#Logan walker x gn reader
luboy7rt · 3 months
How I Think Team GHOSTS Characters Might Hug (GN- Headcanons)
(Please remember, these are only my headcanons of how I think these characters would hug) (Mostly platonic, can be seen as romantic)
Elias Walker 
- Elias has a dad hug, his arms would tightly wrap around your sides and he would lean back so you could put all your weight onto him.
- Safest man to hug, he wouldn't judge if you cling onto him or half-ass the hug.
- Elias's hugs are firm, and he would gently rub the back of your head, back, or neck during a hug.
- One of his forearms would be on your back while his other arm is firmly hooked under your shoulder so his hand could rest on the back of it.
- Elias would gently squeeze when hugging you, like he would to his two sons, he would hug your head gently and if you are close he would kiss the top of your head.
- He would gently knead between your shoulder blades as he would ask about your day, and if you wanted silence? That would be just fine with Elias.
- If you express you want the hug to be a certain way, he would be willing to hug you how you want to be hugged. 
- Elias is quite warm and wouldn't mind sharing the warmth
- He would chuckle if you ask for a hug and open his arms for you.
- He's an amazing comfort person, always willing to listen and give good advice, and he would hug you while doing it, offering physical comfort and soft words.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker 
- Hesh's hugs are quite firm, and tight, quite like his father. Hesh has gotten used to the way Elias has treated him through his whole life and has subconsciously adapted to have Elias’s traits. 
- Hesh would rub your back as you both hug, like a weighted blanket he would practically squeeze you very tightly.
- If You two don't know each other well, he would give a firm side hug, it wouldn't be awkward but it wouldn't be that comfortable either, he would be polite about it though.
- Hesh would wrap his arms around your waist or shoulders, and pull you close to his side or chest and hug you tightly, patting the back of your head or shoulders a handful of times.
- Hesh would squeeze you a few times before letting go of the hug.
- Hesh would accidentally dig his chin into your head or shoulder, trying to find the perfect spot to half bury his face into it.
- He is also quite warm like his father, willing to share it if you ask, he would tease you but would give in and give you a side hug and pull you into his side.
- He would tell a few jokes during the hug, just to hear your laughter, will snort or snicker at all his own jokes.
Logan Walker 
- Logan is a bit of an awkward hugger, he isn't the best at it, but tries to mimic the way Hesh hugs people. 
- Logan's hugs are quite tight, gently rubbing the back of your head or neck gently as he closes his eyes to simply relax into the hug.
-  If you don't know each other well, you will get an awkward side hug, he would shuffle his feet a bit to avoid stepping on yours as he leaned in for a split second before letting go and patting your shoulder.
- Logan would let out a quiet sigh of content if you both have a close relationship, he would rest his jaw on the top of your head or shoulder as he would simply relax for the first time in a long time.
- Logan tends to mimic the way Hesh hugs people, over the years Logan had only really hugged Hesh and Elias, so he picked up the way they both hug.
- Logan's hold is tight and protective, his hold makes people feel quite safe, and he might accidentally squeeze too hard.
- He isn't the type of guy to make the first move, he would wait until you go up to him, if you hug him first, he wouldn't fight it, he would simply return the hug.
- Logan would gently pick at your sleeve, rubbing the fabric between his fingers.
- He likes to hug you from behind, especially when you don't notice him at first, he'd dig his chin into your shoulder and chuckle quietly if he scares you.
- Unlike his father and brother, he is actually quite cold, he usually has to lean into Hesh's side for warmth whenever he got to cold. If you are warm, the hugs will be fine, but if you are cold? You both are practically shivering together in a hug.
Keegan Russ 
- Keegan gives a decent firm hug, he wouldn't give them out often, but he would hold the back of your neck and hold you close so your head would be buried into his shoulder or resting on top of it.
- He wouldn't utter a word during the hug, he just pulls in close for a quick bit then pulls away.
- He would hide his face into the top of your head or bury his face into the side of your neck during the hug.
- If you don't know each other well, he sets a bit annoyed with hugs, will push you away.
- He would also hug you from behind if he just wants a hug. Where he would rest his elbows on the top of your shoulders and hold his own wrist and boredly stand there. If you question him, no you don't, he would flick your forehead and walk off and not give you an answer.
- Always quick hugs, he doesn't hug anyone for long.
- Semi-Aggressive shoulder pats once the hug is over, then he would just walk off like nothing even happened.
- He isn't cold or hot, he has a good warm temperature, he's practically perfect to hug.
- He is a bear hugger, tight hugs, he wouldn't give you much of a choice on the hug.
- Merrick expresses his emotions through physical touch, he isn't one to speak his mind on something he likes.
- He pats you alot. Shoulder pats, head pats, backpats.
- If you aren't that close, he would give you a side hug, patting your shoulder as he would give a quick hug before walking off.
- If you are close, his hugs suddenly get tighter and closer, gently holding the back of your head or your back to allow himself to embrace you close.
- His feet would be planted on either side of yours as held you, letting out a sigh of content.
- After missions he would go in for a handshake then pull you into a hug then pull away after a bit.. and just walk off to go take a sleep.
- He is to hot, his temperature is abnormally hot, you will be sweating if you hug him to long.
- Kick would wrap his arms around your torso, or rest his hands on your hips as he would mutter out a few incoherent tried words as he would lean his cheek to rest on top of your head or shoulder.. he would hold your hand while hugging you.
- Kick would grab your hand and put It behind your own back so he could leave his hand on your back but also be able to hold your hand.
- His gloved thumb would gently rub over your knuckles as he would try to relax into the hug.
- A good hugger, as he would slump a bit of his weight onto you
- He would pat your hand before letting go.
- He is quite cold, and if he ever removes his gloves, he would startle you with how cold he is, he would appreciate if you warmed him up.
Riley (yes, the dog) 
- Good boy, would lay by your feet when You are sat around him or would stand between your feet looking out for any threat.
- If You allow it, he would jump on you for a hug, he would bark and huff for pets when not working.
- He usually is right by Hesh's side on missions but when back at HQ, Riley will run around the base looking for you so you two could cuddle or maybe he's using you for free pets and attention, who knows.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 6 months
hi i’m not sure if your taking requests, but if you are can you do a logan walker x reader where the reader and logan were engaged before logan got taken by rorke, and when he gets saved he’s a completely different person and is closed off and even more quiet, but when one of rorkes members send a message to the ghosts team saying they want to take the reader now aswell, logan gets super protective and opens up to her about eveything that happened? if not totally ok!! thank you so much!!
A/N: I am and thank you for being my first tumblr request! I hope I’ve done you justice with this.
Warnings: Big angst, hurt/comfort, descriptions of injuries and torture methods (if I missed anything please let me know)
Word Count: 4.4K
To Be Changed, Logan Walker x Reader
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Your marriage was so happy and perfect, even though the world wasn’t. Despite the fear of your whole wedding being destroyed before you and Logan even put on the rings and said your vows, that didn’t stop either of you. If you were going to die, you might as well die tied to one another, surrounded by the people you treasure most. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The wedding went without a hitch, ignoring the occasional pitches of anxiety that bubbled in everyone's stomachs. There was a beautiful mountain that overlooked a nearby beach, it felt like the clouds parted just for you two that day. The sun shone down on the white you and Logan wore. The red rose in his breast pocket, the artificial one you gave him when you went on your first date, was accentuated by the surrounding colors of blue water and green grass. 
Logan was usually fairly quiet, but that day when he said his vows, he spoke more than you did. He managed to avoid stuttering, though you could feel his hands shaking. You were so proud of him and each word from his lips warmed your heart. That alone let you know that this was the right decision, the only one. 
Before you cut the cake, he whispered to you, “I can’t find the words to describe how much stronger you make me feel.” You looked at him, confused and curious, before he continued. “I barely speak to my own family and brothers, maybe because I don’t need to… but you changed that. Now, I’m just droning on and on about whatever’s happening at the moment. Because of you. Hell, my mom barely heard me talk this much.” He wrapped his arms around you, cupping your hands that held the knife for the cake. “I bet she’s watching us now. She’d love you so much.” And with that, you both cut the first slice. 
A quote floated through your mind, “To be loved is to be changed.” and by God, did you change Logan.
That’s what made today so painful.
That’s why you sat on the floor in front of the front door to you and Logan’s home. That’s why David held you, holding the back of your head so you didn’t see him silently crying while you sobbed. You held Logan’s mask and dogtags close to your heart. Eventually, Keegan and Merrick had come out of the car they drove here. Keegan knelt down to rub your back, attempting to comfort you as best as he could. Merrick told you more than he, as a Captain, should tell any civilian. He’d made an exception for you. Seeing as he had a job to protect his best friend's children in the most dangerous job they could all have now, you joked that Logan and David were his adopted kids.
He never denied it. Because of that, you might as well have been his adopted kid, now in-law too. And as that in-law, it was his job to tell you that Logan was, for better or worse, not dead. You looked up at him with tears still falling. He explained what happened from the beginning. A man, a horrible man, named Rorke who was a former Ghost that the Federation destroyed and turned into something repulsive. David added that it was Rorke who had dragged Logan away on that beach. That fucking beach. He explained how it was his own fault for not doing more, for not saving him despite his injuries that, even now, two weeks after, he was still healing from.
You almost slapped him. You wanted to slap Merrick too. You were heartbroken and afraid and every negative emotion you could possibly feel nearly boiled over. You sat on the couch, the men around you as they tried to help you breathe. When you calmed down enough to speak coherently, you asked a simple question:
“Will we ever see him again? Alive?”
Merrick answered, as hopeful as he could be.
“We’ll do everything we can to make sure we will.”
That’s all you could really ask for. David moved and carefully dug into his front pocket before he pulled out his hand and offered something small and shiny. It was Logan’s ring. Both of your rings were made of titanium for its durability, Logan was worried about scratching or otherwise damaging it, so he chose titanium. Strong and durable. You had told him it reminded you of his personality, how he just kept going under all circumstances. You would’ve started crying again if this alone hadn’t already exhausted you. As much as you wanted to hold all of Logan’s things to try to feel like he was with you, you handed his mask and dog tags to Hesh. You knew where the mask came from. Who originally wore it.
“I think they’d want you to hold these.” you said, quiet as ever. David knew you weren’t just talking about Logan, but their father, Elias the “Scarecrow”, as well. He grabbed the mask and tags, putting the tags on and clutching the mask like a lifeline. As everyone stood up and walked to the door, you hugged David and whispered to him, your voice still shaking.
“It’s not your fault. I know he doesn’t blame you. I don’t either.”
“Thank you,” He paused, “I’ll do everything in my power to bring him back to you.”
You hugged Merrick and Keegan before they walked back to the car.
“Be safe!” You called out. A useless but well-intentioned farewell to the soldiers. They waved back before pulling out of the driveway, leaving you alone.
That night, you took Logan’s ring and put the chain of your favorite necklace, one he had given you before your marriage, through the ring and laid it around your neck. You cried, holding his cold pillow and wearing an old hoodie you’d stolen from his closet while he was gone. Your body ached with every sob.
Three months later, you began cleaning the house before the depression that kept you in your room most of the time got too bad. It helped a little, going through every nook and cranny. You even went into the attic. Any time either of you traversed into the usually dark storage, it would end with you holding the giant vacuum, claiming you saw a spider the size of your head while Logan chuckled. After a bit, he’d go up with a flashlight only to find some critter that got stuck up there because of a hole. Once he’d patched up the hole and cleaned out as much as he could, it all felt more comfortable.
As you looked through old boxes, you found pictures. The oldest going back to when you both first met. It was a charity for veterans in your old town where Logan, David and Elias were stationed. There were games you and your friends played, competing. At one point, Elias jokingly joined in which pulled David and, naturally, Logan. As the night went on, you and Logan got closer. He barely spoke but his chuckles at your comments were enough for you.
“I was so close to winning! You gotta give me credit for that!” You argued, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. You turned to see Logan looking at you, his brow raised and smirking.
“How? You’re 25 points behind me.” He remarked.
“I would’ve won if… if I had been playing with someone other than you!”
“Like who?”
“One of my friends, probably Ash!”
“You have 10 points.” Each time the tiny basketballs went in the hoop, it was 5 points. 
“Yes and I would be 10 points ahead of them which means I would win!” He practically wheezed at that as you giggled. You looked  over to see David and Elias staring at the both of you, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
You kept looking through the box. Finding photos from the day you met Keegan and Merrick, then the day you visited Mrs. Walker’s grave for the first time. You stared at that picture of Logan and David sitting together in front of the stone. It was so peaceful.
You held the photo to your chest and thought of Logan. You whispered to yourself, “Please, please protect him. Keep all of them safe. I just want them to be happy… Elias and Diane, please watch over all of them.”.
Another three months later, you hadn’t heard from David, Keegan, Merrick or any other military personnel. It had been a total of eleven months since you last saw your husband. You were Logan’s emergency contact and many people aside from the Ghosts knew you, so if something happened then someone would contact you. This should be comforting. No one calling you means no one’s dead, right? Nothing bad. So why were you so anxious? You couldn’t reach anyone so maybe something did happen and-
Your phone rang. It was David. You answered immediately.
“David? What happened? Where have you been?”
“Come outside, I have to show you something.”
It’d been a long time since you ran that fast. David sat in his truck, as you ran over to the passenger side, he leaned to open the door from his seat. As soon as your door closed and you buckled in, he began driving.
“David, what’s going on?”
He inhaled through his nose, you noticed how hard he was gripping the wheel and that he was going a bit fast. He was a careful driver normally. If he was amongst civilians, he was calm and never dared going above the speed limit in case there was a child or a dog or pedestrian walking when and where they shouldn’t be. This drive, however, was different. Something happened.
“We got him.” He looked at you, your eyes wide as they slowly filled with tears. “He’s back.”
“W-when did he get back?” You stuttered.
“Almost two weeks ago-” You opened your mouth to speak but David put his hand up. You waited. “Knowing Rorke and his history, we kept Logan on base to heal some and do some mental evaluations.”
“I need to warn you right now, he’s not gonna be the same man you knew before all this shit happened. He’s gonna have a lot of recovering to do.”
David went on to explain Rorke and what the Federation did to him. You were quiet.
“Did he do all of that to Logan?”
“We aren’t sure. We just know that whatever it was wasn’t good. He’s clear to come home today if both of you are ready, but I just needed to tell you.” Good thing the house was clean.
“Thank you, David. I know this has probably been harder on you than anyone.” David tried to laugh.
“I mean it’s my job-” You put your hand on his shoulder.
“You know what I mean. Thank you. Seriously.” He exhaled slowly, he seemed to relax a little.
“You’re welcome.”
“You can come by whenever you like if Logan comes back. Maybe just give me a warning, ok?”
“I will. I promise.”
David parked the truck after you checked in at the front gate. Your heart beat rapidly despite the slow walk through the base. You recognized some of the men and gave a half-hearted wave when they greeted you. You could already tell. They knew why you were here.
You walked into the base hospital. David took you down numerous hallways you knew there was a chance you’d see one day but never expected, never wanted to walk down. But this was for Logan. David opened the door to the room you stood in front of.
You couldn’t tell if your heart was breaking or if you were having a heart attack or what…
There he was, sitting against the bed he must’ve been in since returning, looking at you.
Logan was in a hospital gown, his arms and legs below the knee exposed. The skin was covered in jagged scars and stitches that were still such a dark and aggressive red. Along with that were numerous bruises, a painful variety of purples, yellows, and green in some spots. His right arm in a cast and sling. On his other hand, his ring and finger are wrapped, probably broken or dislocated. You notice how his left shoulder and upper arm seem to be wrapped with gauze. You don’t want to imagine what injuries he must have that you can’t see.
His face. His handsome face. He looks so tired. Logan turned towards you and tried to limp over, using the bed for stability. You rushed forward instinctually. Once he was close enough, he slowly wrapped his unbroken arm around your back. You looked at him. He had dark circles under his eyes, faded bruising on his left cheekbone, two intersected scars ran across his face. One started between his eyebrows to his cheek. The second from the middle of his chin, across his lips until it passed the other scar on that same cheek. His skin was cool and pale, unlike the warm complexion he had prior to the kidnapping. 
You ended up staying for about two hours before you got a list of medications from doctors, some extra gauze wraps and a pamphlet detailing how to handle a deep second degree burn at home. That was why his shoulder and arm were wrapped. You said goodbye to David, Keegan and Merrick soon after.
The first few weeks, Logan mostly stayed in bed. Every day you checked his injuries, the stitches and the burn, to make sure there was no infection and they were healing properly. By the fourth week or so, the burn had healed, leaving behind a large patch of discolored skin. At nearly the sixth week, his cast was removed. His arm and fingers had healed well and correctly. David had told you that when Logan was taken, his arm was broken. When he was found, his arm had healed incorrectly as a result of improper care, assuming any care was given, so the doctors had to re-break it before putting it in the cast. 
After the seventh week, Logan was able to walk around without limping. However, he mostly just stayed in your room. Sometimes, you’d spend the day in the living room in hopes it would coax him out. It didn’t work. You cooked his favorite meals but he would usually bring the food back to the room. When it was time for bed, you essentially snuck around the room to avoid scaring him in case he was sleeping. You were pretty sure he wasn’t sleeping, at least not as much as he should’ve been. It remained this way for a few more weeks.
A month and a half into Logan being back home and he’d uttered a scarce amount of words. “Okay”, “alright”, “yes”, “no” and whatever else kept his sentences short. He barely talked to you anymore. Of course, you kept David updated as often as possible. You felt like he just wasn’t there. Now, he was more of a ghost than ever.
Two months in and he started going to the base again. For what? You don’t know. You had asked where he was going, dressed in his “soldier getup” as you called it.
“I’m going to work. Can’t be late. I’ll be back later.” He’d stated hastily before heading out. This continued on for another two weeks until you decided to talk to him before he left.
“Logan, honey, can we talk?”
“Um… sure, but I have to leave before 9.” He was trying to rush again.
“I wanted to ask about that actually…” He looked at you, mostly expressionless. “You were just gone for almost, what, six months? Why are they having you back at work when you might as well have just finished actually healing?”
“I… There’s still work to be done.” he stuttered. You cocked your head. You turned to him from your position on the couch.
“What work?” you asked slowly and quietly. You knew he wasn’t lying. You didn’t want him to think you thought he was lying. You wanted to keep the conversation calm so he wasn’t overwhelmed.
“It’s a lot. I don’t think- right now isn’t the right time.” he began to turn.
“We can talk later if that’s better, but I just want to know. I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t need to worry, I just need to do some things.” His voice carried no emotion. He was almost at the door when you stood suddenly.
“Logan, I just want to understand!” Logan stopped in his tracks. You stared at his back. “I want to just talk, please… I know your job is important and I don’t want to get in the way with complaining…” Your voice cracked. You wrapped your arms around yourself. Logan was here, in the same house as you. You stared at him but you felt lonelier than ever. “You’re so far away, Logan… and… and I know there was so much that happened and we didn’t know if we’d ever see each other again, but we’re together now!” You walked closer to him. He heard your steps but he stayed still. “We don’t have to act like nothing happened. We couldn’t if we wanted to, I know that… but please talk to me again. I married you because I love you. I married you and everything that came with you. I said those vows and ‘in sickness and in health’ because even when you’re hurting, I’ll be there. I’m here right now! But I need you to let me be there. I need you to stop hiding yourself away from me. I want to know you again, Logan.” Your breathing had picked up as tears welled up in your eyes.
Time just stopped. You turned and sat back on the couch facing away from him. You quietly wept into your hands as everything just seemed to spill over. You had reached your boiling point. You didn’t hear the footsteps coming to you until you opened your eyes and noticed the giant boots that faced your much smaller feet. A large pair of hands slowly removed your hands from your face, one tilted your head up.
You saw Logan’s beautiful eyes, a sort of hazel that seemed gold in the light. He slowly knelt down in front of you and hugged you. Not like the barely there hug he mustered at the hospital when he couldn’t even walk on his own. He pulled you tight against him and you immediately curled around him as you sobbed. He let you. Logan pulled back after a moment and held your face. He wiped your tears with his thumbs. 
“I love you too… more than anything.” He stared into your reddening, tear-filled eyes for a moment before sighing as he sat next to you. You held his hand, his thumb stroked your knuckles as he thought about his next words. “A couple days ago,” he started, “something happened. I can’t tell you what yet but it was cause for concern. Especially with Ghost team.” He paused and looked at you, directly into you. “I want to tell you everything, but it’s going to be a lot to process and it’ll probably be scary. I don’t want you to deal with this, with all the problems coming to us because of Rorke but you’re right to want to know what’s happening and you deserve to know.” You looked at the time, 8:55 A.M. You stood, Logan followed, still holding your hand. He pressed your hand against his chest and over his heart.
“I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too. I’ll talk to Merrick today and I’ll try to get home as early as I can. We can talk about everything while we make dinner.”
“Together. I’ll call you if anything comes up and if you need me to, I can get groceries, ok?” You nodded. This is all you asked for. You hugged Logan tightly as he wrapped himself around you. You walked him to the door where he kissed you goodbye, on the lips. It felt like it had been forever since you’d done that. You stopped him before he moved. He almost retorted when you pulled off the necklace you still had on. He stared at the ring hanging from it. You took the ring off and put it back on his hand. He stared at it for a moment and smiled. A tired little smile that took so much weight off of you. Logan grabbed the necklace and took the time to put it back around your neck before he kissed you again.
“Thank you.” He whispered, still smiling. You smiled back as he walked to the car, waving when he began to drive. It had only been 10 minutes at most but those 10 minutes were so freeing. The rest of the morning you spent outside, reading and occasionally texting your friends when they checked in. The sun warmed your skin and the air was so fresh. You went back inside around 3 P.M when Logan called you:
Logan: “I can come back home around 6 tonight.”
You: “Sounds good, any ideas for dinner?”
Logan: “I could really go for lasagna.”
You: “Can you stop at the store on your way back? I have a list!”
Logan: “Yeah, just send it to me.”
With that, you texted everything you needed before moving to clean up the kitchen and free up space.
Later that night, Logan returned with everything you asked for plus a tub of ice cream. Your favorite flavor. You got to cooking, boiling the sheets and preparing the sauce while the oven preheated. You cooked together, like old times. It had been so long. Music quietly played as you both took turns tasting everything. A little extra salt and paprika here, with some pepper too. You laid down the floppy lasagna sheets while Logan poured the sauce over top then you both spread your favorite cheeses before adding more sheets and so on. While the lasagna was in the oven, you sat on the couch together. Logan held you in his arms as you stroked the hair on the back of his neck. After savoring the peace of the moment, Logan started talking.
When he was kidnapped, Rorke had put him through the same trials he himself had experienced. Being force fed poisoned food was the start until Rorke seemed to grow bored and eventually forced him to eat the plants the poison had been extracted from. Logan told you everything. All the grim details. At some points, you actually felt nauseous just hearing the horrors. When he was almost done talking about what he was forced to endure, you just held him and continued to encourage him to talk. He held you tight as he explained. The beatings he was put through. The way his arm healed wrong and he could hardly use it without feeling pain.
Then he looked at you. You felt so fragile with the way he looked at you with his tired eyes. He spoke again.
“Rorke knows about you.”
You never met this man in your life, never saw pictures. But he was like a boogeyman. He could appear from under your bed at any moment. 
“His soldiers… left us a message… Threatening to take me again. They said this time they’d take you too.”
That’s why he was going back to base. To work with his brother and everyone to make sure nothing happened. You didn’t live far from the base but they were thinking about bringing you on post to be cautious. That’s why Logan went back to work so soon. To protect you. That’s why he was telling you all of this now, to further protect you.
You were scared. Hearing about something like this happening was one thing, but knowing the man who stole your husband and almost broke him from the inside out was completely different. Especially when you knew that he wanted you too. Oh god. Logan held you and told you that the two of you could always move on base where you’d be protected and closer to him. You’d be amongst him and the other soldiers and Riley, Hesh’s dog. They wouldn’t let anything happen. And so you agreed. That night you just focused on being together, holding one another and eating your delicious lasagna as you reminisced together. 
Over the course of the next week, you brought as many of your necessities over to base where you and Logan continued living together. You met some friends of his and their partners, gaining your own group of friends not long after moving. Some had even assisted in bringing more of your things over when Logan had to work.
Later down the line, the Ghost team flew out. You weren’t told anything about what the mission entailed, but when Logan came to you, mask on, and put his ring in your hand before kissing you goodbye, you had an idea.
“I will make sure no one, not a single person touches you. Not a single damn person. I will keep it that way. I promise.” He whispered, voice more stern than ever. 
Your friends on base were all a wonderful support system during the next week they were gone for. You weren’t able to reach out again but you believed in them. You took care of Riley, who’d grown to love you.
When the week was done, they came back and Logan had made a beeline for you. You were reading, his ring back on your necklace when the door opened and your husband walked in, covered in dirt and other unidentifiable muck and alive. You rushed to jump into his arms and kiss him, ignoring the weird taste of said dirt in your mouth. You gave his ring back, ignoring the dirt that was on his hands too. While you held him, he whispered in your ear, “It’s all over now. We can go home.”.
So you did. David, Keegan and Merrick were kind enough to assist with moving your things back over and checking your house for anything that wasn’t meant to be there, anything that indicated a break in. Shit, they’d even checked the vents too. When that was all done, you made lasagna for them and spent the evening laughing together and savoring the peace that had finally come over the world again. Later, you and Logan laid in bed together, happy as ever and whispered sweet words to each other. Both of you could finally get some rest.
The end, thank you for reading! I will also post this on my ao3 @ RiversSong82
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Y/N, whines : My neck is so sore. 😞
Logan : That’s not good is there anything you want—
Y/N, bats eyelashes : please kiss it. 🥺
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backslashhhh · 9 months
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My One and Only
David ‘Hesh’ Walker x Reader
Genre: Fluff
WC: 1241
Authors notes: this is my first fic ever so don’t judge me too hard lmao, not proof read cause who has time for that. Also I apologize if the formatting is weird as I am on mobile. Definitely let me know if there are any mistakes and I’ll try to fix them
“How much longer?” You groaned. You had been walking for what seemed to be hours at this point.
Hesh said nothing but let out a chuckle, watching as Riley excitedly darted up ahead, only to fall back and loop around both his legs.
It was your second year anniversary, two whole years of dating this amazing man. You didn’t think that a measly two years was worth celebrating, but Hesh insisted on you both taking the time off work. He definitely deserved some time off, one thing you had always admired about him was how much of a hard worker he was. The man was practically married to his work. Made you a little jealous sometimes.
He finally spoke, “Just up past this hill,” he vaguely pointed to something that was very much a mountain, not a hill.
You groaned loudly. Hesh had always been more of an outdoorsy person, always taking Riley to the beach or on long hikes. You? Not so much. You had been burned one to many times in the great outdoors, be it bugs, sunburn, or even that one time you fell down a small cliff.
But you agreed to come on a camping trip with him. You were never able to resist the puppy eyes he gave you when he wanted something. So once you begrudgingly agreed he all but forced everyone to start packing. Riley made himself useful by padding around with his favourite toy in his mouth.
Hesh outstretched his hand “-kay?” You came to and realized you had been staring at Hesh with that dopey smile he always makes fun of you for while he was saying something. You smirk at him and nod, pretending you had heard what he just said.
He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t hear me did you?”
He huffed and pecked you on the cheek, “I’m just that handsome, huh” he pulled back with a shit eating grin.
You playfully swatted him and pushed forward, aiming to get to the campsite while there was still light.
It was hard to tell what time it was by the time you made it to the campsite, as dark heavy clouds began to roll in with the promise of a very wet start to the trip.
You and Hesh scrambled to set up the tent as quickly as possible, adding extra tarps under and on top. Riley, (ever the smart one of you three) laid himself down under some thick brush as little droplets began to fall.
You both had just finished up when the sky opened and layers of rain pelted down. You both scrambled inside and quickly called Riley before the wet dog smell became too bad.
A moment of quiet had settled between you and Hesh. Too quiet, for Hesh at least. You glance over at him and see him staring at you with a guilty smile.
When you raise a questioning eyebrow at him he finally speaks, “I’m sorry,” he glances down, playing with a stray stick that had made its way into the tent.
“For what?” You chuckle, reaching for his hand and intertwining your fingers.
“The rain? I’m sorry this was supposed to be perfect” He clarifies looking at you with such guilt you’d think he was apologizing for stabbing you instead of the weather.
You beam at him, saying nothing but scooting closer to him. You pull a spare blanket from your hiking backpack and pull it snugly over the two of you.
“You really think the rain can ruin this? David anywhere with you is perfect, never mind the weather.” You peck him on the cheek.
“I know, I know. It’s just…” he trails off with unfocused eyes. “I don’t know, forget I said anything.”
At this you frown, why was he acting so weird all of a sudden. It wasn’t like him to get caught up on something as simple as the weather.
“It’s just what? You’re scaring me.” You giggle nervously. “Whatever it is, just say it.”
Hesh looks you up and down before taking a deep breath.
He starts “____, I’ve loved you for a while. I liked you for years before I even attempted to ask you out, and the fact that you said yes to dating a guy like me blows my mind to this day.” He pauses to run a hand through his hair. “As much as you and I both like to dance around the topic, my job is scary, the world is scary, there’s never a guarantee that I’ll come home to you.”
You say nothing, staring at him. It was true that his job held no guarantee of survival, but you had met the ghosts, and you trusted them to keep him as safe as possible. You trusted him. You wordlessly nod, urging him along.
“But I can guarantee that you are the single best thing to have ever happened to me. I know that we’ve only been dating for two years, but for me it seemed like an eternity. Two whole years you’ve put up with me being away for work, not knowing whether or not I’m coming home in a body bag. And I just- you always- I love you ____. I love you so much that it physically fucking hurts.” He stares into your eyes, somehow conveying what he’s struggling to say perfectly. “I wanted this moment to be beautiful and sunny, I even had a fucking speech planned but fuck it.”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small ring. You can feel your heart pounding in your ears.
“_____, I can’t just sit around and pretend like the time we spend together isn’t precious. If my time with you is limited, and god knows if it is, I want to be married to you for as long as I can be. ____, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?”
There’s a beat of silence as thunder rumbles in the background. At some point you had started crying. Even Riley was watching with canine interest.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. “David Walker, is that even a question? Of course I’ll marry you. Yes, YES!” You cry out and rush to hug him while placing sloppy kisses all over his face. Hesh joined you in crying while stumbling to put the ring on your finger.
You immediately cuddled into him whilst holding out the hand with the ring on it. You studied the ring, feeling as though you had seen it before. Hesh nestled into the crook of your neck breathing contentedly before whispering out “It was my mothers ring.”
It finally clicked where you had seen it before. Hesh had shown you a photo of his mother a while back. It was a beautiful photo from her and Elias’s wedding. Hesh always joked that he was a carbon copy of his father, but you could always see some of his mother’s features shine through.
You cuddled impossibly closer into his side, now wrapping both arms around him. Riley, apparently getting jealous, crawled through the tent and rested his head in both your laps.
The sound of rain bounced around in your ears. The world was a cold and cruel place. But for now, if not just for just a moment, it felt as though nothing could hurt you, Hesh, or even Riley. Everything was perfect.
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krypticcafe · 4 months
pairing(s): Logan Walker / GN!Reader
warning(s): panic attacks, stressful situations emotional distress, hurt/comfort, no beta read
wordcount: ~670
summary: you come to a breaking point. he helps collect the pieces.
a/n: wrote this a while back, just a simple drabble.
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You don't know when it happened, but you find yourself ripping off your gear in the lockers like your life depends on it. Despite the effort, you still feel like there's layers and layers of unnecessary weight constricting itself around your body, suffocating you with a python's grip.
At that moment, you probably looked like a madman with how you chucked each article into your locker and slammed it shut, surely catching the attention of your teammates if you haven't already. The staring and comments didn't matter to you like they usually would, it all just blended together in a jumbled blur of incoherence. You took a deep breath, trying to focus on something else like you usually would, only to cut it short when you realized it wouldn't be enough.
"You alright, kid?" Keegan mutters next to you, shrugging on a jacket. Desperately, you want to make a spiteful comment or throw a sarcastic comment topped with a layer of salt his way, but you can't even find the energy to do that. Instead, you gave him a half-hearted hum of fake assurance.
You're not sure how much time passes, but when you finally manage to wrench your gaze from that one spot in your locker, you find that you're the only one left. Stumbling back and rest on a bench and run a hand over your mask, pinching at the bridge of your nose. A shakey sigh turns into a shudder, which turns into a broken gasp. Before you know it, you feel your mask grow damp, and it becomes all the more suffocating. It's so tempting to rip it off, but you know the moment you do, you'd shatter right then and there.
A voice calls out for your name, and through glossy eyes, you can make out the one standing in the doorway.
This time, he doesn't call out and instead kneels before you. His eyes scan yours for any hint as to what plagues you, but all he can see is the fear and pain that grips you. It causes you to clamp a hand over the mouth of your mask, forcing you to choke back the sobs, holding back from spilling it all. You couldn't burden your lover with such petty things. But it's a losing battle once Logan's hands rest on yours.
Gently, he pulls your hand from your mouth and rests it in his. You're hiccupping, sniffling, and sputtering, trying to explain yourself even though he hasn't asked for any explanation. All he does is press a chaste kiss against your forehead, mumbling something you barely catch before he softly tugs at the bottom hem of your mask. He starts rolling it up, and you don't have it in you to protest now. Eyes closed, you feel the cold air on your skin soon replaced with warm hands cupping your face. Opening your eyes, your bottom lip starts to wobble, and you can't stop the next wave of overwhelming emotion that hits you.
And you shatter.
Next thing you know, you're sobbing into his shoulder, holding onto him like a lifeline, coughing and heaving as if he's the only reason you can breathe right now. Frantically, your hands try to grasp the jacket on his back, pressed against him tightly like you wanted to melt into him.
Even your bones tremble under the weight of your sobs, unrelenting. But with each quake, another layer crumbles and you feel lighter. Not quite floating, but you're not sinking anymore. Just... grounded.
Logan's hand scritches at the nook between your scalp and the back of your neck, murmuring words you can't hear over the relief of just having him here. You figure it's not too far off from what he's reassuring you about. The sniffles and cries subside, but you still grip him for dear life, eyelids heavy while you burrow your face into the warmth of his neck. If you let go now, you'd surely shatter again.
But that's alright.
He's always there to pick up the pieces.
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a/n: shoutout to Logan for keeping me sane in these times, wish he got more love.
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writingwarden · 7 months
him helping you clean out your attic and you find a bunch of your childhood stuff :( (including your old diary, which is FILLED with pages you wrote about him)
Anon, you're a genius
David "Hesh" Walker x Reader
TW- None, just fluff, love confessions, kissing, minute emotional angst
Word Count- 2.1k
Summary- Feelings dug up by written words
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[A/N- Typed this out in one sitting! Tried to keep it GN.]
Call Sign- BADGER
There was only one good thing about being sent into No Man's Land, and that was the fact you were able to make a stop at your old house. Memories rush at you as you cross what used to be the threshold. The house was smaller than those around it, a nice looking one story building with a huge backyard. As an only child your parents felt they didn’t need so much empty space. Dust covers every surface you look at, the wildlife has taken over every inch it could reach. The air was thick as you moved further into the house, Riley at your heels and his handler not far behind.
Hesh’s and Logan’s footsteps echo loudly against the crumbling walls of your once pristine home. Your mother had taken pride in how orderly she had kept things. She always had somebody over for whatever reasons. That was actually how you had come to know the Walker boys. You mom and dad had been close friends of Elias Walker, your dad having served with the man. One day she had them over for lunch, the next thing you know you’re skating with Hesh and teaching Logan how to pick locks. You three had become the three musketeers. If one of you had an idea, then all of you had a plan.
Stopping in the middle of the kitchen to take in the feelings that come with returning to a place you used to hold dear, a long sigh leaves your chest. “It’s weird being back here after everything,” you say to the men behind you, “We have a minute to look around, feel free to dredge up old memories.” 
Slinging your rifle over your shoulder, you start looking through the cabinets. You weren’t looking for anything specific but it was somewhat comforting to see that most of the dishware had survived. You could hear comments from Hesh from further in the house. Moving through the house made you almost want to tear up, it was a lot to process in the short amount of time you had. Down the hallway was Riley.
The dog stood in front of your old bedroom door, behind him the ladder that led to the attic had been pulled down. “Which one of you’s up there?” you called out from the floor. Hesh’s head pops out, looking down at you with a grin on his face. You shoot him a questioning glance.
“Badger, the fort is still standing!” He elaborates excitedly. The fort in question was exactly as it sounds; a hangout spot built from storage tubs and old blankets that hadn’t been used since your parents lived up north. A smile creeps onto your face when a memory hits you. 
“Well shit, I told you it would survive to the end of the world.” You had built the place after all, and your creations don’t fall apart easily. “You know, there should be a box of those books in there somewhere. I remember a copy of World War Z being in there somewhere. See if you can find them?” you suggest. 
He moves his head around in an indecisive way before nodding, “Yeah I'll try to find it.” He disappears back into the attic for a second before reappearing, “Oh yeah, I found some stuff from when you were younger. I’ll bring some down for you to look through.” And with that he’s gone again. 
A huff from Riley has you looking down and shaking your head fondly at the dog. Riley pawed at the closed door again. Looking up you stare at the plain white door that leads to your old bedroom, why were you hesitating?
Slowly you reach your hand out, resting it on the cool brass doorknob. Just open the door. Placing your forehead against the door and taking a deep breath, You don’t have time to move this slow. What is wrong? A quick push and the door squeals open, hinges rusted from years of no use and nature's wrath.
The room looks just how you left it, your favorite color painted on the walls and your bed still unmade. If it weren’t for the dust and fallen debris from where a part of the ceiling fell in, the room looks as if you had just stepped out for a moment. Clothes still strewn around from your searching and desk still in disarray from writing in your diary before you left. That’s how you knew you were desperate to leave, you never left that book in the open. But you had been so worried about getting over to Hesh’s place that you had left it open. You don’t know why you hadn’t put it up, the Walker household was only a three block walk from your own. You would have made it in time.
You had been a block away from the boy’s house when the ground exploded, sending you into the grass. Your skateboard still clutched tightly under your arm, your blue  drawstring bookbag cushioning your fall. In your panicked state you tried to rush home, the sifting road preventing you from reaching your destination. Your only saving grace had been Hesh’s dad, Mr. Elias Walker in his screeching to a  halt in front of you. He flung the passenger side door open and you scrambled in. After that, he found the boys and the rest is history.
Entering the room further you pick up random items, quickly and silently going through the items. A few small items are stashed into your backpack, two of which being a family photo and your childhood keepsake. The thought passed to go into your parents room but you knew that would only bring sobbing and you couldn’t afford that right now. If you were lucky there would be a later time to properly mourn for them again. Turning around, you face the messy desk. As you approach you take in the messy state of it, shaking your head at the lack of organization.
A thump from the kitchen. Stepping out into the hallway you see Logan picking up a dining chair. “You okay Lo?” you call from where you stand. He looks up and smiles before holding a thumbs up in your direction. Shaking your head at the younger man, you re-enter the room, heading straight back to the desk. That diary that held every thought that crossed your past thoughts. Every single one dated and time stamped in a 24 hour clock format. Your dad had been adamant that you used the “military” time, citing that you would never be confused between 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM. He had been right, you had never confused 05:00 with 17:00. 
Picking up the book you can’t help but feel like you were in mourning. Flipping through the pages reveals a time where what you were wearing to go out and the latest thing Hesh had done to make you feel butterflies in your stomach were the biggest problems in your life; not worrying about a bullet through your skull or a knife to the gut. Those feelings were still there like a raging storm. And it was honestly no surprise that you had come to be absolutely smitten with the man in the room above you. Everyone could see that even now you were in love with Hesh. Everyone but him; flipping back to the last page that had been written, your heart breaks a little more.
The date on the top of the page read 10:49, July 10th, 2017. The day ODIN had fired on Earth and uprooted the entire world's life. Eyes scanning the page as memories from that day screech to a halt in the forefront of your mind. You and Hesh were supposed to go downtown to skate and meet up with a few friends for dinner. Past you lamented onto the page about your outfit and that your hair wasn’t working with you. In between complaining about your outfit or excitedly talking about your plans for later that day, was your feelings of nervousness. You remember vividly searching frantically through your wardrobe and failing to find that one shirt Hesh had said he liked on you. That day was supposed to be special. Skating, dinner with your crush, a confession that you had hoped wouldn’t go wrong; instead you got a burnt breakfast and a crater in the middle of the city.
Footsteps echo from the attic as Hesh calls for you, “Badger! I got a box of things, could use some help getting it down.” 
You finish putting the diary and any working stationary into your pack before moving to the bottom of the ladder again. Hesh wastes no time handing you a medium sized plastic tub. Taking the box into your arms you're surprised about how heavy it is. He must have found a lot. Hesh makes his way down as you walk back into the bedroom.
The box is set on the unmade bed and the lid is removed from the box to reveal several more items from your childhood. Most of them had been completely forgotten. Further into the box were books from the fort. But the item that had you pausing was the brightly colored notebook that once served as your diary. Flipping to the cover page revealed your name and a messy all capitalized KEEP OUT OR ELSE in blue sharpie. 
Hesh steps up to your left side, a shit-eating grin sprawled across his face. “Prime literature right there, Badger.” He says teasingly. Heat rushes to your face, you feel that if you turned and looked at the mirror on the back of your bedroom door you’d probably see your entire face looked as if you slammed it into a bucket of blush. 
You begin to stammer out an explanation when Hesh takes the book from your hands. He flips to a certain page and clears his throat. “I’ll have to say, this one’s probably my favorite,” His eyes sparkled as he read the words out loud, “I can’t believe that I’m in love with this stupid, handsome, green-eyed dumbass. Somebody please sedate me before I explode the next time he shoots me that stupid ass smile. With three green hearts drawn after it.” 
You could’ve passed away on the spot, embarrassment zipping through your very soul as he flips through the pages. Avoiding his eyes you look anywhere but him, afraid of the rejection you’d find there. He was going to laugh at you and that would hurt more than a straight up “No.” would have. Why of all things did he have to find that! You pick at your hands as you look back at him, preparing yourself for the worst.
But you don’t find laughing or a sneer at your words, you just see him studying your being. Instead you find joy in his eyes and that stupid comforting smile. “I- I can explain-” you begin but don’t get to finish. You don’t get to finish what was sure to be a jumbled ramble because Hesh is surging forward, his lips pressed to yours. His hands pull you close by your vest straps to deepen the kiss. The shock leaves just as quick as it came and you're wrapping your arms around his neck.
Eventually you both need to come up for air, the realization of what is happening dawning slowly on you. 
“That was-”
You both began at the same time. You clear your throat, “You first?” 
Hesh shifts on his feet, looking rather pleased with himself. “I was going to stop reading it, I swear!” He puts his hands up in a defensive way, “But then I saw my name and I got invested in this little plot of yours.” 
Sheepishly you raise your hand to rub the back of your head, “Yeah, well I had a lot to write about…” You let your sentence trail off, unsure of what to say next. But you figure you might as well tell him. “I feel like this is the part where I tell you I had planned to tell you after we were supposed to go downtown and meet up with our friends.” You laugh quietly and gesture to the dusty clothes strewn around the room, “I was even trying to find that one shirt that you told me you liked.” A pause of silence passes before he speaks up. 
“But then ODIN happened… Well shit, Badger.” He also looked at a loss for words. A rare sight. “Well, no time like now, huh?” 
You thought for a minute before leaning back in and kissing him again. “Yeah, no time like now I suppose.” 
[Not Pictured- Logan and Riley standing in the doorway baffled.]
[A/N- Took a little inspiration from my own younger self's journal! Hope I did this Justice! Likes and Re-blogs are always welcomed]
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Hugging Headcanons (COD Ghosts x GN! Reader)
TW: Rorke. Mentions of the canon Ghosts ending, illusions to torture (nothing graphic)
| Blog HQ | MW2 Version |
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David "Hesh" Walker
As we all know, Hesh is very, very open with his emotions. Both negative and positive, it's very easy to see what he's feeling at a glance.
Which means he is also very open to tell you how he feels for you (after months of pining and annoying Logan about it. Who was ready to spill his brothers secret for him, just so he could have one night without hearing about you)
Not only tells you how much he loves you, but also shows it through his hugs.
Normally quite goofy, a lot of times ending in you laughing while pushing against his chest. Trying to create space between the two of you as he only pulls you tighter.
You two also have your fair share of serious, loving hugs when the moment calls for it.
Loves watching you jump then immediately relax when he surprises you and hugs you from behind. Has almost gotten nailed right in the nose for it though.
Will hug you everywhere and anywhere that it's safe. No regard for who's watching, or your surroundings (the exception being if the surroundings/situation is dangerous)
Hesh has developed the habit of seeking you out when he needs a pick me up. Especially when his head gets a little too loud, and life becomes a bit overwhelming.
Maybe it's the feeling of security when he's wrapped up in you, but he finds it easier to deal with his emotions when being held by you. These moments seem to help him find clarity in his thoughts, and help him gain new perspective.
Especially when he's dealing with problems or topics he feels hopeless and lost about.
Hesh is just all around more level headed when he can hold you and slow his brain down for a few minutes.
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Keegan Russ
He's antisocial, appreciates having a decent amount of personal space. So 1 of 2 things happens:
If you're like him, and don't particularly like people being too close. He respects it, and finds it rather endearing watching the journey of you getting a little bit closer to him each day. To the point where standing beside one another comfortably is the norm.
If you're not like him, and love being up close and personal he'll eventually form a soft spot for you. Initially gets annoyed, but holds back the attitude because he does like having you around. But maybe over there.
Don't ask me why, but I get the vibe that while he wants to hug you sooner, he doesn't. For what reason? Nobody, including himself can figure that one out.
The first hug would be work related. Whether that be a heroic "oh shit" moment where he's doing something like the clichè cover your body with his. Except far less dramatic (nobody got hurt).
Or a way to not get caught when trying to go undercover.
No, those aren't 2 Ghosts. Just a couple of overgrown teenagers loving up on one another in that dark alley. It's fine.
After that first time however, he's hugging you during every quiet moment the two of you have together.
If you're shorter than him, he's going to rest his chin on your head and hold you tight into his chest. He always feels like you're this delicate thing that needs to be protected within his embrace (even though you're not and would likely chew him out if he ever said that out loud).
If you're the same height or taller -- he loves pressing his face into your neck. It brings him unlimited comfort doing this, but he'll deny it to no end if anyone asks.
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Thomas Merrick
Another guy that gives me bear hug vibes (like Price). Not overly obnoxious, but if the situation or mood calls for it he's holding you tight and considering the idea of not letting go.
Otherwise very casual with keeping physical touch. Arm around your shoulders or waist when you're sitting next to one another or walking together.
While very private about his personal life, he unconsciously wants to keep in some form of physical contact with you.
Has totally done that thing where he rests his cheek on your head, just relishing in the moment.
Especially on long rides back to whatever destination. He's gotten a couple curious looks from the newest Ghosts for this (in his defense, Logan did think it was adorable. Hesh ruined it by showing his clear confusion because Merrick's a softie?!)
They were promptly shut down by one of the other guys giving them a look of warning. Just let the man have his small moments of peace....in peace.
Call him old fashioned, but he loves when he can hold you close and slowly dance with you. Music is totally optional.
He may or may not have imagined the two of you like this on your wedding day (if marriage is in the cards for you two).
While he can come off as hot headed, and loyal/defensive to a fault (literally slamming Hesh into a wall for stepping up at Keegan) I want to say he's actually fairly laid back at home. If he needs to step in and ensure you're okay, he will in a heartbeat.
But otherwise? Totally content just lounging around with you in his arms.
Merrick also appreciates when he's the little spoon. Or being hugged from behind. Something about the feeling warms his heart in ways he can't (and won't) describe.
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Logan Walker
In the beginning, you're going to have to initiate most of the hugs. While he loves them, he overthinks it too much and talks himself out of it.
Loves (and I mean LOVES) being hugged by you. Everything in the world just lines up during the time he's being held by you. Nothing bad can happen to him when you're hugging him.
The first time he hugged you (was a "from behind hug" where he rested his chin on your shoulder) you could've swore your heart might've exploded.
His confidence eventually progresses to greeting you (when appropritate, nobody dying for hugs here) with a hug and forehead kiss becoming the norm.
Hear me out on this, beach date with Logan. Hanging out by the water when he hugs you from behind....then promptly dunks you both under the water.
He'd be fully clothed and dripping wet with you, but would have such a mischievous smile on his face for the rest of the day.
That was the most fun I've had in a long time. He would tell you later that day, waiting for the sun to dry you both off.
Little does he know you're probably plotting his revenge.
Post-capture, this would be one of the first things he finds to come back naturally. They wiped most of his mind and memory, but the feeling of you in his arms and vice versa seems to be ingrained in his muscles.
Even when the world becomes a bit too much for him to handle, the comfort of your hugs grounds him and wipes his mind for a second
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Elias Walker
Throwing him in here to say it would only happen under 3 circumstances:
1). You become like a third child to him
2). You are in desperate need of some familial comfort
3). You were almost seriously injured/killed on a mission and thank God you're okay. Remember how he pushed Merrick off Hesh in the helicopter scene and immediately went to calm Hesh down? I'm thinking that kind of vibe.
I don't know, he's the dad of the game and I like the idea that Mama Walker was his soulmate. He has no interest in filling that role. He's content with his sons and team filling his heart
No matter what situation causes the chain reaction leading to a hug -- it's filled with comfort and understanding.
Like hugging a parent who truly cares, and wants the best for you. Leaves your conscience feeling lighter and your soul a little warmer
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Gabriel Rorke
If you're on hugging tier with this man, you're special. Like....extremely special to him.
Maybe it's my overtired brain (that initiated this idea), but I could see you being the one and only tie he has left to life pre-federation (like with Logan - the feeling of holding you and being held is muscle memory. It evokes an unconscious reaction within him).
If you were by his side on the Federation:
He'd seek you out for some form of comfort, especially after capturing Logan and starting that process. No matter how brainwashed he is and hellbent on revenge, he knows first hand how terrible the conditioning process is.
For a kid he's never met, he feels horrible for doing this to him. But duty calls and you gotta do what you gotta do.
Especially on nights when he can't get the sound of the screams and agony out of his head...and his body aches in the same way it did years prior -- he seeks you out. Relishes in the feeling of you holding him and helping him forget about the atrocities.
If you're not part of the Federation with him:
I feel like you two would cross paths in the battlefield. Which would go 1 of 2 ways:
1). You get spared, he can't quite place the details but he recognizes you as someone vastly important in his life. All he wants in exchange for your freedom is a hug -- because apparently those were really important to him at one point before all this
2). You don't get spared. Again, some part of him screams and deep dives to try and remember who you are. Details are blurry or redacted within his head; but acting on instinct he pulls you close. Despite everything, you get your last moments alive in the arms of someone you once loved.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @ai-luni @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
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gothicflowers · 3 months
Call Of Duty x GN!Reader
How they would react to you telling them about your anxiety disorder.
Warnings: talks of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This is inspired by my own struggles as a diagnosed individual with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Please do not self diagnose or glamorize mental disorders or illnesses.
Sitting down for lunch after this mornings long meeting felt like heaven. A much needed battery recharging time for you. Taking a moment to practice your positive affirmations and breathing like your therapist said you felt the anxiety simmer down. Only to be interrupted by a tray being placed on your small two person table.
“You’re kinda quiet and shy. It’s actually kinda nice being around someone that doesn’t feel the need to be the loudest voice in the room.” He nonchalantly hands you an electrolyte drink and takes a seat across from you before continuing his rambling. You look back down at your half eaten sandwich diverted your eyes from his. Eye contact is a struggle you’ve been working on. Still listening to his words you nod your head so he doesn’t think you’re ignoring him.
“I mean we all have to know how to be assertive in this line of work, but I can really appreciate your demeanor as a person. You have a calming energy about you.”
You laughed at his description of you and couldn’t help the words from spilling out. “Thanks, it’s actually just a disorder.” You let out a faint laugh. You always tried to find the humor in your situation.
He was too stunned to speak or finish putting his sandwich in his mouth. He put it back down on his plate before trying to find the right words. He was worried his words had came across as rude and disrespectful. All of which he was trying to avoid.
After realizing your blurted out confession you took a brief moment to compose yourself and your thoughts. Looking up at him you gave a faint smile trying to show you’re not upset. “I have what’s called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. People with the condition can struggle with different things.” Trying to describe your struggles isn’t something you’re great at but maybe he’ll understand? “Personally, I don’t do well in social situations, interactions or speaking up. It sometimes leads to anxiety, stress, overthinking and panic attacks if it’s real bad. I prefer to be hidden in the background away from everyone’s attention. I know my comfort zones and when to push myself. But it’s never affected by ability as a soldier.” You nod your head at your own explanation.
He smiles and nods. “I appreciate you telling me that so I understand you better. I do apologize if me saying your shy or quiet came across rude. I genuinely find you to be a great person to be around.”
“Actually you probably went about it in possibly the kindest way I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been told my quietness is rude or snobbish. Which is far from how I want to be perceived. So I actually appreciate someone taking a liking to it.”
It was nice being able to have a conversation about your disorder without feelings judging. Nor did he offer unsolicited advice. Instead he recognized that it was something you don’t openly share and appreciated your trust in him. And his opinion of you didn’t change. After feeling closed off from your team you felt a little more comfortable, with him at least.
Alex Keller, Rudy (Roldofo) Parra, Gaz (Kyle) Garrick, Roach, John Price, Nikolai, Logan Walker
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skyesdaisys · 7 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
scream (sam carpenter, tara carpenter, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, wes hicks, quinn bailey)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), kit walker (american horror story), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), jeremiah fisher (the summer i turned pretty), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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mlmxreader · 6 months
Can't Let You Go | David Hesh Walker x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Pssst.... what if, hear me out here... I know "I think he's come back for his noon feeding" is from Jaws but!!! It's Y/N feeding people to their beloved that got turned into a zombie because they just CANNOT let go. Beloved in question is Hesh.
Optional but would be very funny if Logan helped capture victims because "It's not too different from hunting deer." and he also can't let Hesh go. The brother in law helps out.
Also optional, but would be interesting if Hesh could somewhat remember things even un-dead. Like Y/N tells him "I love you." and he'll sign it back because muscle memory or some shit. Establish a bit of motive for the whole "Letting my dead boyfriend murder and eat you." thing. - @tokillamockingbird427 ❞
: ̗̀➛ You're the only to blame for what happens to him, yet even still, between you and Logan, nobody can be quite sure who is less willing to part ways with him even though they know they should.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, smoking, graphic depictions of corpses, fatal injuries described in detail, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, murder, gun violence
You blamed yourself for it, more than anything, knowing that the others had done everything that they could whilst you were over with a different task force doing some training; it was your fault that he had gotten that way. Your fault that he turned into a monster.
You should have known that the people they were after would have used the gas; infecting Hesh when he was alone in the control room.
You should have protected him, and look what you had done; he was far from the Hesh you had fallen in love with.
His beautiful, smooth skin was now covered in dried blood, the white cloth he had tried to use to protect himself was melted into his skin and had torn open to expose his fleshless jaw. Hanging on by tendons, dribbles of blood staining the once white fabric.
His skin was grey, pale and thick like a dying scab. Claw marks on his head where he had tried to fight the infection. His right eye was completely gone, melted from his skull and exposing the deep and empty socket; you could see right through to the back of his skull.
Bits of bubbled flesh stuck to his lower eyelid. A hole in the side of his neck where he had tried to kill himself in desperation, blistered flesh around the entry point. His hands were cracked and blistered, skin hanging off in thick scabs constantly, all up to his shoulders.
He could hardly speak, the words sounding more like an imitation of human speech; he sounded human in voice, but the words were just wrong. You had done this. It had all been your fault.
You and Logan knew you couldn’t let him go out on his own, knew that he couldn’t be given up to the US military; you also both knew that you needed Hesh, you needed him around. A life without Hesh… you didn’t want to imagine it, and neither did Logan.
Logan had never been without his big brother, and you had been Hesh’s significant other for so long that you just couldn’t stomach the thought of being without him anymore.
Together, you and Logan took Hesh to a cabin in the woods that you had been left in an inheritance; you put up six foot tall fences made of thick wood with a doggy door that only opened if Riley’s microchip was scanned, and ensured that the rest of the property was littered with barbed wire and traps to make absolutely sure that no one would ever find Hesh.
No cellular phones. No internet. No computers. Never anything that could ever be tracked to the location, not even burner phones.
Nobody else was ever allowed to know; Logan told Elias and Keegan that he was going to see some friends for a while whenever he came to visit Hesh, and you had no one to talk to anyway so you didn’t really need to worry about anyone finding out.
You moved into the cabin, Logan could only ever visit when he could manage to get away. It worked well enough, though, nobody in, nobody out except you and Logan.
If he ever felt like he was being followed, he would immediately drive past the cabin and head down to the local hotel; sign in under his own name, and remain there until it was time for him to go back to Elias’s house.
Never risk anything.
You were both adamant about that.
But every day, even though it always came back the same, you would always check Hesh’s state over and you would always try and clean up some of the wounds; he would sit there patiently, watching you with such softness in his eyes that it was almost hard to believe that he wasn’t fully human anymore.
No heartbeat. No respiratory rate. No reaction to being tapped on the knees or elbows. He didn’t bleed when he got paper cuts from thorns he picked up. He didn’t feel anything when he bumped into objects around the cabin. Never even flinched.
He didn’t sleep. He didn’t produce any bodily fluids like sweat, drool or mucus. He was a rotted corpse, through and through, but he didn’t seem to be rotting even more; like the gas had caused him to decompose up to a certain point and then let him be.
You almost wondered if they did it in hopes of creating soldiers, but you didn’t really care.
Hesh was still mostly himself; still pressed himself to your back when he saw you cooking, still nuzzled into you at night while you slept, still smiled and grinned when he saw you singing and dancing as you put the washing away.
He was still free to roam during the day, though, having access to everything within the six foot tall fence at least; it spanned quite a large area, but you still worried.
You checked every day to make sure that every panel was secure so that he wouldn’t get out and get caught by someone who wouldn’t understand.
Didn’t change the fact that he was always so fucking cold to the touch, though. His fingers always felt like ice, and his lips never failed to make you shiver; it took a while to get used to it when he peppered kisses along your neck like he used to when he came home from deployment.
But like every other being on the planet, Hesh still needed to feed; he still needed to eat, and you and Logan knew what you had to do; you knew that Logan was a skilled hunter, but you still felt bad about asking even though you knew he would agree - you still felt bad about asking him to do such a thing, knowing how much it would hurt you both.
But you had to keep Hesh going, you couldn’t let him fade away, you couldn’t let him leave - neither of you were ready for that, you needed him.
It started out small.
Logan would go hunting in the woods when tourism was slower and there were less people around to notice him going after whatever game there was; he would hunker down, wait for one to become separated from the herd to get lost, and then take the shot when it wasn’t looking.
He made sure to never use his car, and to always be within walking distance; leaving the prey on the small table you had made for Hesh. He would wash his hands of the blood he had spilled, watching Hesh bite chunks from the large carcass, tearing it apart with grunts and growls.
But it was only deer, that was all; it was only ones that ever became separated from the herd, and it was only ones that wouldn’t really be noticed. 
“We can’t keep this up,” Logan whispered. “Someone’s gonna find out - I know it’s only… deer. But still.”
You frowned, knowing that he was right. “We need to find a new herd, that’s all… there’s an unmarked, inconspicuous trailer… it’s big enough for a deer or two… and you can attach it to the car. Just say you’re using it to help someone move.”
“And the blood?” Logan asked with a raised brow. 
“I’ve got some buck fur,” you admitted. “And antler velvet, a few hooves leftover from old taxidermy - covers it up nicely.”
Logan nodded, pursing his lips as he looked over at Hesh, who was reaching into his chest; the flesh separated easily, a gaping hole of pale grey flesh hanging open like putty, when he heard a crack, Logan growled softly.
“Hesh! No!”
Hesh looked at Riley, then back at Logan, pouting. “Fetch?”
“No!” Logan commanded, huffing loudly. “Not with your own ribs!”
You whirled around, looking at what Hesh had done and sighing heavily. “Oh, baby… come here, let’s get that sorted.”
Hesh looked at you sadly as you examined the open hole. “Bad?”
You shook your head, looking up at him as you sighed and dared to gently kiss his scarred forehead. “You’re not bad, Hesh… you’re okay. You just made a little mistake ‘s all.”
He nodded slowly, sighing. “Miss. Be. Warm.”
Your breath hitched a little as you swallowed thickly. “I know… I know…”
He outstretched his arm, a loud peeling sound coming from the insides of his elbows where the flesh was full of sharp scaps; taking a step forward, he tilted his head down slightly.
Even in death, that fucker still knew how to use the puppy dog eyes with only just one eye, and you couldn’t fucking resist; wrapping your arms around him and letting him snuggle into you as you held him.
It seemed like he couldn’t get enough, trying to keep you as close as he possibly could and trying to get his hands under your clothes; yet he couldn’t feel the warmth against his hands, and he couldn’t tell if his own were getting colder or warmer.
He just knew that he missed the feeling of being warm, and that he missed being able to actually feel you; the sensation of sweating at night because you were snuggled into one another and he was overheating beneath the thick duvet.
You missed the feeling of his warm hands on your body, almost scared to touch him thanks to the ice; it made you feel like a part of you was missing, a chopped off limb. A removed organ. You sighed, your eyes thick with tears as you sniffled, letting him go and gently kissing his cold, cracked lips.
“Do me a favour,” you told him, turning away from Hesh.
Logan shrugged. “Sure.”
“Let me borrow your rifle,” you said, voice shaking. “I need to go hunting.”
Logan silently pointed over to where he had left it, and watched as you and Riley left the fenced off area, leaving him alone with his brother. He looked at him, studying his brother's features. He knew that it was still Hesh; when he looked into that sad, singular eye, he could still see his brother trapped within it.
Yet his cheeks were completely gone, the flesh sloughed off long ago during the gas attack, leaving the sides of his jaws hanging on by tendons and strings from the stained cloth. His hands were blistered and bloodied, no longer the calloused hands of his elder brother who used to ruffle his hair when he was upset.
His arms were covered in thick, long scabs just like the scratches across his hairline. His chest was agape, the skin slapping against itself dryly when it caught the slight wind. Of course Logan knew that it was still his brother, it just didn't look like him anymore.
He swallowed thickly, pulling out a packet of cigarettes from his back pocket and offering one to him; Hesh took it, and put it in his mouth as Logan lit it. The smoke drifting into the hole in his skull where his eye used to be; up close, Logan could see the tunnel all the way to the back of Hesh's skull.
He could see the grey mass of lumpy muscle that should have been pumping and thumping, that should have been light pink and squishy. That should have been a brain. He watched as Hesh took a long drag, but never blew out the smoke again, and he frowned.
In every sense, it was Hesh, Logan knew that, but it was… he was wrong. He was Hesh, but he was wrong. But he was still Hesh, and Logan wasn’t ready to be without him - even if it meant having the wrong one.
He sniffled, daring to look at his brother’s remaining eye as he nodded slowly.
“Dad misses you, y’know,” he said, his voice shaking. “I wish I could bring him here, but… it’d hurt him… but he still talks about you all the time like you’re… still here.”
Hesh nodded. “Still here.”
“You were my big brother,” Logan started, tears in his eyes and his voice falling apart with every syllable that left his mouth.
He wished he could have had more time, he wished he could have even though he knew that he would never.
Still, he cleared his throat, and he dared to continue despite his voice giving out, “you protected me, you taught me how to do all the shit Dad wouldn’t - how to smoke, how to drink, how to misbehave, how to sneak into pubs without ID… and I’m lost without you. I was never… I never wanted to… to be alive without you, man. You were always meant to be there for me, you promised.”
Hesh frowned. “Still here… still brother.”
“I know,” Logan whispered, taking a shaky drag from his cigarette. “But you’re not… you’re not you… you’re not… you’re not alive anymore, and I… I can’t let you go because I can’t picture a life without my big brother.”
“Love,” Hesh growled out, his hands signing the words. Muscle memory. “Love you.”
A sob left Logan as he whimpered and did his best to steady himself. “I love you, too.”
Riley was crouched in the bush next to you, sniffing the air as you steadied Logan’s rifle, hunkered down, you used leaves to pad the gun so that it was even more silenced, and with the commotion from all the lorries nearby, nobody would ever hear a thing.
You had your eyes on the prey, and so did the dog beside you, ready to pounce if you needed him to; you watched as your prey took a few steps forward, right into your sites, and then you pulled the trigger.
It reached up to grab its neck, suddenly slumping to the side and twitching violently; you pulled the trigger again, and this time, an orange spray rained through the woods, and you could easily see that part of the head was missing.
It was done.
Riley ran over, sniffing it and making sure that it was dead before he sat down, waiting for you to come collect your prize; you sighed, grabbing the ankle and trying to ignore the bits of metal slapping your hand as you dragged it.
Riley was the first to go back, while you followed behind shortly after. The dog was happy, but as you hauled your prize onto the slaughter table, you couldn’t help but to feel slightly empty.
Usually, hunting helped you to clear your mind, but… not this time. 
Logan came over, Hesh following behind him, and he looked at what you had managed to get. “Good eating.”
You nodded, removing a boot and tossing it aside with a pile of others. Logan helped you to remove the coat, hat, scarf, gloves, shirt, trousers and underwear in total silence. “Check the coat for a wallet, same with the trousers.”
Logan nodded curtly, heading over to the clothing pile that was steadily starting to pile up against the fence. “On it.”
Hesh stood on the other side of the table, watching as you grabbed a knife. He brought his hands up, and smiled, daring to slowly sign four words: “you are my sunshine.”
You looked at him, and sniffled as you nodded. “My only sunshine.”
“You make happy,” Hesh told you, then pointed at the grey skies. “Even when.”
You couldn’t believe that he still remembered that song, the one you used to sing in the car together when he picked you up for date nights; the one that he was going to sing at your wedding. You wanted to sob, but nodded slowly as you swallowed thickly, watching him head over to his little food table.
You whistled at Logan, and pointed over. “I think he’s come back for his noon feeding.”
Logan nodded, daring to come over and aid you with chopping up the limbs and removing flesh from bone. “Is it wrong I still love him?”
You shook your head, daring to meet his gaze even though your own was teary. “No, because I still do, too… I know… I know he’s not our Hesh, but…”
“But you can’t imagine a life without him,” Logan whispered, picking up a pile of goopy, dripping flesh as he cleared his throat. “Nor me.”
You continued to grab what meat you could while Logan put what was done on Hesh’s table.
Immediately, he gathered up as much as he could in his hands, blood dripping from between his grey fingertips and staining his skin harshly.
He bit into it, a loud squelch echoing all around as he started to rip it apart; Logan could see the bits of flesh moving in his mouth through the holes in his cheeks, and was almost sick at the sight.
Still, he went back and picked up some more meat from your table before giving it to Hesh. 
“We need to burn all of this,” you told him, nodding at the piles of clothes and mouldy bones. “Or at least bury it.”
Logan nodded in agreement. “You got a shovel?”
“Back room in the cabin,” you told him, clearing your throat. “Logan?”
He hummed as he looked back at you.
“You’re the best brother-in-law I could ask for,” you told him sincerely. “Thank you.”
Hesh got up as Logan walked away, dragging himself over to where you were and planting his hands on the table as he glared at you, tilting his head to the side. “Love… love you… my… sunshine.”
He looked pleased with himself, and you just couldn’t help it, grinning as you nodded eagerly. “I love you, too, baby… go eat, you need it. We’ll have more for you tomorrow, alright?”
Hesh nodded, extending his hand and showing you what he had in it, gesturing for you to take some. “Eat.”
You looked at the boneless fingers, and you smiled. “Maybe in a minute, I gotta get all this cleaned up.”
Hesh left them on the table, nudging them your way. “Eat. Love.”
You sighed, licking your lips. “In a minute, I promise.”
He frowned, but reluctantly slunk back to his table; you weren’t really sure what to do, whether to engage in what could only be described as polite cannibalism, or to wait until Hesh was too busy to notice you throw them away.
But you supposed, you deserved such a torment; it was all your fault that Hesh had become what he did, and you knew that you could not change that even if you did your best.
You knew that you deserved such torment for letting him die, for not being able to save the man you loved so much. 
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luboy7rt · 15 days
How Team GHOST Would React To You Being Brainwashed (Headcanons) (GN reader) (Elias, Hesh, Logan, Merrick, Keegan and Kick.. and Riley)
(Remember This is just what I (My headcanons), enjoy reading!)(Could be seen as Platonic, Romantic?)
(Reader is in the infirmary after the Federation brainwashed you, after months of not seeing you, how would characters react to you being so different)
Elias Walker:
- Elias went silent as he sat in your infirmary room, his arms crossed firmly. Elias is a hit..  saddened, he knew Rorke before he got brainwashed.. he never wanted it to happen to someone he knew so well, someone he cherished.
- Elias stares into your dull eyes as he sat next to you, his jaw subtly clenched as he would force himself to give you a reassuring smile.
- Elias would talk, talk a lot despite the fact he never talked much, he would catch you up on everything and anything, telling you stories about the memories You have shared together that you might have been brainwashed to forget.
- Elias would simply spend time with you, your body chained down due to your Brainwashed state, but.. Elias wasn't able to ‘get over’ it, like he did with Rorke, He wasn't able to not visit you. He had a chance to help you, he was willing to spend his time doing so. He never got the chance to help Rorke, he regretted not trying more to save the man in the past… But the past was the past and you were his future, you were more important and the current, he decided to focus on the present.
- Elias would pull up your covers if you weren't able to or didn't/couldn't move due to your brainwashed state. Elias would personally care for you, and when he couldn't he ensured it was a trusted friend, teammate or medic to care for you.
- Elias would give you headpats, he gently murmurs when you flinch back due to the trauma you have experienced by being Brainwashed and tortured by the Federation. Elias would respect your space but also wants to gently get used to his touch again.
- He would read You stories, his voice is great for it. (If you are his child, or if he raised you it's because he wants to remember the good times… and make you remember that he's here. or He would hum a soft song he hummed to you when you were very young or maybe humming a song Ms Walker would always hum before she passed) Elias would even read out loud or hum gently even if you are sleeping, he saves the stories about Team Ghosts and stories about you, or the others for when you are awake and ‘listening’.
- Elias would be there for physical therapy, every moment, whenever you needed help but couldn't voice it. Elias would be there, and he gets really good at just guessing what you needed.
- Elias wants to be the first person you see in the day, not a medic, despite the fact he knows you have false memories, or your memories were messed with, he wanted that trust you once had for him, he wants you to understand you were safe with him.
- Elias gives you a forehead kiss when he arrives to your side and one before he lives, just to make a habit form so you can expect affection from him or if you're not that close he would pat your head instead.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Hesh falls asleep on the infirmary bed next to you every night, emotionally exhausted as you were the first experience of someone he knew so well being brainwashed. Hesh would refuse to leave your side, willing to stay put until he knows you are aware again.
- He does cry when he gets frustrated, knowing you were in pain, knowing he couldn't help.. knowing your memories were messed with, he tries to hide it, but his hand is tightly holding yours. He's on his knees by your infirmary bed, his face buried into the mattress as he murmurs ‘I got you’, ‘you'll be alright’ multiple times over and over again.
- Hesh tries to encourage you, to get up.. to move about a tiny bit.. to strengthen your limbs once again. Hesh takes you walking around the base when you are mentally aware enough to not attack him or others.
- His hands gently clasped around yours, after days of ‘waiting’ for something.. anything from you. Hesh began speaking to you, rambling on about any topic he could think of. Trying to comfort you so he talks about any topic that you had brought up to him before you went missing, it could be about a hobby you were telling him about or a story, or anything. He remembers, and will remember for you until you could hold onto the memories again.
- Hesh usually re-does your bandages, ensuring your wounds are disinfected and bandaged in clean bandages. He asked a medic to show him the ‘right way’, (he knew how to do this already, but asked the medic anyway to ensure he did it right). Hesh does this so you can get used to his touch once again, he flinches when you flinch at his touch because he isn't used to you flinching because of him.
- Hesh sneaks in your favorite snacks for you, despite the fact you weren't supposed to eat it, but he did sneak it in for a bed-time snack, trying to coax you with your favorite snack, so maybe it would trigger the memories of all the nice times you both have shared over snacks.
- He watches movies with you, Hesh didn't really care he was uncomfortably curled up in the chair next to your infirmary bed, ends up with Riley on his lap so you three could watch movies together while you recover.
- He tends to get frustrated and cry, but only a tiny bit, a few tears slipping from his eyes when he watches you, his heart hurt for you. Of course, he has seen a lot in his time as a soldier, he lost many friends, but he hadn't ‘lost’ someone like this before. He wanted to protect You but he couldn't figure out how.
Logan Walker:
- Logan didn't react much physically to the news you were back at base, back in the infirmary. He was told what had happened to you.. But he didn't visit at first, letting the rest of the Ghosts members visit you.
- He did visit at night though, when there wasn't supposed to be visitors, he snuck in. Silently sitting on the edge of your infirmary back, staring back at your dull eyes. At first he was surprised you were awake but he simply sat there.. so you wouldn't have to be alone again.
- Logan would stay the whole night, tapping your arm.. He ignored if you flinched, he understood what happened to those who have been brainwashed by the Federation. He tries to respect your space, doing just soft taps to let you know he was there every once in a while.
- Logan formed a habit to spend every night in your infirmary room, as if he was ‘guarding’ it for you. Ensuring no one came in, no matter how many times Elias tells him to allow you to sleep.. He does, but he's going to be around while you do.
- Logan simply wants to protect you, ensuring the Federation couldn't get you again, even though there is a slim chance of anyone getting into HQ, he likes to think it eases your mind, even if you couldn't or didn't voice it. 
- He'd sit there for hours, moving to sit next to you.. sometimes he would lay his head on your forearm, to sleep near you. Sometimes he would shift his head onto your chest to simply hear your heartbeat to ensure you were alive.
- Mentally Logan is breaking down, unable to handle the fact you were no longer the you he knew well. Not taking well to the fact your memories were messed with, so he tries to make you remember, using the rare photos he has of you and the team to try and show you.
Keegan Russ:
- Keegan broke in the moment he got word of your return, scaring all the medics as he kicked down the door (he didn't have to, it was unlocked, but he didn't realize It) as he stormed in. He would say your name, as he walked over to you. He sorta aggressively grabbed your shirt, to check your now bandaged wounds, just simply checking you over himself to just see you were alright, his gloved hands firmly checking over each of your now bandaged wounds.
- After a bit, he would grumble and sigh as grab the chair to the side, dragging it, the noise being loud, if you flinch he would place his hand on over your collarbones as if to keep you down, murmuring a soft shush as he did so.
- His hand would hold yours, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles as he would ensure no one else was around before being a bit affectionate with you. “You better be fuckin’ alright” Keegan would mutter under his breath.
- His hand stays firmly on your body, your chest, your arm. Your hand, he doesn’t care if you're brainwashed, he silently cares that you're alive. He’s willing to put up with you, he didn’t need you to remember (despite the fact, that he silently wishes for you to), he just needs you to be aware he’s there. Silently holding you, protecting you. He won’t admit it out loud, but all his actions while being around you are to protect you from further harm.
- He stays with you for a few hours every day. Leaving for missions when he needs to but he always usually returns to your side to inform you about his day. Aggressively challenges you, pissing you off with his snide comments, riling you up to do something.. anything. That's all he wanted, to get you back to your usual self.
- He would.. be a bit more patient than usual, sighing as he settles in the chair next to you. Ends up with his legs kicked up on your bed, his hand tightly holding yours, murmuring insults under his breath at the world.
- He would end up putting your favorite shows on, informing you of anything you couldn't remember, he knows it all. You're favorite character, favorite moment, anything you question about yourself, he probably knows it. 
- He plays music too, any music you like. As if trying to subconsciously make you remember anything. He would mutter the lyrics under his breath, having learned any songs you used to like in the time you weren't around. 
- His hand rests on your chest, feeling your heartbeat. He silently counts along to it, to ensure you were alive, well, and your heartbeat was beating at a decent pace.
- Keegan was willing to get you revenge as well, working his bodies to its limits on every mission to get rid of any Federation soldier in his path, he cared for his teammates a lot, and knowing what you went through, he would make them regret it
- Keegan is angry, angry at the world, the Federation.. Maybe a bit at you, despite knowing it was stupid. It wasn’t your fault you were captured, maybe he was also angry at himself, but he simply kept that anger for himself and any Federation soldiers he comes across in the future.
- Merrick is surprisingly gentle, his hand resting on your shoulder as he sits on the chair next to your infirmary bed. He shifted the binders of work he needed to do on the floor by his seat as he checks up on you. 
- He tends to just quietly work by your side. It was a win-win for him, he gets to stay by your side while also finishing up on work. Sometimes he would talk when you are awake. Sometimes just telling you about things you had missed while gone for the months you were tortured and brainwashed.
- He would also apologize for all that you went through, he feels bad. He understands he couldn't control what happened but he regretted not moving fast enough to save you.
- Merrick would check up on you as well, checking your bandages, it's not that he didn't trust the medics, he did. But he felt like sometimes he just had to see for himself you were okay.
- He would be there, he would call himself stupid if he wasn't, he liked just talking to you, it reminded him of what your relationship was like before you were brainwashed..  or just talking to you. He didn't need you to speak back if you didn't feel like it, or couldn't.
- He would take you on walks, leading the way, or showing you around HQ again, even if you couldn't remember the way around. Merrick gladly will show you around, as many times as you need. He would also remind you of funny stories, and explain where it took place to try and get you to remember.
- Merrick is saddened and pissed off, but he understands, he couldn’t be sad forever. Yes, he will grieve the past version of you that he knew very well. But he simply kept that quiet and helped you recover. Merrick knew he would like the you, you are despite you being brainwashed, and he will continue to support you through it all. But on the field? Suddenly he gets more scary, yelling a lot more, and aggressively taking out Federation soldiers.
- Kick is there, by your side while he has a break in his work, his hand firmly holding your forearm as if to ensure he doesn't ‘lose’ you again. He doesn't talk the first few days of your return, he glances away when your dull eyes meet his.
- He would also pick up one of your hobbies, even if you forgot all about it, if it was a video game, he would play the game and remind you all about it, what you liked, which characters you liked, show you your account and make his own. If you liked drawing, he would attempt to get into it. Basically just picks up any hobbies you had, to try and re-teach you, wanting to see the passion/love you had for it return.
- He’s a bit overbearing, wanting to see everything, every injury, every one who enters your room, he just wants to ensure you are okay.
- He uses a military drone to ‘entertain’ you, even if you don't react much and just watch, he's happy, talking you through his own hobbies for hours at a time. He just is trying to spend time with you, he almost lost you, and he wouldn't take his time for granted anymore.
- His hand is usually resting on you, your shoulder, forearm, knee anywhere you feel comfortable with. 
- He would sometimes tell you about his day, or something stupid Logan and Hesh have done as of late. 
- He would sneak in food, whatever you liked before getting brainwashed, he would cook it himself for you, the cost doesn't matter, if you liked it, he buys or cooks it. Leaves a note that he did indeed bring you food for the medics incase they needed to know but he does it before he leaves so the he doesn't have to face the medics.
- He also brings you your stuff, things you liked or like to do, will bring you books, papers, yarn anything really you want or can do. 
- He frowns when you don't react to the things he brings, as he sees you don't have the passion for any thing you used to like. He doesn't like seeing you.. Brainwashed, doesn't like that you don't respond, and only respond to orders. He will be here while you heal, understanding you would never be the same person he once knew.
- He tries to hype you up, oh you sat up for the first time since getting back? He's hyping you up, you talk for the first time since being tortured, you got this! He's hyping you up every step of the way on your journey to heal.
- He’ll do something stupid just to see you smile, he would make Logan and Hesh do something stupider to just see you smile, encourages stupid shit to Logan and Hesh, saying that yeah.. that would make you smile. But ends up just laughing at the two, and using them as his own amusement while ensuring he would be by your side the whole time.
Riley: (Honorary Dog mention) 
- Riley is sat by the side of your bed when he isn't with Hesh, firmly sat there to protect You.
- Barks for medics when you ‘need’ it, swiftly learns that when your hand brushes against his tail, he needs to bark loudly for a medic to check up on you.
- He waits for you to be ‘better’ so he could get you to play fetch with him, but for now.. until you heal, he is willing to wait by your side. 
- After a few months of your healing journey, Riley sets up to lay on the bottom of your bed instead of on the floor.. flops his head by your handcuffed hand so you can pet him.
- Riley is very loyal, staying put for hours at a time, when he wakes up, his eyes glance at you. To ensure you were alive, awake, and aware. If you sleep too long he chomps (lightly) on your hand to wake you up.. if you don't, Riley goes running off to the first Ghosts member he could find to drag them over to you.
(Hi, sorry this might not be a lot, or that great, hope you enjoyed these headcanons! I might add more later :)
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bloodyquillink-blog · 6 months
Logan Walker Masterlist
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To Be Changed Request Completed (Dec 10, 2023)
Logan is canonically taken by Rorke. This fic follows the POV of his partner, civilian!reader. gn!reader who Logan is married to prior to being taken.
Sugar and Lemon Masterlist, Ongoing (Started November 12, 2023)
You, reader, are a cafe owner that Logan meets on a day off. Takes place after the war after Logan is returned home. gn!civilian!reader
Who Would’ve Thought? Request Completed (Dec 13, 2023)
David is getting married to Reader’s friend. Logan and reader realize how much they like each other as the days go on.
Eyes Like Gravel, Request Completed (Feb 14, 2024)
Logan and Reader go to the beach and pick rocks that match the others eye color. gn!Reader, unspecified eye color for reader.
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Y/N : I’ve been running all my life. All I have ever wanted was to catch my breath, just for a moment, but I can’t even do that anymore.
Logan, kisses their forehead : When this is all over, we’ll take a breather together.
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loganbcrnes · 3 years
hi welcome to my new blog!
requests are open. down below are the characters that i write.
Victor Creed
Logan Howlett
Nathan Summers/Cable
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Arthur Curry
Clark Kent
i also write some of Henry Cavill’s characters such as:
August Walker
Walter Marshall
Captain Syverson
Sherlock Holmes
Call Of Duty:
Captain Price
Frank Woods
+ many more
most of my fics and oneshots will contain NSFW so i dont mind you requesting that. any of the characters can be x reader or a ship such as Logan/frank or clark/arthur. 
also a lot of the stuff i write is abo since thats something i REALLY enjoy so honestly go full out on ur requests because im open to mostly anything!! (just read the rules before requesting)
For the most part i write fem!reader, i don’t write male!reader, but can write GN!reader. i dont contain any description of the reader, but will put a warning if i do.
I can write characters that aren’t mentioned here, so please, don’t be afraid to request ones that arent listed.
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macravishedbymactavish · 11 months
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| Blog HQ | 18+ MDNI | No use of "Y/N" | Taglist Open |
Near & Far // Unnamed Ghost x GN!Reader
Always Attract // Logan x F!Reader
D A V I D "H E S H" W A L K E R
I Don't Care if You're Contagious // Hesh x GN!Reader
In Sickness & In Health // Dad!Hesh x Mom!Reader
Checkmate // Hesh x GN!Reader
Social Butterfly | Antisocial Moth // Keegan x GN!Reader
3 pros & 3 cons of dating
Hesh & Logan
Writing the characters personalities
Miscellaneous Headcanons
Ajax SFW
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Come Around // Logan Walker x F!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
The Chronicles of Life & Death (Drabbles) // Various Ghosts x GN!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
The Home Chronicles // David "Hesh" Walker x GN!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
We're Lost & Found // Keegan Russ x F!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
San Diego // David "Hesh" Walker x Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
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x-childish-x · 3 years
Request Rules/Guidelines
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! You can call me Moll and my pronouns are she/her! Thank you so much for considering me to write your request! I kindly ask you to read through all my rules before submitting a request! Thank you once again! I look forward to writing for you!
Trigger Warning! Mentions to mental illnesses, abuse, death, etc. below. PLEASE proceed with caution!
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What I Write:
🌺 One-shots
🌺 Drabbles
🌺 Headcanons*
🌺 Multi-Chapter stories* 
* I have not written headcanons yet, but I'm more than willing to try. I’m willing to write more parts to previous fics upon request, or if you'd like a new multiple part story.
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What's Okay to Request: 
🌺 Fluff
🌺 Angst
🌺 AUs
🌺 Little-space*
🌺 Romance
🌺 Platonic
🌺 Age gaps 
🌺 Polyamorous*
🌺 Mental illnesses*
🌺 Major character death
* Must be 18+ to request/interact with any NSFW content, littlespace will not be written for anything sexualizing it (here’s a link to help clarify littlespace). I haven't written polyamorous before but I'm willing to try, I've never written any LGBTQIA+ fics but I am willing to try my best and learn. Please see the mental illness guidelines below.
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Will NOT write: 
🌺 Non-con
🌺 Dubcon
🌺 Pedophilia
🌺 Incest
🌺 Romantic themes for underage characters* 
Absolutely will not write or tolerate any hate to a community, series, character, etc.
* If you would like an underage character aged up for romantic theme I will gladly do so, but please specify that.
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Mental Illness Guidelines:
All mental illnesses will be handle with extreme care, I will let you know if I'm not comfortable, I will always include warnings, and will try to keep it as safe as possible for all my readers. If requesting a mental illness/one of the following please be respectful. 
They will not be taken lightly and will mainly be written in mention unless otherwise specified. 
Please include trigger warning in your request
🌺 Suicide
🌺 Self-harm
🌺 Eating disorders
🌺 Death of loved one
🌺 Abuse (mental, emotional, physical, sexual)
🌺 Possible other mental illness depending on the illness
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Pairings I write for:
🌺 Character x reader*
🌺 Character x OC
* Please specify the gender and ethnicity of the reader (if you wish). You may choose to leave out ethnicity and it will not be specify. My default is fem!reader and no mentions to ethnicity.
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Pairings I WON'T write for: 
🌺 Character x character
🌺 Real person x reader*
* EX: Chris Evans x reader
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Important General Information:
🌺 I go in order with my requests!
🌺 You can request in my asks, dms, or even comments, whichever way you prefer.
🌺 You can send multiple requests! Don't be afraid, I'm happy to write for you!
🌺 Please specify the reader you'd like written (fem, male, gn reader, race too if you wish*)
🌺 I will let you know if I don't feel comfortable with your request.
🌺 Specific if you wish for platonic or any other type of relationship. I default to romantic.
🌺 Please be patient. I have a life and can't always write stories quickly in good quality. 
🌺 These rules can change at any time, if they do, I will make sure to let everyone know via reblog/separate post
🌺 Feel free to request a trope, I like the majority of them and would love to give it a shot!
🌺 I mainly write for x fem!reader but I will write x gn!reader and x male!reader*
🌺 I have two Prompt lists! One's NSFW prompts and one's a general prompt list! Feel free to use them, or not! Rules for those prompt lists are included on the prompt lists as well as my main masterlist!
* I do not have any experience with writing specific race but if requested I will do my best to improve and be inclusive. The last thing I want is to offend someone, so please (nicely) help me! I default to fem!reader and don't have much experience in gn/male!reader but I'm more than willing to try and improve!
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I do my best to make my work friendly to all people (including POC) I want to be inclusive and improve my writing so that people of all ethnicities and genders can enjoy my works. I try to stray from gender specific pronouns when it's not specific but as mentioned, I default to fem!reader and always put that incase a female term slipped by. Please tell me if I'm offending or doing things that feels excluding! Help me if something triggering is not listed so my writings are safe! I want to improve and learn so everyone feels safe and represented on my blog!
Some requests may take a while! It's simply because I want every request to feel like it was worth it to you! I want to do my absolute best to put out the best possible instead of something crummy that didn't have thought put into it.
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🌺 If you would like to request something, but still feel unsure after reading through these, please dm me or send an ask! Don't be afraid to ask if I'd be willing to write for something! I'll gladly clarify and add it to whichever list it applies to!
Ask Here!
Main Prompt list!
NSFW Prompt list!
Main Masterlist! (includes all other masterlists)
I write for a large amount of characters and I’m willing to write for more (including female characters)! If you are unsure if I will write for a character, simply ask and I will add them to my list and let you know!
🌺 I am allowed to reject any character request depending on how comfortable I feel writing for them. They are listed in no specific order, all characters on this list are ones I feel comfortable enough to write for, though others are subject to be added!
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Poe Dameron
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Peter Maximoff
Kurt Wagner
Warren Worthington iii
Erik Lehnsherr
Logan Howlett
Wade Wilson
Hank McCoy
Alex Summers
Scott Summers
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
Tate Langdon
James Patrick March
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
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