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Shrimp logo design process ♡
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erd-nas-sac · 2 months
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il est trop mignon je regrette un peu qu’on l’ait mangé à Noël…
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pizzaposse614 · 6 months
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Possum Holler Pizza (1874 Lisle Ave, Obetz, OH 43207) 11/26/2022
14” - $15.00
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When in Porto you need to try the Francesinha, a local dish of a super sandwich made with bread, pork steak, sausage meat, cheese and egg, all with a sauce to dive the French fries. Join us ride351.com
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robhastudio · 9 days
#miracleon63rdstreet Thank you soo much, at least you noticed me. You suggested me to show my face. Thanks but i can't. I do not want to disclose my identity because my family does not know about my debt. I don't let them show that how much am broken because i have responsibilities and they depend upon me. I don't want that they go through what i am going through. And this is why i thought to ask for help rather that having suicide.
Still not a single Doller received, but may be ........................
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freshtendril · 3 months
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I’m so lucky to have a farmer friend. This morning he dropped off some chicken eggs for me but also included a nice surprise of Turkey eggs. That’s right, eggs from his turkeys. And they are some big jumbo ones and are so beautiful. Make friends with your farmer. They bring food into your life. Literally. Thank you farmers!
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downtoearthmarkets · 10 months
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A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the different methods of crop irrigation that farmers use and how climate change is affecting the volume of water needed to keep fields hydrated and healthy here in the northeast. Managing water use wisely by installing efficient irrigation systems is just one of many steps that farms can take to reduce their impact on the local ecology while increasing their profitability and productivity. This week, we’ll touch on the importance of protecting and improving soil health to the future of sustainable farming. Building healthy soil and preventing erosion Sustainable agriculture is often used interchangeably with the term ‘regenerative agriculture’ because of the focus on restoring degraded farmland back to its former vitality and biodiversity. Beginning in the early 1900s, traditional farming techniques underwent a rapid transformation as mechanization replaced animal and human labor. As a result of these changes, the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides was introduced, farms grew larger, yields increased and free-range, pastured animals were confined to smaller areas or moved into feedlots. During his youth in the 1950s, my father worked as a part-time laborer on a small farm in the north of England where he witnessed firsthand many of these changes occurring in real-time. The farm horse named Kit that he had grown fond of and spoiled with carrots and apples was replaced by a Ferguson tractor, while ancient hedgerows filled with blackberry briars and bountiful plum and damson trees were removed to make it easier for the new tractor to plow the land. He recalls forking out chicken and cow manure from the back of the horse-drawn cart to naturally fertilize the fields and hand-harvesting potatoes amongst other “backbreaking work” that is now performed by machines instead of farmhands. While all this modernization has spiked farm efficiency and production, it has often come at the expense of the health of the farmland, livestock and environment. Regenerative agriculture aims to restore the land back to its former fertility by reintroducing many of the traditional farming techniques of my father’s youth. At its core, it centers on promoting and bolstering soil health as fundamental to a farm’s ability to thrive and prosper well into the future by adopting a range of methods including the following:
Crop rotation and diversity: Rather than planting the same crop in the same field year after year, which eventually depletes the soil of certain nutrients and can lead to pest infestations, farmers introduce a different type of crop each year or at multiyear intervals. They can also include intercropping which involves growing a mixture of crops in the same area.
Cover crops and perennials: Cover crops such as clover, rye, buckwheat, mustard and vetch are planted in fields during the off-season when the ground might otherwise be left bare. This helps protect and build soil health by replenishing nutrients and preventing erosion from extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Perennial crops such as alfalfa and asparagus keep soil covered, suppress weed growth and maintain living roots in the ground year-round which hold soil in place and helps stabilize the areas in which they are planted.
No or limited use of chemicals: Crop rotation and planting cover crops will naturally reduce or eliminate the need for synthetic pesticides and fertilizers over time by protecting and boosting soil biology. Regenerative agriculture allows for the judicious use of chemicals only when needed, such as when restoring heavily depleted soil to its natural resilience.
Compost, animal and green manure: Farmers can increase the amount of organic matter in their soil and boost its fertility through the application of compost, animal manure and ‘green manuring’ their cover crops which entails plowing under the still-living, undecomposed plants into the ground where they slowly release fertilizing nutrients like nitrogen.
Reducing or eliminating tillage: Traditional plowing (aka tillage) prepares fields for planting and prevents weed growth by mechanically turning over the uppermost layer of soil. Unfortunately, plowing disrupts soil microbiology (bacteria, fungi and other organisms) which causes soil loss and releases carbon stored in the soil’s organic matter into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which we all know is a potent greenhouse gas. Alternatively, no-till or reduced-till methods involve inserting crop seeds directly into undisturbed soil, which reduces erosion and conserves soil health. 
Agroforestry: Agroforestry refers to the practice of incorporating trees into farmland, such as the plum and damson trees my father remembers in the old hedgerows. By cultivating trees and shrubs on their property and mixing them into their operations, farmers can provide shade and shelter that protect crops, livestock, and water resources, while also leveraging additional income from fruit, syrup, nut, or timber yields. Agroforestry promotes biodiversity on a farm and trees are, of course, critical to slowing the effects of climate change. Plus, trees promote soil health by preventing erosion, fixing nitrogen and supporting the growth of fungi and other soil microbes.
Unlike large, industrial farms that grow monoculture crops and factory farmed animals, the small, local farms that partner with Down to Earth farmers markets have long embraced many of these sustainable agricultural practices. From composting to pasturing livestock to crop diversification, our farms understand the importance of soil health and are invested in protecting the local ecosystems and communities in which they operate, while producing a range of healthy, nutrient dense foods. It’s a win-win for everyone!
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alstontbb · 1 year
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在大溪鄉野間有一家相當受歡迎的湳仔溝客家麵,走附近的古道時可以來這裡補給,而這裡的麵食和小菜種類豐富,每一樣都令人垂涎三尺! 鴨肉有著嚼勁十足的口感,陽春麵則是嫩滑爽口,乾麵則是清爽不膩,豬血湯也是入口即化。 總的來說,這間湳仔溝客家麵真的是值得一試的好店!不僅價格親民,麵食的口感和味道也是一級棒,相信大家來到大溪一定不能錯過這家小吃店! #foodphotography #photography #yummy #tasty #delicious #flavorfulfood #hungry #taoyuan #taiwanfood #food #duck #noodles #localdishes #localfood #platingfood #うまい #おいしい #美味 #美味しい #美食 #美食推薦 #美食日記 #鴨肉 #陽春麵 #小吃 #銅板美食 #豬血湯 #在地美食 #桃園 #台灣小吃 (在 大溪湳溝客家麵) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKI5bkuUX9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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megbits · 1 year
On Being Somewhere
Wrote a little bit about how the contrast between SW and NW springs is allowing me to see things more clearly. Also some good links on foraging local weeds out of your yard, recipes, and this great video from the Nito Project:
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warungluputu · 1 year
Fresh Seafood @warungluputu
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richsgoodfood · 2 years
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So.. this week was 3 for 5, bringing a lunch.. the other two days I skipped it due to the heat. Too hot to eat sometimes. Also, there was alot of ham and cheese this week as I tried the app @loblawson FoodFlash, and got almost a pound of the free from ham for 8$.. great deal, but you have to consume it fast. Happy Friday Good Food #richsgoodfood #goodfoodcheap #simplegoodfood #goodfood #simplefood #nofilter #homecooking #homemade #fromscratch #scratchcooking #food #foodphotography #yummy #delicious #tasty #instafood #instagrub #ontario #Canada #localfood #localbutcher #eatlocal #eatbetter #eatwell #lunchtogo #lunch #adultingishard (at Rich Fletcher's Good Food & Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUzFXnJ6Tp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rosielindy · 1 year
Fun impromptu drive to Bloomington, IN today, unplanned stop at a local winery. Sunny and above freezing, saw flock of Sandhill cranes flying overhead, which is an unusual sight this time of year.
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octoberland · 1 year
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Fate brought me through Boston tonight so I swung through the @bostonpublicmarket and picked up some of my favorite food. Swiss chard from @stillmansfarm , herbed goat cheese, a protein muffin from @motherjuice , tea from @solunagardenfarm , nuts from @qsnuts , and a meal kit from @forkonaroad . I have a tasty weekend ahead of me! #eatlocal #shoplocal #boston #shopsmall #food #localfood #localfarms #foodie #stuffjeneats https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQDMeoupGh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pizzaposse614 · 2 months
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Villa Nova Ristorante (5545 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214) 02/04/2024
14” - $16.75
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Delicious Octopus dish we ate at Ericeira! Join us ride351.com
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honeycombhank · 2 years
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Lunch today for me is-
local blueberries, local raspberries and blackberries, Greek yogurt and organic oats and honey granola.
This tastes especially delicious today.
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