#Marinette needs love
thimbleb3rries · 7 months
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They are very much in love
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ponytailzuko · 6 months
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[ID copied from alt text: Digital drawing of the characters Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste drawn in both their civilian and superhero forms to fit in the Avatar universe. The text labels Marinette as "Avatar Ladybug; Raava" and Adrien as "Avatar Cat Noir; Vaatu." The rest of the text is in a list that says, "Avatars are meant to be partners that balance each other as well as bring balance to the world. Both live in Republic City. Keep being the Avatar a secret in their civilian lives - becomes necessary as the prolific bloodbender Hawkmoth makes his way thru the city trying to capture both Avatars. Marinette's originally fire, Adrien is originally water. Alya teaches Marinette airbending, Nino teaches Adrien earth. Marinette's prev. reincarnation in the cycle was Master Fu, Adrien's was Marianne Lenoir." End ID]
made an au where the avatar chars were in the miraculous universe. now i have done the opposite. o7
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kochengnoir · 1 year
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Find someone who looks at you like the love square looks at each other, for real
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sweetgaleria · 7 months
Aaaw, you thought she was being cute <3
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You know this image? Yeah, it's literally them
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And their kwamis are the exact opposite
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a-flaming-idiot · 2 months
Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien are the type of friend group who you can't tell if they're dating or not. Like it doesn't matter who's actually in a relationship with who, Nino will still carry Marinette on his back when she's exhausted from staying up late, Alya will refuse to stop talking about how talented Nino is with his music and how he deserves so much more credit, Adrien will get scolded by Marinette for not eating breakfast, and Adrien will grab Alya just to fix her hair. Like they all give off the biggest polyamory vibes even if none of them are dating within the group.
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ellenent · 11 months
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the ladybug movie had me shook with this gorgeous Marinette dress!!
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familyagrestefanblog · 8 months
You know, the moment where Emonette wipes away some of Badrien's make up, revealing the same black vains she has hidden away underneath her scarf and then after she tries making a wish they reach her face
That actually has some massive implications the narrative just glosses over, huh?
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Emonette only looked like this AFTER she tried making the wish but the black vains already reach far into Adrien's face BEFORE that.
And the thing is, we don't even see ALL of Adrien's face underneath the make up. Just this little part.
The black vains could be all over his face and neck by now and we wouldn't know because the scene literally shows us that he's wearing very good make up covering it up. Something Marinette didn't saw the need of doing before bc it wasn't bad enough yet to go to these measures. In her case a scarf was enough.
Something that for Adrien apparently stopped being an option for quite some time before the special even started. That sure explains why Griffe Noire took the cataclysm like a champ, his body was already much more damaged than Toxinelle's and he got alarmingly used to the pain.
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I really hate being a bitch about this because Marinette's shot here is simply beautiful and such a heartbreaking piece of story-telling. I hate that the show can't let me enjoy something like this for Marinette anymore. Man, I REALLY love that shot of hers...
But for the love of God, Miraculous. If you want to give Marinette the special treatment with the striking visuals that show how bad she's got it, PLEASE just write it accordingly.
Why are you here, giving Marinette this extremely striking visual alongside the message of "it's just a little broken, we can fix it again" after the unique event of her having tried making the wish and then only letting Toxinelle openly run around with all her black vains visible?
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You just admitted in the same damn scene that Adrien has long started wearing make up to cover up his own damage marks and from what little we can see his marks at least reach as far as hers. Not to mention that Marinette looked like this after she tried making the wish, the special SHOWS that this created a big leap in how big her damage got.
Adrien already long reached that level only through using his powers. That was equivalent to her getting punished for releasing the wish-making energy.
Miraculous, why are you out here visually manipulating the viewers into thinking Emonette/ Toxinelle had it "so much worse" again than Badrien / Griffe Noire, when what you actually did was cowardly hiding Adrien's damage marks underneath make up so Marinette can get the cool and deep shots?
I'm not against Marinette getting these cinematic and striking visuals, she's the main character, I KNOW.
But would it hurt you to then actually write the story accordingly? If you want her to be the one who has it worse here then actually write it being HER who has it clear-cut worse and don't just hide away Adrien's damage and seriously implied to be bigger problems AGAIN so Marinette can get the spotlight instead.
Why is this ALWAYS happening? JUST WRITE IT, DAMN IT!
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eliza-fernway-art · 2 years
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I cannot wait until they are happy at the Gala…. Plz 🥲.
@buggachat’s Bakery Enemies comic is giving me art inspo like nothing else, I am buzzing with anticipation for the next part
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Also doodles, from b4 yesterday’s cake update. (Loving that outcome 🥹)
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carpetbug · 8 months
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that one fleabag scene but make it marichat
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lostuntothisworld · 9 months
I think it would be funny if in the evil alternate universe, to purify an akuma, it takes both the ladybug and the black cat miraculous.
Ladybug would be all like “thank god that isn’t us,” and Chat would be like “Y-yeah…” while choking back tears
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blinday · 3 months
Ok guys but imagine if Marinette just went bonkers and told Adrien she, like, wouldn't mind if he flirted with LB. Or even kissed her. And he's like fr?? And she says yeah bc she aint stopping him from kissing LB, SHE would like that too. And also maybe Chat Noir. And he goes all red and says he's okay if she kisses Chat too bc he knows they used to have a thing. They both just have a fantasy of being each other's hero and while Marinette daydreams and plans to make it reality eventually Adrien viciously writes fanfic of his identity reveal with Marinette with various outcomes depending on how his self esteem is that day.
Adrien actually makes out with LB first bc Ladybug could NOT contain herself and flirted with him openly; and Marinette makes out with Chat. They have this idea that they're in a sort of polycule so Adrien insists she must have some one on one time with Ladybug too so now Marinette needs to figure a way to date herself, and also she puts him in the same predicament bc even tho he doesn't know she's the same person as LB, she knows he'd get allong just fine with Chat, they're her favorite boys after all!
And Boom, we have the lovesquare back and it's even funnier now bc they're all dating.
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unhindged-mlb · 6 months
My favourite mlb headcannon is that marinette is more obviously muscled than adrien, both in and out of costume.
My logic is that adrien probably has a strict exercise regime thats ment to make him keep his body type whilst also making him fit enough that his fans like it. Bulking would change that and it would be a pain to deal with. We know he is (probably) on a strict diet that would make it hard for him to gain muscle mass and it would probably be cut down if he was noticeably gaining muscle as it would cause problems with marketing and could impact his public image.
Marinette on the other hand has no strict diet or exercise or overbearing comments about her appearance from half of france and as such would be able to gain muscle naturally from her superheroing and doing manual work in the bakery. Marinette is absolutely primed to build muscle as it seems like she eats well and has a good balanced diet while doing hours of very intense hero-ing several times a week.
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coralpaperthoughts · 4 months
for this au I'm thinking reverse love square, but Luka instead of Adrien
Luka walks his sister to school (coz he's a good big brother and she's nervous about her first day), he bumps into Marinette - now, he's already heard about Marinette from his sister but he's never actually met her before
He actually physically bumps into Marinette, or she does to him coz heck our girl lacks spatial awareness, and she falls but he catches her, and she doesn't feel anything but embarrassment but he, oh Luka, Luka is blushing, just a little bit coz wow, she's just got the prettiest freckles
and he's all up in her face so he leans back and helps her upright because he was practically dipping her and he let's go of her waist and Juleka mumbles 'Hi, Marinette'
so this is Marinette
she says hi back and introduces herself, 'oh you must be Juleka's older brother, Luka', Juleka mumbles smth about twins but Luka's not paying attention to her anymore, he's looking at Marinette and thinking about all the good things Jules has had to say about her in the past and how pretty she is, our boy is swooning so hard, he forgot to reply back before the warning bell has rung signalling to students class is starting soon
he says a quick rushed 'bye, you'll do great, I'll be here to pick you up' to Juleka and a quick smile to Marinette before he pushes the girls towards their classrooms and rushes out himself (this all takes place after the incident (test) with Master Fu)
This is Luka crushing on Marinette, then you have Marinette crushing on Scarlet Bug
because this strong, hunk of a guy, beautiful man is now her partner against crime (which she didn't sign up for !! but she'll do what she needs to do for the people of Paris) and at one point she gets flung across the block and lands in the beefy arms of a boy with gorgeous blue eyes
cue Marinette getting extremely nervous and stutter-y around him coz damn, she's falling
the fight goes so and so but it passes pretty quick, it was a bit difficult for Luka coz his partner would trip sometimes and wouldn't look him in the eyes but he just put it down to first time jitters, he was deffo feeling them too
they don't, however, purify the Akuma and so they're back at the fight a little over an hour later but now with a new addition to their already new team, Adrian !! (referring to Dog Miraculous!Adrien as Adrian coz I don't like Flairmidable, and Adrian is apparently a common name for dogs so hush)
Adrien is gay, he's known since he was a kid, women never crossed his mind - so when he lays eyes on the gorgeous gorgeous black and red haired (because I say so !!) boy that he is now meant to fight these so-called Akumas with, can you really blame him for falling in love?
So Adrien being Adrien starts flirting with this boy, non-stop, and it's not like he tells him to stop, no !! The boy, ScarletBug he introduced himself as, flirts back !! he indulges in Adrian's advances which springs a little hope in his heart, but also makes a certain Kitty mad
This wretched dog, just showed up out of no where! and is stealing her man!!
She gets so mad, she forgets to be nervous around Scarlet and here marks the start of a beautiful rivalry between Chien and Chat (maybe I'll have a play with the word chein for Adrien's superhero name)
This leads to them defeating the Akuma rather quickly and skillfully, bringing all surrounding citizens to awe as they watch this trio of Superheroes who work so well together and at the end, after Scarlet has purified the Akuma and Miraculous ScarletBug'd all the damage away, he extends both of his fists to new partners
the first 'Pound it' of many, even if this time Kitty and Adrian didn't do it to each other (they both have eyes only for Scarlet, they don't even take notice of each other)
until he bounds away that is, saying how he's about to transform and needs to hurry home and he rushes a quick goodbye and salute to them both before leaving
then the two left on the Eiffel finally take notice of each other's presence, glaring at each other with pouts on their faces and crossed arms
'Back off, dumb dog'
'He's mine, stupid cat'
'I saw him first!'
'I talked to him first!'
cue more glaring, growling and hissing until their ring/choker (omg I forgot the dog miraculous is basically a collar) beeps and reminds them they need to hurry back to class
so with a hmph from both kids, they hop down from the Eiffel and head off to detransform
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unkownsimoperson · 11 months
Marinette: Alright, listen here you son of a b#itch-
Jason: How dare you insult mom like that!?
Marinette: ... I was talking about Bruce..
Jason: Fair. Continue.
Bruce: *pinches the bridge of his nose* Have kids, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
Sabine: *smiles smugly*
Dick: *trying to hold in his lafter, but fails miserably*
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