#Mary Akram
moviesandmania · 2 months
IMMORTAL SPECIES Killer crocodile creature feature
‘The quest for eternal life’ Immortal Species is a 2023 Thai monster movie about a group of students who become prey to a giant killer crocodile. Directed by Jetniphut Sa-Shing (Siam Curse). The Vayuphat production stars Mary Akram, Patrick Petchtree Bevis, Ying Ariya Buakong, Kongnat Choeisuwan, Ploypapas Isarapongporn, Jane Nathamon Ngamkanok, Vachiravit Paisarnkulwong, Phatchaya Phiansamoe,…
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The Out-laws (2012) || Bad Sisters (2022)
by Malin-Sarah Gozin
I was more into the whimsical tone of the original, but I preferred how they connected Eva's and Grace's confessions in the final episode for the remake - having all the sisters together for that scene made so much sense. The emotional pay off and their reactions felt more real.
Also lesbian Bibi and the !surprise! gay boyfriend Gabriel were very pleasant surprises. Anyone else want to geek out and compare notes on this show?
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driedupeyeballs · 3 months
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OH MY GOD???? I already love them sm
I literally edited a new profile for them for this cuz the old one was outdated BUT YEAH IDK IF THIS WAS AN INVITE TO INFODUMP ABT MY JAMIAZU FANKID BUT IM USING IT AS ONE
Btw I can only wish to achieve your level of snake knowledge I thought my reptile hyperfixation went deep but yours is deeper I wanna know your ways
But that isn’t relavent YEAH HERES MY JAMIAZU FANKID HI TUMBLR *lets them out like you would a spider under a cup*
So I have a shit ton of Twst fankids btw! They kinda swim around in my brain but only a few ppl I know have gotten the info dumps lmao
Skye was the first one I made I think (actually it might’ve been Rico (florid) but eh oh well who’s counting)
But yes this is Skye Ashengrotto!
They’re my older Jamiazu kid, I do have two. The younger one is my octo boy Akram :) he’s funny I wanna pinch his cheeks but he’s not the point here
So Skye! It feels weird publically infodumping abt my OCs like wtf am I even supposed to put here
They’re a half mer, which do work a lil different than normal mers in my lore. Half mers can transform without a potion but it’s still a long and generally painful process, esp going from mer to human. I kind of switch between calling them a snake mer and a naga but there’s lore there- Nagas exist in my lore outside of sea snake mers, there are also fully terrestrial Nagas. So the terrestrial nagas wouldn’t be considered snake mers but the sea snake nagas would be a type of mer while also still being a naga ITS CONFUSING DONT ASK (actually do. Ask everything so I can roll more of my fankids out like marbles)
Skye was created by a spell, I haven’t quite worked the details out 😔 but Jamil is part gorgon in my lore which is why they have the hair snakes which isn’t a typical naga trait. And to elaborate on the hair snakes: they are alive, the one w the bigger stripes is Flora and the smaller stripes is Jett. Skye can communicate w them telepathically and their eyes glow which is kinda neat. They’re kind of Skye’s version of floatsam and jetsam (unless u count Rico (florid) and Lilac (treyjade) which is like their ver of the twins- IDK ITS COMPLICATED)
idk what else to put here so LETS THROW SOME FHARACTER DYNAMICS YEAH and also mentioning some of my other fankids! They all have profiles (except my Malleus kid I’m sorry Aihan I can’t think of a design for you) but I’m probably gonna save those for another post-
So jamiazu in my lore live in the Shaftlands in a beachfront place and also live pretty close to Treyjade, however Florid live in the Queendom. The octatrio and their spouses is a close group so they’re essentially a big family. My treyjade kids are Maren (older) and Lilac, then my Florid kids are Rico (older) and the twins Mary and Eliza.
Skye saw Lilac more as a kid cuz they lived so close together but also saw Rico a lot when flrd would visit or they’d go to visit them. Rico is an agent of chaos and Lilac is Skye’s 2nd in command so their dynamic on a surface level is pretty similar to the octatrio, but there’s still a lot of differences once u get into the meat of it. Tho Lilac and Rico are Skye’s best friends and basically like siblings to them.
Outside of jamiazu Skye is particularly close with Jade, they share a love of tea :) he’s their cool but also slightly unsettling uncle
THEN THERES SHENZI- Shenzi is my younger kaliruggie kid and I am not gonna get into her here bcuz she rlly needs her own post w all her trauma but good lord these two do not like each other. Shenzi’s really nice but she’s not quite as nice as Kalim so after about 5 months of trying and failing to befriend Skye in their freshman year she just gave up and now their relationship is nothing but hostile (which was not helped when Shenzi and lilac started dating)
Speaking of that tho- so my idikei kids :) Ember (named after the pokemon attack) is the older one and he’s basically that “Jock idia can’t hurt you he’s not real Jock idia:” thing as a person he has the Fire hair n shit but he plays basketball and is heavily extroverted but no one gives a shit abt Ember this is NOT ABT HIM this is abt his sister! Her name is Zelda because you know Idia would name his daughter Zelda- she got all of Idia’s social anxiety lmao. She’s extremely shy and there’s a total of like 4 people in the school she can actually talk to without melting into a small stain on the floor. She’s an Skye are both in board games club and sometime in early freshman year she falls on her ass and knocks over a bunch of stuff which Skye happens to witness and cue the most awkward interaction known to man bcuz Skye can’t talk to pretty girls and Zelda can’t talk to ANYONE but they end up walking to the mirror hall together afterwards which becomes a routine. Except they’re both awkward as fuck take like almost two fucking years to get together bcuz neither of them are gonna do anything abt it BUT THEYRE VERY CUTE!! I love them
Also my ashengrotto siblings are very wholesome I need to write some stuff w them- Akram is a little shit and he loves pissing Skye off but at the end of the day he admires them and Skye loves their brother a lot :)
Anyway good lord I’ve yapped too much okay OH YEAH Skye has a Russian blue cat named Mariana who they just fucking found on the side of the road and thought it was a mouse so for like 2 years Azul thought Skye was gonna eat the cat
OK HERES RHE ACTUAL PROFILE these aren’t as chaotic as the other ones all the other ones are more meme than profile ALSO RHEIR UNIQUE MAGIC DOESNR HAVE A NAME AT THE MOMENT IF ANHONE HAS AN IDEA FOR ONE PLS SHARE I HABE NO THOUGHTS
(If you recognize my art style from instagram no you don’t also THEY DO HABE EYES I JUST DONT DRAW THEM CUZ MY STYLES WEIRD)
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But yeah I love them I hope they explode (affectionate)
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
Faye Kellerman: Die Schwingen des Todes [org. title: Stone Kiss]
Andreas Ruch: Die Drei ??? und die Geisterfrau
Austin Chant: Peter Darling
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? und das kalte Auge
Faye Kellerman: Doch jeder tötet, was er liebt [org. title: Justice]
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Eine schreckliche Bescherung
Jonathan L. Howard: Johannes Cabal #1. Seelenfänger. [org. title: Johannes Cabal the Necromancer]
Hendrik Buchna, Marco Sonnleitner, u.a.: Die Drei ??? und der Zeitgeist
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Die Rache des Untoten
Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Jack Kerouac: On the Road
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Der tote Mönch
Theodor Michael: Deutsch Sein und Schwarz Dazu. Erinnerungen eines Afro-Deutschen.
Don Winslow: Corruption [org. title: The Force]
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? und die brennende Stadt
Jonathan Stroud: Bartimäus #1. Das Amulett von Samarkand. [org. title: The Bartimaeus Trilogy #1. The Amulet of Samarkand.] (reread)
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Das düstere Vermächtnis
Anne Frank: Tagebuch der Anne Frank. 14. Juni 1942 bis 1. August 1944. [org. title: Het Achterhuis]
Franz Kafka: Das Urteil (reread)
Alexander Wolkow: Zauberland-Reihe #1. Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt. [org. title: Волшебник изумрудного города] (reread)
Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Jekatyerina Dunajeva: Re-Thinking Roma Resistance throughout History: Recounting Stories of Strength and Bravery.
Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? Manuskript des Satans
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Im Wald der Gefahren
Jonathan Kellerman: City of the Dead. An Alex Delaware Novel.
Iny Lorentz: Die Feuerbraut (reread)
Don Winslow: Broken
Christina Henry: Lost Boy
Xiran Jay Zhao: Iron Widow
Kari Erlhoff: Die Drei ??? Im Netz der Lügen
Jiří Weil: Leben mit dem Stern [org. title: Život s hvězdou]
Jiří Weil: Klagegesang für 77297 Opfer [org. title: Žalozpěv za 77297 obětí]
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? und der Feuergeist
Václav Havel: Vernissage [org. title: Vernisáž]
Václav Havel: Protest
Luke Arnold: Fetch Phillips Archives #3. One Foot in the Fade.
K. Ancrum: Darling
Bożena Keff: Ein Stück über Mutter und Vaterland [org. title: Utwór o Matce i Ojczyźnie]
Tess Gerritsen: Die Chirurgin [org. title: The Surgeon]
Rainer Maria Rilke: Gedichte [herausgegeben vom Hamburger Lesehefte Verlag]
Tess Gerritsen: Der Meister [org. title: The Apprentice]
Jennifer Giesbrecht: The Monster of Elendhaven
Jonathan L. Howard: Johannes Cabal #2. Totenbeschwörer. [org. title: Johannes Cabal the Detective]
Justin Fenton: We Own This City. A True Story of Crime, Cops, and Corruption.
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Auf tödlichem Kurs
Maria Konopnicka: Der Danziger Mendel [org. title: Mendel Gdański]
Anne Stuart: Still Lake (reread)
Georg Trakl: Gedichte [Auswahl von Marie Luise Kaschnitz]
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? und das Tuch der Toten
Judith Butler: Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
Jenny-Mai Nuyen: Heartware
Akram El-Bahay: Die Bibliothek der Flüsternden Schatten #1. Bücherstadt.
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Geheimnisvolle Botschaften
Jilliane Hoffman: Morpheus [org. title: Last Witness] (reread)
Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues
Kari Erlhoff: Die Drei ??? und die Gesetzlosen
Akram El-Bahay: Die Bibliothek der Flüsternden Schatten #2. Bücherkönig.
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? und der Knochenmann
Akram El-Bahay: Die Bibliothek der Flüsternden Schatten #3. Bücherkrieg.
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Der gefiederte Schrecken
Konstantin Wecker: Auf der Suche nach dem Wunderbaren. Poesie ist Widerstand.
Ocean Vuong: On Earth We‘re Briefly Gorgeous
Evelyn Boyd: Die Drei ??? und die Gefängnisinsel
Angela Davis: Are Prisons Obsolete?
Konstantin Wecker: Jeder Augenblick ist ewig. Die Gedichte.
Scaachi Koul: One Day We‘ll All Be Dead And None Of This Will Matter.
Jonathan L. Howard: Johannes Cabal #3. Das Institut für Angst und Schrecken. [org. title: The Fear Institute]
Kristen Roupenian: Cat Person
Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
Vincent Burmeister, David Schraven: Unter Krähen. Aus dem Inneren der Republik.
Elfriede Jelinek, Nicolas Mahler: Der fremde! störenfried der ruhe eines sommerabends der ruhe eines friedhofs.
Evelyn Boyd: Die Drei ??? Wüstenfieber
Alice Walker: Everyday Use
Jan Drda: Das höhere Prinzip [org. title: Vyšši princip]
Jerzy Andrzejewski: Warschauer Karwoche [org. title: Wielki tydzień]
Josef Bor: Theresienstädter Requiem [org. title: Terezínské Rekviem]
Sandra Cisneros: Never Marry a Mexican
Lydia Benecke: Sadisten. Tödliche Liebe – Geschichten aus dem wahren Leben.
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? und die Teufelsklippe
James Ellroy: L.A. Confidential. Stadt der Teufel. [org. title: L.A. Confidential]
Tadeusz Słobodzianek: Unsere Klasse. Eine Geschichte in XIV Lektionen. [org. title: Nasza klasa]
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mincerman · 6 months
Is this a list of the same type of people?
Gerald Durrell
Derrick (Fredo Santana) Coleman - rapper - purple drank
Anthony Bourdain (TV Chef) - Heroin, Methadone, Cocaine, Alcohol.
George Herbert Scott (Airship Pilot), d.1930.
Grayson Murray, American golfer
Mark Lanegan, 57
Taylor Hawkins, 50
Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Lead Singer, liver failure.
Lisa Marie Presley, 54
Raye (Rachel Keen), British Singer
Andrea Dunbar (Playwright, age 29 - brain hem orange).
Robert Louis Stevenson - hence Jeykel and hyde (aged 44, drugs inc alcohol)
Phil Lynott
Paul Walsh, Footballer.
Andy Warhol - “Although not as big a drug-taker as many of his entourage in mid-century New York, Warhol was addicted to Obetrol – marketed today as Adderall – an amphetamine diet pill that has a similar effect to speed.” - https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/24/drugs-and-alcohol-do-not-make-you-more-creative-research-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Jefferson King (Shadow)
Taylor Hawkins (died at 50) Foo Fighters, Drummer.
Jordon Peterson
Ivan Toney (Brentford and England footballer and gambler)
Wasim Akram (Cocaine)
Robson Green
Simon Pegg
Don Whillans, mountaineer
Stanislav Petrov (the man who saved the world)
Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Laudanum)
W.H.Auden, Benzedrine
Jared O’Mara (former MP)
Anne Robinson
Hayden Panettiere, actress https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22079654/heroes-hayden-panettiere-addiction-alcohol-opiods-nashville/amp/
Jennifer Elliott (daughter of Denholm Elliot)
James Mangan - 19th C. Irish Poet, influenced -
Shane MacGowan.
Sir William Carr (Pissing Billy)
James Gandolfini
Lanre Fehintola
Howard Hughes, OCD, Codeine
Kirkland Laing (Boxer)
Ian Royce, Comedian.
Bobby Liebling (lead singer, Pentagram)
Rory Hamilton Brown
Matthew Mellon (banking heir)
Nora Butlin
David Berman (silver Jews)
Ted Ngoy (the donut king - gambling)
Ernst Udet - German WW1 Ace, responsible for Nazi aircraft manufacture until suicide,1941.
Blair “Paddy” Mayne (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
David Stirling (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
Danny Cipriani
William Golding
Luke Sutton, sports agent
Bryony Gordon
Paddy “Mad” Merrigan (Jockey)
Michael K. Williams (actor)
Robert Webb (British Comedian)
Mark McManus
Brian O’Nolan
Rodney Dangerfield
Tara Palmer-Tompkinson
Marco Pantani
Robin Smith (cricketer)
Dr. John (The Scatman)
Robert Havlin (jockey)
Kenneth Williams
Victor Willis (son of a baptist preacher - Village People.
Stu Ungar
Charlie Parker
Miles Davis
Harold Shipman
Danny Trejo (ends up dead on top of Tortoise in Breaking Bad).
Sandy Ratcliff (Sue Osman, East Enders)
James Hunt
Michael David Weiss (film injustice re safety needles)
Charlie Chaplin Snr. (Cirrhosis, 38)
Oisin Murphy (jockey)
Peter Shilton (gambling)
Marvin Gaye
Robert Young, actor, brother of Roger Moore
Dick Van Dyke
Yuri Gagarin
Christopher Farley (U.S. actor)
Ronald Lacey - played Dylan Thomas (1978) - Harry Ridler in Minder on the the Orient Express
Jordan Peterson
Tanya Sarne (Fashion)
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation)
Bradley Cooper
Tom Maynard (Cricketer)
Bobby Beasley (Jockey)
Montgomery Clift.
Jay Kay
Mike McCready (guitarist - pearl jam)
Elton John
Heinrich Böll, German Writer, Pervatin, during WW
Andy Fordham (The Viking)
Alice Cooper
Phil Spector
Alan Watts
Mark Lanegan
Rupert Young - Will Young’s brother
Matthew Perry (Friends sitcom)
Susannah Constantine (TV host)
Hugh O’Connor, Actor, -1962-1995. Shot himself in the head on the day of his 3rd Wedding Anniversary.
Deacon Brodie - alcoholic sinner fire-runner and example used by Robert Louis Stevenson in J & H - a hundred years later - and a life that Stevenson tried to pursue himself
Desi Arnaz, American actor
Felicite Tomlinson
Demi Lovato
William Hurt (American actor)
Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev - Author of Moscow Stations, 1969
Olivia Channon
Willie Carson Jnr
‘Bloody’ Mary Coughlan.
Roy Orbison (yo-yo dieting)
Christopher Hitchens - thinkoholic, alcoholic, smoker
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Jan-Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
Keith Gillespie,Footballer, Gambling.
Eddie Van Halen
Richard Kiel (Jaws)
John Bonham
Matthew Perry, American actor.
Stuart Cable - Drummer Stereophonics - choked on vomit.
Cameron Douglas
Chris Langham - cocaine / alcohol. (Went to prison for 6 months for download child pornographic images. Played Orwell in 2003 BBC film.). Career destroyed after that.
Johnny Vegas
Arthur Daley.
Mike Tyson
George Harrison
Alexei Rykov aka ‘Rykvodka’ Rightist Politburo member, Premier and co- ruler with Stalin and Bukharin ‒. Defendant in last show trial
Hans Fallada (Rudolf Ditzen) - German Author
Henry Pierrepoint - executioner father of Albert the executioner.
Bob Hindley (alcoholic father of Myra Hindley)
Simon Day (fast show)
Frederick Nietzsche (Opiu re m / chloral hydrate)
Tennessee Williams
Henry Willson - Hollywood agent (Cirrhosis)
Steve Caulker - footballer aged 25 (alcohol and gambling)
Tim Bergling (DJ Avicii) - aged 28
Verne Troyer (49)
Ashley Mattingly (playmate)
Jean Michel Basquiat - artist, 27, Heroin
Keith Levene, Founder member of The Clash, and Public Image Ltd
Dolores Riordan (46) lead singer of cranberries - died drowned in her bath 2018 Park Lane Hilton. Also anorexic and bi-polar.
Demi Lovato (ex Disney Channel actress)
Charles Baudelaire - laudanum and alcohol
Chris Leben (UFC fighter)
Mike Bell a.k.a. Mad Dog (WWE - wrestler)
Freddie Starr
Irvine Welsh
Dolores O’Riordan (alcohol / anorexia)
Dennis Price.
Shia LaBeouf (actor)
Rhys Thomas (Rugby)
Russell Pearce (Boxing)
David Plunkett Greene (Heroin)
Ron ‘Pigpen’ McKernon (grateful Dead,27)
Annabelle Neilson - Heroin / aristoc
Ray Wilkins
Jeff Hatch (NFL player)
Ryan Cresswell (footballer)
Jon Stewart (guitarist, sleeper)
Alexander || of Russia.
Otto Gross (influenced Jung) - addict - 1877 to 1920. 42.
Oskar Schindler
Phil Lynott
Shaun Ryder
George Brown MP
Paul Ryder (Bassist)
Gary Oldman
Peter Edward "Ginger" Baker, English Drummer.
Mac Miller / U.S. rapper (26)
Jeff Hanneman - Slayer - cirrhosis, 49
Gary Busey (American actor)
Philip Larkin (half a bottle of sherry at sunrise).
Hunter S. Thompson - pro addict - suicide Feb 2005
Gregg Allman, American Singer / Songwriter
Coolio (Artis Leon Ivey)
Martin Gore (Depeche Mode)
Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)
William Faulkner. (American Writer)
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce)
Eugene O’Neill. (American Writer)
Anthony Burgess
Donald Maclean
Kim Philby
Ellen Philby - wife of spy Kim Philby (47)
Anthony Blunt
Ringo Starr
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ricky Hatton
John Ford (Film Director)
Jack London (Author of John Barleycorn novel) morphine overdose and alcoholism
Tom Chaplin, Lead Singer, Keane.
Nico - H - velvet underground
Art Pepper
Liza Minnelli
Richard Bacon
Jay Kay (Jamiroquai)
Tobey Maguire
Christian Slater
Chris Cornell (lead singer of Soundgarden)
Max Jacob (French Post)
Malcolm McDowell
Fred Trump Jnr. (Eldest brother 1932-81) - alcoholism aged 42.
Owen Wilson
Gary Oldman
Keith Flint (Prodigy)
Demi Moore - actors
Danniella Westbrook
Roger Ebert (Film critic)
John Cassavetes (great director) - hobnailed liver, 59. Q.v. Under the influence (1974) - starring his co-alcoholic and co-dependent wife, Gena Rowlands (who was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of progressive madness).
Bill Evans - Heroin - jazz
Suroosh Alvi - founder of Vice media - ex Heroin
Gary Fraser - Director of T2
Trainspotting - ex Heroin
Keith Floyd.
Ant mcpartlin
Tom Hardy (aa)
Steve Coogan
Kenny Sansom
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - painter -(1828-1882) became addicted to chloral, with whisky chasers
Philip Roth - American Novelist (Halcion sleeping pill)
Lee Marvin
Bryony Gordon - terrible telegraph columnist
‘Mad Jack’ Byron
Chet Baker - Jazz Trumpeter
Ray Charles - Heroin.
Sir Edwin Landseer (Laudinum)
John Hurt (died 28 Jan 16 pancreatic cancer ages 75)
Anthony Eden (Benzedrine) Drinamyl also known as ‘purple hearts’ to take him up and up to four sleeping pills a night to take him down. Eventually they stopped working - he couldn’t sleep and the doctors said the pharmaceutical solution had run its course - and he had to be evacuated to Jamaica for a few weeks - presumably to withdraw, just after Suez and a Sterling crisis. https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/98/6/387/1548168 - from Dr David Owen - concluding with the line ‘a fit and well Anthony Eden would not have made all those mistakes’.
Christopher Walken
Alistair Maclean - later on.
Al Pacino
Andrew Symonds (Australian Cricketer)
Margaux Hemingway (grand-daughter / supermodel)
Amy Winehouse (27)
Brian Jones (27) Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix (27)
Janice Joplin (27)
Jim Morrison (27)
Rudy Lewis (27) The drifters
Alan Wilson (27)
Dickie Pride (27)
Ron “Pigpen” Mckernon (27)
Kurt Cobain (27)
Dash Snow (27) - artist
Gary Thain (27) Bassist, Uriah Heep
Pamela Courson (27) Morrison’s wife, Heroin overdose, 3 yrs later in ‘74.
See also - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
Fred Archer (29) gambling - shot himself.
Dean Martin
Eve Babitz
Pete Townsend
Courtney Love
Kevin Lloyd (Actor, The Bill)
Amedeo Modigliani
Diego Maradona
Brett Favre
Babe Ruth
Paul Merson (drink and gambling)
Bill Werbenuik (Snooker)
Kirk Stevens (cocaine - Snooker)
Mark E. Smith - d.2018. Lead singer of the Fall. 60.
Danielle Westbrook
Mary J. Bilge
Alec Baldwin (actor)
Vince Taylor from Isleworth - inspired Ziggy Stardust.
Douglas Kenney - founder of National Lampoon, 33, probable Suicide. Hawaii.
Alan McGee - Founder of creation records and property developer
Patrick Swayze
John Skipper, (former) president ESPN
David Cassidy
Steven Tyler (alive)
Hubert Selby Jr - author of last exit to Brooklyn - died sober even refused morphine.
Etta James
Bradley Cooper
Calvin Harris (Scot dj)
Eva Mendes
Colin Farell
Al Pacino
Craig Charles
Davina McCall
Anthony Hopkins
Rob Lowe
Phil Michelson (gambling)
Melanie Griffith
Jamie-Lee Curtis
W. C. Fields
Jean-Claude Junker
Christine Dolce (queen of MySpace) - cirrhosis
Franklin pierce - us president - cirrhosis
Chernenko - soviet leader 84 - cirrhosis
Jimi Hendrix - cirrhosis?
Billie holiday - cirrhosis
Jack Karouac - cirrhosis
Rob Lowe - alcoholic - 27 yrs sober
Sean Hughes (Irish comic) - cirrhosis
List of people with cirrhosis https://m.ranker.com/list/famous-people-with-cirrhosis/celebrity-lists
Etta James
Francis Bacon
Lucian Fraud (gambling)
Bobby Davro
David Warner - AUS cricketer
Jesse Ryder - NZ cricketer
Herschelle Gibbs - SA cricketer
Alan Hudson (footballer)
Paul McGrath (footballer)
Kenny Samson (Footballer)
Garrincha (Brazilian Footballer)
Hank Williams aged 29
Marvin Gaye - crack before he was shot by father
Mickey Mantle (baseball player, Cirrhosis)
Joseph McCarthy (anti-communist)
Gilbert Harding - "The Rudest Man in Britain" 1907-1960.
John Paul Getty III
Caroline Aherne
Chris Difford - squeeze / clouds
Gary Shail - spider in quadraphenia
8 Mile actress
NIna Simone
Lord Lucan
Lady Lucan
Christy Brown
Edward St Aubyn
Rick Stein
Ronnie O'Sullivan (Snooker Player)
Chris Cornell
Denis Johnson (Author of Jesus' Son, 1992)
Dermot Reeve
Joey Barton
Will Self
Charles Kennedy MP (intracerebral haemorrhage)
Eric Joyce MP
Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Sir Anthony Eden - Benzedrine - buried at st Mary's church, alvediston. Un-respected.
Luvo Manyonga SA long jumper Olympic silver medallist 2016 - crystal meth
Ian McShane - Lovejoy, Deadwood - cocaine / alcoholic - 28 yrs since first AA meet.
Colin Milburn (cricketer)
Tom Petty (Heroin)
James brown
General Gordon of Khartoum - alcoholic - (according to Lytton Strachey)
Errol Flynn (absolutely everything) - in secret lives at the end "Errol Flynn made the fatal flaw of confusing his art with his life - in film they applaud Robin Hoods and rascals - in real life they tire of them soon... They stand by to let the person destroy himself". Heart problems and Cirrhosis.
Tyrone Power - 1 yr after The Sun Also Rises aged 44
Charlie Wilson US politician cv.film
Brian Clough
Sean Ryder
Greg Merson 2014 WSOP Main Event winner
Tubby Hayes - British Jazz - Heroin
Phil Seaman - Drummer - Heroin
Rick Parfitt (Status Quo)
Ian Kilminster (Lemmy)
Jack wild (oliver in artful dodger) aged 53 mouth cancer
Joe meek - pills - Telstar
Rasputin (alcohol and sex)
Boris Yeltsin
Paris Jackson (17) Michael's daughter
Jimmy pegg - walker in dads army - 39
Alexei Stakhanov (coal miner)
Seymour Hoffman
Lo ' David Coyle - Mr Bates in Downton Abbey
David Cassidy - 70s singer / heartthrob
Simon Danczuk MP
John Belushi
Whitney Houston
Bobbi Kristina Brown
William S Burroughs - writer, Heroin
William S Burroughs Jr. - Aged 34 - had liver transplant - cirrhosis
Amy winehouse
Brian Epstein - in a totally white bathroom - the only art was a giant picture of El Cordobes. And he wanted to give up managing The Beatles to manage bullfighters in Spain. L. Oo
Dante Gabriel Rosetti (Laudanum), Chloral, Alcohol)
Jimmy greaves
Mary Todd go. F FB
ST Coleridge (both Laudanum)
Sigmund Freud - a lot to answer for - cocaine
Irvine Walsh
Malcolm Lowry 1957
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Michael Phelps - most decorated Olympian
Tony Curtis
Robbie Williams
Mel Gibson
Sir James Chadwick (sleeping pills) sleeping on fear his work on a bomb would lead to mass destruction
Charles James Fox - cirrhosis whilst in office as Foreign Secretary - also Ascites (7 pints of fluid drained at death also 35 gallstones found) - lived in Chertsey and Foxhills, prodigious gambler.
Barry humphries
Daniel Radcliffe
Jack Dee
Jack karouac
Ian Fleming?
William Holden (actor, Bridge on the River Kwai)
Brad Pitt
Len fairclough
Malcolm Lowry (under the volcano)
John le Meisurer
James Beck (Alcoholic) Dads Army
Arthur Lowe - Dad's Army
Clive of India
Frank skinner
Rodney king
RD Laing (Dr)
Richard Hughes (jockey)
Johnny Murtagh (Jockey)
Jeremy Wolfenden
Jockey Wilson
Diego Maradona
John McAfee - dry drunk
Antony Hopkins
Michael Barrymore
Tara fitzgerald
Tiger Woods https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tiger-woods-avoids-jail-on-driving-charge-dp9f6gv7n
Lou reed
Marquis of Blandford
F Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allan Poe
Diana Ross
Robin Williams
Elton John
Lilly Allen
J.L. Austin, Academic, Lung Cancer, 48.
Johnny Cash
Samuel l Jackson
Frank Sinatra
Buzz aldrin
Ben affleck - gambling / alcohol
Ulysses Grant 18th president
Benjamin franklin
George bush jar
Alexander the Great
David Yelland Former editor of Sun.
David Bowie / Ziggy Stardust (Coke)
Eric Clapton
Bill Wilson
W.C. Fields (died of gastric haemorrhage)
Blondie - whose music is used to advertise baileys
Stephen King
Hermann Goering (Morphine)
Hermoine Norris (yellow card)
Brad davis
Tom Maynard
Alec Baldwin
Morgan Freeman
Charlie watts both recovers
William f Buckley
Charles Kennedy
Jamie lee Curtis (daughter of tony Curtis)
Lana del Rey
Barnaby conrad (bulls)
Yazz Yasmin Evans
Peaches Geldolf
Caroline aherne
King Richard 3rd died 1485 battle of bosworth
James beck (dads army)
Fat boy slim
Calvin Harris
50 cent
Prince (Perocet)
Francis Bacon
Anthony kliedis
Shania twain
Peter Townsend
Leona Lewis
Jessie j
Alice cooper
Ringo Starr
Constantine Chernenko (Soviet president - cirrhosis)
Chris difford (lead sing squeeze)
George IV - gambling mainly.
Henry VIII - sypillus (food issues - drink - sex)
Ozzy osbourne
Jack osbourne
Kelly osbourne
Steve coogan
Paul Gascoigne
Midge Ure
John Daly
Steven Tyler
Nicole Ritchie
Drew Barrymore
Naomi Campbell
Waylon Jennings
Nick Nolte
Martin Sheen
Keith Moon
Kurt Cobain
Rt Hon George Brown MP, Lord George Brown (1914-1985) Labour Belper, 1945-70, excused by his staff of being ‘tired and emotional
Paul Nicholls (ex Eastenders)
Alan Ladd
Jack Lemmon
David Hasselhoff
Errol Flynn - ended up supporting The (Fid)Del - worst film ever - Cuban rebel girls and the Cuban story doc - 1959 - year he died - revolution for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin - these two pieces of art marked the ego, deciept and denial.
Truman Copote
Billy Joel
Jimmy White (Snooker, Crack)
Stephen King
Ernest Hemingway
Diana Ross
Orson Welles (and father)
Ben Affleck (drink / gambling)
Abi Evelyn t (yellow card)
Trinny Woodall
Don Simpson - producer of top gun bev hills cop
Peter Doherty
Gary Richrath (REO Speedwagon guitarist)
Robert Newton - born Shaftesbury 1905 - died Beverly Hills 1956 - heart attack - Shaftesbury most famous alcoholic. Aged 50.
12th Duke of Marlborough - Ex Marquis of Blandford
Henry VIII
Thomas de Quincey - confessions of an English opium eater. (Actually laudanum).
Pat Eddery
Richard Hughes
Dr William Stewart Halsted - inspiration for Clive Owen's Dr John Thackery (The Knick).
Frank Skinner
Alexander the Great?
Eric Joyce (former MP)
Robert Mitchum
Osgood )brother of Peter
Lionel Bart
Ira Hayes (flag man)
John Bonham (Windsor)
Joseph "Joe" McCarthy - commies
Dylan Thomas
James Joyce
James Thurber
Gary Moore (singer, 80s)
Jim Morrison (27)
Franklin Pierce (US President, 1853-1857. Liver cirrhosis 1869 aged 64.
Macaulay Culkin
Michael Jackson
Boy George
Carrie Fisher
Beth Morris (voice contestant) - cocaine
Hitler (Barbiturates)
Mussolini, Stalin, Eichmann.
Mao Zedong (barbiturates)
Jeffrey Dahmer (Alcohol)
Johnny Depp (booze)
Rodney Dangerfield
Mickey Mantle (baseball, booze)
Billie Holiday
Melanie Griffith
Ewan McGregor
Tony Hancock
Guy Burgess (spy)
Diana Ross
Shane MacGowen
Craig Charles.
Paul Verlaine (French 19th C Poet)
Melanie Griffith (Percocet)
Elvis (Percocet)
Cindy McCain (wife of John MCCain, Percocet)
Gerald Levert (Percocet)
Bill Werbeniuk
Ant McPartlin
Prince (Fentanyl overdose)
Lil Peep (Fentanyl overdose)
Alex Higgins
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Kirk Stevens (Cocaine)
La Galue (Louise Weber) - queen of Momartre - can can dancer.
Jeff Hanneman (singer, Slayer)
Yves Saint-Laurent
Florence Ballard (The Supremes)
Colin Milburn (Cricketer)
John Barrymore (Early Hollywood Actor)
Kemal Ataturk (Cirrhosis)
Gail Russell (Early Hollywood icon)
Helen Morgan (American singer and actress)
Ulysses Grant
George Best
Calum Best
Verne Troyer
Keith Whitley (American Country music singer)
William Falkner (American author)
Caspar Fleming (Novelist’s son)
Anna Nicole-Smith
Yootha Joyce (Mildred)
Jerry Bailey - us jockey)
Joe Namath
Walter Swinburn (both dead) alcohol and also eating disorder
Bobby Fischer (Chess)
Willie Thorne ( gambling)
Kirk Stevens
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ahmedalys-blog · 10 months
The answer: The Women of Islam Akram and daughter, a sister, Okremaa either: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said a man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: O Messenger of God, deserving people in good Sahapti? He said: your mother, said then who? He said: Then your mother, said: Then who? He said: Then your mother, said: Then who? He said: Then your father. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5626) and Muslim (2548). And honors a daughter: Khudri that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said:" Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or daughters or sisters so well Sahpthen and fearing God therein entered Paradise "Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh (2/190). and honors wife: It was narrated from Aisha said, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" the best of best to his family and I'm good for my family. "Narrated by Tirmidhi and classed (3895). 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
2 How to call a Christian to Islam? 
The answer: - thou roll instinct appropriate Oneness of God, and inconsistent with common sense and reason of the doctrine of the Trinity. 
- Between his status Isa peace be upon him and his mother when Muslims, and that Abd Allah and His Messenger and his speech was delivered to Mary and the spirit of it. 
- Between him that the religion of God and one from Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him which is Islam and that the difference lies in the laws, and that Muhammad peace be upon him Seal of the Prophets, and his book scribe for him of the provisions, certified because of the beliefs and the news is correct. - Answer his questions calmly and gave him the necessary books and some videos of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
3 Do you spend the new Muslim Islamic hypotheses? 
The answer is: Do not spend what of the safest death of prayer, fasting and alms-day Hamlet, says: (Say to those who disbelieve that finished what may forgive them ancestor) Al-Anfal / 38. The words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (Islam must earlier) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh / 121, and because the Prophet peace be upon him did not order anyone who safest spend what death rituals of Islam and kufr days scholarly consensus to do so. 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
4 Is the color and beauty of the balance of preference in Islam? 
The answer is not a beauty moral standard differential in Islam among the people, but the standard is based on the basis of differentiation is piety Almighty said: (O people, I have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert) closets / 13 so, the law corrects the basis of dealing which is based on forms and manifestations sucker deal that laid down by God Almighty, a piety, and conversations in this are many, including: what came in right from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (God does not seen your photos and your money, but look into your hearts and your deeds) Narrated by Muslim 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
5. how to help the child to recognize his Lord? 
The answer: the child knows God in an appropriate manner, with the perception and level, teaches that there is one God with no partner, and he knows that the Creator of all things He is the creator of heaven and earth, people and animals, trees, rivers, etc., and can take advantage of the breeder some situations asks the child to walk in the garden or in the wild Creator of water and rivers and around the manifestation of the natural draw of view to the greatness of the Creator Almighty may be the father or mother or teacher in general with a child or group of children in a car in the travel or trip at sunset, which is hidden from sight gradually what the breeder then only to draw the attention of his ability to Almighty God in it. 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
6. you could participate in Jihad, if we did not have successor Anizna or we do not have the strength to fight? You must act Kalrcol peace be upon him, and have the patience and trust in God before getting the strength to fight the infidels?. 
The answer: Jihad in the way of Allah Almighty pinnacle of Islam and Rite phenomenon of religious rituals is not dependent on the presence of Imam .. but it is known a priori that jihad needs to prepare and arrange the presence of the commander of the army and take into account the pros and cons and this course of justice between the temerity not regimented controls Shara The provisions of neglected and between this ritual and disrupted note pursuant .. 
Pathos and duty of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in all its affairs including preparation of the equipment and the power .. 
Sheikh Mohammed Al Abdul Latif 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
7 Is the meaning of talk (from evil Vlagerh you saw his hand ...) we begin directly by hand, even if the change was possible to speak? 
The answer is: change his evil mattresses, as ranging from alarm and reminders to preaching and intimidation, then rebuke and reprimand, then the change by hand, then the rhythm Balnekal punishment beatings, and finally Alastaadae and raise it to the Governor. 
Mawsoo'ah - c / 39, p 127. 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
8 If the husband does not his responsibility towards his wife since they were married 5 years ago, what a wife should do in such a situation? Do you have the expense of it? If you decide to secede, what are the procedures for divorce, according to the Book and the Sunnah? 
The answer: There is no doubt that the duty of the husband to spend on the wife, and the right, giving it their full rights, the Palace of it, and a lack of the right, or harmed by it may request separation, a divorce, and her earlier claim alimony and housing for the verse: (Asknuhen from where you dwell, and grandfather) and says: (to spend with a capacity of as much as its capacity and making it a living Vlenevq to whom God does not cost the breath of God, but what Ataha). Virtue, he should intimate partner, he says: (interpretation of the meaning and the Ltamohen may be that you dislike a thing and Allah makes it much good). 
And if her husband gives them their legitimate rights, forbidden by asking for a divorce for saying peace be upon him: "Any woman who asks for divorce from is not absolutely necessary by the smell of paradise", but if damaged, and intensified by the case and the Palace in the expense or did not give it right, she may ask for a divorce , and submitted to the judge and explain it to him, which in turn calls for the pair to perform their rights or to divorce her. 
Sheikh / Abdullah ibn Jibreen 
Source: Islam Question and Answer 
9 km spotter Zakat for banknote Will be appreciated quorum in paper currency based on gold or spotter based on quorum silver? 
The answer is: The amount of a quorum of Zakat in the dollar and other paper currencies is equivalent to the value of twenty; anyone of gold or one hundred and forty; anyone of silver at a time and is obliged to pay Zakat in dollars and the like of the Currency, and be Balahz for the poor of a swindlers and that due to the difference Saarama different times and countries. Daa'imah 9/257 but that is more beneficial to the poor. Daa'imah 9/254 
(Because the value of the Quorum of silver at this time lower than the value of the Quorum of gold shall be an estimate based on that, if reached is when a person of paper currency value of the Quorum of silver out of Zakat, and the 
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finalproblem · 4 years
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More Sherlock Behind the Scenes
(x | x | x)
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"Swingers" at Greene Naftali
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iamakramed · 7 years
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The Bride; Mary, on her wedding day with her Maid of Honor Janine, and Molly, & Mrs Hudson with the bridesmaids ❤
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queen-scottie · 6 years
Tribute to the (badass) ladies of our favourite TV show. ;-)
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ark3750 · 2 years
Will you under - perform if you are left-handed?
Apr 05, 2022
Experts say at least 10 per cent of the people in the world are left-handed, and that’s not a small number. However, despite this, lefties often struggle to perform basic daily tasks in a world designed for right-handers, and until not so long ago, faced widespread social stigma too….
In Christianity, the right hand of God is the favored hand. Centuries ago, the Catholic church denounced left-handed people as servants of the devil. For generations, left-handed Catholic children were forced against their will to become right-handed.
Just a few short decades ago in Japan, the fact that your wife was left-handed could be cited as grounds for divorce!
In India, left-handedness is still considered a very bad omen among the Hindus. People who are left-handed are often not welcome to perform puja ceremonies, and a lefty is often referred to as someone who uses the ‘wrong hand’ — 'ulta' (opposite) as opposed to 'seedha' (straight and right). Naturally left handed kids are forcibly converted to right handed since it’s considered highly inauspicious to eat, write n even worship with the left-hand. The left hand is considered 'unclean' since it is the hand people generally use for washing themselves.
You will never succeed in life, one is warned if one doesn’t give up the bad habit of being a left-hander.
In Islam, the prophet forbade his followers to eat with their left hand because eating with ones’ left hand makes one EVIL like Satan. Really….!! The holy seer, Osama-bin-Laden was left-handed.
The International Left-Handers Day was observed for the first time in 1976. Ever since, it continues to be observed annually on the 'unluckiest of days',- August 13.
What’s common between,-
A) Iconic n historical leaders:
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napolean Bonaparte, Thomas Jeffersson, Benjamin Franklin, Queen Victoria, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa n Narendra Modi
B) American Presidents:
James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama
C) Hugely successful Industrialists:
Henry Ford, Amar Bose, Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, L.N. Mittal, Rahul Bajaj, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs n Mark Zuckerberg
D) Iconic Sportspersons:
a) Tennis Legends:
Rod Laver, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Monica Seles, Goran Ivanisevic, n Rafael Nadal (Won 21 Grand Slams,- most by any player n is not done yet!)
b) Football Legends:
Pele, Johan Cruyff, Diego Maradona n Marco Van Basten
c) Chess Greats:
Gary Kasparov n Vladimir Kramnik
d) Formula 1 Champion:
Ayrton Senna
e) Cricketers:
Sir Garfield Sobers, David Gower, Allan Border, Sanath Jayasuriya, Wasim Akram, Adam Gilchrist, Kumara Sangakkara, Sourav Ganguly, Yuvraj Singh, Chris Gayle, Brian Lara n Sachin Tendulkar (Bowls, eats n writes with his left hand)
E) Rarest of the Rare, Genius Scientists n Inventors:
Aristotle, Sir Issac Newton, Alan Turing (father of AI) n Nicola Tesla
F) Nobel laureates:
Marie Curie (twice), Pierre Curie n Albert Einstein
G) Creative Geniuses who kept raising the bar:
Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, Hans Christian Andersen, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, Hellen Keller, Walt Disney, Charles Chaplin, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Morgan Freeman, Michael Jackson, Rajnikanth, Asha Bhonsle n Amitabh Bachchan (is ambidextrous - writes with both hands n fights, shoots n eats with his dominating left hand)
They are all under-performers in life. Why…. b’cos they were cursed to be natural left-handers. Imagine what more all of these 'under-performers' might have accomplished had they not irresponsibly n stubbornly decided to stay left-handed/left-footed!!!!
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justforbooks · 3 years
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Juliette Binoche was born on March 9, 1964. She is a French actress, artist, and dancer. She has appeared in more than 60 feature films and has been the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, and a César Award.
Binoche began taking acting lessons during adolescence and, after performing in several stage productions, was cast in the films of such notable auteur directors as Jean-Luc Godard (Hail Mary, 1985), Jacques Doillon (Family Life, 1985), and André Téchiné; the latter would make her a star in France with the leading role in his drama Rendez-vous (1985). Her English-language film debut The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988), launched her to international prominence. Following her acclaimed role in Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colours: Blue (1993), a performance for which she won the César Award, and the Volpi Cup for Best Actress, Binoche garnered further international acclaim with Anthony Minghella's period romance The English Patient (1996), for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. For her performance in Lasse Hallström's romantic comedy Chocolat (2000), Binoche received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress.
During the 2000s, she maintained a successful career, alternating between French and English language roles in both mainstream and art-house productions. In 2010, she won the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy, making her the first actress to win the European "Best Actress Triple Crown" (for winning awards at the Berlin, Cannes, and Venice film festivals). She was also honored with the Maureen O'Hara Award at the Kerry Film Festival in 2010, an award is offered to women who have excelled in their chosen field in film.
Throughout her career, Binoche has intermittently appeared on stage, most notably in a 1998 London production of Luigi Pirandello's Naked and in a 2000 production of Harold Pinter's Betrayal on Broadway for which she was nominated for a Tony Award. In 2008, she began a world tour with a modern dance production in-i devised in collaboration with Akram Khan. Often referred to as "La Binoche" by the press, her other notable performances include: Mauvais Sang (1986), Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991), Damage (1992), The Horseman on the Roof (1995), Code Unknown (2000), Caché (2005), Breaking and Entering (2006), Flight of the Red Balloon (2007), Camille Claudel 1915 (2013), Clouds of Sils Maria (2014), and High Life (2018).
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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benmcm18 · 2 years
Film Adaptation Ideas Post
*This will be re-uploaded again shortly in better formatting.*
A young woman named Miss Leeson is searching for a place to live. She searches for a home and meets someone called Mrs Parker who offers her the smallest bedroom in the house with a skylight. She meets a cast of characters during her stay and at night she looks through the skylight and builds a connection with a star (even naming it). However, she then experiences hard times due to having little food and is later hospitalised. It appears she is going to die but she is saved by a doctor who is named the same name as the star.
Group Roles:
Sofia Akram - Director
Jack Birrell - Writer/Production Design
Mary Hanna - Director of Photography/Camera Operator/Storyboard
Jenny Morrison - Sound Recording/Sound Design
Ben McMorran - Producer/1st Assistant Director/Editor
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Ballets of Marius Petipa: Giselle
This is Renata Shakirova of the Mariinsky ballet on the left and Gillian Murphy of American Ballet Theatre on the right.
Giselle is a ballet of love, betrayal, and forgiveness.  Giselle is a peasant girl who falls in love with Albrecht, a duke betrothed to a wealthy woman who is hiding his identity to act as a peasant.  When his true identity and betrayal are revealed, Giselle’s sick heart cannot handle the shock and she dies.  The Wilis are ghosts of women betrayed by men and when they come across a man in the forest, they force him to dance to his death.  After Giselle dies, she is buried in the forest and is turned into a Wili.  Albrecht comes to visit her grave and is captured by the Wilis.  Giselle tries to convince Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, to spare her love’s life, but is denied.  Albrecht is forced to dance all night, but dawn arrives and Giselle’s love protects him as the Wilis sink back into their graves.  Giselle’s forgiveness has overcome the power of the Wilis and she is released from their powers thus being able to return to her grave peacefully.  Albrecht’s life is spared.
Giselle is not an original Petipa ballet; the original choreographers were Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot.  The ballet premiered is Paris in 1841 and Perrot brought the ballet to Saint Petersburg in 1851 for prima ballerina Elena Andreyanova.  Perrot continued to make changes to his production in Russia, and finally Petipa took over making more and more changes in the 1880s.  His final version is the one most modern productions base their choreography on which is why I’m classifying it as a Petipa ballet.
Giselle has been staged constantly throughout the world since it’s premiere, including by Mary Ann Lee, an American ballerina, who went to Paris in 1844 and brought directions to stage the ballet back to New York which premiered in 1846.  Almost every classical company has a version of Giselle, and there are several contemporary versions as well, including a version called Creole Giselle created for the Dance Theatre of Harlem in 1984 which set the story in 1840 Louisiana.  In 2016, contemporary choreographer Akram Khan created a version of the ballet for the English National Ballet replacing the peasants with immigrants barely scraping by in a refugee camp and the court replaced with landlords and factory workers. He worked with contemporary composers to take the original music and turn it intense, primal, raw, and eerie.  
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pandahyper4524 · 5 years
~The Hijabi Reads~ A Book Review Series:#3 “If The Oceans Were Ink” by Carla Power
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‘If The Oceans Were Ink’ took me on a genuinely stirring, captivating and refreshing journey into understanding Islam through discussions between a secular skeptical feminist and a pioneer of hadith studies(a Muslim scholar). Carla Power, an esteemed writer studies Islam right from its authentic sources-the Qur’an and the Sunnah, with Sheikh Mohammed Akram Nadwi, an alim who doesn’t need any introduction in the Muslim world. What follows is a series of cross-cultural conversations, discussions of the apparent clash between Islam and the West, understanding the universal guidance of the Qur’an, women’s scholarship in Islam among numerous other pertinent topics. Despite having their divergent world views, how far would each go to accommodate and make sense of the other, without compromising on their own foundational beliefs?
I love the rhythm of the book and the sheer magnitude of knowledge and perception that Power manages to squeeze into a concise three-hundred pages. Learning begins in a cafe right off Oxford Street, where the Fatiha (The Opener) is discussed emphasizing an individual’s direct connection with God. The subject matter moves rapidly from purely theoretical discussions to travel, from Power visiting the Shaykh’s madrassa in India, where he was trained to going down her own memory lane-her childhood living in Iran and Afghanistan.Politics, Quranic stories of Jesus, Mary, the Pharaoh and his wife, Joseph and his brothers, the centrality of women in Islamic history and its transmission, spiritual reflections, understanding the life of Prophet peace be upon him-Power doesn’t fail to amaze me with her curiosity in learning and her expansive inquiries into all these issues and more.
I was slightly concerned (also excited) that I’d be reading about Islam from a skeptic’s point of view. Being a feminist, it wasn’t surprising that a lot of Power’s questions were regarding women's’ rights and freedoms in Islam. There was some heavy reading in the book when the author was distressed with certain issues such as the Prophet’s wife, Aisha’s age and married life, some ayaat from Surah An-Nisa (The Women) but I decided to read those with an open mind, trying to see where Power was coming from, and then comparing it to my own inconsistent study of those topics usually attacked by Orientialists criticizing Islam.Power admits, “I wondered just how much my own project was guilty of this: of trying to stuff the Sheikh’s worldview into Western categories.”(pg. 172) But I appreciate her concern, her willingness to understand a new world from a madrassa trained yet a Western academic scholar/Sheikh’s narrative. She really gets to the core of the Islamic tradition and together they destroy myths and uncover treasures from the Qur’an which she rightly calls the Book of Signs. It was interesting to see her honesty,her limitations and especially her probing when she wasn’t content with Sheikh Akram’s interpretations. But her experience with faith is what fascinates me the most- trying to appreciate God’s signs in the most mundane of things and feeling a sense of ‘radical gratitude’. Much of Sheikh Akram’s life is chronicled in this book, especially his revolutionary contribution titled, ‘Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam’ consisting of forty volumes of nearly nine thousand women scholars, from the time of the Prophet to the twentieth century. Sheikh’s distinction between culture and religion and how to navigate the two is evident in his own life- he truly embodies the message he preaches, following the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in all aspects of his personal and professional life.
There are far too many powerful ideas and realities that are discussed in the book but here are a few of my favourites,
“If the Quran served as the spiritual and philosophical foundations for the Sheikh, the Prophet’s life was a model for how he put them into daily practice. “Islam is not an idea, he told me one day via Skype. “It is a history.” (Pg.53)
“I tell people, ‘God has given girls qualities and potential,” he said. If they aren’t allowed to develop them, if they aren’t provided with opportunities to study and learn, it’s basically a live burial.” (Quoting Sheikh Akram, Pg.135)
“His reasoning was framed in the language of submitting to Allah alone: no human should have control over any other one. It sounded bracing, liberating, and as stripped of gooey romanticism as any second-wave feminist text.” (pg. 146)
So would I recommend reading it? I most definitely would. What instantly drew me to the book was its title, “If the Oceans Were Ink”. It is borrowed from the ayah (verse) of Surah Al Kahf (Chapter of the Cave) in the Qur’an where Allah swt reveals, “ Say [Prophet], ‘If the oceans were ink for writing the words of my Lord, it would run dry before those words were exhausted’- even if We were to add another ocean to it.” The author gracefully introduces this verse stating the Qur’an’s proclamation of its limitless possibilities.
I wasn’t expecting an exhaustive study of the Qur’an in this book- so don’t be surprised that once you complete this book it’s like you’ve barely just started learning about Islam, something that humbled me.The never ending ocean of Allah’s words is a navigation that this book steered me towards and that to me-is its biggest appeal.
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mozhenko · 4 years
The Tragedy of Hamlet • Peter Brook from Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord on Vimeo.
The Tragedy of Hamlet De William Shakespeare Adaptation et mise en scène de Peter Brook Avec la collaboration de Marie-Hélène Estienne 2002
Filmé au Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
Hamlet : Adrian Lester Le Roi / fantôme : Jeffery Kissoon La Reine : Natasha Parry Polonius / Gravedigger : Bruce Myers Horatio : Scott Handy Ophélie : Shantala Shivalingappa Guildenstern / Laertes : Rohan Siva Rosencrantz : Asil Rais Premier joueur : Yoshi Oïda Deuxième joueur : Akram Khan Un prêtre : Nicolas Gaster Osric : Antonin Stahly Un serviteur : Jerome Grillon
Producteur : Yvon Davis Directeur de la photographie : Ricardo Aronovich Film editor : Nicolas Gaster
Musique : Toshi Tsuchitori
Son : François Waledisch
En anglais sous-titré en français
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