#Online Sports Venues
cosmicpuzzle · 1 month
Occupations Signified by each Planet 👩🏻‍💻💼💰💸
Sun: Politics, entertainers, military and army commanders, directors, Government officials, public servants, ministers, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Governors.
Moon: Nursing, babysitters, chefs, coast guard, navy, real estate agents, kindergarten teachers, import export, restaurants, clothing, grocery shop.
Mars: Dentist, surgeon, butcher, real estate builders, mechanical/civil engineers, cooks, bodyguards, army, military, airforce, chemists, mechanics, hair cutters, fabrication, marital arts, firefighters, masseuses.
Mercury: Accountants, bookkeepers, data analyst, all types of data work, teachers (especially school), consultants, writers, businessmen, traders, astrologers, speech therapist, language translators, bankers, media personnel, journalist, social media manager, mathematicians, computer operators, customer support, lawyers, coders, programmers, minister.
Jupiter: Lawyers, judge, priest, mentors, advisors, coach, sports coaches, teachers, professors (college level), financial consultants, legal counsel, travel agent, preachers, spiritual teachers, Gurus.
Venus: Artist, movie stars, celebrity, musicians, dancers, singers, jewelers, luxury car dealers, sweet shops, marriage counselor, interior designers, fashion designers, textiles, perfume dealers, air hostess, sex workers, makeup artist, brokers, painters, designers, holiday or vacation agents, ambassadors.
Saturn: Manual jobs, masonry, carpenter, iron or steel worker, geologist, servants, oil and gas worker, executioner, mortician, social service, gardener.
Rahu: Technology, programmers, scientist, nuclear management, toxic chemicals, anesthesia, visa agents, advertising, online jobs, online marketing, drug specialists, alcolol dealers, smartphone service.
Ketu: Astrologers, psychics, monks, nuns, medical workers, doctors, pin hole surgeons, charity, social service, mathematicians, clock and watch makers, black magicians.
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venusfun · 5 months
Solar return chart notes🌟🌾
After a long time of not being active, I have decided to surprise you with some of my notes for Solar return charts!
Please note that these are my observations and opinions, if you have any questions feel free to hit my ask box💓
🌾I have noticed that people with 12th house people have such important dreams in their year. People with this placement can even predict future events or get an instinct to their deepest minds using their dreams.
🌾2nd house can tell what big purchase a person will make this year. For instance, Venus in 2nd - jewelry, designer clothes, perfume, etc., Uranus in 2nd - phone, computer, TV, futuristic home decor, etc., Mercury in 2nd house - also phone or laptop (communication devices), books, journals, luggage, bicycles, and even cars.
🌾People with Mars in 2nd house should be careful with impulsive shopping!
🌾People with Pluto or Mars in the 5th house in the SR chart could be fans of adventurous sports that cause high adrenaline like bungee jumping, skydiving, motocross, etc.
🌾People with Earth element dominating SR charts can really love spending time outside in nature.
🌾I love seeing Venus, Sun, and Jupiter in the 6th house! It means that the person will value wellness and a healthier lifestyle.
🌾Also Venus in the 6th house could get beauty treatments daily - manicures, facials, massages, waxing, etc.
🌾Pluto in 3rd house indicates a change of schools, neighbors, study habits, or even vehicles.
🌾Uranus in the 11th house can indicate new friendships online. It can also be a sign of new friends that are rebellious or unconventional in some way.
🌾Stellium in the 5th, 10th, and 11th house gives a person bigger popularity.
🌾12th house Suns will feel distanced and isolated during the year. But it's a great sign that a person should explore their subconscious and spiritual side.
🌾Uranus in the 12th house can indicate spiritual awakening.
🌾People with Mercury in the 9th house can develop writing skills! This could be a sign that a person could be working on some book or story.
🌾Sun in 1st house gives the main character energy during the year. These people are balls of sunshines that can make everyone feel amazing.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and please let me know what placements should I cover in my next post!🌟
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astrogre · 6 months
What gifts to buy for each Venus sign
Christmas is among us, my favourite season and time of the year. Venus is the planet of love, by nature it can display what we like to receive from others but if you don’t know their Venus or the house it’s in you can try to look at the persons Sun sign instead but Venus is ideal.
A gift based on their:
Sun sign will make them feel seen and like you know them well, it will be a gift they may appreciate
Venus sign is all they’ve ever desired it’s the pinnacle of their ideal gift. Especially as Venus represents how we like to receive and experience love
Aries/ 1H Venus
Gym membership, running shoes, thrill seeking experiences like tickets to bungee jumping, rock climbing, a skydiving event, gym outfit, tickets to their favourite artist, tickets to festival, cool lighter, archery classes, tickets to sports games, a shirt with their teams logo or merch from their favourite artists, scissors set, cooking tools, hair styling products like hairspray, hair dye, Fitbit/apple watch, knives set, sports gear, heavy bass headphones, tickets for those room smashing experiences, take them clay pigeon shooting, family destroying board games like Risk or Catan, diy tattoo kit, diy piercing kit, theme park tickets.
Aries Venus are by nature thrill seekers, Aries is ruled by the head and has 1st house influences, they can certainly appreciate something that ignites passion, they are impulsive and quick by nature to pursue what they desire. They need gifts that match their decisive nature and to let out that pent up energy they have in them, I honestly think experiences are the best for them. Or a box of hair dye for their impulsive moments
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Taurus/ 2H Venus
Hire a chef or take them to a really good restaurant for a 5 course meal that serves orgasmic food and has impeccable visuals/atmosphere OR you can even arrange a 7 course homemade meal with the finest of recipes! , fine jewellery adorned with a gemstone, culinary experiences, cooking classes, kitchenware, go to fragrantica.com and find a high quality perfume to give, premium home decor, art, antique items, antique furniture, comfortable cosy clothing, hot water bottle, gardening tools, plants, selection of seeds for their garden, diffuser, essential oils, desserts like baklava/ferro rocher, luxury goods, wellness retreat subscription, day at the spa, tea set, comfy velvet winter pillows and bed sheets
Oh my Taurus natives, they know how to break a bank for Christmas and if not they can enjoy luxury on a budget! They enjoy the finer things of life of course Venus ruled, they know how to induge in pleasures and satisfaction. Due to the earthy influence they have a green finger and a natural affinity with plants and gardening, they may love flowers or want to grow plants themselves. Taurus venuses are rather easy to gift, if you know them they usually have a vice, it may be sleep, food or pure laziness, get them something according to their vice and they will treasure it.
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Gemini/ 3H Venus
Really cool stationary, Spotify subscription, comedy show tickets, books from their favourite genre, a notebook, Grammarly subscription, cards against humanity board game, Duolingo subscription, multiplayer games, home kit recording studio, language learning stuff, calligraphy classes, kindle, portable car charger, Bluetooth speaker, karaoke machine, suitcase, travel accessories, a musical instrument, sealing wax kit, creative hobby supplies, microphone, podcasting equipment, audio editing software, a car, vr headset, Nintendo online subscription, Netflix/HBO/youtube/crunchyroll subscription
Gemini rules communication, short journeys and social engagement. Blessing these natives with tools to enhance their pleasant hobbies will make them swoon in gratitude, if you want to get them something make it engaging and whimsical. These natives are ruled by mercury and always welcome something that requires the mind.
Cancer/ 4H Venus
A cooking set, baking set, comfort food, commission artwork of the family, family photos, some really nice home decor, a keepsake/musical box adorned with velvets and soft materials that will store sentimental objects, a locket necklace, family recipe book make a recipe book of all their favourite foods and some foods you know they’d like, soft fluffy blanket, the family heirloom, hand crafted quilt, hand painted ceramic mug, animal crossing game, sims 4 game, games relating to the home, bring and fly in family that are far away as a surprise and cook their favourite meal together, household utilities, lush bath products, a personal chef for a day, a personal butler for a day, custom family tree art, ancestry DNA kit (please be careful though once you use them they keep your data and if they get hacked your information is out there), home movie night, comfy slippers and pyjamas, family board games, this christmas make them Christmas dinner this time.
Cancer rules the home and there’s nothing more appreciated by a cancer Venus than things that remind them of this. They are by nature expressive and nurturing, this time let them be pampered!
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Leo/ 5H Venus
Hair care products, gift card for their favorite store, make them an edit no joke like a TikTok edit that makes them look really cool, one of those light up mirrors or a pretty handheld one if they don’t have one already, book them a photoshoot together if they don’t like the camera maybe post them on your social media and show affection for these bold natives, theatre tickets, bold sunglasses, luxury watch, good jewellery, VIP experiences like backstage passes or reservation to exclusive invite only restaurants, designer clothing that is a prestigious brand they love, commission style artwork, make them a playlist of songs that reminds you of them, fine wine, personalised fragrance creation that allows them to create their own signature fragrance, personalised makeup makeover, hire a stylist for them
A perfect gift for Leo’s need to have an element of self expression, luxury and incorporate their personality that garners attention from peers. They need a gift that makes them feel special, something tailored specifically for them that cannot be gifted to anyone else. Personalised gifts do well either this placement too. When I think of these natives I just think of that Meghan Trainor music video “Me Too” watch that and you’ll get their vibe.
Virgo/ 6H Venus
Skincare products, a blender for smoothies, lots of cleaning products, multi purpose aesthetic storage containers, Quora or chat gpt subscription (these guys like to be well informed), give them scientifically researched bath products that have all that vitamin breakdown qualities, make them a notion template to help them plan, quality office supplies like a desk organiser or chair, practical fitness gear like a yoga mat, a fitness tracker, get them a personal nutritionist, tailored meal prep services, bookshelf organiser system, a stylish briefcase, home office makeover (BUT PLEASE GET THEIR PERMISSION FIRST), online course subscription, digital subscription to news feed, you can never go wrong with practical things, an ikea haul, Costco membership, minimalist decor, multi vitamins, a precision watch, set of labelling and sorting tools, a neat tidy chess board, get them a nice little pet, honestly for some reason whenever I think of Virgos I think of matcha. Get them something matcha based.
Virgo Venus natives need gifts that resemble their routine and organisation, they can be rather difficult to purchase for since they have such a specific taste in mind. Gift cards are practical for them but they really need something that allows them to be more prepared. Take them out for comparison price shopping like say if you want to get them a sofa tell them you’ll take them out to Costco, Amazon, ikea, and compare the best ones. They are also very clean and efficient.
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Libra Venus/ 7H Venus
Trending Make up like the fenty hot chocolit heat lip gloss, Korean skincare products, beautiful piece of art, a wedding ring 😏, bouquet of flowers, take them to a beautiful botanical garden, fashionable accessories like a silk scarf, books and courses on design, take them to a couples romantic date, a couples workshop, write them a love letter, museum date, tickets to an art exhibition, fine dining, an astrology synastry reading, if they’re single set up a blind date with someone who you KNOW they would like (make sure they’re handsome/pretty), couples retreat, love coach Patreon subscription, pottery/painting classes, relationship podcast subscription, relationship psychology books, fine fragrance/cologne
Libra is ruled by Venus and 7th house, all things related to love beauty and pleasure align with this native, even if they are single they have a natural gift for delving into relationships. Make sure that whatever gift you give them it is pleasing and sensual
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Scorpio/ 8H Venus
Intimate gifts, a psychological crime documentary playlist like Epstein island documentary or YouTubers who speak of renowned cult leaders, personalised astrology reading, a dark seductive fragrance, dark artwork, dominance and submission guide book, shadow work journal with a lock on it, dark poetry and literature, escape room adventure tickets, monopoly game, dungeons and dragons game equipment, bdsm accessories, personalised erotic art, leather/latex clothing, bonding activities, empowering books like 48 Laws of Power, martial arts training, taxidermy, personal development workshops, intense workout equipment like a punching bag, chess, daggers, locks on their door or for their belongings like installing a lock for their drawers, buy them a ring camera and subscription, wine tasting experience
Give them something sultry and deep, it has to be psychological and empowering. They are not impressed by superficial gifts that mean nothing to them. They really like gifts that allow them to explore their nature and the darker aspects of existence.
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Sagittarius/ 9H Venus
A scratch off map that allows you to scratch off countries you’ve been to, a surprise holiday where you take them abroad, Duolingo subscription, a wanderlust journal for them to document their experiences, passport accessories, an electric guitar, drums, take them to a fireworks display or do one at home for them, a telescope, a drone, binoculars, philosophical books or religious books based on their own beliefs and religion, running shoes, horse riding in the sunset experience, musical instruments, motivational and positive affirmations book or make some for them yourself, a book collection of all their motivational and positive messages they have said, a compass, pay for their tuition for a course they’ve always wanted, traveling stuff like suitcases, pillow for travelling, a portable flask, a disposable camera, a Polaroid camera, a tent, tickets to a cultural festival, hiking gear, skiing gear, camping gear, sketchbook, a donation in their name
Sagittarius Venus and 9H venuses love the concept of exploration whether it be in the mind or physically, the best gift you could give them is one that allows them to take in so much culture, information and experiences.
Capricorn/ 10H Venus
Customisable credit card (CUCU is a good site for this), a nice power suit like business attire, vintage pocket calculator, cufflinks or a tie, formal shoes, pay for their CV to be analysed by professionals in their industry, elegant timeless clothing and jewellery, make them business cards, get them a corporate slave (an assistant will do), pay for business class flights for their next trip abroad, project management courses, tickets to Ted Talk event, take them to and big them up at networking and entrepreneurial opportunities, a sleek desk, submit their work for trophies and awards, quality furniture, Starbucks or their fave coffee place gift cards, a fountain pen, personalised desk name plate, professional photoshoot, designer accessories like a Swiss watch, leather wallet, cheque book, pay for a professional calligrapher to design their signature, time management software
Our sweet cap Venuses and 10Hers need their professional acknowledgment, give them anything timeless and a way for them to better themselves. They love being the best of the best so give them things that support their ambitions.
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Aquarius/ 11H Venus
A 3D printer, high tech phone, a gamer console, smart home device like Alexa, chat gpt subscription, AI art pieces of them, rubix cube, VR headset, bespoke one of a kind art piece, tickets to a science technology conference or musem, networking events, phone case, futuristic home decor, membership to an niche club their interested in, mini indoor garden like a plant terrarium, pay for an astronomy stargazing experience for them, alt clothing, goal setting journal, a camaraderie for their friendships can be a bracelet for an example, tickets to a unique workshop according to their niche interests, video editing software, a unique invention prototype for the industry their interested in say if it were cars then a mini Tesla or something, volunteer together, design software, film festival tickets, social cause merchandise, unique fashion piece, astronomy kit, an AI boyfriend or girlfriend, take them a Ted talk.
Always remember the specific niche interests of these natives they like things that are very niche and so sometimes asking them is actually the best thing to do. But make sure it’s something they’re passionate about not all of these natives live tech but they certainly are innovative.
Pisces/ 12H Venus
Seashell necklace, watercolour paints, fantasy book collection, their favourite mangas, handmade artwork, stained glass window art, dream interpretation book, flowerpedia book, vinyls, yoga mat, contact lenses, tickets to their favourite artist like mitski or the sort, create a playlist for them that’s about fantasy and imagination, they might like Disney consider taking them to Disneyland, windchime, subscription to mindfulness app, astrology book, go to the aquarium together, windchimes, art supplies, a dream journal, sound healing instruments, pay for their spiritual retreat, zen garden decor, a mystical music box, water fountain, take them to a mesmerising body of water, prayer mats, diary, write them a heartfelt letter of how amazing they are, take them to a nature retreat, wearable art
Dreamy imaginative gifts would be perfect for these people, they need gifts that allow them to appreciate their escape world where they have a reality that’s just better than here. Give them things that are as beautiful as their inner world.
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starastrologyy · 6 months
Composite Chart Notes 🪐
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Hi everyone, please do not copy or repost anything I write on other social media platforms :) I recently became aware of a Pinterest page reposting all my posts from TikTok/tumblr! I don’t have a Pinterest for my astrology blog :)
A composite Aries Rising, can often indicate a very active couple. They may enjoy partaking in various sports or various forms of physical activities together. However, they can appear to be a very argumentative couple, this is especially true of mars, mercury, or pluto squares the composite ascendant. Their conflicts can often be made public.
This is interesting because in terms of long-distance couples, I often see Uranus conjunct the descendent or Uranus in the 3rd house in their composite charts. A composite Sag or Aqua rising is also common in the charts of couples who are long distance.
The North Node in the composite 5th house can indicate a couple who have children together.
Another indication of a “hidden” or private relationship, is if the composite chart ruler is in the 12th house.
This is more of a personal anecdote, but I once had a man slide in my DMs on Instagram. We had mutual followers but I didn’t personally know him. Long story short, he just began offering to buy me things/send me money with nothing in return. Obviously I found that kind of suspicious as there’s usually a catch! He didn’t even push meeting me in person! We just kinda spoke online for a bit. I got his birth details and ran a synastry chart between us. We had no 2nd or 8th house overlays. However, his Jupiter did aspect my Sun (which explains why he was so generous towards me). I then took a look into our composite chart, and our composite Sun & Moon are both in the composite 2nd house! Additionally , the ruler of our composite ascendant is in the 8th. Which explains why our relationship is literally based on him sharing his resources with me, giving me money, and buying me things. Obviously not all relationships with this kind of configuration will play out like this, I just thought this was so interesting.
There can be elements of sexual idealizations in relationships where there are hard Mars-Neptune aspects in the composite chart. One or both people may feel as if they have met their “dream” sexual partner if the orb is particularly tight. However, once the illusion or initial “high” fades. This aspect can prove to be problematic in many ways. There can be deceptions and disappointments that start to manifest. Mars square Neptune is common to see in the charts of *affairs* or short lived sexual relationships. However, please remember the entire chart needs to be taken into consideration.
Couples who travel a lot together usually have significant 3rd and 9th house placements in the composite. Jupiter in the composite 9th, 3rd, or conjunct the composite Mercury can also indicate a couple that travels frequently.
A couple with Jupiter or Venus in the composite 7th house, can make very good business partners. Couples who have the ruler of their composite midheaven, in the 7th house, may also decide to go into business together.
My readings are still open for those interested ! The link is in my bio :)
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skz-streamer · 9 months
2023 VMA's
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Pairing: ot8 (skz) x fem!reader (9th member)
Genre: Fluff?, Crack? Idol Au
Warnings: suggestive kinda, a small mention of nudity with some outfits.
Notes: When I was watching the VMA's I KNEW I AHD TO DO SOMETHING. sooo here it is :) I realized I forgot to add their interview in here but whatever, also thing is literally all based off of Bongos because of their reactions to that performance LORDDD FUNNY AS HELL. so yea... im also insanely obsessed with them...
Summary: 2023 VMA's turned out to be a little funnier then you thought they would be.
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately face claims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count ~1.8k ;)
As the van pulled up to the annual 2023 VMA's, the excitement among you and your fellow members of Stray Kids was palpable. This was a momentous occasion, the first time the group had the privilege of attending the prestigious awards show. The energy in the vehicle was infectious, a mix of nervous anticipation and uncontainable joy.
Inside the van, you couldn't help but admire the transformation of your fellow members. They were all dressed to the nines, their stylish suits and glamorous ensembles adding to the aura of excitement that filled the air. Hyunjin, in particular, had undergone a striking change for the occasion. He sported a fresh undercut, a hairstyle he had been yearning to try for a long time. The change suited him perfectly, adding to his already striking appearance.
As the only female member of Stray Kids, you knew that all eyes would be on you, so you had taken extra care with your outfit. You were dressed in a stunning Lapel blazer top button slit skirt set, which you had carefully chosen for the occasion. The top was a sleek black with slightly puffed-out shoulders, a V-neck with a stylish collar, and two buttons at the bottom. It exuded confidence and sophistication. The skirt, on the other hand, was a bit more daring. It hugged your body tightly, emphasizing your curves. It featured a daring slit that ran from the middle of your thigh down to your ankles.
Your choice of outfit had raised some eyebrows, with both the stylists and some of the boys expressing concern that it might be showing too much skin. However, you were quick to defend your choice, reminding them that VMA fashion was all about pushing boundaries and making bold statements. Growing up in the United States, you had been a dedicated fan of the VMA's for as long as you could remember. You had spent years watching the show, voting online, and dreaming of the day when you would be a part of it. Now, that dream had become a reality, and you were determined to make a memorable entrance.
As the van rolled towards the VMA venue, the nervous tension among you and the boys was prominent. Small talk filled the air, a feeble attempt to ease the apprehension that gripped each of you. It was clear that this was a significant moment, one filled with both excitement and trepidation.
You could sense the jitters in the van, a stark contrast to the exuberance that had filled it earlier. The boys were fidgeting, adjusting their suits, and stealing glances at each other. You, too, had thought that stepping onto the pink carpet would dissolve your nervousness, but as the van pulled up and the doors swung open, you were greeted by a frenzy of flashing cameras and enthusiastic shouts.
Cameras flashed from every direction, capturing your every move. The carpet was a vibrant sea of celebrities, some of whom you had admired for years. Your heart raced as you recognized familiar faces, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of fangirling yourself. The sheer star power in the vicinity was overwhelming.
As you walked through the barricades and onto the pink carpet, you were swiftly directed to your designated spot, and the command to smile was given. Your outfit, though daring, suddenly seemed rather modest compared to some of the ensembles on display. Megan's netted, see-through dress and Cardi's low-cut attire were enough to make anyone do a double-take. The boys' jaws nearly hit the ground, especially when Jeongin accidentally bumped into Doja Cat, who was rocking an absolute see-through dress.
Jeongin stammered an apology, and Doja Cat simply smiled and continued on her way. The boys' expressions were priceless, a mixture of shock, amazement, and perhaps a touch of embarrassment. You couldn't help but at their shared amused look, one that communicated, "Did you see her outfit?!"
You didn't need words to convey your thoughts; you your raised eyebrow and rolled your eyes, the boys interpreting it as an “I told you so virgins”, one of your most used lines. The boys understood, and though they didn't say it out loud, their sheepish grins and laughter betrayed their astonishment. Clearly, they were not entirely prepared for the bold fashion choices that often graced the VMA pink carpet.
As you made your way inside the building and found your seats, you realized that you weren't in the front row, but you were still pretty close to the stage. The excitement continued to build within you as you looked around at the familiar faces in the audience. Growing up watching these artists and admiring their work, you couldn't wait for the performances to begin. The nerves from earlier had started to fade, replaced by a sense of anticipation and wonder.
The atmosphere inside the VMA venue was electric as you and the boys chatted excitedly before the performances began. You took the opportunity to introduce some of the artists to them, explaining their music and significance. While most of the artists were already familiar to the boys, you could tell they were particularly excited about Demi Lovato's performance. It wasn't a surprise, given that you had caught them listening to their music in the practice room on multiple occasions, either vibing or dancing.
You, on the other hand, were eagerly anticipating the performances by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Their recent collaboration on the song "Bongos" had become one of your favorites, and you couldn't wait to see if they would perform it live. You had a feeling it would be a showstopper.
The show began with NLE Choppa and Nelly, delivering a bold and energetic opening performance. The boys were starting to get into the groove of the VMA's, and you couldn't help but chuckle at some of their flustered moments during the performance, especially when there was some intense "ass-shaking" involved. It was undoubtedly a cultural difference they were experiencing.
As the night continued, you watched Olivia Rodrigo's performance, knowing that Felix was a fan of hers. You couldn't help but notice the reactions of your members to her high notes, particularly Han's expression of awe.
Then came the moment you had been waiting for—Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's performance of "Bongos." You knew that the boys were in for a surprise, especially with the explicit lyrics and slang used by the two artists. You were sitting next to Changbin, who seemed engrossed, a smirk playing on his lips. You were equally captivated by the performance, and you and Han matched each other's energy as you sang along to the lyrics. You were well-versed in the song, so you had no qualms about singing the explicit parts.
The boys' reactions were priceless. Felix and Chan, who were fluent in English, appeared somewhat surprised by the lyrics, but they couldn't look away from the mesmerizing performance. Jeongin's mouth hung open, and Hyunjin and Changbin were engrossed in a hushed conversation, probably trying to decipher some of the slang. It got so loud that toward the end, both Changbin and Hyunjin turned to face the wall, clearly flustered.
You couldn't resist teasing them, tapping their shoulders and playfully saying, "You don't gotta look away; their sexiness is part of the whole performance. It's the whole point." Your giggle and their embarrassed reactions were amusing.
Seungmin and Minho, although harder to see from your vantage point, likely had similar reactions. The whole scene was a mix of awe and embarrassment, and you couldn't help but laugh heartily at their expense.
The performance concluded with everyone turning back, their faces flushed red. You continued to chuckle and pat them on the shoulders, thoroughly entertained by their reactions. Han was right there with you, and the two of you had a blast throughout the entire performance.
When Demi Lovato took the stage, the boys went wild, fanboying over their incredible talent. It was a joy to witness their enthusiasm.
Later in the evening, awards were announced, and you and the boys engaged in random conversations. Your ears perked up when they discussed K-pop awards, and you paid close attention. You knew that TXT was also nominated and set to perform, so there was an element of nervousness in the air.
Then came the moment you least expected—they announced Stray Kids as the winners! It was your group! The shock initially left you in a daze, and you stumbled slightly on your way to the stage, but Changbin caught you, saving you from a potentially embarrassing fall.
Walking onto the stage with your fellow members, your mind felt fuzzy. Was this real? Chan and Felix took a few words, expressing gratitude and excitement. You chipped in with your thanks here and there, the elation clear in your voice.
----- Backstage
The anticipation backstage was palpable as your performance was up next. You couldn't contain your excitement, even though you had initially pitched a mashup of songs that you believed would be iconic. You had suggested blending "Hall of Fame," "S-Class," and "Super Bowl" into a medley, envisioning a performance that would leave a lasting impression. The combination of "Hall of Fame's" grandeur, the seductive whispers of "Super Bowl," and the catchy vibes of "S-Class" seemed like a recipe for an unforgettable show. However, it seemed that your idea had been outvoted, and the group settled on a remix instead.
Nonetheless, you were determined to give it your all. Backstage, you and your fellow Stray Kids members exchanged reassuring glances, a silent reminder that you were a team and that you had prepared for this moment together.
As you stepped onto the stage, the spotlight illuminated you, and the nerves threatened to shake you. Your heart pounded, but you focused on the task at hand. You were dressed in a short top with gold buttons, paired with shorts, and an undershirt with a yellow print that matched Han's outfit. The stage lights were blinding, but you pushed through the nerves.
The music started, and you gave it your all. Singing loudly and pouring all your energy into your dance moves, you felt the adrenaline rush through your veins. The crowd's cheers and screams were deafening, and that only fueled your determination. The energy in the venue was incredible, and it was a testament to the love and support of your fans.
As the performance reached its climax, you executed the choreography flawlessly, ending with a dramatic head tilt before turning your back to the audience. You were out of breath but exhilarated. It was a performance to remember, and the applause and cheers from the audience were music to your ears.
You resisted the urge to turn around and gauge the audience's reactions. Instead, you noticed Seungmin doing the same. Smiles exchanged between the two of you, a shared moment of pride and satisfaction. You both walked off the stage with the rest of the boys, following the well-rehearsed exit routine.
Despite the exhaustion, you felt a sense of accomplishment and euphoria. The performance had been tiring, but it had been worth it. The rush of being on stage, sharing your music with the world, and feeling the love from your fans was an experience like no other. You couldn't help but love every moment of it. The car ride home was gonna be fun.
Taglist: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-lee08 @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @staygirl86 @chlodavids
If you wanna be added click here :)
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copperbadge · 2 days
The UEFA European Championship, the "Euros", is a major soccer championship, with viewership second only to the World Cup. It's starting up this week and I decided to put a few bets on since a number of the Handsome Lads of AS Roma are playing in it along with my favorite Fire player, so I signed up with an online sports book that has a relatively user-friendly app.
(I can hear the "Sam, gambling can be super addictive" comments now and I agree but I promise you of my impulse control issues, gambling is not one of them. I am betting in $2 amounts for fun.)
One of the weird dualistic tensions of online gambling is that by law they have to do allllll this stuff to remind you that it can be addictive and help is available while also doing everything they can to suck you in deeper; social media has nothing on sports betting. There's a clock that tells you how long you've been in the app, which is meant to make sure you take breaks but is actually very stressful because I keep thinking it's timing me like I'm taking an exam; on the other hand it won't let you sort your bets by date so you can easily see what's coming next and then log off.
But I'm not here to talk about manipulative apps or betting or even footie. I'm here to talk about...
table tennis
Because one way they keep you on the site is to offer limited live streaming of sports you can bet on in real time and i miei amici, at the moment there is a table tennis championship tournament in progress.
It's like watching some kind of absurdist performance art unfold. You can see plenty of finals matches in nice venues with audiences and high res filming at YouTube, but what I am guessing are the prelims are played in a small rather dimly lit room with a single fixed camera at a distinctly "surveilling the inmates" angle. There's a game table, the two people playing, and a nearby desk where the referee sits. And then they play table tennis with the focused determination of military snipers.
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This is a screenshot of what is actually a nicer video than the streams at the sports book (which doesn't let you screenshot) but you get the idea.
Don't get me wrong, I respect table tennis as a sport requiring skill and dedication I don't personally possess. It's not the ping pong of it all that gets me. It's the weird utilitarian grimness of the visual, like it's footage from a military experiment in a dystopian thriller film. It's what I imagine the filmed aesthetic of the Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta would be.
I'm not betting on the games but I'm not gonna lie that I haven't watched a few matches. These men certainly come to win.
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world-of-wales · 3 months
Today, The Prince of Wales will meet 2022 Earthshot Winners Notpla at Oval Cricket Ground in London, to hear about a landmark contract they have secured with Levy UK + Ireland to extend the use of Notpla boxes to over 50 sporting and event venues across the UK & Ireland.
He will also attend an event on Monday celebrating The Earthshot Prize Launchpad, a new online matchmaking platform for Earthshot solutions that can be accessed by investors and philanthropists looking to co-invest and collaborate to bring environmental solutions to scale.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Vedic Astro Notes 1
Quick Note : This is an interpretation of many analysis I have researched and just one common theme of this placement thus only after analyzing your chart, concrete conclusion can be made.
Certified Astrologer
Remember if you don't know your Vedic Astrology Placement ➡️ Check here
⌞Mars (Mangala) in the 1st House⌝
⋆ This positioning signifies an unwavering determination, fearless demeanor, and confident character. Those with Mars in the 1st house possess innate leadership qualities, effortlessly taking charge of any situation. However, it is important for them to control their impulsive and aggressive tendencies. Their passionate temperament should be carefully managed to prevent conflicts or confrontations that could have adverse effects on themselves and those around them.
⋆ Their competitive nature makes them excel at sports or any activity requiring physical strength & endurance! They may struggle with anger management issues but with proper guidance from mentors/teachers they can learn how to manage their emotions effectively leading to success both personally & professionally!
⌞Venus (Shukra) Conjunct Saturn (Shani)⌝
⋆ This conjunction represents a sincere and dedicated approach to love and relationships, accompanied by patience and perseverance. It fosters enduring connections between partners. Individuals with this conjunction value traditional principles in relationships, prioritizing commitment over fleeting romantic encounters.
⋆ They are ideally suited for traditional marriages, where loyalty and fidelity hold great significance. Moreover, their willingness to share knowledge without any hint of arrogance makes them exceptional teachers and mentors. Their strong work ethic combined with discipline helps them achieve success in whatever field they choose be it academics or business ventures! However, they may struggle with emotional expression at times due to repressive nature but through therapy/counseling they can learn how to manage emotions effectively leading to overall well-being both mentally & physically.
⌞Mercury (Budha) Conjunct Jupiter (Guru)⌝
⋆ Signifies a powerful intellect combined with wisdom, resulting in remarkable achievements both academically and professionally. However, it is crucial to maintain consistent hard work and avoid succumbing to laziness caused by indulging in pleasure-seeking activities like gambling. Individuals blessed with this celestial combination excel in teaching and writing professions, as they have ample opportunities for growth and expansion through sharing their knowledge both online and offline.
⋆ Moreover, their extensive knowledge base and willingness to share information without any ego make them exceptional spiritual guides. Their exceptional communication skills enable them to effectively reach out to large audiences, making them ideal candidates for public speaking engagements or careers in media such as journalism or blogging.
⌞Mars (Mangala) in the 7th House⌝
⋆ The presence of Mars in the 7th house of a birth chart has a profound impact on relationships, offering a unique perspective on the dynamics of partnerships and marital life. Mars, known for its fiery energy, passion, and assertiveness, brings a strong sense of independence and courage to the realm of the 7th house, which governs marriage, partnerships, and even open enemies. When Mars takes residence in the 7th house, individuals are infused with a bold and dynamic approach to relationships. They possess a strong desire for equality, passion, and excitement in their romantic unions, making them proactive and fearless in pursuing their desires.
⋆ This placement also signifies a strong sexual energy and physical attraction in relationships. Those with Mars in the 7th house are often drawn to assertive, passionate, and physically active partners. However, it is important to note that Mars' fiery nature can sometimes lead to conflicts, power struggles, and a need for dominance in relationships. Individuals with Mars in the 7th house also tend to exhibit a competitive streak in their partnerships. They strive for equality and fairness in all interactions, and are not afraid to express their thoughts and stand up for their beliefs. However, this assertiveness can sometimes result in conflicts and misunderstandings if not channeled constructively.
⋆ By harnessing the energy of Mars in a balanced and constructive manner, individuals with this placement can cultivate strong and dynamic partnerships based on mutual respect, shared goals, and a willingness to communicate openly and compromise. Embracing these qualities can lead to fulfilling and harmonious relationships under the influence of Mars in the 7th house.
⌞Empty Houses of the Chart⌝
⋆ Empty houses in Vedic astrology hold significant meaning and potential, despite not being occupied by any planets. These vacant spaces possess subtle vibrations that shape an individual's experiences in different aspects of life. Let's explore a few examples to shed light on the impact of empty houses
Empty 4th House : Individuals with an empty 4th house may possess a strong sense of independence and self-reliance when it comes to matters of home and family. They seek emotional security and stability through inner strength and personal resilience, rather than relying on external sources.
Empty 8th House : Those with an empty 8th house navigate themes of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources in a more introspective and private manner. They approach deep emotional connections and financial matters with self-sufficiency and a desire for privacy.
Empty 12th House : People with an empty 12th house explore spiritual growth, solitude, and closure in unique ways. They find solace in introspection, meditation, and inner reflection, embracing the depths of their subconscious mind without external distractions.
These examples demonstrate how empty houses in a birth chart subtly influence an individual's approach to different areas of life, guiding them towards self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. By acknowledging the nuances of empty houses and embracing the hidden potentials within them, individuals can unlock a deeper understanding of their unique path and purpose in life.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message in its entirety. I sincerely hope that you found it enjoyable and engaging. Your support and attention are greatly appreciated.
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Asteroids you should check out in Solar Return chart part 1
Hii, i'm backk all :3
Before i start today's post, i'd like to thank each and everyone one of you who engaged with my last post! Your support means the world to me <33
I was really shy to start posting and i postponed it for a long time lol
Anyway, back to astro business🪐
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(The first asteroid observation is inspired by one of @a-d-nox post's)
🌹 Asteroids Orpheus (3361) and Eurydike (75) indicate the year you’re gonna get engaged or married.
If the aspect is positive (trine, sextile) then it indicates marrying one of your greatest loves, but it will eventually end in divorce. If the aspect is negative (opposite, square) then the marriage is doomed from the beginning and it will still end up in divorce. The girls (for some reason i noticed it's only relevant in your chart if you're a female? idk why tho) who don’t have an exact aspect (0-3 degree orb) between these 2 asteroids in any year in their solar return chart may still get married, but it won’t be a passionate love marriage and it’s much more likely for it to last a long time.
(For the next asteroids, check if they aspect SR Sun, Moon, ASC, DSC, IC, MC, Venus, Mars or Mercury)
⚰️ Having asteroid Grieve (4451) prominent in solar return chart indicates a year when someone important to you will die.
It gives you information about the way you process this person’s death. It may also indicate just a great loss, even if the person hasn’t died in the physical realm (for ex. a difficult break-up).
Story time! (nobody asked me lol)
Back in 2021 i used to talk with this guy online, we were in a "long-distance relationship" even if soon after i realised i just got attached to him strongly and i didn't actually have romantic feelings for him. It lasted around 5 months which is a lot for me (i've got Sagittarius Venus y'all, i'm noncommittal af). Even if i've been wanting for the relationship to end for a long time, when it actually ended, i had a very hard time moving on from him. Turns out i had Grieve conjunct my Sun in 3rd house that year, which was also opposing my 9th house Uranus. I'm honestly glad i'm over it now.
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⭐ I noticed nobody has been mentioning this asteroid yet, but having Zdislava (5275) proeminent in solar return chart is a big indicator of becoming famous that year.
Zdislava is a Czech girl name which literally translates to "created with glory". It is the feminine form of Zdislav, which was duke of Croatia in the late 9th century.
⭐ Of course, you can also check asteroid Fama (408) which is, well, self-explanatory.
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Mars would make you gain fame suddenly, basically wake up the next day famous lulz. You might also be known for your drive, never giving up attitude or you might become popular in the sport industry that year (it does depend on the sign it is in tho).
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Venus would make you famous for your looks. You will attract the attention of the opposite sex quite easily that year. You might also become famous in the fashion industry or in the arts.
That's all for today folks!! Soon i will start to give paid readings, so follow me if you don't wanna miss it <3
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astrojulia · 1 year
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When I started the astrology course I found out that you can be a researcher in the area and you can publish official works on any topic and here I am, already training for that. The logical thought behind this post was: we always liked games, when the first decks were produced it was crazy, so I encompassed all the planets for this. But of course I had some focal points, which were: Mercury talks about digital communication and logical reasoning; Mars speaks of sports and competitive activities; Uranus rules over electronics and gadgets; Neptune speaks of fantasy and imagination; 5th house is connected to all hobbies and 11th to technology and the online world. In the signs I focused on Aquarius, Gemini and Aries, but everyone can be included in this as well as the planets.
Neptune/Moon in the 5th house, Jupiter in 9th house, Cancer and Sagittarius placements may enjoy story games, with deeper characters they can relate to and become emotionally involved with the story. Suggested Games: Spiritfarer, The Last of Us.
Venus in the 11th house, like games that allow socialization and that everyone can have fun together: Suggested Games: Fall Guys, Mario Party.
Mercury in the 3rd and 11th house, likes games that allow interaction with other people but also allows you to lie/bluff in games to win: Suggested Games: Among Us.
Mars in 5th/11th house may like farm games. Suggested Games: Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher.
Mars in the 1st house, may enjoy games that allow them to express their individuality and create their own character. Sun/Pluto in the 8th house may enjoy activities that allow them to explore their own transformation and evolution, such as playing videogames that involve role-playing or creating and developing a character. Suggested games: Fallout, Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077.
Pluto/Scorpio in the 11th may like games with replayability since when they like a game it stays the same for several hours. Suggested games: Monster Hunter, Hades.
Sun/Venus in 5th may like music games. Suggested games: Project Diva, Just Dance.
Sun/Mercury in 5th also like games that allow them to create and use their creativity. Suggested games: Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Okami.
Uranus/Sun in 1st/11th likes activities that involves social groups and allow them to connect with others in a laid-back way. Suggested games: Stopots.
Saturn in the 10th house may enjoy activities that challenge them to improve and achieve mastery, Suggested games: Dark Souls.
Lilith in 10/11th house in women it can show that this girl has always been interested in games, but since she is a woman, she is not allowed to play because it is not seen as a woman thing (10th) or that she suffered so much hate for being a woman and playing online (11th) that she may play alone. Suggested Games: any single player that you like, really, just play girl.
Sun/Jupiter in the 9th may like open world/sandbox games where they can explore and see new horizons. Sun/Neptune in 12th house enjoy games that allow them to escape reality and tap into their creative and imaginative side. Suggest games: Death Stranding, Journey.
Mars/Sun/Mercury in Leo/Aries may like games that require quick reflexes and decision-making, they also like competitive games where there can be a number one. Suggest games: Mario Kart, .Forza.
Venus/Moon dominant have preference for games that have rich, immersive environments and a strong aesthetic. Suggested games: Gris.
Mercury dominant may like strategic thinking and problem-solving, such as puzzle games or strategy games. Suggest games: Alice Madness Returns, Portal 2.
Sun/Lilith/Moon in 8th house/Scorpio may like games that can shake with their emotional, talks about taboos and dense topics and changes their worldview. Suggested games: Disco Elysium.
Gemini/Virgo in 5th/11th house may like games that you need to quickly manage something or somewhere, like cooking simulators. Suggest games: Lemon Cake.
Sun/Venus/Libra/Pisces in the 5th/7th/11th house may love any dating simulator. Uranus in the 7th also would like some unconvencional dating games that which merges dating simulator with other types of gameplay. Suggest games: Dream Daddy, Boyfriend Dungeon, Arcana Famiglia.
Mercury in Capricorn/Virgo/10th house may like games that you need mastery and discipline, such as fighting games or games with steep learning curves, or just games that you can make combos. Suggest games: Devil May Cry, Bayonetta.
Mars in Aries/Sagittarius/Scorpio may like games where you can shoot things but also get involved with the history and the characters. Suggest games: Mass Effect.
Sun/Mercury in Gemini may like games where you can have different types of gameplay in just only one game. Suggest games: Yakuza.
Saturn/Moon/Venus in Cancer may like games with elements of caregiving or raising animals or characters. Suggest games: The Sims, Cult of the Lamb.
Pisces Sun/Neptune/Uranus can like games that explore mystical or supernatural themes. Suggest games: The Witcher, Silent Hill.
Where your Aquarius falls can also show what you generally look in a video game: 1st - character creation and first-person games; 2nd - games with an aesthetic you like; 3rd - games with many characters for you to meet; 4th - cozy games; 5th - rhythm games; 6th - life simulator games; 7th - dating simulator,co-op games; 8th - deep story games, +18 games; 9th - open world games; 10th - roguelike or city building games; 11th - online games; 12th - sandbox games
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Sun in the 6th house may enjoy games that involve organization and strategy, such as management or simulation games. Suggested games: Planet Zoo, Football Manager.
Moon in the 1st house may enjoy games that provide an emotional experience and allow them to explore their own feelings. Suggested games: Life is Strange.
Jupiter in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve exploration and discovery, with a focus on learning and expanding their knowledge. Suggested games: No Man's Sky, The Witness.
Mars in the 7th house may enjoy games action gamesthat involve teamwork and cooperation, such as multiplayer games or co-op campaigns. Suggested games: Left 4 Dead.
Saturn in the 11th house may enjoy games that require planning and strategy, and that involve long-term goals and rewards. Suggested games: Civilization VI, XCOM 2.
Uranus in the 5th house may enjoy games that are unconventional and challenge the status quo, with a focus on innovation and creativity. Suggested games: Katamari Damacy, Journey.
Neptune in the 7th house may enjoy games that allow them to escape reality and immerse themselves in a fantasy world, with a focus on exploration and discovery, as well some good interactions with the characters. Suggested games: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV.
Pluto in the 1st house may enjoy games that allow them to explore their own identity and transformation, with a focus on personal growth and development. Suggested games: Persona 5.
Sagittarius in the 5th/11th house may like games plataform games where the objetive is really clear, there can be challenges to achieve it, but what you need to do is straight foward. Suggested games: Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3.
Saturn in the 11th house may enjoy games that involve building and managing communities, such as city-building or simulation games that allow them see how this society grows. Suggested games: Cities: Skylines.
Pluto/Saturn/Mars in the 11th house may enjoy games where you cause mass destruction. Suggested Games: Plague Inc.
Sun/Pluto/Capricorn/Scorpio/Leo/Aries in 5th, may like games that allow them to feel powerful and in control, such as action or adventure games where they can take on challenging foes and overcome obstacles. Suggested games: God of War, Assassin's Creed.
Mars in the 11th house may enjoy games that require quick thinking and strategic planning, such as real-time strategy or fast-paced action games that test their reflexes. Suggested games: Starcraft II, Doom.
Jupiter in the 10th house may enjoy games that involve leadership and decision-making, such as management or simulation games that allow them to run their own company or organization. Suggested games: Two Point Hospital, Tropico.
Venus/Taurus/Libra/Pisces in the 1st house may enjoy games that allow them to express their creativity and unique style, such as fashion or art-based games that let them create their own designs and aesthetics. Suggested games: Style Savvy, Art Academy.
Mercury in the 1st house may enjoy games that involve problem-solving and critical thinking, such as puzzle or mystery games that challenge their intellect. Suggested games: Myst, The Witness.
Sun in the 11th house may enjoy games that involve socialization and teamwork, such as online multiplayer games that allow them to connect with others and work towards a common goal. Suggested games: Dead by Daylight, Identity V.
Sun/Mercury/Mars in the 3rd house may like mobile games that are simple to play and that you can play it while waiting for your bus, for example. Suggest games: Candy Crush.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 11th may like games that are simply chaotic and really different. Suggest games: Untitled Goose Game, Cruelty Squad.
Venus/Mars/Saturn/Virgo/Aries in the 6th house, Saturn in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve self-improvement and personal growth, such as fitness or education-based games. Suggested games: RingFit Adventure, Brain Age.
Mars/Jupiter/Sagittarius in the 9th house may enjoy games that involve exploration and adventure, such as RPGs or action games that allow them to travel to new worlds and discover new things. Suggested games: The Legend of Zelda.
Mercury/Gemini/Virgo/Aquarius in the 7th house may enjoy games that involve communication and collaboration, such as multiplayer games or co-op campaigns that require teamwork and strategy. Suggested games: Overcooked.
Saturn in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve discipline and focus, such as puzzle or strategy games that require patience and attention to detail. Suggested games: Tetris, Legends of Runeterra.
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Sources: PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart Futaba Render Template by sorberts on tumblr Template by minikyuns on deviantart
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 23
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Lilith in the 6th house tend to deal with harassment at the hands of coworkers of the opposite sex, especially if Chiron is aspected
-people with Aries mars will do something just because you said they couldn’t, that spite of theirs gets them into dangerous situations at times
-Sagittarius placements are always smiling, laughing and giggling about something including their misfortunes
-At worst, Pisces moons may have seen their mother as someone who was mentally unstable (delusional even), dishonest and unreliable
-at best, Pisces moons see their mother as someone gentle, giving, and attentive who could somehow sense exactly what was wrong with their child without directly being told
-People with aquarius Venus tend to dress in one of 2 main ways:
1• quite modest. Always look well put together but they rarely show a lot of skin or wear heavy makeup. Lots of neutral hues, much like a Capricorn Venus (Saturnian influence)
2• very experimental. Will mismatch different styles of clothing, crazy patterns and color pairings, statement pieces, borderline alt style (uranian influence)
-if you think Virgo placements are overly critical and judgy towards others, you should see how harsh they are with themselves. They beat themselves up mentally on a daily basis
-a Pisces moon in the 2nd house aspected with Uranus (yes I know that is oddly specific) can indicate that your mom had a gambling problem or was a shopping addict, so financially your household suffered
-having mars in the 9th house can literally indicate that you got into a lot of fights at school (physical or otherwise), or that you were in programs, clubs or sports teams that were very competitive
-people with Uranus in the 11th house tend to find it easier to make friends online than in real life and find comfort in anonymity
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kairologia · 10 months
Houses in traditional astrology.
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Instead of making separate posts for each house, I thought it’d be more judicious & practical to compile everything into one singular post for concision’s sake.
Some necessary contextualization before we get to the point:
— Most houses don’t represent personality traits or characteristics. They represent experiences & areas of your life. Your self in the more rudimentary sense of the term is the 1st house. Other houses can be other people, places, or experiences.
— The ascendant/1st house is you, not a “mask”, your “basic self”, a “facade” or a “superficial persona” it’s for the major part everything modern astrology believes the sun to be.
— The ascendant/1H representing you does not mean other placements cannot be relevant or resonant (as explained here), that’s an oversimplification and nothing in life is ever that simple. All elements in a chart matter, but to believe everything is a “me” indicators is far too reductive. This is especially relevant wrt appearance. While the 1H has higher than average chances of coming through when it comes to the visual aspect, there are other things that come into play — namely genetics, the Moon, the 2nd house, the IC, & the Ascendant Lord.
— There are 12 houses and 7 traditional planets. You will most certainly have empty houses — though inactive they are not. Even if there are no planets in a house, there will always be a planet ruling it and its themes will still hold significance to you & your life experiences, there just won’t be as much focus on them as there would be with houses containing planets.
— Signs don’t “naturally” rule houses. Aries does NOT signify the 1H unless you’re an Aries rising. In fact, “rulership” is something only planets can do. Not signs, not houses, just planets! The signs are a celestial system that shows HOW a planet’s energy expresses itself, whereas houses are a terrestial system that shows WHERE that energy is expressed (areas of life). You can read ABC house system debunks online, or wait for me to write one!
🪞 1st House 🪞
— Angular house
— Mercury’s joy
— “The Helm”
— Eastern horizon
— Horoskopos (hour marker)
— Inceptions
— Beginnings
— Life
— Body
— Appearance
— Personality
— Self & Identity
— Self Expression
— Vitality & Health
💰 2nd House 💰
— Succedent house
— “The Gate of Hades”
— Livelihood
— Prospects
— Desires
— Money & assets
— Physical posessions
— End of youth
— Financial affairs
— Time
— Value
— Materiality
— Ownership
— Sustenance
📜 3rd House 📜
— Cadent House
— The Moon’s joy
— “Goddess”
— Siblings
— Extended Relatives
— Short Distance Travel
— Religious sites & rites
— Places of worship
— Neighborhoods
— Small communities
— Communication & Writing
— School
— Learning
— Education
— Everyday life, routines
🪦 4th House 🪦
— Angular house
— Lowest angle of the chart
— “Subterranean”
— Family
— Parents
— Land
— Home & Property
— Privacy
— Secrets
— Roots & lineage
— Ancestry & genealogy
— Place(s) of Origin
— Inheritance
— The “past”
— Generational trauma
— Hidden treasures
— End of life
— Death & rituals surrounding it
— Endings
— Graveyards
— The Underground
🌹 5th House 🌹
— Succedent house
— Venus’ joy
— “Good Fortune”
— Romance
— Relationships
— Desire & Pleasure
— Praise & Worship
— Sexuality/Sex
— Creativity & Creation
— Art & artistic expression
— Children
— Charity
— Diplomacy & diplomats
— Pleasant pursuits & joy
— Gambling
🩸 6th House 🩸
— Cadent house
— Mars’ joy
— “Bad Fortune”
— Illness & Injury
— Health & Sickness
— Servitude
— Employees & subordinates
— Labor
— Work
— Sports
— Fighting
— Physical Harm
— Medical Professionals
— Herbalism & medicine
— Small animals & pets
⚖️ 7th House ⚖️
— Angular house
— “Setting” angle
— Marriage
— Spouse
— Partnerships
— Open enemies
— the “Other” (≠ of the self, the 1H)
— Commitments& agreements
— Confrontation
— Lawsuits
— Legal disputes
— Contracts
— Business
💸 8th House 💸
— Succedent house
— “Idle Place”
— Death & Endings
— Other people’s money & assets
— Debt
— Taxes
— Legacies
— Inheritance
— Grief
— Trauma
— Psychology & shadow work
— Shared resources & belongings
— Stagnation
— Fears
— Secrets
🔮 9th House 🔮
— Cadent house
— Joy of the Sun
— “God”
— Higher education & academic pursuits
— Pursuit of knowledge
— Teachers & professors
— Occult pursuits & faculties
— Religion
— Foreign places
— Long distance travel
— Pilgrimage
— Divination & Astrology
— Philosophy
— Dreams
— Prophecies
💼 10th House 💼
— Angular house
— “Midheaven”
— Highest angle of the chart
— Vocation
— Career
— Mother
— Fame
— Ambition & aspiration
— Recognition
— Influence
— The future
— Goals
— Social status
— Achievements
— Profession
— Public affairs
— Reputation
— Authority figures & leaders
— Government
— Social aspirations
🎉 11th House 🎉
— Succedent house
— Jupiter’s joy
— “Good Spirit”
— Friends
— Alliances
— Trust
— Emancipation
— Community
— Network
— Supporters & patrons
— Organizations
— Groups
— Mutual aid & support
🏥 12th House 🏥
— Cadent house
— Saturn’s joy
— ”Bad Spirit”
— Prior to birth: mother's labor
— Isolation
— Retreat
— Large animals
— Exile
— Rumors
— Misfortunes
— Envy
— Hidden enemies
— Betrayal
— (of Self or otherwise) Sabotage
— Mental health
— Restrictions
— Hospitals
— Incarceration
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
YIZHAN’S 06.29 HK Event ( A Summary ) ✨
As the title says, this will be a timeline of sorts around the show. It’s always a treat to see them in one place so the next step is really to archive the story behind it. A mix of events, cpns & fandom reflections.
The last part of this is more on my words on why ( i think ) they didn’t interact or even see each other at the event, if you’re interested in that, you can scroll down and skip the others.
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This is gonna be a long post, Enjoy! ^^
What is the event all about?
The name of the show is The Greater Bay Area Film Concert 2023 and the venue is in Hongkong. It is described as :
More than a hundred filmmakers, musicians, cultural and sports technology representatives from both sides of the Taiwan Strait as well as Hong Kong and Macao will gather on the banks of the Xiangjiang River to work together Write a new picture of Chinese-style modernization belonging to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
It is also a big event because it is broadcasted in multiple platforms:
CCTV 6 Movie Channel, Phoenix Satellite TV Chinese Channel, Phoenix Satellite TV Hong Kong Channel, Guangdong Satellite TV, Shenzhen Satellite TV, Radio Television Hong Kong, and Macao Radio and Television , Australia and Asia Satellite TV and other TV platforms live broadcast, China Central People's Broadcasting Corporation, Hong Kong TVB recorded and broadcast, movie channel Rong Media, 1905 Movie Network, Phoenix.com, Phoenix Show and other major media platforms of the whole network broadcast simultaneously.
I personally haven’t experienced an event they both attended — or actually even as individuals as endorsed as this. It is considered a “government” event and it would make sense that they will be present. Even if they are still considered “traffic” stars, this time, it works in their favor because they need the audience that these two will bring.
It is labeled as a “concert” but it’s truly a “party” for the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China. The actual date is 7/1, but this is a primer to that, and why it’s taking place in HK. This is a touchy subject so I won’t go into detail and i feel like a good number of us are happy to see them perform but at the same time knowing what this party is about makes us feel off. It’s always been a popular theory among turtles that our best bet for a same event and interaction is for a government approved celebration. This way, their fans will ( hopefully ) be in their best behavior.
The same sentiment was actually passed on to turtles the day before the event. Reminding that it’s not like the other shows where you can say whatever.
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Before the 629 Party:
By the last week of June, there were already some buzz surrounding the show and who will be attending. The most talked about being XZ & WYB. Melons were already releasing news about it but there were still talk about them not being in the same place.
It could be the same show but they will be in completely different places. It got cpfs excited, knowing how rough the past days were with all the YBO business, this is exactly what a lot of fans needed. some really positive news. Though there were some minor signs that all is well, a loud sign like this was so much better.
6.26, fans were talking about a potential double airport which turned out to not be true. However, this added fuel to the fire that they will both attend.
6.27 for cpfs was of course all about celebrating CQL’s 4th anniversary and well it was truly a special day. The weekend before, cpfs were already sharing face-to-face events and online materials on the actual day was a lot. It is the answer to the question of whether the cp fandom was already broken. The answer is a very loud No. Same day, Yubin also shared a video that showed a split second glimpse of them back in 2018 and eating hotpot. At this point, it was only a matter of time for them to be in the same event.
6.28, around 8:30 AM there were videos and then photos of XZ leaving and flying to HK. This lined up with melons that he will leave on this day. Even if there are no official announcements yet, it was the answer we were looking for. He was looking so good and his hair was tied up — which of course made us think of all the times they both had this style. the best. and also how they look so similar. twins!!!!
and well, how it is sort of similar to how lei yu’s hair was tied too in BTF.
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There is a speculation that he was really supposed to fly 629 but that information was leaked so they decided against it. Or they booked multiple flights. The reason is @ the airport, there was a video of ZZ looking through his bag when he was about to go to the gate and it seemed like he forgot important things. So his staff had to leave and get it. It leads us to believe that he may not be prepared to go on that flight in particular.
They were also on HS as attending. This goes to show how no one is over BJYX. lol. It still brings the heat, because of who they are as individuals and moreso as a pair. There are so many guests, a lot of them really well-know names to the general public but the entertainment blogs know who to talk about.
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10:00 & 10:15 AM Movie Channel weibo account announced the attendees and two very familiar faces are on it. The news we have all been waiting to hear has been confirmed.
It’s cute that the photos they used were from the recent Weibo Night. GG’s is what he used for the event poster.
11:25 AM Yibo-official shared that WYB is attending.
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Next up, the program list was revealed and ZZ & WYB are confirmed to be performing. WYB = Wuming OST and ZZ will sing Run Without Care.
An event like this takes careful planning and while i do believe that them attending is not about “pleasing cpfs” — it doesn’t take away the fact that it feels like a gift to us. the drama from the past days. cql 4th anniversary. The universe is on our side on this one.
2:00 PM - ZZ landed in Hongkong. 🛬
3:00 PM - XZS posts about ZZ attending
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In the evening, Movie Channel weibo account had a pre-show livestream related to the event and ZZ & WYB were talked about and evaluated.
6.29, at approximately 8:00 AM, Bobo is seen at the airport and is on his way to Shenzhen then to HK. Wearing a really cute Pokemon shirt!!!! People are saying he took this route cause he doesn’t want to be photographed by the public.
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The HS bringing them together is also trending so early, #7 on general HS and #11 on entertainment. Everyone is so excited! HK based media accounts on weibo are also joining in and posting about the event with the boys as the main photo.
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( these screenshots taken at the time of posting, however hours later, they were edited to include other acts in p2 especially. )
Some videos about them were also circling around, i don’t really think these are necessary cause it’s different when a cpf makes them and meant for the fandom audience compared to the “media”putting their own spin to it. Stuff like these are definitely a hit or miss and may be antis in disguise.
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Around 12nn, WYB is in Shenzhen and on the way to HK. His itinerary really caused the confusion before. cause people really thought there was another event in SZ cause why would he go that route.
BJYX was also on HS before the event. In the regular one, that high up, not even entertainment.
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6PM , WYB is seen attending the rehearsal for the show. There were also talks of how far they might be seated from each other.
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The program started 30 minutes earlier than the broadcast of 8:00 PM. That’s why the fancams were released way earlier. Yibo left right after his performance and didn’t spend that much time with the other guests/audience.
XZ was seen around 9PM, he spent time in the audience then performed as well. He also left right after.
Both of them were all over HS. moreso GG.
Media Compilation 📸
• XZ Studio
pre show photoshoot fire one | two
live photos
XZ’s performance of 潇洒走一回
• Yibo-Official
pre-show photoshoot b&w
live photos
WYB’s performance of Wuming
CPN clues here and there
1. The joint event is on a Thursday, and as we all know, Thursday is a good day to see you.
2. The song chosen for XZ was part of a record released back in 10-28-1991. It’s the same birth month & year as him, but the date is such a good coincidence. 28. Ai Bo ( Love Bo ) 🫶🏼
3. Emphasis on Yibo’s moles in one of the YBO photos. Bobo is known for other things physically but not really his moles, so it’s interesting how it was highlighted. A mole is really more of XZ’s thing so i can’t help but feel like there is something there 👀 ; a connection being made.
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4. I know some people were bummed that ZZ was not in the audience, or hasn’t even showed up at the tables when Bobo performed. Well, he missed alot too. It’s not like it was only Yibo’s.
Same thing with WYB leaving the event right after his performance. We know this is his usual MO but we had hopes anyway.
I know it’s heartbreaking but we have to focus on the positive that they are in the same event ! ✨we will get there, we just have to be patient and remember that their safety is the most important.
5. ZZ’s table mates are Yoshi ( WYB’s BTF co star and friend ) as well as Huang Bo ( WYB’s One and Only co star ). What a coincidence. 🫢🫢
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6. This photo from XZS. 📸 what a great shot considering WYB performed Wuming.
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7. Here we go again with their usual strategy of not posting at the same time when they are at an event. You can say that this was somehow coordinated by the people from the show. We noticed WYB was scheduled at the start to get traffic early, and then ZZ close to the last to get people to stay till the final hours.
However, XZS really posted and showed XZ after WYB’s performance of Wuming was broadcasted. The screenshot i’m posting shows Movie Channel posted at :52, but that’s a bit late cause minutes before that other accounts have already shared. Even me. I was uploading the Wuming performance here on tumblr when XZS popped up on my Weibo notification.
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Interpret it how you want, but the two are not here to “compete”.
A fan was able to see them shooting these materials 628, so they could have posted it anytime before the actual broadcast but didn’t.
8. Let’s go back to ZZ’s photos lol. It’s 18 photos uploaded but the actual number of shots is 33. What a good combination! Also his posting time is 20:50, or that can also be 8:50. 8/5. Yibo’s birthday 😭
9. The Movie Channel weibo accounted posted a video cut of their performance. Just them. And put a caption like “ it’s like the same stage” cause they did perform on the same stage, just at different times 😂 but then it was later edited out / deleted. Lol. Here is the video someone saved of the cut.
10. The IP address in ZZ’s video post is in Guangdong. Again, i’m not sure how these IPs work or if a staff is posting for him but the thing is this place is close to Shenzhen. WYB is rumored to be going from HK to Shenzhen again so who knows. It’s all CPN anyway ☺️
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11. ZZ’s pants, it has a heart that is outlined with a color green.
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There are probably more out there, but these are the interesting ones i’m including as of now. If some “big” ones show itself then i will just make a separate post on it. I find that the sweetest candies from events happen weeks or months later. When we get more “clues.” In the meantime i hope enjoyed these ones.
Personal thoughts on “not interacting” and the reality of being a BXG.
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I’m using this post/photos from one of my favorite BJYX fansite to start and give a general theme of what my stand is with this whole thing. “no need to prove it.”
I think most of us dare hoped, but the reality is, when it comes to same events with them, we should always manage our expectations. do not expect anything. There are some who are frustrated because of what they think ZZ/WYB should do or act around each other — as if we really have a say on that. As someone who has been on here for quite some time, it is a fact that being a BXG is hard. You don’t have to believe in BJYXSZD, but if you’re here to see cute interactions like how “CPs” do then this is not the fandom for you. It takes a whole lot of understanding of their status as celebrities and the toxicity between their solo fans as well as C-ent in general. Then add the whole 2*7 incident. Some may say it’s so easy to just interact and shut people up. No it’s not. Xiao Zhan is not just Xiao Zhan ; Wang Yibo is not just Wang Yibo. The reality is, at events like this, they are products. Both of them have millions or billions riding on them. So there you go. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks. I understand if people feel bummed — it’s okay to leave the CPF side of the fandom if that will be better for you. There is no shame in letting go if it only upsets you because fandom should make you happy. As I said, it takes a certain kind of person to stay and continue believing in them.
As CPFs, we should be kinder to them both. more understanding. not too demanding. We are the ones who are supposed to be on their side and know why they do certain things. It is tiring to be this selfless but it is what it is.
Now on to the more serious reason…
As I’ve mentioned above, this event is really not the “party” for entertainment everyone is making it out to be. It’s not an NYE program. It’s to celebrate the anniversary of HK’s return to China and you all know how that paints this as political. The same goes for celebrities who attended this event.
Both of them were already on HS leading up to it. HK media are focusing on them. Even during the event, the HS about them was so high up.
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This is why I think they decided to not give any chance for the public to see them in the same space. If ZZ was there, the camera will surely pan to him when WYB was performing. If not, there will be fancams and people will scrutinize every micro expressions. Their solo fans will be at war. and well basically, the event will be about them. It’s not the greater bay area film concert anymore. It’s the BOJUNYIXIAO REUNION SHOW. Which is something they don’t want. The “celebration” shouldn’t be about them at all. Tho the media used them to hype it up. At the end of the day, they don’t want and need that kind of attention. It’s okay when it’s about their performance but not anything else.
They want to be known as individuals and not as a “pairing” even tho a lot of people and not just cpfs are interested in what will happen if they go on the same stage and interact 😂😂😂😂 These two really act like a real celebrity couple in c-ent who don’t interact in events!
Right now, I’m really happy to see them onstage and get all the content. I’m comforted that they are in the same city and were basically MIA days before they popped up at the airport to leave so hopefully they get to spend more time together!
To my fellow bxgs who believe, stay strong! ♥️💛💚.
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starastrologyy · 11 months
Astrology Observations
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Uranus in the 6th house can indicate owning an exotic pet. The 6th house also represents pets and Uranus symbolizes all things unique and eccentric.
Pluto conjunct the Descendent of a solar return chart can indicate that you will be attracting a life-changing relationship or business partnership that year.
Something quite interesting I’ve observed about having your natal Venus conjunct your Ascendant is that it does not necessarily mean that you will be blessed with good looks (although you may very well be) It most often means that people find you like-able and graceful. People with their Venus conjunct Ascendant are generally well-liked by others. If they also have Mars or Pluto conjunct the ascendant this may not always be the case.
If you have your Mars conjunct your natal Lilith (black Moon) people may perceive you as being sexually promiscuous (even if this is not the case).
Something quite interesting about having Saturn conjunct Mars in a natal chart is that these people may struggle when in comes to expressing their anger. However, when they do it tends to be intense as they often repress many of their angry emotions until they erupt.
When you have Uranus transiting your 1st house you may make unexpected changes to your personality or physical appearance. Those around you will perceive you as being quite unpredictable or eccentric during this time.
If you have Neptune in your 9th house, you may be more susceptible to religious , philosophical or ideological manipulation. This is not because you are unintelligent, Neptune in our charts can show us where we tend to not always see things clearly.
If you have your own online business, you will likely see an increase in sales they year you have your solar return Jupiter in the 3rd or 11th house.
If you have the ruler of your midheaven placed in your 8th house you may work at a bank or in finance. Alternatively, you may work in the healing professions or in the occult.
It’s quite rare to find a Sagittarius Mars who hasn’t travelled abroad or had to travel frequently in their lives. (It is possible)
If you have Leo over your 5th house cusps you may be really well known for one of your hobbies or talents. In some cases there may be a lot of attention brought to your pregnancy (if you can have/want kids) or your children. Rihanna is a celebrity example of someone who has Leo on the 5th house cusp.
Something I’ve noticed with men who have Mars square Pluto in their natal charts is they tend to have really high sex drives. If this is not the case, they usually work out or participate in high impact sports such as rugby and football.
Couples who have easy (trine, sextile) aspects between Jupiter and Venus in their synastry tend to be very generous with each other. The generosity can also appear with the hard aspects. However, there may be a tendency to over-indulge or engage in risky behaviors together with the square or the opposition.
Interestingly, Venus opposite Moon in synastry actually works quite well. The opposition is known as a ‘hard aspect’. However, in this instance this aspect can create an “opposites attract” kind of dynamic. The dynamic between the two individuals is apt to be balanced and agreeable. However, if the couple has many other hard aspects between their planets, this aspect can increase the feelings of incompatibility between the two people.
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
12th House Signs
Part 1
Credit @moonastrogirl
Look at the sign of your 12th house and discover how you can use your 12th house the best way possible. Also look at the sign linked to the degree of your 12th house.
Next post will be on Part 2 💜
ARIES = 1, 13, 25°
TAURUS = 2, 14, 26°
GEMINI = 3, 15, 27°
CANCER = 4, 16, 28°
LEO = 5, 17, 29°
VIRGO = 6, 18°
Signs of 12th house
12th house in Aries
-> Ruler Mars
-> How to use your Aries 12th house at your advantage ?
What you are passionate and ambitious about is what you create.
Impulsive and agressive without knowing and attracting weird scenarios into your life is what makes your 12th house. Tho all that direct and straightforward energy can be useful to you. Use your subconscious drive and energy at your advantage. Be active physically. Do sports, express your aggressive side in a healthy way. So you can avoiding unpleasant circumstances and not be the victim of those who envy your strength. Maybe listen to affirmations from agressive coaches who are not afraid to curse you out while you are doing your morning jogging. Your subconscious mind would love it. Exhaust your body to reduce the mars energy present in your body and to avoid outburst of anger. Finally discipline your martian mind by following a strict routine or rules in what you want to achieve. Think military mindset. Use wisely and strategically your energy so you can become the leader you are meant to be.
12th house in Taurus
-> Ruler Venus
-> How to use your Taurus 12th house at your advantage ?
What you love deeply is what you create.
You are selfless and you are so generous that you can give anything to those you love. You love deeply and kindly. Plus you want everyone around you to feel safe and secure. However some people can take advantage of your generosity and kindness. The best thing for you is to redirect this kindness and generosity to yourself first. Redirect your love into self love, be a bit selfish with your generosity and love. Only give it to those who reciprocate it to you even tho no one can actually match your generosity. At least they can try. Let people show you they love you and make yourself a priority too. When you are alone, do all the things you love without overindulging in your guilty little pleasures, aka food, online shopping, food again. You are also deeply attached to those you love and it’s hard for you to let go of those attachments even after many times after a separation. Learn to detach from those who are no longer in your life to not make yourself stuck. Life can offer so much to someone so kind and generous as you are and you frankly deserve it.
12th house in Gemini
-> Ruler Mercury
-> How to use your Gemini 12th house at your advantage ?
What you think and say is what you create and attract.
Words, words, words… So many words in your head all the time. You don’t even have the breath necessary to say them all at the same time. The brain of an ADHD person so full of contrast and unpredictability. When spending time alone, talk to yourself, so much that you won’t have the need to talk more than necessary when you are around people. Because those words you might say without thinking are your subconscious mind playing its part in your life. Those words can also sometimes work against you in your life when interacting with people. You may find yourself gossiping and giving away secrets of people who have trusted you. So saying less to others will be best for you. Think twice before saying something or answering any question. (If you can’t really stop yourself from speaking in a moment then just talk around the subject without giving out important information.) These words can be so useful to you too ! You can use words to help yourself manifest the life you desire. Writing down, saying them out loud and saying your affirmations each day. The right use of your words can help your subconscious manifest and yourself evolve.
12th house in Cancer
-> Ruler Moon
-> How to use your Cancer 12th house at your advantage ?
What you feel you create and attract.
Your emotions and how much comfort you feel are important. You can be pretty comfortable with others’ emotions but yours ? It’s hard for you when you are alone and feeling all your emotions. It can be overwhelming. That’s why having a comfortable home can be useful to you. At home you need to feel safe, secure and free to sit with yourself and your emotions. Having a comfortable bed can help you deal with your 12th house. It can become your spiritual sanctuary where you can energise yourself and feel safe. Learn to identify your emotions and the messages they are sending you. Your emotions are your greatest teachers. Develop also your intuitive side and listen closely to everything you are feeling. Cancer energy is the high priestess energy in Tarot and also the chariot. So be spiritual and intuitive but also a leader who goes after what it’s meant for them. Plus you probably have healing abilities as you naturally enjoy helping and taking care of others.
12th house in Leo
-> Ruler Sun
-> How to use your Leo 12th house at your advantage ?
What brings you joy and warmth is what you create.
You are incredibly strong and capable and you hide it but if anyone starts messing around with you you show them. Why not learning to unleash your incredible potential for your own benefit instead of waiting for someone to challenge you ? Accept all the traits of your Leo 12th house and the amazing talents and gifts your 12th house is bringing to your personality. Be bold, be charismatic, charming and show your performances. Put on a show baby. Everyone wanna see it. You have to learn to put yourself out there, in front stage with all the lights on shining on your beautiful persona. Let the world see your inner light. Let it shine bright. We are waiting for you. However you may have some insecurities you have a hard time to accept and you probably have incredible dreams you don’t think you can achieve. Heal your insecurities and drawbacks. Tap into your heart chakra to heal yourself because Leo energy is heart chakra energy. Lean into your heart chakra and know that you can make all your dreams come true. Accept your whole being, have compassion for yourself and show up as your most authentic self.
12th house in Virgo
-> Ruler Mercury
-> How to use your Virgo 12th house at your advantage ?
What you think precisely and say is what you attract and create. 
Detail oriented, obsessed with strategising and reviewing plans before executing them. However you might be too judgmental with others and especially with yourself. Maybe working on being more comfortable with yourself might actually help you heal your inner self-judge. Then by using your words and incredible way of seeing details to further your creativity and your writing. That’s exactly what your subconscious mind need to do : to write words and specific details of anything you want to achieve. Journaling can be amazing for you to manifest a better reality for yourself. As mercury rules your 12th house, the use of affirmations can help you overcome any obstacle you may face when you are alone. Speak to yourself with words of kindness, healing and comfort your inner self to quit being so harsh on yourself.
Thank you for reading me and PART 2 is coming soon 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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ketsubankoya · 27 days
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This was the first season for the PWHL - the Professional Women's Hockey League.
Of course, as soon as I learned it was being formed I bought season tickets. Not only because I'm Minnesotan, although I was thrilled we got one of the league's first six teams. I wanted to show support, because I want the league to succeed. And hockey is pretty much the only sport I genuinely enjoy watching, if it's live.
Attendance at Minnesota's home games has been a mixed bag. Our team just won their first home games in the playoffs, so they've been getting some more media attention, and of course there are a lot of disparaging comments about the rows of empty seats. It's easy to look at the pictures and assume the league is a failure. It may even be easy for the team itself to look into the stands and feel they themselves are a failure, although I certainly hope not. There are a lot of factors that aren't obvious at a glance.
The Xcel Energy Center is huge. Minnesota is the only team that plays its home games in an NHL arena. It's a great show of support by the venue, but that's a ton of seats to fill. Many of the other teams' home games have been selling out, because their venues are smaller - in some cases too small. Playing at the X was perhaps a bit too optimistic, but we believe in the future of the league. And there have been games when we needed the extra seats.
To start with, the X groups all the sold tickets together on one side of the arena. It keeps the energy and the excitement up rather than having everyone spread out. If enough tickets are sold, they open up more sections. There have been games where we filled the entire lower bowl of the arena and some of the seats above. In particular, weekend games have been very well attended, with loads of families and youth teams in the stands. There are plenty of men, too, in pricey branded gear that keeps selling out. I dare anyone to say our crowd's energy isn't just as high as any other event's. There are signs and props and people in purple wigs and voices as loud as anywhere. And I will never tire of seeing all the young girls in their youth team's jerseys, from kindergarten kids to high schoolers, with PWHL temporary tattoos on their faces and the possibility of a pro career to aspire to.
The attendance at the playoff games has been disappointing, with the games being on weeknights and in conflict with other local sporting events. The ticket prices are higher and not part of the standard season ticket package. And honestly, Minnesota wasn't expected to get this far with the way they've been playing in the latter half of the season. (Their comeback in the playoffs has been amazing!) But the core crowd was still there, still as enthusiastic as ever, just grouped together on one side of the arena where they can't always be seen in photos or video clips. Still loud, still proud, still there to cheer on our ladies in purple, but out of view of the casual eye. It's been frustrating to try to take pictures that truly capture the spirit of the game when you're on the crowded side, in the thick of all the energy, but facing the empty side. It's been sad to see people online judging the team (and the league) based only on photos that happen to be facing the wrong way.
As in many things, it's all a matter of perspective.
If you ever feel like you're failing, maybe you're currently in a place not best suited to you. And if you feel like no one supports you, maybe you're looking in the wrong direction.
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