#Originally made him as an NPC a few years ago
theswandragon · 7 months
Daily Poem 10/29/23
Oh how the wizard Now comes into his own The linchpin in combat Many times have shown
With the crown upon his brow Tools and spellbook in hand He may stay at a distance But he can proudly take a stand
As his repertoire grows As his gifts leap and soar Crafting frost and burning blades Faces of diplomacy and war
Another gem for the crown Another school of magic found This is the beginning of his story And for many stories he is bound
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AITA for putting a hit out on an ex friend’s dnd character?
A few years ago I [M 18] was the link between two different online friend circles along with my longtime friend A [M 22]. Essentially, both A and I ran two different dnd campaigns that acted as a melting pot between our two friend groups. It was really fun, super casual stuff. Enter C [M 19], who was originally one of my friends and played in both groups. Over time it became clear that C was, to put it lightly, not a great person. At the time, I was a really new DM and struggled a lot with my self confidence. C was a super disruptive player in my group, going off the rails and generally trying to undermine both me and other players. I tried to sort it out between sessions, but it didn’t end up working out. It came to a head where I ended up shutting down my campaign, claiming school got to be too much, but in reality I just couldn’t deal with C’s behaviour. It was a really big blow to my self confidence at the time.
At this point a lot of people had been cutting out C for various other things like this - generally being disrespectful and callous, not taking responsibility for harm he caused, etc. Pretty soon the only times I was interacting with C directly was during A’s campaign.
A, who wasn’t 100% aware of the situation, came and talked to me after a session one day about why I’d shut down my campaign, and I told him everything about how I was feeling. He was really understanding, and said that he got the feeling that I probably didn’t want C around anymore, and neither did he. I agreed, so A offered to ‘sort out some stuff with C’s character’ and shuffle him out of the group. I made a joke about wanting C’s character to die, in a pretty flippant way, and the conversation diverted.
This is where things get kind of weird.
So, at the time, I was expecting A to just talk with C and kick him out of the group in between sessions, but that didn’t end up happening. C was at the next session just as planned, and continued to show up for several weeks. During this time A, and I really don’t know how else to describe this, pulled some Machiavellian scheme on C’s character as the DM to ruin his life. A wove in this story where C’s character got this evil mask shard of a dead god, and played on C’s want to sabotage other players & go his own way in a very ‘lone rogue’ way to isolate him from the group and get him involved in all these evil deeds (killing minor npcs, etc). None of our characters knew about this in character, but A dropped all these hints and the context lined up to make it seem like C’s character was slowly going insane. C, unable to communicate in or out of character, backed up this idea by refusing to talk about the god IC or OOC. Eventually this god fragment lead to the death of C’s character when an overpowered assassin struck him down, in a fight that felt very ‘well this could’ve been a party boss but because you didn’t tell anyone, you died’. Immediately following this the party found out about C’s character’s evil deeds, meaning he wouldn’t be mourned by the party. The whole death felt so… hollow. It really felt like C had ended up in this situation because of their own hubris. But they hadn’t.
A had masterminded the whole thing. He’d given me live updates about his plan to essentially manufacture a situation where C’s character died a miserable death that felt totally deserved in the eyes of the other party members. And then we all just blocked C anyway???
I’ve never seen someone manipulate somebody like that in my life before and I’ve never seen anything like it again. I’ve never told anyone else in the group that the death was masterminded by A because of my petty grudge about my failed campaign. I don’t speak to either A or C now but I still feel bad about not doing something. Should I have just told A to kick C way before this?? I had no clue it would spiral into actual months of chess mastering his demise!!
What are these acronyms?
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💛 I Remember You 💛
Time Elapsed: 1 hour, 11 minutes
Program used: Ibis Paint X
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(This doodle is me coping with the Tears of the Kingdom trailer and pretending they aren't about to be traumatized more).
BotW/ToTK will forever be my favorite version of Zelink. They've been through a whole lot together, and seeing them reunited at the end of BoTW is so sweet (especially in the context of the diaries outside of the English translation)! Such a shame everyone's probably dead. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted...
I cannot express enough how agonizing it has been to wait for more news on TotK! So when I saw a Nintendo Direct was coming up, I was unable to focus on anything else. I knew we were bound to get info, but I was NOT READY FOR THIS
Everything about that trailer was so well done, it makes the wait for May seem even longer! A few thoughts I had personally:
1. Ganondorf is pretty decent casting. I'm admittedly surprised he doesn't sound hoarse or anything considering he's a reanimated corpse, but it's still menacing!
2. I'm convinced Ganondorf and Zelda are going to take the forms/powers of Demise and Hylia at this point with all these parallels...
3. POSSIBLE MORE RUNES MAKE ME SO EXCITED! We thought Link getting a motorcycle gave us too much power... Now we have cars and mechanical gliders.
4. It doesn't seem Zelda is getting damseled! That makes me so happy. I figured she wouldn't be playable (unfortunately), but it at least seems she'll have a presence throughout the story! Perhaps a Skyward Sword situation where she must go on a journey of her own? Maybe in the form of flashbacks to the previous Zelda from 10,000 years ago? If it goes with a SS route, maybe that leaves room for a playable Zelda in post-game.
5. All the monsters look stronger than before, and there are even new ones! I tried to see if those dino bird things matched up with any classic enemies, but they didn't seem to be so. Either way, they're awesome!
6. I can't wait to explore where all the characters are after a potential time skip. Zelda especially! She got so much character in BotW, and I am going to love seeing more of it!
7. If Zelda doesn't end up becoming Hylia, I'm also wondering if the previous Zelda ends up being revealed to be the same one (same with Link) due to time travel shenanigans like in Skyward Sword.
8. If Zelda and Link don't kiss or address Zelda's feelings for him at least once I will be very sad (but I'll love the game anyway).
9. I hope to see the cycle broken here. That seems to be where this is leading! It would be great to watch Zelda and Link finish off Demise's curse once and for all and finally have the peace Hyrule has been fighting to have for eons.
10. Hopefully Link's diary won't be lost in translation this time! Adding those little details like that made BotW even better than it already was.
11. LINK THREW THE MASTER SWORD ASIDE TO CATCH ZELDA I CAN'T- But poor Fi. Hope she's doing okay with the whole Malice infestation thing. This is a stretch, but perhaps there will be a return of Ghirahim or his sword form. That'd be cool.
12. It looks like there's potential for more old-school dungeons! With the Divine Beasts seemingly inactive, Link may have to travel through monster-ridden ruins to drive them out of Hyrule.
13. I'm excited to see details on the time between BotW and TotK, like how Zelda got her hair cut! It'll be nice to see which NPCs changed and which haven't (Beedle is probably the same and will be the same even as all of existence crumbles around him).
14. Maybe the memory mechanic will be implemented again by Link recalling his past life 10,000 years ago?
Alright, sorry for the ramblings here. I'm too excited. I have lots more thoughts, but I'll share them in the future. May 12 can't come fast enough!
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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sassenashsworld · 7 months
Hi Everybody!
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On this Fallout Day, let's me re-talk a little about Silver, my OC
Mainly we can't really talk about an "OC" as Silver IS Nora. She is almost the basic characters of the game but for : her long white hairs and her eyes as green as plutonium
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Nick is the person who nicknamed Nora because of the color of her hair.
At the very beginning of the Fanfiction (ao3 The path of the private), Nora remains a long time in silence just staring at Nick, then as they advance in the story, she says very few sentences and finally, Nick realizes that he doesn't even know her name. Since it’s so hard to get her to talk, he just nickname her Silver.
Even if I mainly stick to Nora main story in my game for this fanfiction, I still used the gray areas of the game to go a little in the Head Canon and I admit that at one point, I added elements out of canon (like the way it was Nora who brought the original Nick Valentine to the CIT).
This characteristic is based on the fact that the fanfiction is entirely based from my game (survival no cheat -no power armor mostly) and that I realized that the companions often spoke, made comments here and there, but that Nora hardly says a word except few dialogues… and then, the companions and NPC can go in big, long speeches, but not her.
I thought it would be fun to imagine how others perceived such a silent person, thus was born my Fanfiction.
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So, if we are to talk about Nora AKA Silver :
She is a discreet and silent person. She internalizes her traumas and accepts her new reality with a taunt humor, sometimes biting, degenerate if we take Nick to his own description of it, and still according to him, absolutely inappropriate.
Ironically, even if everyone agrees that Nora is beautiful and "well rolled", she has very big problems of esteem, and due to the scars that she won in Concord by fighting the Deathclaw, she considers herself downright visually horrible…
She consumes an astronomical amount of whisky. Probably she would choke if she drank water (but in reality she has to drink it since I play survival) and she uses combat drugs…. every fight.
It’s a big deal for Nick.
She’s a great shot. Nate taught her to shoot guns before the war and she’s really a natural. She can practically snipe with a .10mm, and I’m not talking about a riffle. --even if I use the VATS sometime, I admit that I like to empty a place on the scope as far as I can. I played Unreal Tournement when I was younger and I sniped while my teammate went to get the flag. I don’t think I’m exceptional, but Nora is.
Speaking of guns, she has an excessively nervous trigger. She can shoot several bullets before people around her react --yeah, VATS… worse when she get her hands on The Deliverer.
This combination of skill makes her impressive with her shooting skills and that made her reputation.
That, and her shitty nature.
Because even though Nora uses humor to deal with her trauma (she must have had a great sense of humor before the bombs), she is very straightforward, doesn't like to waste time and has no tolerance for gratuitous acts of malice. She often tries to reason first, then shoot, but as her adventure progresses in the Commonwealth, new traumas are added that make her lose even more faith in humanity.
She is however not a bad person --eh, otherwise Nick would not be her best friend-- and she is always ready to offer a chance to someone who try. But not two, as quickly --before dying-- Porter learns.
Speaking of Nuka-World, it is worth mentioning that the excessive use of drugs + the experimental gases of Among the Star caused a seizure to Nora who developed a schizophrenia. I am not an expert on this disease, I mainly use my personal experiences having been with some people with this disease to describe her condition, and I absolutely do not recommend judging a schizophrenia person on my writings.
--One of my best friends had schizophrenia and refused to seek treatment. I had to cut ties with him three years ago after twenty years of friendships. It is a very difficult state for the person and for the entourage but a person with schizophrenia can get through it and live a normal life, even if it requires a lot of courage and effort…--
...and Nora does the opposite.
Then her state IS NOT based on a normal struggling person but based on the worse reactions my friend could have, a little romanced to make an awful impression.
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In the main game, Nora leave Dogmeat at Sanctuary, but in any modded game, she always keep him with her. He is her good doggie doggy precious baby smishie little love.
As for the companions, Nora has a distinct preference for MacCready, whom she regards as her little brother (and he regards her as his big sister), Hancock, with whom she could have had an affair, in another life, another world, and of course Nick Valentine, who becomes a kind of father/best friend figure.
She often admits that without Nick, she would have badly turn. But he keeps her on the straight and narrow.
To Nick’s great damn, she also adores this cursed paladin, Danse, but to his great astonishment, he also ends up understanding the qualities of the man beyond his creed and ends up respecting him.
She also likes and respect Preston a lot, even if they sometimes have conflicts --virulent that she solves viciously-- and Sturges is like a brother in arms for her, mechanic side. They love to fix and build things together, two little tinker geniuses.
It is mentioned that Piper is her best friend but Nick rarely attends their meeting and he knows that she spends time with Deacon and likes him a lot but he knows nothing of their exact relationship (as The Path of the Private is written from Nick’s perspective, I can’t say more).
Nora absolutely doesn't know how to deal with Strong and its takes her a long time to get closer to Cait, but she refuses to let them down.
Also, she will dive head first into Kent’s delirium about the Silver Shroud.
Nora shares a secret with Kelly, the Mayor of Somerville (OC not OC, it's the settler with two kids when you first get there), Clem, and a certain Doctor Laslay (OC), but this secret is explored in more detail in the fanfiction Heartbeat of the Commonwealth, co-written with @jasmineofthecommonwealth.
So, if you want to know more about Silver, I invite you to read my fanfiction on Ao3
And of course The Heartbeat of the Commonwealth also on Ao3
PS: I admit that I was learning English at the beginning of my fanfiction and I promise myself one day to rewrite it with the experience I acquired since (mostly thanks to @jasmineofthecommonwealth), but I think it’s legible ;)
PPS : The screenshot have been taked from a modded game, not the game from The path of the Private but mostly based on The Heartbeat of the Commonwealth
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Have fun!
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the-goblin-cat · 1 month
hog from left field, but,
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Casper, my sweet little pumpkin boy imp from the ISEKAI! ttrpg campaign
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's fully just a reference to Casper the friendly ghost, cause I originally envisioned him as pale blue
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Casper is currently 13
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
I jokingly ship him with an extremely minor npc simply called Tenturik Girl. Tenturiks are bearcat-like beasts that fill the same role as dogs in Areatam, the game's setting. However, some of them can grow to massive size. A random human girl around Casper's age joined in a race riding on one such creature.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
pizza, but especially the concoction the party members invented by cooking flatbread dough on the coals with various herbs and toppings.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
He is a destined hero and a kid, so on the spectrum between "unemployed" and "mercenary".
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Casper loves games, both video games and physical board and card games. His particular favorite is a game played with cards and figures called Knights of the Spiral.
🎯 -What do they do best?
He's great at picking up new forms of magic and has the highest number of elemental spells of the group, though his physical abilities are lacking as a result.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves the aforementioned games, and learning new things. He hates being sad or thinking about home.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Going to Navy Pier with his older cousin Kay and friend Xochitl. At the time Kay and Xochitl were dating and it was all very happy.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
The day his mother died, though subsequently trying to run away from home and getting caught in the rain was very close.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
As mentioned before, I originally wanted him to be blue. He also originally had glasses. I love his current design tho
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted to create a delightful childish character to foist on the other players, as an homage to @fvriva's Ellie character.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
They were made for Isekai babey
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
cishet probably.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
no true siblings, though he and Kay have grown to see each other s such.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Casper loved them both very much. However, after his mother's death, his relationship with his father became strained, as the grief left him unable to properly care for his son. Eventually Casper's father checked himself into a facility and sent him to live with his mother's side of the family. Csper's aunt and uncle certainly provide adequate care physically and financially, but have a strained marriage themselves and can't provide emotionally for neither Casper nor Kay.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
In addition to his adorable design I like how the dice tends to fall in his favor. The world is awed by the feats of this very strong little boy
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
the game is play by post and moves at a leisurely pace so a few times a week on average.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
absolutely not
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
being abandoned
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
None so far, though he and His Holiness the Patriarch Puranmas has a heated debate over whether Shrek was anime
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Conceptualized bout two years ago, though the game began last year
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Hi there, it's been a while, isn't it? The whole show ended 3 years ago and honestly, nothing has felt the same. Most shows get axed/are on streaming which makes you binge them and you don't get to emotionally bond with that show.
Well let me tell you I got something that you may like
Ok so this post will summarize Trigun Stampede, its similarities to SU/SUF, questions you may have as someone who doesn't like anime that much and why it needs a shit ton of support.
Trigun Stampede:
The story is set on this desert planet where humans need special machines to survive called plants because they produce all the resources humans need to survive. In a world where fighting is the only way to survive, the outlaw Vash the Stampede decides to help people with their plants/personal problems without using violence. If he is a pacifist then why is he an outlaw? Watch the show.
SU/SUF similarities and pros:
-Did you like the sci-fi element in SU? Stampede has so much of that and they actually get deep into it. It has an important role in the story. (I wish I could say more but spoilers)
-Did you like the message of love and peace? Our beloved main character lives by that motto and yes there is conflict.
-Did you like cool villains with good reasons and grey morals? OH, WE GOT YOU ALRIGHT. Vash's main antagonist has that covered (again, spoilers) BUT I PROMISE YOU HE IS EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN SU FROM A VILLAIN.
-Did you like pretty art? Orange, although mainly known for its CGI has done beautiful backgrounds + art concepts for the show.
-Did you like the gorgeous and smooth animation: Orange is the best studio when it comes to CGI and that doesn't mean "ok this is decent" kind of CGI, this is "I'm gonna eat this scene" kind of CGI. SU only got smooth animation when they brought guest animators but Stampede has that level on every. single. episode.
-Did you like SUF specifically for the trauma, growth and mental health themes? You will love Vash and some of the other characters. But Vash...dear god.
-Did you like the angst? Stampede is for you but don't blame me for the therapy bills
-Did you love the music? Stampede isn't a musical sadly the ost fucking slaps and it's so cool. It's on Spotify if you want to support it legally.
-Did you love the likable secondary characters? Stampede has a few characters but they are likable characters and feel real instead of NPCs. None of them follows an archetype strictly except maybe for one who is still pretty cool.
-Did you like the representation? Nothing can be perfect and it would be misleading to not mention this considering it's a great part of what makes SU special to me and others. Although it's not explicitly queer, there are some themes/ characters to whom queer people (myself included) have connected a lot. There's a non-binary character, and Vash's struggle with (spoiler) is relatable to a lot of queer people. Also, the guy really gives gender. Cmon, look at him. There's a fanon gay ship but the original creator (Nightow) and the Orange team really made Stampede *gay*. Like Yuri on Ice but better IMO
You can literally send me a dm with a "what about X" and I will reply.
Questions you may have as someone who doesn't like anime:
-I don't like Japanese voices and how they scream: The english dub is really good (like, omg VAs I will give you my life) good. They all fit and care for their characters, and the direction was amazing. If you're a zach callison fan I reassure you, Vash's voice actor GAVE that kind of emotion.
-I don't like generic anime looks: Guess what! Stampede is pure CGI and it looks awesome! If you don't like the generic design anime characters get you're in for a treat.
-I don't want to read the manga/watch the 98 anime to understand whats happening: And you won't have to! A lot of people got into Trigun as a whole with Stampede and the people watching the 98 anime now are doing so cuz they miss the characters, not because its crucial to understand Stampede.
-I don't like CGI, non of it: watch the 1st episode then come back to me. Not even that, just watch the trailer.
Why it needs a shit ton of support
Apparently, anime is just starting to take outside-of-Japan fans into consideration for things like renewals, so at the Orange panel, the staff told people to support the studio and Stampede if we want more of it. It sucks that this is the only way a show can get renewed but we already know what's that like because of SU. Even if we didn't know it, people talking about it, going to cons cosplaying characters from the show, and buying merch was giving power to Rebecca to keep pushing for the show. Even if we got season 5 cut we managed to get Future and maybe the movie thanks to the fan support. Stampede is so new and although its popular it got cast away just for being CGI and for not being the exact same as the 98 anime. It's literally a passion project and the staff (including Nightow) are so in love with it. They want us to look for clues and give us more content because they love Trigun as a whole. Animation is suffering and I know there are 100000 shows that need support but please keep this show in mind. It's made of love, you could say.
Here's the ways you can support it!
-Where to watch (sub/dub): crunchyroll/ the DVD is coming out soon but I dont think that has the dub.
-OST: Spotify, Applemusic
-Merch: I recommend CD Japan but there are other websites
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-NPC Sliders. High Elf Male-
(Read more for the sliders)
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The King of Worms himsefl! Or at least an attempt at making him. He isn't exactly perfect as the actual Mannimarco has a lot of features that you can't have yourself in ESO. Real Mannimarco has a unique hair, unique scars and I believe a unique texture to his skin. However, I think I've captured a pretty good likeness. I originally made his sliders a few years ago (Original post).
Also his eye colour seems to have changed over the years. The base game version of Manni has orange eyes while his Summerset version has yellowy/green eyes. I gave him yellow eyes because I think it suits him best.
Likewise his hair is unique but in Summerset he uses the Draping Locks hair that was available as a log in reward. Otherwise there are some base game hairs that also suit him.
You recieve his costume at Champion Point 100. You can also get the Worm Cult motif and he also looks really good in the Grim Harvester costume.
Have fun making your own Worm King!
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littleladymab · 4 months
FebruarOC - Altra
KICKING US OFF on a month of me talking about characters, we got Altra! The god of death from one of my by-the-wayside campaigns affectionately called the BAND Band (Bell + Ashe + Noelle + the Dude). He is one of the major NPCs that helps the team get off on the adventure because his three sisters each had their object of power stolen from their main temples, and he's currently the only one who is able to do his job out of the four of them. 
So he approaches the party to put them on the path of finding the objects, because Bell is a former priestess of one the sisters, and Oztara said "listen, if she doesn't want to help you help me, then I greatly misunderstood her, but I'm pretty sure I'm right". And she was right. 
His symbol is rabbits, and he collects the recently departed to deliver them to his older sisters so that they can actually process the dead. Sestra takes the heart, Mittra takes the mind, and Otzara takes the soul. Without their objects, they're locked out of their realms and Altra just gets a backlog of dead running around his garden. 
A few years ago, back in 2021, I participated in a zine that was focused on original mythology called False Gods, and I had put down several options having to do with my Mutiny campaign but the one that got picked was Death and His Three Sisters! Which at the time was a bit of a panic because I knew the least about him as far as mythos went, but I had a lot of fun fleshing out their aspects and roles, and the artists I worked with were AMAZING. I've included the two illustrations here; the black and white one is done by Lewis and IS TRADITIONAL I have one of the original sketches saved and like HOT DAMN!!! and the colored one is done by Maria and I absolutely love the colors, I have a few of the other drafts and they're simple shapes but so well defined with colors. 
Here is the pin board that I made for the project, and you can find the short story I wrote for the zine over on patreon!
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
Tagged: Altitis Edition
@luck-and-larceny​ caught me. (Please ignore the goo-goo eyes I’m making at her. Or... don’t... I mean... :D?)
...I... hm. I have the hardest time nailing down a “favorite” in all honesty. Especially if we delve into the dangerous territory that is “former RP NPCs turned novel characters” that I live in. Because I have... so, so many favorites and I absolutely love so many of them. And I love to hate quite a few more of them. 
Okay. OKAY. Forcibly restricting myself to FFXIV characters. (Don’t you sulk at me, Nathan Talbot. Get back into the novel that’s awaiting editing. I’ll get to it in... uh... ask me in five years.)
And I honestly can’t choose a favorite. Even characters I made, took a few pictures of, thought about and then shelved can qualify because every single idea that sparks to life reassures me that age, exhaustion, capitalism and stress haven’t destroyed my urge to create.
As we’re sticking with FFXIV characters, it’s actually C’allie! And not just because she’s the first I made in FFXIV, but because her original incarnation was a Ceilican for an old World of Darkness online game that I ran. (It’s actually one of the first times that my husband and I got a chance to really RP together.) And that game was... gracious... twelve years ago?
I actually used Callie’s name for my FFXIV miqo’te because I was migrating over from GW2, where my hubby and I had Seifer & Anna, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be translating any characters from Tyria, but I wanted someone with a mental tie to the man I was (at the time) dating because I hoped to lure him in to play with me. It worked marvelously and the world got C’allie Kyho, the Seeker of the Sun. 
You’re welcome.
Carmen Heron, the Keeper of the Moon architect specializing in erosion repair who is deaf in one ear, really really likes the ladies and smells like candied ginger because she spends so much time sucking/chewing on it. (She always keeps a tin of it in her pocket.) Why candied ginger? 
She lives in and works in Limsa Lominsa and she gets horribly sea sick. So! Having ginger always at hand helps!
Just... yeah. No debate, no question. Anna.
Esti Kyton, my sweet, damaged barista. She’s spent her entire life just hoping to be special to someone, living on the fringes of a huge family that never quite seemed to accept her, and has dealt with abuse from both her mother and her ex. All she wants is a quiet home with someone she can take care of, good coffee and a small yard where she can hang her aerial hoop up for her daily practice. 
Most Aloof/Standoffish:
Meli Iliakos, my Warrior of Light. 
There’s... a lot of heartache she’s dealing with, especially after the events of Endwalker and what she learned about her distant and recent past. And being the Warrior of Light means people either assume they have a right to your time or they act like you’re too good for them. Meli doesn’t have the emotional bandwidth anymore to deal with either extreme, and so she stays quiet and tries to let the Scions (and her Scions-Ish) deal with the public at large whenever possible. 
Only in Norvrandt does Meli warm up to the people around her and drop the aloof demeanor.
Dumbest (Affectionate):
Chessi Eder, my lovable idiot. She has more than two brain cells to rub together, but does she realize that? Nope! With all she’s suffered in her life, it’s really a testament to her stupidity that she doesn’t realize she’s been horribly used. Chessi takes everything at face value, assumes the best of everyone and that finally paid off with her being “adopted” by Narasen & Voranoix L’espoir and getting herself a boyfriend-who-isn’t-her-boyfriend-right?-ooo!-is-he-my-boyfriend??? in Sezra.
Dumbest (Derogatory):
Reneaux Iseterre is... too smart for his own good, which essentially turns inside-out and becomes so dumb he can’t comprehend anything without it slowly soaking through his skull. He’s not quite That Guy From Your Literature Classes but he’s dangerously close.
Anna. While C’allie is really damn smart, Summer makes a living as a professional author and Esti has incredible business acumen, Anna’s greatest weapon truly is her intelligence. She’s incredibly good at analytical thinking as well as translating theory into practical application, which stands her in good stead in her quest for complete magical mastery. Anna also masters languages fairly quickly, helping her along when she finds new tomes or treatises from other nations. 
I’m going to shock anyone who’s read this blog for more than a month. It’s not C’allie. Seriously!! It’s NOT C’allie!
It’s Narasen. 
She and Voranoix spent years as just friends, aware of each other, friendly to each other but not much beyond that. And then he comforted her and kept her safe when she had a particularly bad night involving alcohol and loneliness, which led to a rather... long couple of days that they spent together. They went their separate ways and Narasen often thought back to ... well... all of the details of that particular encounter. 
When they officially began a relationship, Voranoix began slowly helping Narasen to recover from the multiple traumas she’d suffered in her youth. (Which involved killing a few people but you know, that’s how these things go.) And some of the methods involved that worked best finally coaxed Narasen into feeling safe enough to express sexual desire. 
Voranoix didn’t realize what he’d unleashed by doing that, but he’s not voiced a complaint yet. 
Now that Narasen is away from Gridania, married to the man who healed her heart and ensured her safety, and feels secure enough to show active desire without fear of what it might entail? She is always after her husband’s ass. 
Character You'd Bang:
Honestly, it’d be C’allie. I wouldn’t actually feel self-conscious with her because C’allie doesn’t have a “type” and she’s playful and fun and funny. I’d really rather hang out and chat with her for a few hours, maybe compare reading lists, exchange recommendations. But if she wanted a roll in the hay, well... She’s experienced enough to make it really good and isn’t hesitant about teaching, so I’d probably come away with some pointers.
Character You'd Be RL Besties With:
Again, C’allie. 
While Summer and I would get along marvelously, and I’d love to have Esti advise me on how to make coffee, C’allie is curious and loves to chat and would drag me out of my comfort zone to explore new things. I’d give her a safe ear where she could talk about her multiple partners as she needed and get her to slow down and maybe even work on creating things for herself. 
Tagging: @riftdancing & @gatheredfates (you two DEFINTELY have enough alts for this to work!); @gray-morality & @catscratching (I know the black snack has more characters and I think Seda’s player does, too); @miqojak (You’ve got at least two that I know of); @fair-fae; @furys-mercy; @thedragonrabbit
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susiestarwarsyt · 6 months
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Chibi Art of a Twist Oc I made a few months ago
his name is Xeno and he’s based off of Xehanort- the original concept for him was way different from what he is now.
I might post more Ocs sometime
low quality image or original content from Vid I Made ⬇️ I was still using Ibis paint at the time and definitely was terrible at drawing hands( he was supposed to be in ramshackle that’s why his vest[I think it’s a vest] is not in the color of know dorms)
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Edit I made of Twist NPC to make the new version (made it before the chibi around the beginning of the school year)⬇️ (editing the NPC took longer to actually do which included turning the NPC into a base, lesson learned; just sketching characters out is quicker than creating a base out of NPCs).
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Have a great Day/Night everyone! ✨
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dcnt-preach · 6 months
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You can interact with them, just say their names in the inbox, they have their own silly little stories too / could help lead up to small events too . Any NPCS / Side charscters will be added here and reblogged to let you know🐇
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Vennie is backstory really isn't talked about because he doesn't particularly know it all himself, like a majority of the succubi/concubi his other parent is human and while he was most certainly born in hell , he was raised on Earth by a human mother many many years ago with his father occasionally dropping in but he won't admit to it because he witness his mother attempting to summon his father far too many times in desperation until she abandoned him leaving his father choice.
— name . Vincent / Vennie • age . 35 hell years • species . incubus • height . 6 ft 3 in
occupation. mercenary / territory scout • verses . both | married to cynithya
He'll lie and say he's originally from the Wrath Ring and goes around the ringsfor mercenary work where he was supposed to be killing off Cherri but , her demeanor made him feel some remorse and he began actually working on helping her when she managed go floor him in hand to hand combat but , he's chalking it up to her just being insanely lucky and is curious as to where her endeavors will go . In the meantime he's taking up work strictly around Pride to help out when he can .
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— name . cynithya • age . unknown • species . sinner demon • height . 7 feet tall
occupation . mercenary / territory scout • verses . both | married to vennie
Joke off of Cyanide ( she unalive herself with it on accident -- a really messed up yet funny story of why you read things before just chugging ) , she's another sinner demon but , one that Cherri actually knew when she was alive . In fact , Cynithya was one of few that tried to steer Cherri on the correct path and even though Cherri won't admit it , She was her babysitter too . She doesn't involve herself with violence anymore and instead focuses on healing ; since Hell clearly has emergency services and things like jail/prison , Cynithya is a practicing Doctor and puts her skills to the test sometimes with the rest of Cherri's group to get even more experience .
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— name . pix-l / pixie • age . 30 hell years • species . sinner demon • height . 5 ft 11 in
occupation . computer programmer • verses . both
They're another Sinner Demon , died in the late 90's, technological based obviously and another one tied to Vox as a contract . Their purpose is to supply Cherri with what she needs to keep up the views and seldom leaves their room ( just like in life ) because of fear of hell . They grew close to Cherri because of her upbeat demeanor -- and she saved them during their first cleanse so in turn not only does he supply her with some authorized supplies , they've been keeping tabs on unclaimed territory and giving her heads up in return she ensures their territory is safe and runs errands / does deals under the table .
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— name . oliver • age . est 5 hell years • species . greed imp • height . 2 foot
occupation . none • verses . both
Oliver is the group's baby , he was found by Vennie when he was smaller and has been with the group ever since . He was roughly 2 maybe, 3 - they don't know his actual age when Vennie found him on a job , he's been bounced around from each person in the group particularly spending his time with Cynithya or with Cherri and Chewie because of the other two being extremely busy ( Vennie ) or shut off ( Pix-L ) . He's only around because of group vote + Oliver strongly reminding Cher of her past and what she causes havoc for
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So, I don't know how well Tumblr will handle these images since they're a bit big, buuut....I found the original refs for my Wow characters that can never actually exist.
Background, I don't play wow, I will never play wow, and I don't like much of the content post burning legion.
If you can't tell from looking at Theylin, the guy with the wings. Illidan is my favorite character. I don't know everything about him, I do not intend to dive down that rabbit hole. But I read a book about him that I enjoyed, I enjoy all of his cinematics, and I love his design.
So I decided to poke the bear a few years ago and make some wow characters with absolutely zero knowledge about wow outside of Illidan and a little bit about Sylvanas.
These are from a while ago, and they've both developed a lot, I may make updated refs later. I kinda made them then forgot entirely. And I think Theylin's ref is actually for a DND campaign I used him in as an npc. So I don't think he's even got a wow story anymore. But hey I'm proud of the wings.
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ani-soup · 1 year
The New Velma Series Has Me Going Jinkies!
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When the new animated series Velma launched a few weeks ago, it did something that no other show in the history of entertainment has done: unite everyone on the internet in hatred of it. For the first time, people on both sides of the political aisle expressed their disappointment of the new Scooby-Doo spin-off, which premiered on HBO Max on January 12 in the year of Our Lord 2023. But why is it so?
Well, for starters, it could have something to do with the fact that the teaser trailer, which outright mocked fans for wanting the show to stay true to the source material. Because attacking the people who consume your product always ends well (am I right, G4TV?).
It could also have to do with the fact that for this “incarnation” of Scooby Doo, the gang’s characters  have all been skewered and butchered and tossed to the wayside. For example,  Daphne Blake, who was the team mom in previous incarnations, is now a vapid high school bully not unlike the type you would see in Mean Girls. This mishandling of such a popular character was such that her OG voice actress, Grey DeLisle, actually made fun of the show using her character’s catchphrase.
Grey DeLisle on Twitter: "JEEPERS!!! #velmadinkley https://t.co/SaPva18G2u" / Twitter
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The butchering doesn’t stop there. Fred, who was commonly depicted as the smart, charismatic leader who was obsessed with traps, is now a rude, spoiled, privileged manchild who is commonly the butt of other people’s jokes. At one point, Velma remarks that Fred is unable to feed himself during a court hearing, and cue a scene where Fred is trying (and failing miserably) to do so, much to the amusement of everyone in the court. He is also something of a misogynist, at point claiming that he can't remember Velma's name because he blatantly thinks that she's unattractive.  This version of Shaggy, now named Norville, meanwhile, is now a beta male who is trying (and failing) to win Velma’s affection and has none of the original counterpart’s charm or cowardice (though his love of snacks remains). I’m fully willing to bet that Norville is not gonna last a minute against Ultra Instinct Shaggy. One common criticism of the new series is that there is virtually no Scooby Doo in this show, despite being a spin-off of the Scooby Doo property.  Well, considering how his human companions have been dragged through the mud, this is probably the best thing to our beloved Great Dane.
Speaking of Velma, I’ve saved the worst for last. From the minute it was announced that she would be brownwashed and voiced by Mindy Kaling, I instantly knew not to expect the best from the franchise. Mindy Kaling is one of those unfunny comedians who relies too much on shock humor, not to mention she’s a raging liberal SJW. The last bit is important because she’s what is commonly referred to as an NPC. Her response to the news that people were not on board with the new South Asian Velma was that “tHeY’rE jUsT rAcIsT!” (Ms. Kaling, I feel the need to inform you that as a fellow South Asian, I also do not like your bastardization of one of my favorite childhood franchises.) Not to mention a clip has recently surfaced of her unashamedly admitting of her giving an improvised kiss to a fellow actor and threatening to have him fired if he told anyone about this. What’s even more disturbing is that the audience was laughing the entire time, as if sexual assault to a man is hilarious. (Imagine if the genders were reversed, would it still be funny then?) As for Velma herself, I can’t say that I really like her, considering how she treats everyone in her vicinity. While her previous incarnations were snarky as well, they were a lot less mean-spirited compared to this version, who is clearly unhinged and more judgmental and bitter towards just about anyone. Who wants to be about such a bundle of positivity and joy all the time?
It's no surprise that so many people have come to despise both the show and the creator. It currently sits at a record 1.3/10 on IMDB, and has been dubbed the worst animated show in modern history. (No, seriously!) There are plenty of ways to make an adult reboot of a children’s franchise. This is not one of them. Whether you’re familiar with Scooby or not, this show isn’t for you. You’re better off watching either Scoobynatural or Mystery Incorporated if you want to see a darker, edgier Scooby Doo done properly.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be watching some What’s New Scooby Doo? as a palate cleanser for whatever the hell this mess is.
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bunnygotchi · 2 years
🖋+your first oc whose name i forget (timmy??)
timmy is the right name also i love you :)
timmy was my first oc i made i think 9 yrs ago who i still love dearly. he was originally an oc for don't hug me i'm scared (sorry) i would not say he is still in that universe now. due to me being like 12 yrs old when i made this guy he was very like soft boy core. sorry youre getting lots of cringe with this. but yeah like he had like brown curly hair, White, skinny, shy, gay, and then his like extra thing was that he had music powers. this i actually think is sorta cute bc i made his emotions connect to like the sound of violins playing, so when he was mad there would be angry violin music just playing off of his body LOL and then like on the other side if he felt flustered or something it'd be soft and gentle. he might've had some other stuff with music but i honestly don't remember. in general with it he was just great at playing instruments like the piano and obviously violin, and i think i made him have a cute singing voice. i revamped him a bit a few years ago. i wish i had some art or something tbh. but i made him chubby and he's got vitiligo now. he's also kind of a bitch LOL he's still kind and polite but he's got more substance than just being A Nice Shy Music Guy like he can be kinda snippy or sneaky. i honestly don't talk about him very much so i don't have a ton more to add, but i know that the last few times i brought him up i didn't rlly do much with the music powers aspects but i do think think it was cute of me to make him with that as a kid. he's very dear to my heart bc my partner and i made him (and a boyfriend named max to go with him lolz) together and idk it just feels very special :) also i just remembered i made him an npc in a short lived dnd campaign i dm'd for a bit. he was a bard elf i think. didn't even do a ton with him there bc i didn't stick with that campaign for long but i thought the concept was cute
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
Who is Hetty?
!! Hetty was originally an NPC I created in the process of expanding on Henry's background. I made my first post about her (here) something like a year and a half ago, and the intent was just to create more of the web around Henry. Make him more real than just what the plot of the movie needed from him y’know? And anyways because I named her and everything she just kept unfolding in the back of my mind and a few of my very lovely writing friends gave me the chance to explore her characterization off-tumblr and so now she’s a proper OC and I write her over on my multi!
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*turns into pile of dust because of black magic*
Btw your oc looks cool!! what’s their name and backstory? got a reference sheet we could learn more about?
Thank you! But about that…yeaaa the drawing probably made him look a lot cooler than they usually look like, I‘m afraid- sorry about that ^^;
Anyways, I‘ve actually talked a bit about my current oc‘s on here (affectionately and uncreatively called main gang due to them being my current main gang of oc’s) and he‘s the purple one in those posts; you can find a few under the „original character do not steal [tm]“ tag on both blogs. He‘s the first one I made and was originally just one of a few fun (vaguely fantasy) chibi drawing ideas I had…which might also be the reason he‘s the most frequently depicted one (and totally not my fave to draw nope)
And I do have a reference sheet! (though not everything‘s on there and details tend to change a lot over time, even if his design is the only one of the 5 that’s stayed the same so far-)
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(This post accidentally got a bit long, the rest the rest under this cut is mostly just lots of side-info)
The main inspo: The weird amount of merchant characters who‘re very knowledgeable about magic stuff and maybe slightly (read: very) sus (Happy Mask Salesman, Magolor, the shop guy from Link‘s Awakening who obliterates you with a laser if you steal, Volo I guess?) But unlike Mags and Volo, Mage isn’t gonna betray the party and turn into the endboss of course. Probably. …nah. (<- a lie? who knows =) )
in a lot of videogames, no matter where they are or what‘s currently happening in the plot, if the game‘s got merchants to buy from, they will be available- even in the deepest dungeons or during the apocalypse. So I thought- wait a minute, if they’re here in the dungeon, and they’re here before the mc‘s who‘re supposedly the chosen ones and the first to set foot here in 500 years- then they must secretly be super strong actually and are just hiding it in plain sight!
A „what if“ thought- what if you had a cliche rpg party but their respective cliche classes are actually the secondary classes. And the primary ones are jobs, or just being an NPC? (That’s where the other four come in)
This also influenced his personality a bit, but not completely: cunning, a bit laid back, cares a lot about making some bank, needs to know things, practiced smile but only when it’s needed, otherwise it’s side smirks- lots of too much smiling in any case. Usually on the friendly side- (also, but not always in that cliche „oh HELLO dear customer! :D“ voice you’d usually get. Again, he’s a bit more laid back and [whatever the vibe fitting a side smirk is called] than that )- unless you wrong him, that is- or he thinks bickering with you is fun. Usually puts his own safety over that of others, the first one to result to backstabbing in order to get what he wants- but both the people he betrayed in that moment and whoever he betrayed them for. (And even if the second option is less profitable; if it grants even the tiniest chance of getting him welcomed by rest of the gang again, well then they couldn’t possibly not pick that, right?). In any case, Mage has clear morals- he’s just very good at setting them aside for the sake of efficiency.
Regarding his backstory, here’s not much too it, really- he‘s just a merchant selling their wares (or info) to adventurers on the road or in his shop when he isn’t traveling; you might find a curious item or two if you go pay them a visit! But whatever you do- do not try to steal anything. You will regret it. He’s lost someonething once, he will not let it happen again. Do you understand? Yes? Good. :) So, do you need anything else, dear customer? What’s this about dark magic? Yes, that’s what he just used, but that doesn’t make him a mage yet-this is just for protecting their wares from thieves. Mages are rarely traveling, he last saw one years ago- and by now, if some thieves, nature or the Roots didn’t get him, the monsters sure did.
Besides, the missing dark mage had a different eye color than him, didn’t they?
(if this reads weirdly it’s because I’m trying to hide all the parts that are only half-thought out and prone to change a lot. Might add a second version that’s exclusively character information, especially since it’s in the context of a setting that hasn’t been built yet. I kinda just hijacked this ask to finally put all my ideas for this pal into one place lol)
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