revenantghost · 5 months
I cannot believe Orange is baiting us with longevity when we've seen how this all ends in every universe. I want to have hope!!! But don't tempt me!!!!!!
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Hello! I wanted to ask you guys if you had any plans for translating anything else after you guys are finished with Trigun (I think you've answered this already but I couldn't remember your response).
So I was wondering if you'd be OK with me suggesting Nightow's other work, Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront?
I have found places where I can read the manga online in English, but I don't know what those sites' uploading schedules are like or how accurate the translations are. I'm really just hoping for a high quality version of the manga with a translation I know can trust, and I was thinking you guys could give us that based with KKSS based off of what you've given us with Trigun.
Just wanted to pass that by you. Like I said it was just a suggestion 😅
Hey there and thank you for the question!
Blood Blockade Battlefront is a wonderful suggestion, however we have a few work connections with another team called Morzo Guazza that does scanlation work for it. We highly recommend checking out anything that they do, as one of our team members from Team Overhaul is also a part of their team, doing some cleaning work for them.
Otherwise, there aren't any plans on what we'll do next. It's been many years with various short to long hiatuses for our Trigun work, and by now some of the team are pretty burnt out, so the likehood of the exact same team working on something else is small. I have personally once in a while joked that I'll do an overhaul of the Berserk manga, but obviously some of the art restoration work is a little intimidating.
If we decide to do another manga after Trigun, or the team splits to pursue other projects, we'll look everyone know on here.
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alena-reblobs · 10 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol10 Part 4
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2 | Vol10 Part3 | Vol10 Part4
God why is this volume so long and full of so many epic pictures
Commentary for chapter 6 and 7 of Vol10, will do the last one in another post!
While I'm doing this, reading each chapter and after that, doing my commentary, I notice the effect of the volume lessening...damn! I should read it in one go first and THEN write my thougths but I'm afraid I'll forget what I want to say. Vol9 and Vol10 are in a way really meant to be read in one go for the full effect.
Chapter 6:
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Yes! Wolfwood trying to end this fight not with his weapon, but with his bare hands is so important! He's not fighting to kill, he's not EoM's puppet, he's trying to bring back a friend...I can't say why but also the fact that this obviously pains Razlo more than bullets also feels right. That's how it should be. And then...there's Vash.
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Oh god and then there's Vash.
This is...one of the most cruel images of Vash yet. To me it is THE most emotional in the whole series. Pure desperation. Sadness for things lost. Vash allowing himself to break down while we only hear the punches of Wolfwood beating down on Razlo. Looking at this image makes me sad. Damn it Nightow for making Vash have to grief before they even had the chance to start their future together.
But again, props to Nightow for the storytelling.
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Vash promised Wolfwood to leave Razlo to him BUT NOBODY DARE INTERFERE.
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And just when we fought we had gotten rid of him and he couldn't piss us off any more he's coming back round to hurt our boy
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THANK YOU RAZLO. There can never be enough bullet holes in this dead man's body.
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I really really like that Livio is not treating Razlo like the bad guy here, but acknowledges that Razlo is also a victim in a way. A victim of having to live through the fucked up shit that Livio could not cope with, of having to deal with that. (I hope I worded that all right, since I don't really know anything about the medical condition of which Razlo is the result?)
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You did it, man. You saved Livio. And now you're even a person he looks up to you. Of the feels.
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CRYBABY LIVIO IS BACK BITCHES oooh you earned that cigarette, Wolfie
Chapter 7:
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I just love the kids and Melanie and how lively it seems. Surely it was hard and filled with loss as everybody had lost their parents, but it must also have been a childhood filled with love.
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Baby Wolfwood oh my sweet boy... Sometimes I have wondered how little Vash and Wolfie would have gotten along. Or well, I'm sure they would've gotten along. I just would love to see them interact as kids. Out there, little Wolfwood, a long time ago, was once a boy drifting in space who would later be your most trusted friend. And who would, not in every way, but in an important way, save you.
Ah, just below is the panel where it says "six years have passed since that day" that always confuses me?? Still now because 6 years is not possible? I will wait for any explanation that you, my fellow bookclub readers, will come up with.
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Don't scream at him!!!
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Vash wanting to explain it to them is killing me. And Wolfwood's expression here is so...unclouded. Completely honest. Vulnerable. No my sweet boy you are no monster, did that not get into your head??
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With the little time left...maybe he's right, maybe he can not explain to the children what he is, all the complex stuff.
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You know, Vash, Wolfwood is tired. This moment, he just wants to spend it with you, and isn't that enough?
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Wolfwood saying this...and then Vash begging to GOD, praying to not lose that man.
I never really got the grip on what Vash means with "stupid things". There's been this theory that Vash denies Wolfwood telling Vash his true feelings, but I don't think so. I think they both at this point know how they feel about each other. I think Vash just...can't stand to hear the emotional talk now because it's simply too much. Maybe it would be nice if they could talk out their innermost feelins at last. But maybe, they don't need that. Have their actions not proven enough already by now?
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Throw that confetti guys
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If some of you are on twitter and have followed the trigun fandom there you might have stumbled upon the marriage tweet my friend made when she read this scene the first time. I have nothing to add apart from that it rips my heart and soul in two. Now, there's one more chapter to this volume but this arc kinda already concludes with this here...and so I just want to say: I have NEVER before read something that felt so deeply emotional and tragic like this whole...Wolfwoof dying scene. Or, I might have and I might not remember, but in my mind this is the most tragic thing I can recall. Because...it takes its time. It already starts in Vol08, with Wolfwood's inner thoughts, and then it goes on for the whole next Volume where the stakes are getting higher and higher, until Vash appears to save them and save Wolfwood but it STILL is not enough. And Vash is shocked, is in denial, is in anger and is griefing and then we get a short moment of breathing, before it hits us again. We're living this all through Vash, and...and he can't bring himself to smile in the end. He can't. He only stares blankly until he then slumps down. Oh, and I read in the Trigun Wiki I think that this scene here is the only scene where we see Wolfwood cry. Which....gives it also so much more impact.
And, all in all, I think this is not the worst ending for Wolfwood. Of course I am devastated. Reading so much fanfiction, seeing so much fanart, makes it pretty easy to forget that there is no future for these two in canon...not together. (which is WHY I read the fanfiction because good lord did I need something to cope) And when I think about how they never get the chance to live the life together as they both may have wanted...then the feeling of loss hits the hardest. But then, on the other hand: First, killing off one of your main characters while giving them a metaphorical wedding scene is a sick move. An evil, sick move. And second: it fits the series. Because Trigun feels so real, and in real life, things don't always turn out the good way. And Wolfwood, with his life, never really had any future...but the thing is also, he died while knowing that he was able to achieve what he always wanted: the orphanage is safe and he brought Livio back. It is all he ever wanted to do, and it is thanks to Vash that he was able to do it. Would it have been dope if he lived on and if he and Vash could build their own orphanage and be caretaker dads together? Oh hell yeah. But, within the story of the series...it was always unrealistic. Wolfwood died smiling- whatever we think about it, he was content with what he achieved. (I think so at least! The panels where he cries out, they always strike me as a defiance, not wanting to die, but that might be reading to much into it. The whole thing for him is so emotional, the confetti, which tells him they welcome him back, despite knowing who he is...it would be a wonder if he didn't cry. So it might just be the emotionality of the whole scene.
PHEW I'm sure I could say more if I thought a bit about it but I'm gonna shut up here now. Time to do the last chapter, though I'll make another post, this one is far too long already.
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
Not really ready to move on from Vol. 10 yet, but here we go anyway.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 1-2 below.
Volume 11 Covers
I see Nightow decided not to give spoilers for Vash's hair here.
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That rabbit looks less than happy... but I think Vash deserves to hug a bunny right now.
Looks like we're gonna get some Milly and Meryl again in this volume! Hooray!
Also Legato. Maybe someday he'll evolve from a bagworm into a bagworm butterfly??
And Zazie, whom we haven't seen since like Dragon's Nest.
And... shall we say, a new blond lady friend??
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You know, I never actually read the text on the back cover. It's an old habit after having the blurb on the back of a book give me major spoilers once.
I'm pretty sure no one really knows what's going on with the fake back cover here, including Nightow. I hope everyone's enjoying their duck lips.
Slap-Stick Days? Are those really a thing this manga can have at this point? Or is this just another setup so we can end the chapter on "Slap-Stick Days/End"?
Chapter 1: Zero Hour
Awww. His darkened hair makes me sad.
Whyyyyy do I have to start this out looking at Chapel's stupid mug again??
Ah, Legato... has looked better.
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"Chapel and the old man are both dead." As in... Wolfwood Chapel and Old Man Chapel??
Ohhhh, geez. I didn't realize just how separately they treated Livio and Razlo. But I guess he really is both Double Fang and Trip of Death.
"Falling out like teeth." Man, they never stood a chance. They've been decimated for a while now.
Wait, when did Legato get shot in the spine? I thought... ohhhh, Wolfwood. Nevermind, I was thinking this was, like, part of his everyday treatment when he's not in his little metal cocoon. Then again, I don't know how he'd have received any treatment like this over the seven months he was holding down Vash. Hells, I don't know how he went to the bathroom during the seven months he was holding down Vash.
Oooh, I was wondering if this element would come up. Zazie looks pretty pleased with their chosen path.
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Knives, you crazy abomination, what are you doing now??
It's a good thing Livio knows how to drive given Vash's history behind the wheel.
Is that a Bentley?? How did they get a Bentley??? How in the hell would that be practical on a sand world??? (I assume it came from the same place as the Prada bag Meryl wants to get.)
Ugh. Vash does not want to answer Brad's questions. This is the face of a man who's tired of thinking about it. He's been thinking about it waaaaaay too much, and he was just kind of hoping for a minute's distraction from his brain thoughts. But he knows he has to explain, even if he doesn't want to.
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Livio has so many cute little expressions in these pages. They give me life.
I get where Brad's distrust comes from, but Vash doesn't have the heart to deal with it right now. He's doing his best, but he's so tired. Emotionally, I mean.
I love how Vash takes Brad's objection and immediately counters with a real-life example.
Oh, I love the firmness bordering on anger here. Like Livio suggesting Vash is being too trusting with him specifically is an insult to Wolfwood's memory. Gods, babygirl is sooooo angry and hurt by all this right now.
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LOL, Brad's anchor tattoo. I know this is kind of a joke panel, so now I'm wondering if he actually has one.
Livio apologizing. I think he really would bleed more as penance for Wolfwood, if he could. Like, he'd accept more grievous injury than Brad can do to him and wouldn't seek retaliation because if it's not fair, it's not fair in his favor and not in theirs. They have a right to seek retribution. To a point, though. He doesn't seem suicidal.
Oh, an ion cannon, eh? I'm sure this will go well for them and not get decimated by Knives from 100 meters or something.
Ohhhh noooooo. They're gonna Last Run a bunch of plants to power this thing.
That's sooooo many plants.
Yeah, as if Knives wasn't pissed enough.
Huh. I honestly didn't expect the Plants' will to come into play here.
I love how insect-y the plants look on this spread.
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I mean, they've had over a century to rebel, and it seems like they've only done anything similar in isolated incidents. They seem to genuinely want to help humans. But this particular instance is rather unique. At the very least, they don't seem positively inclined toward Knives.
Ooh, space friends. I'm sure that will go smoothly.
Chapter 2: Slap-Stick Days
Oof, they're down to one major city. That's bad.
This old guy with the guitar. I do like how music is inextricable from the Trigun story.
Luida coming out to talk with the authorities elsewhere really is a Big Thing.
Eyyyy, it's the return of long-haired Meryl!
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Still just as cheeky, I see.
Milly is so cute with her hair like that.
"It's descending into a complete state of lawlessness." Hate to break it to ya, but this planet has hardly been a bastion of law and order. Sure, it might be better than just after the Great Fall, but still.
I swear, if this is more Nebraskas...
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"Oh no! It's the feds!" This line is so cliche. It's beautiful.
It is Vash! One air-dropped Vash, to the rescue! Meryl and Milly look like they're about to die of pure shock.
That's ok. Vash is gonna die of pure shock at seeing them, too.
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When I turn the page, will they be punching him, hugging him, or screaming at him (affectionately)? Some combination of the above?
Welp, a full melt-down with tears of relief wasn't on my list....
(Loving the girls' new outfits, btw. Very practical.)
Hang on, I just need to drink in this page for a bit.
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Ok, I'm good. Moving on.
Hahahaha, good job, radio nerd.
This is gonna give a LOT of weight to Luida's claims with the other authorities. I wonder what Knives will make of it.
Ah, there he is. Heeeeyyyy, Kniiiiiives. Buddy.... You... you don't look like yourself so much anymore.... You doing ok? Need a break, maybe? A glass of water? Tea? Hard liquor?
Yeah, pretty sure the ark isn't actually space-worthy anymore. I hope he's providing some atmosphere for his atmosphere-breathing peons.
IDK, man. You might have great plans, but you have NO idea what these people are capable of. They just dropped out of some sort of hyperspace. They're clearly working on the kind of technology humanity would have if they hadn't crash-landed violently on a resource-less planet and been forced to scavenge everything they could get their hands on just to survive. All I'm saying is maybe don't count your chicks before they've hatched, Knives-kun.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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needle-noggins · 9 months
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just a little bit on Vol. 11 thoughts. Not too much because I feel like we're at the point where Nightow is just saying the quiet parts out loud, and there is a lot going on trying to wrap things together for the final battle and all its moving parts.
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ok, i wanna talk about meryl. does anyone want to talk about meryl? let's talk about meryl!!!
Not only does she give him his gun back (via Marlon), but she also gets the coins. (as well as some personal trinkets!) Vash never explained to her what they mean or any of this, but she carries it anyway and brings it to him. He doesn't have to explain why these things are important, she just understands and she cares. And Vash getting the coins back is going to be so important in a bit (I'm eyeing nervously at Legato).
It just says so much about her character and her relationship to Vash. Sometimes I feel like I'm grasping at straws compared to all the Vash/Wolfwood out there but if I'm a weird stickler for canon and VM won't leave my brain, then it has to mean something, right?
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I am not Immune to the "Character learns how to ask for help" trope, oh my god. It's about the fact that taking care of yourself is compassion, both for yourself, and, if you won't grant yourself that, for those who care about you. They want to help you and they don't want to see you suffer.
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What's so interesting, and wonderful tbh, about getting Livio added to the narrative is that he's the tradeoff for what would otherwise have been Wolfwood. But, Livio is different. Livio is able to look at life with newfound purpose. Wolfwood saved him. Livio knows this and is turning around to pay it forward, again. And you know what? He's excited to do it. He's excited to break the cycle of violence to protect others.
I just, really, really love Livio. He's so wholesome and good.
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A rare narrator voice moment immediately after! Vash immediately takes what Livio said and reflects on it. Their shared love for Wolfwood has brought them together and now they fight together to protect what they love - Wolfwood's memory. Wolfwood did not die in vain. I love how this is zoomed out, so to speak - yeah, there are some things more profound than Vash can say, but we get to hear it for once, I think because Vash isn't shying away from it.
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M...Meryl............. Vamery.......... Vash is looking for reassurance in her. He trusts her so much. He's relying on her for support and she's so scared for him. It's not explicitly shown here but I think it's Meryl who pulls him in for the hug and initiates that contact, because previously when Meryl was crying in front of Vash, he realized it was his fault and held back. And then the fist bump kiss. Oooooohhh boy. It's so sweet. Vash initiates it as a tender act of reassurance. Of, "we're in this together" and dgkljhfgdg im going to lay down actually.
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last bit - who the fuck is Jasmine???????????????
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hikennosabo · 10 months
trimax volume 6 random thoughts
chapter 1:
oh, hey, it's the guy from the 98 anime!..... or not?!
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i'm not keeping track of this TOO closely, so there may be other instances of this that i missed, but the guy from 98 episode 1 also showed up in trimax chapter 7. it makes me wonder if nightow provided character designs/ideas to the 98 team, or if it's the other way around and he decided to incorporate anime-original characters into the manga. either way: neat!
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i love the bits of characterization we've been getting for her. she (and milly) are our tie to humanity, after all
i must say it is nice to have a goofy fight after... all that in volume 5. and before... the rest of volume 6.
chapter 2:
aaaand now we start the next chapter with wolfwood's nightmare/flashback! hurts just a little bit! (the trio IS kinda serving tho ngl... when you have a fashion show at 7 but need to terrorize the orphanage at 6)
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^ completely and 100% unironically, they were in love here.
i just... ugh. this is such a vashwood chapter. the absolute trust and fighting together completely seamlessly, they are just. ugh. ughhhhh. this kind of trust just GETS to me.... sorry. i'm normal about them. i'm NORMALLLLLLaauughghghgh
ANYWAY. chekhov's table made me laugh
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i am physically restraining myself from going crazy over vw again as i reread this chapter to write this post.
anyway anyway. ww calling himself "nicholas" is cute :)
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just kidding one more vw comment as a treat
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chapter 3:
legato continues to be fascinating to me. i'm observing him like a bug in a jar. which is appropriate, considering...
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this is actually making me fucking cry.
...i got so distracted laughing at bagworm legato that i almost forgot to say literally anything else about the chapter, but anything else i have to say mostly boils down to "wow, legato is such a freak (affectionate)"
also, whenever something that was in tristamp is brought up i feel like the leonardo dicaprio pointing meme. like "oh hey, i know this!" going into this manga with prior knowledge from stampede is... an interesting experience. all that being said, i can't WAIT to see more of the manga version of double fang. oh nightow we're really in it now
chapter 4:
oh, finally, FINALLY!!! last volume i asked where the knives nuance was and now we're FINALLY getting some knuance, thank god. seeing knives react to just how badly humans treat plants is SO effective. and we're not even up to the juicy part yet. it makes me want to eat glass.
speaking of eating glass.
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i thought something like this might've been the case, but still... this hurts to read.
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i want to eat glass!!!! fuck!!! this reveal is so insane, it's like monkey's paw of "this is a way knives can be defeated, but by the same method, vash is closer to death than knives is." WE don't want vash to die, and neither does knives, and this chapter is the first (and possibly the only, idk) time the reader's feelings and knives's feelings are... well, aligned. at least in a sense.
chapter 5:
this chapter is really something, because it starts off almost seeming like another lighthearted "we're in a random town fighting a goofy enemy of the month" romp much like the early chapters were, heck like chapter 1 of this very volume. but it's just wearing the skin of that. which is, y'know. the thesis of this entire chapter. smiling to hide the pain and all that.
i don't think i can really... articulate anything of substance. the chapter just kind of... speaks for itself, i think.
although i DID laugh at ww trying to enjoy his noodles and failing, and also the phrase "needle-noggin-isms." thanks for providing some levity, we actually really do need it.
chapter 6:
ohhh boy we are REALLY in it now!!
i enjoy seeing knives ponder like this. legs crossed, arm slung over his face... i don't know. maybe it's because i myself sometimes lounge in this pose.
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what exactly is he thinking about, i wonder. that in awakening/forcing vash to use his powers, he unintentionally pushed him closer to death? maybe? i don't know. either way it's very on-the-nose for what their relationship has been like.
and then of course we cut to this shot of vash, looking in a mirror created by knives's slice
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this shot is making me think a lot and i'm reading too much into it, but- obviously the reflection puts vash's beauty mark on the opposite side, so there's the knives resemblance, so also, i suppose vash must see knives every time he looks in the mirror, right? also vash looking at his reflection featuring his own black hair- which we're all still thinking about... i dont know. i dont even know if this is anything LOL. i feel like i have the dots but i'm failing to articulate the connection. anyway
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this made me laugh. thanks for the levity again, wolfwood :)
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maybe i'm just insane for this because it's Generic Party Imagery but the specific combination of rem flashback + party popper + funny glasses makes me think of the similar scene in 98 when the seeds crew celebrates finding planet gunsmoke. like is this another instance of nightow nabbing stuff from 98 or am i just making things up.
the twins are so cute and baby knives smiles so much, i want to microwave myself.
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knives wants to believe in humanity. man. MAN!!!!!
what comes next... i'm absolutely carrying my prior stampede knowledge into this, but fuck, man. fuck. even then, i know that stampede didn't show everything, so i don't even fully know what to expect. which is fun! but i can't believe the volume ends right in the middle of the flashback, MAN!!!
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lost-technology · 5 months
Tristamp and Year in Review
I saw someone else speaking of their discovery of Trigun: Stampede and how it helped them through the year and only glossed over it. However, this anime was important to me this year. Trigger warnings: Death, grief, mourning, suicidal ideation and the fact that this was a generally shitty year. Personal stuff. Heartwarming "warning": Healing, reconciliation and a touch of nostalgia.
Where I was when I started the year: Laughing at Congress' inability to elect a House speaker (I follow American politics), working a shitty fast food job and looking forward, with some trepidation, to the Trigun reboot that my partner's adult nephew (also best friend) told me about, being an old school Trigun fan who had Trigun as almost her whole life back in the 2000s. I have a bookshelf full of manga, some even in Japanese even though I'm an English-only reader. I have a manga-book signed by Nightow, this is my level of dedication, even though I had fallen out of the fandom for a long time (my hyperfixations turning toward certain videogames - Zelda most prominently and my getting hard into She-Ra and the Princesses of Power for some reason. Spop was an obsession because I was a fan of the original when I was a kid (yes, Virginia, old people are in fandom). I got into the new series, mostly because I really loved Entrapta (mad scientist trope!) and was into a certain side of the fandom I now largely regret being in. I wound up having a falling out with a lot of people because a misunderstanding that lead to an accusation of plagiarism that culminated in me displaying actual symptoms of the mental illness that my "friend group" lied and said they were compassionate towards,* me being fairly harassing toward certain people and picking fights, (certain paranoid false accusations had me PISSED), people treating me like an emotional predator who was somehow "out to get them" instead of suffering a spiral. Someone screenshotting and putting up some suicidal ideation I'd posted on my blog that I'd deleted specifically in order to tell people in the fandom who weren't even in the drama that I was "faking it" and to not talk to me / exile me from the fandom. And that drove me over the edge - that thing. When I got back from the hospital, I was determined to remain in the fandom - making a new blog, doing my art and fics whether the gatekeepers wanted me in their precious fandom or not. (*Something I have learned in my long life is that no one is truly compassionate to the bipolar - not even other bipolar people. When we're a mess, we're a mess. Trust me, not even paid psychs are always prepared). This happened like, 2 years ago, but I'm still bitter. So, that's where I was, plugging away, embittered in an old fandom that I wasn't quite quitting because I needed to show myself, if no one else, that I was still standing. Looking forward to Trigun reboot and worried it would suck. Looking very forward to the new Zelda game, wondering if I could afford it when it came out. Watched the first Trigun: Stampede with my fiance / partner. He declared "It ain't Trigun" because he didn't like the new art style and some of it really had a different feel than the '98 anime. I was all "I don't really like how the SEEDS stuff is just right out front there rather than an unfolding mystery, but this animation is SLICK and I want to see where this is going!" 1/2
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makima-s-most-smile · 10 months
Trigun Maximum 9.2
And the second part...
Trigun Ultimate: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Trigun Maximum: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, You are here!
04: At the verge of death
Again, complex feelings. Wolfwood spared the bandits, but not Livio? No way. Wolfwood expects Livio to heal with the vials after he killed Chapel.
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And here, Chapel goes Speedwagon for us readers and explains what modifications Livio went through.
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I… just how Nightow draws the blood splatter on the wall, makes Wolfwood’s wounds feel so much more real. And I have to be honest, that started with the last fight on the ark, it is like NIghtow’s drawing had a level up.
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Willpower against Willpower.
Midvalley was right that Wolfwood is a God of War.
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This panel… Damn. The dynamic poses, the lighting especially on Wolfwood and the way his face is drawn... Wow.
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And this sounds so incredibly desperate. Wolfwood pleads for Livio’s life. Wolfwood’s desperation feels so real. I don’t remember reading Wolfwood begging before. Even on the arc, Wolfwood was somewhat kept together, his doubts and pain expressed internally only when he thought he would die. Here he shows his fear and care for Livio openly to Livio. Wolfwood loves Livio. Livio cannot die. If he dies, I do not trust that Wolfwood could go on.
Wolfwood is an incredibly brilliant fighter, but if Chapel is right then Livio is physically better than him. Wolfwood has only a set amount of chances until Livio would overpower him in the end, so he has to take desperate measures.
05: Demon
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Is Wolfwood the demon the chapter title mentions? He went beyond Chapel’s expectations and overpowered Livio. Like Midvalley he stands corrected.
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I mean… he was trained by you and then he had to run after Vash for like nearly three years. You learn a trick or two from that.
But that is not the only thing, yes, Livio has physical buffs shoved up his arse til kingdom comes, but Wolfwood has for one much more experience on the field and with Vash, too, and, while he is a massive derp in human interactions, he knows how to read people. He just does not know what to do with it.
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Does… Does Wolfwood do the weird killing aura plant stuff now, too?!?!?
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First time reading, this confused me. There are only 9 of these important weapons! You get the tenth. Now I know it means that Wolfwood is good enough in his… uh… craft that he deserved to get his own made. But, question, is it only ten Punishers? Or ten of these cross weapons as a whole with each having their own name? Because Chapel has one, I do not count Livio’s two and Razlo’s three, since he got under Chapel after Wolfwood, so after this flashback.
The Eye of Michael was founded around 5-10 years after the Great Fall. This is a flashback to TeenWolf, so he should be 6-10 years younger than the current timeline Wolfwood. Sects and such tend to sprout out of the ground like conspiracy theories when times are hard and what is harder than the Great Fall? I’d like to know more about its foundation time. Knives and Vash were walking around together then, so I would be surprised if Knives helped it along. Did he corrupt them later and they started out as something hopeful?
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I love the flashback and what it points to. The name of the Punisher is sacred. Wolfwood does it justice by bringing Punishment not to Livio, not to humanity, but to the abuser Chapel.
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This will be important later. I always interpreted this as that there is a finite amount of vials your body can process. Like everyone has a limit. Additionally, the vials heal by fast aging the body to heal it up. So every vial is a few years off, but if you go beyond that limit, you die, because you are beyond your maximum time. But Stampede makes me wonder, is it how many vials you can take at the same time or over your whole life? Because I thought the latter, but at the rate StampedeWolfy seems to throw them back… Another thought to my former idea, if you take more than one, it’s effect does not add to another but gets multiplied for the better AND worse. But those are headcannons, since we do not get much about the vials.
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We, the readers, get an additional visual hint by Nightow drawing Razlo’s expression from the masked side. This is Razlo.
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Did he hide the third arm in his body? I thought it was somehow weirdly placed on his back, wait no, that is the fabric ripping. Still, the third arm makes me laugh so hard. It… just looks so derpy. And off balance, too! Yeah, give him a full additional iron arm on one side! That will teach him.
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The chapter starts out with Wolfwood presented as the demon, but it ends with a picture of Razlo in diablo mode. Razlo is the demon. I know Tri-P stands for Tri-Punisher, but the Trip of Death sounds, well, like a trip in itself.
06. Fortitude
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Razlo may be stronger, but he is so much more naive… Why would he even think that the Eye of Michael would be friendlier? I get that they trick kids, but that is really… Dunno.
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Razlo IS Livio’s fortitude. But is this chapter truly about Razlo’s or will it circle back to Wolfwood’s fortitude?
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Uh… that’s a way to appreciate your servants… Again, Razlo does not care about others. Razlo exists because he is there to protect Livio’s life at all cost. But this introduction makes it difficult to feel empathy for him. The way he treats others and life in general is revolting.
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Wonderful fight scene and the way Wolfwood crashes into the surroundings makes it just feel so much more visceral.
Again… Does Chapel want Wolfwood to die? I… Razlo boasts about his fighting prowess and Chapel puts him down, commenting on how Wolfwood did not fight with his true power, that he held back for Razlo. And… It does not read as Chapel being on Razlo’s side, but Chapel wanting Wolfwood to let go of his chosen path and return to his true “assassin” form and that Razlo is the thing that will make Wolfwood do that… Razlo reads as the unaware sacrifice for that specific goal.
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And Chapel’s anger comes from Wolfwood staying true to his chosen path. His pride is hurt from Wolfwood rebelling against his order. And now, after he tried the last time to return Wolfwood, he prefers to kill him for his transgressions.
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Is he? Wolfwood started his path to change before meeting Vash. He tried to kill Chapel beforehand for the orphanage. Yes, the way Wolfwood comfortably stays against killing if it is not needed, is thanks to Vash. But he was on the path to that decision long before meeting Vash. 
Additionally, isn’t cursing Vash kinda against Chapel’s belief system? Vash is an independent plant, he should be at least on the same level of reverence like Knives, even if he has no authority over them.
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I do not get this sentence. May be because English is not my mother tongue. Does Wolfwood think this fight, his fight is stupid?
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But… Vash can die. He learned that from Luida. Vash does not bleed like humans, he heals easily, right, that adds to his ignorance and arrogance when he judges people who kill to survive or even for others. (But the reason is not Vash’ immortality, the reason is that Vash does not understand community, because he is just that unbound by it.)
And Wolfwood does not follow Vash completely. Wolfwood is still ready to kill Chapel. I… don’t think Wolfwood has truly a No-Kill-Conviction, but he knows his skills. The bandits from before were outmatched, so why should Wolfwood go the easy way and just kill them if he has the ability to not do that? That’s mercy.
“Killing is a sin but also a path to redemption. Do you understand?” No, do you? This is a contradiction in itself. Fitting for Christianity, truly. You build up guilt and guilt and guilt, by all these rules that are partly so complicated and changed through translations and intention that you cannot hold up every last one. If you feel guilty, you will keep your head down and follow the head mocho. This only leads to suffering and easily exploitable followers.
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I do not like that it reads a bit like the only way to survive is by killing or you die by trying to find a way out. 
The one part where Wolfwood was right in the past is that sooner or later Vash will be forced to decide. And making no decision is also a decision. 
So much about Vash is avoiding, avoiding connection, avoiding rejection, even avoiding real responsibility by feeling responsible for everything. But if he acts, he stands by it. And Wolfwood respects him for that, he respects Vash for that with him he was able to live a softer life, a life where he didn’t always have to kill, where he had another option, even if Wolfwood was in the position of the preacher, warning Vash about his fallacies and getting him out of shitty situations. 
“An iron bell is tollin’ inside my head… Or at least one should be... I can’t seem to hear it now…” 
I was confused about the meaning, but in the first chapter of the volumes they are already mentioned as a sign of warning. Wolfwood is saying that he will do something dangerous, that he will go against his better senses, against his survival instincts. If that isn’t an omen, I do not know what is. :) 
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
trigun book club :D a great reason for re reading the manga and now more people will yell with me into the skies :D
my thoughts on the 1st half of volume 1 (chap 1 - 6) below
chap 1:
-the babygirl :3
-maybe im reading too much into it but i like the page where millie and Meryl are introduce cuz it gives them attention (and not in a sexualized way :D). they're imposing their presence in that unusual place and I think that's cool -i like the people decided to divide among themselves part of the money, good for them
chap 2:
-ah yes, contrast my beloved
-ily millie
-i like that scene with the women pointing at vash every time I see it. the situation just sucks for everyone. the reader isn't mad at the women for pointing at him not mad at vash for not letting himself get killed. its also nice to see a lot of vash's personality on that. he lowkey tries to gaslight the women by saying he wouldn't want kids to see them with guns, he listens to them when they explain why they need the money, he defends himself when one of them is about to shoot and he doesn't fight them but tells them "I hear ya but I gotta go" and tears while doing so cuz the whole situation just sucks cuz if he could do both things (give up for them and keep looking for "him" he would)
chap 3
-WHY IS VASH SO STUPID/ affectionate
chap 4
-i just love people ruining vash's plans when he wants to leave in a cool "I was never here" fashion
-"thats more than i deserved" :c
-vash trusting kids 100% without any question my beloved
chap 5
-nightow pls i wanna know WHOS TALKING
-yknow i think it was the fact that vash said "our arrival" that gave it away. i think a normal person with a normal lifespan would have just said "I wonder if our existence on this planet is a good thing" but maybe that's just me
-i like vash wearing casual clothes in his dream. the red coat is more like a battle uniform
-rem :3
-interesting that in the dream she falls down instead of him. i never noticed that before but ofc she is the one that falls down in the dream. it could have been vash but I feel that would have given the dream another meaning entirely. wow
-aw nononono dont cry :c nooooo
chap 6
-oh man you should have been faster with that lever
-i dont think they pay you enough for that but I respect it
-"the scent of a woman" ok weirdo
-yes vash smack that child's head >:3
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alena-reblobs · 9 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol11 Part1
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2 | Vol10 Part3 | Vol10 Part4 | Vol11 Part 1
Time to make my vol11 post so that I can read the other bookclubposts! This one will be MUCH shorter than my vol10 review. Chapters 1-3 below the cut!
Chapter 1:
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EXCUSE ME I thought we had just established that we had FINALLY gotten over this old man and now we have to see his face one more time?? The audacity
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Aaah I love Zazie as a character! Their concept is really cool, and it's pretty easy to kinda overlook it in your first read through, because I remember that it was Stampede where I understood that OH Zazie ist one of the worms! Of the native inhabitant species of the planets! Makes you remember that this is, after all, a Scifi Manga. (In a way).
Also hehe Elendira and her murderous side is so funny.
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Snork mimimi snork mimimi God knows he needs the rest after all. I wonder if he dreams, and what he'd dream about in this night.
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The fact that even Livio is shocked to hear that Vash was willingly making himself vulnerable in Livio's presence...really shows how much of a good guy he is I think! And the fact that Vash was trusting Livio enough to do that is something I really really like...regardless of how he might feel towards Livio now. I don't think he hates him. It's complicated and at first was a bit hostile-sounding, rightfully so, maybe, but Wolfwood gave his life to bring him back, and Vash trusts Wolfwood, so, logically he trusts Livio, too.
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Ouch, not saying his name because that might still hurt too much... I'm a little confused why Vash blushes here? Is he embarassed because he's sounding so naive? Or maybe it's less blushing and more being close to tears? Could be that.
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uuh cool panel and cool Knives look!
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Chapter 2:
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Even though Nightow is sometimes a bit, well...chaotic with his worldbuilding, I still feel like he's doing a great job. Because he's really good at getting the overall feeling across, the atmosphere, and making the world feel lively, so that we know there's stuff happening around our main characters. This might also mainly be because the stuff happening heavily influences our protagonists and the story. But it's also because it's well put into words and pictures!
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Yeah girl you show that military guy!! Love her :D
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Have I told you that ponytail Milly in a jacket and jeans is my favourite Milly flavour? I have now! She's so sweet and strong and huggable. Also these two are girlfriends.
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And directly after that we get a trigun humour scene, where even those two scratch the 4th wall in disbelief :DD I love the duality of this manga, we have sooo many dark and tough scenes, but in between, at the right moments, we get a bit of fun to have a breather. But really, this happening just after both of them stare into the distance, reminiscing about old times, is peak humour.
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Oho! It's one of Vash's newly developed bullets!
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Yeeeess the family is back together! <:'))
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Haha I didn't get this on my first, possibly two, read throughs at all: the mechanical parts of the ark are breaking apart, while it's transforming into this even bigger ship, an amalgamation of all the plants...there's this trace of a female body at the bottom, wow. Body horror! Looks pretty badass though.
Chapter 3:
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Saving this for the only reason that it's all 3 of them together and it's therefor a precious panel
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Ouch. (It's good that he's mentioned though and not just "oh well character is dead bye" We'll get to see this more, but really, until the very end, Wolfwood will not be forgotten and will stay a part of the story) And the look of Livio when he's mentioned! We know that boy must be overcome with guild and shame. Brad comes in to help him, though he says later in the chapter he didn't do it for him, but still, a tiny part of Brad, the one that believes in Vash, is willing to believe in Livio for him, and has already accepted Livio as a companion! I'm sure of that.
The most cruel thing through all of this is how we don't get to see any reaction from Vash. Because we really don't need to. Simply showing his grayed out back is SO telling already...again, some things are best left to imagination, like his expression. I imagine that's not always easy to follow as an artist, at least I LOVE to draw the hurt, the pain and all strong emotions in my characters, so I would really have to force myself to not do that.
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Oh my god Milly :'( She's trying to go along with that story (a story that fools nobody), to not ruin the mood or well make a big topic out of it in this situation I guess, but she's just so open with her emotions, she just can't : (( Milly and Wolfwood also were such great characters with a nice dynamic (most of which we got to know at the Dragon's Den), how lovely it would have been to see more. Especially since they are both pretty different in ways, but also so similiar in ways! Both care deeply for family and both are protectors! Wolfwood could have probably learned a lot from Milly, like asking for help and such things.
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Hehe Zazie got kicked out
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Did pre-Juneora Rock Vash collect figurines?? What a nerd (lovingly)
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If I had to choose a fetish it would be about Nightow's hand drawings. Maybe call it an art fetish. Cause damn he makes hands look so...substantial! Real! It's not even that they are super accurate anatomical wise (all joints are there and where they belong, but I think sometimes some lengths of the bones look a bit off?) but..I think it's the little details like scratches and such stuff that makes them not look so hospital-clean. Uhm know what I mean? I'm gonna stop talking now.
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Livio, you're looking like a cockatoo!
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Someone in the bookclub already pointed out this scene and I just want to add, there's now way Livio DIDN'T cry his eyes out after this
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FINALLY someone closer to Vash says this to him. I really like Marlon for this (and that flashback drinking scene is great) because someone needs to drum this into Vash's head...good thing Marlon always speaks his mind!
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I also love this right after, but I wanted to put the Dark Horse translation (right side) next to the Overhaul on the left! The Overhaul makes a bit more sense to me, at least sounds more sensible, but for some reason, the Dark Horse translation kinda stuck with me! This "Please, let me be! You'll get me all confused!" I really felt that, and I always thought this was a great way of showing the mess of emotions Vash must be feeling! The left one makes it a bit more clearer that Vash doesn't really know how to ask for help and NOT try to shoulder everything on his own. The Vash on the right...he feels a bit more like he's just so overwhelmed with everything that's been going on, Wolfwood's death, and now someone telling him he's allowed to get help, to ask for it...it's just too much at the moment and he doesn't know how to process that now. I like both, but I love the vulnerability the right translation gives off.
And that's it for chapters 1-3! Next ones in another post!
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alena-reblobs · 10 months
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol10 Part 2
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2
It feels nearly impossible to properly write down what you're feeling when reading this whole, but nonetheless, you gotta try! I trust every reader is going through the same emotions on this one.
Chapter 3 only (since I'm just copying every page of the chapter apparently). Next chapters will follow!
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Because he has not forsaken you, you doofus.
Got to mention here how much I love Nightow's storytelling through all of this. Wolfwood's inner monologues are so so raw.
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This look on Vash...is something we've not seen often before. If at all? Vash never really shows anger, but this? This is grim determination.
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Can you not see, Wolfwood, that YOU are important to him, too?
Also that image...angels wings under the church bell tower. The way this monologue of Wolfwood feels when reading out the first time, and reading it all in one go....I really don't know how to put in words how much I feel this talk, how well it is done, how it lets us feel with Wolfwood and the whole scene....
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Wait wait wait I gotta retract what I said in Part one because apparently I remembered it wrong...it is only NOW that Wolfwood bites down on the vials? Because he sees Vash is in a pinch and might not be able to save them all if Razlo keeps shooting and shooting. And there's still Chapel. Wolfwood must know what this means for him, drinking these vials...and still chose to do this.
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He knows, but it was the only way.
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Because he's here to protect his loved ones and for that he's doing ANYTHING.
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Interrupting this sad commentary for Vash's twinkly anime eyes ♥ He's in a pinch seeing his loved person die but at least he's looking pretty in the process!
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Calling him idiot and dumbass is truly Wolfwood's love language
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You know I'm really feeling sorry for Razlo. There's one person that makes him give a reason to exist, and no matter how evil that person, to him...seeing that person die is hard. Razlo, too, never really had a choice in life, much like Wolfwood.
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There is this theory that Vash can read minds (he has telepathy with plants after all) that is canon? Half canon? But there are instances in the manga which support it strongly, like this one, too. It makes sense, because the panel in the bottom right corner looks like Vash has just heard or seen something, as he is processing it in his mind. I don't think Wolfwood did actively try to talk to Vash per telepathy- I think at this moment he's just begging in his mind, hoping Vash will know what he needs now. And still, he is so afraid of them seeing the person he has become. Oh, my dear boy.
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I will look at the above panel for eternity.
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There it is, the counterpart to Wolfwood's thoughts about Vash. We never, apart from the beginnen, really get to hear Vash's thoughts about Wolfwood. We know what Wolfwood thinks, very often we are witness to his exasperation about Vash's actions, his behaviour, his believes...but what does Vash think? He never speaks about his emotions and his thoughts and feelings, and even the reader can only guess by his face and by what we know so far. That we get to read this now...shows how important Wolfwood. Storywise, and to Vash. They had their disagreements, but they managed. And Vash...was intrigued. As in, this is not just a person he shortly met, and that will be out of his life soon after. They became travel partners. "But I wonder what it meant to him" Is he talking about his relationship as a whole, or the disagreements? It might be both.
I believe the story between Vash and Wolfwood is a story about love and trust. But one that does not start at the beginning, but takes time. That grows and grows and that's why it feels so strongly at the end, here, because both know each other completely and learned to love each other as they are and...and yeah Then, we get the flashback. Oh man flashbacks to their first meeting, Nightow is using every trope to hit us harder and harder. Stop, we are already lying on the ground and bleeding!
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The battle couple is back at town!
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Just saving Vashwood pics
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Thanks Nightow for giving us a little bantering. I GUESS. OH god I will have to do so many parts for this volume because I'm aleady at 14 pics for this chapter and I just looked at what the next chapter contains and then there are 3 more chapters after that. I will take the whole night sighs.
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
Tired and headachey, but not yet ready for sleep, so I will read more Trigun.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 4 Covers
Knives looks so nice on the cover, you could almost forget he's a villain.
My Japanese isn't good enough to translate Nightow's chicken scratch without putting in more effort than I'm going to tonight, so I'm pretending that Vash is crying because he's hungry and really doesn't want to give up this, the perfect bowl of ramen, to someone else.
Ey! It's a tiny Zazie! Also, that looks like Ninelives again on the back cover, and if he shows up in this volume in any useful capacity, I might have to break something.
Also also, saxophone! I wonder how Midvalley's spine is doing.... (Better than Legato's, probably. That boi's gonna have back pain for life.)
I'd be screaming if there was a cockroach on my neck, too, Wolfwood.
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"Killer Horn Blues." I WONDER who we'll see in THAT chapter!
Chapter 1: Countdown
Jessica, are you not like 15?
Does... does Vash know he's your sweetie? Has he agreed to this??
LOL, Vash brought the boys. He knows better than to be alone with her. Brad looks happy, at least.
Wait, does "the boys" here include Twolives?! How in the world!??!
Pretty sure the LAST thing Brad wants to do is insult Jessica's food.
LOL, Wolfwood looks like his brain farted out at the idea of a satellite with intergalactic communication abilities. Vash is probably right to try and clear up the situation, despite Wolfy's protests.
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Oh, hey! I recognize that globe!
Interesting that it took them like 50 years just to get the comm signal working enough to send messages to earth.
Something something casual clothes Wolfwood!
Meryl wearing fringe!!!
This is... actually a really nice prayer.
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Oop, machine go *bing!*
Uhhhhh... I hope the Earth ship is gonna bring supplies if it's heading this way, given how little the people here have.
Casual boys! Casual boys!!!
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LOL, the girls are already drunk somehow....
Luida, thanking those who put in so much work but didn't quite make it to the day....
Heh, Vash's drinking tie has made an appearance.
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Whoa. Angry Knives face jumpscare. Why's he gotta be like that??
Welp, that sobered Vash up real quick.
He was trying to make an angel arm in the last volume! Knives, sir! Put. That. Away!
Something sharp seems to be moving very fast....
Ohhh, Knives picked up the signal and isn't pleased.
He... he might make good on his threat. He has the ability. Also, glad he doesn't have his stupid helmet and that chest spike anymore. Also also, he needs to finish belting those belts on his one leg.
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Brad might still be a bit iffy about Vash, but at this point, Vash trusts Brad. Their relationship has come a long way.
I honestly don't blame Vash for wanting to sneak out before Jessica notices. If I had someone that clingy forcing me into an uncomfortable romance situation, I'd skedaddle, too.
LOL, Wolfwood freezing outside. Insisting he comes along. Not giving Vash a say in the matter, really.
Jessica. Honey. Move on.
Chapter 2: Killer Horn Blues
So, we've gone through about half the Gung-Ho Guns at this point.
Looks Like Midvalley's band really killed it onstage, huh?
Heh, for all the weirdness in the Gung-Ho Guns, it seems like Midvalley and Hoppered get along pretty decently.
Ohhh, is this flashing between present time and when Midvalley was recruited?
Knives looks eerily similar to Vash here. His expression is almost kind. He looks like Vash when Vash is tired.
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Dude. Midvalley. This is not a good way to live one's life.
Midvalley might have saved his bandmates' lives by telling them to stand down. He might be belittling himself for not noticing a bad deal when it comes his way, but in this flashback, it seems like he actually did recognize it, and perhaps just didn't know what to do about it.
Knives, knife collector. I like it.
I like how in the spread of the Gung-Ho guns here, Wolfwood's cross is unmistakable. Just in case for some reason the reader forgot, they're taking the time to remind you that this is where Wolfwood was some volumes back. Though, notably, Wolfwood himself doesn't appear to be in this shot? Or at least not recognizably. There's a lot going on here so maybe I'm just not seeing it....
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Midvalley understands that someone interested in genociding the human race isn't going to stop once his elite chosen have wiped out the last of the others. He knows his life is forfeit as soon as the job is done. And he has no idea how to get out of this deal.
Eyyy, it's sopping wet cat Legato!
There we go. The reveal of what exactly Wolfwood's role is in all this, as assigned by Knives himself. I'm sure this will bode well in the long-term for Vash and Wolfwood's relationship and nothing bad will happen to either of them because of it.
Hahahaha, Legato didn't know. He feels left out. Unlike Midvalley, he somehow thinks he might be of value to Knives. He wants to be of value to Knives so bad. And it just makes him more of a monster.
Ah, Midvalley didn't manage to save is band after all....
Some part of him really, really wants to take out Knives. Even if the attempt will kill him.
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For some reason, I suspect Knives knows Midvalley's feelings on this. I think Vash would know if their positions were switched. And Knives can figure it out, too.
I'm gonna pretend Wolfwood is jealous of Rem, this unknown woman who Vash is obsessed with, because he's misreading the situation and overly attached to Vash.
"A few million miles without water." LOL
Wolfwood's brain is too far in work mode right now. Stop it, Wolfy.
I hope that car is the girls.
Meryl flaunting her water as they drive by is priceless.
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Heh. No more solo missions for the Gung-Ho Guns against Vash. They're losing too many of their numbers that way.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
Will I get through all the chapters by the weekend? Unlikely. But at least I can get through a couple more tonight.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 6, Chapters 3-4 below.
Note: Several references to Stampede's aesthetic choices below.
Chapter 3: Cross X Assassins
Goshdarn, we had to start out with Legato, didn't we? This is pre-spider-smash Legato, but still.
Legato's idea of a game sucks. There's a reason Vash didn't want to play. A GOOD reason.
A;ALJSDF;LAJDL;F This sopping wet cat... I want to wrap him in a towel like a burrito and hope he doesn't kill me and feels marginally better about the world when he inevitably gets free. That's the best anyone can do for him, really, and more than he deserves.
Oh, look. Elandira's already got him wrapped up like a burrito.
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He remains alive out of sheer stubbornness to get Knives-sama to someday notice him.
Elandira reading El Gato like a book here.
Hahahahahaha, now he's literally sopping wet.
"They anger me to the point of madness!!" You don't say....
Oooooh, Double Fang I know. Trip of Death is new.
He looks soooooo bummed that he doesn't get to go play with them. I'd feel sorry for him if it wasn't for **redacted**.
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Man, all these people and their bikes. Are bikes like this practical in sand? My family was never one of those "go to the desert and ride around" types... but from what I remember, that was mostly done on quads. Eh, I guess bikes are what Nightow really wanted to draw.
LOL, they have so many guns....
That gate looks like a church door.
I don't trust this dead-eyed kid.
Dude. Don't do drugs, kids.
Pffftthahahahaha, Legato's so happy that things are going sideways with the meeting. Only he gets to be the special one!
I'm actually really looking forward to learning about the Eye of Michael. They didn't come up in '98, so their presence was a surprise to me in Stampede.
Cross assassins, indeed.
So much for their fancy gate.
Ohhh, that is definitely a ship, isn't it.
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Ok, so the dead-eyed kid mentioned this place having three towers... and the more I look at it, the more I'm getting crucifixion imagery vibes. Like, you have the prominent one in the middle that's Jesus's cross, and it's flanked by the smaller ones a little further back that were the crosses of the thieves. Maybe I'm stretching a bit. I dunno.
His ability to retain all his clothes after roiding out is impressive.
"Joe Tooth," huh? That's a terrible name.
Eyyyy, look at all those familiar-looking crosses! I'm sure that's not ominous or problematic in the slightest!
Elandira was supposed to be hosting this meeting, but Legato's taking charge again.
So much for the newcomers. Check out that mask, though. Now I know where Stampede's inspiration came from, especially given that Nightow asked them to up the tech in the series.
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Ew. Ew ew ew ew. Surely there was somewhere better for him to keep them? What the hell happened to his tongue? I have a lot of questions and I'm not sure I want the answers to any of them... but man, is this boy dedicated to his terrible, terrible game.
Chapter 4: Death Omen
Ahhhh, what a great title page of Knives! Like, he's got all the blades out, but his face is so calm, they might as well be groceries. A wonderful contrast that highlights his casual relationship with extreme violence.
So, apparently, Stampede got the inspiration for its Knives ass shots from Maximum, too.
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Also, who's letting him wander around in public??? He shouldn't be allowed out and about. No, Elandira does not count as a responsible babysitter.
Arrrrrgggghhhh, he's doing that thing where he looks too similar to Vash. A sad Vash. He looks like sad Vash.
This guy gets it. That's the doctor, right?
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Elandira, getting off on the prospect of violence.
I like how you can tell who it is just by the silhouette here.
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The doctor knew Knives as a boy? Just how old is this man??
Goshdarnit, Vash is wanted for the death of this guy, and he's just prancing around all alive like it's NBD. Rude. At least have the grace to be dead if you're gonna be involved in a plot to frame someone for killing you.
This is actually really poignant. I think it's the first solid suggestion we've had that Knives wasn't born a genocidal maniac.
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Sooooo many plants. Stampede took heavy inspiration from this, too.
Look at these skrungly boys being skrungly.
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Body horror time!
Her hair....
Knives doesn't look like he's in a forgiving mood. Can't say I blame him, all things considered.
Good to see him doing the "My name is Millions Knives and I have lots of blades" thing, I guess?
Yeah, I'd panic a bit if I saw a giant scythe manifest in the middle of town, too.
Looks like Knives is having some trouble controlling his angel (?) arm, too.
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Of course, he immediately starts putting two and to together with Vash's hair. Now if he can just make the connection that Vash using all that power is his fault.
Goodbye, Conrad. We hardly knew thee.
Vash senses something's wrong with his brother. I wonder if he can guess what.
You know, that really adds some weight to the chapter title, Death Omen. The Death Omen is the dark hair, but Vash has been carrying that around since Fifth Moon.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Volume 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 6: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT
15 notes · View notes
pancake-breakfast · 11 months
I should be sleeping, but I'm not known for my wisdom in that particular field, so on with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 2, Chapter 5 below.
Chapter 5: Desperado
Oh, no. They're coming for Vash's friends on the sand steamer.
Wait, that's the girl from the end of the last chapter, huh? That means they can't be far from Milly and Meryl.
"Did your work go well?" Heh. I'll note he does not answer this question. Nicholas D. Wolfwood. The "D" is for "Deflection."
Gods, his hands. This is so much more traumatic in context.
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NM, it's just Vash's bad driving. Or maybe he noticed WW wasn't sleeping so good and decided to unsubtly wake him up?
LOL, I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about what's going on in WW's head here, but they're all spoilers, so I'll keep them to myself.
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LOLOLOLOL, WW dragging unconscious Vash into the inn and demanding two rooms is just so funny to me. Like, no wonder these people are staring at him like that. They must have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
I assume there will only be one room. And one bed. Edit: My assumption was wrong.
LOL, nothing wakes Vash up quite like the sound of someone else in need, trying to do the right thing against impossible odds.
He's so cute when he's semi-conscious.
WW, what the hell life have you been living? I'm so sorry, my guy. No wonder Vash is giving you such a headache.
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I wish I could find a suitable picture to show just how much this building looks like the old Spanish missions dotting the landscape in certain parts of the Southwestern U.S., but it seems like 99.9999% of the pictures are of the buildings inside the walls... or of the ones that have been extensively renovated rather than having crumbly bits like so many of them do. (Also, it's late and so I can't be arsed to do a detailed search. Maybe this will help get my point across? IDK, I'm not writing an essay on Spanish missions right now. I already did that back in 4th grade.)
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If I had a son who was recklessly hellbent on getting himself killed alongside me as I defended the town/inn/whatever, I'd tie him up and lock him away, too.
LOL, dehydrated Vash. Gods, babygirl is in baaaaad shape. He's trying, though.
I dunno, a half-dead Vash is still probably pretty competent.
Is now a good time to point out that the word "Desperado" means "The Desperate"? (Also, apparently it's not actually Spanish. We're learning things today in Trigun Book Club.)
"What was that, Vashie?" *Vash barks insistently* "You think you can come up with a plan?" *Vash barks enthusiastically* "Ok, I trust you, boy!" *Vash wags his tail.*
Some quick Spanish notes on page 134 here for those who may not hear these terms so frequently: Mi Amigo = my friend (may not actually indicate a friend; can also be used to create a mock-friendly tone in a situation where intimidation is coming into play) Jefe (pronounced "heh-fay") = slang term meaning "boss" or "leader" (can also be used sort of like "man" or "dude" in English, or in a mock-friendly tone to kinda rub in that the person being called "jefe" is not in charge of the situation) Comprende? = Do you understand?
This guy has too many teeth. And a weird way of standing. Is... is he wearing metal underwear?? What kind of weirdness do you have to go through to get this kind of anatomy? How does he close his lips??? M... maybe it's a mask of some sort??
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Holland en Flambe sounds like a dessert.
Rest in peace, vodka. I'm sure someone out there misses you.
Hahahahaha, this kid. He's having to hold the whole weight of intimidation because Vash looks like a rag doll someone left out in the rain too long. Wait. Does Wolfwood know Vash is here?? Heheheheheheheh.... BF's gonna be maaaaaaad....
I love Vash's expression through this bit. He's trying, but he does NOT have the energy for this right now.
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Listen to your father, Rob.
Ohhhhh, shit.
Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I love the absolute chaos of the top part taking over the whole page, with this guy's shouting bearing down on Vash and the family from the top, claws sweeping in from the left with a motion so fast and deadly it leaves motion lines going all the way up the page... and then, cutting in at the bottom, in a panel that's practically pure-white serenity, the soft but definite *click* of the Punisher's machine gun opening. Beautiful.
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And, of course, we turn the page into a two-page spread of Wolfwood letting 'er rip, adding a more controlled and entirely different type of chaos to the scene.
LOL, BF's mad. Just a little, though. Confusion has tempered his anger.
Ok, this, though. How the angle goes from him carelessly tapping Vash on the head with his gun (while practicing shit trigger discipline, I might add) to us looking up at Wolfwood from a perspective very close to what Vash's would be if he could lift his head. How, in the second panel, Wolfwood looks like a desperate man about to pull an executioner's trigger out of fear and confusion for the unknown before him. How, even so, he's debating if Vash is actually the monster he's heard of when there's so much evidence that, despite superhuman skills that Wolfwood has witnessed multiple times firsthand, Vash seems so kind and cares so much for people he ends up in this situation even while half-dead.
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Meanwhile, Vash seems to be taking well-deserved nap....
17 notes · View notes
pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Alright, time to finish Volume 1 and Week 1 of Trigun Book Club! Let's goooooooo!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 11-12 below.
Chapter 11: Son
Nightow killing it with these title page illustrations. I just want to colorize them all with my vast quantities of free time between this and the other book club I'm in and putting together a cosplay for early next month and literally the busiest part of the year at work. Maybe I'll get a chance in July. Heh. July....
I love how, despite traveling around with the Humanoid Typhoon himself, Meryl and Milly are hardly useless. They're both sharp and tough, which is probably part of why Vash hasn't made good and sure they can't follow him. The other part is probably because he's lonely.
I feel like Milly would get along incredibly well with Sasha from Attack on Titan, what with how much these two girls think about food.
The contrast between Milly's big-ass gatling stun gun and Meryl's tiny-ass derringer is too much. I love it.
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This guy is so emo-looking.
Who names their poor child Badwick?! No wonder they had a falling out.
Yyyyeeeaaaahhhh, one REALLY should ask why someone would point a gun at their own parents. Like, there are legitimate reasons to do so, but it's a situation that should be the exception rather than the rule.
Milly does NOT take apparently casual disrespect of one's parents kindly, I see.
The part of me that loves biology is pleased that Nightow kept in mind that, when you have a considerable size difference between a mated pair, you want the female to be the larger of the two so she doesn't die giving birth to Gosef I mean in childbirth.
I don't trust this weirdo and his weird moustache.
Ah, I was right not to trust him. Creep. Creepy moustache creep. (I don't have anything against fancy moustaches in general. His is just very creepy on him specifically.)
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This old couple is right to defend their land. And Badwick is right to be concerned for his parents' lives.
Oof, someone done overstepped their bounds there. And he knows it.
WTF is this mole person???
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Oh, creepy moustache understands the value of trees, after all. Pity he probably just wants them as a freaking status symbol.
Marilyn Nebraska, dressing like Madonna and breaking the fourth wall....
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I know I said that Milly and Meryl are pretty competent, but I think this whole gang plus the Nebraskas and Friends might be a bit more than they can handle on their own....
Aww, the old couple is concerned about their son's life, too.
And Vash is sneaking into the scene, sewer gremlin style.
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Chapter 12: River of Life
Gah! The world is sideways!
Ok, I know I said I wanted to see them weave this story of the old couple into Stampede, but I have NO IDEA how they'd manage these pillbug guys. Not to mention it felt (feels?) like a weird cop-out to have MORE Nebraskas when we've already dealt with them once and I don't think they're actually an important group of villains? IDK. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Huh? Why does Meryl think she's as cold-blooded as Creepy Moustache? I mean, thus far she's been very pragmatic, but I don't know that she's cold-blooded.
Yeah! I love all her derringers!
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Milly, coming in with the practicality and saving the day. She really is Vash without the trauma, isn't she?
Ohhhh, Meryl has some unresolved Daddy Issues, I see. But... ugh, I want to write a pop-out post, but it would be too personal. (I know this is Tumblr and we all share all sorts of too-personal things with all the strangers here, but... something something boundaries.) For now, let's just say this particular brand of trauma sounds like her dad isn't the type of person who's worth writing home to.
Heh, Meryl patting her face to get herself back in the present moment. Vash would be proud.
Ok, with my own take on Meryl's stuff, the next scenes with Badwick freaking out and the dad apologizing for all he's put Badwick through hits hard. This is a dad who would rather their child be safe than pull a gun, even in righteous anger.
The mom gently popping Badwick on the head with her ladle is just so cute. (Also, would it kill Nightow to make it more clear who's speaking in scenes like this??)
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Again, this is it. This is the story. Because we all have our shadow days and the things we do out of desperation that seem right at the time, but in fact cause a world of pain... for us, for others, and for those closest to us. We need forgiveness, regardless of when it comes. It helps us to forgive ourselves.
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The way Creepy Moustache phrases his business proposal is so incredibly tone-deaf. He just doesn't get it and maybe he never will.
Ahahahahaha, the old man shooting the check. Good for him.
Current favorite Meryl/Milly Dramatic Pose:
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Meryl means business here. Good for her.
These isopod men and their tiny, tiny legs....
LOL, the Nebraska's faces when they miss are just *chef's kiss.*
For some reason I'm guessing Vash is involved in all this....
LOL, yeah, there he is. Living his best life in a barrel.
That shot kinda reminds me of Stampede when he shot Wolfwood's gun to keep him from offing Livio and, in the process, sent Wolfwood's shot straight into the observing Worm.
I love how Milly's leaning into the outcome as hard as she can while Meryl is just trying to figure out if her derringer somehow got an upgrade while she wasn't looking.
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LOL, the Nebraskas hit one little setback and they're like, "Woe is us, for we have failed! We must now retreat in shame!"
The old couple is so worried for Badwick, but they also trust him because they love him and all. <3
I have a lot of thoughts on the old man's words to Meryl and I'm going to write down none of them.
Except that Stampede echoes these words by having Roberto give them to Meryl, and I think that's nice.
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Aww, they left their most precious thing to their most precious person.
And Meryl writes a letter to her family after all. I wish it luck. I wish her luck.
End of Volume Bonus
LOL, Nightow's avatar being like, "Or as you say in English..." and then getting reprimanded by Kuroneko for saying something that's decidedly not English.
It's a good thing they clarified how the order of all this goes. When I was reading it back in the day, I remember being rather confused as to whether I should start with Maximum or "vanilla" Trigun. Although having these notes at the back of the volume likely wouldn't have helped me much.
"Lazy as a cat." Yeah, they live a good life. Naps, cozy places, and having a personal masseuse who will give them head-scratches practically on demand.
That's it for Volume 1! On to Volume 2 with the next week!
0 notes