#Marie Delarue
Bannie de son œuvre !
J. K. Rowling, martyre de la grande purge wokiste! Par Marie Delarue Continue reading Untitled
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hedgehog-moss · 9 months
do you have any recommendations for favorite french-language poetry? esp written by women?
Yes, sure! We might not have the same tastes (I like nature poetry mostly, and good old lavish alexandrine verse—I find the predictability of it very soothing) but here are excerpts of poems by 13 French-language poétesses :)
(I wanted to add a few men at the end but I spent too much time on the women, and the French male poets I enjoy are very well-known ones anyway, e.g. Hugo, Mallarmé, Prévert, Aragon... also André Breton's surrealist poetry)
• Sabine Amable Voïart, known as Amable Tastu (1798-1885)
D’où vient que l’âme humaine est ainsi disposée, Que jamais ses regards troublés et mécontens N’ont pu s’accoutumer à la marche du temps? Sur l’éternel chemin, chaque borne posée Nous attriste. D’où vient? je ne sais; mais toujours Le vertige nous prend à voir couler nos jours: 
Si vous reparcourez l’enclos où votre enfance Avez-vous souvenir, à l’âge où tout enchante, D’une voix qui vous plut, voix timide et touchante, […] Que, plus tard, cette voix résonne à votre oreille, De vos rêves déçus vous raillez la merveille, Vous prenant en pitié d’avoir si mal jugé… Elle est la même encor; mais vous avez changé!
• Louise-Victorine Ackermann (1813-1890)
(A la comète de 1861) […] Ah ! quand tu reviendras, peut-être de la terre L'homme aura disparu. Du fond de ce séjour Si son œil ne doit pas contempler ton retour, Si ce globe épuisé s'est éteint solitaire, Dans l'espace infini poursuivant ton chemin, Du moins jette au passage, astre errant et rapide, Un regard de pitié sur le théâtre vide De tant de maux soufferts et du labeur humain.
• Marie Dauguet (1860-1942)
Mon coeur est né sauvage et seul comme un merle, Que berça la chanson du vent, subtil orchestre, Ivre des noirs myrtils dont la forêt s'emperle, Grisé d'odeur de source et d'haleine sylvestre. […]
Et d'abord très souvent j'étouffe dans moi-même, Tout m'y semble étriqué, trop étroit et mesquin, Et je fuis l'infini pour l'infini que j'aime, Parmi le ciel, les eaux, les circuits des chemins.
• Alice de Chambrier (1861-1882) (she is Swiss)
J’ai vu comme l’on voit quelquefois dans un rêve, Une immense Cité près d’une immense grève, Avec des dômes d’or et des palais géants, Des temples incrustés de mille diamants […]
Plus tard j’ai repassé devant cette cité, Et voulant la revoir, je m’y suis arrêtée; Mais à peine mes pas ont foulé sa poussière Que devant mes regards elle s’est tout entière Écroulée—et n’est plus qu’une ruine immense Dont le cri des Vautours trouble seul le silence.
• Lucie Delarue-Mardrus (1868-1949)
1. Humanité sans force, endurante moitié Du monde, ô camarade éternelle, ô moi-même ! Femme, femme, qui donc te dira que je t’aime D’un cœur si gros d’amour et si lourd de pitié ?
2. J’aime, en quelque lieu que ce soit, L’heure où l’existence, pour moi, Redevient nocturne et muette.
L’heure sans lois et sans humains, Sans hiers et sans lendemains, Où je ne suis plus que poète.
La seule heure d’esprit total, Celle où, jusqu’oublier mon mal Je sens se fermer toute plaie,
Car je ne fus moi-même, vraie, Car je ne fus ce que suis, — Passionnément — que les nuits.
• Anna de Noailles (1876-1933)
Nature au cœur profond sur qui les cieux reposent, Nul n’aura comme moi si chaudement aimé La lumière des jours et la douceur des choses, L’eau luisante et la terre où la vie a germé.
La forêt, les étangs et les plaines fécondes Ont plus touché mes yeux que les regards humains, Je me suis appuyée à la beauté du monde Et j’ai tenu l’odeur des saisons dans mes mains.
• Renée Vivien (1877-1911) (English, mainly wrote in French)
Dans l’azur de l’avril et dans l’air de l’automne, Les arbres ont un charme inquiet et mouvant. Le peuplier se ploie et se tord sous le vent, Pareil aux corps de femme où le désir frissonne.
[…] Vêtu de clair de lune et de reflets d’argent, Le bouleau virginal à l’ivoire changeant Projette avec pudeur ses blancheurs incertaines. Les tilleuls ont l’odeur des âpres cheveux bruns, Et des acacias aux verdures lointaines Tombe divinement la neige des parfums.
• Valentine Penrose (1898-1978)
Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux des doux matins bercés aux fleurs des laitues bleues, […] que votre nom soit sanctifié ! O Brume d’or dans les vergers, que votre volonté soit faite ! Sur la Terre comme au Ciel ; sur la terre élançant ses arbres au soleil, sur les labours luisants chevauchés de noyers, sur le sol des jardins de chaleur tout vrillés […]. Donnez-nous aujourd’hui notre Pain quotidien. Dans la fraîche cuisine où bourdonne une guêpe, où les fourmis montent leur noir petit chemin […] Et pardonnez-nous nos offenses… […]
• Louise de Vilmorin (1902-1969)
Pois de senteur en ma demeure Et sur mon cœur poids de cent heures
Je t’enlacerai, tu t’en lasseras
Étonnamment monotone et lasse, Est ton âme en mon automne, hélas !
• Andrée Chedid (1920-2011)
Échappant à l'enclume du temps L'Univers sème ses formes Véhicule ses songes S'invente des tumultes
[…] Enserrée dans son globe Empoignant son noyau La Terre emporte l'histoire Vers son immense dérive.
• Anne Perrier (1922-2017) (also Swiss)
1. Ô rompre les amarres Partir partir Je ne suis pas de ceux qui restent La maison le jardin tant aimés Ne sont jamais derrière mais devant Dans la splendide brume Inconnue
2. Lorsque la mort viendra Je voudrais que ce soit comme aujourd'hui Un grand soir droit laiteux et immobile Et surtout je voudrais Que tout se tienne bien tranquille Pour que j'entende Une dernière fois respirer cette terre Pendant que doucement s'écarteront de moi Les mains aimées Qui m'attachent au monde
• Marie-Claire Bancquart (1932-2019)
1. Un tremble c'est le nom du peuplier blanc : luisance furtive.
Éclair des feuilles leur vie scintille
instant après instant elles chuchotent que nous avons aussi des moments miroitants minuscules, étincelantes traces de nous sur le monde. 2. Je suis l’encolure d’un pays vêtu de toile et d’eau, longtemps ténébreux, maintenant étalé sur la nuit, croisé une fois pour toutes par le crépuscule, et qui entend les soleils célébrer leur courbe.
Je suis son oreille, et, dans son oreille, ce qui, bruissant, permet le bruit.
[…] Mais suis-je enclave, ou bien ce pays serait le creux nécessaire au violon, l’autour-de-moi facilitant mémoire?
• Hélène Dorion (1958 - ) (she's from Québec)
Autour de moi les notes lumineuses d'une feuille venue jusqu'à la branche pour remuer avec le souffle danse et boit l'eau qui la sauve au matin quand recommence son chemin vers le soir
et je marche aussi d'un pas qui repose dans l'infini j'écoute le monde qui bruit à travers les arbres seuls comme des êtres occupés à devenir leur forme singulière
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adarkrainbow · 2 months
Given @princesssarisa has been sharing thoughts and infos about the French variations of Cinderella I just wish to add a little info which might be of interest for those into Cinderella stuff.
I have spoken before of what the Delarue-Tenèze is, but if you missed the post, here is a freshener. Delarue-Tenèze is the French equivalent of the European Aarne-Thompson (or ATU if you expand it a bit more). "Delarue-Tenèze" is the shortened form of the name of the two authors of this work (Paul Delarue and Marie-Louise Tenèze), who created "Le Conte populaire français, Catalogue raisonné des versions de France et des pays de langue française d'outre-mer" (The French folk-tale, Reasoned catalogue of the variants of France and of French-speaking countries beyond-sea). The Delarue-Tenèze is the complete typification, classification and catalogue of French folktales and oral fairytales, a "local ATU" if you wish. It does take into account the most famous literary variations of some fairytales (such as Perrault and d'Aulnoy's texts) but only in regard of how their massive popularity caused them to influence and "return" to the domain of orality and folklore (such as how Perrault invented the "red" in Little Red Riding Hood, and the "boots" in Puss in Boots, and as such in the centuries following his publication these elements became part of the oral-told folktales).
And when it comes to Cinderella, the Delarue-Tenèze highlights how in the French folktale tradition the Cinderella-type is not at all a type in itself, but rather one sub-type of a larger fairytale story.
This was already higlighted by the ATU itself, which classified them as the two sides of the "Persecuted Heroine" fairytale type (510A and 510B), but "Cinderella" and "Donkeyskin" in oral fairytales are closely related, frequently overlaping, and regularly confused, and even more so in French oral tales - it needed a Perrault's intervention to cut clear those two types of fairytales.
But here is where the Delarue-Tenèze takes a further step as opposed to the ATU: the Delarue-Tenèze adds a third variation to this "Persecuted Heroine" type, one that the ATU had classified as its own type (511), "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes". While for the ATU this fairytale type is close enough to Donkeyskin/Cinderella to be right next to them in the list, but different enough to be its own thing, for the Delarue-Tenèze "One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes" should be, in the context of French folktales, the "510C", due to being much too close and much too linked to the previous two types to be separate.
This is notably why the Delarue-Tenèze, which usually has an "analysis" segment for each fairytale type, decided to do one single analysis for all these three "categories", insisting upon how the intricate relationship and confused similarities between the three make it impossible to clearly set them apart in the oral tradition. As such, in the folklore of France, "Cinderella", "Donkey-skin" and "One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes", are just one and the same. (As opposed to the literary tradition where Cinderella and Donkeyskin are clearly separate, and One Eye Two Eye Three Eyes is unknown)
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nordleuchten · 1 year
24 Days of La Fayette: December 12th - André Toussaint Delarûe
And we continue our inquiry with one of La Fayette’s French aide-de-camps. He was born in 1768 in France and served La Fayette during his time as commander of the National Guard. Let me tell you, La Fayette knew only praise for Delarûe service. He wrote Alexander Hamilton on December 8, 1797:
His brother [in-law] delarûe, my aide de camp in the national guards one of the cleverest & best young men I ever knew, has married beaumarchais’s daughter—both he & his brother in law are to divide between themselves the payement of the Sums which in the united States are düe to the young lady’s father.
“To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 8 December 1797,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, vol. 21, April 1797 – July 1798, ed. Harold C. Syrett. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974, pp. 325–326.] (10/03/2022)
This letter will not only serve us a character assessment but also as the starting point to take a deep dive in some international affairs. Delarûe was the brother of Julie Delarûe. Julie had married Mathieu Dumas. Dumas was a French officer who had fought in the American War of Independence and who had helped organize the National Guard. He was a noted defender of La Fayette’s against allegation of royalist tendencies. Dumas fled France to Hamburg, Lehmkuhlen and Tremsbüttel, among others and even pretended for a time to be a Danish citizen by the name of Elias Funck. After his return to France, he re-entered the army and rose through the ranks.
Delarûe himself married Eugénie Beaumarchaise on July 11, 1796. Eugénie was the only child of Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais and his third wife Marie-Thérèse de Willer-Mawlaz. He also had a son, Augustine, by his second wife Geneviève-Madeleine Lévêque (née Wattebled.) But Augustine died young in 1772. Therefore, Eugénie became his sole heiress and after her marriage to André-Toussaint Delarûe, he came Beaumarchais heir and executer.
Now, Beaumarchais was many, many things during his lifetime but he is perhaps best remembered for his works as a librettist, playwriter, author and dramatist. He was also an early supporter of the American Revolution and organized secret French schemes up to a year prior to France’s formal entry in the War. Beaumarchais invested his own money into these schemes and later demanded a compensation from the American government. After his death in 1799, the struggle was continued by his son-in-law Delarûe and Delarûe’s brother-in-law Dumas.
La Fayette was quite invested in Delarûe’s claims and wrote several letters on his behalf. He wrote Thomas Jefferson on November 11, 1800:
As I’ll Have By this Opportunity the pleasure to Write to You, I shall Now only Mention the Affair of M. de BeauMarchais Which You Better know than I do—His Claims Have Been InHerited By a former Aid de Camp of Mine Who Married Beau-Marchais’s daughter and Whose Sister is a Wife to General Dumas the Chief of the Staff in the Middle Army—My Attachement to My two Companions Makes it a duty for me to Give them the Recommendation Which they Have Requested (…) You Have known Mathieu Dumas in the beggining of the french Revolution, and it is probable You Have Seen Delarue, as an Aid de Camp, at My House.
“To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, [11 November 1800],” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 32, 1 June 1800 – 16 February 1801, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005, p. 252.] (10/03/2022)
André-Toussaint Delarûe died in 1863.
As a little fun fact on the side, it appears as if Dumas had a nickname for Delarûe. In a letter to Alexander Hamilton from December 8, 1797, Dumas called his brother-in-law “Edouard”. Now, either Dumas just forgot the name of his brother-in-law (what I have difficulty to believe) or that was perhaps some sort of nickname.
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yespat49 · 5 days
Cheminots, contrôleurs aériens, RATP… l’achat scandaleux de « la paix sociale » pour sauver les JO
Marie Delarue Au coût déjà faramineux de l’organisation des JO à Paris, il faut maintenant ajouter l’achat scandaleux de la paix sociale. Celle conclue, mardi, avec les syndicats de la SNCF, demain sans doute avec les contrôleurs aériens et, après-demain, sûrement, avec ceux de la RATP. C’est une grande première, en effet : chose inédite à la SNCF, tous les syndicats cheminots – SUD Rail, CGT…
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thierrylidolff · 1 month
J. K. Rowling, martyre de la grande purge wokiste
ARTICLE : Bannie de son œuvre ! J. K. Rowling, martyre de la grande purge wokiste Marie Delarue 11 août 2023 Bd Voltaire C’est la nouvelle « culturelle » du jour : le musée de la Culture pop de Seattle, qui consacre une exposition à Harry Potter, a décidé d’en bannir l’auteur, J. K. Rowling, supprimant dorénavant toute mention de son nom dans ses murs. Désormais, lady Rowling sera désignée par…
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ousontlesfemmes · 11 months
Mary Cassatt (1844 – 1926)
Une artiste impressionniste (par Marie J)
Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de Claude Monet ou d’Auguste Renoir. Mais saviez-vous que plusieurs impressionnistes étaient en réalité des femmes ? Mary Cassatt était l’une d’entre elles. Artiste américaine, sa curiosité et son talent l’ont poussée à essayer de nombreuses techniques : huile sur toile, estampe, eau forte… Entre les États-Unis et la France, embarquez dans un voyage au cœur de l’impressionnisme au féminin.
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Mary Cassatt est née le 22 mai 1844 à Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie, États-Unis) dans une famille aisée. Elle découvre la France pour la première fois en 1855, lorsque ses parents s’y rendent dans l’espoir de trouver un traitement pour son frère, malade. Cette recherche ayant été malheureusement vaine, sa famille rentre aux Etats-Unis à la fin de l’année. Mary Cassatt y grandit et, en 1860, rentre à l’Académie des Beaux-arts de Pennsylvanie. L’éducation qu’elle y reçoit ne lui convient guère. En tant que femme, elle n’a le droit de travailler que certains sujets comme les portraits ou les natures mortes ; les sujets « nobles » comme la peinture d’histoire sont réservés aux hommes. Mary Cassatt n’a alors qu’un seul objectif : finir sa formation en France.
Elle retourne donc à Paris en 1865. Devenir artiste femme en France à cette époque n’est pas plus aisé qu’aux Etats-Unis, si ce n’est plus difficile. L’école des Beaux-arts n’ouvre en effet aux femmes que si elles sont modèles ! Il faut attendre 1897 pour qu’elles puissent s’inscrire en tant qu’élèves. Mary Cassatt s’inscrit alors dans des ateliers privés : celui de Jean-Léon Gérôme d’abord, puis ceux de Charles Chaplin et Thomas Couture. En parallèle, elle se forme au Louvre, où elle passe de nombreuses heures à copier les œuvres du musée.
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Durant ces expositions, elle rencontre Edgar Degas qui l’invite en 1877 à se joindre aux expositions des indépendants, ce qu’elle refuse. Elle se joint finalement à la quatrième exposition des indépendants en 1879. Par la suite, elle expose trois fois parmi les impressionnistes.
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L’artiste mène alors de nombreuses recherches pour diversifier ses propositions de gravure. En 1890, elle achète une presse pour imprimer ses propres estampes. Aidée du pressier Alphonse Leroy, elle expérimente, passant plus de huit heures par jour pour imprimer ses épreuves. Avec ses dix estampes en couleurs « à la manière japonaise » elle est la seule du groupe impressionniste à mener à terme, par ses propres moyens, un vrai projet éditorial en matière d’estampe originale1.
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À partir de 1886, Mary Cassatt devient un relais privilégié entre la France et les Etats-Unis où elle effectue plusieurs travaux et expositions. Elle réalise par exemple en 1893 une fresque – aujourd’hui perdue – pour la cimaise du Pavillon de la Femme de la World’s Columbian Exposition de Chicago. Malgré ces allers-retours dans son pays natal, c’est à la France qu’elle reste fidèle. Elle décède le 14 juin 1926 au Mesnil-Théribus où elle est enterrée.
Pour en savoir plus… – Mary Cassatt, Impressions, Musée d’art américain Giverny – Connaissez-vous ? Mary Cassatt, Bruno Delarue
Notes / références : 1. Mary Cassatt, Impressions, Musée d’art américain Giverny
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subiysu · 3 years
The curious situation of the Sanson Fourth generation
There is a lot of strange behavior in this tangled family tree. I’ll go sibling by sibling, eldest to youngest
Madeleine-Claude-Gabrielle Sanson, 
Eldest child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and his first wife Madeleine Transon. We know very little of her, but the few details we have are...Interesting. She was born in circa 1738 and married Pierre Hérisson in 1754, at the young age of fifteen. Now, here is the interesting part. This probably was not a love marriage, since he was at least 10 years older than her and lived in another city (which ment they had even less opportunity to let them know each other). 10 years isn’t a huge age gap for an adult, but she was only sixteen. Also, it is important to note that the average age of marriage at the time was not so different from today. But, for an arranged marriage, it didn’t really benefit her family that much. He was poorer than the Sanson family, and he took none of her brothers as apprentices. They had one daughter: Marie-Madeleine Geneviève Hérisson, born in 1762, when her mother was 24 years old. She herself married in 1779 to her own uncle Louis-Cyr-Charlemagne Sanson. Now, why Madeleine was married to this Pierre Hérisson, the most likely explanation to me was that her family wanted to put her out of the reach of her father’s rivals (who was handicapped at the time), who may or may not be the most scrupulous in the means to achieve their end. They were a case were the rival of an executioner beat his rival’s children in an attempt to provoque them into doing something illegal. She died in 1779, age 41.
The second child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and his first wife Madeleine Transon was Charles-Henri Sanson, born in Febuary 1739. He and he sister lost their mother the following year. At around age of 10, he was sent to a boarding school in Rouen. The boy seemed to enjoy himself there (I do have my doubts on the subject) until in 1753, his identity was recognized. He was expelled. His father tried to sent him to another school, but it didn’t last long (maximum a few months). Then, he studied at home under an certain abbé Grisel as a tutor. He also began to assist his father full time as oposed to seasonally and very occasionally. He quickly gained the reputation for being extremely clumsy on the scaffold. In winter 1754/1755 , his father was hit by a stroke, leaving his clumsy 15 year old son as his replacement. To be fair, the techniques taught by Jean-Baptiste required a lot of cordination, which his eldest son lacked.  It went...not this well. In 1757, he proceeded to the quartering of Damien. He was still kind of clumsy on the job until his fourties. In the mean-time, in 1766, he married Marie-Anne Jugier after a history of scandalous affairs with loose women and men, for that matter. There was also rumors about him continuing to have affairs with aristocrates even after his marriage. He officially became executioner in 1778, a few weeks before the death of his father. (Mind you, at the time, Jean-Baptiste was severely handicapped and couldn’t harm a fly.) His wife gave him two sons (Henri, born in 1767 and Gabriel born in 1769) (the existance of the second is debated by historians), and potencially a daughter (who may or may not have existed, simply was not his daughter). When the Revolution hit, Charles-Henri was an advocate of the guillotine, for practical and humanitarian reasons. In 1792, a tragedy hit the family: the accidental death of Gabriel by a particularly clumsy incident. The Revolution had slowly eaten away at M. Sanson’s sanity, due to the sheer number of executions (the Royal family, the Terreur and many victims of political intrigue, including one of his ex-lovers, Madame Dubarry). The execution of a certain Cécile Renault, along with fiftie other people (chosen specifically for their innocence), for attempted murder of Robespierre, in an attempt to descridit him, really drived Sanson over the edge. Cécile Renault was very child-like, both in terms of looks, intellect and personality, which could have struck his more parental cord. He eventually quitted his job in 1795, due to a nephretic colic. He died in 1806, after seeing his two grand-children and spending the last decade of his life in physical and mental . 
The third child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and the first child of his second wife Jeanne Gabrielle Berger was Louis-Charles-Martin Sanson, born in 1744. He is in my eyes, the least sympathetic of this brotherhood. Little is known about his youth exept that he served as an assistant to his half-brother  until 1768, were he became executioner of Tour, and later Auxerre. He married his second wife in 1787, who was quite an agressive woman and the brother of an volunteering executioner. Unlike his brothers, Louis-Martin led a politically active career were he joined an extremist revolutionary tribunal in Tour, at the expense of his primary duties, causing a lot of butched executions. When he was (finally) arrested for his professional faillings and his sympathy for Hébert, his wife defended him quite wildly, and ended up reclaiming the head of a high placed man named Chalmel. He also got a post somewere in the South of France. It didn’t turn too well for him, since the prejudice against his profession was much stronger in the Midi. Instead of telling like an intelligent problem that he had trouble getting in and out of his house, he invented some story about being alergic to the Meditteranian climate. Naturally, it wasn’t believed. He died in 1817, leaving behind his wife and his adult son. 
The fourth child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and the second child of his second wife Jeanne Gabrielle Berger was Nicolas-Charles-Gabriel Sanson II (he had an uncle of the same name), born in 1745. He became an assistant to his brother until 1765, were he became executioner of Versailles as a replacement of his uncle of the same name. He gave this office to his older brother Charles-Henri in 1778, to take the post of questionnaire of Paris, in succession to a mysterious, not quite alive Jean-Baptiste Barré. He remained in this place until the abolition of judicial torture by Louis XVI in 1780. He kept assisting his older brother until he obtained the post of Blois in 1795, then Montpellier. He married during this year a certain Anne Françoise, devoid of surname, widow of François Fromentut. Nicolas-Charles was unable to keep any post long due to his love of the bottle. He died in 1800, of one too many alcohol poisonings.  
The fifth child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and third child of his second wife, Jeanne Gabrielle Berger was Louis-Cyr-Charlemagne Sanson, born in 1748. He was famous in his life for two things, one being the husband of his own niece and two, his diplomatic activities during the French Revolution. He began assisting his older brother Charles-Henri in 1760 at the age of 12. Although, how and why he was kept around his incompetent's older brother who routinely faced the risk of being lynched is frankly beyond me, especially given the fact he had a competant and adult brother-in-law. He became executioner of Provins in 1768, age of 20. In 1779, he married his own niece, who was 17 at the time, maybe during his sister’s funeral, at age 37. He became a widower in 1784, and eventually remarried a certain Marie Fare Gendron in 1792. It is more towards the Revolution that his life became...interesting. And by interesting, I mean dangerous. He became executioner of Versailles in 1790, after his post was abolished. Fearing for the future of his profession, he along with his half-brother, became the representatives of their social class, constantly doing a moutain of paper work to insure the future of themselves and their colleagues, and preferably, prevent the nomination of sadistic individuals. In the 10th of August 1792, he was imprisonned as a suspected royalist, along with two of his brothers. They were all released but he was imprisonned again at the prison of Abbaye, only to get out two days before the Septembre Massacres. After his release, he was buzier than ever before. He died in 1794, leaving behind his adult son and grand-children in abject poverty, without saving their reputation. 
The sixth child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and fourth child of his second wife Jeanne Gabrielle Berger was Marie-Josephe Sanson, born in 1751. In 1773, she married her first cousin Jean-Louis Sanson at the age of 22, who was competant on the scaffold but bad at paper work. She became a widow in 1794 and became a washer woman until her death in 1813. She would be one of the rare members of the family to eventually get out of infamy on her own merits. 
The seventh child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and fifth child of his second wife Jeanne Gabrielle Berger was Pierre-Charles, born in 1753. We don’t know when he died. He assisted his older brother Charles-Henri, then went to live in Eastern France as a riffleur, leading a discreet, lonely and honest life until his death. 
The eighth child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and sixth his second wife Jeanne-Gabriel Berger was Pierre-Jean-Baptiste Sanson, born in 1754 and who died young. 
The nineth child of Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson and seventh his second wife was Joseph-Claude Sanson, born in 1757 and who died at the young age of 22 in 1779, age 22, no spouse, no children, no charge. 
Gabrielle Sanson, youngest of the bunch, was born probably a year later. She probably died as an infant. 
DESMOREST, Michel et Danielle, “Dictionnaire historique et philosophique des bourreaux”
DELARUE, Jacques, “Le métier de bourreau, du Moyen Âge à aujourd’hui”
ARMAND, Frédéric, “Les bourreaux de France, du Moyen Âge à l’abolition de la peine de mort.”
MARCHAL, Gilles, “Bourreaux de Travail”
My history of the Renaissance course
The channel “Revue du monde”, a historical vulgarisation channel.
Also, this family tree website: https://gw.geneanet.org/geneavendeemili?lang=en&n=sanson&oc=0&p=madeleine+claude+gabrielle
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exhaled-spirals · 4 years
Can you recommend some French women poets?
Avec plaisir !
• Sabine Amable Voïart, known as Amable Tastu (1798-1885)
D’où vient que l’âme humaine est ainsi disposée, Que jamais ses regards troublés et mécontens N’ont pu s’accoutumer à la marche du temps? Sur l’éternel chemin, chaque borne posée Nous attriste. D’où vient? je ne sais; mais toujours Le vertige nous prend à voir couler nos jours: 
Si vous reparcourez l’enclos où votre enfance Avez-vous souvenir, à l’âge où tout enchante, D’une voix qui vous plut, voix timide et touchante,[…] Que, plus tard, cette voix résonne à votre oreille, De vos rêves déçus vous raillez la merveille, Vous prenant en pitié d’avoir si mal jugé… Elle est la même encor; mais vous avez changé!
• Louise-Victorine Ackermann (1813-1890)
(A la comète de 1861)[…] Ah ! quand tu reviendras, peut-être de la terreL'homme aura disparu. Du fond de ce séjourSi son œil ne doit pas contempler ton retour,Si ce globe épuisé s'est éteint solitaire,Dans l'espace infini poursuivant ton chemin,Du moins jette au passage, astre errant et rapide,Un regard de pitié sur le théâtre videDe tant de maux soufferts et du labeur humain.
• Marie Dauguet (1860-1942)
Mon coeur est né sauvage et seul comme un merle, Que berça la chanson du vent, subtil orchestre,Ivre des noirs myrtils dont la forêt s'emperle,Grisé d'odeur de source et d'haleine sylvestre. […]
Et d'abord très souvent j'étouffe dans moi-même, Tout m'y semble étriqué, trop étroit et mesquin, Et je fuis l'infini pour l'infini que j'aime, Parmi le ciel, les eaux, les circuits des chemins.
• Alice de Chambrier (1861-1882) (she is Swiss)
J’ai vu comme l’on voit quelquefois dans un rêve, Une immense Cité près d’une immense grève, Avec des dômes d’or et des palais géants, Des temples incrustés de mille diamants […]
Plus tard j’ai repassé devant cette cité, Et voulant la revoir, je m’y suis arrêtée; Mais à peine mes pas ont foulé sa poussière Que devant mes regards elle s’est tout entière Écroulée—et n’est plus qu’une ruine immense Dont le cri des Vautours trouble seul le silence.
• Lucie Delarue-Mardrus (1868-1949)
Humanité sans force, endurante moitiéDu monde, ô camarade éternelle, ô moi-même !Femme, femme, qui donc te dira que je t’aimeD’un cœur si gros d’amour et si lourd de pitié ?
• Anna de Noailles (1876-1933)
Nature au cœur profond sur qui les cieux reposent,Nul n’aura comme moi si chaudement aiméLa lumière des jours et la douceur des choses,L’eau luisante et la terre où la vie a germé.
La forêt, les étangs et les plaines fécondesOnt plus touché mes yeux que les regards humains,Je me suis appuyée à la beauté du mondeEt j’ai tenu l’odeur des saisons dans mes mains.
• Renée VIvien (1877-1911) (English, mainly wrote in French)
Dans l’azur de l’avril et dans l’air de l’automne,Les arbres ont un charme inquiet et mouvant.Le peuplier se ploie et se tord sous le vent,Pareil aux corps de femme où le désir frissonne.
[…] Vêtu de clair de lune et de reflets d’argent,Le bouleau virginal à l’ivoire changeantProjette avec pudeur ses blancheurs incertaines.Les tilleuls ont l’odeur des âpres cheveux bruns,Et des acacias aux verdures lointainesTombe divinement la neige des parfums.
• Valentine Penrose (1898-1978)
Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux des doux matins bercés aux fleurs des laitues bleues, […] que votre nom soit sanctifié !O Brume d’or dans les vergers, que votre volonté soit faite !Sur la Terre comme au Ciel ;sur la terre élançant ses arbres au soleil, sur les labours luisants chevauchés de noyers, sur le sol des jardins de chaleur tout vrillés […].Donnez-nous aujourd’hui notre Pain quotidien. Dans la fraîche cuisine où bourdonne une guêpe, où les fourmis montent leur noir petit chemin […]Et pardonnez-nous nos offenses… […]
• Louise de Vilmorin (1902-1969) (a witty specialist of holorime verse)
Pois de senteur en ma demeureEt sur mon cœur poids de cent heures
Je t’enlacerai, tu t’en lasseras
Étonnamment monotone et lasse,Est ton âme en mon automne, hélas !
• Andrée Chedid (1920-2011)
Échappant à l'enclume du tempsL'Univers sème ses formesVéhicule ses songesS'invente des tumultes
[…] Enserrée dans son globeEmpoignant son noyauLa Terre emporte l'histoireVers son immense dérive.
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versaillesao3 · 4 years
Secrets of Versailles
by delarus
Chevalier de Lorraine is at the palace of secrets, where they are created and then consumed by hungry nobles. However, some secrets have their own ways of being discovered.
"No one knew the real desires of Chevalier de Lorraine’s heart. Not even himself." But perhaps, Versailles knew.
Words: 1077, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Fandoms: Versailles (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chevalier de Lorraine (Versailles 2015), Philippe d'Orléans | Monsieur (Versailles 2015), Louis XIV (Versailles 2015), Marie-Thérèse (Versailles 2015), Sophie de Clermont, Béatrice de Clermont
Relationships: Chevalier de Lorraine/Philippe d'Orléans | Monsieur (Versailles 2015)
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Angst, Possibly Unrequited Love, Miscommunication, Mentions of Sex, Kissing, Before 1 Season
from AO3 works tagged 'Versailles (TV 2015)' https://ift.tt/3iUZksz via IFTTT
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Complotisme : bientôt un Numéro Vert pour dénoncer ses collègues et ses voisins ?
Complotisme : bientôt un Numéro Vert pour dénoncer ses collègues et ses voisins ?
Le gouvernement veut imposer le délit d’opinion, c’est-à-dire contre ceux qui ne penseraient pas comme lui. Par Marie Delarue (more…)
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copypastebro · 4 years
Drones and suits
When bank jobs have been eliminated the market 4 suits shrinks and buy drones like Toy 1 and locate the gas inside wire like of the blower to heat the gas cross-cross at alibaba, what do u want dude!!1
Anything in the hardware is bought at alibaba click the link below and you just change all category product name of what u want at more cheap price than in country like Kenya, Mr Hindu so back up dude
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy  https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675… nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at  nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel  ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort  to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who  thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking  cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u  insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made  with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security  padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u  might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water,  but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to  give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the  reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you  know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business  bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering  like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora  saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even  houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every  family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When  achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind  pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand  pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and  defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been  redeemed useless by new  cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk  around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are  looking 4 precious food  job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got  wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your  dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In  the corridor they want  to like fight ya with their knife or eject the  arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will  be more tolerable than tire  and Sidon than that that kills the prophet,  John the Baptist was  transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at  Fort Jesus. Will it  slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the  truth, sycamore tree  with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was  given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1  who  transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp  shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good  women that bring  forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like  Christ alluding with  fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing  disturbing kids and  many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when  have married other  women but the women when married good men bring good  kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are  also found in  Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the  truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next  to ya in a bend  posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as  if you are  filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as  many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give  greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more   stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the   slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on   their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as  if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have  declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab   will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant   period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live  large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut  ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota  thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in   hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his   after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as  Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from   here speech
The  white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and   he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends,   which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga  or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things  to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna  deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of  progress,  never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is  sickening to  the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of  not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad  character. They monitor those who can put food on table  and start  bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to  church? Now they  wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made  cheap, we wanna  encourage young men to get partners to marry to  facilitate procreation  to add the offering in our bag but online cash  is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be  phonecash or compcash, we  wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility  and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as  prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r  encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya  genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people  blood while Yankees got Bahrain,  Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this  dude!!
I want to erase any  thought of good life associated with  that am a survivor and the fact  that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if  am slain the next day they  don’t put in media “Good job well done” as  they did with Tm that they  have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing  every doubt bro to bring  about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh  life they wanna attack ya  saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded  men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who  don’t live that good is you see them  as a little kid smeared with fecal  matters as have not wiped out the  booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that  woman. A lot of lorries with drones  inside but covered with relocating  house things like mattress in dat if  their is landslide or poisonous  gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people  mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in  their compounds testing them at  night.
            Cat island  people are bad with people whom  they see women to love, at that time  starts to stalk or harass a fellow  man when no 1 is in the vicinity.  Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that  blood and the gaya got it maybe  on the mother side at that time, they  married their women but the  kikuyou married their men out of my thesis.  And Masai are lazy wanting  others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even  trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay  and putting ya to lough  with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he  doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with  Floridians who as well  got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The  way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson  to depict how they are always are. At night they  can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to  death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat,  lazy but don’t think  the very people who they frustrate are the  workaholic bro. They want  free things which can last like cash crop  while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been  blocked like with automatic locks,  shielding plane alternator 4 it not  to be electrocuted, no-fuel as  e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase  population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and  many to use the new discovered oil deposits to  sell much oil as govt  revenue, internet penetration per house and  things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my  following tumblr a/c has a  bottleneck so, women are to play part to  avoid replicating kids with  such character, so its a blessing in  disguise. They are even thieves,  wanna still from ya in no vicinity  even kim of korea got this gene and  they meet to discuss their agenda  as cat island blooded men. Most  Yankees are Malawi blooded, and  Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya  kisii people got Malawi people  blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men,  to out shadow people. They  wanna destroy the world, this world will be  peopled with their  offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
 Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make  money bro by clicking the link below  https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu  emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser  apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on  it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the  cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like  10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like  [email protected]. So with  another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My  friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am  also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za  mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo  migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must  pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the  local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and  harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many  cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so    looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity    penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with    E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same  way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the  tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this  silly games bro!!!  https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE  https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp  https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to  read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the  minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind  https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the  sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal  matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where  many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the  security   padlocks below, u can buy online  https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE  https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141  https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html  https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html  https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html  https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4  cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make  money bro by clicking the link below  https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu  emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser  apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on  it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the  cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like  10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like  [email protected]. So with  another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My  friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am  also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za  mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo  migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must  pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the  local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and  harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many  cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so    looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity    penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with    E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same  way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the  tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this  silly games bro!!!  https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE  https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp  https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to  read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the  minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind  https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the  sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal  matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where  many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the  security   padlocks below, u can buy online  https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE  https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141  https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html  https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html  https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html  https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4  cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make  money bro by clicking the link below  https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu  emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser  apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on  it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the  cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like  10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like  [email protected]. So with  another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My  friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am  also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za  mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo  migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must  pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the  local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and  harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many  cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so    looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity    penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with    E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same  way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the  tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this  silly games bro!!!  https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE  https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp  https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to  read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the  minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind  https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the  sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal  matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where  many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the  security   padlocks below, u can buy online  https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE  https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141  https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html  https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html  https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html  https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4  cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold.  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le,  says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance  is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya  expectations have been  blocked explained in the following tumblr above,  Why do we go to  church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we  quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the  10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we  are gonna  play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time  stop/finish  learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the  same verse  everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do  the exact  bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing  what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal  but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like  automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not  as we can now  do ourselves. click the link below  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china,  what I send u on alibaba  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp  http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp  
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are  located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known  how to make  sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from  there, they  are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down  explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
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adarkrainbow · 7 months
All fairytale fans heard about or know about the ATU, the Aarne-Thompson-Uther classification, this international classification of folktales and fairytales in numbered types.
But do you know that there are other fairytale classifications? Local fairytale classifications? And since I am French let me present you...
The Delarue-Tenèze classification. Also known as "Le Conte populaire français" (The French Folktales), of its complete title "Catalogue raisonné des versions de France et des pays de langue française d'outremer" (Reasoned catalogue of the versions of France and French-speaking oversea countries).
This book/classification, created by Paul Delarue and Marie-Louise Tenèze, and published in five volumes between 1957 and 2000, is a study of folkloric fairytales inspired by the ATU, which it heavily borrows from and frequently references. However, the Delarue-Tenèze classification is an exclusively French system. That is to say all the folktales and fairytales studied there are originating from France, or present in countries that inherited some of French culture. The complete list of countries is: "France, Canada, Louisiana, French islands of the USA, French West Indies, Haïti, Maurice island, La Réunion". By studying, comparing and classifying the French-speaking (or French-written) fairytales of these various areas, Delarue and Tenèze managed to create a complete study of the history and evolution of essentially French fairytales, excluding all the types of stories that are typically not found on French-speaking lands.
It was thanks to the work of Delarue and Tenèze that we notably can reconstruct what the fairytales of Perrault, for example, ORIGINALLY looked like before the author took them back and rerote them. I evoked this during my Little Red Riding Hood posts (I think it was in the one titled "The dark roots"). Delarue and Tenèze, by accumulating all the French variants of the fairytale they could find, separating those that clearly were post-Perrault (they had elements newly introduced by the author) to those prior to Perrault (or at least not "contaminated" by their written cousin), and looking at the geographical repartition of these tales, they could identify which elements exactly Perrault cut out of his tale (the wolf serving meat and wine to the girl, the removing of clothes in the fire, the cat cursing under the table...) and thus re-create what the fairytale would have originally looked like.
In this extent, this work is deeply needed for whoever wants to study fairytales in France or the French folklore. Unfortunately, after two "complete editions" gathering all the volumes in 1997 and 2002, the publishing house of the catalogue fell on hard times, and closed in 2011. Since this date, the catalogue is out of print, and you can only access it by having second-hand copies or borrowing it at libraries.
However - and I just learned of this today upon looking at my references - the work of Delarue and Tenèze (both unfortunately deceased) is still continued today, or rather was taken back by a group of anthropological studies of Toulouse, who are preparing three more volumes to add to the original catalogue.
If you are interested in what each volume contains:
Volume 1 and 2 cover the "contes merveilleux" (marvelous tales/magical tales - aka the fairytales as we understand them today).
Volume 3 is about the "Animal tales", mixing animal-featuring fairytales, Reynard the Fox-type of stories, and other moral and fables inherited by popular culture from La Fontaine, Aesop and more.
Volume 4 is about the "Religious tales", aka all the French folktales, fairytales and local legends that show France's folk-Christianity, mixing the heavily Christian (Catholic-flavored) culture of France, "first daughter of the Church", with the countryside legends and tales of witches, wizards, fairies, giants and other ogres, turned into demons, saints, angels and Virgin Maries.
Volume 5 is the "conte-nouvelle" (the "short story-tales"), basically folktales that are realistic sounding and just sound like non-magical, non-religious life stories or local legends.
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plastictoilets-blog · 4 years
plastic toilets can be change in2 baths
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In the corridor they want to like fight ya with their knife or eject the arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will be more tolerable than tire and Sidon than that that kills the prophet, John the Baptist was transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at Fort Jesus. Will it slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other women but the women when married good men bring good kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are also found in Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next to ya in a bend posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as if you are filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from here speech
The white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends, which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of progress, never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is sickening to the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad character. They monitor those who can put food on table and start bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to church? Now they wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made cheap, we wanna encourage young men to get partners to marry to facilitate procreation to add the offering in our bag but online cash is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be phonecash or compcash, we wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people blood while Yankees got Bahrain, Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this dude!!
I want to erase any thought of good life associated with that am a survivor and the fact that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if am slain the next day they don’t put in media “Good job well done” as they did with Tm that they have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing every doubt bro to bring about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh life they wanna attack ya saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who don’t live that good is you see them as a little kid smeared with fecal matters as have not wiped out the booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that woman. A lot of lorries with drones inside but covered with relocating house things like mattress in dat if their is landslide or poisonous gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in their compounds testing them at night.
 Cat island people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time starts to stalk or harass a fellow man when no 1 is in the vicinity. Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that blood and the gaya got it maybe on the mother side at that time, they married their women but the kikuyou married their men out of my thesis. And Masai are lazy wanting others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson to depict how they are always are. At night they can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat, lazy but don’t think the very people who they frustrate are the workaholic bro. They want free things which can last like cash crop while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks, shielding plane alternator 4 it not to be electrocuted, no-fuel as e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves, wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men, to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
  Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above, Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not as we can now do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
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20boby-blog · 4 years
Race thing
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don't just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that's the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don't grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don't get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In the corridor they want to like fight ya with their knife or eject the arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will be more tolerable than tire and Sidon than that that kills the prophet, John the Baptist was transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at Fort Jesus. Will it slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other women but the women when married good men bring good kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are also found in Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next to ya in a bend posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as if you are filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from here speech
The white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends, which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of progress, never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is sickening to the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad character. They monitor those who can put food on table and start bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to church? Now they wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made cheap, we wanna encourage young men to get partners to marry to facilitate procreation to add the offering in our bag but online cash is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be phonecash or compcash, we wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people blood while Yankees got Bahrain, Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this dude!!
I want to erase any thought of good life associated with that am a survivor and the fact that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if am slain the next day they don’t put in media “Good job well done” as they did with Tm that they have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing every doubt bro to bring about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh life they wanna attack ya saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who don’t live that good is you see them as a little kid smeared with fecal matters as have not wiped out the booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that woman. A lot of lorries with drones inside but covered with relocating house things like mattress in dat if their is landslide or poisonous gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in their compounds testing them at night.
 Cat island people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time starts to stalk or harass a fellow man when no 1 is in the vicinity. Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that blood and the gaya got it maybe on the mother side at that time, they married their women but the kikuyou married their men out of my thesis. And Masai are lazy wanting others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson to depict how they are always are. At night they can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat, lazy but don’t think the very people who they frustrate are the workaholic bro. They want free things which can last like cash crop while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks, shielding plane alternator 4 it not to be electrocuted, no-fuel as e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves, wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men, to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
  Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above, Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not as we can now do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
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yespat49 · 10 days
Gangrené par les mafias chinoises, le Canada devient une place forte du financement islamique
Marie Delarue 19 avril 2024 Dans le troisième volet du passionnant documentaire intitulé « Triades – la Mafia chinoise à la conquête du monde », diffusé sur Arte, on découvrait que Vancouver est la tête de pont des activités mafieuses en Occident.  Solidement implantées – Toronto est sans doute la ville où l’on croise le plus de Tesla, Ferrari, Porsche, etc. –, les mafias chinoises ont la…
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