ozgur-ce · 4 months
Tey teeeeey teeeeey lililililiiiiiiiiiyyyy kanka @zermanblog 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gelen tutsun halayın ucundan bacılar gardaşlar 😁👫👫👫😂😂😂
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pansexualkiba · 9 months
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@panda-monium64 you've always loved enabling me when it comes to these. You may actually recall this first batch, in fact.
This one is sooooo middle school it HURTS. To be fair, this and the second one WERE made in middle school, so if the tone of the ones after really fucking shift into... not too embarrassing, that's why.
The plot: A huge fucking mansion has appeared in an uninhabited grassland along the edge of the Hakurei Border. From it, there's been an outpouring of foreign youkai and humans alike. This wouldn't actually be a problem if it weren't for the fact that, 1) For some reason, there have been false alarms of a giant breach in random places all along the border, and 2) all of the youkai are more along the mentality of Hell: needlessly flaunting their strength without regards to anything - or, more simply put, they're just skipping the danmaku and going straight to Attacking.
You're seeing what I mean when I say "this is soooo middle school" I was THEEE edgy teen back then. I tried to wear the amulet from a vampire Halloween costume on a daily basis. As I get into this first batch of characters you'll see that they're CRYSTALLIZED chuunibyou like I know it's not really an appellation you can give to an American emo teen but I was SOOOOOOO chuuni it's ridiculous. On some level I still am but now there's a level of self-awareness that lets me know this shit is CRINGE.
DIVIN SHIRONE Guardian Angel from Far Off Species: Angel Ability: Capable of reflecting light An angel sent by the bureaucracy of Heaven to make sure that humans under her watch aren't lead astray. She ended up being swept into Gensokyo with her current charge, however, and now she's at a loss as to what to do. She was hoping that she could leave at some point, but she was struck down by the protagonist when she went to ask for directions out. As it turns out, that action was futile, so now she's resting around the area, waiting to find a human that needs guidance.
First up: the first stage midboss. She never appears after this, btw, I think I just fucking forgot she existed. The mixing of a mangled english first name and that utauloid-ass last name... Is she a vtuber (lol)? Her ability is also a fucking joke on the fact that she's essentially just a white girl wearing white clothing. It's called being snow-blind. Still, for a stage one midboss, you could do worse than some random bitch who just wanted directions out.
LILILILI NEKONEKO Cat Monster Armed to the Teeth Species: Cat youkai Ability: Capable of forging swords A youkai that was born when a pet housecat was caught in a magical explosion. Rather than dying, she was reborn as a cat youkai. Immature, she still felt loyal to her owner, so she went to go find him. Her feelings towards him are more of a daughter's feelings towards a beloved father. Her ability allows her to create swords, provided she has even the tiniest bit of scrap metal. She is not seen without at least one sword on her person. She later showed up to use her sword creation power to arm Akuma with a blade powerful enough to defeat the protagonist. This did not work.
THIS ONE... OH MY GOD. Okay the LORE of this character: I made the initial template of this character in Walfas (WALFAS. THAT'S HOW OLD THIS CHARACTER IS.), but I made it under the artistic direction of my FUCKING SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SISTER. Granted, I asked her for this, but what we ended up with was some random little catgirl in full Yuyuko cosplay. I don't even remember what her original ability was, but when I later codified these characters, I changed it to "making swords" and made it so she wasn't. fucking dressed like Yuyuko. I didn't change her name, though. This is because I wanted to embarrass my sister and also because I love this like, stupid little idea that she named herself because she doesn't want to be, like, named "Stinky". Also originally, her feelings towards her old owner were "she thinks he's her big brother", but I changed that too. Speaking of...
BAKUTO SAKURETSU Red-Hot Explosive Temperament Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing explosions A rare man who actually understands the beauty of danmaku. Will relentlessly pursue anyone who ticks him off. Seemed to have gained his powers recently, but they've been growing stronger at an exceptional rate. The previous owner of Lililili. Doesn't seem to recognize her in the slightest, so he feels extremely cold to her bouts of affection. After causing a massive explosion following a traumatic event, Bakuto went to seek sanctuary in the House of Damien, which he had heard of in whispers. However, he can't remember who the whispers were from. Though he didn't know it, these whispers were the workings of Beto. He's honestly just here for a good time in this transient world.
GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GODDDDDD. I TOLD YOU THIS SHIT WAS MIDDLE SCHOOL CRINGE. In case you're wondering, the "traumatic event" was just that his boyfriend was cheating on him and he caught them. So he fucking got so apoplectic that he gained explosion powers. FUN FACT: I was in middle school WELL BEFORE My Hero Academia was real. I like to imagine Horikoshi is such a hack writer he used telegraphy powers to steal my ideas from across the globe (lol). Bakuto is another character that doesn't actually show up past this "game", but I think later Sumireko's gonna meet him again and have little notes that Bakuto's "really simmered down after meeting Kourin" which implies that the one thing Bakuto needed to become domestic is the worst dick in his life.
MAIKO AMEGUMO Maid of Torrential Downpours Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing rain A random maid of the House of Damien. She used to be the head maid for a notoriously rich man. She often found herself imagining herself as the heroine in a terrible romantic light novel, in which the rich man fell in love with a poorer maid of his. So, while it was no shock to us that he chose someone he was actually attracted to instead, she was in shock. She ended up flooding the entire manor in a fit of grief, and was only saved because she thought to leave the manor beforehand. Now out of a job, she wandered around a bit before finding herself at another large manor in the middle of nowhere. There, she was welcomed by the head maid of the House of Damien. Regardless, she was as surprised by the change of scenery as anyone else, so she simply continued her duties. Her ability is the creation of rain clouds. She can control just how much rain falls and how hard it does so. Mainly, she uses this ability to clean.
THIS CHICK... PARASOCIAL??? YOU NEED TO LOG OFF??? I love the downplaying I keep putting in these early bios like GIRL YOU'RE ON THE RUN FOR MASS MURDER. Fun fact! This essentially makes her kind of a warped foil to Bakuto. Bakuto was in a relationship that ended... explosively. Meanwhile, Maiko had the fantasy of a relationship that she ended up killing everyone even remotely involved when she learned it wasn't real. They even have fire and water powers. I like to think they'd be friends if I didn't make it so they canonically despise each other.
GASHAKO KIKINMARU Eater of This World's Transient Forms Species: Yuurei Ability: Capable of eating forever A ghost bound to her skull. Long ago, she ate only gourmet foods, but one day, during a famine, she was forced to eat her own family. Later, she ate herself. Because of the evil nature of her death, she became a ghost, haunting her remains (which were never properly found). Later, her manor was converted into the House of Damien, but not without her knowing. She is bound specifically to her skull, and can therefore not exist more than a few feet from it. She can, however, pick it up, which saves her some mobility issues. Because she's a ghost, she doesn't have to worry about physical limitations all that much, which comes in handy because she's always hungry.
OH GOD.... OKAY. THERE'S A BIT OF LORE WITH THIS BITCH. Keep in mind: I was a HELLACIOUS little weeb. Around this time, mothy's songs were getting REALLY big. You see where I'm going with this. Additionally, this was actually the FIRST Touhou OC I ever made. This was because, as a chuuni little bitch, I had a fucking FAKE SKULL I liked to carry around. You can see where those influences came into play here. Even WORSE was the fact that Gashako Kikinmaru wasn't even her original name. Whereas with Lili, the design changed but the name didn't, the opposite happened: I kept the design (because it genuinely fucks, it's like, blue on blue on white with bone decals and she's sickening), but the name... Her name was just two Mortal Kombat characters. I'll let you guess which ones. Lastly, this bitch ended up being my first "prediction" character because her "ability to continuously eat" ended up predating Yuuma Toutetsu. A mess of a character. I love her.
BETO The Footsteps You Hear at Night Species: Betobeto-san Ability: Capable of creating footsteps An old-fashioned youkai from the Nara prefecture. She spent quite some time tormenting travelers on moonlit paths, but as the world got brighter, she began to lose power. People just weren't afraid of disjointed footsteps when the path was well-lit. She ended up leaving the prefecture, and found herself staring into the eyes of Akuma. They were both in shock. The two ended up becoming good friends, however, so it apparently all works out in the end. Akuma required a place to stay, unfortunately, so Beto led her to an old abandoned manor she had heard about. This was Gashako's old manor, and she let them live there. Beto, now with two friends when she previously had none, suddenly desired more company, so she sought out people who ended up wandering down the path looking dejected. This also ended up including many foreign youkai. Upon hearing one of their plans to relocate to Gensokyo, Beto thought to herself, "Perhaps I could go there as well." She couldn't bear the thought of leaving behind Akuma, however, so they made plans to transport the entire House of Damien (as they had begun calling it). Beto, unaware that the Barrier actually accepted foreign arrivals like theirs, began to use her power to set off false alarms all over the entire border to distract from the real Incident: the transportation of the House of Damien. While it succeeded, their stealth mission was spoiled by several of the foreign youkai running out and causing a havoc, not knowing of Gensokyo's rules.
Honestly my favorite of this group. She's so fucking creepy and I love her for it. Canonically she also doesn't have eyes. Like I cover her face with a veil but she DOES NOT have eyes. Imagine going from some friendless loser to snagging TWO bad bitches and essentially opening up a homeless shelter for monsters and humans alike. She likes sneaking up behind people, as well. There's also a bit from the actual story I like where in the middle of the fight she just stops and asks if this makes her and the protag friends and when they just go "...I guess? What?" she just happily continues attacking and only leads you to Akuma because you're friends now. :)
AKUMA DAEMON Grand Demon Lord of the House of Damien Species: Demon Ability: Capable of creating invisible walls A Western-style demon. She found herself quite disliking the whims and ways of her more bloodthirsty compatriots, so she set off from Hell, hoping to reform. Eventually, she found the best way to become a decent person was to use charity, and so she traveled the world, doing various good deeds. She would often change her name doing so, as her true name is quite unpronounceable to those that do not speak Daemonic. Currently, as her travels have taken her to Japan, she goes by Akuma. While in Japan, she happened upon Beto, and the two became fast friends. "I could finally settle down," is what Akuma thought. However, they would need a house. Fortunately, they found Gashako's old manor, and since she wasn't using it, the three converted it into a sanctuary for outcasts and monsters alike. Soon, they found the need to relocate. But where? Beto had heard whispers of a place called Gensokyo, said to be a haven for the world's fleeting population for mythological beings and figures. Akuma, readily agreeing, began the transport as soon as Beto provided the necessary distractions. And so, the House of Damien was now on a grassland along the far side of the Hakurei Border. Invigorated by the natural magical energy permeating Gensokyo, many of the various monsters and humans with powers went out to see how things are, not knowing the rules of Gensokyo. And thus was the Foreign Youkai Incident.
This name........ Bro I COULD NOT have picked a more EDGY NAME IF I TRIEDDDDDD. In case you're wondering, Lili is the stage 6 midboss, and she gives Akuma (THIS NAME....) what's essentially Excalibur. But because it's a replica, it can't guarantee victory. Anyways, Akuma (WAUGH) has a gimmick to her fight where she'll use her ability to make invisible walls to just, actively close in the screen borders, giving you less room to move around in. This actually probably makes her the most difficult of all bosses I've designed. Imagine trying to dodge with an incredibly narrow X-Axis... Terrifying. That right there is why she's the boss. However, if this fucking name doesn't scream middle school edge... Oh my god you're not ready for the extra boss.
AKAKO (ROSE EVANS) The Girl Stained in Red and Ichor Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing fear A girl from a completely different dimension. In the dimension she hails from, zombies overtook the entire world. Rose is one of the last humans surviving. The incident happened sometime in 2005. What was said to be uncontrollable nuclear radiation mutated corpses so that they would ambulate. The truth of this matter is much more sinister, but let's ignore that for now. With no real concept of life or death, the zombies could still be exterminated using brute strength or impressive magic. Rose is the one using brute strength. Utilizing a road sign that she scavenged, she set out, taking out zombie after zombie. Eventually, she gained no sense of fear, but her general aura instilled apprehension and fear into the hearts of others. One day, she discovered a lone scientist who had developed a dimensional transporter. It would send her to other dimensions. And it did. However, alternate dimensions and zombies were still a thing of fantasy in the dimension she was heading, so she ended up getting intercepted by the Hakurei Border. Upon arrival, her power immediately manifested and kicked into full overdrive. A passing fairy, fainting almost immediately, uttered "Akako"... And that is how Akako came to be in Gensokyo.
Every time. Every time I review WDI's characters, I actively skip Akako because it's SOOO chuuni. What IS THIS. Alternate dimensions? Zombie apocalypses? USING A STOP SIGN AS A WEAPON? AND THIS FUCKING NAME. ROSE EVANS? AKAKO? GIRL GET A COOLER NAME. YOU'RE FROM THE APOCALYPSE NAME YOURSELF SOME SHIT LIKE COMBUSTION ENGINE OR SOMETHING. Imagine getting assigned Akako at Fairy I think I'd just fucking leave. Also of course her eyes glow red. Of course they do. Miss thing's the PINNACLE of edge. Luckily this means it doesn't get too bad later.
All the characters have some charm. It's just... God, Gaimaken was a fucking ROUGH START. All of them have shades of this level of chuuni, but this is where it's ACTIVELY BAD. They don't really show up all that much in later installments (unless I put Akako in the phantasmagoria-type...? Eh, I forgot who I made playable in that one anyways.), but that's mostly because I think the ending is that everyone essentially integrates seamlessly into either Hell or Gensokyo, and meanwhile Akuma (BLEGH), Beto, and Gashako are just having fun in their giant fucking house with their seventy maids. As mentioned, Bakuto starts getting disgustingly domestic with Kourin despite everything else about himself and he vanishes entirely. Lili ends up trying to arm the feral cats in Mayohiga. Akako is somewhere in the woods I think. Divin has evaporated from the plot and probably left Gensokyo entirely.
And meanwhile, on the exact opposite side of Gensokyo, a new structure appears... This one more internally thematic, but still stupidly middle school.
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cursedmoodlet · 2 years
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🛏- skinblend, freckles, lip shape overlay, birthmark, nosemask, mouth corners, eyes, eyebrows
🍯- eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, lips // hair, glasses, earrings, tee, shorts, bracelets, socks, slippers
🪷- eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, lips // hair, hat, earrings, top, sweats, slippers
🥀- eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, lips, highlight // hair, lip piercing, choker, bra, harness*, shorts, rings, nails, stockings
i love love LOVE that hat i haddd to use it 
*sfs link, post here [2019]
thank you to these creators! @kindlespice @simreaper @miikocc @simulationcowboy @thepeachyfaerie @semplicesims @crypticsim @pralinesims @twisted-cat @simstrouble @bellassims @jellymoo @simkoos @lililili @candysims4 @madlensims @sadlydulcet @nolan-sims @jius-sims @kumikya @sunivaa @trillyke @serenity-cc @trillyke @saruin @arethabee @nekochan-simmer  
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aykoza · 1 year
kilo verebileceğimi hiç zannetmiyorum (köfte break) sanırım her zaman balık etli kalacağım (künefe timing) lililili ve nihayet beypazarı
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wepurge-rpg · 1 year
ya está el ignorante, si le pones un puto apellido japonés a un pb coreano no importa dónde nació, le estás dando raíces de otro país. Dejen de anular culturas, racistas, si tanto gustan rolear solo asiáticos tengan un mínimo de respeto por ellos, NO SON INTERCAMBIABLES LOS APELLIDOS. // Y poner una Scarlett Johansson rusa tiene todo el sentido del mundo. Respeta las raíces y cultura de los rusos también, o las raíces y cultura de los ingleses también con el Tom Holland estadounidese. Vamos el punto es quejarte, porque sino no vives contento. Fantasma.
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Suddenly my heart begins to beat rapidly
When you walk by
What is this heartbeat
Coming from?
(Ta-thump, Ta-thump, Ta-thump)
(Ta-thump, Ta-thump, Ta-thump)
I know it's getting faster and faster
(Faster and Faster)
It's getting slightly hot
Because it's accelerating
Inexplicably at an alarming rate
The world around me is getting hotter and hotter
Making me dizzier and dizzier
By every second
This romantic feeling
I have for you
Is sweet and thoughtful
Like white roses and strawberries
Everything is shimmering in your eyes
Looking up at the starry skies
Stars shining so brightly
It's blinding
Unknown shimmering light
The stars are shining, singing along the way
In the starry Milky Way
We will arrive at the end
At a certain time, a certain month, a certain year
Butterfly flying in the shimmering starry sky
Hearts are beating as one
Echoing through the silence
Playing in a continuous loop
You're waiting from afar
Deliberately pretending with the subtlety
Has this tension between us
Is deniably unbearable to us
Maybe we have discovered that
We meant to be together
The stars are aligned
The mood is right for me to make a move
I suddenly kiss you
You were shocked by my sudden boldness
But you reciprocate the kiss
Our lips are entwined
Our bodies are entwined as one
Sweet and Romantic
I'm feeling it
This romantic feeling
I have for you
Is poetic and melodic
Like a hummingbird, humming an angelic melody
Everything is shimmering in my eyes
Radiant Light
The twinkling lights from the stars
Shining through the darkness
We will arrive at the end
At a certain time, a certain month, a certain year
Shimmering butterfly
My heart is constantly beating
Like a love song
Stagnation in the cosmos
Memories are floating in the constellation of stars
The galaxy contains billions of stars
I'll wear all of them with a sparkling smile
The four seasons are unique
Singing different songs for the seasons
(Spring and Summer, Autumn and Winter)
Starlight Shimmer
You take the whole starry skies
And giving it to me
Time continues to write my story
My love for you
Is shimmering
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lilikags · 1 year
I hope you're happy and well this year ♡♡
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jhkhljknk · 3 years
Os primeiros Liu se estabeleceram em Illea há séculos, quando se uniram em segredo para a desgraça das famílias rivais. Já que não tinham mais o respeito dos familiares de volta na China, foram até solo illeano onde juraram vencer na vida. 
Na e Sheng dariam um jeito daquilo funcionar, mesmo com o pouco dinheiro no bolso.
Ele trabalhava como relojoeiro desde novo, e a mulher costurava roupas das madames da alta sociedade, pertencentes às Castas Dois e Três. O senhor Liu jamais parou de trabalhar, e com a ambição maior que tudo, sempre separava ao fim do dia, as juntas já gastas, projetos de novos modelos de relógios de pulso para apresentar à empresários, possíveis investidores, os quais rejeitavam a ideia — tanto pelo preconceito contra imigrantes, quanto por não se interessarem na ideia.
Mas um dia a ideia vendeu.
E vendeu muito.
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gncatboymoved · 4 years
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rushipedia · 2 years
hii,, can i request this if its alright – kaeya, zhongli, diluc and childe x (separate) reader where they caught the reader tried on their outfits and pretend to be them without knowing they're (reader) being watched?
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Caught in the Act
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A/N: yahhh what a suggestive title....i do waht i want .....asdhaoishduaoj !!! AAA ikemen okay i can do this hope ulike it anon this is actually a really funny ask i love you (I've also added Ayato and Thoma just to get all our tall love snatchers hope that is ok...)
Gender neutral reader as alwayysss!!
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You were currently checking yourself in a mirror, Kaeya's everyday clothes draped over you.
It was quite hot, you wondered how he wore this every day in the Monstadt heat.
"Well, well, what do we have here?"
You freeze.
"Having fun, my dear?" He purrs.
You turn around and he's there, leaning against the doorway and staring at you with a knowing smile on his face.
You cross your arms and look away.
"Why yes, I am."
You're trying very hard not to get embarrassed
"Playtime's over..." He said, slowly walking towards you.
You run while he chases you around the room, trying to catch you. Once he does, he pins you to whatever is closest to him.
"I'm going to be late for work, darling, c'mon..."
Tbh he's probably like one of those characters that has the same outfit in their closet like 10 times...yk.
To be honest, he's probably thought about what you'd look like in his clothes, but he thinks it'd be rather impolite to ask you to do such a thing.
But to his surprise, you seemed interested.
He caught you one day wearing one of his sets of clothes.
Huh, It fits you better than he thought it would, considering you're so tall/short.
"What are you doing, my dear?"
You turn around with a smug look on your face.
"Trying on your clothes, I think I look rather nice."
He walks over to you, looking you up and down. It was a bit strange, but your looks made up for it.
"You look very nice." He says, giving you a lil lililili il kiss
"What are you doing?"
You'd decided after waking up before him that you wanted to try on his clothes
You had to admit you looked really good in them
You were just missing his coat, so you'd gone back into his room to look for it, but he was standing there on the other side of the door.
His arms were now crossed and he looked prettttty ticked off.
"What are you doing?" He asked again
"Well umm... you look suuper good whenever you wear this so I wanted to try it on juuust once."
His face goes red and he turns away.
"I guess you look okay too." He muttered.
"Now take it off before you get it wrinkled."
I'm gonna be honest here he probably hasn't washed his clothes in weeks so they probably smell like him......ew
When he catches you he's gonna be a little embarrassed....just a little bit and he'll pretend he's not but he definitely is and you can tell
The clothes probably don't fit you, depending on whether you're taller or shorter than him, so it's also quite funny
You flaunt his clothing in front of him and he's just like "omgpleasetakeitoffyoulookgoodbutpleasetakeitoffp-"
cus tbh you look stunning but yknow he kind of doesn't want you to be in them long enough to start smelling like him
then everyone and their dog would know that you're together and you'd certainly be in a lot of danger considering the people he's with
You begrudgingly take it off, but he returns to his fakely cheerful self afterward so you push him down onto the bed and tell him to take a nap or something
"Only if you nap with me~"
And that's how you ended up wide awake while he lays next to you passed out asf
Where are his clothes?
He needs his uniform to carry out his duties for the day
The townspeople will definitely think he's being a slacker if he doesn't wear it (they won't)
He slides the door open to your room to ask if you've seen it and-Oh, you've definitely seen it
Because you're wearing it right now and posing in front of a mirror
And you also look very good in it
He wonders if he looks that good in it. Probably not.
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you
"Are you planning on doing the chores today?"
"Then I need my clothes back, honey," He thinks you're so cute.
He's definitely not one to just lose his clothes.
And he wouldn't mind wearing something other than the Kamisato attire.
But, that's what's expected of him because attire is very important within Inazuma and the Kamisato clan.
He needs to wear them.
"Y/N, have you by any chance seen me- oh, my~"
You turn around, feeling your face heat up with embarrassment.
You're decked out in his uniform, but some parts are not on correctly, so he seizes the moment.
He walks up to you and adjusts the incorrect parts of the uniform.
"I suppose I'll have to teach you how to properly wear this later, but I really need to go now.."
His voice is smooth AS FUCK BRO and you can't say no to him...
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rushipedia ☆ 2021
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4yue · 6 years
svt kings of making me think abt things i dont want to
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lemcean · 7 years
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kavsaktandonenida · 3 years
@ruhsuzkelebek AKLFJKLSJGLKDJFKH  lililili
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olu-ruhumm · 3 years
Heyyy günaydınn nasılsınız Can beyy ben uyanmış bulunmaktayım lütfen siz de uyanınız!! Dırırırım dırırımm lililili jxjxjx bugün bir değişiğim sen çok takılmaaa
ooooo tünaydın kapsülcüm tünaydın. enerjine hayran kaldım.. daim olur inşallah. iyiyim, sen nasılsın?
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noro-noro-noro · 3 years
forgot to post the dream i had this morning 1. i commit traffic crimes 2. himbos outside my mom’s house 3. trip to archaic missouri 
1. my mom was taking me back home from somewhere & wanted me to participate in some bullshit thing she signed me up for. I said "I'm not doing that" & she started screaming at me til I started crying &but I held my fuckin ground cause like I'm not fuckin doin that. anyway she finally kicked me out of her car so I walked to the parking lot & got in my car. i didn't want to go home so I decided to goto like the grocery store to buy a snack to cheer myself up except this other dude I know just decided to geti  the car with me & I waslike ???? what??? turns out he also wanted to go to the grocery store so I was like ok whatever. anyway then suddenly the roads were really fucked up & I kept committing traffic crimes & eventually gave up & decided to drive down this spiral column to the underground 5 that's where the guy lived . for some reason  we ended up hooking up & I woke up the next day like damn what the fuck. and then started grabbing my clothes to leave. one of the rooms in this guy's house was exactly the same room as the one at my mom's house, which was really weird. I noticed his roommate was imai Cosmo of all people & he was like playing some weird version of league of legends & he like saw me out of the corner of his eye. after I got dressed I got teleported away before cosmo could come say hi. then this e-girl I know invited me to play league with her but once again it was weird league & I also don't have it installed
2. something happening at my mom's house. the title of this dream was called something like Not Die. I knew this was the title bc it was on the front door of my mom's house.
anyway me & some friends were hanging out in my mom's garage fsr & we ended up being too noisy so my mom came & opened the door. my sister was stherr & I was like "hey come hang out with us!" & she did! my mom was mad about that. then something else happened, these 2 brothers from a neighbor came over to play I think the younger one was age 5 & the older one was 7 but he was sick. he had asthma or something??? idk I kept my eye out for him. there was something about trick or treating & the person whose house we were assigned to trick had a Honda in front with license plate LILILILI. anyway kronk was also at my mom's house with a bunch of other buff himbo types & he was.explaining to me that they all applied for this one job to do something with a truck/something bodyguard like but the person who hired them gave them cheap equipment that none of them could afford to repair & he was like damn I just wanted my mom 2 be happy tho & I was like "well I can pretend I'm a rich lady who hired you as a bodyguard" & he was like fr? ok let's go! but my mom wouldn't let us leave so we grabbed this weird dog kind of like the one from adventure time & he turned into a truck & all the Himbos went inside & I walked around to the front yard. after the truck got up the hill it turned into like a vacuum cleaner made.of cardboard that had kronk inside? & i talked to him through the vacuum tube that some have like "ok when your mom asks me how we met what's the story" & he rattled off a bunch of stuff to me. as I was walking down the street there was some girl & her dad behind me commenting about how weird it was that I was talking through a vacuum cleaner tube & I said mind ya own business :) then at this point shit changed enough to be a separate dream
3. me & everyone behind me were suddenly tourists in a city in Missouri that didn't exist. I'd had this part of the dream before - a really high walk above the city, which looks like all the buildings were taken in a black & white photograph, & the fog was so thick and solid you couldn't see the streets, just the tops of the buildings poking out. the sidewalks occasionally switched to be moving ones without railings. I tried to take pictures but I was worried about dropping my phone bc it was straight down into the fog never to be seen again if I did. eventually we ended.up in like a.museim.gift shop. the dad that had been behind me tried to tell the middle aged gray haired white gift shop security lady a joke,  but she kept saying what? speak up. so he kept asking the question louder. i don't remember what the question was but I wanted to know the punchline, so I was disappointed when the lady instead decided to be a bitch & said "you're irritating to me & for that I'm.banning you from this store." his wife talked her out of that.later we wrerr leaving the gift shop & were all buying tickets from her & there was a line..the people in front of me were some couple & the guy went to pay & the girl (who I hate to use this phrasing but she had "top energy") paid instead & the security guard went ooh hoo hoo. i was next but I couldn't find my card in my pocket all of a sudden, so I told the person behind me "hey go ahead, I can't find my card & it's so annoying !! I'll scream haha!! jk nobody wants to hear that" & the lady was like that was so fucking rude & I was like what?? & then apologized to the person next in line "sorry for being rude, go ahead" & they were like "you weren't rude" & I looked at the security lady like eehhh & then the lady was like "I'm charging you $150 instead of $20 for saying nobody" & I was like ma'am what on earth?? are you.joking?? & she was like "I'm not lowering this price" so I was like "I'm not paying that..hope you die of old age madam" & then walked past her & texted the group discord "yo can someone buy me a ticket IL pay you in cash" since it was $20. then instead of going to a movie theater on the right I went to the media center on the left (like from elementary school!) & a bunch of people from my.highschool were there writing book reports & I was like.oh shit did I have to do one
i think the reason I've been waking up so much is that I've been experiencing the pre-period symptom of sore boobs except I've been experiencing it for an entire month & I'm.sick to fucking death of this like cut it out
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alissavioletanon · 3 years
Sending hugs and love. I hope you feel better bb. Ily mwah <33 - @lilyjane-anon
i love you lililili 🥺💞💞✨
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