uses them to eavesdrop and sneak around because why not?
his favorite ones looks like a raven that perches on his shoulder as he does his work
Not the most social person but loves the hecc outta his friends
Aaron generally has two main friends - Luna Andre and Theodosia Prevost 
Luna and him have been best friends since the very beginning, instantly connecting. they both came to Flilria around the same time so it was easy to gravitate towards each other in terms of cluelessness and such
before he met Theo, Luna was basically all he had as he was an orphan even before he knew of his magic
but Luna’s family kinda adopted him almost since Burr and Luna were so close they had become like siblings
but despite that, she’s kind of a bad influence mischief wise
even so, they both hate bringing attention to themselves and often to try to stay as neutral as possible in the eye of the public, but they share their true opinions to each other in private
overall, they’re hella close sometimes too close
Luna was the one to introduce Theo to Aaron and they all are a cool friend group
even though poor Luna is a third wheel
Ah, yes. young love ft. competition
Burr always makes it his goal to be at the top of the class
and Theo just happened to be his top competition
before he met her, he hated her because she always made it so hard to keep up and maintain the number 1 title
they would always glare and tease each other when they made eye contact in the halls or in shared classes
but once Luna formally introduced Theo to him and they set aside their little competition, they really clicked
Aaron had never felt more alive when he talked to Theo
it’s all very domestic and private since they both hated the notion of PDA
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11/7/19 3:27am - Three Dates, Three Girls, Three Days
So after me and Jill had a nice night out and fucked again I had to go home to play poker with Velli and get ready for my date with Maria that day.
We had a score to settle, after the night we spent watching kakegurui he was obsessed and wanted to get her as a waifu from me in the stupid discord waifu game if I’ve mentioned that. So I told him I’d give him the main character for all of undertale and he said I was on some shit. I told him we could gamble for it, since that’s what yumeko would do. So we made these plans to play texas hold’em until someone lost. 
Of course he did. It kind of came down to the first hand, tbh. He hit a pair off the flop but I hit a three of a kind and he didn’t want to believe I’d have a 4 in my opening hand and bet on it, so he started raising ME and gave me almost all his chips right off the bat. So I won waifus. And we watched more kakegurui until it was time for Maria to come pick me up for a date that we’d arranged.
We went out to raleigh times and got tacos, and went to boxcar and played some games. She’s pretty competitive, but I kicked her ass at galaga :3 turns out she likes the same arcade games as me. We played some air hockey, and she fucking railed me at skee ball. We played some space invaders and then bounced out to karaoke. Skylar finally sang for the first time! but I missed it and he said he was pumped to do another though, so I ended up singing She Bangs by Ricky Martin with him lol. Also sang Maria by green day because I wanted to embarrass her a bit. Or make her heart flutter. Same difference, right? we’d already kissed a few times before we made it over to Neptune’s, so things were going swimmingly. We had already discussed going back to my place to drink after bars before she picked me up for the date, but it was locked in after she met all my friends.
This cutey was saying this stuff on the walk back. She proclaimed that I was the male version of her, and I loved that because we’re both narcissistic as fuck. She was also telling me how she loved seeing me interact with everyone and that I was so cute and that if I had gone home with someone else instead of her she wouldn’t have even minded just as a friend. And I was like wow. Man. Perfect! Wow. That’s a lot but I dig it. And then we talked about having a threesome with her guy friend that doesn’t wanna do anything more than kiss a dude. She said she loves how open I am and how willing I am to experiment with things. We made it back to my place and she loved my room and my house and we fucked. Real. Hard. It was great. Started nice and slow, warmed up everything, ate her out for a while, fucked for a bit, came, explained how I could go for a round two without refractory period and she was like “wow. You’re woman’s best friend.” Then she wanted me to actually pound on her for a while which felt exxxxcellent, but eventually we needed to take a food break lol. I damn near set my house on fire trying to bake these sammies in the oven and pick them up with a paper towel. I was drunk enough that I touched the heating elements or some shit and just lit the shit on fire and was like flapping trying to put it out until I threw it in the sink lmfao. Luckily no harm no foul but I’ve gotta use spatulas more hahaha. Why the fuck don’t I have a pair of tongs in my house. She actually wanted me to fuck her in the kitchen while I cooked the sandwiches. Perfect. Checked that one off, but had to cut it off pretty quick since they were done fast. Watched some parks and rec naked on the couch. Went back to my room when the sandwiches were done and fucked more until I could finally get off again and then we collapsed in a hot sweaty puddle and curled up to sleep for the night. 
Woke up in the morning at like 11, was maybe supposed to meet Elyse at 11 or 4, so I was like oh shit, but it turned out she didn’t want to hang until 2. So me and Maria fucked again, “2 for 2″ she said. Not sure if it was sexing or her cumming, but seemed approving lmao, and she left me to enjoy her day off and let me get some sleep before work. 
Instead I took a shower, tried to get a new CRT from my buddy, it wouldn’t fit in my car. 
Then I met up with Elyse at Umstead Park and we went on a run together. I haven’t exercised with someone in fucking years, but I’d do it for her. We kept pace together pretty well, had a nice little 3 mile run, then hung out by these cabins touching each others’ arms and backs and hair and chit chatting about each other. I kissed her a little, but she seemed very tentative. Though she did kiss me back a second time. We rode off and got a beer down the road from the park, talked about some ideas for fetish stuff and our interests and how things have developed a little bit. I really wanna see what her take on primal play is; that’s where she says she gets her kitty nature. Its pretty sexciting.
We went off to target to try and get me some pore cleanser (pork rinds? Pork lenser? lol) but couldn’t find it, and I had to run off to a JKCF scholarship meetup dinner, so she kissed me goodbye and we parted ways.
Not quite as exciting as my date with Mariah, and a lot less moaning involved. Though I did hear a lot of the same panting noises during the run. Jogging with someone definitely is kinda sexy lmfao. I’m just glad she got me off my ass and exercised this week, because I’ve been slacking. I’m stuck at 165 because I keep eating and drinking too much. Apparently it’s not hurting me much though ;)
But yeah still a good date though. Excited to see what’s to come!
Also it was a pleasure seeing all the cute JKCF people. I almost wish I could tell them the weird shit I’m into now. Some of the ladies who work for them have known me since I was in like 8th grade. Pretty fucking wild. 
How things change. 
So BOOM! here I am, all caught up. Eventually I’ll post some goofy stories from Hawaii, but that’s not gonna be too hard or long. hehehe Seems like things are just gonna keep being crazy for me though, so maybe I’ll blog more frequently so I don’t really fall behind as much.
Though Weilin’s really vested in me trying to work for Google, so that’s a project I have to actually do some work on. And there’s a handful of work assignments that I’ve been putting off for the last month and a half to finish this project lolol.
So maybe I take another month break and catch back up? We’ll see. Just know that things have never been better.
I am slightly in debt from drinking too much and fixing my car and getting a brand new phone and buying too many clothes and sex toys. But it’s hella manageable. Really the only reason I’m a Little behind is because I’ve been pressured to take some days off work to use up my PTO so I haven’t been seeing as many patients. Which also means spending a little more. And I’ve had a lot of no shows. So it’s no big deal. I’m making so much more money now I don’t even need to worry about it, it’ll sort itself out over time. Feels so fucking good man. 
We’ll see about my goal weight. I would like to crush this last 10-15 pounds and get rid of the tummy and maybe even get a six pack on. That’d be dope. Kind of a goal by next lake week.
Last I wanted to talk about how I talked to my dad before slosh on monday. He asked about my facebook post so I talked about how I came out as bi and he wanted to tell me that he supported me and wanted me to be happy no matter what. I love him so fucking much lol he had this little anecdote about how he had a trans mtf mechanic and he was just like “well you’re still gonna work on my motorcycle, right? Then you’re all good by me.” He also told me the BDSM polyamory stuff I’m getting into is wild and that I’ve officially one upped him on that. SO BOOYAAAAAAAAAAA WE’RE IN THERE, FAM. <3 love ya daddy-o
So I’m. Fucking. Goooood.
Love you guys <3
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