masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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McDonald’s McLobster
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raziraphale · 2 years
played the easiest game of spot the tourist in town today bc this woman SCREAMED across the street "YOU CAN GET LOBSTER AT SUBWAY???". like yes that is objectively very disarming information to learn but you should sound Horrified and not in awe about it. The ocean is right there why would you get lobster from subway. don't be swayed by the siren song of cheap lobster
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jade-curtiss · 10 months
Petty boy: aye faut je reach out mais faut j'lise un livre, mais en même temps y faut je reach out, mais faut je lise tous les posts? Dans cet ordre là? Pis ish...mais? Ok mais y'aurait pu se forcer? Comme y'aurait pu essayer de patenter de quoi (y'a un pdf tsé) mais comme là là modi batinsse, en plus la font, pis la mise en page? Comme sacramant. Pis twitter? Y check tu vraiment ses emails (depends)...
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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McDonald’s Day 
McDonald’s Day takes place on the anniversary of the day in 1955 when Ray Kroc opened a McDonald’s in Des Plaines, Illinois. This was the first restaurant of his franchise, but the ninth McDonald’s restaurant overall. Kroc helped make McDonald’s the most known fast food restaurant in the world, but the story doesn’t start with him.
Brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a barbeque restaurant in 1940 in San Bernardino, California. In 1948, they changed up their restaurant and introduced the “Speedee Service System.” Instead of having waiters bring food to tables, their restaurant had self-service counters. They used an assembly line format in the kitchen. Prepared food was wrapped and placed under heat lamps. They also simplified their menu to include only hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries, potato chips, sodas, milkshakes, and apple pies. All of these changes helped make food preparation and service quick and efficient, and kept their prices lower than competing diners. They sold their hamburgers for just 15 cents apiece.
Ray Kroc was a salesman who had sold malt and shake mixers to the McDonald brothers. He stopped at one of their locations in 1954 and convinced them to let him open a franchise for them, which he did on today’s date in 1955. At that time, Richard and Maurice McDonald claimed they had already served 15 million hamburgers over the previous seven years. In 1961, Kroc bought out of the McDonald brothers for 2.7 million dollars. By 1970 there were 1,000 McDonald’s restaurants, and by 1988 there were 10,000. By 2017 there were more than 37,000.
Over the years, McDonald’s has expanded to other countries, while also expanding their menu. They set up shop in Canada in 1967, and are now in over 120 countries. Their menu is often reflective of local tastes. For example, poutine is on the menu in Canada, and the McLobster sandwich is sometimes available in the New England area. Hamburgers and fries have remained a staple at McDonald’s, but there are many other foods that can be found at most McDonald’s as well. The Filet-O-Fish was created by a Cincinnati franchise owner in 1962 so that Catholic customers had something to eat during Lent. The Big Mac was created by a Pittsburgh franchise owner who wanted a sandwich geared for adults. He used ingredients that were already available at the restaurant. It debuted nationwide in 1968. The Egg McMuffin debuted in 1973, and Chicken McNuggets came out across the country in 1983.
Ronald McDonald has been the face of the restaurant since 1963, and for a time other characters of McDonaldland, such as Grimace and the Hamburglar, were part of the company’s marketing strategy as well. Happy Meals were introduced in 1979, in which a toy is included with a child’s meal. Yellow arches adorned the rooftops of early locations, but “M’s” started appearing outside of the restaurant in 1962, and have since been its most popular symbol.
McDonald’s has been criticized for its role in spreading obesity, although in recent years it began adding healthy items and getting rid of trans fats. It also discontinued its “supersized” portions offering. The company has also been criticized for paying its workers low wages. On the other hand, the company has been praised for its charitable work. The Ronald McDonald House was founded in 1974. It gives families of children in hospitals a place to stay. Today there are more than 360 Ronald McDonald Houses. The Ronald McDonald House Charities was founded in 1987 and has been involved in various charitable efforts that are focused on children.
How to Observe
Celebrate the day by eating at a McDonald’s! You could visit the spot where Ray Kroc opened his first McDonald’s in 1955. The restaurant was demolished in the 1980s and rebuilt as a museum. Sadly, the museum has since been demolished as well. There is a McDonald’s across the street you could eat at though! The first restaurant the McDonald’s brothers had, located in San Bernardino, has long since been closed. You could still visit the location, though, as there is a museum there, and part of the original McDonald’s sign remains. The oldest McDonald’s still in operation has been serving burgers since 1953 and can be visited in Downey, California. You could also watch Super Size Me, or The Founder, a biopic about Ray Kroc.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
I know we've talked about this before, about how Cajun food is more well known than the food of Quebecois. I've actually been watching a bunch of videos by a youtuber named Tyler Bucket where he learns about Canada, from our snacks to our fast food places and even history stuff like Terry Fox. And watching this just made me curious about why Quebec's food culture.
As I've said before, Quebec really has a thing for sweets. Like, you do not have Vachon many varieties of snack cakes. Turns out that's because Vachon was bought out by a foreign company and doesn't want to expand into the US due to competition with Hostess, and that's kind of a reoccuring thing. You're also not as big on maple syrup whereas in Canada you can go to events where they serve warm maple syrup on snow. I am not making that up.
Anyway, Quebecois food traces itself back to 17th century French cuisine, adapted to suit Canada with influence from native Americans, British traders and even some parts of American cuisine because of Quebec's history with the fur trade. The poverty of Quebec's past, alongside harsh winters and the condition of the soil all play a role in it, leading to more traditional meals using game meat.
Beans slow cooked with bacon and maple syrup, or a thick pea soup that may have chunks of ham added, that's some traditional Quebec food you can find in your grocery stores. Back when I ran my parent's restaurant, I once had to explain the concept of a “hot chicken” sandwich, as in chicken between two pieces of bread covered in gravy. We have the Pâté chinois, or Shepard's Pie, with ground beef on the bottom, corn in the middle and mashed potatoes on the top all baked together (it's actually one of my favorite meals, especially if there is gravy to top it off with in the event it's a little dry). If I was to head out more towards Eastern Quebec, there's more of a focus on fish and lobster such as serving lobster on a hot dog bun.
That's actually a thing you used to be able to get at McDonald's in the Atlantic provinces, the McLobster, but to my understanding it's one of McDonald's failed menu items like the McPizza (which everyone I've ever heard mention it misses greatly)
(looking at list) I had never heard of Pizza-ghetti before, where it's either a half-pizza served with spaghetti on the side, or spaghetti served on top of a pizza with melted cheese on top... I want to try that now.
I guess that's the thing about Quebec food. We have great sweets and baked goods, but a lot of our food prioritizes practicality and a lot of it is variations to what people were eating in France a few hundred years ago before it became modern French cuisine. I guess with the contacts I have on here that are from France, you come to Quebec you're going to be eating food that would be out of your history books... well, that and poutine. Maybe pizza-ghetti.
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quality-ghost · 8 months
made this for school
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proxylynn · 11 months
Anything else we can help you with at McDonald's?
[I'd like one Grand Mac, a McLobster, and an order of McSpaghetti please.]
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candy-floss-crazy · 1 year
21 Weird McDonald's Burgers
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The one thing that was consistent at McDonalds was the food. All McDonalds served the same range of burgers, wraps etc. So where ever you go you have a familiar friendly menu right. Erm, no actually it isn't. The fact is that McDonalds tailors many of its menus to suit the local market. There is no point for instance going heavy on the beef in India. Much of the population are Hindus who consider the cow a sacred animal. In fact in some parts of India it is illegal to sell beef. So lets look at some of the wonderful and weird McDonald burger options that you probably haven't seen before. Maharaja Mac Maharaja Mac This is the result of selling into a market that consider your main ingredient to be sacred. Well, not exactly the beef, but the cow that donated in. So in the Indian market, McD's replaced the beef with chicken. The Benedict Bagel Benedict Bagel Take a strip of bacon, a slice of cheese, a nicely rounded egg, a lashing of Hollandaise sauce, and stick it inside a bagel. What you then have is a sort of eggs Benedict. Available in the New Zealand market. Japanese Black Burger Japanese Black Burger If you want weird food then go to Japan. Between eating stuff that is raw, deadly, still alive, there is also stuff that is black. This Big Mac replacement is made using squid ink, to give it that look. Add some spicy sauce and cheese and you have something that looks like its crawled out of halloween. Of all the weird McDonald's burgers, this is the wierdest. Maine Lobster Roll Maine Lobster Roll High end food like lobster isn't something you normally associate with a low rent burger joint like McD's. However in certain markets such as Maine, and indeed at one time in Italy, they have short term specials. One such example was the McLobster. McArabia McArabia The McArabia, is available across the Arab world, and Pakistan. Two chicken patties, salad and tahini sauce, folded into a flat bread. To be fair it isn't much different to a chicken sandwich, other than the choice of bread. McRice McRice The McRice, available across the Philippines, pretty much starts out as a regular burger or chicken sandwich. Where it deviates, is in the bun. Or lack of a bun to be accurate. These are sandwiched between two slices of toasted rice. Shrimp Burger Shrimp Burger Across some of its Asian markets, Maccy D's have replaced the beef with shrimp. Not all the beef we hasten to add, they still sell burgers, but this is an additional line. Shrimp ground up and made into a pattie, sweet chilli sauce and a corn dusted bun. Pizza Mac Pizza Mac Many people love burgers, and also love pizza. So our teutonic friends, with their world renowned efficiency, combined the two. A big mac inside a pizza bun. Pork Samurai Pork Samurai If you fancy a trip to Thailand, you can indulge yourself in a pork samurai. As typical McDonalds fare such as beef isn't as common in the country, they have switched to pork. Teriyaki sauce, lettuce and mayo completes the ensemble. Nurnburger Nurnburger Another teutonic offering. Bratwurst sausages with mustard and onions. This one only had a brief run, but hey, nothing wrong with bratwurst. Mashed Potato Burger Mashed Potato Burger How do you improve on a Big Mac. Well, if you are part of the McDonald's Chine team then the answer apparently, is topping it with a big dollop of mashed potato. McKroket McKroket Our Dutch cousins came up with this concoction. A mixture of ground beef and cheese made into a fried patty. Then topped with mustard. KiwiBurger KiwiBurger Another New Zealand special, the kiwiburger. A beef patty with an egg and beetroot slices. Burger and Cheese Burger and Cheese It would seem that our friends in Brazil are partial to cheese. Very partial. In fact your burger comes with a big tub of melted cheddar to dip into. Crab Croquette Burger Crab Croquette Burger Another entry from the land of the rising sun. This one is made from snow crab and mushrooms. Reports are it isn't as nice as it sounds. Cordon Bleu Burger Cordon Bleu Burger An entry from Poland. This one is ideal for those who can't make their mind up. Beef, chicken and bacon. Bulgogi Burger Bulgogi Burger From South Korea, comes the Bulgogi burger. A pork patty covered in sticky Bulgogi sauce a sweet, smoky, and slightly tangy concoction. McToast McToast An Italian concoction, this must be the most appetizing looking piece of food ever. Did they use special software to remove all the colour from the picture? We love weird McDonalds, but not this one. Dosa Masala Burger Dosa Masala Burger A thin fermented rice and lentil pancake mixed with spicy potato. And drizzled with chutney mayo. It doesn't really look appetizing, but the Indians must like it. McFalafel McFalafel Three pieces of falafel garnished with tomatoes, lettuce, onion, pickles and topped with Tehina sauce served in a tortilla wrap. McTurco McTurco Turkish kebabs in a flat bread. Where else, but Turkey. Another local delicacy that should be shared with the wider McDonalds family. When you look there are some really weird McDonald's offering out there. McDonalds Read the full article
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dornish-queen · 2 years
Insomnia hit me hard last night and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamt that lobster was on the menu at McDonald's. What kind of hell is this?
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oliviackaotix-blog · 3 years
Random Request but how about both 70s Jack [Jack In The Box, from the animated commercials] and 80s Chuck E Cheese roasting/teasing Ronald Mcdonald over the Mclobster [from what I hear, it was pretty gross]?
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Here ya go! Sorry for this being a little sloppy and late I was busy jogging and doing the dishes.
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avon-virus · 3 years
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raziraphale · 6 years
fast food restaurants trying to regionalize their menus for the maritimes is so fucking funny to me why would anyone eat a mclobster when lobster is literally everywhere else
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Bold of you to assume I have kneecaps shorty mclobster fossil
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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McDonald’s Day
McDonald’s Day takes place on the anniversary of the day in 1955 when Ray Kroc opened a McDonald’s in Des Plaines, Illinois. This was the first restaurant of his franchise, but the ninth McDonald’s restaurant overall. Kroc helped make McDonald’s the most known fast food restaurant in the world, but the story doesn’t start with him.
Brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a barbeque restaurant in 1940 in San Bernardino, California. In 1948, they changed up their restaurant and introduced the “Speedee Service System.” Instead of having waiters bring food to tables, their restaurant had self-service counters. They used an assembly line format in the kitchen. Prepared food was wrapped and placed under heat lamps. They also simplified their menu to include only hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries, potato chips, sodas, milkshakes, and apple pies. All of these changes helped make food preparation and service quick and efficient, and kept their prices lower than competing diners. They sold their hamburgers for just 15 cents apiece.
Ray Kroc was a salesman who had sold malt and shake mixers to the McDonald brothers. He stopped at one of their locations in 1954 and convinced them to let him open a franchise for them, which he did on today’s date in 1955. At that time, Richard and Maurice McDonald claimed they had already served 15 million hamburgers over the previous seven years. In 1961, Kroc bought out of the McDonald brothers for 2.7 million dollars. By 1970 there were 1,000 McDonald’s restaurants, and by 1988 there were 10,000. By 2017 there were more than 37,000.
Over the years, McDonald’s has expanded to other countries, while also expanding their menu. They set up shop in Canada in 1967, and are now in over 120 countries. Their menu is often reflective of local tastes. For example, poutine is on the menu in Canada, and the McLobster sandwich is sometimes available in the New England area. Hamburgers and fries have remained a staple at McDonald’s, but there are many other foods that can be found at most McDonald’s as well. The Filet-O-Fish was created by a Cincinnati franchise owner in 1962 so that Catholic customers had something to eat during Lent. The Big Mac was created by a Pittsburgh franchise owner who wanted a sandwich geared for adults. He used ingredients that were already available at the restaurant. It debuted nationwide in 1968. The Egg McMuffin debuted in 1973, and Chicken McNuggets came out across the country in 1983.
Ronald McDonald has been the face of the restaurant since 1963, and for a time other characters of McDonaldland, such as Grimace and the Hamburglar, were part of the company’s marketing strategy as well. Happy Meals were introduced in 1979, in which a toy is included with a child’s meal. Yellow arches adorned the rooftops of early locations, but “M’s” started appearing outside of the restaurant in 1962, and have since been its most popular symbol.
McDonald’s has been criticized for its role in spreading obesity, although in recent years it began adding healthy items and getting rid of trans fats. It also discontinued its “supersized” portions offering. The company has also been criticized for paying its workers low wages. On the other hand, the company has been praised for its charitable work. The Ronald McDonald House was founded in 1974. It gives families of children in hospitals a place to stay. Today there are more than 360 Ronald McDonald Houses. The Ronald McDonald House Charities was founded in 1987 and has been involved in various charitable efforts that are focused on children.
How to Observe
Celebrate the day by eating at a McDonald’s! You could visit the spot where Ray Kroc opened his first McDonald’s in 1955. The restaurant was demolished in the 1980s and rebuilt as a museum. Sadly, the museum has since been demolished as well. There is a McDonald’s across the street you could eat at though! The first restaurant the McDonald’s brothers had, located in San Bernardino, has long since been closed. You could still visit the location, though, as there is a museum there, and part of the original McDonald’s sign remains. The oldest McDonald’s still in operation has been serving burgers since 1953 and can be visited in Downey, California. You could also watch Super Size Me, or The Founder, a biopic about Ray Kroc.
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literaphobe · 4 years
Tbh can't get over the fact mclobster called adora a simp
McLobster is right
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suzannerico · 7 years
This Is Maine, Baby
This Is Maine, Baby
100% Maine
Ethan and I were walking to the car in the pouring rain. Booms echoed somewhere out in the dark, sharper and more rhythmic than thunder.
“What’s that noise?” I asked.
“Gun shots.”
“Really? Someone’s just out there shooting in the middle of a storm?” He laughed. (more…)
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