#Mind these are still opinions
Head canons i consider solid enough to just be canon.
Terra is fully trained in using Magitek armor.
My proof here is she is the only one to ever be able to use all the functions of the armors. It makes since to have a "basic function mode" that is easier to use. No one wants random untrained soldier #3 shooting off misles or bio attacks.
The Phoenix Magicite was stolen from Kohlingen in the attack, and was the reason the Empire was even there.
Proof includes that the old man knew to send Locke looking for a thing in the first place. The old man probably had the magicite origonaly.
The Returners used to be a larger organization.
At least one npc mintioned they had heavy losses. Plus their location is poor, and in only one place. It seems more like a flee point. There should have been at least two to three more such bases especially since they are shown to have such influence in Figaro, Doma, and Narshe.
Celes and Maria are the same person.
Not so much proof exactly as... opera singing is an extremely difficult skill. So is stage acting. These are not things someone could just do. She had to have training before this. Also Maria is NEVER seen nor mintioned again.
Cyan and the hurt soldier in Mobliz, from Maranda became friends while Cyan was there and the soldier told Cyan how bad the attack on Maranda was.
Cyan jumped right to what happened to Maranda when he met Celes. Not to say that word wouldnt have gotten out about it, but it was a strong and pointed rage more in line with him equateing it to his own situation, and recently.
The flash back to Terra's parents was a vision from her father.
It was all from his point of view. It was his memories he was sharing with his daughter.
The poison that killed Doma was in the air, Cyan survived because he was high enough to get a small dose.
There would be no other way for everyone to drop like that unless it was in the air. Not everyone would be drinking freshly pulled water at the same time.
The three dream 'stooges' and Wrexsoul werent actually real. It was the Magicite Alaxander trying to help.
You find the Magicite right where you finish the fight. Plus the whole thing was a weird form of counseling.
Related, the charicters are already/still asleep when the three dream 'stooges' show up.
... like... you jump in to Cyan. That is dream logic.
Ok those are the ones i can think of right now. So i will leave this list here. I probably forgot some, i made this list because i couldnt sleep 🤣
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korvessa · 6 months
Still thinking how unnecessary this video was, no, THESE VIDEOS because he just had to make one in english and one in finnish?? Dude just wanted to brag that Bojan spent a night at his place rather than some hotel in Helsinki. (Also he calls Bojan’s lace shirt ”SHOW UNDERWEAR”)
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aprilblossomgirl · 9 months
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Dangerous Romance (2023) Episode 6
How are you holding up? Are you feeling any better? I am. I can move my leg perfectly now. I'm not asking about your leg. I'm asking about your heart. Is it feeling better? Look at your puffy eyes. You've been crying, haven't you? Are you Detective Conan or something? You're really good at noticing. Well, I was once a teenager. I’ve been through it all. I don’t know what’s troubling your heart. But… You’ve got my support here.
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jess-the-vampire · 30 days
Did you ever get around to what happens in watching and dreaming for Arofam?
maxchatt200: I don’t mean like comic wise I meant like have you made any plans regarding watching and dreaming?
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Yes and no, I have some ideas I definitely want to do but there are still kinks I need to work out to make things make sense.
Cause there are also things that I logically can't do the same way, given where the characters are in comparison. Like hunter can't be killed by belos for example, because that would make no sense in this context, so if i were to say, do titan hunter, i would need a completely different reason for him to exist.
So parts of it are ready and parts are still bring developed I'd say atm. I think I'm finally getting somewhere with it though that I have a rough idea of where to go with it.
Some of those ideas have already been put out there.
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butteredfrogs · 2 months
im just gonna say whats on my mind feel free to ignore this post its kinda petty but i just have to let it out
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bookinit02 · 4 months
genuinely i think if i have to see taylor swift’s name one more time i’m going to start breaking things.
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commsroom · 1 year
an underrated aspect of eiffel and lovelace's dynamic is that she is the one person who can speak his language, she's just not happy about it. "we're bootlegging the opening band to figure out what kind of anvil the headliner is going to drop on our heads." / "oh! why didn't you just say that?" or saying "there is no try" to him in the live show, or trying to explain her time loop predicament with the one pop culture reference he doesn't actually get, etc.
lovelace is also a pretty quippy and pop culture savvy person, and, unlike hera and minkowski, lovelace has definitely seen star wars. she has referenced star wars. there had to have been a moment where eiffel realized he was finally, after so long, occupying the same space as another person who has seen star wars. this absolutely does not mean eiffel can talk to lovelace about star wars, but you know he tried.
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pocketgalaxies · 7 months
listen. idgaf whether fearne wanted the shard or not. this isn't about fearne saying ashton should have the shard. this is about ashton taking the shard without telling the rest of the party! this is about ashton (nearly) killing themself because of a misguided assumption about what the party needs, without any actual discussion about it! this is about ashton's persistent inability to let people speak for themselves instead of presuming to know what's best for them! do you hear me!!!!!
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aq2003 · 7 months
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sadnessunderthebridge · 6 months
I hate how many people are calling Sunny rude and snobby and are saying she is giving everyone the cold shoulder. The moment they saw Tallulah, she tried giving her diamonds THAT IS HER WAY OF SHOWING FRIENDSHIP! If you watched even one of Tubbos streams, you'd know that's her way of showing friendship. Hell, the first stream with her in it, it was Etoiles who basically showed her that, and that was the first time she made a friend. And I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, I learned from adults, so if an adult told me that the way to be friends was by giving people money and then my parent agreed I would do it. Sunny is trying to make friends in her own way, and some people just don't see that.
Also, most people who watch Tubbos' pov agree that Sunny is at least a little autistic and is very socially awkward, and she's just a kid. Give them a break.
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3416 · 4 months
the nhl is so funny bc they will go great lengths to protect people accused of sexual assault or domestic violence, but they really draw the line at drugs and gambling, which is like.... isn't that WHAT your player assistance program is for? if anything..........
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wikiangela · 6 days
this might be a hot take but buck not dropping everything to be there for everyone (yes, including eddie and chris) and not trying to involve himself and trying to fix things he can't, and learning that he doesn't need to always be useful, is actually healthy and mature and character growth and not at all ooc
like, maybe sometimes we need to put ourselves first and have a nice relaxing evening after a hard day, especially when there's nothing we could really do? or do y'all like him only when he's useful to other characters?
(a reminder that buck almost lost his father figure: maybe he wasn't in a place emotionally to be there for eddie that evening, and weren't eddie's parents still there? why would he be there too when maybe eddie was talking things out with them? like I said before, we've really exaggerated buck's role in chris' life)
actually eddie asking buck to talk to chris about this situation was too much imo bc it's not buck's place (which he recognized and acknowledged and isn't this good for him?!)
eddie's storyline had little to nothing to do with buck, and buck still managed to be there for him like the best friend he is, without overstepping, and while recognizing that he can't really do anything to help aside from being there - and he doesn't need to physically be there 24/7 bc what for? to hold eddie's hand and tell him everything's gonna be okay? bffr rn
idk, some of the takes I see make me wonder if half of this fandom even likes buck
putting tags i wrote before here bc I'm not retyping all this but I decided fuck it, i actually wanna post it lol
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mystical-one · 7 months
WARNING IM GOING TO BE HONEST AND EARNEST HERE. i really unironically unconditionally liked now and then
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nellasbookplanet · 13 days
Speaking of theories: my longest running (and probably least likely to be fulfilled) c3 theory is still that Predathos and the Luxon are not only connected, but two sides of the same coin.
The two of them are in a sense viewed and function as gods, but they’re fundamentally different and separate from the pantheon, both prime and betrayer. The gods, powerful and immortal though they are, are still people, and have the personalities and flaws of people. Predathos and the Luxon, so far, have been presented as much more amorphous and alien. To me, they read as fundamental forces of nature; Luxon is life and creation, Predathos is destruction and death. Order and chaos, creation and entropy. These are not forces you can fight, which would be why even the gods fear them, and why Predathos could only be locked away, postponed, not defeated.
If the Luxon truly is the other side of the coin, is it what will be needed when facing off with Predathos? Not to defeat it, because entropy cannot be defeated, but to balance it, to keep it in check?
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floofsselfshipblog · 28 days
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*points points* MY WIFE—
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eyesontheskyline · 1 month
There's literally no way to get rid of Will off screen that isn't going to be terrible.
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