mattdevil · 2 years
POV: you're holding an intervention against Jon
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arquivosmagnusbr · 2 months
MAG060 — Efeito do Observador
Caso #9721207: Depoimento de Rosa Meyer, a respeito de uma sensação persistente de estar sendo observada.
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Aviso de conteúdo: paranoia, escopofobia
Tradução: Lia
Depoimento de Rosa Meyer, a respeito de uma sensação persistente de estar sendo observada. Depoimento original prestado em 12 de julho de 1972. Gravação de áudio por Jonathan Sims, arquivista chefe do Instituto Magnus, Londres.
Início do depoimento.
Aquilo ainda tá lá — ainda tá me observando. Não tem nenhum lugar pra onde eu possa ir, nenhum lugar que eu possa me esconder onde aquilo não vai continuar me olhando. Eu não sei por quê. Não faço ideia do que ele quer de mim, ou se ele já planejou alguma coisa além de só ficar me encarando de onde quer que ele esteja se escondendo. Não consigo comer, não consigo dormir — já faz meses e ele ainda tá lá.
Você não consegue ver ele, eu sei. Eu também não consigo ver, mas isso não importa, porque ele consegue me ver. E é isso que importa. Eu consigo sentir o olhar dele queimando a minha nuca. Será que ele me odeia? Será que ele só quer que eu continue vivendo com medo? Eu não sei por que isso tá acontecendo comigo.
No começo, eu pensei que era uma pessoa, algum stalker se escondendo. Eu tinha essa ideia de que se eu continuava sentindo que alguma coisa tava me observando, então devia ser uma pessoa fazendo isso. Devia ter alguém me seguindo. Não é como se eu nunca tivesse tido stalkers antes.
Comecei a examinar os rostos de todos por quem eu passava, tentando ver se eu os reconheceria, se tinha os visto antes em algum lugar. Será que eu reconheci o homem de sobretudo verde no ônibus hoje de manhã? Aquele cara na bicicleta deu meia volta na estrada e passou por mim de novo? Não. Não eram eles. Não era. Ninguém estava me seguindo, mas alguma coisa estava me observando. Ainda está.
O estranho é que é uma sensação com a qual eu deveria estar acostumada. Tenho sido assistida por pessoas há anos. Eu apresento o quadro "Look East" pra BBC News quase todos os dias — bom, eu costumava apresentar. E do outro lado da câmera havia dezenas de milhares de pessoas, mas eu nunca senti isso vindo delas. Às vezes, enquanto mantinha os olhos fixos naquela câmera, falando sobre os últimos assaltos que tinham acontecido, eu tentava sentir — tentava imaginar todas as pessoas me vendo, me assistindo. Mesmo assim, mesmo quando eu tentava, nunca passava de uma lente vazia e sem vida. Talvez seja bom que eu nunca tenha sentido isso antes.
Perdi meu emprego em duas semanas. Essa sensação tomou conta de mim, eu não conseguia me concentrar, não conseguia olhar pra câmera, não conseguia ler as palavras vazias e sem vida na página. Acabei tendo meio que um colapso ao vivo. Ainda bem que você morar em Londres, senão, poderia ter visto.
Eu sei quando isso começou. Olhando agora, tudo parece tão claro, como se um botão tivesse sido apertado bruscamente e, de repente, minha vida foi destruída. Foi três meses atrás, em abril. Eu estava fazendo o inventário de alguns bens do meu irmão, e cabia em grande parte a mim cuidar disso depois da morte dele. Meus pais estavam sofrendo muito e não estavam com cabeça para viajar até a pequena casa dele em Southampton pra tentar organizar os poucos pertences dele.
Acho que eu não tava com a cabeça muito boa, pra começo de conversa. Ninguém deveria ter um derrame e morrer tão jovem. Quer dizer, ele só tinha 38 anos e não era exatamente super saudável, mas pareceu ser tão... do nada. Sempre fui bastante religiosa e acreditava que as coisas aconteciam por uma razão, que as bênçãos finalmente chegariam aos honestos e a desgraça aos ímpios, mas agora não sei.
Talvez dê pra dizer que a minha curiosidade foi o que trouxe isso até mim? Mas não abri a caixa porque tava curiosa, eu abri porque eu precisava pra fazer o inventário completo dos pertences do meu irmão morto. Eu sinceramente não acho que isso seja uma transgressão. Ela nem sequer tava marcada como especial — não era lá um baú de carvalho ou um caixote de latão com três fechaduras —, era só mais uma caixa de papelão marrom como qualquer outra.
Eu nem acho que alguma coisa nela me pareceu especial. Pensando agora, sinto que ela era marcante por si só, que chamava a minha atenção e eu ficava olhando pra ela por mais tempo do que pras outras caixas empilhadas ao redor da casa. O lugar tava tão silencioso... era um testemunho solitário do isolamento do Christopher. Ele nunca se casou, e parecia não ter nada naquela casa sombria que mostrasse que ele tinha amigos com quem conversar.
De muitas maneiras, aquilo me lembrava da minha própria vida. Tenho vários amigos em Norwich, mas nenhuma família além do Christopher e meus pais, embora eu tenha os meus motivos. Ainda assim, mexer nas coisas do meu falecido irmão me levou a algumas reflexões que me deixam desconfortável, e eu tava bebendo mais do que bebia normalmente.
Foi no meu segundo dia lá embaixo que eu abri a caixa. Eu estava vasculhando todas as caixas de documentos antigos dele, e tinha muitas. O Christopher tinha trabalhado pro departamento de história da Universidade de Southampton. Não sei no que ele se especializou — nós nunca conversávamos sobre o trabalho dele — mas, com base no que eu encontrei de seus estudos, ele escreveu alguns livros sobre mitos e fetiches antigos, sobre aqueles objetos que várias culturas acreditavam ter poder sobrenatural ou religioso imbuído neles.
Seu primeiro livro foi sobre a santa cruz do cristianismo e como ela funciona como um fetiche na nossa cultura. Isso me ofendeu um pouco — fiquei preocupada que ele estivesse banalizando uma fé que, até onde eu sabia, ele compartilhava comigo. Ainda assim, tentei ler um capítulo sobre a utilização da cruz em mitos de vampiros, mas era muito rebuscado e, sinceramente, um pouco chato. A maioria das caixas eram parecidas, cheias de anotações, recortes e pesquisas que não significavam absolutamente nada pra mim. Deixei essas de lado pra verificar com Angus Cartwright, um dos colegas de Christopher que eu contatei pra dar uma olhada nos documentos dele que eu não conseguia entender.
Algumas das caixas, no entanto, continham o que eu só consegui presumir serem pesquisas práticas: objetos de fetiche e totens de todo o mundo, pequenas figuras de animais esculpidas em ossos, cordões de contas de vidro amarradas em padrões intrincados com nós, estatuetas grotescas quase humanas feitas de madeira e couro velho. Alguns deles eram mais do que um pouco perturbadores, mas só um conseguiu me mandar pra paranoia que eu tô agora.
Como eu disse, foi uma das últimas caixas que eu abri no segundo dia. Já tava tarde, e eu já tinha esvaziado a maior parte de uma garrafa de vinho. Quanto mais eu penso nisso, mais eu acho que abrir aquela caixa não foi diferente de nenhuma das outras. Não senti nada estranho, nenhum cheiro... nada. Era apenas uma caixa quase vazia, se não fosse por uma única nota datilografada e um espelho de mão velho.
Eles estavam lá dentro, totalmente inofensivos. Se era uma armadilha, não tinha como saber.
Peguei o bilhete primeiro. A digitação era perfeita — conseguiram deixá-la completamente centralizada, apesar de o pedaço de papel parecer ter sido arrancado de um pedaço maior. Estava escrito, com todas as letras maiúsculas:
Acho que não preciso nem dizer o quão perturbador aquilo foi. Eu me virei e olhei pra trás quase antes de entender direito o que eu tinha lido. Havia uma janela atrás de mim com vista para a rua abaixo do escritório do meu irmão e para o céu escuro acima dela. Mas não tinha nada lá — ninguém andando pela rua, nenhum carro passando, nada que parecesse fora do lugar de alguma forma.
Olhei de volta pro bilhete, dei de ombros e estendi a mão pra pegar o espelho. Era um pouco mais pesado do que eu esperava e, sob uma espessa camada de poeira, a moldura parecia dourada, ou pelo menos folheada a ouro. O vidro em si estava um pouco sujo, mas ainda parecia estar intacto. Não faço ideia de quantos anos tinha ou em que época pode ter sido feito. Embora eu tenha revistado a caixa cuidadosamente, não consegui encontrar nada que pudesse explicar onde Christopher conseguiu aquilo.
Olhei no espelho. Eu estava uma bagunça. Cabelos sujos, olhos vermelhos de tanto chorar, lábios manchados de roxo pelo vinho. Eu não havia tido tempo nenhum pra me cuidar ou sequer olhar pra mim mesma desde que tinha chegado à casa do Christopher, e aquele espelho de mão antigo realmente me mostrou isso.
Suspirei, balancei a cabeça e me preparei pra abrir a próxima caixa quando o ângulo do espelho mudou ligeiramente na minha mão e eu gritei. Agora ele refletia a janela atrás de mim e eu vi um rosto olhando pra dentro. Estava escuro lá fora e ele estava quase inteiramente escondido nas sombras, então não consegui ver muito bem os detalhes, mas ele era enorme... parecia ocupar a maior parte da janela atrás de mim. A única coisa que eu conseguia ver com muita clareza eram os olhos — olhos brilhantes, ofuscantes e esbugalhados, com pupilas tão escuras que fizeram eu me sentir enjoada, absorvendo tudo, observando com uma intensidade gananciosa. Eu podia sentir o olhar dele queimando a minha nuca — sentir os olhos que nem piscavam.
Meus músculos travaram em terror, e o espelho caiu da minha mão, girando só uma vez antes de cair no chão e se quebrar em mil pedacinhos.
Sete anos de azar, né? Talvez seja isso. Talvez eu tenha que sentir esse pânico horrível dos olhos que eu sei que estão me seguindo por sete anos antes de eles finalmente irem embora. Eu espero que não. Mas talvez até isso seja pensar positivo. Talvez agora essa seja a minha vida pra sempre, e isso nunca, nunca vai parar.
Tentei pensar se eu seria capaz de continuar, se fosse esse o caso. Acho que tentaria, pelo menos até meus pais falecerem. Eu não suporto a ideia de eles perderem os dois filhos.
Obviamente, foi aí que meus problemas de verdade começaram. Eu poderia descrever o rosto como uma alucinação rápida e horrível, mas a sensação de estar sob constante escrutínio e observação não é algo que eu consigo explicar muito bem. Considerei a possibilidade de só estar enlouquecendo. Ser observado não é um sintoma incomum de psicose ou esquizofrenia e tenho estado atenta a outros sintomas, mas em todos os outros aspectos, eu me sinto bem. Claro que eu tô tendo dificuldade pra me concentrar, mas é só porque eu não consigo dormir porque eles estão me observando. Aqueles olhos invisíveis que se escondem por toda parte e não me deixam descansar.
Eu não tô louca. Tenho certeza que não tô. Ainda tenho o que sobrou do espelho. Agora é só uma moldura de ouro amassada. Tentei colocar um vidro novo nela, mas os únicos olhos que ela mostra são os meus.
Mas eu conversei com o Angus. Ele parecia um pouco nervoso com os questionamentos que eu tava fazendo — ou talvez era só a intensidade com a qual eu fazia as perguntas — mas ele me respondeu. Ele não reconheceu o espelho, mas alguns anos atrás, Christopher estava pensando em escrever um livro sobre os totens do que ele chamava de "cultos externos" — pequenos grupos organizados de adoradores cujas crenças não eram simplesmente desvios do paganismo ou de outras grandes religiões, mas pareciam se concentrar em seres sagrados ou conceitos completamente à parte do que seria considerado uma prática religiosa normal. Alguns pareciam ter mais em comum com o xamanismo antigo do que com uma adoração hierarquicamente organizada, e todos eram altamente secretos.
O Christopher aparentemente tinha coletado vários artefatos que eram considerados sagrados por algumas dessas seitas, embora eu não tivesse encontrado nenhum detalhe sobre isso nos documentos dele. Angus não tinha certeza, mas ele acreditava que o espelho poderia ser um desses objetos. Aparentemente, Christopher abandonou o projeto cerca de um ano antes de sua morte, optando, em vez disso, por seguir uma linha de pesquisa sobre esculturas cerimoniais inuítes.
E é aqui que finalmente chegamos ao motivo pelo qual estou aqui. Porque o Angus me disse que meu irmão não estava fazendo aquela pesquisa sozinho.
Aparentemente, ele havia feito várias viagens a Londres para consultar o seu Instituto. Não sei por que ou sobre o quê, e ninguém aqui parece ser capaz ou disposto a me ajudar a descobrir, mas ele esteve aqui. Eu não vou descansar até descobrir o porquê. Não que eu conseguisse descansar, de qualquer forma.
Aqueles olhos ainda assombram os meus sonhos e me seguem pelo mundo real, mesmo aqui. Especialmente aqui.
Fim do depoimento.
Meio estranho esse aqui. O final do século XX parece estar um pouco mais bem arquivado do que a maioria dos arquivos, por isso não vimos tantos depoimentos falsos surgindo desse período.
A maioria dos detalhes do depoimento da Srta. Meyer parece se comprovar — a Sasha recebeu uma confirmação da BBC de que ela realmente foi uma das âncoras do Look East Evening News entre 1970 e 72, até sofrer um colapso nervoso e danificar várias câmeras em seu estúdio em Norwich.
A verificação do Martin com a Universidade de Southampton também parece confirmar os detalhes da vida e morte de Christopher Meyer. Até tentei ler um ou dois dos livros dele, mas eles eram um pouco rebuscados demais até pra mim, e não pareciam ter nenhuma relevância em particular pro caso.
Não consegui localizar nenhuma evidência de que ele fez uso da biblioteca ou dos serviços de consulta do Instituto, mas mesmo hoje em dia esses registros não são mantidos tão minuciosamente quanto deveriam, então isso não significa necessariamente que ele não esteve aqui.
O mais interessante foi o que o Tim descobriu sobre as duas últimas décadas da vida da Srta. Meyer, antes de ela morrer na prisão em 1993. Depois do depoimento, ela aparentemente passou quase 12 anos trabalhando em empregos de baixo nível, até que sua mãe e seu pai faleceram de câncer e doenças cardíacas, respectivamente.
Não tem nada de interessante sobre esse período em nenhum registro oficial, mas em 24 de outubro de 1984 ela assassinou um motorista de van de entregas chamado Danilo Costich.
Ela descarregou a carga original da van, que era composta por papéis de arquivo e envelopes, antes de enchê-la com vários barris de gasolina. Ela foi detida ao sul da ponte Vauxhall depois de ultrapassar um sinal vermelho e colidir com outro carro. Por sorte a gasolina não pegou fogo e ela foi detida pela polícia enquanto tentava fugir do local.
Originalmente acusada de direção imprudente, não demorou muito pra ligarem ela ao assassinato do Sr. Costich, e ela recebeu uma sentença de 17 anos na Penitenciária Feminina de Holloway. Ela morreu de pneumonia nove anos depois.
Um crime bizarro e aparentemente sem motivo. O único detalhe que ainda me incomoda é que a empresa para a qual Danilo Costich trabalhava, a Paper Run Limited, é a mesma empresa que na época fornecia a maior parte dos artigos de papelaria para o Instituto Magnus. Tenho um mau pressentimento sobre pra onde exatamente ela tava levando aquela gasolina.
Fim da gravação.
Arquivista: Vocês não se importam se eu gravar isso, né?
Elias: Bem, pra falar a verdade...
Tim: Essa é uma das coisas sobre as quais queríamos conversar.
Martin: Isso aqui é uma intervenção.
Arquivista: Como é?
Elias: Se você quiser que essa seja uma audiência disciplinar oficial, John, podemos providenciar.
Arquivista: Tá. Podem falar.
Sasha: Nós nos preocupamos com você, John, e você tem estado bastante instável desde o incidente com a Prentiss.
Martin: E nós gostaríamos muito...
Elias: De não ter que te demitir.
Martin: De ter certeza que você tá bem.
Arquivista: Olha, eu entendo que estive um pouco... distante recentemente.
Tim: Você tava vigiando a minha casa.
Sasha: Você me seguiu durante meu horário de almoço e revistou a minha mesa.
Martin: Você disse que eu menti sobre um assassinato!
Arquivista: Eu... Eu... Isso foi porque...
Sasha: Você acha que nós matamos a Gertrude?
Arquivista: Não! É que... Talvez. Talvez tenham matado, eu não sei.
Elias: John, isso é um absurdo. Isso vai muito além de um ambiente de trabalho tóxico. Admito que parte disso é minha culpa por ter deixado as coisas chegarem a esse ponto, eu deveria ter intervido mais cedo.
Tim: Você ainda não acredita na gente, né?
Arquivista: Não é que eu não acredite em vocês, é só que... quer dizer, vocês podem ter matado ela!
Tim: Sério, escuta o que você tá falando.
Martin: Você tá errado!
Arquivista: Nós já estamos muito além do que é certo e errado, Martin — tem monstros lá fora, e eu não sei quem ou onde eles estão ou se algum de vocês... Se vocês querem que eu confie em vocês, então me desculpem, mas eu preciso de provas.
Elias: Aqui.
Arquivista: E o que é isso?
Elias: Uma cópia de todas as filmagens das câmeras da semana em que Gertrude desapareceu. A polícia finalmente terminou de limpá-las e examiná-las e nos deu uma cópia.
Arquivista: Não tem câmera no Arquivo.
Elias: Mas tem em todos os outros lugares. Incluindo em todas as entradas do Arquivo. E todos os vídeos mostram um relato notavelmente detalhado de todos os nossos movimentos durante aquela semana. Até os seus.
Arquivista: E você acha que isso dá um álibi pra todo mundo?
Elias: A polícia com certeza acha, mas fique à vontade pra confirmar você mesmo.
Arquivista: Obrigado. Eu vou.
Sasha: E não vamos mais ficar com essa paranoia.
Estive assistindo às filmagens das câmeras que o Elias me deu. Elas realmente parecem dar um álibi consistente pra todo mundo, e ninguém é visto entrando ou saindo dos arquivos além da Gertrude. Pelo menos não até o Elias descer lá e encontrar o sangue.
Os próprios movimentos da Gertrude são um tanto instáveis e ela parece entrar e sair dos Arquivos a qualquer hora do dia e da noite, em alguns momentos aparecendo bem bagunçada.
Isso pode ser examinado com mais atenção mais tarde, mas por enquanto eu… Não consigo decidir se essa inocentação dos meus colegas é mais um alívio ou uma frustração.
No mínimo, parece que eu venho sendo... Venho sendo bastante injusto com eles.
Só espero que eles não tenham perdido totalmente o respeito por mim.
Mas uma coisa que não me tranquiliza em nada é o novo significado que isso dá aos túneis embaixo do Arquivo, porque parece cada vez mais provável que quem ou o que quer que esteja vivendo lá embaixo seja a mesma coisa que matou a Gertrude.
Fim do complemento.
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tma-latino · 3 years
MAG060 – Caso 9721207 –“El efecto observador”
Testimonio de Rosa Meyer, sobre el constante sentimiento de ser vigilada.
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[MAG059] | x | [MAG061]
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dykehozier · 4 years
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soveryanon · 5 years
(MAG045) MARTIN: Hey, I-just-wanted-to-check-if-you-wanted-a-cup-of-tea. ARCHIVIST: Aaah… MARTIN: Oh, oh, sorry, you were recording. I thought you were done for the day. ARCHIVIST: I– I was, I am, it’s, uh… MARTIN: … Why do you have pictures of Tim? […] D– did you want that tea? ARCHIVIST: Nnno. Thank you, Martin.
(MAG065) TIM: Oh? They have, have they? “Things” have been difficult. You spent a month staring at that footage, double-checking every moment, timing every tea break, looking at me like I somehow staged it – but no, you’re right! Things have been difficult. […] No. No, you listen for once. I was fine in research, happy. Then you asked me to be transferred here, and suddenly it’s all monsters and killers and secret passages, oh my! And the worst thing? The actual worst thing is that no one here has my back. With any of it! Elias doesn’t care; Martin just wants a tea party; and Sasha… god, and you!
(MAG069) MARTIN: Here y’go. […] Just talk to him, please. ARCHIVIST: I think we’ve said more than enough. I doubt there’s much more words can do for us. MARTIN: You can’t… work together like this. ARCHIVIST: Ironically, I think working is all Tim and I can do together. [SILENCE] MARTIN: … Look. Jon… when was the last time we all just… talked? Just talked, without all of this– ARCHIVIST: Thank you for the tea, Martin. MARTIN: … Oookay. Fine. [OPENS DOOR] He’s not wrong, you know. [CLOSES DOOR] ARCHIVIST: … [SIGH] [WEAK] I know.
(MAG081) ARCHIVIST: Er, I was going to make a cup of tea, if you want one? GEORGIE: Mm, maybe later. I’ve got a recording of my own to do. ARCHIVIST: Right you are. I’ll… I’ll keep quiet.
(MAG093) GEORGIE: Jon, these… these things you’re talking about. Is… Is one of them, like… Death? ARCHIVIST: Uh… yes, I–I–I think so, th– There’s one I’ve heard called “The End”…? Why? [SILENCE] GEORGIE: … I’ll make us a cup of tea. [CLICK]
(MAG110) BASIRA: Look, Martin. I know you care. I know you do. But caring isn’t enough. You can’t just stand next to someone with a cup of tea and hope everything’s gonna be alright. MARTIN: That's. not. fair. You don’t even know me. BASIRA: Prove it. We need to do something. Because if we just let him– MARTIN: Oh, h–hi, hey, hey Melanie! I, I, c–can I get you – a – cup – of – tea? [SILENCE] MELANIE: Sssooo she told you, then.
(MAG117) MARTIN: Anyway. I guess I’m just… sick of sitting on my hands, drinking tea and hoping everyone’s okay. This way I finally get to do something. It’s gonna hurt, but… I’m ready. And I want to. Also, I get to burn some stuff, so that cool! I just… really hope everyone makes it back. … And I want to win on my own. Oh, and I hope the world doesn’t end. Obviously.
(MAG122) ARCHIVIST: Just you and me. … And, Melanie and M–Martin, I, I guess. Honestly, I’m surprised Martin isn’t… BASIRA: [INHALES SHARPLY] ARCHIVIST: What? Oh god, the, their plan, it’s, Martin is– Is he okay, or– … What did Elias do? BASIRA: No, nothing. […] We don’t see him around the Archives much these days. Best I can figure, he’s working on something with Lukas. ARCHIVIST: No, that– No, that, that… that must be something else. […] BASIRA: Anything else? ARCHIVIST: Water. Please. BASIRA: Sure thing. [OPENS DOOR] ARCHIVIST: … Oh, or a cup of t– BASIRA: [CLOSES DOOR] ARCHIVIST: … [SIGH] Okay…
(MAG137) ARCHIVIST: I feel like I’m on a deadline, like I’m running out of time somehow – and I don’t even know where to go! What to look for, o–or… [EXHALE] Just casting around blindly for more clues to just… drop into my lap. Everyone else is… running towards something, or running away, and I… [SIGH] I don’t know what I’m doing. [PAUSE] [SIGH] I’m just tired. Think I might go lie down for a while. Get a cup of tea. [HUFF]
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blendy-pens · 4 years
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“You can’t see it, I know. I can’t see it either, but that doesn’t matter, because it can see me. That’s what matters. I can feel its gaze burrowing into the back of my neck. Does it hate me? Does it just want me to keep living in fear? I don’t know why this is happening to me.” -MAG060-#9721207 The Observer Effect
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snarp · 5 years
Added eight transcripts completed by the excellent @prentissed​!
MAG049 - The Butcher's Window
MAG052 - Exceptional Risk
MAG054 - Still Life
MAG056 - Children of the Night
MAG057 - Personal Space
MAG060 - The Observer Effect
MAG064 - Burial Rites
MAG066 - Held in Customs
Plus an important correction to Daisy’s dialog in episode 133, courtesy of @vacantvisionary. (It’s in the sentence line starting with “Satisfying, on a good day.”)
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tma-latino · 3 years
MAG059 - Caso 0052911 – “Recluso”
Testimonio de Ronald Sinclair, sobre los años que pasó en un centro de rehabilitación para adolescentes en Hill Top Road, Oxford.
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[MAG058] | x | [MAG060]
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tma-latino · 3 years
MAG061 – Caso 0160112 – “Arcén”
Testimonio de la detective Alice «Daisy» Tonner de la Policía Metropolitana de Londres sobre un control de tráfico de una furgoneta de reparto en la autopista M6 cerca de Preston.
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[MAG060] | x | [MAG062]
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soveryanon · 4 years
In the between-seasons break, would you be able to go over the episodes from the second and third seasons of TMA? I love how you look at things, but you didn't cover those (for the very understandable reason that you got caught up in the story).
Aw, thank you!
It wasn’t so much that I was caught in the story that I was caught in time-constraints: pre-season 4, I was still thinking I could maybe cover the episodes in batches like I had done with s1 (it was a lot of fun!), but hadn’t managed at the time. I had a long, looooong draft for MAG041 to MAG060 by the beginning of December 2018… and had to accept that I would just be lacking time to do these things properly if I wanted to be up to date by the time the s4 trailer dropped.
So ;_; Nop, won’t cover these, especially since we got a lot more answers/non-information in season 4 putting things back into perspective, so it was more interesting to take elements from past seasons in the s4 reviews to go “oH, THAT was what it was about!”? Plus, my most favourite part is trying to guess (and be dead wrong), which is not possible anymore for past seasons at this point!
4 notes · View notes
soveryanon · 5 years
Reviewing time for MAG146 /X_X/*
- Replacing things chronologically, what Jon was doing vs. what he was saying and telling the others throughout the season? (Not suuuure about the first having happened before MAG124, though, since. Yeah. We had squinted at that comment, back in MAG125. And it could take on A Very Special Meaning if that actually came just after Jon’s first victim.)
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: … The first was a supermarket cleaner. Em, ended up lost for a week in an endless warehouse. I didn’t even…! I–I just went in for some shopping, and he was there, and I–I just… asked.
(MAG124) ARCHIVIST: It’s been a week and… Melanie’s attitude towards me hasn’t softened. And Basira, though she is very willing to talk, still doesn’t seem to trust me enough to let me in on whatever plans she might have.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Regardless, I’ve hit another research dead end with this. It’s… frustrating, to be honest. I finally feel myself, I feel… focused, and ready – and I find myself basically alone.
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: The second was, uh, it was after I got… stabbed by Melanie. MELANIE: You are not putting this on me! ARCHIVIST: No, that’s not what I meant! [SIGH] I was walking the streets, I–I thought I was trying to clear my head– DAISY: [DELIBERATE] But you were hunting. ARCHIVIST: … Apparently. I found a woman who… every year on her birthday, wakes up in a fresh grave. Just for her.
(MAG127) ARCHIVIST: I’m sorry Basira, I–I will try to keep anything I learn about you to myself. My priorities haven’t changed; I hope you can believe that. [SIGH] I’m still on your side. You can trust me.
(MAG128) ARCHIVIST: You can trust me, Basira– BASIRA: Stop saying that.
(MAG146) DAISY: And the third was after the coffin. ARCHIVIST: A man rejected by all who knew him, searching ever-darker places for love. When he told me his story, he started… weeping maggots.
(MAG133) ARCHIVIST: Look, I’ve… been where you are. BASIRA: Have you? ARCHIVIST: Yes, I have. Like you’re the only one responsible for everyone, the weight of all their lives on your shoulders: it leads to bad decisions. […] Fine. I don’t care if you trust me, but I think I’ve proven at the very least that I’m useful. So use me. Because if you go it alone, you are going to die. Even Gertrude worked with people. We make bad decisions when we don’t communicate…
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] Jess Tyrell, the woman on the tape… [SIGH] She was the fourth. I–I just tried to… I was weak, r–ravenous, I–I didn’t feel…
What Jon did would have warranted the others’ anger anyway; but I think what made it even worse is… that he spent the season taking the higher and stable ground, assuring them that he could be trusted, that they had to communicate and work together, and actively complained and presented himself as… a victim who was tragically cut out by the others? And in the end, Basira was right from the start, without knowing it: he was actually untrustworthy, and unreliable to us listeners.
And it’s not even a New Jon thing! He hid himself to the tapes back in season 1, covered up his true feelings and played pretend because he was afraid that acknowledging the supernatural and the feeling of being watched would only make it more real.
- So, personally? I felt so relieved by the girls’ reaction: yes, it’s irrational; yes, it’s confrontational; yes, it’s not constructive; yes, they’re probably making a series of mistake again. But after MAG142 (and the fact that Martin was partially refusing to believe it was Jon-Jon behind it, then presenting Jon as someone who needed to be protected rather than protected from, and Daisy who was also prompt to highlight how Jon had suffered himself), I… think I really needed characters to be horrified and disgusted by what he had done; to express something raw, leaking betrayal, hurt, disappointment and disgust.
The setting of The Intervention 2.0 is especially interesting since… it’s once again something that Martin, though reluctant, slowly planned or at least contributed to put into motion:
(MAG058) MARTIN: Look, look, you just got to let me work through this. Alright? I suggested therapy, but he just says no, so– TIM: Well, we need to do something! MARTIN: Yeah, maybe.
(MAG059) ARCHIVIST: Supplemental. Everyone is avoiding me. They’ve taken to working farther away from me than normal, and when I call them for any reason, they’re always keen to leave as soon as possible. They share furtive glances when they think I’m not looking. I don’t like it. I feel like they’re planning something.
(MAG060) ARCHIVIST: You don’t mind if I record this, I trust? ELIAS: Well, to be honest– TIM: –That’s kind of one of the things we wanted to talk about. MARTIN: This is an intervention. ARCHIVIST: Excuse me. [CHAIR] ELIAS: If you’d rather it was an official disciplinary hearing, Jon, we can arrange it. ARCHIVIST: … Fine. Say your piece. NOT!SASHA: We care about you, Jon. And you’ve been rather erratic since the Prentiss’s incident. MARTIN: And we’d really like– ELIAS: To not have to fire you. MARTIN: –to make sure that you’re doing okay.
(MAG142) MARTIN: [SIGH] Th–the worst part is I don’t even want to talk to him about it. I’m just… [SIGH] I suppose I’m just getting comfortable with the distance. […] I should probably try to get him this tape, let him know what happened, that someone came in to… But then, ahah, would that just come across as an accusation? Like, because I don’t wanna… And then, then I guess he’d… hear this bit as well, so… I… I… [LONG EXHALE] What do I do…?
(MAG145) BASIRA: Martin left a tape for us. [SHUFFLING NOISE] ARCHIVIST: And what exactly is on this t– … Oh… MELANIE: Yes.
(Martin had tried to partially lead the “intervention” back in MAG060: the way he had corrected Elias was especially impressive, given how Elias was “just” his boss at the time.)
But now, it’s an entirely different team confronting Jon about his actions than in MAG060 – from Martin, Tim, Not!Sasha and Elias, to Melanie, Basira and Daisy: back then, it was half composed of people who… were not being honest to the others about who they were (Elias was scolding Jon for his behaviour and paranoia induced by Gertrude’s murder, when he was the one responsible for it in the first place, and knew about Not!Sasha; Not!Sasha was gleefully pouring salt over the wounds while she had killed Sasha a few months ago, while the others didn’t know yet). Now, unless twist, the three new assistants have made mistakes of their own but are not “toying” with Jon, and are genuine about their feelings; and, more importantly, the three of them have been victims of Jon’s statement-induced nightmares. Daisy had deemed them bad enough to knowingly sign an employment contract, to get immunity from them even though it meant trapping herself in work for Beholding. They all know, from experience, how difficult to bear the dreams were, for victims.
(Not even counting the additional symptoms described by Jess in MAG142. And I can’t help but think that there is something a bit… stronger, for women, to hear about a woman who was terrorised by a man, who happened to be someone close to them. MAG142’s whole setting had made me viscerally uncomfortable more than horrified (“story about a woman being preyed upon while on a date, cornered once alone, pressured to do something painful, then receiving the thanks of her tormentor” was… Heavy) so, although it’s a sheer emotional&personal response, hearing characters-who-are-women unambiguously denouncing what happened without searching for excuses for the perpetrator, meeting him with nothing but coldness and anger… was reassuring. Yes, narratively and strategically, it’s probably not going to help the characters. But emotionally, if felt, to me, like a necessary reaction.)
(And it was even more significant, in the story, that amongst these three characters, Melanie has always been leaning a bit towards denouncing oppressive social structures (her rant about Elias in MAG117 was… yeah.), and the two others… used to be police officers. Basira, especially, led the intervention as an interrogation against Jon; being firm, pushing him to confess, not allowing him to dissimulate or minimise the hurt – though she also made herself partially a judge, in this case, by claiming what Jon was, and I think that was her emotions pouring out.)
- I’ll try to cover the statement first: it was a very interesting case, time-wise, because it intertwined multiple lives and events. The doors had haunted Marcus McKenzie for most of his life, but his father ended up pursued by one and was the first to leave his statement, on August 24th 2003 (MAG027). Marcus left his statement a week later, on September 1st  2003 (MAG146), in reaction to his father’s. Jon stumbled upon Paul’s first, but already learned at the time, through the follow-up work, that Marcus had also given one:
(MAG027) ARCHIVIST: Martin made contact with the son, Marcus McKenzie, but he declined to talk to us, saying that he’d “already made his statement.” This leads me to believe that Marcus McKenzie may also have a statement lurking somewhere here in the archives, lost among the mess and misfiling.
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] … So it seems we did have Marcus McKenzie’s statement after all. I spent so long looking for it, back when I found his father’s, and… no luck.
And Paul had died “of a stroke” two months after leaving his statement (MAG027), which was confirmed by Helen (MAG146: “And technically, I didn’t eat the old man. He passed away from terror!, before I even had the chance to open properly.”)… while Marcus had been fine for almost fifteen years, given how Jon’s team had been able to contact him, back in (April or earlier) 2016, but this wasn’t the case anymore as of now (June-July 2018):
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: And his son Marcus, he… he was fine, when I found his father’s statement two years ago – but now, suddenly, I can’t get through to him! HELEN: No… I imagine not~! I decided it was time to finish that game a few months ago.
So things kept going, Spooks kept on terrorising innocents, and this time it was one who is… closer to Jon. The first statement Jon had read at the Institute post-coma had already been about someone who got snatched while he was already in charge:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] I did do some light searching myself on Gregory Cox. … Vanished, unsurprisingly. Sometime in late July 2016, which is… [CHUCKLE] two years ago. … That doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t feel like… … There’s just this… great… gap of time, where I wasn’t. No notes or follow-up here that I can see, just… [SIGH] It looks like the statement came in just after Gertrude disappeared. Another gap. And whoever took it didn’t do any follow-up, just… filed it away. I may be the first person to actually read it, so… sorry Angie, I suppose.
Most of the events involving innocents have been taking place during Gertrude’s era: there were sometimes pleas of people knowing that they were losing someone, or on the verge of being eaten themselves (which was the case for Paul McKenzie in MAG027: “I guess that’s why I’m here. This is what you people do. You investigate these things. You know what to look for and can identify the signs of things that… aren’t right. You know, not of this world. I’m not saying it’s a ghost or anything like that, it’s just… that well, if it was a ghost, you’d be the ones to talk to, right? I just need it to stop. And I don’t want to be put in a home.”), and we were getting glimpses of their gruesome fates from a later point in time – Jon and his team digging through a distant or recent history, but overall covering events that were absolutely unrelated to them. They didn’t know anything while it was happening, and they couldn’t have done anything. But in the case of Gregory Cox, there had already been the fact that the statement had come in when Jon was (on the verge of, or just) beginning his work as the new Head Archivist, and that Gregory disappeared while he was already well-installed; now, with Marcus McKenzie, it’s someone who he had been in contact with, through Martin. It’s the slow dissolution of one of Jon’s own eras, too: because back in MAG027, the Archival Assistants were Sasha and Martin (who had worked on this peculiar case) and Tim, and now, only Martin is left alive, and Jon’s current Archival Assistants are three completely different people.
And indeed, it’s not Team Archives’s responsibility to save everyone; but it’s still someone they had interacted with, and who got consumed since then. It’s closer. It feels more personal, hence, probably… Jon’s franticness: because in the same episode, he acknowledged the fact that he has attacked five people himself, and is confronted to the fact that he hasn’t saved any statement-giver, either.
(- And… remember what Jon had said about Elias in MAG017? “I know he’ll just give me the old ‘record and study, not interfere or contain’ speech again”. The Archives have never been about helping or saving people, nor has the Institute in general, it’s been proven again and again – but it’s something else to be confronted with so directly. In this case, since it was someone Jon’s team had been able to contact, and who got snatched by Helen, who is present in the Institute and has helped Jon occasionally, telling him that she has decided to help him… and there was, obviously, a gigantic echo about deception/relying on (or trusting) someone close, who had repeatedly stated that they were on your side and ready to help you, before you learned about their crimes, with Jon learning what Helen had done, and the Assistants learning what Jon himself had done.)
(- This bit is more gratuitous and solely due to the wording, but I couldn’t help but think about Martin, too, because of the “I’m sorry he’s so lonely, truly I am; I try to see him as much as I can, but I have my own life, and I can’t be there all the time. And I don’t like being manipulated. I don’t like being lied to.” bit (Martin had told Peter word-for-word, in MAG126, “I don’t like being manipulated.”) + the boat painting. Peter Lukas has ruined me for those forever. The familial situation and dynamic was fairly different this time around (… MAG144 was much closer to Martin’s own), but hearing Jon read a statement about someone saying that x was “lonely” because the statement-giver was not around enough also  reminded me, a bit, of the whole Jon-Martin deal.
+ obviously, the ~not liking to be manipulated~ is relevant to Jon as well given his hatred of spiders and his overall Web-related trauma.)
- It’s also amusing because, as much as I relistened to old episodes, I never labelled MAG027 a Spiral episode (and more specifically, a Distortion one) in my mind. Relistening to it, yeah, obviously, it was a Spiral episode, with the statement-giver being aware that others thought he was delusional or getting too old, but back then… there was the door, indeed, but I kind of remembered it as a Dark statement for some reason? The feeling of empty houses, the reflexion about noises and how you become aware of all the strange little things when you’re alone in it, and the fact that… something could come for you from within? I think it comes to the fact that, back then, Michael was not so strongly associated with “doors”, and also because MAG026 had already been about him – it’s rare to get two episodes in a row involving the same person/monster/manifestation unless Jon is actively researching the subject.
- … Jon’s… nostalgia of a simpler time? felt accidentally funny to me, though, because I did remember that I had found Jon especially savage with Paul McKenzie, back in MAG027:
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: … I never thought I’d miss those days, when I could throw out some half-baked speculation about drug abuse or mental illness, and whoosh, away all the statements went. There is… nothing in the world more reassuring than ignorance which we can mistake for certainty. But no. Almost every one of those statements, those… people… that poor old man… [HUFF] Like I can talk…! Like I’m in any position to mourn the suffering of the innocent.
(MAG027) ARCHIVIST: I want to believe Mr. McKenzie, I really do. I am not entirely made of stone, and am apt to be moved by the plea of a scared old man as much as anybody. I mean, dementia is, of course, the most likely explanation, and he admits himself that he has no proof of any of it. Yet part of me still wants to believe him. Perhaps this job is making me sentimental.
And I knooow, Jon was lying and hiding because afraid, but. Still. It had been one of my biggest “OOOH, SHUT UP?!” moment in season 1. How low can you be, to be melancholic about a time when Jon Was Like That.
At the same time, it’s interesting how… Jon’s fake detachment, back in season 1, although absolutely biased and deliberately anti-supernatural, made him sound more… like how you could picture a neutral-uncaring-Archivist. Even in season 2, he was mostly obsessed with the threads going on, the mysteries of the Archives, of the monsters, of Gertrude’s murder. Compared to season 4 in which… with the exception of some recent statements, and although it was just revealed that he had been harming people all along, he was also shown to be softer, more philosophical, more emotional over the victims, sparing a thought for them – and acknowledging their status. More human, in a way, than he had been when he wasn’t this deep in…? (Although still self-centred, in a different way, but more on that later.)
- On the subject of echoes and the situation feeling closer: there was also the fact that… Marcus McKenzie had done absolutely nothing to earn what had happened to him, that his targeting was absolutely unwarranted and began when he was just a little kid (“… The first door I remember seeing that shouldn’t have been there must have been when I was five or six. […] So one night – it was in the Christmas holidays, so I must have been six… I wake up. There’s a noise in my room, like something being… dragged along the floor.”) – just… like Jon, who was only eight when he stumbled upon A Guest For Mr. Spider. And we had the proof that Marcus was pursued and toyed with (before eventually getting eaten) throughout his entire life; so what does it say about Jon’s own situation…?
(- And in the list of things just plainly sad: Marcus’s “and I watched my most treasured possession disappear forever, as the door closed behind it, and I ran back to bed.”, accompanying the end of his innocence – since the door kept popping up, more and more sneakily and/or threatening, starting with this incident.
In the list of “aouch” and conveying a lot in just a few words: “all that remained of my worldly possessions were packed up for yet another return to childhood.”)
- Smaller echoes: the way Marcus was, at first, trying to hide that he had seen another door fairly recently (“But they were just… specific, weird little hallucinations that have long since stopped! Haven’t had one in… Well, it’s not important.”) before finally telling about a last encounter that had taken place recently, after fifteen years of nothing – just like Jon had been hiding his current streak of victims (and even gave the lower number before admitting the actual one, when cornered).
- Slow build-up with Jon introducing the statement with a beautiful circumlocution… and finally calling a spade a spade:
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: Statement of Marcus McKenzie, regarding a series of… unexplored entryways. […] But there is one thing I know an awful lot better now, than I did when I read his father’s statement: I know an awful lot more about doors…! [CLICK.]
And… more concerning:
(MAG146, Marcus McKenzie) “And as I passed that empty space of grass, there it was – a pale yellow door, stood all alone, like the entrance to a house that I just couldn’t see. It had no frame around it, but I was sure that if I grasped its handle and twisted… it would still swing open, silent, and inviting. […] The street was silent, but I could feel it screaming at me to open it. I just about managed to not do. I was… just about able to walk away. […] Sometimes, you just have to leave. Even if what’s on the other side scares you.”
And ooooh, do Jon does have his own “doors” – Mr. Spider’s, which he almost knocked on; Michael/Helen’s (and the fact that Elias had described how, in his dreams, Jon “knows the dream it used to lead to; he knows it well. But that’s not where it leads anymore. He does not know what is behind it anymore, and he is deathly afraid of finding out. The Archivist turns away.”); his own inner door of knowledge, with the danger of drowning…
- And Marcus’s case was big enough for Jon to… finally knock (bang.) on a door, which, I think, was the first time we ever heard him do? He was especially adamant about not knocking on this particular door?
(MAG131) ARCHIVIST: Oh. This, this door… It shouldn’t be here. MELANIE: Yes. ARCHIVIST: I, uh… I don’t want to open it. I’m not going to. [MELANIE SIGHS, KNOCKS ON THE DOOR]
(MAG139) ARCHIVIST: Haven’t seen Helen much. The door is… sometimes there, sometimes not. … I haven’t knocked. I’m never going to trust it. Trust… her. … Trust it. [DRY EXHALE] And I shouldn’t. Whatever its relationship to the person who was or is Helen… assuming that I can ever know its motivations is a mistake.
I didn’t keep tabs in season 4 but I think it was still a Thing that nobody ever knocks on Jon’s door when they expect him to be inside (… Georgie did in MAG145, but she was pretending to not know), although the assistants did, between them. And of course, knocking on a door might have a special connotation for Jon! It’s what almost got him killed when he was a kid, and ~compelled~ to knock by a Web book!
(And I just realized with this episode that, doors-wise, Martin and Jon actually make the worst combination possible. Jon would have been snatched by Mr. Spider if he had knocked on its door; and on the other hand… Martin stayed holed up inside of his flat while harassed by Jane Prentiss’s constant regular knocking. Jon having a trauma related to being forced to knock to go inside; Martin having a trauma related to something knocking and threatening to come inside.)
- One of the themes mentioned by Arthur in the previous episode also poured into this one: the perception that we have of a person, and how “many” of that same person there is.
(MAG145) GERTRUDE: What was Agnes like? […] ARTHUR: I… [PAUSE] I don’t know. Not really. You got as many answers to that as… folks who met her. Never really knew what she felt ‘bout any of it! Not really. Not in her own words. […] At the end of it, you’re always just the… point of someone else’s story. Everyone clamouring to say what you were, what you meant, and… your thoughts on it… all don’t mean nothing.
We could see a glimpse of that idea throughout Marcus’s statement: in Marcus’s point of view, his father was obsessed with the idea of protecting him, and had made up the story about his own door to try and manipulate him into going back to living with him. That point of view… didn’t age well: Helen confirmed that The Distortion had gone after both father and son, so Paul’s words were likely genuine (and there was nothing about an obsession with his son in his statement). And the theme was, once again, present within both Jon and Helen deceiving people: Helen, who had been fairly benevolent towards the Archives (trapping Jared and neutralising him, allowing Jon to go inside and offer him freedom against what he needed, announcing that she would help the Archives, fetching Jon and Basira back from Ny-Ålesund, swallowing Manuela) was also revealed to have embraced the “feed what feeds you” lifestyle and to be killing innocents without any remorse. In the same way, Jon, whose “monsterhood” had mostly been existential and manifesting through his abilities in the first half of this season, was revealed to have attacked and condemned five innocent people to his nightmares since he woke up – and hid that from both the Assistants and the tapes.
- (“Jack… I was wrong… I was so wrong…………”) => I really wanted to believe in Helen, damniiiiiiiiiiiiit ;; I'd been hoping that Jon was wrong to not trust her, but he was right…
I had hope that Something Had Indeed Gone Wrong with Helen becoming the Distortion, since she had mentioned that Helen hadn’t been “ready” when she had supplanted Michael, and that eating a man had made her feel “wrong”… It looks like she’s not getting second-thoughts anymore about these kind of things. Was it deception, back then? Was it an unavoidable process? Or did it happen partially because Jon pushed her away that time? As far as monsterhood goes, does it have to do with the nature of the Distortion itself? The Distortion sounds like a very particular case, since Helen uses “I” to refer to itself/herself, but also identifies with Michael Shelley and Helen Richardson, while also being able to detach itself/herself from them and refer to them in third person. It… fits The Spiral, obviously, and the whole identity-is-hard, and there is the question of how much what happened to Helen Richardson (being eaten/fusing with/being consumed by The Distortion) can be relevant to Jon’s own experience of… ~becoming~ The Archivist. Back in season 3, Jon had already regarded The Distortion as a “mantle” and was fearing that the same might apply to him – but Jon… did keep his personality, when Helen indeed doesn’t sound much like Helen Richardson anymore/is becoming more and more like Michael and an overall function…?
Though what remained (… officially, unless misleading/lying) is that Helen wanted to help and talk with Jon because Helen Richardson liked him. So, is Helen genuinely trying to “help” Jon by encouraging him to embrace his need to feed, because it’s indeed making him feel bad right now?
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: You… Why…? HELEN: Not sure. I suppose Helen didn’t have quite the same attachment to him as a project. I’m not quite as much for decades-long campaigns of subtle terror, these days. ARCHIVIST: [QUIET] … That’s horrible… HELEN: Is it? We do what we need to do when it comes to feeding, don’t we? … Don’t we, Archivist? ARCHIVIST: … Yes… HELEN: It would be better if you embraced it. ARCHIVIST: … It’s not… […] Were you controlled? HELEN: What a delightful thought! … I don’t believe so, no. But the Spider’s strings are subtle, so I suppose it’s not impossible. Why? ARCHIVIST: I–I want to know; can The Web control another avatar, one that serves a different power? HELEN: [HELEN LAUGHS AND LAUGHS, ECHOING] ARCHIVIST: Make them do things they don’t want to, make them… [BREATHING FASTER] find victims, feed? HELEN: [SLOWLY STOPS LAUGHING] Perhaps! Perhaps not. Would that make life easier for you? ARCHIVIST: [SHAKY EXHALE] HELEN: Are you so sure you didn’t want to? ARCHIVIST: [FRANTIC BREATHING] HELEN: [HELEN LAUGHS AND LAUGHS, ECHOING] [THE DOOR CREAKS CLOSED]
Or is Helen getting her kicks from tormenting him, because he’s confused, unsure of what is happening and of his own actions (=> food for Spiral)?
- Alright so: yeah, no, I don’t think it’s The Web, Jon. At most, She made him leave the Institute when he needed to feed and/or led him towards people with stories (possibly because She knew thanks to the Chelicerae?), through the lighter or something else. But then, Jon talking to them and getting their “stories”? Not, it’s The Eye, it’s The Archivist, it’s Jon, it’s his new status, it’s what his “choice” meant, and he’ll probably have to acknowledge it and come to terms with it (that he’s not only an “existential” monster with powers, but something who feeds from others’ pain). And it’s an influence, but Daisy had showed us that it’s not absolutely unavoidable… as long as you acknowledge the parts of you which are responsible for it.
- It’s not The Web, but we already had proof that She can manipulate avatars:
(MAG121) OLIVER: Honestly, I’m… still not exactly sure why I’m here. But… you know better than anyone how the spiders can get into your head. Easier to just do what She asks!
But not for Jon’s particular case, most likely. (And it’s… really the ideal culprit, for Jon, who hates spiders, who has been traumatised by them when he was just a little boy. But… probably not The Web here, and most likely having to do with himself. I don’t even think that Jon is actually fearing that he is controlled: as Helen highlighted, it would be more of a relief. Would that fear feed The Web although The Web did nothing? And what is the fear of learning that it was you all along, not something else making you do atrocious things?)
- Elias had told Jon he knew that Jon “had problems with moderation” (MAG092), there was the talk about Jon relentlessly seeking knowledge (MAG092, “In a hundred ways, at a hundred thresholds, you pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see.”), even Georgie reminded Jon that he tended to be the one asking dangerous questions (MAG093, “You were always the one who pushed too far, and asked smart-arse, awkward questions.”)… so yes, he was a recipe for disaster re:spooky influence and addiction dealing a god of knowledge.
But the biggest question is HOW did Jon manage to stop smoking, around the time he joined the Institute? (MAG080 “I’m going to have a cigarette. […] Sorry, I’ve been quit for five years now”.) He began smoking again at an unknown time (Elias’s “He’s not smoking again, is he?” in MAG039, Jon had cigarettes on him in MAG080, MAG091 and MAG111…) but. He had stopped, once upon a time. Disaster who affirms that he Cannot Stop at every turn had managed to stop, a few years ago. How.
(Or was it “Ahaha, I’ve quit!” while he was still smoking five cigarettes a day, and in denial about that too.)
- Jon’s way of “defending” himself also tied in with bits that we had already seen previously, and which are In True Jon Fashion: rejecting responsibility when confronted, minimising, etc. It’s… a bit like what he did with Tim in MAG065? He tends to be fiercely defensive when called out about things that he did directly (while more easily accepting blame when things happened due to his inaction, or peripherical to him)…?
(He. Tends to really react like a kid, sometime, and. It’s really Jon. It’s the same Jon, reacting in Jon’s fashion.)
- Fun Thing: we began the season with “zombies” and here we are.
(MAG122) ARCHIVIST: [EXHALE, INHALE] Statement of… er… Lorell St John, regarding… zombies. […] Right… Well, I guess we should probably… let one of the nurses know I’m awake. I’m sure they have all sorts of… tests to do. Make sure I’m not a… zombie, or…
(MAG146) BASIRA: I’ll tell you all what I find. Don’t let him eat anyone’s brain while I’m gone. ARCHIVIST: That’s not what I do.
(And, well. Basira had seen what he had done to Breekon, live.)
- I… am not 100% convinced yet that Martin indeed sent the tape to the Assistants, himself and deliberately. Because true, he was hesitating about finding a way for the tape to reach Jon:
(MAG142) MARTIN: I should probably try to get him this tape, let him know what happened, that someone came in to… But then, ahah, would that just come across as an accusation? Like, because I don’t wanna… And then, then I guess he’d… hear this bit as well, so… I… I… [LONG EXHALE] What do I do…?
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: Been a while since you’ve all come to see me together. I assume it’s… not good news. DAISY: No. MELANIE: What the hell have you been doing, Jon? BASIRA: Martin left a tape for us. [SHUFFLING NOISE] ARCHIVIST: And what exactly is on this t– … Oh… MELANIE: Yes.
… but on the other hand… we know that Martin can begin letters without sending them (MAG042 and Jon finding “an unfinished letter, addressed to his mother in Devon”), so… the most likely is that Martin indeed chose to send it, but I’m not shutting off other options: even if there was a message with it or something, it doesn’t mean that he had indeed sent it, and either Peter either The Web could have arranged for it to reach the Assistants’ hands given the… consequences of hearing the tape.
In any case, it’s probably Not What Martin Wanted, given how he had ranted about Jon jumping into danger at every opportunity, back in MAG142. (I’m curious about how he will react to this one.)
(- I’m glad that “Jess Tyrell” has a name! I was super-uncomfy with the “Bystander” back in MAG142 – and it’s… quite significant that Jon was able to tell her name, while Helen hadn’t been able to identify her victims with theirs. Though: how did Jon understand what the tape was about, in this episode…? Was there a label? Was it accompanied with the complaint? Martin himself didn’t know her name, so he wouldn’t have been able to write it on the paper, but then, Jon could immediately tell what it was about. How…?)
- Basira’s dryness, coldness and harshness towards Jon make… a lot of sense. Jon repeated time and time again that she could trust him, although she was extremely wary of him when he woke up. Her reactions in MAG143 (telling Jon that he didn’t have to face the Dark Sun) hinted that she had either warmed up to him since then, or had been forcing herself to be cautious all this time – at the very least, she wasn’t ready to see him sacrifice himself, she wasn’t ready to “use” him. And now, it turns out that… she had been partially right, when she was berating Jon for being a monster or not being what he seemed.
She snapped at him for taking Floyd’s statement in MAG141 but still allowed it to happen; The Dark’s ritual turned out to have been a bust, encouraged by Elias; and previously, Elias had sent her around on wild goose chases, explicitly acknowledging that he just wanted her to leave Jon alone to allow him to go inside of the coffin (… and Jon coming out of it was followed by a third victim). She’s been played by Elias; she accepted Jon’s actions; and turns out she didn’t manage to accomplish anything since Jon woke up. I’m not that surprised that she decided to rush it to Hill Top Road – Daisy had told Martin that she was prone to improvising, and in this case, it’s probably reinforced by her own personal frustrations? I don’t think that she believes that The Web is behind Jon’s actions – maybe she’s hoping, maybe she’s not; or it could be sheer anger at Jon and the desire to put him face-to-face with the fact that he did it all, that there was no Hidden Spider Forcing Him To Do Things. Or maybe a mix of everything. I don’t know.
- Now that Jon’s activities are known, I wonder how long it will be before the others learn that Basira’s intel had been Elias… I’m not sure that Jon hasn’t picked up on that (since we now have confirmation that he had been hiding things from the tapes for months). Daisy didn’t know about Floyd (which means that Basira had hidden this one from her, already), but making it known that she had been in contact with and listening to Elias all along… won’t go down easily with either Daisy (who had been coerced into working for him, with Basira as blackmail, after her own blackmail when Elias told her “statement never given”) or Melanie (the fact that Elias trapped her, and MAG106… ;;). They… still haven’t picked up on the fact that trying to keep Big Secrets in Beholding’s temple, while Elias is able to spy on them, is an ESPECIALLY bad idea, uh.
(;; And now, I’m afraid that Melanie and Daisy also have their list of Dirty Secrets accomplished during this season…)
Because Bastard most likely knew and witnessed Jon feeding from people and extorting their statements?! And he mostly used Basira to cultivate Jon into using his powers: isolating him and extending the status quo until Jon would go inside of the coffin, playing on Jon’s uncertainty about The Dark’s activities to get him to meet the remnant of the cult.)
- About Hidden Activities: I’m really not sure that Melanie knows that Helen has been eating innocent people? She disliked Jon, but I doubt she would have been so casual with Helen in MAG131 if she had known?
- Meanwhile, yes, Basira is utterly biased about Daisy, but… she kinda… had a point…
(MAG146) MELANIE: [EXHALE] So. What do we do, now? ARCHIVIST: I don’t know. BASIRA: You’re a danger, Jon. A monster. You’re hurting innocent people. ARCHIVIST: So did Daisy…! BASIRA: Shut up! It’s not the same thing at all. DAISY: Basira… [EXHALE] He has a point. BASIRA: You didn’t know what you were doing! DAISY: [SIGH] BASIRA: And since you did, you’ve spent every waking hour resisting. He knows exactly what he’s doing. ARCHIVIST: I don’t–! Uh, it’s not that simple, it–it feels… [BREATHING QUICKENING] … I don’t know if I can control it, I don’t know if it’s even me doing it…!
Because unlike Daisy, Jon had the knowledge about monsters: Elias excluded, he was the person in the Institute who knew the most about them and what they did. And he kept telling the others to trust him, while hiding the harm he was causing from them. Since she came back, Daisy took responsibility, insisting that it was her, although she wasn’t proud of it and was regretting it; Jon… is currently trying to shift the blame on something else. Daisy made sacrifices since she came back (not going with them to fight The Dark, avoiding thinking too much about Elias…); Jon… didn’t even try at all…? And I really think that it wouldn’t hurt the others as much if Jon hadn’t shown some understanding of their situations, encouraging them to get better, while he (Jon “One thing I’ve learned, Daisy, is that we all get a choice. Even if it doesn’t feel like one.” Sims) himself apparently didn’t try. Even for unspooky things: while Melanie went to therapy, Jon only passive-aggressively confirmed that Georgie wouldn’t accompany him, when she brought it up. Even Jess… had recalled how she had fought to heal and get better:
(MAG142) JESS: So. It… It took a long time to get over that. I mean… That’s not weird, right? I mean, it was a bad time. You know? It–it stays with you. I was signed off for, what, probably about six months, with the injuries? I had pretty bad, uh, nightmares, claustrophobia, I mean… Obviously, right? But, uh, but–but I did my physio, and, you know, talked wi–with the counsellor they gave me? Look, I did everything I was supposed to, and–and yeah, I… I guess I was fine. You know, once the bruises were gone, I… Well, it’s easy to blame memory, right? You know, ha–hallucination, coincidence, all the… classic shite you tell yourself. Look, life went back to… normal, I… I was fine. Until… [CHOKING] about two weeks ago. MARTIN: And that was when you met J– … Er, one of our employees. JESS: … That’s when he showed up.
And both Daisy and Melanie, who had been under influence, acknowledged their feelings and actions as their own:
(MAG131) MELANIE: And then, one day, I suddenly have this thing that takes all that rage, and it holds it. Tells me it’s right. That it’s me. It didn’t stay in my leg because of some Ghostly Masterplan; it stayed… because I wanted it.
(MAG142) MARTIN: Oh, that can’t– that can’t… I mean, it’s not him, is it? Not, not really? It’s, what, addiction, instinct, maybe mind control, something like that? I… can’t believe he’d choose to do something like that. … No, no, I, I can’t think like that, though, I, I can’t let myself, ‘cause I mean, if, if he’s already gone, then all of this is just…
(MAG142) MARTIN: It’s alright. Wasn’t you. [INHALE] Not really. DAISY: No, it was. I hate… a lot of what I did back then; doesn’t mean I’m not… responsible for it, doesn’t mean it… wasn’t me.
Of course, Jon has his issues. Daisy was right about him having PTSD, being self-destructive, being plagued by survivor’s guilt. He’s probably depressed, hence the aimlessness and his whole sinking (the fact that Martin cut all ties was stated multiple times to make him brood). And he’s still acknowledging that what is happening to innocent people is wrong (and it is genuine, and not only a reaction to match the Assistants’ outrage: he was upset, before, both on his own and in front of Helen).
But Jon is not “only” a victim anymore, like he was in season 3: now, he actively causes harm, he hurts people. The way Jess described her life in MAG142, it got utterly ruined and there is likely no fixing (she was in obvious distress, she couldn’t work anymore, couldn’t function; even if she’s supposed to live like this for the rest of her life, we just got Helen mentioning that one of her victims had died of “natural” causes due to his terror – with the amount of stress Jess is put under, she probably won’t live long, and if it’s manifesting like this for the four others… neither will they?).
(MAG114) TIM: So, why don’t you “Archivist” me, then? Just pull it straight out. ARCHIVIST: Because I don’t want to! I am not your enemy, Tim. TIM: [DISMISSIVELY] Like that matters! These things aren’t human. It’s… instinct. You can’t not. ARCHIVIST: [SOFTLY] I’m still me, Tim. [TIM HUFFS] I’m still… me.
And getting confirmation that no, it’s nooot The Web making him feed, could act as a wake-up call? Or… actually listening to Jess’s tape could, maybe. Because the portrayal she made of Jon was especially upsetting:
(MAG142) JESS: But he just starts talking. Slowly. But real intense. He says he works here, at the–the Magnus Institution and I say what even is that, and he says he wants my story. He says he needs to hear what happened to me. And I… I wanted to tell him to–to–to to go away, I–I wanted to–to to kick him, and run. But… I… [SHAKY DUMBFOUNDED EXHALE] I sit down. […] It felt like… like I was throwing up all those feelings again, and I wanted to, to scream, but instead I just… sat, and calmly told him my life story, and he just watched me. His eyes, like… his eyes, like, we–were… drinking in every fragment of my misery. I can’t… It… [PAUSE] And then it was over. And he looked… he looked at me like he’d just eaten… like, a perfectly cooked steak. You know what he said? He said: “Thank you.” “Thank you,” just like that. Like… like reliving the worst parts of my whole life were just a bit of a… a favour, that I’d done him. And then he left, and, and I… I just sat there, and cried for a while.
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] Jess Tyrell, the woman on the tape… [SIGH] She was the fourth. I–I just tried to… I was weak, r–ravenous, I–I didn’t feel… […] I don’t–! Uh, it’s not that simple, it–it feels… [BREATHING QUICKENING] … I don’t know if I can control it, I don’t know if it’s even me doing it…!
And the Whole Thing came up now, not at the end of the season. Which raises the question: why should Jon be kept alive…? The fact that the assistants directly confronted him is a proof that they didn’t totally antagonise him (they would have plotted and thought about a way to get rid of him if they genuinely thought he was… over and done with. There is still the coffin in Artefact Storage.) but… if Jon isn’t even trying to be kept in check, if he’s fated to target innocent people, if he’s not trying to find a way to control it (nor tried to warn the others about it, to be contained or monitored)… there is absolutely nothing differentiating him from the monsters we previously saw? And there is the added looming threat of The Watcher’s Crown? I don’t think the overall conclusion will be that yes, he would have been better off dying, and that Tim actively trying to die was The Only Respectable Way Out. I think there is probably still ways to do something meaningful in their current situation? But there is the fact that, right now, Jon isn’t paying the price of his powers anymore (his victims are) and that, as far as they know, there is nothing else than The Eye’s ritual in front of them.
- It feels like what’s currently happening also had to do with Jon’s overall passivity regarding his powers. He had told Georgie, in season 3, that he couldn’t stop his research. He had realised, in America, that he was indeed dependant of statements, and had decided, at that moment, to just accept it since he didn’t have the time to interrogate it (since there was The Unknowing coming closer – but after he woke up, Jon didn’t have… much to do, and it would have been the moment to ponder about it). It was highlighted with Jon’s passivity around the tape recorders, contrasting with how Basira had chosen to… woosh them away:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: And we’ve got an audience. Perfect. I thought you said you decided to throw them all out. BASIRA: Yup. And I did. And here’s another one. ARCHIVIST: Maybe it’s hungry. BASIRA: Seriously? ARCHIVIST: I mean, I did have a statement I was planning to record. BASIRA: Great. Perfect. You can get on with that, and I’ll just leave, then.
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: [DRY EXALE] There was a tape recorder waiting for me when I sat down. They’re not even hiding it anymore. There weren’t any tapes from when I was… away – I checked. Whatever they are, they are here for me. I suppose I should be worried, but I have so much to keep watch over. So I’ve decided to let the tapes run. They’ve… proved useful before, so… [TINY CHUCKLE]
(MAG146) MELANIE: [EXHALE] Why didn’t you record them? BASIRA: Why do you think? Because he was ashamed. ARCHIVIST: No! I don’t– … I–I mean, I don’t record anything anymore, not… not really, I just… sort of assume they’ll… turn on, if it’s important. BASIRA: Well, they didn’t. ARCHIVIST: … No, I suppose not.
(Also: eff you, tape recorders, for not thinking that these people’s stories were Important :<)
And it was also shown in the way Jon… kept saying that he couldn’t control his Knowing:
(MAG127) ARCHIVIST: [STATIC] Look, I don’t know, Basira. I hope I’m still human, but it… but it’s seeming more and more unlikely. BASIRA: … I didn’t ask. ARCHIVIST: No, I suppose you didn’t. BASIRA: Don’t snoop in my head. ARCHIVIST: I’m not “snooping”, I’m not looking. That’s not… how this works.
(MAG128) BASIRA: You heard me. Don’t ask about them, and don’t know about them either. ARCHIVIST: I can’t exactly control that! BASIRA: Learn.
(MAG133) DAISY: [BREATHING HEAVILY] Basira said you could just… “know” all this now anyway. ARCHIVIST: Yeah, it’s… I–I can’t really… control it.
(And unless he lied to us about it too, he kinda managed to keep in check for Martin’s and Basira’s activities, in the end, when they pressed him to stop? So… maybe, sadly, being firm and cutting Jon on his bullshit is the only way to get him to actively try to hold on.)
- Daisy seemed to have picked up on a pattern regarding Jon’s feeding, though, which is that they happened after he used his powers in new ways and/or experienced another Fear and/or got hurt by spooks:
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] Jess Tyrell, the woman on the tape… [SIGH] She was the fourth. I–I just tried to… I was weak, r–ravenous, I–I didn’t feel… … The first was a supermarket cleaner. Em, ended up lost for a week in an endless warehouse. I didn’t even…! I–I just went in for some shopping, and he was there, and I–I just… asked. The second was, uh, it was after I got… stabbed by Melanie. MELANIE: You are not putting this on me! ARCHIVIST: No, that’s not what I meant! [SIGH] I was walking the streets, I–I thought I was trying to clear my head– DAISY: [DELIBERATE] But you were hunting. ARCHIVIST: … Apparently. I found a woman who… every year on her birthday, wakes up in a fresh grave. Just for her. DAISY: And the third was after the coffin. ARCHIVIST: A man rejected by all who knew him, searching ever-darker places for love. When he told me his story, he started… weeping maggots.
So: first one after waking up from the “coma”, second after using his powers to see and remove Melanie’s bullet (and getting stabbed), third after coming out of the coffin, Jess Tyrell… after trying to peer through the Lonely (at the end of MAG139). There is still Floyd: why was he recorded? Is it because he had been involved with someone we already knew (Salesa)? And how come there was nothing after The Dark – is it because Floyd worked as a power up/healing by anticipation?
- I’m sad for Daisy!! ;; Daisy, who had spent time around Jon, who had shared things (The Archers!!) with Jon, and who was giving the impression that she was pulling him off… She sounded like she could understand the mechanism, but at the same time, Jon… didn’t tell her. Too ashamed? Not trusting her enough? So deep in denial…?
(MAG112) DAISY: Couldn’t find Tim, but he’s gone with Martin and… the other one. BASIRA: Melanie. DAISY: Sure.
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: … So we’re going with her. DAISY: [SIGH] Come on, Mel. I’ll see if I’ve got a stab vest in your size. MELANIE: … Yeah. Sure.
Daisy came so far, with her ;w;
- On the one hand, it’s hilarious, indeed, that Melanie acts like a voice of reason.
(MAG146) MELANIE: Uh, okay, seriously. [CHAIR SQUEAKING] I–I’m going to have to be the one to point out that this is a terrible idea? BASIRA: Daisy? DAISY: … Be better if we could prepare. MELANIE: I–I just think that… we shouldn’t be exposing ourselves like this until we have a little bit more than a hunch…!
… On the other hand, we still don’t know if her therapist is a Regular Therapist or a potentially Web-y spook, so the fact that she was inciting the others to not go to Hill Top Road… could be due to an influence. … Or not, and it’s just regular therapy putting some common sense into her.
- The Annabelle mentions were interesting because:
(MAG146) BASIRA: … So you say you’re being controlled. ARCHIVIST: I–I don’t know. Maybe? Th–The Web, it– BASIRA: What, what was the name you said before? Annabelle Cane? ARCHIVIST: … Yes, uh, she’s… she’s been watching us, I–I’m pretty sure of it… DAISY: Jon… I’m not sure there’s actually the– BASIRA: No. No, if he is being controlled, we need to know. And we need to know now. Do you know where she is? ARCHIVIST: H… Not… not properly, I, I think she has some connection to Hill Top Road.
1°) … we have no connection between Annabelle and Hill Top Road as of now, except that both are Web-business. (Not all Spiders, Jon.)
2°) When Jon discussed about Annabelle Cane in MAG136, it was actually with Daisy! So either Jon has been sharing some thoughts about her with Basira, either Daisy told Basira (which would match with Daisy communicating overall!).
- On the one hand, Jon hypothesising that The Web could be behind the fact that he has been attacking people sounds like something he might have thought about because he just heard Gertrude (another Archivist) mentioning how she had been manipulated into doing what She wanted, in her own youth:
(MAG145) ARTHUR: Alright. Agnes: how’d you do it? Never did understand it, not really. GERTRUDE: Ah. That’s a fair enough question. [PAUSE] It was… The Web. I didn’t know it at the time, of course, and I would call it an accident – but it never is, with them. It’s only after the fact that you can see all the subtle manipulations. I was very new to it all, of course. I mean, I was, what? Can’t have been older than… twenty-five. […] Like I said, mm, I was young. Naïve. I somehow found just the right books, made just the right connections, and even got what I thought was a piece of blind good luck, when I found a tin box in the ashes of Hilltop Road, containing some perfectly preserved cuttings of her hair. Of course, what I thought was a “banishment ritual” turned out… not to be. The circle I constructed was more of a… an invitation. It let the Mother of Puppets bind me to Agnes, interweave our existences at some… metaphysical level, as it had with Fielding and the house. … It was the most painful experience of my life.
On the other hand, Jon… researched quite a bit about the notion of “control” this season, and thinking all along that he might be puppeteered could have been the reason behind that?
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: The Web does seem to have a preference for those who prefer not to assert themselves. […] Perhaps a coincidence, just… people… shopping their traumatic event around… but I have to wonder… how much their actions were their own.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: In many ways, The Slaughter fascinates me. There seems to be, in all cases, a question at its heart about… control. Is it a mindless dance, dragging participants along by the beat of a drum or… is there a kernel of will in there, a lucidity and deliberateness to the random fury and violence? I suppose that’s the question with so much of “violence”, “war”: how much are you really in command of yourself or of others? I’m not sure what scares me more: the idea that deep down, everyone is in complete control of their actions, that everything is, on some level, intentional; or that ultimately, we don’t have any control of ourselves at all, and the rest is just… rationalisation.
(MAG129) ARCHIVIST: I don’t like this. I don’t like… not being sure what’s going to be in my mind. What thoughts are mine and what are from… elsewhere.
(MAG136) DAISY: You think I’m weak, just… [SIGH] ‘cause I’m not already chasing the next kill? You think I’m less me? ARCHIVIST: I… [SIGH] I don’t feel like I’m exactly in the best place to judge the… intersection [CHUCKLE] between free will and humanity. Still trying to figure that out myself. [SILENCE] DAISY: Jon… when you went into the coffin. Was it you choosing to do that? Did you actually think you could save me, or was… that something telling you to do it? [SILENCE] ARCHIVIST: It was me. I was… drawn to it, I’ll admit, but it was my decision.
Though it was, once again, a consideration which was also relevant to his Beholding powers (the fact that he knew things unprompted).
- Since Peter mentioned his belief that The Extinction could have been born from The End, although taking an active form, I still wonder if that could have been the case originally between The Eye and The Web, or if they aren’t currently merging due to the information&control-related fears being especially overlapping with our era’s development of the means of communication…
There have been so many moments, this season, in which I wondered “is it the Web, or Beholding?”, and especially in the way Jon got dragged towards x or y statement. Trying to get an overview of season 4 regarding the nature of statements and how Jon stumbled upon them (when he was the one reading or listening), there are… recurring threads? (ha.)
* MAG121: Oliver’s statement, about choices; Web interested in Jon.
* MAG122: (Statement brought by Basira; feeling like the only person left in the world)
* MAG123: Web & Annabelle, link with the Institute
* MAG124: (Simon Fairchild casually feeding)
* MAG125: Slaughter statement, notion of “control”, led to Melanie’s surgery
* MAG126: Pre-Spiral ritual
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: … I remembered Gertrude’s notebook […]. I’ve been staring at it for hours, in the hope something from it would just… come to me. And it worked well enough to point me towards this statement, which is… useful background, and perhaps gives some insight into how Gertrude formulated her counter-rituals, but… not much more.
* MAG127: Jonah Magnus & Beholding (Albrecht)
(MAG127) BASIRA: And what was that you were doing yesterday? ARCHIVIST: … When…? BASIRA: You were sat on the floor for like four hours. ARCHIVIST: … Oh! Er, n–n–no, I was, er, I was… listening. Y’know, it’s, trying to see if any of the statements… called to me. BASIRA: And? ARCHIVIST: [FLIPS PAPER]
* MAG128: Breekon’s visit, Jon “extracting” his statement; going towards Daisy’s rescue
* MAG129: Buried statement, notion of “anchor”, going towards Daisy’s rescue
(MAG129) ARCHIVIST: I don’t like this. I don’t like… not being sure what’s going to be in my mind. What thoughts are mine and what are from… elsewhere. Why I just know some statements are what I should be reading. I assume this one is related to the coffin. To Daisy.
* MAG130: Flesh ritual (Lucia Wright surviving it), nudging towards Flesh-as-anchor or Jared (kept in Helen’s corridors), towards Daisy’s rescue. Tape explicitly sent by The Web.
(MAG130) ARCHIVIST: I found this tape tucked in the corner of my desk drawer. [AGGRAVATED SIGH] Covered in cobwebs. I suppose subtlety is gone out the window a bit. And the question is now simply … how much I trust the Spider to have my… best interests at heart. … Hm. I suspect my assuming it has a heart might be a clue I’m looking at this the wrong way. […] what is it trying to tell me with this? Is it about… rituals? About getting Daisy back? About… about an anchor. What was it she said, “the siren call of Flesh”… Hm. It’s possible, I suppose.
* MAG131: Jared’s story (bit of Flesh ritual), notion of “anchor” through Jon’s ribs, going towards Daisy’s rescue
* MAG132: Coffin trip, Daisy’s rescue
* MAG133: Hunt ritual (Percy Fawcett surviving it)
(* MAG134: Martin reading Adelard Dekker’s letter about The Extinction)
* MAG135: Pre-Dark ritual
* MAG136: Web & Annabelle, link with the Institute
* MAG137: Slaughter ritual (Wallis Turner surviving it)
(MAG137) ARCHIVIST: There’s a box of tapes and statements in the corner. Obviously those Elias either didn’t feel he could trust me with yet, or maybe just the ones he was checking himself. […] So I just took the first one that called to me, and it’s… [DRY NASAL EXHALE] It’s good. I suppose.
(* MAG138: Martin reading Robert Smirke’s letter to Jonah Magnus, warning him about The Watcher’s Crown/Beholding)
* MAG139: Desolation, Agnes, Hill Top Road
* MAG140: (Statement brought by Basira; about The Dark’s ritual attempts)
* MAG141: Jon feeding on Floyd, statement regarding Salesa’s activities and (presumed) death. The tape recorder activated on its own.
(* MAG142: Martin taking Jess Tyrell’s complaint, about how Jon had attacked her two weeks ago.)
* MAG143: (Jon making Manuela give her statement about the failure of The Dark’s ritual)
(* MAG144: Martin reading an Extinction statement)
* MAG145: Desolation, Agnes, Hill Top Road, “anchor”, The Web manipulating an Archivist and tying them to another avatar in order to neutralise Agnes (/Gertrude too?).
(MAG145) ARCHIVIST: And here? I reached out, I took another tape, eh!, hoping for a bit of guidance, but… [HUFF] To be honest, this hasn’t helped.
* MAG146: Spiral-statement, Hill Top Road.
(MAG146) ARCHIVIST: So it seems we did have Marcus McKenzie’s statement after all. I spent so long looking for it, back when I found his father’s, and… no luck. But now, I decide to start looking properly into Hill Top Road, and all of a sudden… I’m drawn to rearrange a filing cabinet – and what do I find behind it?
When Jon “knows” something, it’s clearly Beholding, no problem. But when he feels the “call” of a statement, is it Beholding/the Archives, or is it The Web making him take one, and Jon rationalising that he had felt something? Most statements, this season, have involved Web and/or getting the means to save his assistants (/getting involved with other Fears), and/or learning about rituals – and now, about Hill Top Road. A lot of them seem possibly… pointed?
- Same old questions: we can guess that The Web has plans for Jon, hence the lighter, hence sending Handsome mlm Death Prophet Oliver to convince him to choose avatardom, hence the cobwebs following him around (Jon mentioned them in MAG123), hence revealing itself when sending him MAG130’s tape (and encouraging him to go inside of the coffin, and possibly helping him come out of it, if it was indeed The Web which made Martin set up the tape recorders around it?). But ~what does the Spider want~? Is Jon supposed to fix the “scar in reality” left by Agnes&Fielding’s fight, somehow, since he managed to do things that had never been accomplished before (getting out of the coffin) and has proven that he could “kill” powerful phenomenon (seeing the Dark Sun)? And what is Her stance on The Watcher’s Crown, amongst other things…? Is She just there to enjoy the show, is She worried about something (The Extinction?) or has She decided to jump on The Watcher’s Crown’s bandwagon, or does She want to make sure it doesn’t happen?
Georgie had been the one to recommend that Jon find “anchors”, back in season 3, but season 4 expanded the meaning of the word: “anchors” as a way to escape the clutch of a Fear, an “anchor” as a way to neutralise a Chosen One – and Jon likened his own situation to Agnes (MAG139), before learning that she had been bound to an Archivist to put the Desolation’s activities on hold (MAG145), by The Web itself. If The Web was indeed behind a majority of Jon’s readings and researches lately (after all, Gertrude highlighted how The Web had manipulated her through her researches, by orientating her towards specific books and materials!), everything could sound like it’s supposed to slowly introduce Jon to the concept of being, himself, bound to something/someone…?
(- We’ve been putting so much excitement on the prospect of seeing Annabelle, of thinking that Annabelle is currently pulling all the strings, though… that I can’t help but wonder. What if she is actually… dead. Because that would strike quite the blow on a lot of things re: who is currently in control.)
- Practical questions regarding the Hill Top Road trip, from London to Oxford
* Are they going by train? Or by car, and if by car, who’s driving (Basira and Daisy both can drive, it has been mentioned), and does that mean Melanie will get stuck with Jon in the back seats?
* Will they actually reach Hill Top Road, or will something happen before. (Web preventing them from doing so, or even… lonely endless road, courtesy of Peter, if Martin hears about the Expedition and threatens to stop doing his spreadsheets?)
* Will the tree still be there…? Anya had seen it in April 2009 (MAG114) although Ivo Lensik had uprooted it in November 2006, the night of Agnes’s death (MAG008)… (And there was the tree burning in MAG127, that Albrecht/~the master~ had wanted “dead”…)
* What or who will they find, if they manage to reach Hill Top Road? They certainly won’t take The Web by surprise, so if they meet some of Her agents, it will be because She consented to it. Annabelle herself? Another Web avatar? Melanie’s therapist, if she isn’t Annabelle herself? Oliver, once again as a messenger? Adelard Dekker? Weird ghosts from the past haunting the place (Agnes or Raymond)? A Giant Big Spider? Or nobody, and only an item? A message? A Guest For Mr. Spider, for Jon to have a breakdown? Elias and Peter’s 9th marriage certificate from the last four years? A tape or a statement giving them a clue?
Alriiiiiiiiiiight alright alright, unless we’re being dramatically misled, title for MAG147 promises ~Web stuff~. Part of me is a bit sad, because the… exact title had been used for a while by the fandom to refer to something/someone Very Specifically, and it probably means that past that episode, it will be entirely jossed and we won’t be able to use it the same way – but eh, that’s the deal with Speculation overall. Other part of me is “YIIIIIIIIIIIIH” because. Yep. That’s it. Something Is Coming.
Forms of the title have been roughly used by Martin in MAG117 and Elias in MAG106 (and other times, but those two uses stuck with me), but it’s probably going to be about… Annabelle? Although it doesn’t match her official title of ~the Story Spinner~ used in MAG123. It could be something else Web-related, though – we… don’t know much about Raymond Fielding except for how he was getting Babies in the house, technically? Or something else entirely?
As for Events… Martin meeting Peter’s friend (who is a “he”) is still pending, so it could be that, just to make us even more impatient about the Hill Top Road trip. Or it could also be Annabelle or another spider visiting him while the others are off. Or it could be the group at Hill Top Road, so soon. Any of these cases would mean: DREAD. /o/
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