#Maria Holzer
fragrantblossoms · 9 months
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Maria Holzer. Women on a rocky beach going swimming, possibly at the Seurasaari swimming pool, 1925.
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amatesura · 2 years
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ph. Maria Holzer
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asoftepiloguemylove · 11 months
heyy if you can find anything on it, could you please do a web weave on having gone through so much but being strong through all of it and never allowing yourself to hurt? and/or maybe being jealous of other people who are able to express their hurt when you cant
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i hope you're doing okay <33
Han Kang Human Acts / Margaret Atwood / Rainer Maria Rilke (tr. Anita Barrows & Joana Macy) To the Younger Brother; The Book of Hours / Eleanor Hsieh Jenny Holzer said... / Celeste Ng Little Fires Everywhere
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You Believe You're Guiltless
Cut - Catherine Lacey / Father - The Front Bottoms / It Lingers For Your Whole Life - Katie Maria (@heavensghost) / Jenny Holzer / Jenny Holzer / War Of The Foxes - Richard Siken
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finalgirlguy · 1 year
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hunger and love
"paper bag" by fiona apple / "what i could never confess without some bravado" by emily palermo / "the house of the spirits" by isabel allende / "little weirds" by jenny holzer / kvetchkween on twitter / 300122 by @ryebreadgf / "climbing" by lucille clifton / "faulty" by leila chatti
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madamescarlette · 8 months
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OCTOBER 2023 (Life is very long and you, after all, shall live it)
Mine / Will Barnet / Albert Camus / Jihyun Yun / agoera / The Japanese House / The Wind Rises (2013) / Jenny Holzer / Hadestown / Garth Nix / Edith Magdalene / Rainer Maria Rilke / William Stafford / Jill Barklem / Ada Limón / Czesław Miłosz / Anne Sexton / Eva Harr / Deborah Landau / The Cranberries
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kitabeisengmezar · 2 years
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maria holzer, 1925
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webionaire · 6 months
Respected New York contemporary art gallery Cheim & Read is ceasing operations for good following the December 23 close of its current exhibition, a solo show of the work of Kathe Burkhart. The Chelsea gallery founded by dealers John Cheim and Howard Read has been in business since 1997, when it launched with an exhibition of work by Louise Bourgeois and Jenny Holzer; in the twenty-six years following, it gained a reputation for elevating the work of women. Cheim & Read’s longtime director and partner Maria Bueno is set to open her own gallery next year, called Bueno & Co. Besides the art stars she’s inheriting from Cheim & Read—among them Jean-Michel Basquiat, Louise Bourgeois, Joan Mitchell, Alice Neel, and Sean Scully—she will represent heavy hitters including Lynda Benglis, William Eggleston, Louise Fishman, Ron Gorchov, Pat Steir, and Matthew Wong.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Cuneo: nasce il MIDA, Museo Internazionale delle Donne Artiste, la prima esposizione permanente d’Europa per l’arte femminile
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Cuneo: nasce il MIDA, Museo Internazionale delle Donne Artiste, la prima esposizione permanente d’Europa per l’arte femminile. Modelle, figure simboliche e oniriche, muse ispiratrici. Nella storia dell’arte mondiale, sono rare le donne che hanno potuto emanciparsi da questi ruoli conquistando lo status di artista, tradizionalmente appannaggio del mondo maschile, e ancora oggi il loro talento artistico non è pienamente considerato. Da questa consapevolezza nasce il progetto del MIDA – Museo Internazionale delle Donne Artiste, che trova sede principale nella chiesa seicentesca della Madonna dei Prati a Ceresole d’Alba (CN). Il progetto, voluto dall’amministrazione comunale del sindaco Franco Olocco e affidato, nella realizzazione e gestione, alla società Art Book Web, con la direzione artistica di Vincenzo Sanfo, rappresenta un unicum in Europa. “Stupisce – dichiara Vincenzo Sanfo – che ancora oggi non esista in Europa un museo interamente dedicato alle donne artiste. Spesso le donne sono state accanto a grandi artisti e hanno sacrificato la loro creatività per favorire quella degli uomini. È doveroso che la storia tributi loro il giusto onore, portando alla luce il loro talento, mai abbastanza considerato. Siamo orgogliosi di poter fare ciò in un momento storico in cui ancora, purtroppo, le donne non hanno il giusto spazio che meritano in ogni campo”. Alla sua nascita, il Museo si compone di una collezione permanente di opere realizzate da 30 artiste internazionali di diverse epoche: da Sonia Delaunay a Marina Abramovic e Yoko Ono, passando per Jenny Holzer, Louise Bourgeois e Annie Leibovitz, Carmen Gloria Morales, Beverly Pepper, Rabarama, la cinese Zhang Hong Mei, l’indiana Washigha Rason Singh. La collezione, che andrà ad ampliarsi nel tempo con altre donazioni delle stesse artiste e di collezionisti privati, testimonia l’originale contributo dell’universo femminile nell’ambito delle più diverse forme espressive: dalla pittura alla fotografia, dalla scultura alla ceramica. Fortemente simbolico è, inoltre, il nucleo centrale dell’inedito Museo: la chiesa della Madonna dei Prati. Ancora consacrata, ma non più adibita alle funzioni religiose, la piccola chiesa di Ceresole d’Alba, che tra il 1600 e il 1800 occupò un ruolo centrale nella vita religiosa e sociale del piccolo borgo piemontese, diventa oggi punto di riferimento artistico, culturale e turistico internazionale. Accanto alla collezione permanente, il MIDA assume anche il carattere di Museo diffuso. Oltre alle opere esposte nella sede museale, infatti, il progetto prevede una esposizione en plein air con installazioni artistiche che ogni anno si integreranno nello spazio cittadino del piccolo centro, popolato da appena duemila abitanti, ma che vanta già la presenza di un altro importante museo: il Mubatt – Museo della Battaglia di Ceresole d’Alba del 1544. “Il MIDA sarà un museo diffuso che si espanderà nelle vie di Ceresole d’Alba con statue, installazioni e piastre celebrative, dedicate alle artiste di tutto il mondo, saranno collocate lungo le strade principali del nostro borgo – dichiara il sindaco Franco Olocco -. Un progetto che si svilupperà maggiormente nei prossimi anni ma che ogni sei mesi vedrà un ampliamento con la posa delle formelle celebrative e l’insediamento di nuove opere. Il tutto per favorire ed incrementare la proposta turistica-culturale”. Le prime 5 formelle sono state dedicate a Sarah Biffen, Orsola Maria Caccia, Dafne Maugham Casorati, Lee Krasner e Gina Pane. le cui storie potranno essere lette grazie all’ausilio di un apposito QRcode.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fragrantblossoms · 9 months
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Maria Holzer. A winter forest near Villa Miramar, 1925.
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dame-de-pique · 4 years
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Maria Holzer - Keraamikko Friedl Holzer-Kjellberg, laittamassa hiuksiaan peilin edessä Holzerin siskosten huoneessa Villa Miramarissa, 1925 talvi
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firstfullmoon · 4 years
Quotes on kindness please :)
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• “Mostly I want to be kind.”
— Mary Oliver, from “Dogfish”
• “Touching people’s lives in a positive way is as close as I can get to an idea of religion.”
— Keith Haring, from his journals
• “I try to be kind to everything I see, and in everything I see, I see him.”
— Hanya Yanagihara, from A Little Life
• Sandra Cisneros, from A House of My Own
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• “I know no one who has embraced a love ethic whose life has not become joyous and more fulfilling. The widespread assumption that ethical behaviour takes the fun out of life is false. In actuality, living ethically ensures that relationships in our lives, including encounters with strangers, nurture our spiritual growth. Behaving unethically, with no thought to the consequences of our actions, is a bit like eating tons of junk food. While it may taste good, in the end the body is never really adequately nourished and remains in a constant state of lack and longing. Our souls feel this lack when we act unethically, behaving in ways that diminish our spirits and dehumanise others.”
— bell hooks, from All About Love
• Danusha Laméris, “Small Kindnesses”
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• “we should be careful / of each other, we should be kind / while there is still time.”
— Philip Larkin, from “The Mower”
• “Each morning the sunlight comes into your house, and you welcome it as a friend. And you know what it’s like to see face-to-face; and that tempts you to be kind.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke, from The Blindman’s Song
• Ross Gay, from Book of Delights
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dukeofriven · 5 years
Tate Modern Retrospective
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Barbara Hepworth. Wait The Client Wants It When? 1942.
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Ellsworth Kelly. Seriously The Tate Will Buy Anything. 1996.
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Robert Ryman, Oh Shit Ells Is Right! 1982.
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Ellsworth Kelly. I Told You Dog Just Slap A 1000-Word Essay About Peripristatic Feelings And Neo-Blananahic Themes On It And They Eat This Shit Up. 1974.
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Bram Bogart. Dudes She’s Not Kidding I Had Leftover Plaster From When My Bro And I Redid Mom’s Bathroom And They Paid Me A Million Pounds For It. 1974.
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Maria Lalic. I Helped My Girlfriend Do Her Kitchen And Borrowed The Leftovers To Make This Now I’m The Toast Of The Art World I Guess? 1995.
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Yves Klein. Nobody Should Have This Kind Of Power. 1979
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Jenny Holzer. You Don’t Even Have To Do Anything Look I Nicked This From The Lotto Display At The Corner Shop And Stuck A Phrase From An Inspiration Tumblr On It! 1984.
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Meraud Guevara. No It’s Fine Everybody It’s Not Really A Problem And Actually I’m Really Getting Used To It It’s Fine. c.1939. [Oval Sculpture (No. 2); Yellow Curve; Ledger; White Curve; White plane white; History Painting 2 Cave. Yellow Earth; IKB 79; Truisms; Monochrome Till Receipt (White); Monochrome Till Receipt (White); Cuba Si; Seated Woman with Small Dog]
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Artists’ Book Display for the week of August 26th, 2019
Inflammatory essays (green) by Jenny Holzer- New York: J.Holzer, 1995
And now by Peter Downsbrough- Nevers Cedex, France: Maison de la Culture, 1983
Untitled by Michelle Bahaner- London : Working press, 1994
Wer a sagt muss gar nichts by Nanne Meyer- Nuess: Kulturforum Alte Post Neuss, 1992
HandVokabular by Eva- Maria Schon- Switzerland : Vexer Verlag, 1993
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  Bild: Birgit Böllinger
Wer in München unter dem Stichwort “Oskar Maria Graf-Denkmal” nach einer Statue sucht, wird vergeblich suchen. Die Münchner haben dem Schriftsteller, der eng mit ihrer Stadt verbunden ist, ein ganz eigenes, ihm angemessenes Andenken gesetzt – sozusagen ein ganzes Kaffeehaus als Kulturort und Denkmal zugleich. Das hätte Graf, bayerisches Urgestein und Weltbürger zugleich, der den leiblichen Genüssen durchaus zugeneigt war, mit Sicherheit gefallen.
Geschaffen wurde es im Auftrag der Stadt und des Kulturbaufonds von der New Yorker Künstlerin Jenny Holzer. Ihr Konzept: Zitate aus Texten des Schriftstellers wurden in den Raum integriert, sind auf dem Mobiliar und den Gebrauchsgegenständen zu finden. Wer beispielsweise einen Kaffee trinkt, wird am Boden der Tasse nicht nur aus dem Kaffeesatz lesen können, sondern auch ein Graf-Zitat. 1997 wurde das Denkmal im Kaffeehaus, das sich im Münchner Literaturhaus am Salvatorplatz befindet, eingeweiht.
Das ist schön anzusehen, echte Fans können via Literaturhaus sogar ein Oskar Maria-Graf Gedeck erstehen und tragen damit zum Erhalt des Denkmals bei.
Was jedoch der gelernte Bäcker, der 1911 jedoch aus dem familiären Betrieb am Starnberger See in die bayerische Landeshauptstadt flüchtete, zum gastronomischen Konzept der Brasserie heute gemeint hätte – man kann nur spekulieren. Vielleicht hätte er – wie mein zehnjähriger Begleiter heute – irritiert auf Pasta- und Risotto-Variationen geguckt und dann resolut nach “Spätzle mit Soße” verlangt. Eine der Lieblingsspeisen des Bäckersohnes war nach Auskunft seiner Witwe übrigens der Zwetschgendatschi. Und von dem behaupten die Augsburger, seit jeher im Clinch mit der nahegelegenen Landeshauptstadt München, er sei ihre Erfindung – weswegen Augsburg von den Münchner gerne auch etwas herablassend-spöttisch als “Datschiburg” bezeichnet wird. Aber das ist eine ganz andere Geschichte und hat mit OMG gar nichts zu tun.
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Ich unterstütze die Arbeit des Literaturblogs Sätze&Schätze gerne und freue mich auf weitere Beiträge. Die Blooginhaberin freut sich darüber als Ausdruck der Wertschätzung für Zeit, Hirnschmalz und Leidenschaft, die in den Blog investiert werden.
  Essen mit Oskar Maria Graf: Niemand kann allein sein. Wer in München unter dem Stichwort "Oskar Maria Graf-Denkmal" nach einer Statue sucht, wird vergeblich suchen. Die Münchner haben dem Schriftsteller, der eng mit ihrer Stadt verbunden ist, ein ganz eigenes, ihm angemessenes Andenken gesetzt - sozusagen ein ganzes Kaffeehaus als Kulturort und Denkmal zugleich.
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s222pring · 3 years
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on mothers and rage—
katie maria / lidia yuknavitch / geloy concepcion / susan sontag / jenny holzer / lana del rey / phoebe bridgers / edvard munch / junot diaz / lynne shako
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