#Niche Selection
How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
Blogging is a popular way to make money online. If you're a beginner looking to start a blog and earn an income, you're in the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to start a blog and make money online. Read more
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Elevate your online business by integrating Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing program. This strategy offers a commission-based earning potential through product referrals.
Amazon Affiliate Marketing presents a lucrative channel to enhance your online business’s revenue without the complexities of inventory management. By leveraging the vast product range available on Amazon, entrepreneurs and content creators can seamlessly connect their audience with relevant products.
By simply including affiliate links in your content, you enable a seamless shopping experience for your readers while earning a commission on each successful referral. This symbiotic relationship benefits both your business and your audience, providing value through recommendations and an opportunity to monetize your digital presence. Initiating your journey with Amazon Affiliate Marketing involves a straightforward signup process, strategic placement of affiliate links, and understanding your audience’s needs to facilitate sales, ensuring your venture’s growth in the competitive digital marketplace.
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The Rise Of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has soared in popularity, transforming into a must-have for online businesses. It creates win-win situations. Businesses gain exposure while affiliates earn commission. This growth stems from its effectiveness. It’s a low-risk investment with a potentially high reward.
Affiliate Marketing Basics
Affiliate marketing is a tactic where you promote others’ products. You earn a commission when someone buys through your link. Let’s break it down:
Choose a product to promote from a business
Create content to advertise the products
Share your unique affiliate link
Earn a percentage of sales made through your link
Why Amazon Affiliate Program Stands Out
The Amazon Affiliate Program, also known as Amazon Associates, captures attention. It’s popular for many reasons:
FeatureBenefitVast Product RangeMany options to choose fromUser TrustAmazon is a trusted brandEasy IntegrationSimple link placement on any platformAnalyticsTrack your success with detailed reportsCommission RatesCompetitive payouts
Become an Amazon affiliate, promote products, and watch your business grow. It’s a step towards greater online success!
Setting Up Your Amazon Affiliate Account
Are you ready to dive into Amazon Affiliate Marketing? A crucial first step is setting up your Amazon Affiliate account properly. This guide ensures a seamless start to your Amazon Affiliate journey.
Step-by-step Account Creation
Launching your Amazon Affiliate program begins with creating your account. Follow these simplified steps:
Visit the Amazon Associates homepage and click on the “Join Now for Free” button.
Sign in with your existing Amazon account or create a new one.
Enter your account information, including your name, address, and phone number.
Provide your website or app details that will host Amazon Affiliate links.
Construct your profile, inform Amazon about your websites, your promotional methods, and choose your preferred store ID.
Explain how you drive traffic to your sites, how you utilize your website or apps to generate income, and your link-building practices.
Once complete, confirm your payment and tax information to ensure you’re ready to earn commissions.
Review and accept the Terms of Service to finalize your account setup.
With these steps, your Amazon Affiliate account will be up and running in no time.
Understanding The Operating Agreement
It’s vital to grasp Amazon’s Operating Agreement to avoid any pitfalls. Here’s a simple breakdown:
Familiarize yourself with the rules to maintain a healthy affiliate relationship with Amazon.
Pay attention to the dos and don’ts concerning the promotional methods.
Understand the commission structure to set realistic earnings expectations.
Monitor changes to the agreement, as Amazon may update its terms periodically.
Comprehending these guidelines will position you for success as an Amazon Affiliate.
Creating Content That Converts
The cornerstone of any successful Amazon Affiliate Marketing strategy is content that engages and motivates your audience to take action. Delivering top-notch material tailored to your audience’s needs and interests can transform clicks into commissions. Let’s delve into how to craft content that not only captures attention but also drives sales.
Identifying Your Niche
Selecting the right niche is pivotal for conversion. A well-defined niche helps you produce relevant and specialized content that resonates with a specific audience. When you solve problems or fulfill needs for a targeted group, your content becomes invaluable.
Analyze your interests: Passion drives persistence and authenticity.
Research market demand: Utilize tools to find what’s popular and profitable.
Examine competition: Find gaps in the market to stand out.
Principles Of High-converting Content
Understanding the principles of content that converts is essential. High-converting content should captivate your audience and prompt action seamlessly. Here are the core principles.
PrincipleExplanationClarityBe clear and concise. Avoid jargon or complicated language.RelevanceTailor content to match users’ search intent and interest.ValueProvide useful information that solves problems.TrustworthinessUse facts and experiences to build credibility.EngagementEncourage user interaction with questions and calls to action.
Incorporate these principles to watch your content’s conversion power soar. Craft each piece strategically, starting with a clear and attention-grabbing headline. Make navigation effortless with subheadings and bullet points. Include high-quality images or videos to complement text. Lastly, end with a strong call to action that guides readers to the next step.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily – Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
Strategies For Driving Traffic
Ready to elevate your online business with Amazon Affiliate Marketing? Mastering traffic strategies is key to success. This section delves into proven methods designed to boost your visitor numbers and, in turn, your affiliate earnings.
Seo For Affiliate Marketing
To start, understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential. SEO helps your content rank higher in search results. Here’s what to focus on:
Keyword Research: Find what your audience searches for.
On-Page SEO: Optimize titles, headings, and meta descriptions.
Quality Content: Write helpful, comprehensive reviews and guides.
Backlinks: Earn links from credible sources to boost authority.
Leveraging Social Media
Next, harness the power of social media. It’s a great way to connect with potential customers.
Here are the best practices:
Establish a presence on platforms where your audience hangs out.
Create shareable content such as infographics or quick tips.
Engage with followers through comments and messages.
Use targeted ads to reach specific demographics.
Remember, consistency is key. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and drive traffic back to your site.
Maximizing Earnings
Maximizing Earnings with Amazon Affiliate Marketing is about smart moves and strategies. By tapping into the potential of high commission rates and promoting products in demand, your online business can experience significant growth. Let’s dive into how you can optimize your efforts for better profits.
Optimizing For Higher Commissions
To boost your earnings, focus on categories that offer more. Amazon rewards affiliates differently based on product types. You want to spot those with higher commission percentages. For example, luxury beauty items may earn more compared to home essentials.
Study the commission structure regularly, as Amazon updates it over time.
Spotlight luxury items or niche categories that might have fewer competitors but higher rewards.
Bundle lower commission items within content aimed at higher-paying categories, to balance volume with value.
Promoting High-demand Products
Selecting items that customers crave can surge your affiliate income. Seasonal trends, holidays, and new tech launches create opportunities to target what’s hot.
Here’s how to capitalize on these trends:
Keep an eye on Amazon’s bestseller lists to understand what’s trending.
Use keyword tools for search trends to foresee demand spikes.
Write detailed reviews and guides for top products to draw in potential buyers.
Remember, promoting the right product at the right time is key. Align your content marketing efforts with customer interest, and watch your profits rise!
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Tracking And Analyzing Performance
Mastering Amazon Affiliate Marketing requires keen attention to data. Numbers tell a story about what works and what doesn’t. To enhance your online business through this platform, you need robust tracking and analysis. This means diving deep into performance metrics to understand your affiliate link’s success. Ready to decipher your data for success? Let’s explore the key performance indicators and how to use Amazon’s Affiliate Reports.
Key Performance Indicators
Knowing what to measure makes all the difference. Set your sights on these metrics:
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Shares how often people click your links.
Conversion Rate: Shows the percentage of clicks that buy.
Ordered Items: Counts products bought through your links.
Earnings Per Click (EPC): Calculates earnings from each click.
Adjust your strategies based on these numbers. Aim to boost clicks and conversions.
Using Amazon’s Affiliate Reports
Amazon provides detailed reports for affiliates. Here is how to use them:
Log into your Amazon Affiliate account.
Click on the Reports tab to view your statistics.
Study the Overview Report for a snapshot of performance.
Dive into the Detailed Reports for specific insights.
Examine the Earnings Report to track your income.
Detect trends and optimize accordingly. Use these insights to tweak your content and marketing approach.
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Legal And Ethical Considerations
Legal and Ethical Considerations are vital for maintaining a successful Amazon Affiliate business. Not only do they help you stay in good standing with Amazon, but they also build trust with your audience. Understanding and adhering to Amazon’s regulations and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines ensures your venture thrives within the bounds of the law.
Compliance With Amazon Policies
Amazon sets clear policies for its Affiliate program. Neglecting these can result in account suspension or termination. Key policies include:
Proper link use: Always use Affiliate links provided by Amazon.
No misleading claims: Only truthful product descriptions.
Price promotions: Avoid promoting price-based incentives unless updated by Amazon.
Disclosure Requirements
Transparency with your audience is both a legal requirement and an ethical practice. The FTC mandates that affiliate marketers disclose their relationships with retailers. This means:
Visible disclosures: Placing clear statements near affiliate links.
Language: Using simple language that everyone understands.
Placement: Disclosures should be conspicuous, not hidden in footers or links.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing?
Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a program that allows website owners and bloggers to earn commissions by promoting Amazon products on their sites.
Q. How Do You Join The Amazon Affiliate Program?
To join the Amazon Affiliate program, apply on their website, await approval, and then incorporate affiliate links into your content.
Q. Can You Make Money With Amazon Affiliates?
Yes, you can earn money through Amazon Affiliates by generating sales via your unique affiliate links.
Q. What Are The Best Strategies For Amazon Affiliates?
Effective strategies include SEO-rich content creation, careful product selection, and leveraging social media to drive traffic.
Q. How To Optimize Your Site For Amazon Affiliate Marketing?
For optimal results, ensure your site has valuable content, utilizes relevant keywords, and provides a seamless user experience.
Embracing Amazon Affiliate Marketing can elevate your digital storefront. By leveraging the platform’s vast audience, your brand gains visibility and potential revenue growth. Start crafting strategic affiliate links, offer genuine value, and watch your online business thrive. Ready to scale up?
Amazon’s affiliate program awaits your move. Let’s grow together.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily – Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
Thanks for reading my article on Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing, hope it will help!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This post contains affiliate links, which lets me make a little profit at no extra cost if you buy anything. We earn affiliate money for reviews and promotions on this post, but we always provide honest thoughts, user experiences, and product or service perspectives. We want to assist readers make the greatest purchases, but our testimonials and views are ours. Before buying, check claims, outcomes, and metrics. You should assume we get affiliate compensation for clicking links or buying anything mentioned in this post. We evaluate intriguing items and services. We may get a commission from our partners If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Take Your Online Business to the Next Level With Amazon Affiliate Marketing
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generalpersonaeagle · 4 months
Unveiling the Power of Niche Selection in Affiliate Marketing: A Blueprint for Success Introduction to Niche Selection 
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lords21-blog · 7 months
How Can I Choose A Niche Or Topic That Suits My Skills, Interests, And Goals?
Are you unsure about which niche or topic to choose that aligns perfectly with your skills, interests, and goals? The process of selecting the right niche can be overwhelming, but fear not! In this article, we will guide you through practical steps and offer valuable tips to help you identify a niche or topic that not only showcases your abilities but also sparks your passion and aligns with your…
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djulicmarko · 8 months
From Zero to YouTube Hero: Mastering Tube Mastery with Matt Par
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for content creators, offering a gateway to fame, fortune, and influence. Among the myriad of YouTube success stories, one name stands out prominently - Matt Par. His journey from obscurity to becoming a YouTube sensation is nothing short of remarkable. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the world of Tube Mastery with Matt Par, uncovering the strategies and insights that have propelled him to YouTube stardom.
The Rise of Matt Par
Matt Par's story begins like many others on YouTube - with a passion for sharing knowledge and a desire to connect with an audience. His journey commenced from absolute zero, but his unwavering dedication and strategic approach led him to YouTube hero status.
Early Struggles
Matt Par's initial foray into YouTube was marked by the same challenges that every aspiring creator faces. He grappled with video production, content ideas, and the dreaded question of how to stand out in an oversaturated platform. However, Matt was not deterred. He recognized that the key to success lay in mastering the art and science of YouTube.
The Tube Mastery Course
One pivotal moment in Matt Par's journey was the creation of his Tube Mastery course. This comprehensive program is designed to equip aspiring YouTubers with the tools, knowledge, and strategies needed to succeed in the competitive world of online video content. It covers everything from niche selection to video production techniques, and even monetization strategies.
Tube Mastery: A Blueprint for Success
Matt Par's Tube Mastery course is not just another online tutorial. It is a meticulously crafted blueprint for YouTube success, tailored to the individual needs of each aspiring creator. Here's a closer look at some of the key elements that make Tube Mastery a game-changer:
Niche Selection
Selecting the right niche is crucial for any YouTuber. Matt Par understands this better than anyone. Tube Mastery provides in-depth guidance on niche selection, helping creators identify profitable and less competitive niches that align with their interests.
Content Strategy
Creating compelling content is at the heart of YouTube success. Tube Mastery arms creators with proven content strategies, ensuring that every video resonates with the target audience and keeps them coming back for more.
Video Production
Many aspiring YouTubers are daunted by the technical aspects of video production. Matt Par simplifies this process, offering step-by-step instructions on video creation, editing, and optimization. From camera setup to video editing software, Tube Mastery covers it all.
Turning passion into profit is the ultimate goal for many YouTubers. Tube Mastery doesn't just stop at content creation; it delves into monetization strategies that can help creators generate income from their channels. From AdSense to affiliate marketing, Matt Par leaves no stone unturned.
Success Stories
The proof of Tube Mastery's effectiveness lies in the success stories it has generated. Creators from various backgrounds have transformed their YouTube channels into lucrative businesses, all thanks to the guidance of Matt Par. Here are a few notable success stories:
Sarah's DIY Crafts
Sarah, a passionate DIY enthusiast, struggled to gain traction on YouTube. With the help of Tube Mastery, she identified a unique niche within the crafting community. Today, Sarah's channel boasts millions of subscribers and sponsors lining up to collaborate.
John's Fitness Journey
John, a fitness enthusiast with a compelling weight loss journey, used Tube Mastery to optimize his fitness channel. His authentic storytelling and expert guidance have made him a sought-after fitness influencer, earning him endorsement deals and a loyal following.
Emily's Travel Adventures
Emily's love for travel and adventure found a perfect outlet on YouTube. Tube Mastery helped her refine her content strategy and reach a global audience. Emily now enjoys sponsored trips, making a living from sharing her travel experiences.
The Path Forward
If you aspire to conquer YouTube and become a sensation like Matt Par, Tube Mastery is your ultimate guide. It's not just about becoming a YouTube hero; it's about transforming your passion into a thriving online business. Whether you're a novice or an experienced creator looking to level up, Tube Mastery has something to offer.
In conclusion, Matt Par's journey from zero to YouTube hero is a testament to the power of knowledge, strategy, and dedication. His Tube Mastery course is not just a program; it's a game-changer for anyone seeking success on YouTube. So, are you ready to embark on your own YouTube journey and master the art of Tube Mastery?
If you want to read more information about how to boost traffic on your Website, just visit The Official Website.
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ecommenchanter · 1 year
The Essential Guide to Building a Thriving E-Commerce Store
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E-commerce has experienced a meteoric rise in the last decade, with unprecedented accessibility to global markets and consumers. If you're contemplating launching your own online shop or enhancing your existing e-commerce business, this comprehensive guide is for you.
Selecting Your Niche and Understanding Your Target Market
Before you can build a successful online shop, defining your business niche and understanding your target market is crucial.
Your niche should be specific enough to distinguish your brand from the competition. Yet, it should be broad enough to attract a substantial customer base. Align your niche with your interests and expertise, as passion and knowledge can give you an edge in the competitive e-commerce arena. For instance, if you're passionate about sustainable living, consider an online store that sells eco-friendly products.
Understanding your target market goes beyond basic demographics. It involves digging deeper into their psychographics and buying behavior. What are their interests, values, and lifestyle? What motivates them to buy? Knowing your customers on this intimate level informs your marketing strategies and product offerings. Survey your potential customers, use social listening tools, and delve into market research reports to gain these insights.
Choosing the Right E-Commerce Platform
Your e-commerce platform is your virtual storefront. It can either set you up for success or hamper your growth. Key factors to consider include scalability, flexibility, price, user experience, and SEO capabilities.
As your business grows, you'll need a platform that can handle an increased product range, more customers, and higher transaction volumes. Platforms that offer flexibility allow you to adapt your site as your business needs evolve. Consider the platform's cost - not just the upfront charges, but also the transaction fees and costs of any necessary extensions or plugins.
User experience plays a pivotal role too. A platform that's easy to use, intuitive, and requires less technical knowledge can save you time and reduce frustrations. SEO capabilities are vital because good SEO practices help your online store rank higher on search engine results pages, increasing visibility and driving free organic traffic.
Product Sourcing and Inventory Management
Your e-commerce store is only as good as the products you sell. Therefore, finding reliable suppliers who provide high-quality products, deliver on time, and offer competitive prices is essential. Consider dropshipping if you want to avoid handling the inventory yourself.
Inventory management can make or break your e-commerce business. An efficient inventory management system prevents you from overselling or running out of stock. It can also help you track your best-selling products, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions about what to stock. Consider investing in inventory management software to streamline this process.
Building a User-Friendly Website
A user-friendly website not only enhances the user experience but also affects your SEO ranking. Here are some aspects to focus on:
Responsive Design: This ensures your website looks and functions well on all devices. As more consumers use their smartphones to shop online, a mobile-friendly site is no longer optional; it's a necessity.
Website Speed: A slow-loading website can frustrate users, increase bounce rates, and negatively impact your SEO. Optimize images, use a content delivery network (CDN), and enable browser caching to speed up your site.
Navigation: Clear and intuitive navigation makes it easy for customers to find what they're looking for, reducing the chance they'll leave out of frustration.
Product Descriptions and Images: High-quality images and compelling product descriptions can significantly increase conversion rates. They should highlight the features and benefits of your product, addressing any potential objections a customer might have.
Leveraging Social Commerce and Micro-Influencer Marketing
Social commerce involves selling directly through social media platforms, and it's a powerful tool to enhance your online shop’s visibility and sales. Social platforms like Instagram and Facebook now have features that allow businesses to create shoppable posts, making it easier for customers to purchase without leaving the app. This provides a seamless shopping experience and can significantly boost your conversion rates.
But social commerce isn't just about selling; it's also about engaging with your audience. Regularly post engaging content, respond to comments, and encourage user-generated content to build a community around your brand.
Micro-influencer marketing is another effective strategy to increase your online shop's visibility. Micro-influencers, typically with 1,000 to 100,000 followers, may have smaller audiences than macro-influencers, but their audiences tend to be more engaged and niche-specific.
Collaborating with micro-influencers can help you reach your target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Unlike macro-influencers, they're often seen as more relatable and trustworthy, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Develop a clear influencer marketing strategy. Decide what you want to achieve, identify influencers who align with your brand values, and determine how you'll measure success. Remember, it's not just about follower count; engagement rate and audience relevance are even more critical.
Data Analysis and Continuous Optimization
Running an e-commerce store involves a lot of trial and error. You'll need to continuously analyze your performance and optimize your strategies. Google Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding your customers' behavior. You can see where your traffic is coming from, which products are most popular, and at what stage customers are abandoning their carts.
Also, perform A/B tests to optimize your website and marketing campaigns. Test different versions of your product descriptions, website design, email marketing campaigns, and more to see what resonates best with your audience.
Building a thriving e-commerce store involves multiple factors. Understanding your market, choosing the right platform, sourcing products, managing inventory, building a user-friendly website, and leveraging social commerce and micro-influencer marketing are key steps to success. Moreover, continuously analyzing your data and optimizing your strategies is crucial for sustainable growth.
It's a challenging journey, but with the right strategies and tools, you can create a successful online shop that stands out from the crowd. Remember, success in e-commerce doesn't come overnight. Be patient, stay consistent, and you'll see your efforts pay off.
Now you're equipped with the knowledge to start or scale your e-commerce business. So go ahead and take that first step towards building a thriving online store. Happy selling!
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pampermama · 1 year
Mastering Affiliate Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide for Online Entrepreneurs
Affiliate marketing is a popular and lucrative way for online entrepreneurs to generate passive income by promoting other people’s products or services. With the right approach and dedication, anyone can achieve success in this field. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and share proven strategies to help you build and grow a thriving online…
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clubdealsworld · 1 year
Benefits of Online Branding
𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 💯
But they don't know about the exact strategy to create a strong personal brand😇
So here are some tips that gonna help create a strong personal brand..👇🏻
Niche selection:- Niche selection and clarification are very important to create a strong presence online. It decides what you are and how you will be helpful to people.
Storytelling:- It is one of the basic things which helps to build human connections that last for a longer period.
Positioning yourself:- It's also important because it decides where you gonna be stand out in the industry.
Content Presence:- The type of content you are creating is also important because it tells about your knowledge and how much value you are adding to people's life.
Magnetic Marketing:-  It's essential and it simply means coming out with different kinds of strategies that will make you superior to other people doing the same kind of things that you are doing online
Reputation:- It is the most important thing because it Is all what you get to be known in this world for that is your existence.
So hope you get some clarity about building a strong personal brand online😎
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yardsards · 5 months
people have brought up the difference between "this piece of media is good" vs "i like this piece of media". i would also like to mention the third axis "i would easily recommend this piece of media to others"
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wanologic · 8 days
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Please support the Pacific Bonsai Museum and pick up some cute bonsai keychains! Everyone there is so sweet and every purchase helps!
You can pick them up online in their museum store 💚
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once upon a time, in about 2016, someone wrote HeR to find out where they sourced the images used to decorate Abby's room in MHM and were told that the art came from the Corel library.
this... was not true. obvs I don't think the HeR employee who answered that email was intentionally misleading/lying to this person, but it's bad info nevertheless. basically all the in game art from MHM/the early games came from the Mary Evans/Pictures Now collection, which I know because I've spent a buttload of time trying to id all the irl art used in the games.
so why bring up the Corel thing? because as it turns out that there is an ND game that almost exclusively* used art from Corel, but it's not MHM, or any of the early games. that game is in fact Warnings at Waverly Academy. seriously. easiest time I've ever had tracking down in-game art. (the corel art collection is waaay smaller than the mary evans/pictures now collection. like two orders of magnitude smaller. like 500 images vs 60,000 images. you get the picture.)
*and by almost exclusively I mean there is seriously one painting in wac that isn't on any of the corel art disks. and that painting? pictures now collection. why? why not any of the 450+ corel paintings that didn't make it into wac? the mind boggles.
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fullmoonfireball · 7 months
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i love this victory screen because well, it's just objectively hilarious, but i think it's funnier with Alph actually
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he's just "OW- wait. i'm fine actually."
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aeoneris · 11 months
for archival reasons, and because rise has officially ended, i'm coping by looking back at the past two years and thinking about the master utsushi rabbit hole. this is based on a long reply i sent to a mutual but i think it deserved to have its own post where others can read it and i can expand further on certain details. or something. i don't know. i have no idea who will read this but if you do, please enjoy...
the ballad of master utsushi.
he was there regardless.
always watching.
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i wound up getting attached to utsushi-kyokan (master/instructor utsushi), ウツハン/utsuhan (utsushi x hunter) ship, and finding his Japanese fan community late 2021, and i've been chatting with mutuals and friends i made there since. at that time, capcom had opened up pre-orders for his nui (plushie). this plush is lovingly referred to as "Unui-kun", and people love to take him around and bring him places. here's my Unui-kun in new york city lol
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fans love to dress him up and make clothing and accessories for him. had i known just how attached i would become, i would not have set my Unui-kun to ship via surface mail delivery because it took about 2-3 months extra for him to arrive... ;;
but anyway, it seemed that his popularity was growing because they continued to make more merch of him. he seems to have more than any of the other characters.
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many of these are limited print/pre-order only, or were from specific events like the capcom cafe features. trying to get his merchandise became crazy, because scalpers started to pick up on how badly people wanted goodies of him?!
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just how popular is this guy?! what's with the character tax!!
and how did this even happen... we're playing monster hunter, not an idol game! but i think it really speaks a lot for itself how rise had such colorful characters that you could get attached to. it seems he really jives with many female and queer players, so good on capcom for that hehe. many of the japanese fans i've met are either older women, very often mothers, or gnc, which i found to be really cool. the english-speaking utsushi fans are usually the same, too. the solidarity is real...
I found out that a lot of ppl, including myself, shared a similar experience: they missed out on a majority of utsushi's flavor text in base rise bc they didn't talk to him or the other NPCs very much during village and high rank quests, and therefore didn't even think much of him until after the fact. people double-taking when going through the game again and actually catching on to his antics... I think what really got things going was when they released his DLC voice and learned about his, uh, extremely affectionate lines towards the hunter when it comes to mew mew and blowing a kiss LOL. (the "welcome back, master!" line?!?! there's so much art of him in a maid outfit... and the way he says ace/manadeshi in his sleep at the table?!?! scandalous?!?!) even for me, he got my attention only once i saw the official art of him (realizing "hey he's got a cute design actually") and eventually encountering utsushi x hunter fanart on pixiv. another thing that got me noticing him was brian david gilbert's now deleted tweet about how zac efron and utsushi are the same. thankfully, we have the internet archive to save the existence of this post and i have to make sure people experience this lost media.
once i realized how weirdly close he was to the hunter, the gears started turning
i confirmed that ppl really did notice that it was unusual for an instructor character to refer to his pupil as "manadeshi (beloved/dearest disciple)" in the manner that he does, being so close to them in a way that felt so familiar and warm. he was already popular enough that by valentine's day 2022, fans literally sent real chocolates to capcom addressed to utsushi. i knew about this for a while, but i was shook that they wound up officially addressing that this really happened during the last update video.
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after they received his chocolates, they immediately got one of the (female) illustrators on board to quickly draw that really cute valentine's day art of utsushi. the japanese tweet for that artwork had even a little bit more text than the english one…
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that "i'll always be watching over you" line…
(and while i'm here, i have to mention the valentine's day art we got for 2023- i made a separate post about THAT.)
we started to suspect capcom caught on to this niche community's love for utsushi, and they started to kind of... troll us??? LOL.
throughout the previews of sunbreak last year, they would start obsessively sneaking utsushi into those chibi artworks. and when npc followers were announced, people were scrambling to find out if he was going to be one of them, but there also was some weird radio silence about him for a bit...
in one of the earlier trailers that showed the elgado hub for the first time, there was a very short part of the clip where ppl could see someone standing in the distance at the corner of the screen. all the utsushi fans went nuts because they were taking a magnifying glass and zooming up at there wondering if it was really him, because everyone wanted him to be there in sunbreak LOL.
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of course we'd eventually find out that would be his perch for most of the game! it was only during the final preview trailer before the release of sunbreak did they finally announce utsushi as a follower, as if they were saving the best for last. and sunbreak dropped, we got to see him in elgado and enjoy hunting with him. and it didn't end there. he wound up being featured in two of the short stories released last summer, and we would not forget this incident.
when i think about how easy it is to just play through the story and miss out on following specific out-of-the-way flavor texts, let alone know about all this outside of the game, i wonder if utsushi joining the hunter in the battle against amatsu in the penultimate battle was strange, because he has such a spotlight on him, even being the one who allows you to ride an apex which was normally impossible. if people didn't acknowledge him before, certainly people would love him now.
his final line after you defeat amatsu: it's cute and silly in english... but in japanese, his line and delivery was extremely, almost unabashedly... romantic. many people were shocked because it sounded like a fervent confession.
"I'll say it once more... You are my pride, my beloved disciple."
finally, during the last update video…
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we got this line straight from the director LOL. utsushi wound up being his personal favorite character in rise, and perhaps why we wound up seeing more and more of him in sunbreak.
all in all, if you kept up with the flavor text of rise, and if you followed utsushi's dialogue throughout the base game and expansion, the emotional pay off at the end was even better! and it is a shame when this stuff is mostly optional or you have to go out of the way for it, with so much being missable with every bit of progression. but making a monhun where story and character interactions are pushed more… i think they were on to something. it's probably something that could be divisive, but personally I think they should go all in on it more in the future. Rise proved that they could make charming and memorable (not to mention, named) characters... if they lean into it more in a future entry, then i hope they do it in a way where everyone can enjoy it and not feel like they missed out. but I also hope they would make it so that people don't feel overwhelmed with flavor text... it comes down to taste, but i think i have faith that monhun can try making more character-driven stories while still keeping the core of the series in tact.
here are some more miscellaneous utsushi things that i didn't know how to fit in earlier:
he's been featured multiple times in capcom cafe entrees. here's his matcha latte dango drink:
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and for the sunbreak stories: a cake based on his fight with rathalos together with the royal guard, and then a drink that represents his... uh, struggle across the ocean to chase the hunter to elgado. because they will never let him live that down. i won't either.
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here's a t-shirt of utsushi and kagami you can pick up on amazon right now. kagami was a very interesting arc when he was first shown- he was introduced as a long time friend of utsushi, training together in the past, but eventually parting ways.
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his seiyuu in japanese is a sentai actor who loves monster hunter, so essentially, kagami is lowkey like a self-insert for him lol. he's goofy in english because he's voiced by a certain youtuber, but in japanese he takes a different direction of silly because he has a "chuunibyou" edgelord cringe way of talking. it's such a shame that kagami wasn't really in the game itself besides being mentioned in a few mission descriptions because i would've loved to see him interact with utsushi and the hunter, and i wish the royal knights and many of the NPCs had more cutscenes or something. it makes me think, if it weren't for the pandemic, could rise's story and scenario have been something more because of the DLC voice characters like hibasa/monju/kagami? anyway, a popular headcanon is that utsushi and kagami are ex-boyfriends lol (i personally like this one and adapted it for my utsuhan fanfics). but there are even those who ship kagautsu too (although it is rare because people overseas are a little wary of shipping characters who are based on real people).
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and lastly, one of my personal favorites... the diseased kyokan shirt. this is from an online capcom shop, and you can use a proxy service like fromjapan.com to order it.
if you read this all, thank you! happy hunting! with the instructor! we love that guy! the guy of all time!
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averageludwig · 2 months
Well.. I like transformers, anything superhero pretty much, SCP, and Project Zomboid(And zombies in general but project zomboids my ult fav zombie thing) I also like subtle horror not a big fan of intense gore/psychological horror I like it when they can achieve scariness without relying on slashiness/jumpscares or being greatly stressful in a psychological sense
I love this because this is the complete opposite of me 😭 I am not a big fan of superheros though the only media I do liking involving them is gory and uncomfortable (the boys, its the boy) I am a huge fan of bad or cheap horror (obviously a fnaf kid...) Its so fun to me.... THOUGH I LOVE ZOMBIES TOO SO HIII (^.^)
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As my following grows and as I meet more and more people who have rats, had rats, know someone who has/had rats, and love rats...
increasingly I wonder if/when a day will come... a day that I'll express rat enjoyment to someone and they'll enthusiastically ask me if I've heard of This Funnie Little Rodent Blog they like, figuring I may already know it or will enjoy it if not...
and it's.. my blog... and then I have to come out as popular Rat Tumblr blogger that they follow and now know IRL.......
#/lh#I'm saying this like it's some big deal but I'm just exaggerating for comedic effect adjfgsbkdfj#no idea what the likelihood on that looks like. based on statistics of people estimating statistics? probably likelier than we all think#anyway that time I posted a survey for a university research project here and you all wound up comprising 2/3 of our sample was so funny#I had to actually say in an academic research paper that one possible flaw in our study#was bias that may result from 2/3 the sample having come from a niche and extremely specific demographic of people#due to the fact that they flocked in from One Of The Researchers' Substantial Online Following Centered Around A Particular Theme#And Selected Specifically To Have Only A Certain Kind Of Person On It Via Boundaries And Blocking#literally you all made up 98/150 respondents (but that's assuming all digital responses were from y'all-- we had 52 paper responses)#ah but the research symposium was the best. in the paper I was able to remain that generic about it#but at the research symposium. well it's a glorified science fair. so participants have their own stations set up and observers tour them#as the participants speak to their audience; directly providing a summary and then answering any questions#some of the audience/observers are faculty and most are fellow students#so real scholarly scientific types yeah? so they had questions. thoughtful questions#long story short I confessed to numerous listeners throughout the day that the sample's bizarre gender ratio is probably my fault#around 57% women; 21% nonbinary adults; 17% men-- an unusual proportion#so I had to academically tell my professors... underclassmen..... my classmates....... acquaintances.... foes..........#... that I'm big famous in Rat#and it was so. djkjSBCJXHQKRIGAJFSHF
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colors-of-my-heart · 7 months
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theyre the same species, just different breeds
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