#Lucas hayes
whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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La Brea s02e07: “You're burning up. You need water.”
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inafieldofdaisies · 4 months
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La Brea (2021–) | Season 3, Episode 3 “Maya”
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God I am shipping the shit out of Lucas and Scott from La Brea. At first I shipped Scott with Josh, but his relationship with Lucas? Holy shit! I love it. This is the kind of enemies to lovers shit I adore. Also brotp of Lucas and Veronica? *chef kiss*
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asexualtuckerfoley · 2 years
uh... I was under the impression that Veronica was like 16 and Lucas was in his late 20s or early 30s. anyone have any proof of their ages being closer? cause otherwise their development this season has been really 😬
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fictionalreads · 2 years
La Brea Season 2 Episode 5
Let’s plan!
He don’t wanna talk to you Levi.
Damn Izzy got balls. I wish I would talk to my mama like that and tell her what I’M gonna do versus what she told me to do.
Gavin. Let that woman go.
How the fuck did y’all get trapped?
Damn she really just gonna walk off? Not even give a political answer?
….that thank you seemed fake af. Like she felt the need to say something to him and that’s what her mind came up with.
*Wipes brow*
Damn. Deep down I knew it was too easy.
Of course Levi runs in. I mean I’m glad he saved her but they really couldn’t just let Gavin save her and be able to relish in the win.
Nooooo! I already miss you Ty.
I myself forgot you were sick.
What is she not saying?
I knew it. What’s the story there?
Ah he was exiled.
Yes. Answer her questions because they are mine.
So he’s from the future, not the past.
She’s not gonna just give up. No way.
She surprised the hell outta me.
Does nobody see these two?
Oh yeah there’s a tidal wave threat.
Lucas and Scott
Scott, it’s empty.
Pep talk Scott!
Scott move your ass!
Awe bro hug!
I probably would’ve kept it just in case.
My question is, will she fall back in love with Gavin now that he’s the man she remembers falling in love with?
Of course it’s not as simple as it’s meant to be.
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brysmaleidols · 5 months
Post of the year
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Ross Lynch in Troye Sivan's One of Your Girls mv
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Troye Sivan
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Charlie Besso
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Hayes Grier
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Lucas Dell
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William Franklyn-Miller
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Zackary Arthur
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Florian Macek
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Gavin Casalegno
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archer12xx · 4 months
Nothing's Sweeter than Words of Love ♡
A Valentine's Day Special ft. Infinite Blue Boys 🧡💚💙💜❤️💛🩷
(Just some notes/letters that I thought the boys would write for Valentine's Day)
• A sticky note found beside a red rose on top of a box filled with different kinds of expensive chocolates
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• A note on a specially arranged bouquet of fresh flowers
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• A note inside the paper bag of a box of jewelry (a silver flower bracelet)
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• A sticky note found on a bar of chocolate
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• A letter written on a scented paper found stuck in between a bouquet of red roses
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• A printed letter, folded, and taped in front of the huge paper bag full of chocolates
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• A sticky note you found in front of your door
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HAHAHAHA I honestly don't know if I was able to write the others alright. I only know Tobias' voice. Huhuh hope they're not bad. Anyway, Happy Infinite Valentine's Day!!! May you have the sweetest day today! Sending lots of hearts your way~ 🧡💚💙💜❤️💛🩷
P. S - I think Milo has his own sweet way of spending Valentine's Day with you and the two of you are the only ones who know about it. XD
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How’s it going YJ and Stranger Things fans
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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La Brea s02e07: “Soon, your friend won't be able to feel or move any part of himself. Then he'll be hours from death.”
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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La Brea (2021–) | Season 2, Episode 10 "The Return"
"I think you're the strongest person I've ever met. I wouldn't want you any other way."
/ Now La Brea can be kinda cheesy at times, but this scene was precious. <3
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myotomebiaseslivehere · 11 months
Infinite Blue Theories
Alright, we got the green light on theory-posting, so it is a-ok to whip out my corkboard and talk about some theories I have about Infinite Blue. After playing through the Infinite Blue demo several hundred times and basically researching my little heart out, I've been left with some thoughts and theories that I want to throw out into the world to see what other people think. Let's start with the stuff that has caught my eye first:
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Trailer Lyrics:
Tobias: "Feel the weight, the pressure to win. A wink, a nudge, a threatening grin."
Rory: "And one more job, that's what they all say."
Brooklyn: "Take it from the boss, (with Alexei), your loss is their gain."
Milo: "Every scrape, every scrap won't be clean."
Rory: "That's exactly why you gotta be mean."
Leo: "Before you know it, you're swept in the tide."
Tobias: "No choice but to let it ride."
K: "I've heard enough of these useless excuses. I know your fruitless abuse of the truth is..."
Several of the main six: "Respect the hustle."
My big questions:
Who are the main six really?
This one is difficult to answer because even though we know quite a bit about the main boys from the demo and asks (occupations, hobbies, ages, etc.), there is also a lot we don't know about them as well. With no information, my gut instinct would be that they're all just perfectly normal dudes who somehow got mixed up with this app business, but all of the stuff listed above makes me pause. In the last chat of the demo, K pops in and says to the MC: "Did you forget the kind of people that you're talking to?" When you combine that with the fact that the lyrics of the trailer song mention "one last job" and "respect the hustle", it seems to indicate that the main six have secrets or perhaps are into some not-so-great activities. This leads me into a couple trains of thought:
Perhaps the main six are in on some kind of con or heist together? It would put a lot of the song's lyrics into context and depending on if K is also in on the con/heist, it would also put his comment into context as well. If we look at the group, it's a pretty good Ocean's 11 set-up: Brooklyn has money and prestige; Tobias has money and fame; Milo has access to loads of info through the security feeds;  Alexei is incredibly smart and has access to scientific equipment/possibly classified information; and Rory and Leo? Well, they don't quite fit, but both work in common gathering places that would potentially make them good at gathering secrets? If we're running with this theory, maybe the heist is set to take place during the big storm that's been heavily foreshadowed and meeting and/or falling for the MC throws a wrench in the boys' plans? I'm not 100% sold on this theory, which leads me to theory
Maybe the main six are being blackmailed by someone or multiple someones? This could go with the heist/con theory, but they could also be being blackmailed for other things (money, information, favors, etc). It would fit with the reluctance I think several characters have in the trailer song. The blackmailer could be K, but I could also see the blackmailer being someone different on each route as well. If it is someone different on each route, where does that leave K?
Who is K and what is K's relationship with the boys and/or the MC?
K is a bit of an enigma. At the moment, we don't know much about him beyond the fact that he wears glasses, like sweets/candy, and he has access to the same chat room as the main boys, if the demo is any indication. He also knows who the boys are, confirmed by his chat in the demo where he mentions seeing all of them throughout the day, but none of them happen to notice him.
I want to circle back to the line that K says to the MC at the end of the demo: "Did you forget the kind of people that you're talking to?" and his line during the trailer song: "I've heard enough of these useless excuses. I know your fruitless abuse of the truth is..." What does this mean exactly?
To me, it seems like K may either be their employer in this hypothetical heist or have a vendetta against the main six. I'm leaning towards the latter. He seems to alternate between treating them with contempt (trailer song) and watching them analytically (him commenting on the main six joining in the scavenger hunt by saying "This will be interesting").
An alternative to being a blackmailer or having a vendetta could be that K is running some kind of social experiment involving the boys and this app? That would fit with his analytical nature and why he seems to be keeping a distance from the boys (better to observe the experiment from a distance!). Also, worth noting that he says "I suppose it's more interesting this way" in reference to MC getting closer with the boys. Very behavioral scientist of you, K. 🤔
Last guess: Maybe K is some kind of investigator with a grudge against the main six? No evidence for this one per se, but I think it would be neat and could work.
How does the MC fit into this? It's possible that they're just a random person who got caught up in this completely by chance, but I have another theory. What if the MC is working with K? Why else would K say "Did you forget the kind of people that you're talking to?" to the MC if the MC didn't already know what kind of people K thinks the main six are? I think maybe K recruited the MC to help with whatever his plans, but the MC falling for one of the main six is gonna throw a wrench in those plans. It would be really interesting if maybe the MC wanted revenge against the main six and joined up with K, but ended up falling for them instead. The angst, the drama, the heartbreak.
Anyway, these are my half-coherent, tossed together at the last minute theories, so anyone has any corrections or theories they want to add, please feel free to do so! Thank you to Velvet Fox Games for giving me something to hyperfixate on in my scant free time!
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rushman2-0 · 10 months
Donna Moss this, CJ Cregg that, I wanna know your favorite random featured female guest star with 10-20 episodes over multiple seasons
For our favorite ladies with less than 10 episodes, go here
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fictionalreads · 2 years
La Brea Season 2 Episode 6
He awakens!
Do we get to see the man’s face? Oh we do!
I bet this is his bio dad.
I knew it.
You wanna tell him things? Please do, so I can know
If the last time he saw you was as an infant, how did he play hide and seek with you? How would he remember this place?
I’m sensing a but here. You want to help him but…
He is only telling you half the story.
I don’t buy this I’ve changed story.
Oh please. You got caught lying. You might as well tell the truth now.
Please let this work.
Sam and co.
🙄 Now is really not the time to try and have a moment Levi.
Damn Izzy told Levi how she really felt.
Silas. What the fuck are you hiding? Quit keeping secrets.
No. I don’t want Eve to get back with Gavin. Stop giving her advice Sam.
So Silas’ plan is to let them be the bait while he goes in, right? Seems like a Silas thing to do.
Scott and Lucas
Oh fuck I forgot about that guy who died.
Scott and Lucas best buddies until the end!
Veronica? What’s going on?
No Lucas!
What’s going on with Veronica?
Oh she like him.
Yes be kind Lucas
He better not die.
Josh and Riley
Ah. The technology limits of 1988
Do not fall for him. Please.
They found her. It’s cause Gavin told James she was in 1988 isn’t it?
Well that was an obvious code.
I really hope his stoned mind remembers.
Who’s this guy? Why haven’t we seen his face?
I did not know your name Judah.
I lowkey wanna see Silas as a younger man. Like what year was he born in?
So they’re in 1988 now? I kinda like it cause like… I was wondering how long they could sustain the story in 10000 BC.
But also what about everyone else?
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tarashima · 2 years
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Sometimes, self-care is going through the asks on Velvetfox's tumblr and draw one of them ^w^
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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La Brea s02e06: “Oh, my God. We're gonna figure this out. Hey. We're gonna fix this, okay?”
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