#Modis Tower
rabbitcruiser · 29 days
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The Great Fire of 1901 began in Jacksonville on May 3, 1901.   
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soraritsuka · 1 month
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Excuse me while I cry from living out my nerdy dreams
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glouris · 1 year
It turns out that 3 boss fights with trolls in the first game have Heimdall’s (and Magni and Modi’s) theme, for whatever reason: the fight with two trolls in the Tyr’s vault, the fight in the Jotunheim tower, and this one here. 
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You come in the room with an imprisoned troll, Atreus says that he’s hearing his thoughts and asks to set him free.
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(Reminds you of something?)
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So you free him, the fight starts, and Heimdall’s theme starts blasting???
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And you get Heimdall’s horn after you kill the creature????????
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Tell me I’m just seeing shit that ain’t there, but isn’t that straight up foreshadowing through an allegory for Heimdall’s final fight? The accent on Atreus’ ability to read minds, troll being imprisoned neatly circling back to Heimdall/Garm parallel I was talking about in another post, the theme, the horn??
Is Heimdall imprisoned somehow too? Figuratively perhaps, like him being trapped by his own pride, not being able to change and be saved? Or literally, by Odin? 
There is a lot of weird shit with Heimdall after all, that’s never explained. He’s the closest to Bifrost, yet we never see him use it to travel.  Regular ass einherjar soldiers can do that, but Heimdall only travells with Hugin. Special treatment from Odin, or a restriction as a means to control? 
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His eyes are the same as all einherjars' too. Is it because he’s their captain and all that are touched by Bifrost will be looking the same, no matter how close to it they are? Or is it because Odin did something to him, like he ‘returns’ personalities back to einherjar, giving them Bifrost eyes? Why doesn't Odin have those eyes too, when he can use Bifrost just like all of them can? 
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And why Heimdall, the guy that seems to hate lies, hidden agendas and meddling above all, is Odin’s most loyal follower? He of all people should see right through him and know better. He did mention to Atreus that he can see when people ‘lie to themselves and don’t even know it’. So if Odin truly believes that he’s doing the right thing, Heimdall should know that it’s all false, but HE DOESN’T.
Is this all just tiny specs of cut content? Is this me overthinking everything? Or is it supposed to be resolved in the next game? Your guess is as good as mine. 
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user1286 · 1 year
Gods of Disappointment: PART 3: Wound and Beast (1/2)
A/N:  Yo shoutout to my brother dawg, he helped me "choreograph" the fighting. (He's a For Honor nerd lmao)
Summary: Mystery ensues, Modi's hungry, and he irritates Thrud a little more.
With his brows furrowed, Magni loudly dropped his ax on the ground; the loud clanging echoing through the large cave everyone was sitting in.
“There’s no feed in this area. We need to move.” Everyone’s heads quickly turned towards Magni at the entrance. He then pulled a bag from his waist, ready to say more until Sif spoke.
“What?” Sitting on a log – like the two in front of her –, Sif raised an eyebrow.
“There’s nothing out there. It’s like all the creatures disappeared.” Magni explained. He then walked to his mother, placing the bag in her hands.
“What do you mean by ‘disappeared’?” Dumbfounded, Sif took the bag and looked into it — surprise and confusion took over her face —. “Where did you find these?” She looked up at Magni as she pulled vegetables and nuts from the bag. She noticed how fresh the carrot in her hand was and thought aloud,”We’re in Fimbulwinter, these shouldn’t even be alive…”
“There was a village.” Magni remarked.
“A what!?” Sif’s voice raised, as she continued. “You know we shouldn’t be in contact with mortals, if they hear a family of gods came to Midgard, word could reach Od-”
“I didn’t tell them anything!” Magni yelled back.
The silence echoed throughout the cave as Gulltoppr’s head rose, Thrud and Modi stared in shock, and all while Sif’s face formed into anger. She proceeded to get up from her log, and while being towered over by her own seven foot son, she looked up to his face, staring through his eyes, and quietly spoke.
“I’m sorry? Would you care to explain yourself?”
Stiff as stone, and with a quiet voice, Magni answered hesitantly.
“I… didn’t say anything. They didn’t sell meat, and I could only buy vegetation from them.”
Sif silently stayed put in front of Magni, practically squeezing out an apology from him. She then told him to sit down as she also slapped Modi’s hand away from the bag. 
Loosening up, Magni sat into Gulltoppr’s waist, who was to Thrud’s right. To her left, Modi, and In front of all was Sif,  who’s back was now to the entrance of the cave.
Magni then crossed his legs, and leaned back to rest. 
Sif inhaled and exhaled to calm down, then asking Magni,
“Why didn’t they sell meat?”
Magni began to pet the large cat as he answered her question. “They said the same thing was happening to them. No animals, all gone.”
Sif started to ration out the food to Thrud, Modi and herself.
“Did you eat already?”
Without opening his mouth, he replied with an affirming grunt.
The time spent eating the small meal was satisfying for Sif and Thrud. For Modi though, he felt different.
The two women went to talk outside, while Magni and Modi were both still in the cave, resting. One still in the same position, and the other with his back on the ground, three limbs sprouted, and one hand scratched at his head.
Modi’s stomach still growled and ached for more, annoying him, causing his mind to wonder. He turned his head to Magni, and asked his question in mind.
“So there really wasn’t anything at all?” He asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“Mm.” Magni didn’t open his eyes or move as he said so.
A tinge of doubt began to take over Modi’s tone. “Nothing?”
Modi paused, and gave his brother a look of suspicion. “You sure you didn’t forget a few steps to setting those traps?”
Magni opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to Modi. “If you’re so concerned about me forgetting, why didn’t you volunteer to hunt instead?”
“Did you not watch me get launched into a tree by an oversized cat yesterday?” Gulltoppr opened his eyes and loudly snorted at Modi’s face.
Trying not to laugh, Magni replied,”I mean, if I had a maybe~ 300 pound man sitting on my ass, constantly taunting me for trying to catch my breath after hours of walking non stop,-” Without uncrossing his arms, Magni leaned towards Modi and raised his voice continuing. ”-I would be so happy to launch him into a tree too.”
Thrud and Sif, still outside the cave, looked to Magni and Modi, with their attention turned towards them.
“We’re not fighting.” The two lied simultaneously, causing Thrud and her mother to continue their conversation.
Modi sat up, aggressively whispering and even pointing to Magni. “Listen, monkeyman, if I were to get out right now, and check on those traps, I bet I’d find them looking more fucked up than you.” 
Magni didn’t even bother to whisper, but instead, sarcastically remarked loud enough for Thrud and Sif outside to hear,”you think my traps were set wrong?!” 
Modi stopped pointing, and began to panic, frantically shaking his head, he whispered, ”No! No! No! I’m sorry, just shut up, please don’t do whatever you’re gonna do!”  
Magni continued to speak loudly, his voice echoing outside the cave,”You’d like to teach Thrud how to hunt while you check on them?! That’s a wonderful idea-“ Magni aggressively smacked Modi’s back, his fur coat barely cushioning the God of Strength’s large hand,”-brother!”
Modi scrunched his face and pursed his lips. He resisted the urge to yelp in pain, and instead loudly grunted through a closed mouth. Before getting the chance to object, Thrud turned her head to Modi with an eyebrow raised and spoke.
“Now, Modi?”
Again, before a sound left his mouth, his mother spoke instead. “That sounds like a good idea.” Sif then looked to and rested her hands on Thrud’s shoulders. “You two should get going before it gets dark. Your brother used to be very good at hunting when he was young, so I’m confident he’ll teach you well.”
“Uh Mom, I already know how to hunt tho-“
Sif’s back was already to Thrud’s face again, causing the girl to groan. Modi watched Sif enter the cave again, taking a sword and mace from the side, where a few other weapons were resting. 
She continued,”our weapons aren’t best suited for hunting, but we have to utilize their functions as best as we can.” She handed Thrud her weapons, and then turned to Modi, who was still sitting, desperately trying to rub his new bruise on his back. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
Modi paused for a second, with whatever sense of pride he had, beginning to bloom again.
“You know what? Nothing!” The man rose up to his feet, then looked down to Magni, whispering again. “If I bring some kind of meat by the time I come back, you’re bringing me twice the rations you brought us today.” 
Magni looked up at Modi, and without bothering to whisper again, he replied,”And if you come back with nothing, you’re coming with me to visit the village again. I think they might be able to offer us something worth our time…”
“Sounds like fair game…” Modi was about to give his hand to Magni for a shake, but was stopped when Thrud yelled into the cave.
“Hey tubby, are you almost done?”
“Augh, I’m coming, damn!” Forgetting what he was just about to do, Modi quickly grabbed a shield from the small collection of weapons and quickly asked Magni where the traps were set — finding that some were set along a river, and others near caves —. Modi and Thrud then bid their farewells, and then jogged off into the distance.
”Also stop calling me tubby, damn!” 
Thrud could only giggle in response.
The crunching of snow beneath Modi and Thrud’s feet accompanied the chattering between the two.
“I’m not into him!”
“Just admit it already, that bartender at the tavern always looked at you with hungry eyes!” Thrud bursted laughing,”I could tell he wanted to eat you like an animal!”
Modi playfully shoved Thrud with one hand, stopping her laughing when she landed face first into the snow.
Crouching over her, Modi mocked,”yeah~ who’s laughing now, tubby?!”
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Thrud lifted her head and shoved her hand on Modi’s face, pushing him over on his butt. She then stood up and bent over him; with still a smile, and through gritted teeth, she punched him on the shoulder. “I am!” 
“Aow!” Modi rubbed his shoulder, proceeding to chuckle and run to catch up to Thrud. “You know, you’ve gotten stronger over these years. You been working out extra before we came here?” He remarked, now walking by Thrud’s side.
“Ehh, not really. I guess dad’s strength is just kicking in…”
A moment of silence passed until Thrud recalled.
“Oh, wait, I did get to build up a lot of strength from all those times I had to drag your wasted ass out of the tavern, hehe.”
Modi’s eyes widened at the statement, startled, and then quickly turned his head and asked. “That was you who took me to my room?!”
“That explains so much…” Modi began to count his fingers,”Magni’s too much of a petty bitch to be that nice, Fath- actually I don’t even know where he even is when I was at the Tavern…” More realizations hit Modi as he tried to think of anyone else who would be able to carry him home; until the new information finally finished processing. ”I… saw that coming…” He lied.
“Sure.” Thrud scoffed and chuckled.
A few moments of silence passed between the two until Modi began to wonder,
“Why though?”
“Huh?” Thrud turned her head to look at Modi.
“Why did you bother? I’m sure I woulda’ been fine…”
“Uhh, because I care?” Thrud’s brow raised as she answered.
“Ehh, I just don’t understand…”
“Understand what?”
“Well, you’re- err, you would always get all pissy when you’d pick me and Mag up from whatever noise we might be causing, so, why would you bother anyway?”
Thrud’s brows pressed together and her mouth opened, appearing almost offended by Modi’s question. Before Thrud could say anything though, she heard yelling in the distance, proceeding to get pulled down behind a boulder, as Modi whispered,
“Piss, Raiders!”
“Yeah, I could tell!” Thrud whispered back, quickly whipping out her sword, ready to fight.
With Modi on all fours, and Thrud on her knees, he pointed a few meters ahead behind some trees and rocks.
“There!” He whispered, “I think four of ‘em.”
Sitting ahead were the raiders yelling and arguing about something.
Thrud couldn’t tell about what. She wanted to get closer, but Modi motioned her no. She then settled back down trying to listen, hearing “oversized beast” being mentioned in the conversation.
A thought then interrupted Thrud’s eavesdropping, causing her to ask Modi in a hushed voice,
“I thought you guys fought raiders before?”
“Not worried about that, just you.” Modi then turned his attention to Thrud. “Didn’t you fail that Helheim mission with that Loki freak?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I got my ass kicked.” She snapped back, with increased annoyance.
“Yeah, whatever, shut up real qui-”
An arrow swept through Thrud’s hair, narrowly missing her neck.
Modi looked above the four, finding that there was an archer in a tree, informing the rest about the two. The four raiders then grabbed their weapons and quickly charged over.
Thrud noticed the archer firing again, provoking her to quickly block an attack from a raider and manhandle him in front of the arrow. Another raider thrusted towards her, but she threw the body at him. She then jumped forward, and stabbed her sword through both bodies, finishing off the second raider. 
Modi – with a malicious smile on his face – pulled out his sword and shield, and leaped towards a raider. “Dumbass!” He sliced the raider's arm off, and bashed him into a tree. He then motioned his shield towards the next raider. The raider threw an overhead attack, resulting in Modi pushing his shield into the weapon, deflecting into the stomach. He then put the shield between the raider’s legs, throwing him over his shoulder, and smashing him into the ground; The sound of bones breaking caught Thrud’s attention for a second until she quickly looked back at the archer – ready to fire again –. 
Both the Archer and Thrud turned to look at Modi bashing in the face of the raider with the butt of his sword. The archer started aiming at Modi. Right as the arrow was shot, Thrud threw her mace at the branches, dropping the archer from the tree.
The arrow shot into the back of Modi’s shoulder, causing him to shout in pain.
“Modi!” Thrud called, as she ran over to check on him.
Modi stopped pounding at the raider’s face, gripping his shoulder. With his free hand, he stopped Thrud and told her through gritted teeth, “Get that fucker first!”
Thrud was quick to listen as she immediately turned around and ran to where the archer fell. The archer was already sprinting away.
“Thrud!” Modi yelled, and threw his shield to her. She then caught the shield and chucked it at the archer’s head; his body fell to the ground.
Again, Thrud turned and ran back to Modi.
“You got him?”
“Yeah.” Thrud replied as she knelt down to look at Modi’s wound. Observing the arrow, she sighed in relief finding it wasn’t too deep in his shoulder. Preparing herself, she blew a gust of air from her breath, gripped the arrow, and asked Modi,
“You ready?”
“Wh- NO!” Modi grabbed Thrud’s wrist and shoved it away from the arrow.
“We can’t just leave it in there!” Thrud tried to grab at the arrow again but Modi backed away, groaning from the sting in his wound.
Thrud then stood up over Modi as he kept backing away further, smacking at her hands as she persisted.
“Would you stop fighting- WOAH!” Out of nowhere, Modi grabbed Thrud’s ankle and yanked her down to the ground landing on her back. He then attempted to get up and run away, failing as Thrud yanked him by the legs dropping him on his belly. Proceeding to mount his back, she finally grasped the end of the arrow, and continued. “We just need that thing out!”
Having felt Thrud’s grip on the arrow – and desperately trying to escape – Modi yelled, “NO!” and moved what he could of his body, – unintentionally – finally tearing the arrow out. 
Both froze in a deafening silence. Modi quickly bit into the shoulder of his coat, and screamed for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Thrud held and looked at the arrow, thinking to herself, huh.
When the screaming stopped, she remembered there was still a wound in need of treatment. Tossing the arrow away, she looked at Modi with his knees tucked in and his head laying in the snow. Thrud snorted, and did only what she knew for a wound. Out of a pouch on her side, she took out a roll of a bandage and knelt down to Modi’s level again.
“Come on, you big baby, we haven’t even found the traps yet.”
Without moving, Modi groaned in an attempt to tell Thrud to go away.
Sighing, Thrud lifted the furry coat off Modi’s shoulder and began to unravel the bandage.
A/N: If you want an idea on how Modi fights, look up Warlord For Honor on youtube lol. Also yes, he and Magni have new weapons bc fuck you that's why. (The justification will be delved into in the story at some point lol). ALSO I redesigned the two bc I hate their actual designs, but also because four winters is one hell of a while, they had to change designs at some point lol. I plan on posting their redesigns soon, but If you don't find them, that means I either bitched out of shyness and embarrassment, or I decided to update them a little more fjdslajfjl.
also if anyone can answer rq, uhh should I keep posting my fics into the god of war tag idk if I'm being annoying or not with my fic bc I know hardly anyone cares abt magni and modi but idk idk bc I do keep finding like character x reader fan fics n such but  ?????? idk lol
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thepaladincosplays · 21 days
Got anymore Magni and Modi interactions?
"Wake up."
Magni's eyes struggled to open, a yawn escaping his mouth. When he sat up in his bed he realized who commanded him. "Mother, I-"
"Stop. Stop right there." Sif's gaze turned to the sleeping figure next to him, stark naked next to her equally undressed son. "I know you have needs, Magni, but you know your grandfather's stance on bringing mortals to Asgard."
He smirked and placed a hand on the girl's back, earning a sleepy smile out of her. "I'll take her back to where I found her in Midgard, mother. I'll even play the gentleman and offer her company to take her directly home." Sif gave him a hard stare, and sighed. He always repeated the same tired offer of penance. She knew this wouldn't be the last large woman he brought home, nor would it be the last.
"We're not done talking about this, Magni. Do what you must and be discreet." Sif already knew how she would address the situation with her husband. Maybe his firm hand would put their son in his place and convince him to actually listen this time.
Modi must have run through this obstacle course at least a thousand times, practically swimming through it like routine. Tyr enjoyed putting him through the ringer, always making him practice, practice, practice. With one final charge through a training dummy, Modi cleared through the obstacle course like a rampaging beast. "Excellent as always, Modi. Your time's improved." Tyr's compliments were pitiful.
"With all due respect, Tyr, I-" Modi swallowed his words when he saw his father's hulking figure next to the far taller and leaner Tyr. Thor gave him a steely look, as if daring him to show anything less than gratitude. "I... believe I could do better."
"I agree. Your swings, while strong, are lacking in speed. Bring your hands closer together for this next exercise." Tyr smiled warmly, something that always irked Modi. The God of War was as smug as he was tall, and he towered over Thor.
Dinners among the Aesir were often great feasts and lasted all night, especially when the Vanir were also present. "I'm glad we could be together for this momentous occasion, All-Father," said Freyr, beaming brightly with a smile.
Grandfather and Freyr started discussing politics, which bored Magni to no end. If a situation couldn't be resolved with a fight, it wasn't worth his time or attention. Someone was, however, and he rose from his place at the long table and moved closer to her. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked, not hesitating to sit next to the fair Sigyn.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Magni?" Sigyn smiled, her round face stretching a little as she did. Magni brushed the back of his hand against her cheek, smiling back.
"That soft smile of yours is all you'll ever owe me, dear Sigyn. Why don't you and I leave the feast early? I'd love to stargaze with you." A lie, but not to dear Sigyn. After Loki rejected her she was vulnerable, and she was always particularly soft on the eyes.
The trees rustled as their target ran farther and father away. "You're going to let him get away." Modi knocked an arrow and pulled tight. He kept his eyes trained on the runner. "He's almost reached the barrier."
"Oh, shut up." Modi released his arrow and watched it shoot off as quick as lightning. He tracked it even as it fell through the tree line and hit their target. The mortal thief thought they could sneak into Asgard and steal from their grandfather. "They're pinned to a tree root; the arrow's half buried in them."
"Good. I'll sniff them out; go get Grandfather and the others and bring them to us." Magni took a deep sniff of a scrap of cloth from the thief. "How'd they manage to escape your grasp?" he asked, the smell of the thief catching up to him now.
"I allowed it. Grandfather will want to make an example of them, and giving them a false sense of hope by allowing them to escape will help drive home the lesson he'll teach them." Modi smirked before walking away, his boots crushing the twigs beneath his feet.
Magni couldn't help but smile at his brother's cruelty. "Perhaps you're not as stupid as I thought, brother." He started walking down the path, following the scent of the thief.
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kyndaris · 25 days
Scrambling Across Shibuya
Shibuya. Known for its 109 building, the Hachiko statue out the front of the JR station and its busy crossing, the district is a popular area for tourists and locals alike. It is often described as the heart and soul of the bustling city that is Tokyo and is known for its nightlife and fashionable youth culture. What's more, it has appeared in several anime an games - leaving a strong impression on anyone who wishes to travel to Japan.
For me, this came in the form of The World Ends With You and Ghostwire Tokyo. And let's be honest, it was mostly The World Ends With You, as well as its sequel: NEO: The World Ends With You that sold me on Shibuya. Especially when it came to the iconic places in and around the area like Tower Records and the MODI shopping mall. You could also duck into Udagawacho in the game as well.
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And with the trailer of Kingdom Hearts 4 showing Sora in a world featuring the 104 building - the variation of the 109 building in The World Ends With You, I'm sure you can understand my excitement.
Still, it wasn't all that long ago I visited Shibuya with my family. Eight years after my first visit, I was back there again, this time accompanied by bleachpanda as we caught up with two other friends from Australia for some much needed retail therapy as a reward for a long and arduous trip.
As was tradition, I arranged to catch-up with my two other friends by meeting near the statue of Hachiko. Mostly because it was a common meet-up spot and secondly, I didn't want to spend the day chasing after my friend as they moved from crossing to cafe to bookstore. After all, I'd already accidentally taken the wrong line to get to Shibuya Station and had to divert via bus.
Not a good start to the day.
Once we had caught up, it was off to the closest shop. From Uniqlo to Sanrio to Loft, we had a look at what was available. Despite the fact bleachpanda and I had been overseas for nigh on three weeks, this was the first time we had stopped to buy clothing for ourselves. And Loft was also a surprise. Especially when it came to souvenirs or gifts for friends.
In my defence, I wasn't in Japan for shopping and had left a lot of the research with regards to shopping for bleachpanda as I knew there were places she wanted to visit, whereas I was fine to simply look and stare at Pokemon and Disney. Which, by the way, we also visited after having some yakiniku. This also included another Capcom Store, Nintendo, a local Jump! store and a few other places to feed my need to purchase merchandise and delightful goodies to add to my ever-growing collection of things I probably wouldn't need.
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While many of the things I bought are presents and souvenirs for friends, there is still a hefty amount of stuffed toys and cute items I bought that were for me alone. Bleachpanda, too, couldn't resist the chance to indulge as she bought a mountain of things while at Uniqlo and had to lug it with her as we continued on our shopping spree in Shibuya.
With evening soon upon us, my other friends had to depart earlier. They'd arranged to meet with a few other people they knew for dinner on the other side of Tokyo. Bleachpanda and I headed down to Harajuku, enjoying the brisk walk, to try out some crepes she had seen on Instagram. And to be honest, Marion Crepes was much better than the Harajuku crepes in Sydney - from the flavour to the diversity of choices, and even to the price.
And while it wasn't the in-depth walk through of Harajuku I enjoyed eight years ago with my mum, after we had toured the nearby shrine, it was still a good quick look at one of the most bustling places in Tokyo.
Afterwards, bleachpanda and I returned to our hotel in Shinjuku. Along the way, we stopped at the Disney Flagship store and had dinner at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant where we once again munched down on some lovely fatty tuna and salmon.
But though our time was ending in Japan, we still had so much more to do in Japan!
Oh, and before I forget, bleachpanda also stopped by the local Don Quijote (the day before) and bought herself a second suitcase to bring back all her goodies and to give my poor suitcase a reprieve from all the things she had bought. The two of us now had a total of four suitcases to stow all the things we wanted to buy and even then, it was a near thing trying to shove it all together.
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Another Puff of Ash from Popocatépetl
Popocatépetl, Mexico’s most active volcano and second-highest peak, sits just 70 kilometers southeast of Mexico City and 40 kilometers west of Puebla. The towering stratovolcano has been erupting for decades, with near constant venting from the crater punctuated by the cyclical growth of viscous lava domes and explosive blasts of ash and volcanic bombs.
The OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8 captured an image of one of the volcano’s recent bouts of activity on January 27, 2024. According to Sébastien Valade, a volcanologist at National Autonomous University of Mexico, the brown part of the plume contains ash. In winter, winds often blow the ash to the east, as this image shows. In summer, the wind direction switches and often blows ash to the west and north.
“The ash is thin and not very high in the atmosphere, but there’s still enough of it to have minor impacts on nearby communities,” said Valade, who has developed a platform called MOUNTS (Monitoring Unrest From Space) that tracks Popocatépetl’s activity using data from several satellites. “Compared to what Popocatépetl is capable of, you can think of this as a little hiccup.”
Mexico’s Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED) reported that the ash plume reached heights of roughly 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) on January 27 and led to minor ashfall in the towns of Nativitas, San Pablo del Monte, Ixtacuixtla de Mariano Matamoros, Zacatelco, Chiautempan, Santa Ana Nopalucan, Tlaxcala, Totolac, and Panotla. When volcanic ash—made of shards of glass and pulverized rock—falls on nearby communities, it can cause respiratory problems, contaminate drinking water, and harm livestock and crops.
The Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, a NOAA group that tracks ash hazards, issued several alerts to pilots that day. Ash poses a risk to aircraft by blocking engine fuel nozzles, clogging air filters, and causing a range of other problems. According to one recent study of ash dispersal based on two decades of satellite observations from NASA’s MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor, there are more than 100 airways that can be affected by ash from eruptions at Popocatépetl.
The current level of activity at Popocatépetl regularly produce explosive eruptions that rank as about 2 or lower on the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI), according to Smithsonian’s Global Volcanism Program. The highest value on the logarithmic scale is 8—an eruption so powerful that it would eject more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of material to heights of 25 kilometers or above, akin to the massive supervolcano eruptions that have occurred at Yellowstone in the United States or at Mount Toba in Indonesia.
Geologic evidence indicates that Popocatépetl, named for the Aztec word meaning “smoking mountain,” has produced at least four extremely explosive “Plinian” eruptions that ranked 3 or higher on the VEI index since the mid-Holocene, with the most recent in roughly 40 B.C.E. It has produced 37 known eruptions with a VEI of 1 or higher.
The most recent eruptive period began in 1994 after a 70-year period of quiet. “We saw about a decade of intensifying unrest that reached a crescendo of activity in the early 2000s,” Valade said. During the past decade, the intensity of the unrest had been gradually fading. “By early 2022, it looked like the eruption was on track to die out completely,” said Valade.
Then, in mid 2022, NASA’s OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) sensor and the European TROPOMI (Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument) sensor began to detect increasing levels of sulfur dioxide emissions—a sign that fresh magma was entering and refilling Popocatépetl’s magma system and nearing the surface. This proved to be the first stage of another period of activity that peaked with a particularly explosive round of eruptions in May 2023.
Since then, the intensity of activity has been slowly fading, said Valade. He added: “But I expect we’ll continue to see sustained activity in the coming months and years because of that recharge period in 2022.”
NASA Earth Observatory image by Michala Garrison, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Recent riots have cast a shadow over France's beloved Bastille Day national holiday, which marks the start of the French revolution, with fireworks displays called off around the country, outraging some conservatives.
Fireworks sales have been banned over their use against security forces in riots which erupted at the end of June after police shot dead a teenager during a traffic stop, reviving anger over racism and police brutality.
France's most intense urban violence in nearly two decades rocked the country for a week, with thousands of cars torched, public property destroyed, and over 3,700 rioters arrested, many of them minors.
The western Paris suburb of Nanterre, where 17-year-old Nahel M. was killed by police, is one of many municipalities to call off their annual Bastille Day fireworks displays for fear of further unrest.
"We can't celebrate our national day because of hooligans, I believe things are much worse than people think," David Lisnard, the head of the French Mayors' Association (AMF) told broadcaster France Inter on Wednesday.
Lisnard, a member of the opposition conservative Republicans (LR) party, said the cancellations were "a sign of a very deep unease in French society".
President Emmanuel Macron will celebrate Bastille Day, which marks the fall of the Bastille prison in 1789, seen as igniting the French Revolution, with ally Indian President Narendra Modi at the traditional central Paris military parade under heavy security.
The two leaders are also set to watch the main Paris fireworks display at the Eiffel Tower, which has been maintained, after nightfall on Friday.
- 'Calm summer needed' -
Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said Wednesday that an "exceptional" 45,000 police would be deployed on the nights of July 13 and 14 -- as many as at the height of the riots.
"What we're trying to avoid... is a resurgence of these violent episodes, through preventive measures as well as by an increased police presence on the streets," Darmanin told reporters.
Police would be "specially equipped and organised" to face urban violence and backed up by specialist units, helicopters, drones and armoured vehicles, he added, while 34,000 firefighters would be on duty.
Darmanin also said Wednesday that a march against police violence, planned for Saturday, would not be authorised.
This also went for "any demonstration with a direct link to the riots" until Saturday, he said.
Over 150,000 heavy-duty fireworks similar to those shot at police and buildings during the riots have been seized in recent days, Darmanin said, many of them imported from EU countries such as Spain and Poland.
The move to ban the sale of fireworks over the weekend was challenged by businesses selling them, who asked the State Council -- a court dealing with citizens' complaints against authorities -- to overturn the decision. A ruling is due by Thursday.
Buses and trams, meanwhile will stop running at 10:00 pm on both nights, he added, although metro lines and suburban trains are to continue until late.
Macron's office said Wednesday that he would not be making a televised address as planned on July 14, when he had hoped to sum up the achievements of a 100-day reset after the passage of a bitterly contested pension reform.
"If violence flares up again this summer, the effects will be very negative... he needs a calm summer to get back to reforms" from September, political scientist Bruno Cautres told AFP at the weekend.
- 'Loss of confidence' -
Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Rally and Macron's challenger in two presidential elections, slammed the decision by some towns to cancel July 14 festivities.
"Can you believe that in the great democracy of France, we are giving up on our national day because of the fear generated by potential violence or potential riots by some people?" she added, calling the move "an admission of a total loss of confidence in the state".
She used her remarks in Beauvais, a town north of Paris, to criticise the cost of rebuilding burned-out public buildings and to suggest that the rioters pay for the damage, even if it took "the rest of their lives."
Commenting on plans to fine underage rioters' families, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said on Sunday that the government would "evolve the law... if the existing legal framework is insufficient."
Prosecutors meanwhile said Wednesday that 12 people had been arrested in connection with an attack on a mayor's home near Paris during the riots, when a car was rammed into the house, causing a fire.
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
You won't mention about how the modi government removed a whole chapter about the Gujrat riots and the emergency chapter.You won't mention how they are trying to hide the fact that nathuram godse.
I don't have any problem with who is Muslim,Hindu or Christian. I hate people who have extremist religious beliefs.The modi government is trying to remove everything about Mughal kingdom.ok I know the fact they are glorified alot in our textbooks and we aren't taught about indian kingdom.I believe they should teach us both Abt Mughal and indian kingdom but I don't think so that is possible under the modi government bcuz they have extremist religious beliefs.Forgetting about the mughals won't do anygood bcus even they played important role of what India is today.
Hey, are you some sort of miracle child who skipped the entirety of seventh grade or something? Because this is what those books look like:
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The first two chapters cluster all the indigenous empires together and basically breeze through them, the third one is more expanded, and the rest are just various parts of this mega chapter called “Mughal empire”. Nothing in those chapters is discussed indpendently of the Mughals. EVERYTHING these chapters talk about is basically how the *topic touched in the chapter* was under the mughal kings and their policies with a little preface that talked about how things were before.
Take the chapter about devotion for example. You would think that the bhakti movement saints like Goswami Tulsidas, Mirabai, Swami Surdas, Raskhan, Kabir would get their due because of the changes they brought in devotional traditions that we still follow to this day, but NOPE. Nope nope nope. All about how the great secular mughals combined Sufism with Vaishnavism or whatever. All about how muslim traditions intermingled with pre existing Hindu ones but little about how they were shaped.
(And this can be said for the parallel sixth grade chapter aswell. We get the stories of Mahatma Budhha and Lord Mahavira in detail but any reference to the previous 23 tirthankars, including Lord Rishabhnath are missing. And simply forget about any reference of Hinduism other than a few passing references.)
And bhakti chapter is actually the most mellow one of them since it has some indic elements. Every other chapter is basically chanting the Mughal name. And ridiculously enough, despite having six chapters to themselves after a measly 300 year rule, No references to how awful they were to the Hindus and the crimes against us, where millions of us perished, are referred to.
You would think that a dynasty that was being sucked off by the previous education ministers would have all its glory, including the tower of our skulls made by the patriarch, would receive its deserved place in the history but nope :P
No changes whatsoever are being brought to these chapters despite their unnecessary length in glorifying the most trivial things, and their erasure of the Hindu massacres where atleast a hundred million of us were put to death for our infidel indentity.
Only the chapters in higher secondary, where they go in even deeper lengths to glorify even more trivial things are being removed in favour of a chapters that will actually teach about the 5000+ years history of bharatvarsha that existed before the mughals and the invading arab,turkish empires, our indegenious history, our true culture and beliefs that has been rushed in favour of these 500 years.
Oh, and not to mention that the formation of Sikhism, the pinnacle of Rajput empires and the Rise of Marathas happened in the same time. How much did you learn about it?
Yes, Mughals are sadly, a part of our history. But so is the history that us the people of aryavart forged ourselves, when we were self ruling, and that history is ten times as big as “our” mughal history that sits cross legged on the biggest share of recognition in our history textbooks. 10% of our history being cut is unfair, but the fact that 90% of it is already cut to give 10% an even bigger chance to ✨Ѕℋℐℕℰ✨ is fair?
Exactly how much did Mughals do that two out of like 10-12 chapters about their minor rule (where one crucial side of them is being deliberately concealed), that too the ones that were repetative, being cut is a great loss to our knowledge?
You say that Modi government is religious extremist. How so? By doing exactly what everyone wanted? Cutting two unnecessary (and repeptative aswell) chapters in favour of those which will teach us about the larger part of history that is overshadowed by this tiny chunk of half-true history? How is that extremist?
If anything, BJP is actually favouring the leftist narrative by letting the propaganda-esque chapters in seventh grade be as they are, not even trying to bring the monstrosity of the Mughals to light despite the expectations people had. People should be thankful to him, he’s saving face of their beloved Aurangzeb and Shah Jahan and they have the gal to call him a rightwing extremist.
Oh, and while we are at it, might aswell suggest you to go ahead and search what “extreme” right looks like. The current BJP government is not a good example of that, although its lower party members (MLAs, MPs) and sister organisations like VHP and Bajrang Dal are. Compare those to the BJP, and you will see that the centre is anywhere but extreme. Maybe Centre leaning to Moderate about now, but definitely not extremist.
You’d expect such “politically aware” folks who rage out in your dms to know that, but honestly, if you cannot tell this basic difference despite having actual extremists in your country, exactly how much politically knowledgeable are you?
Not enough, because if you were you would see how biased those paragraphs were:
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A one sided account of the riots where, even if they were not pointing fingers at Gujrat Government for something they had been acquitted of directly, they did have NHRC report which solely faulted the Government without any true basis. The paras targeted Modi precisely, and accused him of the issue in a manner that seemed to have an ulterior motive.
Who in their right mind would let people read a defamatory para about themselves when they have the power to stop it?
Same with the passage dealing with RSS; other organisations that were banned alongside, including some other religions’ organisations, don’t have a mention anywhere. Only the “Hindu extremists” are mentioned as if their were no other extremists at all (plot twist: there were).
And exactly how does BJP gain from removing emergency? That’s one of the greatest follies of their opponent, if anything they should be propagating it. Tbt, THIS one genuinely seems like an attempt to rationalise because this is a political loss BJP has done to self without any reason.
But you know what? I feel like there were better ways than simply cutting the deleted portions (except Mughals) aswell. Editing those could have helped aswell. So yes, I will go and say that those bits should not have been removed (Or should have been if they truly were repetative? I don’t know, I did not take humanities in +1) but edited.
Hiding history is an injustice to the past, whatever your reasons. So if this is not repetative or otherwise unserving to the syllabus as a whole, or just not fit to be taught with other portions, It should not have been removed, but altered. Yet, I see that currently the editing and rewriting of books is ongoing, so maybe there will be proper replacements in the future? If not, raising questions against that until a proper answer is given will be our own duty
Either ways, that is all from me. If there is anything more you wanna say, my DM is open for it all. Peace.✌🏼
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iss600 · 8 months
Frysta: 1946
My take on the Little Nightmares series. My A.U. takes the direction of combining The Nowhere with real-world history. Expect color-coding as there's often so much stuff that it's the best way to make things easy. One thing to note is that VLN and LN are both yellow: VLN is a lighter yellow but since Tumblr doesn't have that, it'll be the same yellow as LN. And despite TSoN happening before LN3, it will always be listed below LN3 things (so orange goes above purple) because it's a podcast. This A.U. treats it as both the prequel of LN3 and a sequel-DLC/sidequest/addition to LN3, if that makes any sense.
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The Details
1946 refers to the year my A.U. takes place, one year after World War ||. The world that it takes place in is a Nowhereified version of our own with vague "countries".
The world is split into 4 locations: The Frozen North (Europe-inspired), The Blazing South (Africa-inspired), The Wild West (N.&.S.-American-inspired) and The Distant East (Asian-inspired & Oceania-inspired). Each of these areas have a very specific country that influences them with the rest of the continents having different pieces of their respective countries added in here and there.
The story is split into several parts:
Part 0: The Nest
Part 1: The Maw
Part 2: The Pale City
Part 2.5: The Nightmares
Part 3: The Spiral
Part 0 is a prolog oneshot that sets the groundwork for what happened to Raincoat and Six and Red-Scarf. The story actually starts with The Maw; since it was written prior to LN2 being a confirmed prequel, The Pale City is the sequel to Six's journey on The Maw during LN1. And because it was finished before Part 3, The Spiral will also be a sequel. Noone's story in Part 2.5 won't be written out either as it's already been told and the characters involved will be part of The Spiral instead.
Lastly, I named about near every single character there is, and I do mean nearly every single one. I have a list topping 70+ named characters, each with meaning and everything. Since the summaries and future posts will use the A.U. names, here's the guide to the main characters right off the bat. The guides with the rest of them will follow soon after
Raincoat - Raina Corinn Alv
Six - Six/Sasha Kazeko Kenshin
Runaway Kid - Sevrino Hjälte Forsstrom
Mono - Mono/Marco Martello Manson
Low - Laurent Corbeau
Alone - Ally McAonar
Noone - Ruth Oona Outis-Modie (in future posts, she will always be called "Oona")
And now, onto the details.
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Part 1: The Maw
Deep within The Pale City lies The Maw, a restaurant of child slaves, orphaned and abandoned, working to survive in this cruel world. Rumors fly about workers being slain and eaten by the gluttonous Guests when they outlive their usefulness; others say they were caught and branded a member of the Nome Samhälle and only the most daring of dreamers say they escape their servitude. Regardless of these rumors, Sasha refuses to bow to the will of the Governess and will escape The Maw or die trying.
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Part 2: The Pale City
The Maw may be over, but The Pale City still chokes the citizens and leaves a world destitute of morality. Viewers glue themselves to their TVs and radios as they wish to escape and ignore the bombed out buildings and sinkholes from war. While Sasha may dislike Marco, the two will need to work together if they wish to survive and shut down the infernal Signal Tower that mocks them from high above, watching and waiting. Nowhere stands no chance if it stays.
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Part 3: The Spiral
Outside, deep in the deserts far out in Nowhere stands The Spiral, a desolate land of eternal energy, efficiency and suffering. Stone buildings crumble as whipping winds of sand stir up across the many cities inside of it. From the Necropolis to the Fun Fair, only evil lurks and lives here, if anything does indeed dare exist in the harsh conditions. Laurent and Ally dare challenge these ideals, scavenging and surviving as they search for a way out. Laurent holds out hope; Ally wants answers.
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Raincoat: Technical and smart with a side of kindness, caring and a maturity a few years beyond her age, Raincoat is legend among the orphans. A determined survivalist, inventor, builder and escapist, she left the orphanage in a hot air balloon years ago, but was caught and enslaved by the Pretender. Her enslavement hasn’t put out her escapist fire though and people know she’s still cooking up the perfect escape plan. Now if only she could get rid of the Pretender.
Six: A lonely orphan, determined to survive, Sasha is a cheerful but jaded and brainy survivalist. She’s resolute in escaping the servitude and death in The Maw and never stops moving forward in her plans. As an orphan, she learned she had to depend on or trust only herself and she isn’t one to make friends or help others. Never one for teamwork, Sasha prefers to be a lone wolf and is capable of surviving her world just fine without anyone else. The hunger pains she gets do hinder her but she refuses to let them cripple her attempts and will satiate them with anything she can regardless of what it is. While she has no fighting skills at her disposal, her lighter and brains are more than enough for her.
RK: Never one for being confined, Sevrino made a name for himself for his hundreds of attempted escapes from servitude in The Maw and the orphanage itself. Time after time, he would escape; a determined fire in his soul fueled by cleverness and deviousness with a dash of trickery and stealth aiding him each time. Even his ankle shackle didn’t kill his spirit for escape and adventure. Eventually, he was caught by the Lady and branded a Nome; but Sevrino took it in stride, priding himself in his new status with the Nomes and now, he acts as their ambassador between the world and them.
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Mono: A perceptive, hardened survivalist steadfast and resolute in surviving the horrors of Pale City, Marco isn’t one to ever give up, becoming uncommonly single-minded when he sets himself a task. Having lived his life in perpetual prosecution and forever on the run for a sin that is not his, he’s detached himself from his emotions and personality, numbing himself completely and becoming a sociopath out of survival. Purposeful and headstrong with a mysterious power in his blood, Marco is a tough and determined soul who’s always prepared to fight off any threat that comes his way. The bag on his head is worn to ensure his personality and emotions are forever hidden and to offer him traces of escapist respite in forgetting that the world hates him and wishes he fails but he knows it won’t hide him forever.
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Low: The optimist to Ally’s realist, Laurent is able to hold his masked head high as he treks through a world that cannot tolerate his presence. Out in The Spiral, he’s glad to have company although some company is less wished for than others. Unlike many, his hope remains eternal as he searches for the way home, obsessive in nature and relentless in finding salvation and peace.
Alone: The incurably curious tinkerer, Ally is the realist of her friendship and keeps her head level. She’s not here to leave or simply survive, she’s here to live and find out what’s wrong with the endlessly-running underground that is The Spiral. She’s Laurent’s best friend (even nicknamed him) and she’s proud of herself, accomplishments and friendship without fail. Sometimes cocky and aggressive, she’s far from insane like those that wish her dead.
Noone: Oona is a haunted soul, plagued by nightmares and sickness of unknown origins for all. With a lot on her plate, she tries her best but the things she sees, hears and feels are less than pleased with her unwanted appearances and overstayed welcomes. Though her residency with doctors doesn’t do much for her, she’s determined to rid herself of these horrors before she dies trying or worse happens.
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morelin · 9 months
Quando ho detto ad alcuni conoscenti che avrei fatto un viaggio in Qatar, l’immediata domanda è stata: “Cosa vai a vedere in Qatar, gli stadi?” Indubbiamente i Mondiali di calcio 2022 hanno reso noto questo Paese in tutto il mondo ed alla fine qualche stadio l’ho anche visto esternamente, tuttavia, vi assicuro che c’è da vedere molto altro.
Innanzitutto all’arrivo siamo stati accolti da uno stupendo tramonto dorato.
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Vogliamo parlare poi del celebre skyline, simbolo di Doha?
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Tra i grattacieli più alti figurano l’Aspire Tower (300 m), il Doha Media Center (286 m), Al Fardan Residences (254 m), le Palm Tower (due torri da 245 m) ed il Doha Tower (232 m). Li potrete ammirare in molti modi: da diverse posizioni lungo Al Corniche, ad esempio dalla Baia o dal MIA Park, dal terrazzo del Museo di Arte Islamica, con un giro panoramico in bus, con una crociera in dhow (la tipica imbarcazione) al tramonto oppure semplicemente da uno dei tanti hotel che danno su quella zona della città.
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Per entrare in contatto con la vita locale abbiamo fatto un giro nel Souq Waqif, il fulcro della vita sociale cittadina: un intricato reticolo di vicoli pieno di colori in cui si vendono spezie, utensili, prodotti artigianali di vario tipo, abbigliamento, profumi, ecc.
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Una parte del souq è dedicato ai falchi (infatti viene chiamato Falcon Souq), animali molto rispettati in Qatar in quanto simbolo nazionale e qui si trova anche una vera e propria clinica in cui possono essere curati.
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La falconeria ha una lunga ed importante tradizione in quanto i rapaci venivano addestrati per cacciare uccelli migratori, fonte di cibo per le tribù beduine. Nei negozi è possibile vedere diversi esemplari incappucciati (è una fase dell’addestramento) così come tutti gli accessori relativi al mondo della falconeria.
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Poco lontano non potevano mancare il recinto di dromedari e le scuderie con cavalli arabi.
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Da diversi punti è ben visibile anche il FANAR, il Centro Culturale Islamico, caratterizzato dall’alta torre a spirale.
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eopederson2 · 1 year
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Fires Scorch Western Canada
"More than 100 wildland fires raged across Western Canada in early May 2023, forcing tens of thousands of people in Alberta and British Columbia to evacuate. The fires destroyed homes and produced chimneys of smoke that reached into the upper troposphere.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this image (above) of smoke billowing from fires in the two Canadian provinces on May 6, 2023. On that day, officials in Alberta declared a provincial state of emergency. 
As of May 8, there were 29 fires burning out of control in Alberta, which has been hit hardest by the fires. One of the season’s first fires in the province was ignited on May 2, in the Fox Lake community, at the top of this image. The community lost 20 homes in the fires, as well as the town’s police station and the water treatment plant. As of May 8, four fires were burning out of control in British Columbia, near its border with Alberta. 
The fires in Alberta have been so intense they have produced towering chimneys of smoke. Using remote sensing, researchers at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, observed the formation of a pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) cloud billowing from a wildfire west of Edmonton on May 4. Based on measurements from the GOES-18 satellite, temperatures at the top of the cloud were as cold as -61°C (-78°F). These temperatures indicate that the smoke may have reached an altitude of about 12 kilometers (39,000 feet). That would put the top of the pyroCb cloud into the tropopause—the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. 
Early May is typically the start of the wildland fire season in Alberta, as snowmelt uncovers dead vegetation that can become fuel for fires. This year, an unusually hot and dry spring made it easier for fires to start, according to a news release issued by the government of Alberta.
Although temperatures in Alberta were unusually warm during the first week of May, cooler weather arrived on May 8, which may help firefighters battle the flames.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Lauren Dauphin, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Emily Cassidy."
Source: NASA Earth Observatory.
According to radio weather reports, there is a haze high in the atmosphere marring an otherwise fine day today. The haze is smoke blowing across the continent from those and other fires far to the west.
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Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek 07 Day Itinerary Cost
The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek is a breathtaking adventure that takes you deep into the heart of the Himalayas. Situated in Nepal, this short trek offers a unique opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the Annapurna massif, one of the world's most spectacular mountain ranges. In just a few days, trekkers can experience the grandeur of towering peaks, serene valleys, and vibrant landscapes that have captivated adventurers for generations.
The journey begins in the lively town of Pokhara, known as the gateway to the Annapurna region. After a scenic drive, the trek commences from Nayapul, where the trail gradually ascends through terraced fields, charming villages, and lush forests. As you climb higher, the air becomes crisper, and the vistas become more awe-inspiring.
The trail meanders along the Modi Khola River, leading trekkers to the enchanting village of Chomrong. Here, you can immerse yourself in the local culture, sample traditional cuisine, and interact with warm-hearted locals who are always eager to share their stories. From Chomrong, the trail takes a steeper ascent toward the heart of the Annapurna Sanctuary.
As you trek further, the landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation. Towering rhododendron forests give way to alpine meadows adorned with colorful wildflowers. The trail occasionally opens up to reveal magnificent vistas of snow-capped peaks, including the iconic Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and, of course, the majestic Annapurna range itself.
After several days of trekking, the journey culminates at Annapurna Base Camp, nestled at an altitude of 4,130 meters (13,550 feet). Standing at the base of these colossal mountains is an experience that words cannot adequately describe. The panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, including Annapurna I (8,091 meters) and Annapurna South (7,219 meters), leave trekkers in a state of awe and reverence.
At the base camp, trekkers can take a well-deserved break, savor the tranquility of the surroundings, and bask in the accomplishment of reaching this extraordinary destination. The sunsets and sunrises at Annapurna Base Camp are particularly awe-inspiring, as the golden hues of the mountains create a surreal atmosphere.
The descent follows a different route, allowing trekkers to explore new landscapes and villages. Along the way, you may encounter Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, prayer flags fluttering in the wind, and friendly locals going about their daily lives. The journey back to Nayapul is a mix of nostalgic reflection and a newfound appreciation for the incredible diversity of nature and culture that Nepal has to offer.
The Annapurna Base Camp short trek is an excellent choice for those seeking an adventure in the Himalayas but has limited time. With a duration of about seven to ten days, it provides a glimpse into the stunning beauty of the Annapurna region without the need for extensive acclimatization or technical mountaineering skills.
However, it's important to note that even though it is a relatively shorter trek, proper physical fitness, and preparation are still necessary. The trail can be challenging at times, with steep ascents and descents, and the weather can be unpredictable. Therefore, it's advisable to undertake the trek with a local guide or a reputable trekking agency to ensure your safety and enjoyment.
The Annapurna Base Camp short trek is a life-changing experience that immerses you in the splendor of the Himalayas.
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invisible-hand · 1 year
The FINAL chapter of my @thorkibigbang fic, The Serpent's Kiss, is up! In which the time comes for Loki to act on his long made plans.
Modi nodded and moved aside, and as Thor was about to ask when and how they meant to try and retrieve her from the physically and magically guarded fortress she was now trapped in, Loki cast some sort of complex, many worded spell over the mirror. Then, appearing to reach into it, he grabbed the edges and pulled it wide enough to step through. Which he did, ducking and lifting his feet carefully over the lip, as Thor watched, frozen and mute with shock. From the sound of Modi’s surprised gasp, she hadn’t expected it either.
“You could have done that this whole time?” Thor blurted out instead.
“Da!” Modi breathed, that sweet, abbreviated name for him that combined a Jotun and Aesir title, and she held a finger up to her lips in a shushing gesture.
She stepped back up to the mirror in tandem with him, but to his horror, when they reached for each other, their hands landed on opposite sides of a cool pane of glass, already shrinking back to its usual size.
“Loki,” Thor demanded, trying to keep his voice low despite his rising panic. “You have to get her out, and let me in.”
Loki squeezed in next to Modi, his head a few inches lower than hers, their brave girl who towered amongst her Aesir kin. In one blink of Thor’s eye to the next she’d become a young adult.
Softly Loki said, “No, Thor, I’m sorry. You need to be there, alive, to do what you do best: fight for our family, and our home, if I fail. Modi will play her part in pretending nothing is amiss in the palace, and if necessary Frigga can perform the same spell to get Modi out; it is an incredibly difficult and precarious one, and can only get one person through at a time.” 
Tears leaked from Thor’s eyes as he blinked, setting his other hand to the glass as well and leaning close. “Loki, wait.”
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Delhi-Mumbai Expressway: A Game-Changer for Real Estate Investment in Gurgaon
Imagine cruising effortlessly along a 1350-KM expressway that not only connects two of India’s major cities but also transforms the real estate landscape of every region it touches. This is the promise of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, a monumental project that is breathing new life into Gurgaon's real estate market. With unparalleled benefits for residential and commercial property in Gurgaon, this infrastructure marvel is setting new benchmarks for growth and connectivity.
Enhancing Connectivity and Growth
The 246-KM Delhi-Dausa-Lalsot stretch of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in February 2023, has already started reshaping Gurgaon’s real estate market. This section has reduced travel time from Delhi to Jaipur from five hours to approximately three and a half hours. The improved connectivity between Delhi, Gurgaon, and other key regions along the corridor is attracting businesses and investors to Gurgaon, increasing demand for both commercial and residential property in Gurgaon. Companies are drawn to the strategic location and excellent logistics support, making Gurgaon an even more appealing business hub.
Surge in Commercial Real Estate Demand
Real estate experts predict that the entire 1350-KM expressway will spur significant industrial and commercial growth across the regions it traverses. Gurgaon, already a bustling commercial hub, is poised to see a surge in demand for office spaces, retail shops in Gurgaon, SCO Plots and warehouses. This influx of businesses will drive the need for more commercial property, potentially raising property values and rental yields. As businesses expand, more employment opportunities will emerge, further boosting the demand for residential real estate.
Residential Real Estate Boom
The enhanced infrastructure is not only attracting businesses but also a growing population of professionals seeking proximity to their workplaces. This trend is fueling the development of new residential projects, including affordable housing, luxury apartments, and gated communities. Improved transportation and reduced travel times make Gurgaon an even more attractive place to live, stimulating the residential real estate market.
Choosing a Credible Developer for Your Investment
Investing in real estate demands careful consideration, particularly regarding the credibility of the developer. Among the many renowned developers, Signature Global stands out as a trustworthy and respected name in Gurgaon. Since its inception over a decade ago, Signature Global has consistently delivered high-quality commercial and residential projects in prime
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locations across Gurgaon, making it a brand worth exploring for any potential investor. Here are some of its highly-sought after projects:
Signature Global DE-Luxe DXP in Sector 37D redefines modern living near the Dwarka Expressway. Just a 15-minute drive from IGI airport, this prime location offers luxurious 4.5 and 3.5 BHK apartments in Dwarka Expressway with top-notch amenities. The project features eight towers with 25 to 40 floors, providing breathtaking panoramic views from spacious deck balconies. A grand triple-height entrance and innovative double podium design add elegance and functionality. Eco-friendly elements include a Miyawaki Forest for carbon regulation. Some other distinct features include two expansive clubhouses cover 80,000 sq. ft. with fitness centers, wellness zones, and recreational spaces. Seven pools, including two indoor heated ones, offer year-round comfort. A high-end retail arcade spanning over 1 lakh square feet ensures a luxurious shopping experience.
Signature Global City 79B sets a benchmark for contemporary urban living in Gurgaon. Located in Sector 79B, it offers 2-3BHK premium independent floors in SPR, ensuring easy access to essential amenities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and entertainment hubs. The project caters to diverse needs with modern amenities, green spaces, and innovative designs, promoting a comfortable and convenient lifestyle.
SCO Plots 36, Sohna blends office and retail spaces in Sector 36, Sohna. These SCO Plots in Sohna enjoy excellent connectivity with Sohna-Gurugram Road and the Delhi-Mumbai corridor, surrounded by luxurious residential complexes, affordable housing, and prestigious educational institutions.
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Signature Global's SCO 88A offers superb business opportunities with strategically positioned SCO plots in Gurgaon near the Dwarka Expressway, ensuring excellent connectivity and accessibility. Entrepreneurs can customize their retail spaces to meet specific business needs. Equipped with modern amenities and infrastructure, these shop-cum-office plots create a versatile environment for businesses to thrive in Gurgaon’s bustling Sector 88A.
The Delhi-Mumbai Expressway is revolutionizing Gurgaon’s real estate market, boosting demand for residential and commercial properties. Enhanced connectivity and industrial growth position Gurgaon as a prime investment destination. With strategic location and improved accessibility, Gurgaon offers lucrative opportunities for investors in a rapidly evolving market.
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nepaltreksandtour · 1 month
Exploring Nepal's Majestic Trails: Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Base Camp, and Manaslu Circuit Treks
Nepal, home to some of the world's most breathtaking landscapes and highest peaks, attracts adventurers from around the globe. Among the plethora of trekking routes that Nepal offers, three stand out as iconic adventures: the Everest Base Camp Trek, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek, and the Manaslu Circuit Trek. Each journey promises its own unique blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and exhilarating challenges.
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Everest Base Camp Trek:
Undoubtedly the most renowned trek in Nepal, the Everest Base Camp Trek offers a mesmerizing journey to the foot of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest (8,848 meters). Starting from the bustling town of Lukla, trekkers navigate through lush forests, picturesque Sherpa villages, and rugged terrain adorned with prayer flags. The trail passes through Namche Bazaar, the vibrant heart of the Khumbu region, before ascending to higher altitudes.
As trekkers ascend, the landscape transitions into a barren, lunar-like terrain, with towering peaks looming overhead. The final stretch to Everest Base Camp itself is both physically demanding and spiritually rewarding, offering unparalleled views of Everest and the Khumbu Icefall.
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Annapurna Base Camp Trek:
In stark contrast to the Everest region, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek showcases the diverse landscapes of Nepal's western region. Trekkers embark on a journey through lush rhododendron forests, terraced farmlands, and quaint Gurung villages. The trail gradually ascends alongside the Modi Khola, offering glimpses of the majestic Annapurna massif and Machapuchare (Fish Tail Peak).
As trekkers approach Annapurna Base Camp, the scenery transforms into a dramatic amphitheater of towering peaks, including Annapurna I (8,091 meters). Nestled amidst this natural grandeur lies the base camp, a serene sanctuary surrounded by snow-capped giants.
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Manaslu Circuit Trek:
For those seeking a more off-the-beaten-path adventure, the Manaslu Circuit Trek presents a formidable yet rewarding challenge. Circling the eighth highest mountain in the world, Mount Manaslu (8,163 meters), this trek offers a remote and unspoiled wilderness experience. The trail traverses through lush forests, remote villages, and High Mountain passes, providing unparalleled views of Manaslu and neighboring peaks.
Unlike the more popular treks, the Manaslu Circuit offers a chance to immerse oneself in the traditional Tibetan culture of the region, as the trail passes through ancient monasteries, prayer walls, and Tibetan-influenced settlements.
Whether you seek the iconic views of Everest, the cultural immersion of the Annapurna region, or the remote wilderness of Manaslu, Nepal's trekking trails offer something for every adventurer. Each journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration and the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas. So lace up your boots, pack your sense of adventure, and embark on a trekking odyssey through the majestic trails of Nepal.
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