ilovematsunos · 29 days
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i haven't much planned but here it is what we decided ( @lordofthesillystraws thx for da help ):
Those six people suddenly started having weird dreams and visions of others similar to them, nothing was clear or comprehensible, very blurry and confusing, but there was a feeling calling them all to be together. (bahh)
about Kara: Coming from the Eastern, he develops a burning passion for the western culture and becomes a knight adventurer. Due the visions he have been seeing, he decides to unite everybody, he believes their destiny is to enter the dungeons and have the best companionship together. In a way to make the group feel more like a family, he spends all the money on matching clothing (that's why they all have the matsu symbol). He is the one who cooks most of the time.
about Oakso: Not much about him atm. He's the laziest one, but when he gets the determination/motivation or gets pissed he will do his job well (maybe he will slip a lot). The funny one, kinda oblivious.
about Chorolee: The one that most denies their "destiny to be together" with the group, he believes that it isn't possible to be serious. Many times, he is the one who takes the party to the right direction and make them do the right choices, except when he doesn't. He's slowly starting to believe the dreams and have more kindness to the rest.
about Ichiwin: Can heal but also go to combat aswell. Normally, has more empathy to non-humans and demi-humans. Before joining the party he wouldn't be the one to explore dungeons, he would study it from far.
about Jushi: Around his teenhood He escaped from a demihuman trade ship in a gnome town. in that night he end up invading Ichiwin's home, and that´s how those two met. First one to detect danger and attack (dw he is very strong) but can get false alarms and cause confusion. Deep inside we all know he is the most mature out of them all.
about Thodos: Takes vision very seriously, but once he got to know the group he knew he was doomed. Can use healing magic, ancient magic and destructive magic (all for convinience, the easier to end the problems the better) he focus more on healing though. Flees combat constantly. Can help with the cooking and prepare his own meals sometimes.
FUN FACTS: this is DUNMESHI, obv we have to mention the food,,, so uhm, basically they didn't bring much food to the dungeon so Kara has the brilliant idea of eating the monsters in the dungeon lol. Oakso kinds weird but accepts, Chorolee is completly disgusted and complains every time but eats anyway, Ichiwin avoids eating the monsters and prefers eating anything else in the dungeon but if he needs to he wouldn't complaint much. Jushi doesn't really care it just needs to be good, Thodos is as disgusted as chorolee but he really tries to swallow it all.
All their parents look like Dayon.
is possible that chorolee adopts a baby harpy (he doesn't know it is a Harpy
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slommy-time · 1 year
Psspsspssp Karamatsu in a bathing suit- i had a bunch a fun drawing him 😳 (im a little mad that I drew this so well off of magma and most 9f my csp art isn't as good as this 😂😂)
Blmatsu do not interact xoxo! I will just block you teehee ^-^
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puppiiiowo · 1 year
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platonic nii-chan kissies o3o 
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my first oso fic! enjoy!
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daiwild · 3 months
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6 of thme,,
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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lazy pinterest photo redraws with my 6 favorite NEETs
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ichikos · 1 year
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fat pussy friday (1/???)
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lonelylittletofu · 1 year
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I headcannon that Todomatsu picked their outfits.
I say that knowing how, canonically, Totty has a pretty bad sense of style. And, I’d assert that it’s deliberate as to reflect how he always wants to come off as trendy and in touch with society but he tries too hard and misses the mark anyway, revealing his true NEET nature.
That said, god can’t stop me.
Also, this took FOREVER. And I have so much more planned to share… I’m literally vibrating with how much art I wanna make and how much I wanna say-
So, stay tune! And have a nice day!
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laurzvahll · 1 year
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hello…osomatsu-san fandom….
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positively-pro · 11 months
PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK to sign petitions and send your representatives letters about stopping KOPA!
The law could be severely misused and is open enough to interpretation that it seems like it could be used to take down sites like Ao3 and Tumblr for being LGBTQIA+ safe places. It would also likely require age verification for EVERY internet user, which would not protect kids, it would just give the gvmnt more possibilities to restrict and police our internet use.
It took me less than 5 minutes to sign literally all of these that I can right now. ♡
I saw another post about this, but they didn't want proshippers to interact, so I'm making my own.
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wavefilez · 7 months
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is this too niche of an audience
reference under cut
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puffpawstries · 18 days
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hello 2024 my friend has dragged me back into my Osomatsu-san brain rot,,,so have a wip
also happy birthday neets this is so crazy
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slommy-time · 1 year
Merry (late) Christmas! Did a silly comic with my oc and Matsuno brothers! My Oso oc is Kotarou! (He goes by he/him!). I love the sillies xoxo
(BLmatsu do NOT interact)
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He did give all six a kiss hes not gonna be mean lmao
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ok probably not funni but i had to
i just LOVE osomatsu san and these “wE aRe GoInG tO BeAt YoU tO dEaTh” memes
as an edgy kid i honestly love them so much
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muwwwsky · 24 days
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Did you even watched the show, pookie..? 😰
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minniemaymalady · 1 month
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scarf sharing🥺🧣❄
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