#Osleya Aleksandrova Gifs
addysedits · 2 years
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Osleya Aleksandrova (OC) and/or Humanityless Hope Mikaelson
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Prologue || Crimes of the Widows
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                                              || 3rd Person ||
                                               𝙾𝚑𝚒𝚘 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟻
A girl with red hear, dyed blue rides her bike down the street.
"Hey Nat!" A voice calls, Nat waving at them as she drives by them and the group of kids they were with, playing on a tire swing.
Nat continues to drive by, the sounds of the other children's laughter fading.
Nat pulls into a backyward where two kids, twins, are swinging on a playground together, laughing.
They hear their sister whistling their whistle, quickly whistling back before get off the swings, and walking a bit towards there sister.
Before they get too far, the middle child, Yelena, gets on their back and stands on their hands and legs, Natasha and youngest quickly moving to copy her.
"We're all upside!" Yelena points out, causing the youngest to let out a giggle.
"And I bet you're both going to fall down first!" Natasha challanges, all the sisters laughing.
"Nope! You will!" The youngest, Olesya assures her older sister, giggling.
"You can't hold it much longer..." Natasha points out, just as Olesya falls down to the ground. She quickly rolls over, laughing more when her sisters start to make faces at each other, making silly noises.
After a while, Yelena falls down too, Natasha quickly following her to the ground.
"Told you you'd both fall down first!" The two twins quickly chase after Natasha as she taunts them with her "I told you! I told you!"'s, all the girls laughing and having a great time.
But, suddenly the fun stops.
"Mommy!" Olesya yells as she runs over to a crying Yelena, hugging her twin. Natasha quickly looks back at them, worry in her eyes as she walks over to them. She attempts to comfort them both, Olesya looking like she could cry just because Yelena was hurt.
Their mom comes out, quickly crouching down by all the girls.
"What happened?" She asks Natasha, looking down at the crying girls. Yelena quickly leaves the others grips, grabbing onto her mother.
"She fell on her knee."
"Oh, you bump your knee?"
"Mmm-hmm." Yelena says, tears still falling down her face.
"Aww..." The mother says, leaning down. "Kiss it better. There we go." She says, quietly shushing her daughter and brushing away her tears as Natasha runs up to the playground and sits there quietly.
"Oh, come on, Little One. Get up. You're okay." The Mom says, taking both of Yelena's hands and helping her stand, just as Natasha moves over to the swing and start swinging.. "Come on. You're a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger. Right you?" The mother asks Natasha, who smiles from the swing set.
Olesya finally stands up, wiping her own tears.
"You okay Lena?" She asks her twin, a worried look on her tiny face. Yelena nods.
"Pain only makes you stronger!" Yelena says, before looking behind Olesya. "Look! Forest stars!" She says, pointing towards fireflys and pulling her mother and twin to look at them.
"Yeah. You know what? Those are actually part of the Lampyridae family." Natasha gets off the swing and follows her family, the mother pulling them all close together. "And the glow, the glow that you see, that comes from a chemical reaction called... bioluminescence." The mother smiles at her littlest of children, Yelena and Olesya. "Come on, time for dinner."
The mother starts to walk up to the house again, the twins both holding her hand.
"Bio-goomin-feasants?" Yelena questions her mother.
"No. She said bio-boomy-incense!" Olesya corrects her sister.
"Both are right!" The mother tells the, even though she knows both are incorrect. They continue to walk up towards the house for dinner, even though Natasha is staying behind to just stare at the butterflies.
As soon as they reach the door, the mother calls after Natasha again.
"Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girl!"
The mother and the twins enter the house, Natasha following them in not long after.
"We want mac and cheese." Yelena and Olesya say at the same time, smiling at each other.
"Oh, you two want mac and cheese? Okay. Well, I want... caviar and champagne. Grab the napkins." Both of the twins do as they were told, quickly grabbing napkins for their mother.
"You take this and you take this." The mother says, passing a dish of corn to Yelena and a dish of green beans to Olesya. "Oh, would you grab ranch dressing for Dad?" She tells Natasha, her and the twins walking into the dinning room and putting the dishes on the table, along with the napkins.
"Green beans are my favorite vegetable." Yelena says, Olesya sneakily passing her one to eat quickly.
"Vegetables are disgusting!" Olesya tells her sister, making their mom laugh.
"Well, vegetables are good for you so you have to eat them." The mother says, just as a heavy thudding enters the house. "Dad's home!"
The Dad walks into the kitchen, where Natasha is.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey, baby." He says, rubbing her head before heading to get something from the refrigerator. Meanwhile, in the other room, the mother is passing out food to all of the kids, them starting to eat as soon as the food hit their plate.
When the dad walks in the room, he doesn't sit down at his seat at the table, he walks past it to look out the window.
"Everything okay?" The mom asks, the twins too oblivious and eating to notice the worried look on Natasha's face.
"How was everyone's day?" The father asks.
"Mommy taught me about lamp bugs!" Yelena says, smiling at her father.
"She taught us about lamp bugs!" Olesya corrects.
"Lamp bugs?" The father questions, chuckling a little.
"And I fell and hurt my knee, but it doesn't hurt anymore. And we saw fireflies in the backyard! That was my favorite part." Yelena finishes, not even realizing that the person she was telling the story to had left. Natasha just smiled at her sister who was telling the story. The mother stands up, both her and the father walking into the kitchen to have a private conversation.
"No." The mother says, the father just nodding.
"Yelena, we see fireflies every year." Natsha's voice can be heard from the background.
"How long do we have?" The mother asks the father.
"I don't know. Like, an hour, maybe?" The father replies.
"I don't wanna go." The mother tells him, him having put a hand on her cheek.
"Don't say that." Is all the father says to her, removing his hand from her cheek.
They walk back into the dinning room, taking their seats.
"Girls... you remember when I told you that one day we would have that big adventure?" The Father asks, Natasha lookings at him scared, both the twins just staring at him in excitement.
"Today's the day."
"Yay!" Both the twins shouted at the same time, Natasha and the mother sharing a sad glance.
"All right, let's go!" The father says, quickly standing up. Everyone else at the table stands up too, Yelena and Olesya following their father.
Natasha and the mother stay at the table.
"I'm sorry." Is all the mother can whisper out, before standing up and going to pack herself.
The father takes out a shotgun, a bunch of bullets falling to the floor, which the twins quickly move to pick up.
"Come on, we got to hurry!" The mother calls from the other room, as the father thanks the twins for picking up the bullets.
"I don't have my shoes." Osleya tells him.
"That's okay. You don't need your shoes."
"But we're still hungry!" Yelena adds on, the father quickly putting the bullets into the gun.
"Yeah? Guess what? I got Fruit Roll-Ups in the car." The father tells the twins, before rushing off to get a few other things, the twins following him.
The mother is in the kitchen, and she stands on a step stole to reach something above the cabnits, pulling down a little gun and stuffing it into her bag.
The father and the twins rush out to the car, the father throwing his bag into the truck bed and the twins getting into the backseat.
Natasha walks back inside from getting her shoes, trying to grab a scrap book.
"No, leave it, leave it, leave it. Go wait in the car." The mother all but yells at Natasha, Natasha placing the book back down and heading out to the car.
The mother pauses for a minute.
Natasha runs into the garage, quickly joining her sisters in the backseat of the truck, the father finishing packing up his bag just as the mom comes out.
"You have it?" The mother ask, the father taking out a disc.
"It's the only copy?"
"It's the only one not on fire." The father tells her, before they both rush and get into the car, quickly backing out of the drive way.
The rush to drive away, trying not to be supicious. They drive by a bunch of kids playing, Yelena and Osleya smiling at them, everyone else in the car worried or scared.
"Where are we going?" Yelena asks Natasha, Osleya sitting in the middle and looking at Natasha too.
"Home." The mother says, looking at the twins through the rearview mirror.
"Mommy, you're silly!" Osleya says, laughing.
"We just left home!" Yelena finishes for her sister.
As they drive away, they hear sirens wailing in the distance, turning down the lane they just drove away from. They drive for a while, eventually getting on the highway.
"We want our song!" The twins say at the same time, hating the quiet of the car. The father pushes the disc in and "America Pie" starts playing. The girls start to sing along.
"Bye, bye, Miss America Pie, Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry, Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye, Singing "This'll be the day that I die"."
"Singing "This'll be the day that I die"!" The twins sing together, dancing along to the music they best they could with their seat belts on.
The song continues, the twins still singing along, all the way until they get to their destination.
The parents rush out the of the car, quickly getting the girls out too, with all their bags. Natasha sneaks to the front and quickly grabs a photo reel thing of all three of them, they'd taken days earlier, as the twins got out of the car behind her.
The father quickly moves the clear cover from the hanger, the mother falling behind as she ushers the girls towards it.
"Let's go. Come on, Nat. Hurry up. We gotta go." The mother says, causing the twins to start running towards the plane, panting on their way. Natasha slowly follows them, carrying some stuff in her arms, but dreading what is happening to their family. She just looks at the picture of her and her sisters with sorror.
"Come on. Honey, honey." The father says, rushing over towards Natasha. "Go with your mom, go with your mom."
"Nat, hurry up!" The mother calls after the eldest.
"I'm coming!" Nat yells, running as fast as she can to her family.
"Okay. Seat belts." The mother tells her children, helping the twins buckle into the plane. She moves to sit in the piolets seat, ready to take the plane off the ground. The mother makes sure to shut the door behind her, even though the father isn't in the plane yet. The mother turns on the plane.
"Why isn't Dad in the plane yet?!" Natasha asks, worry in her voice.
"He's coming. He's coming, baby. He's coming." The mother comforts, getting the plane ready to taxi.
The father runs back from where he was, knowing he needed to clear a large, heavy crate from the planes path. He simply picks up the end and throws it, the path now empty and ready for the plane to start taxing.
The father steps out in front of the plane and starts to direct the mother, bringing the plane forward and out of the hanger.
Not too long after, sirens can be heard coming torwards the family, the dad using his shotgun to shoot at them.
The plane starts taxing, the dad shoting a police car, before running after the plane. The police don't stop though, as they keep coming after the plane. The father runs as fast as he can away from the police cars, faster then any normal human.
The mother turns pushes a lever forward, the father being seen right next to the plane, running and shooting.
The car turns and starts to take another path, it hidding behind more old, run down hangers. The people in the car shoot at the father, the bullets missing him as he runs at his fast pace.
"Mom?" Natasha says, looking out the window at their father, causing her mother to turn and look too for a quick second. The father quickly jumps onto the planes wing, the car now quickly driving after the plane. The father turns himself around, onto his back, and starts to shoot at them again. Another car is driving right next to the plane, shooting at the passangers.
"No!" Natasha barley dodges a bullet which went through the planes window, before quickly moving to cover her two little sisters.
Not to long after, the mother gets shoot too.
"Mom!" Natasha screams, both of the little girls just sitting there in shock and fear. The plane suddenly turns, the mother no longer being able to fly/drive it.
"I need you up here." The mother tells Natasha, Natasha quickly moving to the front of the plane. The two twins in the backseat to grip onto their stuffed animals.
"Okay. Okay. I need you to pull right." The mother tells Natasha, Natasha doing as she was told and getting the plane back on course, the car still driving next to them, so the plane wing hits the cars roof.
"Mom, you've got blood on you." Natasha says, tears gathering in her eyes as she does what her mother told her to. The mother lets out a gasp.
"It's okay, baby."
The father continues to fight off the officers driving after them, kicking at the ones in the car right by the plane. Yelena and Osleya looks over and sees her father fighting against the person, having no idea what to do. A little blood splater is on their faces.
Natasha lets out a gasp when she sees more police officers coming at them, from the other side of the road. They were surrounded.
Natasha quickly directs the plane to the side, causing the car that was next to them to go flying as the father adjusted his grip on the wing of the plane. The father gets ready to aim at the new officers.
"Hit the accelerator there." The mother says, showing Natasha what to hit. Natasha again does as she's told, their father now taking shots at the officers ahead of them. The officers also fire at them, causing the girls in the back to hold their arms around their head for cover, Natasha ducking down in the front.
"Hold it steady, hold it steady." The mother commands Natasha, Natasha coming out from her cover and grabbing the yoke and keeping the plane from crashing. "You're gonna pull it back at 55 knots. Let's count together."
"55!" Natasha and her mother count together, the twins screaming slightly in the back.
The father continues to fire at the cars ahead of them, blowing out their tires and causing them to crash.
"Pull it back, you can do it!" The mother encourages Natasha. "Pull back. All your strength." Natasha grunts as she does so, the planes wheel hitting the crashed cars below them.
The plane is now flying through the air, everyone looking out to see the father still holding onto the wing of the plane.
They fly like that all the way to their destination: Cuba.
Natasha lands the plane, listening to everything her mother says to do so.
As soon as they get there, they find people waiting for them,
The father quickly opens the plane door and picks up the mother bridal style, putting her on a stretcher. The girls quickly run after them, running to their mothers side as she lays on a strecher, the mother grabbing all of her girls hands as she is carried away.
They walk with her and the soldiers that were carrying her, all the way until she is placed down so she can be examined.
"Get up, Mommy... Pain only makes you stronger, remember?" The young Yelena says, resting her head on her mom's chest as her twin sobs next to her. Natasha is sitting next to the group, crying herself.
The father doesn't go check on any of them, he walks towards a car that just pulled up, holding a duffle bag. A man gets out of the car and the father holds out his arms, him and the man who got out of the car hugging.
"The Red Guardian returns." The guy remarks.
"The Red Guardian returns triumphant." The father proudly tells him.
"Please, Please, I beg you. No more undercover work. I wanna get back in action. I want my suit back. I want to get back in it. General Dreykov, it's been over three years." The father tells the guy.
The camera moves back over to the four girls, the twins still sobbing and holding onto their mother.
"Forgive me, Mom." Natasha tells her in Russian, tears still falling down her face too. "I'm scared."
"Never let them take your heart." The mother tells Natasha in English, still comforting her youngest daughters. As soon as the mother says that, Natasha gets pushed away by one of the soldiers.
"Did you get it?" General Dreykov asks the father, the father just chuckling. The father removes the disc from earlier, from his jacket pocket.
"And the North Insititute?"
"Ashes." The Father replies to the General, not even bothering to look over at his daughters.
Natasha pulls the twins away from their mother, knowing the soldier wouldn't be so gentle. She holds onto them both, hugging them from behind as they watch their mother being taken away.
"It's gonna be okay." Natasha cries herself, but she knows she has to be strong for her sisters.
"How is Melina?" General Dreykov asks the father.
"She'll live. She's strong." The father tells him, just as the mother, Melina, is taken away and put into an army truck. Natasha lets go of her sisters, both of them walking forward to watch their mom be taken away.
"Mommy?" Osleya cries, sniffling.
"Daddy!" Yelena cries, turning and running towards her father.
"I'll handle this." The father tells General Dreykov, turning to handle the situation. But before Yelena can reach him, shouting for him the whole way, a soldier steps in and grabs her arm, pulling her back harshly.
Natasha grabs Osleya's hand and brings her forward.
"Yelena! Get away from her!" Natasha shouts, kicking away the soldiers hand and taking out his gun, holding it at anyone who comes close to them.
"Don't touch her! Don't touch either of them! I will shoot!" Natasha yells, shouting that last part in Russian. "Don't touch them!" She continues, aiming the gun at anyone who comes close to her little sisters.
"I will kill you all!" Natasha continues, the father finally coming towards them slowly. All soldiers around were holding a gun to the group of children.
"I will shoot! Don't touch them!" Natasha repeats in Russian.
"Honey... you're gonna need to hand me that gun..." The father says, holding his hands as a sign of peace.
"I don't want to go back there. I wanna stay in Ohio." Natasha sobs out, her sisters holding onto her as their life line. That father takes steps towards them, slowly inches towards them.
"You can't take them. You can't." Natasha continues, her voice breaking. "They're only six..."
"You were even younger..." The father says, finally taking the gun out of Natasha's hands.
"It's okay... come here..." The father says, the soldiers around them putting their guns down as all three girls walk towards their father.
Natasha is still holding onto the both of them as their father gets down on his knees.
"You're gonna be alright." He kisses his youngest daughter's heads. "Do you know why it's going to be alright? 'Cause my girls are the toughest girls in the world. You're going to take care of each other, okay? And everything, everything's going to be fine." The father finishes, none of the girls realizing the soldiers they come up behind them and put a needle into their neck, the sedative kicking in right away.
The soldiers pick all of the girls up and load them into a plane, the father picking up the twins stuffed animals that feel when they were sedated.
The father simply walks back to General Dreykov.
"That one, she has fire in her. What was her name?" The General asks.
"Natasha." The father says, both watching as they're taken away.
"Ah... Natasha."
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Credit me if you use please
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