#My Castiel Manifesto
vaicomcas · 11 months
Justice for Godstiel
Call it revisionist history, call it propaganda. This is what I think about Godstiel and his deeds-- the thousands he killed in heaven, and other killings on earth as well as miracles he performed. it was presented as him becoming the big bad that had to be put down but that's SPN gaslighting.
Consider Cas had been fighting a civil war. Just because Raphael was killed, should we expect all of heaven to suddenly submit to him?
Apocalypse was considered God's will for millennia; Castiel claimed it was not God's will but never provided any evidence for that. It was really just his word, his conscience. Wouldn't most of the angels, who according to the show live in a very conservative and authoritarian society, be firm and sincere believers of apocalypse themselves? Anybody who has any knowledge of an authoritarian society know that it can only be successful because it makes at least a large fraction the members into true believers.
There were clearly layers of leadership in heaven; we saw Zachariah talk to the drunk in the bar implying he was one of the "middle management"; Bartholomew talked about their "superiors" implying there were many. With Raphael's death, there should be plenty of high level angels in his camp who can step in to lead.
From 1-3, it is almost certain that the civil war wouldn't have ended at 6x22, that Castiel needed to finish it in order to really stop apocalypse. Thousands may have to be killed because they were hell-bent on destroying the world.
In fact, I would go further than that. I already posted about my hc that when angels encounter a God-level threat like Amara, they use collective smiting. Why wouldn't the apocalypse-supporters use that on Castiel? I believe they did, I believe that's contributed to Castiel's deterioation because he was damaged by it, and I believe Castiel killed the thousands in self-defense.
On earth, he killed many by punishing who he saw as hypocrits and sinners; and he performed miracles such as healing lepers. Let's put aside the morality of his killings (KKK, homophobes, oppressors of the poor... I can concede that not all of the killings were justified but some are). He was trying to bring goodness and justice to the world.
Do you now what I find amazing about 6)? On the surface it was Cas mimicking God, doing with he thought God should do (punish the bad and save the innocent). The thing is, God made angels do those things. Castiel did it all on his own. This tells me two things. One, he didn't have support in heaven. The angels didn't share his mission and his conviction. Two, he didn't force the angels to do his bidding despite his god-like powers. He didn't turn them into "angels of the lord" or "heaven's terrifying weapon." He didn't. He respected their free will.
Castiel's creepy demeanor of speaking as the "father" and "you will profess your love unto" me? Just him having no idea how to be God, so had to copy what he thought how God should behave.
In Summary, Godstiel did nothing wrong and was really the better God.
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astudyinfreewill · 9 months
so it’s been one whole week. where’s the all american bitch by olivia rodrigo dean winchester fancam
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jazzforthecaptain · 1 year
For my harkstiel folks - give "TRUSTFALL" by P!nk a listen. I admit, my preferences for Captain Jack and Castiel run more towards songs that have a really strong marching/running beat. This isn't a quiet, reflective song. It's loud and full of big feelings. It was suggested by my fiancee, and when she suggests a song it means it cleared her Jack filter, and I trust her instincts there.
Harkstiel for me is always a negotiation of trust. It's two damaged hearts with authority issues, who've bucked unreliable leaders and still followed their own hubris into catastrophe. They don't believe in themselves anymore, and they love humanity for being the broken, violent, creative, affectionate, messy, untrustworthy megalomaniacs we are. They make moral compasses out of other people anyway, which is a mistake and they know it. And now they're here with each other, two terribly broken compasses. Equal parts fascination and irritation, threat and opportunity, pushing and pulling and inspiring and arguing each other into something that could be love, balanced like a feather on the finest wire of hell-forged trust.
They don't do relationships the easy way. They sweat and fight out the foundations one heavy stone at a time. It's hard to be a team when there's always someone being insubordinate, and they swap leads and fail and try and fail, until the failures start to look like something different, and that difference is theirs. But at some point, someone has to turn the key. Someone has to see if this craft made out of intimacy and broken glass is skyworthy. That moment is in this song, like all of my favorite harkstiel songs. It's the breathless moment of first contact, when all the shattered parts shudder into place. The hard work of becoming friends in spite of the labyrinth walls shifts and tumbles into a stunning freefall, and all the potential is visible, laid out like a sprawling sea of stars.
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foolondahill17 · 5 months
Annual Favorite Supernatural Fic Rec List of 2023:
I bookmarked 66 fics in 2023 (and read…a lot more than that), but only 9 were written/updated in this year of our lord. SMH we gotta pump out more content, friends. Seriously though, I’ve got several more 2023 fic reads in my Marked for Later, but some are still WIPs or I just haven’t gotten around to picking them up yet. I’m sure some (like the much-hyped Lighthouse Keeper AU where there is darkness by the talented quiettewandering [@wanderingcas on tumblr]) will end up on my Bookmarked favs…but, alas, they’ll just have to wait for the 2024 recap.
The list below is in no particular order, barring the first, which has joined the ranks of one-of-my-favorite-fics-ever:
A Cliff That Knew Too Many Tides by luulapants (@luulapants)
E, early series Dean/others, 94,508 words
Partial Summary:
A canon rewrite AU diverging from the events of Some Cruel Tide, in which a shifter disguised as his father used Dean's blind obedience to molest him. By the start of S1, Dean's relationship with his father is more strained, his devotion more intense, and his life consumed by the need to hide the parts of himself he is most ashamed of.
My words:
If you’ve been looking for a gay!Dean manifesto, you’ve found it. Obviously, the subject matter is dark: warnings for past childhood sexual abuse, internal and external homophobia, past suicide attempt, and traumatic outing. It is also beautiful and heart-wrenching and scratches the swollen, itchy, weeping rash on my heart in a way that only the balm of good Dean angst can.  
Favorite part:
“I wasn’t acting out,” he blurted.
“When I – I wasn’t trying to act out or anything.” Deacon’s presence hovered behind him like an aura, and Dean reminded himself, Don’t rock the boat. Don’t rock the boat.
Dad sighed. The line crackled, and Dean pictured him standing in a phone booth somewhere, probably huddled up against the cold. “Then what the hell would you call it?”
Dean tried out a few words in his head, imagining how they’d sound to Deacon. He ended up with, “I misunderstood. I thought I was supposed to.”
Asterism of an F-Series Ford Pick Up by disabled_dean (@disabled-dean)
M, Destiel, 17,408 words
Partial Summary:
When you've been to hell, desire is isolating and ugly.
Or: Cas drives his truck for a case and Dean is exceptionally horny about it
My words:
The way Dean’s PTSD is described in this fic, like a slow, oozing poison that awakens the longer he and Cas travel together, is tantalizing and masterful. Ostensibly, this fic is about Dean and Cas road-tripping to a case. It’s actually about how you, a monster-hunter, can come to terms (or not) with your body and soul when you think you’ve become the very thing you’re spent your whole life hunting.
 Favorite part:
"Like everything will be going fine and then all of a sudden I just. Can’t. I can't stand it. And the more fine everything is, the worse it gets and I feel-" he breaks off, eyes on his hands like they aren't his hands, thumb rubbing over and over the ring on his index finger, "It's like everyone else is living this normal fucking life and I'm still back in the pit."
Personal Space: The Final Frontier by botley
M, Destiel, Star Trek AU, WIP, 63,570 words
Partial summary
"Captain's Log, Stardate 10918.8. Captain Ellen Harvelle reporting, First Officer… Castiel… attending. After a month of bargaining with the Gehennian government, efforts to permit a search party within the Rack facilities still proved unsuccessful. Although Starfleet’s orders dictated we tuck tail and leave, I elected to disregard this decision and beam a rescue operations team down for the recovery of Lieutenant Commander Dean Winchester.”
My words:
This fic has been on my rec lists before. It’s still a WIP, but it very unexpectedly posted an update after a 3(?) year hiatus, so I’ll cling to hope until my fingernails leave a bloody, mauled mess.  This is basically a Star Trek AU where our favorite Supernatural gang are fucking around in Starfleet instead of the Midwest. Fantastic stuff – worth the read even if it does remain unfinished.
Favorite line:
"Dean made a face. Castiel decided the man was hideous."
Receding by minkmix
T, early season gen, 38,729 words
After a visit to an old, abandoned theme park in the desert, Sam begins to notice strange lapses in Dean's memory. As his brother starts to disappear before his eyes, Sam must rush to find an answer before there isn't anything left to save... My words: A Lucky Charms fic if I’ve ever read one. Delicious, crunchy marshmallow goodness of some fantastic Dean!whump and panicked caretaker!Sam with the solid undercurrent of slightly sweetened amalgamized oat and corn cereal of a solid case fic. Yum.
 Favorite part:
“Sammy?” Dean cut him off.
“W-What is it?”
“What’s Dad’s name?”
Sam’s chest heaved as he fought himself from sounding as stunned as he felt.
Swan Upon Leda by kelsstiel (@kelstiel)
E, Destiel real-world AU, 174,096 words
Pediatric Surgery Fellow Dean Winchester meets baby Jack Kline and neuropsychologist Castiel Novak his first week on the job. Dean’s been accused a time or two of caring a little too much in the past and it’s hard not to care about the neurotic adoptive father and his medically needy preemie. After a series of run-ins between the pair, Dean and Cas develop a friendship that everyone else around them suspect more from immediately, though it takes them a little longer to get the memo. When Dean struggles with a particularly devastating patient loss, their mutual understanding of loss and love bring them closer in a way that neither of them could have expected.
My words: A solid, old-fashioned romantic AU. It’s unpretentious, fluffy, heart-warming, authentic and the kind of could-have-been-a-novel goodness that makes up the heart and breadth of fanfiction. Warning for infant illness and death (not Jack).
Favorite part:
"I know they say there’s a chance, but I’ve just got this feeling .” She shook her head and looked down for a moment. She looked up again and took a deep breath as if steadying herself. “I wish I could see you grow up.”
five minutes to six by saintedcastiel  (@saintedcastiel)
M, Destiel real-world AU, 23,383 words
Castiel Novak has been the co-host of Good Morning, Lawrence! for a little over ten years when he stumbles across the story of a lifetime. But after a producer pulls the segment and tells him to forget it, Castiel begins to wonder who's really pulling the strings. Can he bring the truth to light while somehow managing to keep his co-host, and the man he loves, in the dark?
 My words: Another Goddamn quality AU. This one is a little quippier and fast paced than the Hospital AU above, but it’s full of fantastic characterization and even a last-minute breaking and entering romp. Fun that’s perfect for the whole family!
Favorite part:
“Been asking you out all week.” Dean tells him, and Castiel realizes all at once he’s right.
“Oh my god.” Castiel laughs. “You have.”
This Is Not My Beautiful Wife by luckshiptoshore (@luckshiptoshore)
T, Destiel, one-shot, 4,755 words
“Dean,” says the man again. “This isn’t real. You need to come with me, now.”
Dean’s been zoning out again. But he can’t escape the feeling that something’s very, very wrong … and wherever he goes, a strange man in a trench coat follows.
My words: You gotta love the Djinn dream trope. This one has everything you want in a caught-in-a-fake-reality-while-your-lover-pleads-for-you-to-return-to-the-waking-world story, plus an extra dash of on-point characterization and some truly imaginative scenarios for Dean’s alternate realities.  
 Favorite part:
“We could look into adoption,” says Cas. “If you’d like. Of course we could also simply take a child, but I think that’s frowned on."
we really shouldn't be doing this by LoversAntiquities (@tragidean)
E, Destiel, 17,138 words
After Castiel goes missing for a week, Dean finds him in an abandoned cemetery in the middle of nowhere Kansas, suffering from a mysterious welt. Only, as the hours go on, the deeper the curse grows—and Dean finds more than he bargained for, namely on every surface he and Castiel can find.
My words: This is more straight-up (not straight) porn than I usual rec, but this is a fantastic take on the from-sex-to-love fic where everyone was already in love to begin with. There’s a hefty sprinkle of idiots-to-lovers and sex-curse. Also angst, which is my bread and butter.
Favorite line:
Castiel stares up at him, his eyes gone soft, hooded. Dean thumbs over his eyelid, just to watch it flutter shut. “I’m not solely interested in you for your hands, or your mouth. They are wonderful attributes, but I don’t long for them so much as I long for you.” He leans into Dean’s palm and kisses the center. “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but it would take the death of the universe to get me to stop.”
Postpartum Prometheus by babbyspanch, saltslimes (@dragqueenpentheus @nifedick)
E, Destiel, technically mpreg, WIP, 18,959 words
Welcome to the Supernatural renaissance. Welcome to Castiel and the terrible naissance.
My words: warning for the fact that this is technically an mpreg fic even though Castiel is an angel and not really a man. Warning, also, because this is another WIP that hasn’t been updated since the beginning of the year, so I don’t know if it’ll be finished. Basically, Dean and Cas bump uglies to unexpected results. Cas kinda freaks without telling Dean he’s his baby daddy. He also yanks out his intestines so said baby can be nice and comfortable in there. Funny and angsty.
Favorite part:
“Are those—?”
“Yeah.” He waves his hand at the door again, starting to feel like one of those used car lot inflatable men, limbs akimbo. “A total murderer looking guy just bolted that way. And not like— the regular murderer-looking people who come in.”
“And he left his organs.” Dennis thinks a moment, and then shrugs, as if this isn’t the weirdest thing he’s ever seen. He’s been working here longer than anyone Henry knows, maybe it isn’t. He opens his mouth and Henry can’t help hoping some miracle plan of action is going to fall out of it. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Um. What?”
“I don’t want to offend you.” He pauses, brows furrowed. He rolls Henry’s cup over in his hand. “What is a ‘FABINISTA’?”
Add your favorite written-in-2023 fics in the tags or a reblog!
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Comfort fics for me: (not in order)
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Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 5
Word Count: 18,379
Summary: There are certain important times in an individuals life that really stand out, vivid, among the vast seas of memory. For Omega, Dean Winchester, those moments just happen to be all the times he's built a nest. By now, he's good enough at it to write his own how-to guide.
Or, all the times Dean's felt the urge to build a nest and how it affects the people around him, mostly Castiel. A work of feel good fluff and smut.
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 11,686
Summary: Dean wants to take things further with Cas. He just can’t get out of his own head.
Dean feels empty inside. Cas, um… fixes that.
Part 1 of my angel!Cas manifesto.
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 18
Word Count: 94,118
Summary: All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.
More to come…
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
Fic titles >:)
- Honey, I ate paint
- Fen's guide to life
- The day I became a pigeon
- Angelproofing your bedroom, and other practical advice
- How to survive grocery shopping
- Locked up with three dimwits
- Thirteen reasons why I should be allowed to have a maggot farm
- In this story, stuff happens, and it's cool (I think) sorry this title sucks and the summary is bad but please read my fic!!!
- Consensual cannibalism should be legal: A Manifesto
1. Midam fic, Michael has been babysitting jack and teaching him how to fingerpaint and. well. it turns out Michael was the one who needed the babysitting.
2. Fen post-hammer of the gods, on his grand quest to save his momma from hell. he teams up with many wacky side characters to do so, including ash and dick roman.
3. Gabriel is the one to pull Sam out of the cage, body and soul. Unfortunately he has uh. Issues™️ about this despite being the one to suggest the idea. And he’s suitable punishment for Sam’s great crime of saving the world (and locking Gabriel’s brothers away, possibly forever) is to turn Sam into a pigeon and keep him in a bird cage. There’s a lesson here. Probably. (Not.)
4. SamRuby and the consequences of having a soldier of God who likes to show up unannounced in their motel room looking for Dean. (This is how Castiel realizes he has a blood drinking kink.)
5. Apartmentverse fic where Raphael just wants to get some goddamn menstrual pads but because they said they were going to the store, Michael handed them the grocery list and now they are having the worst day of their life between the Humans and the Cramps and the Choices Between Brands.
6. This is about Ruby again. s5 au where she survives and stays on tfw and now has to deal with the fact that she is actually the only person here now who isn’t suicidally depressed, searching hopelessly for an absent god, or sleep deprived from trying to avoid talking to the devil.
7. This is something that Bobby thinks would be very useful. For monster research purposes. They should understand decomposition. The thing is: Rufus agrees with him, but they are not putting it right outside the house. So, you know, the domestic disputes of two grumpy old hunters with a few two many dead bodies on their hands.
8. Actually the title of one of my terrible self-insert fics from high school. probably the one where my self-insert tried to eat michael (it was a whole thing) (Amara was involved) (he was fine) (weirdly sexual)
9. This is a handbound booklet simply comprised of every time I’ve tried to argue this case with my friend and she has immediately shut me down. come on, ****, just let me eat people. I don’t care about the prions. I would be so good at it.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
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I posted 4,203 times in 2022
That's 812 more posts than 2021!
178 posts created (4%)
4,025 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,198 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 1,940 posts
#art - 689 posts
#dean winchester - 294 posts
#sam winchester - 237 posts
#jensen ackles - 125 posts
#:) - 119 posts
#the boys - 119 posts
#wincest - 116 posts
#lol - 114 posts
#thanks canon - 99 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#hunter corp john got dean a custom-built vermeil cock cage for dean's 21st birthday and it's dean's favorite present he's ever received
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
fic: the constant vow (chapter one)
You ever have that fic idea that you think, mm, that'd be fun to write, and you keep kind of prodding at it and tweaking it and reworking, and then it turns out it's like 9 years later and you finally sit down to write it and it turns out to be long and complicated and, oh damn, quite the endeavor indeed? Yeah.
I'm going to post the six chapters of this over the next six Fridays (barring getting hit by a truck or something) and, I'll be honest, I really hope people give it a shot in sequence even though it's technically a wip. Hopefully each chapter will be satisfying, even if you have to wait for the conclusion.
title: the constant vow pairing: Sam/Dean (brief Dean/others) rating: E length: 12348 (chapter one) warning: dub-con tags: Season/Series 06, First Time, Case Fic, Genderswap, Fuck Or Die
summary: With Crowley apparently dead and Sam's soul back in place, even though Eve is a worry and Castiel's fighting a heavenly war, Sam and Dean at last have some space to get back to what passes (for them) as a normal life. They've just finished up a pretty standard job and are killing time in snowy Wisconsin when Dean wakes up no longer looking like Dean. That's just the start of their problems.
82 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
can I ask what the appeal of wincest is to you? do you have a manifesto somewhere?
I do not have a manifesto. Do people write manifestos?? The only manifesto I can imagine being required is from people whose literal not-ironic favorite movie is Sharknado. And even then, the answer should be: "lol, why not?"
I can't decide if this is a bad faith ask or not but let's assume it's not, for fun and profit: the first level of the answer is lol, why not.
The second and largest part of the answer is: by watching the show as it's presented to me, without trying hard at all, I see a deep and tangible connection between the two main characters which is so intense that it actually would be less weird if they were fucking. The fact that they aren't, according to canon, actually makes Sam and Dean Winchester very fucking strange indeed. No one is that world-leveling over a sibling. It's insane behavior. They're bringing each other back from the dead and ruining each other's romantic relationships and accusing each other of cheating (thanks Sam) and condemning all of humanity to a world that still has demons in order to keep living in the same underground bunker together. Holy shitballs.
In some ways, wincest-where-the-relationship-is-physicalized is kinda cheap and redundant. Their actual-canon gencest relationship is so intense and over-the-top and strange that physicalized wincest almost becomes the only way we can talk about it, because we can't really conceive of relationships outside of romantic ones that are that powerful and all-consuming for characters.
So given all that, why not have them express their apocalyptic, world-ending (and world-saving!) love for each other via penis jousting. Like, might as well.
136 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
if you could completely excise an element from your fandom -- like disappear it forever, there would never be another post about it and indeed the thoughts that caused them would never even appear in another fan’s head so as not to potentially foul the air with their presence -- what would it be
150 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Sam’s fiftieth birthday isn’t much of an event. They don’t do much for their birthdays, never have, and even milestones have gotten lost in the general maelstrom that their lives became. When he was eighteen he ran away from home and felt so gut-shot horrible about it that he puked five times on the Greyhound taking him to what he’d thought was a new clean future. On his thirtieth he was in a coma in a hospital, getting nonconsensually filled with an angel. The years in between, May 2nd was a nonevent, other than a bloody reminder of bad times that weren’t far enough in the past.
In 2033, it’s different. Still reminders but they do feel distant. Some glass partition that’s slid down, between the bad old days and the current ones. They’re good, Sam guesses, but more than anything they’re---neutral. They’re exactly the days that he makes out of them, every morning. Lot of lives he could have had that would be worse than this one, and he knows that better than any other human in the universe, bar one.
It’s a Tuesday. A cool morning, for May. Sam goes for a run, like always. He comes back to the coffee not started, like always, so he starts it, and then goes and takes a shower. His knee hurts but not any more than his knee usually hurts, these days. Jeans, a sweater. The bunker seems colder than it used to, but then he’s a little skinnier than he used to be. A sweatshirt helps.
In the kitchen he pours two cups, and walks them careful back down through the halls to room fourteen. The door’s still just cracked and it’s dark inside, and he’s quiet as he sets the one mug on the bedside table but there’s a rustle, anyway. “Oh,” Dean says, and coughs phlegmy, and Sam wrinkles his nose but murmurs, “Sorry.” A waved hand, pale peeking out of the blankets, and then it gropes for the coffee. Sam shakes his head, goes to leave---thinking of the book he’s got split on the arm of his favorite chair in the library---but his knee’s hooked before the first coffee slurp is even over, and he waits. 
“Ugh,” Dean says, like always---Sam rolls his eyes, like always---but then there’s a little tug at Sam’s jeans and he sits, obediently, and waits for Dean to gulp down half the mug, and even in the half-light from the hall he can see the grimace. Dean sighs, putting the mug back on the table. “One day you’re going to learn the right amount of grounds to put in, dude.”
“One day you’re going to get up early enough to make your own, dude,” Sam says, and Dean blows a half-hearted raspberry. Even with the queen mattress they moved in here years ago, there’s not much room; Sam props himself up with one hand on the other side of Dean’s hip. Sips his coffee, looks at Dean waking up. Even with a drool smear he’s clumsily wiping off his jaw it’s a nice sight.
Dean curls an arm under his head, stretching his legs out lazily. “Fifty years of being my little brother, you oughta have realistic expectations,” Dean says, airy, but there’s a little smile curled in through his beard, and Sam pauses with his cup lifted halfway to his mouth. Surprised, sort of, and then not surprised. He finishes the sip and then sets his mug next to Dean’s, and when he leans down Dean’s already tilting his chin up for a kiss. Coffee and morning breath, and the soft scratch of beard. If he had any tension in him anywhere it’s gone, just from the taste of him, in the warmth of their bed in the morning. Dean’s fingers slip through his hair where it’s still wet at the back, slide down to hook into the v of his sweater. Sam pulls away from his mouth, kisses his cheek instead, and Dean huffs and pushes him back, just fingertip pressure but Sam sways easy with it, propped over Dean, thinking---nothing. Nothing at all.
“Want to go over to Marlow’s and get burgers for lunch?” Dean says, after a little while of looking all over Sam’s face. Sam wonders what he sees. He’s content to wonder. “And I got a good lead on a bottle of scotch that might just be hidden somewhere in the library.”
“Oh, a mystery,” Sam says, dry, and Dean smiles at him outright, easy, no smirking or holding back, and god, he’s just. He’s so. Sam smiles back, helpless to do otherwise. “Yeah,” he says, and then has to clear his throat of thickness. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Cool,” Dean says, casual, like he didn’t just catch Sam in the middle of loving him. 
Just another day in the life, together. Every morning that’s true---Sam wouldn’t  be caught dead calling it a gift, certainly anywhere that Dean could hear it, but. It’s something, all right.
“Maybe after some scotch you’ll let me do that thing you’re embarrassed you like,” Dean says, and Sam refocuses to find Dean looking a little less sweet than previously, and---goddamn him, it’s not fair that after fifty years he can still make Sam---
“Dude, cut it out,” Sam says, and Dean grins filthy and says, “Come on, remember? That time in Germantown where I got your leg bent back to your shoulder and---”
“I hate you,” Sam says, getting up, and Dean crows back, “Oh, I know how you do,” and just for that Sam takes both coffee mugs with him, and what’s so supremely irritating about Dean is that Sam’s flushed (not blushing, thanks) and annoyed and is now thinking about how his knee isn’t so bad today that they won’t be able to do---that---which he’s not embarrassed by, he just doesn’t like how he gets so out of his mind when Dean---when they---
Dean’s cackling back in the nest of blankets. Sam heads determinedly out of range and thinks about pouring the rest of the coffee down the sink, just for retribution, but it’d be a waste of good coffee. 
That night, in bed, after lunch and a movie and scotch and then other things and then clean-up, because even if Dean doesn’t mind it Sam’s never going to like sleeping like that---Dean curls up to his back, kisses behind his ear. “Happy day, man,” he says. “Many more.”
“Minimalist,” Sam says, and Dean snorts. Sam covers Dean’s hand, where it’s settled naturally over his breastbone, and thinks of all the days to come.
(on AO3)
156 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hello, hello -- happy w.w. to all who celebrate -- and as part of that delightful day, I wanted to get a sense of interest in a similar project that might have a slightly wider scope. You'll see the details in the linked google form.
Fandom's not *dead*, it's just... tired. And busy. And overstimulated-while-simultaneously-not-taking-anything-in. And sometimes people feel like they can't send a message or leave a comment or whatever because a) they just didn't have time when they saw it, or b) because they thought the post was too 'old' and it might feel weird, or c) who knows! Tons of reasons. But, in general, it's the interaction and communication that makes fandom feel alive, so -- we want to encourage that! Wouldn't that be fun? A little 'hey, I see you!' across the various dashboards.
It'd be super helpful if you'd take the little survey. (It's seriously little: two questions plus an optional short answer.) Share it widely! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! And then, at some point, a later project (with an actual title) may come your way.
180 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 19 days
crush of veils and starlight
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MH28zua by SharkEnthusiast There are always people to save, mother’s left in burning houses, little brothers abandoned, broken fathers bent over the bottle, silhouetted anguish staining the wall. There are monsters that live in the dark. Dean knows this, and so for her 7th birthday, Dad deciding she’s grown, he teaches her to shoot. Or, Dean Winchester on getting older. Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 2 of make me eternal (SharkEnthusiast's various fem!Winchester manifestos) Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, Gen Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & John Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Genderswap, Always Female Dean Winchester, Lesbian Character, Stanford Era (Supernatural), Angst, Coming of Age, Character Study, Dean Winchester is Sam Winchester's Parent, Protective Dean Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, this is my ode to weirdo freak teens. obviously., Bad Parent John Winchester, Parentified Dean Winchester, Child Neglect, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Always Female Castiel (Supernatural) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MH28zua
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ao3feeddestiel · 19 days
crush of veils and starlight
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iLrEeap by SharkEnthusiast There are always people to save, mother’s left in burning houses, little brothers abandoned, broken fathers bent over the bottle, silhouetted anguish staining the wall. There are monsters that live in the dark. Dean knows this, and so for her 7th birthday, Dad deciding she’s grown, he teaches her to shoot. Or, Dean Winchester on getting older. Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 2 of make me eternal (SharkEnthusiast's various fem!Winchester manifestos) Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, Gen Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & John Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Genderswap, Always Female Dean Winchester, Lesbian Character, Stanford Era (Supernatural), Angst, Coming of Age, Character Study, Dean Winchester is Sam Winchester's Parent, Protective Dean Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, this is my ode to weirdo freak teens. obviously., Bad Parent John Winchester, Parentified Dean Winchester, Child Neglect, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Always Female Castiel (Supernatural) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iLrEeap
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jupiterjunebug · 2 months
22 25 38
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
I'm having a lot of fun with how Strickpage has problems. 2point0 also, both as a ship and as two guys talking to each other, are both fun to write because the way they interact is how I interact with friends when we're being annoying and belligerent for a bit. Otherwise I'm unsure, I actually have a bit of trouble writing several fics in the same pairing. When I write something I kinda put all my thoughts into it and make it a ship manifesto so I run out of steam to write a second thing unless it's like a prompt fill request.
25.  Favourite part of writing
When I get to the line that I'd been thinking about when I daydream while falling asleep and somebody else likes it, haha. Like yes, you fell for the line I got obsessed with for a week!
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
My fic where River Song got possessed by Castiel was pretty niche, as is Tool Acadmy. Other than that I wrote a 28 pg work that's the closest I ever got to submitting something to publishing as an adult about a woman attending the funeral of a dead college ex girlfriend and discovering said ex's entire town worships the river that routinely floods the town like it's sentient. It's a metaphor for the way some people find themselves unable to tear away from the places they grew up even if it consumes them, and also about how growing up on a flood plain makes you different.
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vaicomcas · 1 year
Castiel's Rebellion and Punishment
CW: Bitter Cas fan post and hostile to the Winchesters especially Dean (will not explain my stance -that's my whole blog).
I wrote in another post that I wish the show ended with Castiel's second rebellion, rebellion from the Winchesters. But I realized, he already did.
It's hard to see it because the show's only intention for Castiel's role was to glorify the Winchesters. In order to demonstrate maximum devotion, they set him up for one after another crushing disaster, took away all his other friends, family and allies, forced endless cruel choices upon him where he had to do things against his emotions and his nature, all as proof of his loyalty to the Winchesters.
But he fought it. He rebeled from the Winchesters to follow his own conscience despite his love for them. Just the same as he rebelled from heaven to follow his conscience despite his love for his angel family.
And he was punished for rebelling from the Winchesters, every single time. Just the same as heaven punished him for his first rebellion.
Season 6 goes without saying (but I'll still say it). Castiel sacrificed his own purity and sanity and his friendships to save the world. He chose his path, disregarding the Winchesters's objection and contempt. His punishment: despite the Winchesters having no actual viable solution to prevent apocalypse, he was the villain, made to destroy heaven and earth without any acknowledgment that the alternatve would be far worse.
Season 8, he was determined to stay in Purgatory to do penance, defying Dean's wishes. Punishment: he got extractetd against his will, so that he could be put back into Dean's life again.
Still season 8, he fought and won against Naomi's mind control, and he took the angel tablet away from Dean out of a sense of duty. Dean punished his disobdience with his disdain. The show punished him by making him the reason all angels, millions of his family, fell from heaven and lost their wings or died. So he became the enemy of heaven and had only the Winchesters left as friends.
Season 9, he overcame his devastating guilt and self-hate to lead an angel army, so that he could bring the angels home. The angels, not the Winchesters, was his priority. Punishment: They took away his angel army (in no small part through the sabotage of the Winchesters), so that the only allies he had left were the Winchesters once again.
Season 12, he defied the Winchesters and ran away with Kelly and Jack. He said to Winchesters "you just have to trust me." Dean said, of course, "that's not gonna happen". He put Sam and Dean to sleep in order to get away from them. He was finally "not lost anymore". The show's punishment: Kill him (via the Winchester tracking him down and leading Lucifer to him), steal his son and gave his son to the Winchesters, THEN bring him back so that he would be beholden to the Winchesters again.
Season 14, after "Jack in the Box", he said to Jack, "we just have to get you somewhere no one can find us." He was ready to run away with Jack and leave the Winchesters, again. Punishment: They had his son toss him to the ground and go beg to be killed by Dean. Then they had God kill his son so Dean's actions against Jack could be conveniently forgotten, and Cas had to work with the Winchesters again in order to save the world.
Cas tried, again and again, against all odds. When he rebelled from heaven, he was punished in the show. When he rebelled from the Winchesters, he was punished by the show. In much more brutal ways.
I don't care about canon. In my imagination, he will win his freedom. He will rise out of the degrading trap of Winchesters devotee the show forced on him. His next rebellion from the Winchesters, from his own self-hate will happen, and it will come like war.
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deancascrowley · 3 years
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(chanting) lake house baby jack ! lake house baby jack !
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sapphocastiel · 3 years
dean & cas — all too well (10 minute version)
and i was thinking on the drive down, “anytime now, he’s gonna say it’s love,” you never called it what it was. 
(there are optional captions available on youtube! sorry for any mistakes, i did them myself)
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Alternating between freaking out about Cas on Tumblr and blitzing through stuff at work
Like have you HEARD about the gay angel? And how AWESOME he is? Love him for who he is independent from Dean or I will blow up this entire goddamn hellsite including myself
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okay let’s talk about mary’s badass charm bracelet from in the beginning (spn 4x03). as far as I’m aware, it’s only shown in this ep. even when mary is resurrected in alpha and omega (spn 11x23) we don’t see her wear it again. likely, since she’s been dead since the 80s, it’s lost to time.
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but I kinda wish she had. it’s silver, has a devil’s trap, a cross, a men of letters symbol. probably an anti-possession charm. cute and practical.
I wanna know where she got it. because of the MoL symbol I am going to say it was a present from her dad. maybe a sweet 16. which means she’s probably had it about 3 years.
at one point, she probably wanted to get rid of it. remove all reminders if her life as a hunter and run away with john. but after the YED demon possesses and kills her parents—I think she wears it everyday. as a reminder. as a memorial.
and now, this part is gonna be kinda squicky. since mary died in a fire and we know she has a gravestone. well, let’s just say that john didn’t have her remains cremated. that whatever remained was probably buried as-is. this is why she’s resurrected in her nightgown—it’s the last outfit she was wearing.
and since she wouldn’t have been wearing any jewelry to bed (aside from her wedding ring) the logical conclusion would be that john still had the bracelet after her death. had all of her things. and I think I know where they all ended up—in john’s storage unit.
we know from bad day at black rock (spn 3x03) that john kept mementos of sam and dean’s childhood there. and an arsenal of archane objects and weapons. I suspect anything of mary’s—esp if it’s related to the supernatural—would be stored there.
and my headcanon is that sam and dean go back to the unit quite often. to see what’s useful, to drop off their own objects, and maybe eventually to bring it all back to bobby’s.
that’s when dean finds the inoculous wood box. it’s obviously handmade, with care. the inside of the lid is engraved with a name and a birth date. mary sandra campbell. december 5th 1954.
and it’s full of mary’s treasures.
a pair of turquoise earrings. a broken chevy impala key fob. a silver knife. a tiny bottle of perfume. a makeup compact with a cracked mirror. a couple of concert ticket stubs. her parents’ wedding rings. a charm bracelet.
dean does a double-take when he sees it. realizes it’s the charm bracelet. the silver one he saw her wearing back in 1973. the one that identified her as a hunter.
dean calls sam over to look. tells him the story as they finish loading up the impala. he puts the box on the seat between them. lays his hand over it. miss you mom.
they leave it at bobby’s. in the room that has always unofficially been dean’s.
it’s not until after bobby dies that dean remembers he even had the box. the house and the salvage yard are theirs now, but the bunker has become their home. sam is packing up books downstairs. his puppy dog eyes, big and misty, are too much for dean and he’d retreated to his old room. pulled his spare shirts from the closet, folded up the quilt on the bed, boxed up his dog-eared paperbacks.
and then dean found mary’s box. already too overwhelmed he stashes it under his arm. carries it downstairs and to the car without opening it. another one of his parents is dead. the last one. the best one.
cas is at the bunker when sam and dean pull into the garage. a warm hand on his shoulder and gravelly words of comfort. and dean remembers that cas lost bobby, too. they can share this grief.
claire shows up later that night. she has an open invitation whenever she’s nearby. a dead guy room she’s claimed as her own. she keeps her spare clothes, some momentoes from the house in illinois, and grumpy cat in there.
the boxes from bobby’s are spread out on one of the bunker’s tables. sam’s adding books to the library, carefully indexing them. dean and cas are finding places for everything else. claire offers to help.
she grins when she finds the little wooden box. the contents are so cool. dean smiles and tells her the same story he once told sam. about time travel and his family and how his teenager mom kicked his ass. adds embellishments about early days cas. cas rolls his eyes. claire snickers.
she fiddles with the bracelet thru the whole story. fingering the charms and making them clink delicately. dean raises an eyebrow at sam. it’s a question. one sam picks up on immediately. he nods small but brightly.
you can have it. you know, if you want. claire tries to refuse. cas does too. it’s your mother’s dean. sam and dean barrel over their arguments. I think she’d like another hunter to have it and it’s not like either of us are gonna wear it, cas.
claire is beaming in that shy way she sometimes gets. like she can’t believe she has this new, weird little family. sometimes dean can’t either. you know this makes you a winchester now, right? claire sticks her tongue out him and he laughs.
more years pass and all of a sudden mom is back. well, mary. she’s younger than him and 3 decades out of touch. it’s a hard transition. navigating their roles to each other. they settle on something closer to friendship. it’s good. better than good.
he’d forgotten all about the box until mary and claire meet. mary stares at the silver charms encircling claire’s wrist. is that mine? her eyes are wide. like she’s seen a ghost.
there’s confusion at first. claire gets that quietly devastated looks of hers, but offers the bracelet back. unclasps it, holds it out. she looks so much cas that it physically pains dean. not jimmy. but cas. it’s a trying-to-be-stoic-in-the-face-of-inscrutible-human-emotions look that he sometimes makes. all blue eyes and furrowed brow.
mary wraps her hand around claire’s. folds claire’s fingers around the bracelet in her palm. why don’t I tell you how I got it and then you can tell how you did? how does that sound, sweetie. claire beams.
so that’s how they spend the evening. swapping anecdotes and memories. eventually dean goes to get the box. mary is delighted. my treasures! she tells them all about each item. the silver knife she wore to prom. how john accidentally ran over the car fob six months after getting the impala. the earrings she bought on her first solo hunt. dean’s baby booties.
she starts passing out the items. she hands sam her parents’ rings with a mischevious twinkle in her eye. she’s already met eileen. dean gets the crushed key fob after he promises he can fix it. cas gets the knife and an unnerving wink. it’s lucky, she stage whispers.
more years pass and mary is dead again. but that’s the way of things. maybe in another 30 she won’t be. maybe tomorrow. maybe they’ll meet again after dean dies, for good this time. it doesn’t matter because right now there’s peace.
real peace. sam and eileen got married a few months ago. eileen’s been dead before, too. but right now she’s rocking their grandmother’s ring and it catches the light as she signs in greeting. little jack makes grabby hands at sam so he sweeps him outta cas’ arms. he has dean’s baby booties on his feet.
cas does that gummy fond smile thing of his and collapses onto a chair, swinging his feet up onto a stool. he doesn’t carry his angel blade anymore. dean teased him about “angel pockets” for a little while but he only squinted and countered with something about interdimensional folded space and an eye roll. but he has taken to carrying a boot knife. dean can see the slice of silver against the dip of his ankle. he catches cas’ eye and grins lecherously at him. mom had been right, it was a lucky knife.
claire and kaia show up later fresh from a hunt. they are a little beat up, a little bruised, but okay. cas and claire exchange glowers of affection when he insists on rebandaging her arm, unclapsing her charm bracelet to better see the cut. dean’s helping kaia with a bump behind her ear when she gasps. oh, I think I lost my earring. dean rolls his eyes. these kids are gonna give him a heart attack one of these days.
but he says, I can fix that, I think. and stomps off to his room where a familiar wooden box sits on his dresser. he opens the lid. the engraved words are the same, but the contents are different. a bracelet strung with wooden skull beads. a couple of watches. a scrap of singed baby blanket. keys that say singer salvage. a pair of dog tags. some convention stubs. a scratched silver ring. half of a kansas licence plate. an angel blade.
and at the bottom, with an empty bottle of perfume, a broken compact, and a gold wedding ring on a chain are the items he was looking for. he scoops them up and heads back to the kitchen. frowns at sam who’s pretending like he can cook while eileen and cas are playing peek-a-boo with jack.
dean leans over the table and opens his hand in front of kaia. he’s holding a pair of turquoise earrings.
these are for you, kiddo. claire nudges her side, encouraging kaia to take them. he knows claire recognizes them when she whispers in kaia’s ear. it means welcome to the family.
dean smiles to himself as kaia reverently puts on the earrings. the pale blue stones suit her. absently he pulls his keys out of his pocket. twirls them around a finger, the key fob a flash of silver and black.
miss you mom. but it’s not a sad thought. not when she’s everywhere he looks.
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bisaster-energy · 3 years
something something You're Nothing Without Me from City of Angels is about cas and chuck I would write an essay on it but I'm too cold and sleepy rn someone remind me later
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