#No not at all
ohbother2 · 4 months
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I'm crying Alastor's fighting for his life and getting fucked over twice
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applestruda · 9 months
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In class notebook doodle of skelew's lamp light au
(Specifically part 5: Incident at the Sleeping Hound)
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
2012 Splinter was more of a Sensai than a father.
Rise Splinter was more of a father than a Sensai.
Both Splinters absolutely love their sons, but their choices in how they decided to raise their sons backfired in some ways when it comes to the Turtles’ lives and what they would eventually face in their respected series.
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iwanttobepersephone · 15 days
I sometimes imagine Abelard breaking out of his pen when Halt stays in bed too late because depression and just sticking his head through Halts window
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lesbean05 · 9 months
Ok I don’t know if this is an autism thing, an ADHD thing or a synesthesia thing but
A drummer is to a band what a goalkeeper is to a football team
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fairy-verse · 3 months
So the spring fairies are basically magical mosquitoes right? Does that mean that each spring fairy has their own preference to a certain blood type? If so what is the most popular blood type?
Mag—Magical Mosquitoes!? HAH!
Yes, the spring fairies do have their preferences when it comes to blood type among the Big Folk, but there isn’t one that is more popular than the other. No one is safe, so take care when you go outside or leave a window open, and if you find yourself feeling light and airy with an urge to gossip with the trees and sing with the bees, then try and collect yourself and see if there’s a bite mark on your neck. You might have had a sneaky visitor.
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I love how much Zorian's empathy is like most autists' daydream.
Zorian: "Aw man, I just can't connect with people and their actions are confusing and emotions cause me distress."
Normal people: "wow have you ever thought about . . . being normal? It's your fault you don't understand other people."
Telepath spiders: "Here's your problem, you're assuming that your experience fits the normal lens. Here's your diagnosis and now you have a support network that will help you be better at reading other people's emotions and crowds don't hurt you anymore. In fact, you'll be better at reading people than anyone else."
Zorian: "Damn, this slaps. I'm so happy with my condition now." Normal people: "No Zorian! It's unfair for you to be better at reading emotions than us! );"
Zorian: "Skill issue."
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grian-updates · 2 months
Grian uploaded to his second channel!
Phasmaphobia Halloween Event But Late Twice Over Cause I'm Posting This Six Days Later, On Easter
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a-zalea-garden · 9 months
Spelldon and Valentine would have a big family together
I feel like Spelldon was alone a lot of his childhood on Aeaea when his mother would spend one-on-one time with Casta, so he'd want a big family so nobody would ever be lonely. He appreciates privacy and alone time, but he wanted to make sure that every time someone needed to talk, there was someone there to listen
After Val was Turned, it was mostly just him and his mom in a boring, monotonous Vampire Court. And after they left, it was a big, empty house--and one of them was always gone, and they never talk to each other. He would want a big family so that the house was always loud and alive, and so that he was always busy with something or other
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foreverfearlessred · 7 months
ChaRLES?!?! Where the fuck did that come from bestie?!?!?
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Stimming headcanons?
Writing this current fic just...has me in a mood because. Yes.
Also happy to hear if anyone else has stimming headcanons for the boys. Because it's wholesome.
Time: his stims have become more subtle as he's gotten older but they are still there.
Healthy stims
Vocal stims; chirps, grumbles, growls, squeaks, humming(especially the songs his knows). See like..the whole Porcupine!Time post and the fic that will follow
Knee bouncing, swaying in place a bit when he's standing or sitting on the ground.
Fiddling with his ocarina and his wedding ring
Unhealthy stims
Cuticle picking
Chewing on the inside of his cheek to the point that he has scaring there
Twilight: He only recently started suppressing his stims because of the time he spends in castle town. But at home he feels safe about it. He is a little timid about around the chain at first but he's getting better about it.
Healthy stims
Vocal stims of humming and whistling, will also howl as a human but mainly as a communication. Also canine like whines/whimpers/huffs (he does also start to pick up some of times vocal stims because seeing his mentor make them makes him feel safe)
Rubbing/nuzzle stims; rubbing his hands, his legs, his face/eyes/forehead but also rubbing against things and people (especially if specific textures as involved). Like other people's backs and shoulders when he's comforting them. But will also nuzzle and rub his head against them when he's hugging for his own comfort.
Scratching will scratch his own head just because it feels really good and when his hair is short the ruffling motion is really fun.
Flappy hands!!: this is one of the ones that comes out when hes really stressed and he tries to only do it when he's alone.
Pacing, swaying, bumping his hands together in one way or another.
Lassoing things to destress during down time.
Knuckle cracking
Asking people to hug him as tightly as they can (generally Sky, Wild or Time)
ZOOMIES will slip away from the group specifically so he can bolt around like a mad man be it human or wolf form
Get this boy some god damn fidget toys he'd be mesmerized for hours
Unhealthy stims
Scratching; sometimes it can go to far and he'll scratch himself raw even accidentally make himself bleed.
Sometimes the hand bumping turns into full force punching his palms or slapping until his hands are sore and bright red.
Head hitting sometimes will just suddenly crack his head into something when he's got bottled up stress. Or will wack himself in the head. Sometimes it's only light because the sound the action makes is distracting, but a lot of times it's when he's uh..not being nice to himself.
Biting/chewing...his hands are covered in little scars because whennhe bites he bites hard and his sharp choppers go right through the skin. And he doesn't exactly feel like he can just pull something out and start gnawing on it unless he has jerky on him or something.
ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵖʳᵒʲᵉᶜᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱᵈᵉᵃ
Healthy stims
Bone cracking (honestly I don't know if this is healthy or unhealthy especially with his angry skeleton but it releases the built up fl..fluid.? Gases? And usually feels a little better afterwards so fuck it. Yell at me if this is bad and I'll move it) he'll pop his knuckles, wrists, ankles, neck, back, knees anything pretty much until it stops popping. The feeling and sound bothing being soothing in some way unless his extremely sore for whatever reason. (He starts to really like when Twilight does chiropractic things on him because it feels even better while still giving the popping sound)
Puzzles! He has wood carved/hand held puzzles and things that he can easily stim with while walking that make his brain work.
Organization? (Ehh maybe this is more a satisfaction thing. But like..rapid Organization of books or cards or things like that can be nice so the thought was him going through his stuff and organizing when he's stressed)
Playing with his hat: kneading at/rubbing/twisting/fixing his hat especially when freaking out is calming.
Embroidery is one of his stimming activities because the repetitive motions focus his brain and the way Embroidery feels as he runs his fingers over it is nice
Sprinting, doesn't do itnoften but sometimes will just activate the Pegasus boots and sprint to alleviate emotions
Unhealthy stims
Will also suddenly just, clock his head into something hard enough to bruise.
Chewing on things especially if they're crunchy
Humming or tounge clicking especially when it's too quiet
Playing with his hair, running fingers through it, braiding it, putting it up, tugging, twisting, coiling anything
Scalp scratching (can get a little overdone if he's not careful)
Penguin arms
Signing even if he's talking verbally to have something to do with his hands
Grass plucking
Rubbing his eyes till he sees those odd little stars
Face rubbing in general
Light finger taps on different parts of his body
Flappy hands and happy dances
Fiddling with his earrings
Climbing: just the thinking of where to put his feet and hands the feeling of the tree or rock beneath him the repetitiveness of it? (Maybe this doesn't make sense but it popped into my head)
Lip chewing, picking, biting
Biting himself in general, usually hands and arms if he can't get a hold of something to chew.
Scar scratching when he's nervous especially since he doesn't have much feeling in the scars so it can get raw very easily
Clapping/bumping stims until his hands are numb or sometimes bruised depending on how he's doing it.
Head hitting
Swaying in place
Fiddling with his scarf or his gloves but mostly his scarf
Light teeth clacking
Knee bouncing
Wild hand gestures when talking.
Nonsensical humming: as in not a tune or anything but just, noise especially while reading or writing or focusing on something
Teeth grinding
Lip biting
Cuticle picking
Earing fiddling
Idly plucking at his harp or humming softly
Rubbing at and fiddling with his sail cloth. Especially just burying his face in it and rubbing (he'll do this with other very soft things too like Twilight's pelt but mostly just the sailcloth)
Scuffing his boot along the dirt.
When he's forced to stand still he's found ways to subtly tap his fingers to help relieve the ache to move.
Just running his fingers through his hair
If he has bigger earnings in hell playwith them.
He has a few of crimsons feathers that he'll sometimes just hold so he can run his fingers along them. Because petting crimson is a huge comfort stim for him. He lives the texture of feathers. So anytime he has access to birds.
Asking people to hug him as tightly as they can (generally Twilight)
His woodcarving! Sometimes he'll just sharpen twigs into shives as they walk
Throwing himself off of things to feel the rush of the wind he makes sure to have his sailcloth ready and doesn't do it around people. Because usually he would just go for a fly with crimson. But he has scared the shit out of people a few times. (So no, technically he is fully informed on how to do this and is safe when doing it. But the others worry about it though sometimes Wild will join him, and teaches him how to use the paraglider)
I will have to find the source. But during sicktember someone wrote a homesick fic about Wind having a small bag of sand that he just, plays with and runs through his fingers and that lives in my head rent free.
Fiddles with his necklace regularly
Bouncing in place
Flappy arms
Pacing in circles specifically circles, and if there's something too circle? Definitely.
Likes braiding wild and Hyrules hair and will ruffle and fluff his own hair wildly.
ZOOMIES often will get Twilight wrapped up in his zoomies
Vocal popping or toung clicking
Knee bounce
Knot tying: has a short length of rope and will just practice knits or twist it between his hands
Picking: lets be honest he's in the throws for puberty he has pimples and weird bumps on his skin and he picks at them and pops them whenever his fingers find them
Nail biting when they get too long but he doesn't bite them too far down because they can be useful
Cuticle picking
Biting but not nearly as badly as Twi or Wild. Just..sinks his teeth into his thumb or index finger once and holds it there. It's more of disguise for just sucking on it so he won't get teased.
Swaying and rocking both sitting and standing
Penguin arms
Quiet nonsensical humming, just loud enough to feel it in his chest
Finger taps on his thighs
Taking petals from flowers that are starting to wilt so he can fiddle with the petals. Will also do this with leaves and large grasses.
LEAF CRUNCH absolutely obsessed with crunching dried leaves. And other crunchy sounds
Has a very old ragged piece of cloth that's sort of falling apart but when he's extremely stressed rubbing at and fiddling with that calms him down (it's the remnants of his old baby blanket)
Curling his hair around his fingers in a repetitive motion
Most of his stims are very quiet and subtle
Hand biting when panicked so he'll stay quiet. Similar with digging his nails into his arms or biting the inside of his cheek. The release of that pain making it easier to cope either the situation around him.
Four: his stims change depending on which color is in control and they each have their own different stims when separated. Red having the most, green having the least
Chainmail designs. Has flimsy chain mail rings ment specifically for creating little creatures or bracelets or what not because the repetitive activity is soothing. So he also loves repairing the chainmail of the group (vio, he also loves borrowing Legends puzzles)
Knee bouncing/subtle bouncing in some form when he's sitting
Hugging himself and swaying when standing
Flappy hands, bumping hands calpping and very expressive stims (red)
Lashing out types of stims? Hitting head, ramming his head against something, angry biting, kicking. (Blue, it's very rare that these happen because Four is a rather composed person but sometimes you just need to fucking snap)
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bornetoblood · 20 days
duuuuude fuckin call me uncultured but gin SUCKS so bad guys
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hauntxd · 2 months
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silly and goofy and totally totally okay
tagged by the lovely @satanlikedmymoxie 💛
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sorrowfulwill · 8 months
me looking at myself in the mirror:
“could I pull off being a Sebastian??”
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the-brolliologist · 4 months
Ok so, ep 60 of woe.begone amirite???
Obligatory spoiler warning for ep 60 of woe.begone
WTF HUNTER??? He gave him hot cocoa???? Andn gave him his hat???? And then watched shitty hotel tv with him???? He,,,,,, he gave Mike his hat and then killed everyone ???????? Did innocent and punished swap out right before they reentered OVER???? Hrmgjenrbrnm sobbing
Give them back to me 🔫
This is a threat
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