#Lots of Gargamels
pharaohgargamel · 10 months
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Кошмар для смурфиков но рай для @witchyloo
Или полное раздвоение расшестирение личности!🤣✨🙀
Nightmare for the Smurfs but heaven for @witchyloo
Or a complete split personality!🤣✨🙀
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starleska · 7 months
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while we're on the subject of Gargamel, i don't think anything has made me laugh as hard as him smooching the life out of Monty in Smurfs: The Lost Village 😂😂😂 like what!!!! why!!!!! it's like he's trying to vacuum the poor bird with his mouth!!!
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I have lots of smurfs OCs
and none of them are even smurfs (not counting the one time I drew myself as a smurf)
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bluebluebluewoods · 11 months
Hey ^^ Did you always take request ? Can you draw Gargamel and Azrael as their smurfs girls versions please ? 🙂
No, I’ve only had them open for a while now! I haven’t seen the episode (I haven’t seen any of TOB lmao) but I welcome any chance to draw gargamel getting turned into a Smurf and immediately deciding to catfish the village in drag for… reasons. I’m sure this says nothing about his true feelings towards them
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I just think gargamel deserves to serve full cunt cunt cunt when he’s gargamilf smurf. Is that so wrong
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minecraftdog · 1 year
funny you say that because I've been watching youtubers since late 2013 and the only polish channel I've ever been subscribed to was Abstrachuje for a few months (I did watch a few videos from niekryty krytyk around the same time because my sister used to like him)
Oooh i got my ytube account in 2014 but i was watching before. I was very into polish yt because I absolutely didn't understand english and I watched so much minecraft. That evolved into liking to watch other games. Then I discovered meme familia and I still like bartek and kuba and quite often listen to their podcast. But they made me picky when it comes to yt and a bit elitist honestly. Then I finally started to slowly get into english yt and thus I started loosing interest in what's happening on polish side. I have no idea what's going there these days but from a quick lurk it didn't get any better. I used to say that polish ytubers either outright say they hate their lives or pretend they don't and you just can see it in their dead eyes. But what is scary is that real creative content never gets enough traction on polish yt. If you have interesting ideas it's so much better to just start a channel in english
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rewritingcanon · 9 days
I feel like albus would probably become a dark Lord eventually, but instead of genocide and murder he just blackmails people and spooks them a lot. Kind of like a prankster, but instead of pranks its domestic terrorism.
Scorpius would probably panic about history repeating itself
😭😭 how did we get from spooking people to domestic terrorism 😭
ur telling me albus is the kid friendly dark lord. like gargamel or dr doofenschmirtz.
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lorefulevil · 1 month
an absolute joke of a ficlet for @treebarkweek day 4: infernal/divine
"Oh," said Ren. He looked sideways at False, edging behind her sword-arm. "That's not Gargalac."
False frowned. "Are you sure?"
The fire crackled. Inside the flaming circle, the smoke had writhed into a vaguely humanoid shape with arms and legs and glowing cinder-eyes, but none of the extra accoutrements—like fangs and claws—that demons liked to sport. "Why," roared the shape, "have you awakened me from my slumber?"
"Yeah," said Ren. "This one doesn't look dangerous."
"True," said False. She sheathed her sword.
"How dare you," boomed the smoke-figure. Belatedly, it sprouted horns and an attempt at wings. They looked kind of like craft paper cutouts. "I am the great imp Gargamel, and I am very deadly."
"Yeah, sorry, wrong number," said False. "He wanted Gargalac, his classmate from demon school."
"Oh, him." The figure rolled its bright red eyes. It grew a triangle-tipped tail, and lashed that in disgust. "That pathetic excuse for a demon. Failed all his soul-stealing exams, didn't he? Owes me money too."
"I hear he's doing mouthwash commercials now," Ren supplied.
The figure wheezed a laugh that sent plumes of dark mist billowing across the room. "What did you want him for? Anything he can do, I can do better."
"He needed a date for demon prom," said False, before Ren could respond. "Right, Ren?"
"I," Ren began. "I mean, yeah, but—"
The glowing eyes lit up brighter than ever. "I'd be flattered," proclaimed the imp. "Say no more!"
It reached out one smoky tendril, seized Ren's hand, and yanked him into the burning circle. Enveloped in heat and flame, Ren saw clearly the shape of a man with floppy blond hair and the most diabolical grin he'd ever seen. A lot better-looking than Gargalac, for sure. He couldn't help but smile back, even though—"Uh, Falsie? I don't have bus money for prom."
"I'll hire a chariot," False said, already backing out of the room. "Have fun!"
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
So, I made this playlist for Cedric on Spotify and I came here to talk about it. And believe me- I have A LOT to say. No one asked, but I can't keep this to myself.
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I'm autistic, so I think that explains for itself (i'm hyperfocused). I made this playlist 100% based on the character trying to keep it very close to canon, I tried to capture the Disney feeling, the vibes, his personality, through the lyrics and instrumentals of the songs.
Rewatching Sofia The First, I felt a lot of nostalgia of childhood and old Disney princess movies, so I really wanted to capture that feeling, because otherwise the playlist wouldn't make sense, it wouldn't be Cedric. Furthermore, Cedric is a sorcerer and visually speaking I see that he fits slightly into the whimsigoth aesthetic, which would be themes related to the moon and stars, magic, witchcraft. That alone suits him, but added to that, I feel like he has this similar vibe to Merlin from Sword In The Stone, for example. So I think with Cedric, the stars and magic aesthetic suits him well, but not in a 90s girls way like whimsical/whimsigoth does. In this case, it would be something more magical, more nostalgic, like a wizard character straight out of a book, which directly goes back to Disney.
For the Disney villain vibe (something that would be a middle ground between Gargamel (I know he's not from Disney) and Merlin), I have his songs like Cedric The Great and My Evil Dreams, but also Poor Unfortunate Souls (Ursula's theme), Higitus Figitus (Merlin's theme), How Could I Refuse (Preminger's theme). I also have some instrumental songs, such as Let Me Tell You A Story from Russell Shaw and La Valse De Renard, which capture the feeling of that clumsy and nervous sorcerer, who's always moody and busy with everything at once, planning. You know what I'm talking about, do not pretend you don't.
And not just as a villain, but as a Disney character on his own- I feel like Sofia The First does a great job of paying homage to the old films and capturing that same feeling, so I see STF as not just a cartoon 'produced' by Disney (like The Owl House for example) but like one of those princess movies, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. So I added stuff that could give me this feeling and still stay in character for him, like Disney songs, for example:
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You know, not all the songs in that list are exactly from Disney, but that doesn't means they don't give the same feeling. And not only that- they feel nostalgic (and emotional, if I may say)
But I don't want to divide these songs in boxes, saying stuff like "this one is for the disney theme" "this one has lyrics that match his character" "this one fits his aesthetic"- some songs are there for more than just one reason, and I like to see it as a set, after all they are all on the same playlist. These songs fit the Disney Character vibes, but some also fit the magic aesthetic stuff, so it's all mixed. I prefer to see it that way
For this magical vibe, I have one of my favorite singers, Aurora Aksnes. She has an album called The Gods We Can Touch and just half of it has this vibe, not just in the looks of the album but also in the instrumentals, melodies and lyrics, so I couldn't help but include some of her songs. And I find it ironic that most of her songs that I chose have lyrics that suit him.
Like the case of the song "Potion For Love", which narrates a situation of romantic frustration, and both the lyrics and the title remind me of Cedric's situation with Sascha in the episode Enchanted Feast, and what I understand from that title is that there is no solution to love, there is no magic potion that can solve this problem. I love being a nerd
Other songs of hers that also suit him a lot are the case of Midas Touch, which I already mentioned here on Tumblr, where she narrates the situation of a reckless king in love (King Midas) who is desperate for Aurora's love, as if he depended on it, but she can't love him back because he "turns everything he touches to stone", and she can't accept this role, even though he's begging her to do so (it reminds us a lot of a situation, doesn't it?) (it could be either a y/n x Cedric situation or the events in The Day Of The Sorcerers, but in that case I prefer to ignore the romantic phrases in the song and turn it into something platonic, otherwise it will be really weird).
You Keep Me Crawling has lyrics open to interpretation, as it can talk about both religion and an abusive relationship, but it also fits the case of a wicked dictator, which the narrator still has hopes of them having mercy and deep down still being a good person, just like the case of Cedric and Sofia in The Day Of The Sorcerers.
Conflict Of The Mind talks about family issues/family fights, that despite everything, they still love eachother. Aurora wrote this song for her sister and it reminds me of Cedric and Cordelia.
A Dangerous Thing talks about a two sided person, but that Aurora knew from the first moment that this person was dangerous, and it's just getting worse and worse, to the point she reminds herself that there is no love in the world anyway, her good heart always forgets this. WHO SHOUTED SOFIA AFTER READING THIS?
To Be Loved, just read some of the lyrics: "I tell myself I have to build defenses / 'Cause once you are in love, you are defenseless / Everything was easy when it meant less [...] / Nobody knows me, nobody knows me / I'm never lonely / Until someone holds me / And let's go, just to show me / How it's like to be loved [...] / Cause nobody shows me / Nobody shows me / How is like to be loved"
The Innocent, I won't explain myself, I'll just put a part of the lyrics here: "Danger in the boy that would lose control / When everyone thought he had a heart of gold / I remember how he used to play / He'd let me win if I let him stay / He left without a single trace / I don't know why he said goodbye... to love / You would never let me in to your heart"
Exist For Love is for... fanfic purposes. And because it's the opposite song of Potion For Love. And in the MV she gets out of a shell like a mermaid/Aphrodite. Cedric x Mermaid reader, why not if he was a sea monster once (and this song is about being all lovey dovey with someone, it fits him when he was in love with Sascha, poor thing). And this album has those magical vibes, I already spoke about it before
The other Aurora's songs are there just because of the vibes. BECASE I WANT THEM TO BE *jk*
There's also Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey where she's in love by that villain guy and she sings "I don't know how you convince them, and get them, babe / I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable / And I don't know how you get over, get over / Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you" and you know. It's a Lana Del Rey song. He is one of the man written by LDR I just know that he is. Salvatore is there too 👀
AND QUEEN OF DISASTED BECAUSE SHE SINGS "you're the king and baby i'm the queen of disaster"
Some directions so you can understand and use the playlist a little better:
The songs that suit him because of the lyrics are the ones at the top (a large part of the playlist), even though there are still a few that were chosen just for the vibes mixed in there. From "What Is A Youth" onwards, there are the songs that I listen to when writing and drawing things related to him, these are the instrumental songs and Disney songs, and further down are the podcasts that are uploaded by users in the app, because the owners of these songs didn't wanted to publish them on the platform.
If you want songs that match the situations he experienced, listen to the top of the playlist. If you want to daydream and feel like you're in Enchancia, or better said, in a Cedric x Y/N fanfic, I mean, in a Disney movie, listen to "What Is a Youth" and below. Of course, you don't need to listen to everything in order, and you can mix it up, like I usually do. A Disney vibes song, a magical vibes song, a song that suits him, just like a cake recipe. Chef's kiss
I put a lot of effort into it and it's too good to be kept hidden. I listen to it almost everyday lmao (if not everyday)
And now of you excuse me I'm going to retreat to my workshop to cry
thank you
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jellymeduza · 3 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 5/?)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
After a break, we move on to the Magic household, or actually both of them. Elders and their children live separatedly.
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On this lot live two elderly couples: Baltazar and Salamandra, and Gargamel and Hogata.
I use @midgethetree's edit of aging controller, so witches live longer than regular Sims.
I also use hereditary supernaturalism, so children inherit powers when they age to teens.
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Going left to right:
Gargamel is Hogata's husband and father of Janka, Barbara and Łucja (or Lucy, I can't make up my mind about translating this name). He is evil wizard. His personality is 6/5/3/9/2 and his aspiration is fortune.
Salamandra is Baltazar's wife and mother of Eugene Magic (the wizard at the court of the Dariuses). She is good witch and works in alchemy (a.k.a. science). Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Hogata is Gargamel's wife and mother of anka, Barbara and Łucja/Lucy. She is neutral witch. Her personality is 5/8/6/3/3. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Baltazar is Salamandra's husband and father of Eugene Magic. He's evil wizard. His personality is 4/7/8/3/3 and his aspiration is fortune.
Turquoise (on Baltazar's shoulder) is their dragon pet.
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The second Magic household is much more crowded. It is inhabited by three sisters and their children.
The sisters run a magic shop, where they sell potions, cures and magic artefacts.
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Left to right:
Łucja (Lucy) is the youngest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. Even though, she is Eugene's wife, they live apart. They have three kids: Alice, Merlin (red-head boy with short hair) and Magus (red-head boy with long hair). She is infallibly good witch with her magic skills maxed out. She's got great relationship with Janka but doesn't get along with Barbara. She's got 10 points in logic and 5 both in creativity and cleaning. Her personality is 4/10/4/4/3, socially awkward, family-oriented, workaholic, virtuoso. Her favourite colour is white. Her first personality is knowledge and secondary is family.
The boy sitting in front of Łucja is her nephew, Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and elder twin of Octavian. He's also a half-sibling of his cousin, Arcadius (weird family relationships, let's go!). His personality is 10/10/1/8/0, snob, loves to swim, hates the outdoors.
Alice is the eldest child of Łucja and Eugene. She is a teenager who only recently unlocked her powers. She's learning magic and once she's old enough she will study at the magic university - Artes Magicae. She reached her rebellious teen phase as she fears casting good spells. xD Her personality is 7/4/9/8/1, hates the outdoors, love to swim, family-oriented, absent-minded. Her favourite colour is blue. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Merlin is the younger twin of Magus (yes, there are two sets of twins in this family. No, it wasn't on purpose) and the youngest child of Łucja and Eugene. His personality is 4/10/10/2/9, night owl, family-oriented, loves the outdoors.
Next to Merlin, his elder twin Magus is playing with a cat, Fang. Magus' personality is 4/5/6/10/10, brave, artistic, heavy sleeper.
Janka is the eldest daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arthur and Octavian. She's a neutral witch. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius, which resulted in twin pregnancy. Of course at the same time her sister Barbara had an affair with Caligula as well, bruh. Anyway, Janka gets along with both of her sisters. She works in medicine and is a licenced physician. She's got 6 points of cooking skill, 7 points of both mechanical and cleaning, 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 2/8/2/6/7, adventurous, workaholic, bookworm, kleptomaniac, artistic. Her favourite colour is brown. Her aspiration is knowledge.
The boy hanging on the chandelier is Octavian, younger twin of Arthur. He is son of Janka and Caligula, and half-sibling of his cousin Arcadius. His personality is 5/7/4/8/10, artistic, ambitious, genius.
Then we've got Arcadius, son of Barbara and Caligula. He spent his infancy and early toddlerhood living with his maternal grandparents, only then Barbara took care of her son. Like his half-siblings, he doesn't know they are so closely related. His personality is 4/9/9/8/5, heavy sleeper, bookworm, good sense of humor.
Barbara is the middle daughter of Gargamel and Hogata. She is a mother of Arcadius. She's an atrociously evil witch and has a familar cat called Fang. She had a brief affair with Caligula Claudius. She works in entertainment. She's got 6 points of mechanical skill, 7 points of creativity, 8 points of cleaning and 10 points of body skill. Her personality is 7/5/9/3/1, over-emotional, loves the outdoors, heavy sleeper, supernatural fan, socially awkward. Her favourite colour is black. Her aspiration is knowledge.
Fang is mid between genius and doofus, mid between lazy and hyper, independent, cowardly and mid pigpen between finicky.
Next up, the Monks!
part 6
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shensation · 8 months
My back yard is a popular hotspot for neighborhood cats- some outdoor pets, some strays. I've seen at least five DIFFERENT cats drinking from my frog pond. Recently I had been seeing this little black cat a lot more than usual.
So about a week and a half ago, it was pouring rain and I looked onto my deck and what do I see but THREE FERAL KITTENS PLAYING. I think they were born in the bush next to our deck and she took them to high ground when the rain made it swampy. I took the above video where I realize why I'd been seeing that cat so much.
You can also hear in my voice at the end as I wonder what the Hell I'm supposed to do now. Do I... do I just leave the kittens?? The mom will be back when Im gone.
I decided to take them in. Better to be raised in a warm house than grow up feral in my back yard, right? I still believe this but I couldn't help but feel like a kidnapper when I caught them.
I only managed to catch two. The third hid where I couldn't reach him, and the mama came back and took him away. I haven't seen either since. I'm gonna try calling TNR and see if they can find her. I hope that third kitten is okay.
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My pal @squimoo fosters kittens so I yelled at her and she gave me some advice. She said they looked about 4 weeks, which is old enough to be raised away from mom. I gave them warm towels and boxes to hide in, and some of my cat's wet food, and gave them some space.
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They slowly got more comfortable and we moved them to the office where we had a little more environmental control. The next day I took them to the vet. Both healthy- no mites or worms or anything, got their shots and flea meds- both girls!
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(Husband was a tiny bit sad- he wanted a boy cat lol)
So we have now adopted two precious baby kittens! Over the past week they've warmed up to us a lot, and we're seeing their personalities!
Husband and I each named one. He named the dark one Gally, after his favorite manga Battle Angel Alita.
I named the blonde one Azrael, the angel of death but also Gargamel's cat from the Smurfs. I always thought that was a badass name for a cat lol.
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Azrael is cautious and shy but she'll purr for chin scritches. She loves to climb, as high as she can- she'll be the first to knock over our Christmas tree.
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Gally is playful and friendly. She loves attention and wet food and attacking our toes. She loves belly rubs and keeps trying to climb up after her sister but isn't as sure of her footing yet.
And that's the story of how I have two new kittens and they are my life and I love them
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(Alchemy is displeased. We're working on that.)
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starleska · 9 months
maybe i should treat all the newcomers here and make the next vid i finish something truly unhinged, just to give a real welcome to the ethos of this blog. maybe i should finish the Gargamel thirst video next 🙈🙈
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So I saw a few people do there own Smurfs au and I thought to myself why can't I? So this is based on a dream I had but what if Smurfette wasn't created alone. And what if Vanity, Jokey, Clumsy and Brainy were also Smurfettes created by Gargamel.
I mean Smurfette represents Lust
Vanity is Vain
Jokey is a Pranskter
Clumsy is adorable innocent but destructive
And Well Brainy he is known for a lot of trouble.
All these qualities can make them Naughties as well. Now this au is a Blend of the Cartoon and live action movie. Not the lost village.
Without further ado here are the girls
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Vanity Smurfette
Second Eldest right after Smurfette. Gargamel named her after she wouldn't stop staring at herself in his mirrors. As a Naughty her Vainess is 100%. To the point where she would call her own Sisters ugly. However deep down she had some insecurities. This all changed when she was forced to hang out with Farmer. At First the Naughty hated working in the fields. However Farmer always treated her like a lady. And she had to admit to herself that he was very attractive. Because of his Kindness towards her she decided she wanted to become a real Smurfette.
She has a crush on Farmer but isn't to sure he actually notices her. ( He does he just to shy to approach a beautiful woman)
Her phobia is 🐍.
Favorite color Purple 💜
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Jokey Smurfette
Like her actual male canon character this girl loves Jokes and playing pranks. Even on her own Father Gargamel. Third Sister in line she sometimes felt completely invisible so she would do pranks to get attention. She suffers from Middle child syndrome definitely. When she gets to Smurf village she is helping her sister Smurfette wreck things in the village. However she still tried to make them laugh. She would exceed at almost all of them except a certain grump. No matter how hard she tried he would not laugh. This frustrated her. However she decided to make it her life goal. To make Grouchy Smurf laugh. It wasn't until he cracked a tiny smile that she decided she wanted to be a true Smurfette.
She has a crush on Grouchy, however she feels he will never feel the same way. ( He does his ego won't let him show it)
Oh and to Vexy and Grouchy shippers 😔. At first I shipped them too but now I feel the romance was rushed way too fast so I'm Pairing her with Marina. ( Vexy x Marina)
Phobia= 🤡 ( ironic I know)
Favorite color= Yellow 💛
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Clumsy Smurfette
Probably the most innocent thing in the entire world. Even when she was a naughty. Gargamel called her a mistake because of her innocent nature. When she arrived at Smurf village she didn't really want to cause trouble however trouble just seemed to follow her. She would accidentally wreck everything in sight. Being second youngest also meant her sisters were a bit protective of her. Of course she was always hurt by Vanity mean words ( she apologized once they all became true Smurfettes) To her surprise Handy seemed to like having her around cause even after accidently broke something she was willing to fix it immediately. When The Smurfs found out the Smurfettes were all Naughties. Hefty and Handy took it the hardest. Seeing Handy cry make Clumsy want to be a real Smurfette
She has a crush on Handy but is too shy to pursue it. She held it back when He started Dating Marina but when Marina broke up with him and starting Dating Vexy she fell in love with him again ( Handy did like her but he just fell for Marina he fell for Clumsy later though)
Phobia= 🕷️
Favorite color= Green 💚
Now for my personal favorite
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Brainy Smurfette
She is the youngest of the Smurfettes something her older sisters minus Clumsy who she is very close to do. Because of this from the beginning she tried to act older than she was. Like Clumsy she was often bullied by Vanity however unlike her she didn't take it lying down. Her sisters were pretty overprotective of her at First. Now when she was created she was blind at first. She got her name through her personality not her glasses. Because of her blindness and brash personality she was causing the most trouble. Papa smurf however could tell something wasn't right and after the Smurfette collided with Gutsy Smurf even though she was right in front of him he relaized want was wrong. He gave her glasses so she could see. After that Brainy came to respect the village leader and even was interested in the magic he did. Because of Papas kindness and totally not cause she didn't want to be left out or cause she had a teeny crush on the Smurf she fell on she decided she wanted to be a real Smurfette
She has a TEENY crush on Gutsy Smurf. If you ask or tell her she loves him be prepared for a hours long speech on how there not compatible ( she is obviously lying of course 😊)
Gutsy likes her too but like Brainy don't tell him unless you want to be smurfed out of the village)
Phobia= 🌑
Favorite color= Red ❤️
And that's there story everything else plays out the same In the cartoon and movie with a few exceptions of course.
I decided to make there Birthday Smurfette debut.
Nov 21 ( not sure what year the smurfs took place)
There zodiac is Scorpio ♏
Thanks so much for reading ☺️ I hope you like them.
Smurfs don't belong to me and neither do these actually there just an Au version of them.
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butterfrogmantis · 8 months
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This one has a lot of potential but I'm not feeling super inspired today bleh
Gargamel and Azrael (c) The Smurfs
smurftober list
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the-babygirl-polls · 5 months
Gargamel - The Smurfs
He cares a lot about his cat and is a sad old single father that his daughter hates
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bluebell-love · 2 months
My AU!
So I'm working on and still developing this Smurfs AU. It doesn't have a name just yet, but let me explain it just a little :)
AU under the cut, this gets pretty long
So in this universe, Smurfs are averaging around 3-4 feet in height, and contain similar features to satyrs (half goat half man) and fauns (half deer half man, to my understanding) save for the fact that they have paws, not hooves
Example: Lettie (Smurfette)
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• They might be seen riding deer, wolves, or moose (Except for Gutsy who, unsurprisingly, decided to ride a bear)
• There are Natural Sorcerers and Learned Sorcerers (often just being referred to as Sorcerers, as this is the norm. Natural Sorcerers are a little less common)
- Papa and Lettie are both Naturals
- Brainy is Learned (and rather jealous of Lettie but he keeps it as subtle as he can)
- Despite being a Natural, Lettie is still being taught by Papa how to control and manage her power. Since she is Manmade, and was created by a not-so-good Sorcerer, her magic can be a little unpredictable and risky
• Lettie's backstory is different!
- In the Canon Universe, she was created by Gargamel as an adult to lure in the males
- In my universe, she was created by Gargamel as a pup (like twelve-ish), to get adopted into the village, and using a spell that linked her soul to his, Gargamel could see through her eyes, seeing everything she saw, and hearing everything she heard. He did this to get information about where the village was, what kinds of defenses they had, what magic they had access to, ect.
- When pup!Lettie started having nightmares fuelled by guilt, she woke Papa up one night and confessed that she had been created by Gargamel, and explained everything. That's when Papa used a spell to break the link between Lettie and Gargamel, setting her free and giving her independence.
- Instead of being created from clay, she was molded from the shadows, and can still morph into this shadow beast with fangs and horns. This form of hers only ever comes out through genuine anger or fear though, and is rarely seen since she tends to be very happy and calm.
- Since they're both being taught by Papa, and thus spend a lot of time together, she and Brainy act the most like siblings
• Having grown up with the other Smurfs, many of them treat her like a sister, rather than a love interest
• Those from Smurf Village (the mens village) tend to dress in blues, purples, and whites and follow a general aesthetic that closely resembles how humans in the nearby kingdom dress. (Lettie, having also grown up in this village, follows this and tends to dress like the men)
• Those from The Grove (the womens village) dress more in non-restrictive, tough clothing that can handle a lot of wear. They tend to dress more like warriors, ready for anything.
• Though after the two villages came in contact and started mingling, these two fashions mixed and now it's not uncommon to see Smurfs from The Grove to sometimes dress like the Smurfs from Smurf Village, and vice versa.
• There are plenty other villages out there (ex. Indigo Creek, where my oc Lobelia is from) that Smurf Village and The Grove just lost contact with, and that's why they thought they were the only ones for a while. These other villages are on the other side of the kingdom and forest, and no body knows how they lost contact with Smurf Village and The Grove.
Gargamel Lore
(I accidentally pulled an Ice King with this one, I'm not even gonna lie)
100 years ago, he was a kind and normal man, with a wife he loved dearly. He was practicing to become a sorcerer to work for the King, to give himself and his wife a good life. Unfortunately, his wife fell ill, and no amount of medicine or magic was helping, so desperately, he turned to creatures of the forest for help.
This is where the Smurfs come in. These were smurfs, not from Smurf Village, but from a different village on the other side of the kingdom. When even they tried and failed to help her, and she passed, that's when something in Gargamel changed. He blamed the death of his wife on the smurfs, claiming they didn't try enough.
Desperate to bring her back, he dabbled in forbidden magic that started to consume him, change his heart, and make him evil. It changed him so much, he eventually forgot why he was searching for power to begin with, forgot about his wife, and forgot why he hated the Smurfs. All he knew was that he did hate them, and would stop at nothing to destroy them.
He moved to the other side of the kingdom, where Smurf Village is, and that's when his obsession with them started.
The kind spirit of his wife may or may not still roam the forest, peacefully
That's it for now! I'll update occasionally as I continue to develop this :)
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I meant like items, culture etc
hmm cultural comparisons? let's see...
in terms of socio-economics, smurfs village seems to follow a vaguely anarchocommunist-esque structure, at least inasmuch as they don't have a monetary system or concept of private property and follow the marxist philosophy of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". the only difference is that true anarchocommunism has a decentralized power structure while papa smurf acts as an authoritarian leader with complete executive, legislative, and judiciary power.
smurfy grove is, i'm assuming, similiarly organized, but they're also more militaristic and smurfwillow is a tad more off-hand than papa smurf is :T. they're both highly collectivist societies, at least.
village clothing is undyed, while grove clothing is dyed, mostly in tans, pinks, yellows, greens. this could have started out as a way to better blend in since white would have stood out in the forest. grove accessories are also a lot more varied, with flowers, jewelry, vests, and ponchos.
village houses are structured to look like mushrooms (aside from the roof cap, i don't think the base actually IS a mushroom, my best the-writers-totally-thought-of-this guess is that it's a wattle-and-daub construction). grove houses, at least in the movie, are made of wood.
village houses are on the ground while grove houses are built in tree-tops with bridges and the like connecting them. multiple platforms are built in the tree-tops and above ground-level as well. (it's good to have a higher vantage point than your potential predators....)
we know village smurfs get their name when they're at least a few years old, start exhibiting basic personality traits. i don't know how it works for grove smurfs but honestly, considering how thematically on the nose their names are too, it could possibly be similar. the only difference is that village smurfs are named after jobs/ personality traits while grove smurfs are named after nature.
that's...pretty much all I can think of without getting into the REAL heavy headcanon territory. basically grove smurfs strike me as a society that historically had to worry about protecting and defending themselves against wild animals, so their culture reflects that; meanwhile a village smurf's greatest "enemies" are humans (wizards, etc.) who rarely venture into the forest (spiders gargamel is an outlier and should not have been counted-)
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