asanjou · 7 months
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we finished ooos!
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my mum knows about all my mutuals btw. she thinks ya’ll are rlly cool :]
she knows ya’ll for your artstyle’s/url’s lmao (she calls usernames urls i should say lmao)
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enthesea · 7 days
guys wait hold on. i was about to go to sleep for real but what if i got the winged lion as a full back tattoo.............
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tamagotchikgs · 2 days
the stark difference between the comments of dragon age cinematic trailer n my tl is fucking wild everyone hates it in there but is having so much fun w it on the other HBJA,,,, i am curious what the character models r actually gonna look like ingame but i thought it was so cool n fun i didnt think twice abt it until i scrolled down,,,, the games hav always had a silly vibe to them esp varric i dont think the tone is all that different n even moreso for an animated trailer. if they pull a "he's right behind me isnt he" in the game however i wil be . a lil
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sunlightsilence · 7 months
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Fanart of @waffletimeart's new sona! They had drawn something for me, so I wanted to pay them back so I drew this. If you like my art, check out more of it here!
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jungwookjins · 1 year
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viviskull · 11 months
Closed Starter with @lambfated​ - Ensnaring memories, entangled lives
When days went long and nights growing shorter every passing blink of your kingdom slowly growing in constant, there was hardly a date where anything changed beyond the occasional, strange visitor intruding on your lands.  Followers came and went.  Old faces that stuck around sometimes became dull with every game of knucklebones becoming more predictable without the wagering bets of coins growing higher.  Shrumy, Flinky, Klunko and even Bop, as much as you cherished the times you’ve spent with them as companions, often had foreseen strategies they sometimes relied on harshly, making things become tedious in some regard.  Maybe the oddball of a weird god coming down to wreak havoc on your lands did sometimes make things interesting for you, but every time they claimed to be a threat… They always fell from their throne without fail by your blade (excluding the few who’ve bested you yet).  They helped make your endless days at least something to work towards at the end of the day, but even then they get too carbon-copied for you after a while.
That was at least… Until you felt a new, raw striking energy prick against the dark hides of your skin; the natural twelfth sense of your crown making it all the more difficult to not pick up on, an oddly familiar intruder exploring your lands.  Why did it feel familiar, yet so distinct you couldn’t quite pinpoint it through why you hadn’t sensed it earlier that day?  Well, since you were in Anura anyway out on another crusade hunting for resources, it was a better chance than any to at least go check it out.  You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but.. it felt nearly like it was drawing you in like a cautious moth to a flame; softly familiar, yet unlike anything you’ve felt in a long time since your ascension.
As such, the more you fought through passing swarms of heretics and cut open paths in your advantage towards this strange presence, the stronger you could feel your crown cling just a bit tighter to the nest of your wool.  Odd, maybe even a bit concerning too.  Normally, it eagerly always responded to your every whim like an extra appendage, it never resisted your trains of thought before.  But the more you continued, the more you were struggling to even summon your weapon or even get an explosive curse of fervor to ward off the occasional enemy that came your way.  You’ve always known your crown was a mere being of its own, but this might’ve been pushing it with it getting vulnerable like this.  Sure, there’d been times the fallen Bishops had restrained your source of identity in some circumstances, however the main four had long since fallen into the cradle of your flock.
What if there had been one that hadn’t actively seeked you out?  Would there be any concrete reason they’d make themselves known now?  The signs of heretics flocking to a NEW power haven’t shown themselves yet.  However, who’s to say it wasn’t happening underground?  A rebellion was always in the works, you’d know from dissenters coming and going from your followers in turn.
Now that you thought about it a bit more, the rotting trees seemed more liver, growing more condensed and thicker together the closer you could feel this energy call out to you.  Anura was never known for its vibrant colors, when everything was naturally overtaken by the crimson reds of fungus and deadly bloom.  Bizarre as it is, at least you’d know this stranger wasn’t too far either.
Trudging, and maybe squeezing through some cracks in between there, through what you may to carry on to this curious energy, after what may’ve felt like ages to mortal… You find yourself in some grassy plains, a natural wide clearing that might’ve as well been Darkwood if you hadn’t kept track of your surroundings prior, and you weren’t alone.  Green as far as the eye could see; colorful flowers flourishing, blooming where they shouldn’t, dry grass looking freshly healthy as if turning from autumn straight to spring, and all these vivid colors leaning towards the very spirit you’ve been drawn to as well.  An unmistakable palette of various ocean tints and hues stands out from the horde of floral plants that seemed to crowd and bunch at the hem of their ruffled skirt.  Uncertainty buzzed about your senses, the familiar energy you’ve sensed before felt all the more overwhelming, but even when you’ve found the source of it you had to find out why they made your crown feel so dead then.  It'd be best to be cautious, however… they didn’t seem to notice you sneaking closer to them just yet.
Preoccupied with something you couldn’t make out from behind, their back remained turned towards you, and you could only assume they were working on something at best.  Perhaps this might’ve been fate yet again.  So close to another God, normally one would turn to the source of your hooves tiptopping against the wet grass.  Were they passive?  Or just oblivious to their surroundings, maybe deep in thought, even?
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A vague form of long hair that practically flowed from atop this being’s head to the very ground, the sparkling baby blue attracts your gaze with unnatural allure.  Nothing you’ve ever seen in these rather gruesome lands has come close to what you’re quietly witnessing then, an abnormal sight of beauty… One can’t help but stare with gentle awe.  It shined and glistened, yet no sunlight spilled forth through the treetops to tell it came natural.  It glowed.  Maybe it had been natural for this strange being, to find themselves here unbeknownst of the land's current ruler?  Whatever made it this way.. You couldn’t help yourself but take the beautiful sight in. 
However, the longer you studied it in full detail, you could feel a strange sensation of dull euphoria tickle against your chest.  The more you stared, images started to form in the places your eyes landed upon.  Images of you, of forgotten faces you couldn’t recall the names of, images of people who looked similar to you, things you don’t remember being there before, and suddenly… A gut-wrenching agony pierced your heart then.
The memories and screams quickly flooded in.
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Ooo I look at things too much but gosh finally drawing cat paws like real cat paws makes me so happy. Whenever I mess with or just study my own cat’s paws the shape of them always intrigued me, sorta like a diamond is but rounded with the little bit of claw never fully covered. It’s just so interesting. Idk if I want to keep the claws always out when I draw cats but it is fun, and makes it easier to remember how claws fully unsheathed would look like. Also started changing the eyes, muzzle, and ears to be slightly more realistic
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itsmesheep · 2 years
Kamen Rider Wizard is my favorite because not only does it have really interesting characters and a story about things that are important to me, at its core it focuses on what is truly important (sick fight scenes between cool looking monsters and a trenchcoat wearing gunslinger)
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kris-py-president · 6 months
Oh my GOD I would have been the cutest little goth baby. You don't understand. From the time I was first learning how to walk I pretended I was Abby from NCIS. LITERALLY. and mom thought 'oh that's so cute' without realizing the POTENTIAL I HAD to be a little GOTH KID. ARE YOU JOKING. she put me in those little plaid shorts and a pink tank top and said 'youll be normal when you grow up' LIKE NO MOM IM REPRESSED. YOU REPRESSED MY GOTHNESS. I WANTED TO BE LIKE ABBY AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME AND NOW I CAN NEVER BE THAT COOL EVER AGAIN.
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i hope you enjoy the speed paint :OOO!!!!
this post came across my feed again and i simply had to draw another
this post has the other drawings i made from it a little over a year ago. its really cool to see how my style has changed and how much more comfortable ive gotten drawing Sabo... given that i... had been non-stop drawing him for an entire year. You know how it is.
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n0ts0surel0ck · 13 days
Just to put my two cents in on the whole no Johnlock in Podlock situation;
There’s no one correct way to interpret the Holmes/Watson relationship. It feels very clearly queer to me because I am a queer person who is attached to these stories. Others might not interpret it that way. That doesn’t mean they’re wrong or I’m wrong. Just ya know. Two different people interpreting a character in the public domain.
Something that encouraged me is that Joel said they had no plans for any of the main three to get together. I was nervous, especially after the Gloria Scott that we were heading for John/Mariana territory (which, to be clear, I do like them together. Marianna is just so cool. I know she’s a stand in for Mrs. Hudson of course, but I think she’s also a stand in for Mary Morsten and the best portrayal of her I’ve seen so far. I wouldn’t be upset, per se about these two being together, it’s just…. Another straight romance for John isn’t really breaking new ground).
I really hope that the Podlock team sticks to their guns here. I quite like the idea of a strictly serialized set of stories, with three characters who clearly share love for each other. Because they don’t have any intentions of giving any of them a romance, it means we as an audience can fill in the blanks for ourselves. Yes, we want clear explicit queer representation. But I don’t think Sherlock & Co. has to be that, ya know?
Me personally, I will be listening to the episodes and knowing that the three of them are doing it sloppy style in between cuts. You, other nebulous listener, can cast them as sexless crime solving creatures. You, other nebulous listener, can make Johnlock canon for you. Idk man. This isn’t BBC Sherlock. I don’t feel like the Podlock team is dangling a queer love story in front of us and snatching it away at the last second.
I think Joel and the team saying explicitly here at the beginning that Johnlock isn’t the plan is actually like… really nice. They could get a lot of listeners by going “ooo maybe John and Sherlock will kiss this episode you don’t know!!” Instead, they’re giving their queer audience the respect they deserve by saying “that isn’t the textual story we’re telling, but if you want to read it’s subtext that way, they belong to us as much as they do to us.”
I just really respect that, I guess.
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strwberri-milk · 13 days
Ooo! I saw that u were looking for lnds requests<33 don't mind if I do!
If you can- I'd like to request for zayne and rafayel if you don't mind- with a fem!reader That's high maintenance(with the skincare routine or hair, body care. Like the girly girls) who's had this mindset of "gotta work hard because my lifestyle is too expensive for me". They're also like to compliment other girls and call them pet names like "sweetie, babe, sweetheart, etc."
I just like to know how'd they treat if MC was like that-
Take your time and drink water! Love ya♡♡♡
tbh its girls like this that singlehandedly rescue me from my own internalised misogyny one sweet word at a time
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Zayne likes that you have consistent routines that you follow and ambition to work hard. It's similar to the way that he lives his life so it's attractive to him to have someone who models the same principles he lives by. However, just know that nothing is too expensive for him if it comes to you. He doesn't want to see you work yourself into the ground to afford something that he knows you more than deserve and he will routinely surprise you with supplies if you start running low.
He's also a little afraid to ruin anything if you've finished your daily glam. He'll be careful not to get too close to your face or hair, knowing that you work hard to present yourself in a way that makes you feel the most beautiful and he'd be very disappointed with himself if he somehow messed it up. You tease him sometimes about it, telling him that it's not a big deal and he doesn't need to treat you like you're fragile.
Not only that but he loves how big your heart is. You go out of your way to make other people's days and he can't help but smile whenever you excitedly run over to tell someone that you think their shirt is cool or that you love their shoes. Knowing that he's the recipient of love from someone as kind as you always brightens his day and he'll never tire of hearing you tell him about your day and all the people you met.
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Rafayel is very similar. He doesn't have an intensive skin care routine but it's definitely there and he is particular about the way his hair looks on certain days. He's primarily picky about how his clothes work so sometimes getting out of the house can be an endeavour for the both of you if neither of you can find exactly the right outfit that you want to wear.
He's nowhere near as friendly as you are but can come off as flirty which means his interactions with strangers is a little different than yours. He never uses pet names for people that can be skewed as something romantic - that's just not his style personally. He doesn't always get upset when you use pet names for strangers but if it's one he decides is specifically his - either a reference to him or just your favourite pet name for him - then he'll get pouty and refuse to give you attention until 1) he cracks or 2) you promise to not use that name with other people. It's always playful and you know he isn't really genuinely upset about it but you do try to keep his preferences in mind because you'd hate to actually hurt his feelings.
Similarly to Zayne nothing is too expensive for him. He doesn't mind that you work hard but he doesn't want you to neglect other aspects of your life to afford the things you like. He'll routinely buy refills for supplies you're running low on or new ones that you've been eyeing. He's definitely the type of boyfriend who'll pay for your nails and hair if you just breathe a word of it towards him without thinking - and give you more than enough to tip the staff.
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impyssadobsessions · 3 months
Because of you, I'm thinking about a Camp Camp Danny Phantom crossover. Like, 10-year-old Danny being signed up for ... say his parents signed him up for Ghost Hunting Camp and he spends the whole summer trying to convince the other campers he's there for space/engineering/any camp that isn't ghost camp only for the counselors to take him to spooky island to get proof of a ghost for his parents. They have a couple fake Scooby-Doo style ghost mysteries, until they do meet Jasper and get proof - but it's too distorted so they pull another photoshop like they did with space kid
AMFG YESSSSSS Danny would so try not to say what his actual camp is XD Also imagine his puns getting on max's nerves a little LOL Ooo but XDDD The photoshop pic... imagine whole time danny begging please dont. You don't need to do that. Oooo David dressing up in a sheet to be the ghost.. but then they capture jasper instead. XD imagine it ends on David like... was... that jasper? O A O Horror on his face as the others like okay let's get the hell out of here. Danny happy its over. XD <3 This idea is cool~~~~ >w< fucking love camp camp.
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jungwookjins · 2 years
221126 fanmeet — 'bad' by christopher cover (cr. @OOOMilliaMOOO on twt)
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littledigits · 6 months
Hi! I absolutely love your work and your art style (and I think Hilda is one of the best animated shows ever made!!) I want to dip my toe into drawing, mainly because I want to be able to do little sketchy character drawings for my D&D campaign lol. Is there any particular book or course you might recommend for getting started? Thank you!
thank you so much ! <3
I would say if you want to start drawing , do whatever makes it accessible and fun for you to start. I cant go hardcore into learning, i need some indulgence to keep it fun.
Its hard for me to recommend anything off the top of my head. there is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF OUT THERE NOW ADAYS. also you may look at a book or a course and the way its explained wont make sense to you, but someone else could put it a different way and it could click better! Everyone has a different workflow and different methods, so what i'd recommend is just poke around in some youtube videos and just watch a few beginner ones, see what methods you vibe with. But at the end of the day do what you feel like is most fun and dont sweat the details
DONT BE AFRAID TO REFRENCE THINGS! When I was in school for animation, one of the first things you did to learn to draw on model was draw overtop of the model sheet and break down the proportions. (how many 'heads' tall is it , how many 'eyes' wide is the face). If you see a style you like, learn from it !
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Drawing overtop of a character and breaking it down is a great exercise if there is a style you want to mimic. Understanding the proportions helps because then when you draw, if it looks -off- you can test out your own . Who knows, maybe you accidentally made the body too long or short! People are afraid to trace or draw over, but its a great exercise as long as you dont take credit, especially if you're not just doing it for something to look pretty but you want to *understand* how it was done. This helps a lot in building your own style ! my style is a mish mash of everything i've loved and worked on over the years, and it changes over time. So if you see something and you're like 'ooo thats COOL how did they do it' , save it , break it down , maybe you'll learn a few new things !
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also I recommend to start with simple shapes ! I put some screen captures from rough sketches that Scott Lewis did, who is a senior animator on hilda. Even as an experienced animator he knows how important the fundamentals are (which is why hes good at his job haha). I think if you want to do fun sketchy things for DND , keeping it simple is the way to go :) you'd be surprised how much expression you can get out of shapes ! I hope this helps you get started on drawing all the endless DND shenanigans that I'm sure live in your head :D .
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