natashaferguson7 · 3 months
"I know that God will agitate me on this until i write something about it, there must be an increase of it around? So all I'm going to say about it in this world's crumbling system is that Pornography should come with a warning to all men that by watching it and partaking in this will cause their willies to metaphorically fall off." Where a man's flesh will make his spirit weak will cause himself to stumble around groping in spiritual darkness or spiritual blindness. This is what breaks relationships marriages and families causing unfaithfulness in a home and in hearts." _ Natasha J Ferguson
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christblogtalk · 3 months
Pastor Paul Morgan, founder of Chosen Generation Ministries in Richmond, VA where church is not as usual. Pastor Paul guides and encourages the congregation to participate in a 2-way open dialogue; allowing openness and transparency about their Christian walk. He fosters a safe and nonjudgmental atmosphere of mutual ministry and exhortation. He also has an independent counseling ministry with over 16 years of experience in individual, marital and family counseling, as well as facilitating workshops and seminars. Phone: 866 333.9505    Email: [email protected]     Website: www.chosenrva.com WEEKLY BROADCASTS: “Challenged To Change” 1st & 2nd Wednesdays @ 7 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work" 1st & 2nd Thursdays @ 12 Noon; "Friday Night Joy" 1st, 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 7 pm; "Bread Of Life" 3rd Sundays @ 7:00pm;  WEEKLY PRAYER:  “Mid-Day Glory Prayer”  Wednesdays @ 1:00pm - Dial-in  (267) 807-9605 Access Code: 732-499# (Listen later @ 267-807-9608 Access Code 732-499*)   MONTHLY BROADCASTS: “Bold And Beautiful” 2nd Saturdays @ 10:00am; “Kingdom Principles 1st Sundays @ 7:00 pm; "R3 "Real Life, Real Men, Real Talk 2nd Sundays @ 7:00pm; “Marriage Takeover” 4th Sundays @ 7:00 pm       ALL TIMES EASTERN STANDARD
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letspraynow · 10 months
Understanding The Trinity And How It Works.
Confused about the Trinity? It is Biblical and true. A study on Trinity and Teamwork!
Photo by David Dibert on Pexels.com And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Gen 1:26) Have you ever tried to understand the Trinity? It can be a challenging task. In this Bible study, we…
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getnotesonlife · 10 months
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By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada
Have you noticed that people these days don’t seem to use the word 'SIN' or even recognize that it even exists? The truth of the matter is that Sin Does Exist and the Bible says that sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards of unrighteous. [ 1 John 3:4; 5:17 ] Sin, quite simply, is simply failing to do what is right.
All of our sins – be they acted out or nurtured secretly in our heart are born out of a belief that by doing the sin will make us happier or make our life easier than obeying God. Nobody sins out of duty, but instead out of SELF.
A good example of this was Adam and Eve. While God told them not to eat from the tree of good and evil, the snake tricked them into believing that “Their eyes would be opened and be as gods, knowing good and evil.” [ Genesis 3:5 ] Satan’s deceitful spin on this tricked Eve into believing that she would be better off if she ate the fruit, and that is exactly what sin is — a deceitful idea that is acted out, but in the end it is never how we’d like it to turn out.
The continuing problem with sin is that one sin usually leads to another. When we are caught in an addicting, habitual sin, we are held captive like a ball and chain in a deceptive belief that it will make us happy, yet it is not only difficult - but destructive - to ourselves, and often times to others. We may even loathe our sin in certain ways, even feel shame over it with a sincere desire to be free, but as long as we allow it we are chained to it.
If that sounds familiar, the secret to cutting that chain is instead realizing that the better promises God has made by following His path and this ALWAYS leads to a better end than “enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season” [ Hebrews 11:25 ]
Is this easy? Honestly, it’s hard because you have shaped your perceptions and behaviors for a long time, and you need to RE-SHAPE your mind into God’s thinking…and this is at the heart of the deep meaning of the word REPENT. To truly repent means to Change One’s Mind. To break free from the chains of sin you have and cut the chain that ties you to old thinking. It cannot be halfway! Either you remain tied or you Cut The Tie.
Friend, unless you become convinced that this is true, your old way of thinking will keep you tied to your sin. Starting today, CHANGE YOUR MIND and “Cut The Chain That Binds You To Sinful Thinking” by “Having the Mind Of Christ.”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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get-notes-on-life · 1 year
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Many years ago I was talking to one of my buddies who was a relatively new believer, when in just shooting the breeze he used a proverbial ’four-letter word’ to describe a problem at work, caught himself, looked embarrassed and apologized and said, “Hey brother, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it that way.”
I surprised myself with my response, because I also was a fairly new believer in Christ, but the Holy Spirit gave me a response well beyond my spiritual maturity.
“Hey man, that’s OK. You know, one thing about being in Christ is that as we become more like Him, the sins in our life are like leaves on a tree in the autumn…they fall off the tree one leaf at a time.”
In this life that is how it works…the sin-leaves of our life will never be completely gone, but they will keep on falling one-by-one as we are obedient in Christ and seek to be conformed to His image (Philippians 3:10). When we do - much like a tree at the end of fall - our sins of the flesh will gradually fall away. However because we are still in a sinful world, these 'sin-leaves' will never be completely gone - much like leaves that stubbornly refuse to fall from a tree after winter sets in.
The good news is there is a new spring coming in heaven when we will all be both free from sin and new leaves of purity will spring forth from us in a vibrance that will last forever! Until then Christian, Let The Sin-Leaves of Your Life FALL!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
Read over 700 other messages like this at NotesOnLife.org/archive
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nelcedar · 2 years
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Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be afraid; you are far more valuable than many sparrows. Luke 12:7 AMP https://bible.com/bible/1588/luk.12.7.AMP #thecrossinspire #TCI #TCInspire #Inspiringfromthecross #knoeledgeofGod #knoeledgeofhim #God #transform #renew #Restore #thewordofgod #thewords #mindofchrist #pray #prayer #execptthelordbuild #favor #Grace #ChristJesus #liberty #comforter #repent #repentfromyoursins #repentforchrist #TCInspire #Inspiringfromthecross #youarevaluable (at Accra, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckh0yoiMxcf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eternalstorage · 9 months
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Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Philippians 2:5-6 #eternalstorage
#anointedone #conciousness #anointed #mindofChrist #vision #inGod #doing #renewyourmind #wired #inGod #InChrist
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iamnicoledroberts · 3 years
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You can NEVER STOP BELIEVING! #nextlevelconfidence #neverstopbelieving #neverstopprayingglobal #believeinyourdreamstv #success #successstrategies #successmindset #successmotivation #successtips #motivationalquotes #motivatedaily #MindOfChrist #stepoutinfaith #planetshakers #worldchangers #canfidenceglobal #aboveandbeyondpublishing #confidence #blessings #tdjakes #TDJOnline #nicoledroberts #joelosteenpodcast #joycemeyer #journalling #johnlee #called #choosejesus #choosepeace #chooselove https://www.instagram.com/p/CUUG7WLISK9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wayne-gill-inspires · 3 years
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Spread the love this year. Joy comes from serving others! #thinkbig #belief #keynotespeaker #purpose #servantleadership #godsvision #purposecentered #Spiritualgrowth #servant #serve #marketplace #marketplacefaith #mindofchrist #mindset #mentorship https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhByj1A7TK/?igshid=1hcjg0sqe8owu
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faithpeacehopejoy · 4 years
Emotional Health Leads to Healthy Relationships
By Rick Warren
Being cheerful keeps you healthy” (Proverbs 17:22 GNT).
When you need to be physically recharged, your body gives you various signs. If your stomach growls, it’s time to eat. If your eyelids get heavy, it’s time to sleep.
We tend to notice those signs, but we often overlook the other signs that say we need emotional recharging, such as a sense of being overwhelmed, a short fuse, an impatient outburst, or avoiding people. You also have no desire to love people when your emotional tank is running low.
To keep on loving well and doing the things God’s called you to do, keep your emotional tank full. How do you do that?
First, get some time alone. Even Jesus withdrew from crowds when he needed to recharge himself emotionally. Mark 6:31 says, “Then Jesus suggested, ‘Let’s get away from the crowds for a while and rest.’ For so many people were coming and going that they scarcely had time to eat” (TLB). People who are available all the time aren’t really fully available unless they set aside time to rest.
Then figure out what activities recreate energy in your life and recharge you. Each one of us has different things that recharge us because we’re all made differently. It may be hobbies, a sport, a craft, or games for you. Find out what recharges you emotionally, and then make time for it.
Jesus was the most intensive, ministry-oriented person who ever lived, yet the Bible says, “The Son of Man came, enjoying life” (Matthew 11:19 PHILLIPS). You weren’t made to be exhausted all the time. You were made to be more like Jesus.
Finally, develop the habit of laughter. The Bible says, “Being cheerful keeps you healthy” (Proverbs 17:22 GNT). Laughter increases the number of T-cells in your body, which raises your immunity and releases endorphins in your brain. Laughter is good for your health! It’s God’s gift to you that doesn’t just make you enjoy life more; it also helps you love others well.
PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>
Talk About It
What signs in your life tell you that you need to be emotionally recharged?
How does your favorite activity recharge you emotionally? How have you made time in your schedule for that activity?
What would need to change about your schedule and your priorities for you to be able to have more time alone?
But the meek [in the end] shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
— Psalm 37:11 (AMPC)
Get Along with Others
Adapted from the resource Starting Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer
Guess what: we can learn to get along with people! Even though it gets really hard sometimes, with God’s help, it is possible. It’s especially important to learn to get along with our immediate family members and co-workers, because they’re the ones we do life with day in and day out. There are many informative books about personality differences to help us understand why people feel and act the way they do. Understanding can do so much to help smooth out strained relationships.
People make decisions differently. Some give an immediate answer, while others want time to think about things. Try to understand the people you see today. Ask God to show you ways to get along with them better. As you trust Him, He’ll guide your steps and give you favor with the people around you.
Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for being there for me as I navigate relationships. Please show me how I can understand and love others better. Help me to do what’s right in each situation, and then trust You with the outcome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Hear me, O Lord , hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
1 Kings 18:37 KJV
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bernardo1969 · 2 years
People are not objects that must be used to obtain a benefit, when we relate to people from that point of view we are perceiving our neighbor with the criteria according to the world; the neighbor is someone with whom we have to relate to increase the order and perfection of the universe, that is, we live with our neighbor to increase the spiritual goods, increase mercy, increase piety, that is how we are new people and we see the world with the eyes of Christ, this is what the apostle Paul explains to us in the second epistle to the Corinthians: "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:16-17.
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With the faith in our Lord Jesus we overcome the insufficiency of the Law of Moses (the ten commandments), which does not grant us the grace to live in spiritual terms: "I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, ´Your shall not covet.´ But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of coveting" Romans 7:7-8. Christ brings us the reconciliation with God, and the new spiritual life, that is, the passage from a life full of sin to a life of righteousness: "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:18-19. Jesus is also the example that the apostle Paul constantly gives us, because as adult Christians we are ambassadors of Christ, that is, his representatives on earth: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:20-21.
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cheldowell · 6 years
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#Amen!!! This takes sooo much of the pressure off! By putting everything in God's hands and continuing to do my best at what I am in control of, I know that everything will be okay. It takes the ball out of my court and puts it into God's. We STILL have to do the work, we still have to keep our heads in the game and keep playing, but we have to trust that in the end, God will bless us to win. So stay #encouraged, #keepgoing, stay faithful to God, and I promise that He will remain faithful to you. Happy #TerrificTuesday!! XO ~M😘😉🙌🙏 ■ ••• #Quoteoftheday #SuccessQuote #faith #faithwalk #TRUSTGOD #nofear #TooBlessedToBeStressed #mindofchrist #Mindset #NeverQuit #nevergiveup #giveittoGod #KeepItMoving #onwardandupward #IKnowThatsRight #GodIsAwesome #Godisfaithful #WomenOfGod #Happiness #DaughterOfTheKing #truth #TruthfulTuesday #JoyoftheLord #JesusGirl #qotd https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpj5PNjFxPt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1y0m6kmw19tw8
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trust77 · 2 years
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#Character #RenewedMindset #TrsnsformedMind. #MindofChrist #itispossible Read my thoughts on @YourQuoteApp #yourquote #quote #stories #qotd #quoteoftheday #wordporn #quotestagram #wordswag #wordsofwisdom #inspirationalquotes #writeaway #thoughts #poetry #instawriters #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writersofindia #igwriters #igwritersclub (at Methodist Church Nigeria,Otapete Cathedral,Ilesa.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZBKT3NIat3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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godssong · 2 years
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Repost @brianbritton111 Would you hang out with someone who speaks to you like your mind speaks to you? Don’t put up with or entertain thoughts about you or anyone else that aren’t Christlike. I recommend thanking God daily for the mind of Christ.  See 2 Corinthians 10:5 “…bringing every thought in captivity to the obedience of Christ…” #InChrist #MindOfChrist #freedomtothecaptives https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJKSvFOM_-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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getnotesonlife · 1 year
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Many years ago I was talking to one of my buddies who was a relatively new believer, when in just shooting the breeze he used a proverbial ’four-letter word’ to describe a problem at work, caught himself, looked embarrassed and apologized and said, “Hey brother, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it that way.”
I surprised myself with my response, because I also was a fairly new believer in Christ, but the Holy Spirit gave me a response well beyond my spiritual maturity.
“Hey man, that’s OK. You know, one thing about being in Christ is that as we become more like Him, the sins in our life are like leaves on a tree in the autumn…they fall off the tree one leaf at a time.”
In this life that is how it works…the sin-leaves of our life will never be completely gone, but they will keep on falling one-by-one as we are obedient in Christ and seek to be conformed to His image (Philippians 3:10). When we do - much like a tree at the end of fall - our sins of the flesh will gradually fall away. However because we are still in a sinful world, these 'sin-leaves' will never be completely gone - much like leaves that stubbornly refuse to fall from a tree after winter sets in.
The good news is there is a new spring coming in heaven when we will all be both free from sin and new leaves of purity will spring forth from us in a vibrance that will last forever! Until then Christian, Let The Sin-Leaves of Your Life FALL!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
Read over 700 other messages like this at NotesOnLife.org/archive
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melissamangus · 3 years
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Always show Love & Kindness ❤️😃 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://www.bible.com/1/php.2.5.kjv #love #kindness #mindofchrist https://www.instagram.com/p/CLP_NXZFNwG/?igshid=84g3t6hxgqyk
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