#Norther Water Tribe
justthoughts1310 · 3 months
Sokka may not be a misogynist, but the Netflix live action ATLA is:
There really is no cartoon/anime for female empowerment like the OG ATLA and LOK cartoons.
The creators of ATLA wrote the manifesto on how to create a masterful series on female empowerment and equality that is not cheesy or hocky.
In this show, women and girls are not a monolith but immensely diverse. There's no correct way to be a powerful, talented and bold woman or girl within the avatar universe.
You can be hyper-feminine like Ty Lee and Asami.
You can embody more traditionally masculine qualities like Korra and Toph.
Or you could just be a typical woman or girl falling more in between like Azula, Mai, or Suki.
You see the exact same thing for the male characters. There's no right way to be a man. There's many ways to be a man, and this idea flies in the face of patriarchy.
I say that the Netflix version is misogynist, because it's not enough to be a powerful woman. One must be allowed to be unapologetically, unabashedly and boldy powerful.
Which is what happens in the OG ATLA. Sokka's misogyny was actually a part of his character arc, because every time he was misogynist his misogyny was met with the answer that women and girls are phenomenal, that women and girls are living their lives and largely unconcerned with the opinions of men.
If you read the Kiyoshi novels, you learn that surprisingly enough, the least patriarchal amd misogynist nation in all of Avatar is the fire nation, and the misogynistic nation in all of Avatar is the northern water tribe.
The reason I say that the women in these shows are unabashedly powerful is because aside from Sokka and the master from the Northern Water tribe, no one ever questions why or how they are powerful. They expect it.
Zuko is Ozai's first born son, yet Azula is his pride. When Ozai imagines the future, he imagines it with Azula as the fire lord. He names her after his father. He trusts her to go find the avatar once he knows the avatar has returned.
Sokka and Katara effectively lost both of their parents, but Katara the youngest steps up as the mother and becomes the glue of the group. She's the one who becomes both an immensely powerful bender and healer.
Suki loves Sokka, but when we are introduced to her. She is unconcerned with him. Her and the other Kiyoshi warriors are the protectors of the village who go out into the world to do good into the world.
We see the revseral of all of these tenants in the Netflix show.
Ozai has hope for Zuko at the expense of Azula who he sees as a nuisance. She is no longer am obvious prodigy.
Katara is seen as a child who will not grow up by her brother who is now behaving as a father figure.
Suki is infatuated with Sokka and she follows him around Kiyoshi island when he arrives.
These woman are powerful but restrained and undermined in this power. Suki becomes concerned with the opinions of a man, and a random man at that.
What the OG ATLA taught to all women, girls, boys and men is that you never have to apologize for being powerful, intelligent, kind empathetic.
This is a very critical point that cuts to the heart of the OG ATLA that Netflix has missed.
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katydoodles · 1 year
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I have this headcanon that Yue sleepwalks on full moons and new moons
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locuas642 · 4 months
Friendly reminder that the "iffy" things in ATLA were things made on purpose with the intent of the characters addressing them and fighting them.
Sokka's Sexism wasn't a random thing added because it was funny. It was a legit character flaw that he was consistently called for and, most importantly, he needed to overcome so he could be a better person and warrior. And yes, to tell those who related to Sokka "But also hear this, Women are human beings too".
The Misogyny Katara faced in the norther Water Tribe wasn't there for the sake of having Misogyny, it existed for it to be pointed out and say "this is wrong" and to fight for changing it.
Because none of the four nations were perfect, and as important as it was to stop the Fire Nation, it was equally important to fight these "minor" injustices whenever they found them.
And I will say it, this is the same reason why the Korra comics confirmed that Homophobia existed in the universe of ATLA
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highlyentropicmind · 8 months
Why there are no religions in the world of "The last airbender"
The worldbuilding of ATLA is surprisingly deep and well thought out, well, up until season 2 of Korra, and even then it's mostly good
There are nations, cultures, philosophies, histories, secret societies... But you may have noticed there are no religions
"But there are temples!" you say, and you are right, there are temples to the Avatar full of monk and nuns, as well as the whole Air Nomad society which is a like huge religious order
But consider this, when Aang or Korra visited the temples to the Avatar the monks there were... Fine, they were glad the Avatar had visited, but they didn't fall the ground in veneration, they didn't fall in ecstasy at the presence of their deity. Only one person ever does in the entire series: The mouth foam guy
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And remember, the Avatar is the chosen one of Raava, the embodiment of Order itself who fought against Vaatu to ensure the existence and prosperity of life
Raava IS a God by any definition of the word, and she is linked to the Avatar by her promise: "We will be together through ALL of your lifetimes, and we will NEVER give up", which basically enshrines the Avatar as demigod
And all of this is not a metaphor, this is history, it actually happened in the world of the story, and this is the reason why there are no religions in the world of ATLA
When the people of the Norther Water tribe tell you those weird fishes are literally the Moon and the Ocean, they mean it, this is literal truth. Maybe humans cannot fully understand how this works, but no one can deny it is true
If a forest burns down you can fully expect the spirit of the forest to manifest and attack people. If someone tells you the Lady of the Water is around doing vigilante justice, you take it seriously. The library of Wan Shi Tong is real, and Koh could steal your face if you run into him
My point is that the truth about the spiritual world is not up to debate in this world, and this makes people interact with the spiritual and the divine in a different way
For starters, people know they have souls, they know the reincarnate, this is a verifiable truth of the universe
For this reason when they think of the spirits they are not thinking of something that is fundamentally different to them, because people are spirits too, spirits that take physical bodies, much like the Moon and the Ocean
Some spirits are more powerful than others, but this is a gradient, and spirits can move up or down, so the difference between a God and a Spirit is kinda blurry. After all, Raava became incredibly weak before fusing with the spirit of Wan
And sure, a powerful spirit could abuse its power, but then other spirits could join to stop them, like what happened with Vaatu
And finally spirits are 99% of the time doing their own shit and they don't care too much about the physical world
All of this adds up to a worldview in which the word "worship" is meaningless. You wouldn't worship a forest spirit anymore than you would worship the city mayor. Maybe you should respect them, sometimes you should fear them, but you would never adore them
So what about the temples?
It seems that some people want to live simple lives contemplating the mysteries of the universe, and that's what temples and monasteries are for. But this life doesn't require the worship of anything
Sure, the Avatar is an example of the mysteries of the universe they wish to understand, like the primordial spirits, and reincarnation, but when you think about it, everything and everyone is an example of those mysteries. They are all spirits in the universe after all
Finally the Air Nomad society looks very religious, but when you think about it they are close as atheistic as you can get in a world were a God is literally always walking the Earth
The Air Nomads wish to be free from attachment, to escape the cycle of birth and rebirth, to stop being spirits and exit this place inhabited by mortal beings AND spiritual beings. The Air Nomads reject both the physical and the spiritual world because they wish to transcend both
This reveals something very interesting about our own world: Religions can only exist as we know them because we are not sure of any of their claims
Edit: I've thought of a better way to express my ideas on this subject, but you can see what I had originally written at the end
Try to imagine if any of the doctrines of Christianity or Islam would make sense if people were absolutely sure they are true
Take faith for example, both religions insist faith is necessary for salvation, but if people were sure that these religions are true, what's the point of faith?
Take halal eating, a set of rules to eat without sin. If people were sure Islam is true, would there be any virtue in eating halal? It would be like not putting a metal fork in an electric socket. It doesn't make you a good person, just a person who understands how the universe works
In fact, going to church, or the mosque, praying, doing all the rituals, would be empty, meaningless. Humanity just got told what are the electric sockets of the soul and we avoid them
Without uncertainty, none of these doctrines have any value
And yet, that's not universal. It is possible to have doctrines whose moral value is independent of any uncertainty, for example, Utilitarianism, Kanthian Ethics, or even some sects of Buddhism that don't teach anything about reincarnation or celestial beings
In the world of ATLA people and spirits would have no option but to follow similar doctrines, finding value in the suffering or joy we know we put into the world, into the universality of our actions, or into our perception of ourselves and our place in the universe. In fact, this is exactly what the Air Nomad society is all about
I guess, my conclusion is that religion, at least the way most people live it, needs uncertainty. We can imagine world were people are certain about the truth of religion, and in those worlds religion becomes empty
But that there are other doctrines that don't need uncertainty, and perhaps, we should focus on them more
Religions require faith, they require dogma, they create a cosmology and then they create disagreement when you find someone with a different cosmology, and they require constant effort to maintain people in the religion
Often religious people like to claim their religious is logical and obvious, that everyone would believe and be convinced if they just stopped resisting, but if this was the case, if people actually knew how the spiritual world works, it wouldn't be a big deal. It would be like gravity, or rain
Most major faiths repeat over and over how important faith is, but if people were actually sure, faith wouldn't be important. People don't have faith in the Avatar anymore than they have faith in their friends
I'm thinking about writing a story where an Abrahamic style god reveals itself constantly, so that no one can have any doubts, en explore how such a world would function
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random-fandom142 · 8 months
Alright I have decided that ALTA is my current hyperfixation after seeing so many videos on TikTok and Twitter (will NEVER call it X). Therefore, I drafted an entire timeline for the show with aged-up characters and Zutara endgame. Without further ado here is my idea:
Zuko – 16 (original) => 18/22
Sokka – 15 (original) => 17/21
Katara – 14 (original) => 16/20
Aang – 12 (original) => 14/18
Toph – 12 (original) => 14/18,
Suki – 15 (original) => 17/21
Azula – 14 (original) => 16/20
Winter Solstice (1st half of S1) – characters two years older
Same start as the show, Aang is told of Sozins Comet by Roku, of the power it holds and the destruction it left the last time it was over the world.
Norther Water Tribe (2nd half of S1)
This might take a little longer than in the show mainly bc the group stays in the NWT longer; they stay closer to eight months allowing Katara to surpass Pakku in waterbending (misogyny is still there). Sokka also is able to flex his brain muslces a bit more in military tactics by being part of the planning of dealing with the FN and how the NWT is gonna help (he gets them to send benders to where their father might be). Princess Yue still becomes the moon spirit…she in fact helps out Katara and Aang later on in the series. Zuko and Iroh have the same storylines happening, however, they might have a small head start being fugitives within the Earth Kingdom, Zuko starts some of his journey as the trio is still in the NWT.
Timeline is a year.
Earthbender Teacher (1st half of S2) – characters three years older (takes place over six months)
Same concept as the show, might have prolonged the moves around the Earth Kingdom closer six months. Think of them spending a few weeks in each location that they can with the added benefit of Azula/Ty Lee/Mai hunting them down. During the Anti-Avatar Day doesn’t get solved in a day but over a few weeks, the villagers are mad and they wish to be assholes. Plus they chase our Sokka and Katara after they arrest Aang, this forces the siblings to have a heart-to-heart about what they are doing. Once they get Aang back, they continue on like normal and meet Toph who is still the Blind Bandit, she is 13 when they meet. The talk with her family is a bit more uptight and formal, think nobility that thinks they are royalty and not just rich merchants (add an additional month onto this). Still run into Zuko/Iroh/Azula and have the BEST scene ever. Appa being taken still happens, Katara has to stop Aang in the Avatar State…the solar eclipse they discover takes place in a year.
Journey to Ba Sing Se (2nd half of S2) – takes place over eight months
Glaring difference is that Toph discovers Iroh and Zuko in the Lower Ring with their tea shop. She is unsure about what to do until Iroh sits down with her for some tea and explains things to her. From there everything else happens at a much slower pace, the King will still not see them, the Dai Li are still an evil organization, Azula still takes over Ba Sing Se, Zuko still betrays Katara in the catacombs, Aang is still killed, and Iroh is still taken prisoner.
Timeline is a year.
Road to Invasion (1st half of S3) – take places over a year
Aang is out for five months after being shot with lightning, the group hides in with the FN population. Katara becomes the Painted Lady, however, none of the group learns of her activities and she maintains the persona well after. She runs into the Blue Spirit along their stint across the FN. Zuko was brought back as a hero and then sent on a tour of some of the colonies closest to the FN where he maintains his Blue Spirit persona. Tour isn’t super long but during that time he learns this isn’t what he wants, Mai also is understanding and leaves with Ty Lee during the Day of the Black Sun arc. He also knows the Avatar is still alive (boy isn’t that stupid but he is still angsty). Katara still learns bloodbending, she is more harden in this version and she promises Aang not to do it anymore BUT she also takes a moment to think things over at night.
Sozin’s Comet (2nd half of S3) – takes place over a year
Same start to this arc. Zuko isn’t as awkward, but he still has trouble explaining what he means (boy is GUILTY). Katara still threatens to kill him. Instead of Combustion Man, FN soldiers find them bc Ozai told them to trail Zuko when he left to kill him. He saves the Gaang and starts to become his teacher. Boiling Rock happens bc of course it does but it takes place over an entire month, only this time Azula doesn’t have Mai and Ty Lee with her, she just had soldiers to help catch them. Zuko starts to see his sister slipping a bit (we still getting the Angi Kai though, Azula will just be a little more unstable). Southern Raiders happens and Katara kills the man bc he wasn’t that weak and defenseless as the show made it. Ember Island takes place over six months. Aang leaves soon after the Ember Island Players, for the first time (give it two weeks where he starts to work through his emotional intelligence). Aang with leave again, a month before the Comet which will have everything happen as it should. Ozai defeated, Azula defeated, Ba Sing Se reclaimed.
Timeline is two years.
Total timeline is four years.
Fifth Peace Summit – takes place over three weeks
Zuko – Fire Lord, 27
Sokka – Future Cheif of Southern Water Tribe, 26
Katara – Master Waterbender, Mater Healer, Ambassador for the Southern Water Tribe, 25
Suki – Head of Fire Lord Zuko’s Security Detail, Kyoshi Warrior Captain, 26
Toph – Beifong heiress, Master Earthbender, Master Metalbender, Creator of Beifong Metalbending Academy, 23
Aang – Avatar, Peacekeeper, Ambassador for the Air Nomads, 23
Azula – Fire Nation Princess, 25
Ursa – Fire Lady, age unknown
Iroh – Retired General, Fire Nation Councilman, Tea Shop Owner, age unknown
Zuko and Katara had a moment at Ember Island but once the war ended, they decided to work on their nations, to help bring about peace. They have not seen each other besides at the summits for the last four years, during the first year Katara stayed at the palace for six months healing Zuko’s new scar but left soon after to go back to the SWT to bridge the gap between the NWT. They have spoken via letters, spoke about their frustrations, dreams, and desires that they have for the new world. Their unspoken desire for each other has not faltered over the years and in fact was flamed via their written correspondence. While no one knew about their moment on Ember Island, their friends and family were not blind to what was going on between them.
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risibledeer · 2 months
where would Lizzie fit into your avatar au? And do you have a tag for it?
ohhhhhh ok here we go - i'm so flipping glad you asked internet-person because i have an entire thing planned out for this that's gonna come out as soon as i stop procrastinating lol
ok so lizzie - water bender because c'mon are you kidding me esmp1. i want her to be a part of the norther water tribe - which as we all know is a patriarchal society that doesn't teach their women to waterbend.
but this IS lizzie we're talking about - so in my story she's probably gathering information from the benders secretly and doing her own wonky version of water bending an
AND last but not least i want one of those enemies to lovers jizzie arc cause it was one of the first things that came to mind when i came up with this in the middle of the night lol. but i'm not spoiling much cause it will be coming in the aforementioned thing lol
(oh also to all the people that sent reqs - i will get to them as soon as i get time! school has been absolutely insane these past few weeks and i am so glad its spring break soon lol - hope you don't mid the wait!)
ps( i do have a tag, i am just very bad at using it lol)
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bestepisode · 3 months
Vote on the second half of the season here!
The top 8 episodes from each season will move on to the next round.
Episode descriptions are under the cut.
Rebel Spirit
Six months after the defeat of Amon and the Equalists, Korra believes she has mastered airbending, Mako works as a policeman, Bolin fares poorly in pro-bending with the new "Fire Ferrets", and Asami tries to keep Future Industries intact. Team Avatar joins Tenzin and his family in a visit to the Southern Water Tribe for the winter solstice. The festivities are disrupted by the rampage of a dark spirit, which neither Korra nor Tenzin can calm or repel. Unalaq, Korra's uncle and the chief of the Norther Water Tribe ultimately assuages the spirit's anger with a "spiritual" form of waterbending. Despite the misgivings of her father, who has a strained relationship with his brother, Korra apprentices herself to Unalaq to continue her spiritual development, rebuffing previous mentor Tenzin in the process.
The Southern Lights
Korra and company journey with Unalaq and his children Desna and Eska to the South Pole, where Korra is to attempt to return the long-absent Southern Lights, at Unalaq's urging. When Korra learns that her father was once banished from the Northern Water Tribe for causing a spirit rampage, and that he and Tenzin were responsible for her seclusion in her youth, she insists on Tonraq returning home, and tensions begin to grow between herself and Tenzin. At the South Pole, Korra succeeds in returning the southern lights by opening a blocked "spirit portal" one of two gateways which allows access to the spirit world and regulates the flow of spiritual energy between the two worlds. Returning from the pole, Korra's party discover that Northern Water Tribe have come to occupy the south at Unalaq's direction, to initiate a "reunification" of the two tribes. At the Southern Air Temple, Jinora is strongly drawn to the statues of the past avatars, particular that of her grandfather Aang and an unidentified carving of another ancient Avatar.
Civil Wars, Part 1
As the Southerners resist Northern occupation, Unalaq offers to protect the southern portal while Korra opens its northern counterpart, claiming that this will deepen the connection between humanity and the spirits and prevent further dark spirit attacks. Eccentric Southern Tribe inventor and entrepreneur Varrick, whose business suffers from Unalaq's blockade, begins a revolt. Korra prevents an abduction of Unalaq by Southern rebels. As she tries to reconcile with her mother, Senna, and Tonraq, Unalaq appears to arrest them for conspiring to assassinate him. At the Southern Air Temple, Ikki disappears and Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi search for her while recalling their childhood with their late father, Avatar Aang.
Civil Wars, Part 2
After her father is sentenced to life in prison for conspiring to assassinate Unalaq, Korra discovers that Unalaq staged the trial, as well as Tonraq's much earlier banishment from the Northern Tribe, where Tonraq had been expected to succeed as chief. With the help of her friends and Varrick, Korra frees Tonraq and other condemned rebels from prison, and extracts Bolin from an impending forced marriage to Eska. She promises to seek the United Republic's support for the Southern rebellion. At the Southern Air Temple, Ikki and Tenzin each reconcile with their siblings.
In Republic City, tensions between Southern and Northern Water Tribe people rise as a Southern Water Tribe cultural center is bombed. Mako, back in the police force, tries to track down the culprits while Varrick produces anti-Northern propaganda "movers" starring Bolin. Korra fails to persuade President Raiko to send troops in support of the Southern rebellion. A conflicted Mako reveals Korra's plan to suborn General Iroh to commit the United Forces to the war to Raiko. Korra sets off on a sea voyage to the Fire Nation to seek the Fire Lord's support, but is pursued by Eska and Desna, and eventually swallowed by a gargantuan dark spirit.
The Sting
Mako and Asami investigate the theft of a shipment of Future Industries mecha-tanks bound for the Southern rebels, and enlist the Triple Threat Triads for a sting operation. They are double-crossed and find Asami's warehouses looted. In desperation, Asami sells a controlling share of Future Industries to Varrick before Mako identifies him as the instigator of the various bombings and thefts, though he lacks the evidence to convince his superiors. An amnesiac Korra washes ashore on a Fire Nation island.
Beginnings, Part 1
While being healed by the Fire Sages, Korra explores her past lives and experiences the journey of Wan, the first Avatar, who lived 10,000 years previous. At this time, humans lived on the shells of the giant lion turtles to protect themselves from the spirit wilds and other dangers from the spirit world that freely roam the physical world. Wan and his friends live in poverty and hunger, under the nepotistic family that rules his city. As a form of protection, the lion turtles grant the power to bend elements for a limited time when humans venture into the wilds. After Wan violates the prohibition against bringing his bending into the city in order to steal food for his friends, he is banished from the city, but allowed to keep his firebending. He manages to survive by befriending the spirits in the forest, but two years later, he sets out on a journey of exploration, where he eventually encounters two powerful spirits battling each other. One of the spirits asks Wan for assistance, when he is held down by the other, and Wan separates the two. While the spirit escapes, the other spirit, Raava, explains that she is the spirit of light and peace, and that the spirit Wan had inadvertently freed is Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and war; Wan has inadvertently initiated an age of darkness for the world.
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princecosmosanon · 2 years
Secondhand Hearts - A Zukka Omegaverse AU
In my post about other fic ideas, I originally described this one as “Omegaverse fic where Zuko is banished like in the show, but Ozai also gives him away to Zhao” which, I admit, is pretty vague and says jackshit about the actual goings on in the fic. But I’ve actually thought a lot about this AU, and it’s one I’ve had in my head for the longest time.
This is also kinda the completely opposite of the Piandao/Zuko fic I’m currently writing, Heaven Sent/Hellbent.
Before anyone gets too far ahead of themselves diving into my notes here, I do want to stress that in this fic Zhao is an evil, awful, irredeemably terrible person. Do not think that I in any way condone what I have him do in my fics. With that being said, please mind the following warning.
Warnings for this one include: physical/mental/emotional abuse, rape/non-con, child marriage, arranged/forced marriage/mating, mentioned pedophilia, traumatic pregnancy/childbirth, racism/classism, and slutshaming towards Omega. If any of these topics are triggering for you, please do not continue any further.
Background: As I mentioned before, this story begins with the premise of Zuko being shipped away from home after his father burns him in the Agni Kai, but with a sick twist. Zuko was also given to Zhao, as he had been recently presented as an Omega, and Ozai thought, what better way to curb Zuko’s “rebellion” then by putting him under the thumb of one of his most trusted loyalists? Zhao is an Alpha already shown to be cut from the same cloth as Ozai, and with Zuko married off Ozai could focus his efforts more fully in the war and bringing Azula up as he wished.
Zhao was just as harsh and demanding of Zuko as Ozai expected. While recovering from the burn, Zuko could do little about Zhao’s advances. Zuko already had a mating bite on his neck by the time he finally was able to remove the bandages from his face, and any time he might have tried to escape, Zhao merely had to Alpha Command Zuko to stand down. Once Zuko managed to convince one of the Alpha crew of Zhao’s ship to help him escape but the plan was discovered, the Alpha was executed, and Zuko was commanded to never speak when an Alpha or Beta could hear him again. (Of course, this meant Zuko could only talk to other Omega, but that was more of a cruel joke of Zhao’s because there are no Omega on his or any other Fire Nation ship, and Omega are rare enough it was unlikely Zuko would ever encounter an Omega without another Alpha or Beta around.) This was when Zuko had barely turned 14.
Years passed like this, Zuko practically chained to Zhao’s bed, but something strange happened when Zuko turned 19, which is where the Story Begins: Despite having waged war against the Earth Kingdom and won many battles, suddenly the letters from home stopped. Not that Zuko received letters but he recognized the seal of the Fire Lord, and Zhao had stopped receiving orders for several months.
Zhao then got it in his head to return home but only after taking another prize for the Fire Nation as a gift for the Fire Lord. He decided to invade the Norther Water Tribe, which had mostly managed to stay neutral during the war by keeping its borders closed. Zhao pleaded with them to allow his boat to dock and relieve his crew’s exhaustion, but the real clencher for their sympathy was Zuko, who at this point was very heavily pregnant. It wouldn’t be safe for him to give birth on the open sea without more than a naval surgeon to see to him, or at least, that was the story.
As it was, Zuko really was pregnant but he could see an evil plan from Zhao a mile away. Desperate to actually do something to stop his mate from destroying a beautiful, thriving community, Zuko chose to play the perfect, demure Omega while there (not far off from how he normally acted at this point, considering he so rarely had the freedom to take matters into his own hands) and waited to gain enough trust to be left alone with only his “escort,” a Water Tribe Alpha sent to basically spy on Zuko’s and Zhao’s chambers on the premise he was there to “guard” a precious, pregnant Omega.
This Alpha was Sokka, who had been living with the Northern tribe for several years at this point. He and Katara had revived the once-lost Avatar from a block of ice as children, but being encased in ice had some dire effects on the last living Airbender. Aang needed more help than the Southern tribe could provide, but leaving meant abandoning their last remaining families, which wasn’t ideal either. It was eventually decided that everyone remaining of the South Tribe would pack the rest of their meager belongings and plead to return to the North. It was a treacherous journey, but they managed to make it mostly unscathed.
With Aang still recovering and remembering himself, the tribe rallied around the young man and helped to hide him amongst themselves. Sokka had been training more to be a warrior, and Katara had been training secretly to learn how to fight as a waterbender. Yue, at this point already mated to Hahn, is also pregnant with her second child. And it’s with these players in place that the Fire Nation infiltrate the Northern Tribe for Zuko’s last month of pregnancy. It’s not going to be easy to win over a mistrustful, foreign Alpha, especially when Zuko can’t talk, but through Sokka he hopes to stop another genocide by undermining his own Alpha’s plans, while still not fully understanding them himself.
This story is going to take a LOT of planning, I’m really going to have to hammer down my timelines in this fic before I even attempt to write it, but it would entail some interesting interactions. Zuko is at a huge disadvantage, but he’s the only person who can save them.
I also really like the idea of also giving Zuko a stutter and some selective mutism even when he doesn’t have to worry about Betas and Alphas around him. Just throw in another wrench into the works, see how he can overcome the odds stacked against him. The story would also have an aftermath part, where Sokka, Katara, Zuko and Aang leave the Northern Water Tribe eventually, but I have little thought out into all of that.
Anyway, that’s it for now.
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yell0wsalt · 3 months
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
🧸 ⇢ What's the fastest way to become your mutual?
My venmo is [REDACTED]
For real, being genuinely engaging is usually enough. I like making friends with the (affectionate) nerds in my phone 
🪐 ⇢ Name three good things going on in your life right now
Although it’s for work I’ll be visiting the west coast for a few days at the end of the month. I’m excited to see what it’s like. 
Getting around to wearing these cute earrings I got as a present. They’re a nice mix up from my hoops. I like them
Had a few days this week where I actually got a semi-decent night's rest?
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I said some things about Katara here, let's go for Korra.
Proposals with her wouldn’t involve a betrothal necklace. 
In the time of ATLA, such necklaces were predominately a Norther Water Tribe custom in the case of arranged marriages (i.e. Pakku to Kanna) The NWT was known to be more sexist than the SWT that Katara didn’t even recognize it as a betrothal necklace until Pakku said something about it when the Gaang visited the North Pole. In LOK, Korra's parents didn’t use a betrothal necklace. The only other well documented instance in the show is with Bolin and Eska’s marriage attempt. 
Yikes to that 😬
If I recall correctly, the Water tribes in LOK-era are less sexist. Not saying they’re not. But less. 
Why would a character who defies societal expectations want to go back to sexist practices when it comes to a betrothal necklace?
Truth or Dare (if you care)
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fuckyouozai · 1 year
Also. This book mentions so many details like how norther water tribe folks have a specific accent and how dialects across the earth kingdom have become their own languages and how the rest of the world outside of the earth kingdom doesn’t have a word for daofei. Which is great and fun worldbuilding! But also funny when you consider they were so strict about accents in the original series that Jason isaacs had to pretend to be american
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justthoughts1310 · 2 months
ATLA and Marvel have the same misogyny
So... I've finally made it to episode 8 of Netflix's Live Action ATLA.
This may be shocking for some of you, because I wrote a post about how Netflix ATLA is misogynistic a month ago, but now I'm back again.
I specifically want to talk about the absolutely ridiculous and bullshit feminist virtue signaling that we are habitually forced to endure.
The scene I am specifcally referring to is the scene in which Katara demands that Master Pakku let's her fight. Then all of a sudden, the camera pans to all of the healers in the Northern Water Tribe (the female water benders) who stand ready to fight.
Yet, despite their immense power, they are begging this old as man for permission, instead of just doing what needs to be done.
This scene is giving... stupid. It's giving the 999th Marvel movie that NOBODY freaking wanted... okay! Does anybody remember that scene from Avenger's End Game (of course you do), in which all of the female avengers assemble, and it's one female cameo after another? I have no idea who liked this scene, but I didn't. I HATED this scene! I thought it was tacky and cringe, and I didn't understand why I felt that way.
Then in the Marvels, there's this scene in which Captain Danvers gets knocked down, and then there's this sequence starting from when she was a little girl playing softball in which she gets knocked down and gets back up.
The whole thing is soooo cringe.
It's cringe because it's heavy handed. It feels like one of those inspirational quotes you put on your wall that says something stupid like "She believed she could so she did..." or "Shero" or "Herstory".
It feels like a moment in which the male writers were like, we got to make women feel seen, so let's stop the flow of the entire movie and series and whatever is going on and have this really stupid overproduced moment in which the women look like bad asses, before we hide the women back in the background and let the real heroes (the men) take over.
All of this despite the fact that in hindsight, of all of the avengers assembled there to fight Thanos that day (both male and female, alike), Scarlett Witch and Captain Marvel were the only one's canonically strong enough to stop Thanos. Yet, we can't have that, because a man needs to be the hero.
Like stop stealing women's W's. It happens all the time in shows like Naruto, in which the most powerful kunoichi will get caught up by the most stupid insignificant thing, so that a man can end up saving her and she becomes the damsel in distress.
The narrative of women can be strong but never as strong as men because men need to be the hero is weak and tired, tell a new story!!!
Especially, because it really isn't all that true anymore. After the industrial revolution and the boom of tech, women and men's physically strengths have become increasingly more similar for decades. Why, because very few people need to carry giant logs and chop down trees to survive anymore! You don't need to be swol to complete a spreadsheet.
I digress.
My point is what these scenes from ATLA and Marvel have in common. It's the reason why they are both cringe.
Men don't see women as women who are unique human beings with our own unique desires. Therefore, male writers force powerful female characters to embody male characteristics that appeal to men.
You know all that flexing and all the abs and the sweat and the thirst trap scenes of half naked men like Thor and Captain America (even the scene with Sokka in it). Do you think those scenes are for women? Well, they are not. They are for men. Men get hard-ons for these kinds of scenes, and these scenes are specifically created for men and the male gaze.
Then they try to extend this to female characters, to show that they are feminists. However, this completely ignores the female gaze and female motivation.
The scenes really are women quietly asking for permission (not really) and then men loudly given women permissions to stand out and be powerful, but only in a way that satisfies the male gaze. Which considering the fact that men are socially conditioned to like feminine or overly sexual women, I have no idea who these scenes appeal to!!!
Like bro... read a freaking book. Learn about history!!! Real history!!! Women do not need the permission of men to be powerful, intelligent, strong, tactful or ambitious. Women have already been all of these things since the dawn of time.
Therefore, women don't need weird cameos that break up the pacing of the story or scenes of little girls playing sports, getting knocked down, and getting back up to feel seen. Women and girls do not need to be convinced that we are powerful. We already know it. We've been working in the background for centuries while men have taken credit for our labors, efforts, and endeavors.
All we need is for men to get the hell out of our way! We can see it right now with education and employment. Ever since women were allowed to attend school, women have outperformed men in education is almost every subject (and men and women are at par with each other in Math and Science). Women are also out enrolling men in college 2:1.
So instead of giving women 5 minutes of permission to be powerful in movies and shows and embuing them with masculine characterists, write a compelling female character from the beginning of the show. Develop her character as a person, who has to deal with the unique intersectionality of being a woman. Don't make her whole personality being a woman.
And if you cannot, write a compelling female character, then get a woman to do it!
End Rant. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
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theprettylatina · 3 years
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Beautiful Yue. Tap for better resolution (sigh).
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princess yue cosplay???😍😍
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captain-rosegarden · 4 years
Why in Avatar is every person we meet from the northern water tribe, with the exception of Yue and Korras dad, a total asshole or shady as hell? Like Pakku asshole, Tarrlok shady and sort of an asshole, Yakone total dick, Noatak/ Amon, Yue's fiancé. And I've only seen the first episode of season two but Unalaq seems super shady.
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frankiefine · 3 years
Zuko is super talented and ridiculously bat shit crazy, just imagine him after the war describing his journey of following Aang for like a history book or something.
“After i managed to sneak into the northern water tribe i kidnapped Aang.”
“That sounds like an interesting story, how’d you get into the tribe? Firebend through the walls or something?”
“No, no, it was far to cold to pull off something like that. I also didn’t want anyone to notice i got in.”
“Well how’d you do it?”
“Well i was trying to figure out a way in when i saw a group of turtleseals coming out of the water of a hole in the ice. They weren’t there before so i figured they came from inside the tribe.”
“So i jumped into the water and swam under the walls.”
“So you... you jumped into the freezing cold water of the Northern Water Tribe, and swam under the walls? Huh, I’d have thought their walls were super thick.”
“Oh they were.”
“But you just said...”
“Yeah I was underwater for a solid few minutes, almost drowned and of course the cold wasn’t helping, but i did manage to find a little air pocket where i could take a breath.”
“I- Wow.”
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eryn-galen · 4 years
So. The White Lotus. It’s an international secret society with spies and informants everwhere, right? And those spies must have sent all kind of infos to the Hidden Camp under Ba Sing Se in the weeks preceding the Comet. I mean, noone seemed surprised when the GAang-minus-Aang appeared.
So can we imagine them sitting around the camp fire, listening to news about the shenanigans of the world’s most elite team of children? Can we imagine Iroh’s relieved sigh when he heard that “Prince Zuko stood up to his father, redirected lightning, then ran away to help the Avatar”? Or his beaming pride when they were told that “Prince Zuko and the Avatar sneaked in to the Sun Temple and were found worthy by the dragons”.
And then the wilder news started to arrive.
“Prince Zuko and the Water Tribe Warrior infiltrated the most secure prison of the Fire Nation, started a riot, kidnapped the warden, then escaped with 3 of the prisoners.”
“Prince Zuko and the Southern Master Waterbender infiltrated a Fire Nation outpost, stole some classified information, traumatised the Southern Raiders captain, then flew away and traumatised the former Southern Raiders captian. (Oh, and now all of them are chilling in the Fire Lord’s summer home)”
At this point I’m pretty sure that Iroh didn’t want an apology for what happened in Ba Sing Se, he needed an apology for suffering multiple heart attacks in a row.
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