grmka · 11 months
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Мельница — Ночная кобыла
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months
Snippet - Grenade - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Silco makes an unlikely ally a promise...
tw: mentions of war, rape and suicide.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
By nightfall, they began readying to move. There was a lot to prepare. Weapons had to be divided, ammunition weighed, the routes traced. Then, came the goodbyes. The last-minute hugs and kisses and slaps on the shoulder. Couples split to cover different sectors. Families bid farewells to their children.
Lika, squeezing past Silco to the cellar, left to bid her girls goodnight. From the doorway, hazed in brightleaf smoke, Silco watched her perch on the stairs to soothe them in hushed tones. Their small faces were upturned and trusting. Lika's, lined by hardship, was tender and brave.  She embraced them, and kissed them thrice.
Then she rose, and turned, and climbed up the stairs.
Silco’s eyes caught little Vi's in the gloom. He remembered the days when they'd play together in the cellar: her laughter filling the darkened space like sunshine. Those were good days. Simple days. When her biggest problems were hunger and boredom. When her biggest threats were rats, and tarred hair, and the monsters in the cupboard.
She was just a kid, still. But her eyes held a quiet flintiness. Her spirit was already the size of a mountain.
Just like Vander.
Silco gave her a nod. "Look out for yourself, Pet."
He thought she'd wave. She didn't. Instead, she stared him straight in the eye, as if to say: Look out for us.
Then the door shut fell shut. Lika leaned against the frame, and closed her eyes. For the first time, he saw the glistening streaks of tears down her cheeks. When she noticed his stare, she shook her head and laughed. But the laughter was wet, and the lightness wobbled before collapsing into silence.
"This will work," she whispered. "Won't it?"
"Yes," he said, and he’d meant it. Gods, he’d meant it. "It will."
"All right." She drew in a deep breath, and wiped her cheeks with a brisk gesture. "Silco?"
"Promise me something." Her eyes were dry now. Unflinching. "You and Vander. You'll keep the kids safe. If I don't... if we don't make it back."
"Lika, that's—"
"Please." She took his arm and squeezed. "Promise me."
He remembers how cold her fingers felt. Like the touch of death, and him the harbinger. But he wasn't her death. He was her comrade. The one she'd once vied against for Vander's heart. But who'd now become her brother-in-arms. She'd given the cause so much. Her work. Her faith. Her loyalty.
The least he could give was a promise. "I will."
"Good." Her hand dropped, then lifted again. Something small, black and metallic was pressed into his palm. "Take this."
He glanced down. A flash grenade. He recognized the make. Topside quality. "Where'd you get this?"
"Janna's Temple. They found it in the rubble, after Bloody Sunday. I filched it from their pile. Told them it was a dud, but I could use it for scrap." Her lips trembled, then firmed. "Now it's a last resort."
"For what?"
"Whatever it takes." She curled his fingers over the metal sphere. "You say the plan will work. I believe you. But nothing's foolproof. I'll be damned if I'm losing my girls to Enforcer's bullets. I'll be damned if I'm dying under an Enforcer's boot—or—or any other part of him." Her features, always pale, went positively colorless. "I'd rather die on my own terms."
Silco opened his mouth. Nothing came out. There was nothing to say.
He understood what she was asking. To be spared, not death, but the worst way of dying. The way Nandi, and so many others had. He thought of the jigsaw of meat and bones in the morgue, and the story it told. He thought of Sevika, and the way her face twisted at the mere mention of Enforcers. He thought of the way the scrappers stared at him. Hungry, like wolves.
And the way he'd stared back. Hungry, like a monster. 
Their monster.
"I can't ask Sergei," Lika said. "He loves me. He'd never agree. And Vander—" Her shoulders quaked. "He loves me, too. Loves me still. He'd choke on the thought. But you. You'll do it, won't you?" When Silco hesitated, her voice roughened. "Please."
"If the worst comes."
"The worst." She smiled, the wrong smile, the one that said a part of her had died already. "When does the worst ever not come? My daughters hiding in the basement. My friends out on the streets with rifles. Piltover grinding our bones. When does the worst ever not come?" She shook her head. "I'm tired of the worst, Silco. And if it comes again—for us, for me—I want to end it. For good."
Their eyes locked. There was no way to say what Silco wanted to say: how sorry he was that their choices were pared down to this, and how they might die for those choices, and how they might still die without any choices left at all.
So he said, "I'll do what's necessary." It wasn't a reassurance between friends. It was a bond between survivors. "I swear."
"I know." She squeezed his fingers, and her smile faded. "You always do."
Then, she was gone.
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prime-povarenok · 4 months
"Wendigo" - drawn under "SEMATARY - WENDIGO"
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tramwayless · 2 years
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Day 20: Monster Among Us
A ticket to a golden dream.
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carlottaragazzalove · 7 months
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Lika 💕🫦💖🌌
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Lika (Localized from Pirika, which sounds so much better) from Okami is friend shaped!
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Lika is friend-shaped!
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lavandin · 9 months
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An ex brewery in Otočac, 5 September 2023
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meowquill · 1 year
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hypothetically now hear me out
they held hands
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Mortifer; deadly, fatal, lethal
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earth-scented · 10 months
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anime skies and forests of Lika
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sixthmemory · 1 year
Lika Video Portrait
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rathologic · 2 years
does anyone have offhand a list of instances where the Changeling must lay on hands for quest progression? there's the wounded man in anna's house, the soldier out by the rocks later, and every "little sister" daily quest (plus the post-ending Bound interactions), and if I'm not forgetting the only time it "fails" and kills the subject is with Lika on d1. I thought there might be something to this regarding whether she's in contact with the Earth versus standing inside, but between these there doesn't look like any correlation (as the Willows quest is the only visibly indoors one, we don't know in what environment she touches her sacrifices)...
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Can you give hcs about Lika (Vi's and Jinx's mom) from FnF
I have a whole bunch<3
tw: poverty, war, trauma, underage sex, sex work, abortion
She's originally from Drekkengate, where she was part of the luftmenschen - irl this is Yiddish for 'people of air' i.e. wanderers with no fixed occupation. She and her family were at the bottom of her village social scale.
She fled to the Undercity with her parents during the Void Wars, before washing up penniless on Zaun's harbors.
She lost her family to sickness and starvation in the brutal chill of wintertime, and became one of the thousands of sumpsnipes wandering the streets and living off of stolen scraps.
At eleven, she enlisted to serve in the mines for a chance at steady income. She also nearly died during the explosion that collapsed the tunnels. Thereafter she decided that she needed to find a safer and smarter occupation.
She's always had a gift for tools and tinkering, paired with nimble fingers and a head for schematics. By sixteen, she'd found work as an apprenta in a old tinkerer's workshop, and began seriously honing her craft. After the tinkerer passed, he'd give the shop to Benzo, who'd keep her on as his associate.
Sadly, the pay was meager. To make coins on the side, Lika sometimes put a red rag around her arm and prowled the factories for a knee-trembler in the alleys - though she didn't particularly see herself as a sex-worker. Her attitude toward the profession was more expedient than anything.
To her way of thinking, "What did Janna bless me with a pretty face for, if not to occasionally save me from donkey work?"
She's a free spirit - and a ruthless survivalist. In her brief life, she's dealt with a number of upsetting or downright traumatizing experiences, including starvation, sickness, heartbreak, homelessness, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, deceitful bosses and cruel men. It's made her wary of strangers as a rule - and reliant on her self.
It's also made her develop a minxy persona to keep men at arm's length while also leaving them panting for her attentions. She tends to gravitate to the big burly protector types who will provide for her, and keep her safe.
Her motives aren't purely mercenary. Once in a committed relationship, she will give it her all. But at the least sign of fractured trust or infidelity, she's out of your life for good.
She's always had her eye on Vander. "Handsome, strong, and so good good with his hands. That temper though..."
On his part, Vander was absolutely dazzled by her. He was used to simpering floozies and easygoing barflies; Lika had a talent for always leaving him guessing. When our Hound fell for her - he fell hard, and never fully recovered.
Her wiles work like a charm on most men. But they are a failure with Silco. The little bastard is Immune to her venom, in his own words. He just gets snarky with her. Annoying kid brother/manipulative older sister vibes.
She's an incorrigible flirt, and a natural people person. Gravitates instantly to saloons and bars, and can kick up a storm on the dance floor.
For all her flightiness, she proved a very tender and attentive mother. Wanted her daughters to have the best of everything, which is why she supported Vander's and Silco's cause for Zaun. Vi remembers her mommy as always encouraging her to chase her dreams. "Shoot for the stars - 'cause you belong there too."
She'd always hoped to have two girls and two boys - and to name them after her favorite color palette. Violet, Powder Blue, Teal, Beryl.
The Day of Ash cut that aspiration short.
Her death broke Vander's heart in a very silent, very stoic way that he never discusses.
Vi has inherited her quick tongue and fast reflexes. Powder got the dainty looks and tinkering skills. In fact, the older she got, the more she resembled Lika. It made Vander very awkward around her - but also made him secretly baby her far more than he did the other three.
In cherishing Lika's girls, he sees himself as preserving her legacy, and paying her sacrifices forward<3
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Okami and Okamiden
1 + 2. Sakuya
3. Shakuya (Young Sakuya)
4. Lika
5. Miya
6. Camellia
7. Peoni
8. Tuskle
9. Blossom
10. Chun
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adribosch-fan · 26 days
Héroes de cuatro patas: Lika, la especialista en detectar explosivos a bordo del portaaeronaves Juan Carlos I
Lika, especialista en detección de explosivos a bordo del portaaeronaves L-61 Juan Carlos IA.G. Lucas, Bolt, Venom y Tigo, soldados de cuatro patas con historiales de medalla Lucas, el perro paracaidista que ha logrado un salto de récord con un militar de Operaciones Especiales Alonso Palacios Lika es una preciosa perra de cuatro años experta en detectar explosivos. Está destinada en el Tercio…
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jose92gt · 1 year
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Bocetos de Los diseños de Lika y Roy
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