#Night blindness
redd956 · 7 months
"You should love the winter more!"
Night Blindness
Seasonal Depression
Fall Tree Allergies
Sensitivity to the Cold
Low Income
PTSD triggered by freezing nights
Full Body Joint Pain
Puffier Hair
So pale I can be white passing now
Shoveling snow with strength deficiencies
Dangerous roads
Christmas music 24/7
Winter Fashion
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thetidemouse · 1 month
Please donate so she doesn't lose her sight.
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indizombie · 2 years
Food-rights advocates allege that religion and caste are influencing the decision of authorities in denying nutritional food to the population. One result of this is the large-scale prevalence of deficiency diseases like anaemia, goitre, rickets and night blindness. Contrary to claims, the majority of the population in India is non-vegetarian — only 39 per cent of the population identified themselves as “vegetarians”, according to the new Pew Research Center survey published in July 2021. “The myth of vegetarianism is denying poor and lower-income groups from eating meat and eggs,” Karpagam says. “The ban on slaughter of cattle in states like Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh is denying the poor their access to affordable sources of protein like beef. Those who are socio-economically better off have access to dairy products like milk, paneer and ghee. They don’t suffer much but they too have Vitamin B12, iron and calcium deficiencies. “Moreover, meat and eggs are considered impure by many. People are criminalised and killed even on suspicion of eating or carrying meat. Children (in schools through mid-day meals) and women both are victims of dietary discrimination. Therefore, India suffers from very high malnutrition.” According to women and child development ministry estimates, 33 lakh children in India are malnourished and over 50 per cent cases are severe.
Maitreyee Boruah, ‘Lack of nutritious food fuelling anaemia in women’, Happiest Health
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war-horseman · 11 months
As someone with severe night blindness and astigmatism, LED headlights are the stupidest thing on the planet.
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rielzero · 1 year
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This will probably not go anywhere, but since this is my blog I wanted to talk about this for a bit. Just a rant.
I LOVE games like God of War / God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West- The graphics are beautiful and everything is gorgerous.
The issue is however- because these games have hyper-realism as an aesthetic, the lightning behaves similarly- Especially flashing effects.
I have severe light sensitivity. I wear special glasses when I go outside, when playing games, I wear blue-light glasses to help relieve them as well.
Unfortunately with how much more games aim to look realistic, so do their lights mimic effects that bother me much in real life. And there’s no way to turn it off. I don’t want to play in color blind mode because I am not color blind. I want a way to tone down the brightness without everything in the game becoming hard to see.
I don’t know how to explain this except of describing more of an example; Cyberpunk 2077- I cannot get into it because the neon, reflections, and high textured and colorful atmosphere puts my brain in overdrive mode and I can’t play it for more than 15 minutes without having to put my head in my pillow because my eyes hurt so much. Blue light glasses do not help at all.
I call this ‘’colorgore’’ or ‘’brightgore’’ Because of this, I can’t even get into the game at all. I don’t care for it.
Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West and god of war, ragnarok are different because the stories pulled me in right away. The only downside is that after a good 30 minutes I have to pause the game and just rest my eyes. I blink a lot to make sure I’m not forgetting to blink. I’m not the person who clinically needs eye-drops, trust me. I only have pain in my eyes when I’m playing games with hyper-realistic light or going outside without my daylight glasses.
What’s the difference between hyper-realistic light vs older games? (for the untrained eye)
Here is a screenshot from Skyrim.
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The light here is balanced with everything in the surroundings. There is not an abundance of nature, fauna, or textures that make the game look even more real, the light does not react to all the textures differently. It reacts to all things in its surroundings equally. Unlike in real life- which semi-realism mimics, were all things reflect light differently- making some objects brighter, shinier or more detailed. 
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Everything in older games like Skyrim is balanced in light- simplified, and removes any stressors from real daylight / night blindness that I experience in real life. My eyes don’t hurt when I play games like this. I never cared for all this ‘’graphics need to be more real’’ stuff cuz it hurts my quality of gameplay experience. You can see that the game isn’t real, my eyes relax more and are less focused on every light particle, shadow, distance- everything. It absorbs the picture with much less stress.
Now here’s some screenshots of Horizon.
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The light does highly affect everything. The contrast is strong, every texture responds different to light as it would in real life. There’s fog, bloom, every corner and edge is reflecting and responding to light. My eyes react to the screenshot itself the same way as when I am playing the game. It’s absorbing all the information from every single particle because the light is realistic. 
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And that goes for night time as well, night time is even worse for me to fight animal robots that jump around and use flash-grenade attacks. (which I despise! Please- give an option to turn those flash effects off!! I want to be able to enjoy these games without getting frustrated from eyestrain.) And yes, I checked. They don’t have it.
God of war has this exact same problem. Elves and Valkyries use flashy attacks- there’s one or two Valkyrie bosses that use blinding attacks that makes the screen flash white. The whole point behind the flash attacks is that it obstructs your gameplay vision for a moment- but for me this does more than affect gameplay; it actually hurts to fight these monsters when I could otherwise deal with them fine and actually enjoy the fight.
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I cannot begin to explain to people who don’t experience this; this shit hurts so much. Even as the image itself. That brightness mixed with the highly detailed particles of light, textures, everything else- physically hurts my eyes to look at. Because it sees EVERYTHING the way everything responds to light as if it was real.
Cyberpunk’s city is the worst offender because raytracing adds mirrors that reflects light realistically. this is all cool and epic technology, but turning off the raytracing does not improve it, if everything else still flashes like hell.
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I never cared for the whole ‘’graphics need to be good’’ shit, the gameplay and story sells it for me. I don’t care if you hate stiff expressions or physical gameplay bugs- it doesn’t break immersion for me, it makes me laugh. I am having a genuine good time.
Just don’t hurt my eyes please. Dear devs make an eyestrain relief mode, were flash effects and attacks are simplified, were daylight just is a little less bright. It’s all about color correction- (again: changing the graphic settings that you get before you start a game do not affect this, turning the brightness down actually makes stuff harder to see, because it becomes less balanced. I just need the brights to be less bright, not everything else to also become dark.)
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Midnight suns has become one of my fav games this year. And before you say this one is also having light stuff going on- If you look well the colors are much more balanced and the backgrounds aren’t as high in particle and texture light reflection as the cyberpunk picture. Tony’s armor has a nice metal effect, but its not ridiculously shiny and the colors are pretty well balanced even as it reflects light. Doctor Strange’s magic effects don’t ‘’flash’’ they just glow. There’s a difference between glowing and flashing. The light of the glow reflects to the rest of the character, but the brightness is more controlled and balanced. Every other texture from the hair to the clothes responds similarly to the light, rather than uniquely like in horizon or god of war. There’s contrast but not too much contrast. It’s dark but not too dark. It’s light but not too light. This picture is both pleasing to look at and doesn’t hurt my eyes at all.
If someone out there is a game dev in the industry and happens on this.. Please spread this out- It would make my life much easier to playing the new generation realism aesthetic of up and coming games. 
If you experience this too, let me know. I feel so alone in this. (I play on performance modes because graphic mode is even worse.)
Breath of the wild’s flat cell shade aesthetic doesn’t do this to my eyes. Pokémon games and other toony games don’t do this to my eyes. It really is the mix of high texture / objects responding to light realistically that makes everything too bright for me. The contrast is beautiful but it just hurts.
It affects my ability to enjoy the games.
I’ll list below examples in case this is helpful.
Games that affect my eyes: Witcher 3 Spiderman 2018 Remastered God of war / god of war ragnarok Cyberpunk 2077 Horizon Forbidden West / Horizon Zero Dawn Games that don’t affect my eyes: Conan Exiles Runescape 3 Spiderman 2018 Fallout 4 Skyrim LOZ: Breath of the wild Marvel’s Midnight Suns Middle earth: Shadow of Mordor
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theretinacentre123 · 1 month
From the word “night blindness,” one can simply understand what the matter is about. But for better understanding, let’s understand the concept at a deeper level. It is also known as nyctalopia, a condition where looking at anything at a relatively low level is next to impossible. Basic jobs like driving at night and walking in dark areas look very difficult.
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kierancampire · 5 months
I have two questions about things that I dunno if they are normal or not
1. My issue with out of sight out of mind is getting so bad, unless something is physically staring me in the face I just do not think of it, the moment my brain is distracted by something, I entirely forget that thing even exists until I see it again, which, coupling with my memory issues is just proving really bad, and it does just seem to be getting so much worse. So is that normal? Or should I just be able to remember things that aren't directly in front of me and my sole focus? Cause I guess like side issue, if I do not intensely focus on what I'm doing, I do it wrong, repeatedly, I need to be 100% zoned in to whatever I'm doing which sucks when my head is so busy and so easily distracted
2. I have been wondering for a while if I have night blindness, like, I dunno what's a normal amount to see in the dark or not, because I just can't see anything. Also, I know rods and cones and light effects colour and blahblahblah, but when I went to move around my room this morning in very low light, I realised I could see things but it was all in black and white, like, I don't mean colours were dull or just a little tricky to make out, I mean, everything was a shade of black, white, or grey, even if it was bright red, green or yellow, I just saw it as grey, like straight up as if a black and white filter had suddenly been applied to life, I could not see colour at all (I should maybe say, in light I seem to see colour better than most people, as many times people have said things look smooth/even where as to me it's blotchy or colours don't match, I see colour very well in light so I know I am not colourblind). Everything blurred, my depth of field was worse than normal, and I couldn't see lots of things as it all looked the same grey. Is that normal? Or should you be able to see a form of colour even in low light? I'm extremely light sensitive and I take a while to adjust between light and dark, and my eyes are just absolute dog shit god awful anyway, so especially when it comes to my eyes I have no idea what's just my bad eyes or what's particularly unusual
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FNAF movie Vanessa doesn’t know Moon’s crimes,,
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jojo-schmo · 5 months
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In this house, we cherish Helpy. We thank him for his hard work and pat his head and give him all the candy that he wants because is a good and lovable little cub!!
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blackfeatherdragon · 9 months
the amount of games made with unity though...
night in the woods, ori, cuphead, untitled goose game, hiveswap, hollow knight and silksong, pokemon bdsp, pokemon go, fate: grand order, fire emblem engage, genshin impact, doom (switch port only), ultrakill, among us, yugioh duel links, yugioh master duel...
so many games Will be impacted it's not even funny. Fuck Unity.
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mienar · 9 months
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stillness in these waking hours
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sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye condition that occurs due to complications of patients suffering from diabetes due to increase in blood sugar levels. Diabetic Retinopathy affects the eye’s blood vessels in the light sensitive tissue in the eye called the retina.
Amongst other complications, it is important to keep in mind that your eyes can be affected due to diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to blindness if left untreated.
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Diabetic Retinopathy affects both, patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and is more often seen in patients who have suffered from diabetes for a longer period as blood sugar tends to be less controlled over a longer period.
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0ffisially0ll0 · 6 months
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with the knowledge that these goobers used to do theatre performances, I made mock-up tickets for their theatre :D
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dayurno · 29 days
it’s fucked up that some of kevin’s descriptors in-book by aftg narrators include words like unparalleled, brilliant, beautiful, disorienting and that riko thought kevin was smart and sharp-tongued and could see potential from a mile away and that every conversation at the winter banquet stopped as soon as kevin day walked into them. my brother you are a force of nature
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cipher-the-sidhe · 2 months
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Stay with me, Birdie...
for Apex Polarity by @naffeclipse
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