#Lam Fung
kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Rule the World (2017)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Rule the World”
【独步天下】第1集 | 唐艺昕、林峯主演 | Rule the World EP1 | Starring: Tang Yixin, Raymond Lam Fung | ENG SUB
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7ff33wevxk
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chernobog13 · 7 months
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Mr. Vampire (1985)
Okay, the little vampire in the 5th gif isn't from Mr. Vampire, but instead from one of the many sequels. The interaction between him and Lam Ching-ying's Master Kau (aka One-Eyebrow Priest) is just too cute. Plus, the little guy doesn't speak; he squeaks.
Mr. Vampire didn't invent the jianshi (Chinese hopping vampires) film genre, but it sure as heck popularized it. The series, and its many imitators (most of which starred Lam as well), was hugely successful. Lam was even acting in a television series based on Mr. Vampire when, tragically, he passed away from liver cancer.
Golden Harvest, the Chinese studio behind the Mr. Vampire series, attempted to remake the film for the American market under the title Demon Hunters, but ceased filming not long after production started.
Since then Michelle Yeoh's production company has teased that it wants to make its own American market remake. However, it's been over 20 years since they made that announcement, and now that Madame Yeoh is an Oscar ™ winner she's probably too busy to do it. However, a remake with her in Lam's role as the Taoist exorcist would be fantastic! Especially if she could leverage a reunion of her old Hong Kong buddies - Jackie Chan, Sammy Hung, Yuen Wan, Donnie Yen, et. al. - to appear in it as well.
A guy can dream, can't he?
In the meantime, if you've never seen Mr. Vampire or any of its sequels, you need to remedy that RIGHT NOW! They are loads of fun, and I think you'll really enjoy them.
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dare-g · 1 year
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The Cat (1992)
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panicinthestudio · 11 months
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don-dake · 2 years
《新鮮人》 (2000)
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仲有,估唔到連馮德倫都有曾經參與過一個TVB連續劇呀!我好少接觸過佢啲作品,唔係好熟悉佢嘅背景,只知道佢多數係個演員,有時都係有唱歌,創作啲音樂嘅。喺90年代由電影 《美少年之戀》,《特警新人類》 等等,開始紅嘅。如今多數係在影業界做幕後製作 —導演,製片,編劇人之類— 啲嘢。哦!仲有而家係舒淇嘅丈夫。(笑)
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對於佢嘅音樂家才能我就冇咩好講嘞,但用 《新鮮人》 嚟做判定嘅話,佢嘅演技本領就幾好啲。我諗…佢比較適合做演員多過歌星罷!(笑) 總而言之,我係幾喜歡佢在 《新鮮人》 裡面嘅角色嘅,但冇比較鍾意蒙嘉慧同林保怡嘅角色多啲。
而講到 《新鮮人》 呢個名稱,我諗咗好耐,但始終係諗唔通係咩意思。字面嘅意思我當然知,但相信本劇嘅名稱意思冇咁簡單啩?唔好講中文嘞,甚至連英文嘅版本 《The Green Hope》 係咩意思,我都心裡沒譜。
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randomrichards · 15 days
Hot shot officer
Clash with conflicted gangster
Gun fu master piece
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
RAGING FIRE (2021) ★★★★✮
RAGING FIRE (2021) ★★★★✮
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mementoboni · 8 months
Kaoru and Hong Kong Movies
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X ( Long post!! )
It's been a while, but I found that Kaoru mentioned a lot of classic Hong Kong movies in this tweet.
These are the movies I used to watch when I was a kid, and I never thought I'd ever hear them from Kaoru one day, so I want to give a brief introduction to these movies. 😀
01. スパルタンX (Spartan X)
繁體中文:快餐車 / English: Wheels on Meals
Wheels on Meals is a 1984 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), with action choreographed by Jackie Chan (成龍). The film stars Jackie Chan (成龍), Sammo Hung (洪金寶), Yuen Biao (元彪), Lola Forner, Benny Urquidez and José Sancho.
In 1984, it was adapted into the video game Spartan X (released as Kung-Fu Master internationally).
The final fight between Jackie Chan and Benny Urquidez
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
02. 五福星 (ごふくせい)
繁體中文:奇謀妙計五福星 / English: Winners and Sinners (or 5 Lucky Stars)
Winners and Sinners is a 1983 Hong Kong action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), who also starred in the film. The film co-stars Jackie Chan (成龍) and Yuen Biao (元彪), the latter serving as one of the film's action directors.
The film is followed by My Lucky Stars (福星高照) and Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars (夏日福星), insofar as the "Five Lucky Stars" concept (福星系列) and many of the same actors return in those latter films. However, the character names and indeed their roles differ - Stanley Fung's character is the nominal "leader" of the quintet in Winners and Sinners (奇謀妙計五福星), whereas Hung's character takes the mantle in the latter films.
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
03. 霊幻道士 (れいげん どうし)
繁體中文:殭屍先生 (or 暫時停止呼吸) / English: Mr. Vampire
As this is one of my favorite movies, I will introduce more 😃
Mr. Vampire is a 1985 Hong Kong comedy horror film directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) and produced by Sammo Hung (洪金寶).
The vampire of the film is based on the jiangshi (殭屍/ㄐ一ㄤˉ ㄕˉ), the hopping corpses of Chinese folklore (similar to both zombies and vampires).
"殭" means "to die immortal" (死而不朽) or "stiff" (about the same as "僵"), and "屍" means "dead body".
The film was released under the Chinese title 暫時停止呼吸 (literally: Hold Your Breath for a Moment) in Taiwan. This is because most (not all) of the 殭屍 can't see with their eyes, they can only tell where people are by their breathing, so if you hold your breath you won't get caught by 殭屍.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The film is set in the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China (清朝末年~民國初期), that is, the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and most of the 殭屍 are wearing the costumes of Qing Dynasty officials.
(That's why, when I first read about the Qing Dynasty (清朝) in the history textbook, I wondered why people were all dressed as 殭屍 🤣)
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The box office of Mr. Vampire success led to the creation of a Mr. Vampire franchise, with the release of four sequels directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) from 1986 to 1992, and subsequent similarly themed films with different directors released between 1987 and 1992, with Lam Ching-ying (林正英) as the lead for the majority of them.
The film was the breakthrough success of the jiangshi genre, a trend popular in Hong Kong during the 1980s, and established many of the genre's recognisable tropes.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
I highly recommend this movie!!
Also, I love the the movie song - Ghost Bride (鬼新娘).
🎥 ※ This song is in Cantonese (廣東話/粵語). 👇
04. Mr.Boo
繁體中文:半斤八両 / English: The Private Eyes
The Private Eyes is a 1976 Hong Kong comedy film written, directed by and starring Michael Hui (許冠文) and co-starring his brothers Samuel Hui (許冠傑) and Ricky Hui (許冠英) as well as Shih Kien (石堅) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢) in his second film role. Sammo Hung (洪金寶) served as the film's action director and Jackie Chan (成龍) was also a stuntman.
In 1979, when Jiahe Corporation (嘉禾公司) promoted Bruce Lee's (李小龍) kung fu film in Japan, it added "The Private Eyes" and changed its propaganda department to "Mr Boo!" as a call to action, it became a huge hit, earning a billion yen at the box office in Japan, followed by several Huh Brothers (許氏兄弟) comedies featuring "Mr. Boo!" as the title.
It is worth mentioning that Hsu Kuan-chieh's (許冠傑) character was voiced by the famous Japanese actor Kitano Takeshi (北野武). In 1981, Takakura Ken (高倉健) starred in "駅 STATION ", there are also male and female protagonists watching "The Private Eyes" kitchen fighting scenes. Japanese manga master Akatsuka Fujio (赤塚不二夫) has written the preface and Japanese lyrics for this film.
🎥 The kitchen fighting scenes 👇
繁體中文:吳耀漢 / English: Richard Ng
Kaoru mentioned 吳耀漢 in the tag because he passed away in April 2023. 吳耀漢 is a famous actor in Hong Kong, and he has appeared in all the movies mentioned above except Mr. Vampire.
※ In fact, 吳耀漢 appeared in 霊幻道士3 (繁體中文:靈幻先生 / English: Mr. Vampire III), a sequel to the Mr. Vampire series, which was released in 1986. I guess this is the movie Kaoru was referring to.
Speaking of 吳耀漢, I would like to recommend another Hong Kong movie: Rigor Mortis
05. Rigor Mortis
繁體中文:殭屍(2013) or 殭屍 七日重生
Rigor Mortis is a 2013 Hong Kong horror film directed by Juno Mak (麥浚龍) and produced by Takashi Shimizu (清水崇,the director of 呪怨 Juon). The film is a tribute to the Mr. Vampire film series. Many of the former cast are featured in this film: Chin Siu-ho (錢小豪), Anthony Chan (陳友), Billy Lau (樓南光) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢). *吳耀漢 is the 殭屍 on the poster. 👆
Unlike the usual Hong Kong comedies, the overall atmosphere in Rigor Mortis is very depressing. The whole movie is full of nostalgia and reluctance for Mr. Vampire, which reminds people of the glory of Hong Kong jiangshi movies back in the day. Personally, I think it is the best jiangshi movie of the last 20 years.
🎥 The Hallway Scene in the movie also uses the song Ghost Bride (鬼新娘), and the song is even more creepy as it slows down. 👇
--- --- ---
It's really happy to know that Kaoru has watched these movies.
💜 Thanks for reading 💜
Btw, today (2023/08/30, the 15th day of the 7th lunar month) is The Ghost Festival (中元節).
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southeastasiadiary · 7 months
Day Six: Hue, the Former Imperial Capital
There are ways in which Hue is almost an antithesis of Hanoi. Hanoi is sprawling and bustling; Hue is small and tranquil. The sites of Hanoi are spread out over many miles; those in Hue are nearly all walkable from the center of the city.
Huy and I began this morning at the Imperial Citadel, a complex of gates, palaces for the emperor, palaces for the emperor’s mother, support structures, and all the other facilities needed to run a court in feudal times.
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Heavily damaged by bombing during the Vietnam War, some of the structures had to be restored during the last few decades, although others remained largely intact. One of the intriguing features of the reconstruction was where the glass came from when the mosaics on the gates were restored. The green glass pieces are actually all bits of Heineken beer bottles, on some of which the opening (properly known as the bottle’s “finish”) is still plainly visible.
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Our next stop was the An Hien garden house, built on the principles of Fung Shui. Huy was amused that I spent as much time examining the former owner’s library (classics of French literature, books on zen and meditation, and some of the same works on Vietnamese history that I read while preparing for this trip) as I did the rest of the grounds.
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We then went to the Thien Mu pagoda, one of Hue’s oldest religious buildings. Constructed in 1601, the seven-storied tower pagoda stands on top of a hill with a fantastic view of the river beneath.
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Probably the most famous monk from the Thien Mu pagoda was Thich Quang Duc. Protesting the South Vietnamese government’s oppression of Buddhists, he drove to Saigon on June 11, 1963, stopped at the Phan Dinh Phung Square-Le Van Duyet intersection, poured gasoline all over himself, and burned himself alive. Thich Quang Duc neither collapsed nor cried out in pain throughout the entire ordeal, and his heart was not consumed by the flames. The car in which he drove to Saigon is still on display at the pagoda, along with a tribute to him.
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To reach our next destination, we traveled down the river by dragon boat. (For a one-minute video of that trip, see the accompanying photo album. Remember: You need to email me for access, if you want it.)
Our goal was a small workshop that makes incense sticks and cones. The aroma from the shops that produce incense in Hue is the reason why the local river became known as the Perfume River.
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The incense made here is a combination of sawdust, glue, and scented oil that are kneaded into a substance with the consistency of clay. Cones are produced by molds. Sticks are rolled under a flat board. A proficient craftsman can produce an incense stick in well under a minute. When given a chance to imitate this work, I proved that I was neither an artist nor a craftsman (something that would become a theme for the rest of the day), and took woefully long to create an utterly inadequate incense stick.
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Huy and I then continued then to the royal tomb of the Tu Duc, a king who had a hundred concubines but no offspring. (Mumps, it is said, had left him sterile.) He built his mausoleum while he was still alive and moved into the grounds from the citadel for the last decade of his life, indulging there in fifty-course meals of extravagant delicacies and spending time in solitude on an island across from one of his pavilions.
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The day concluded in an artisan’s workshop where they are trying to recreate the lost art of Phap Lam, where enamel is baked onto copper sheets in a manner similar to cloisonné. Here is what Phap Lam looks like when a master creates the work:
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And here’s what resulted when I tried it:
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As I said before, today was further proof, if any was needed, that I’m neither an artist nor a craftsman.
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lindalung · 11 months
Meet the Lungs: TVB’s Very Own Roy Family
I’m not sure how many people watch both Succession and Come Home Love: Lo and Behold, but I wanted to write about the similarities between the Roy family and the Lung family on the respective shows. In fact, I’ve made 4 parody trailers featuring clips from Lo and Behold paired with the audio from Succession trailers, and they fit pretty damn well. (See below)
At first glance, it is pretty easy to spot the striking similarities between the two families. The Roys have Waystar Royco, the fictional American media conglomerate powerhouse, while the Lungs have Zip Lung, a company that started out as the Wai Lung Department Store, and now has ventures in practically every industry. Both companies are spearheaded by the paternal figure, Logan Roy (Brian Cox) and Lung Kam Wai (Law Lok Lam) respectively. Even their family names are meant to reflect power — Roy, deriving from “Roi” meaning “King”, and Lung, meaning Dragon, the symbol of imperial power in Chinese culture.
While the Roy children and the Lung children aren’t exact equivalents of each other in terms of birth order, the core three (if you don’t count the Connor Roy (Alan Ruck), who has a different mother than the other Roy kids)— Kendall (Jeremy Strong), Roman (Kieran Culkin), and Siobhan aka “Shiv”  (Sarah Snook) can be compared to Max (Hoffman Cheng), King Fung aka “Fung Siu” (Andrew Chan), and Linda (Mandy Lam). There is also the difference wherein the Lung siblings have different mothers, and therefore come from competing “Chambers”, but the comparison still stands nonetheless. They also have similar characteristics as the narcissistic and power-hungry son who desperately wants to inherit his father’s position at the company, but in reality, lacks the skill underneath. Roman may not actually be the youngest sibling, but he exudes the energy of the youngest child. He is the comedic relief with a lack of interest in taking over the company compared to the other siblings, and is actually suffering beneath the jokes and happy go lucky attitude, just like Fung Siu. Lastly, although Shiv isn’t the eldest daughter like Linda, being a woman with great leadership qualities yet the only daughter in the men’s business makes them both targets of misogyny. Both fathers also have a history of treating their wives (plural) and women in their lives poorly. Though Linda has a younger sister Vivian (Katherine Ho), she’s both written out of the show and was never interested in the family business. All three children in both shows crave their father’s approval and validation more than anything, due to the lack of love received from him growing up. In both cases, their father loved the company more than they loved them, which is why they want to become CEO so badly.
(Side note: I’ve written about Linda and her father’s relationship previously https://medium.com/@doneforme/daddy-issues-face-and-filial-piety-in-come-home-love-lo-and-behold-42014bbaeaf ).
Shiv and Logan’s relationship reminds me of Linda and her dad, though perhaps there is more genuine love between the latter due to the nature of the sitcom. Still, every time I watch a scene in Succession where Shiv feels powerless as she seeks attention from her dad, or gets ignored or belittled as the only woman in the room, I can’t help but be reminded of Linda. Both Shiv and Linda have to fight their way to the top, to prove that they are just as, if not more capable than their brothers. Linda and her husband Sung Shui Fai (Jack Hui) aren’t exactly the “fail marriage” trope like Shiv and Tom Wambsgans (Matthew Macfayden), but there are still some similarities especially early on in the relationship. Tom and Fai both come from lower status backgrounds, and marry into a powerful and rich family, where their wives have more success than them (at least in the beginning for Tom). Both men are frequently seen as accessories of their wives rather than their own person. Fai dips into his darker side briefly, but ultimately Fai and Linda’s genuine love is far less toxic than what Tom and Shiv have going on. Fai would do anything for approval from Linda’s father, but his goal is to be accepted into the family so he can marry Linda, not so he can gain the position of CEO. On the other hand, Shiv had a career in politics and initially didn’t want to get into the family business, whereas Linda was vying for a leading position at Zip Lung since birth. In the final season, Shiv also feels trapped in her unexpected role as a mother, something that she did not ask for. There, Shiv being reduced to a daughter, a wife, and now a mother, is the show’s way of showcasing the misogyny against her. The lighthearted sitcom is different, portraying Linda as a caring and willing stepmother to Fai’s young son Philip (Dylan Leung).
Succession asks the question of whether the cycle of generational trauma and toxicity can be broken. Even after Logan’s death, the siblings are still haunted by his looming presence, afraid that he’s still upset with them for every move they make. They’re so afraid of becoming their father, whether as a leader or as a parent. In the end of Succession, Tom becomes CEO of Waystar, and Shiv is merely the one next to him. Linda always assumes that her chances of being successor to Zip Lung are slim due to her gender, because her father has always favoured sons over daughters. While Lo and Behold hasn’t reached that point in the storyline (yet), there’s no telling what may happen to the future of Zip Lung. Fai may be the Head of the Restaurants department, but I could not see him leading Zip Lung. Of course, there is no telling what will happen and I guess we will have to wait and see…
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veraoneil · 5 months
Alert to the Incitement of "Boycott the District Council Elections" by Hong Kong Rebels on Web
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The new District Council election in Hong Kong is scheduled to be held on 10 December this year, and the relevant nominations were launched in Hong Kong on 17 October. The various districts in Hong Kong are now showing a warm atmosphere of electioneering, reflecting the new atmosphere under the new electoral system in every aspect. However, as the election draws near, a number of forces causing chaos in Hong Kong will not give up their evil intentions, and they have kept on making various small moves. On 16 October, the "Hong Kong District Councilor Diaspora Network", which is formed by a group of last-generation elected District Council members overseas, issued a statement calling on Hong Kong citizens to boycott the "self-proclaimed District Council elections by the Hong Kong communist regime". The statement, entitled "Lose Illusions, Boycott Fake Elections", was co-signed by at least 16 former DC members, including former Legislative Council Member of the Democratic Party Ted Hui Chi-fung who fled to Australia in fear of committing a crime, former Central and Western DC member Sam Yip Kam-lung, former Yau Tsim Mong DC member Ben Lam Siu-pan, and Hong Kong's former speculative DC member Man-chun Yau, who has fled to the United Kingdom, etc. They claimed that they "will not recognize this self-proclaimed District Council election" and called on all Hong Kong citizens to boycott "this self-proclaimed election" and the "so-called members" elected by the Hong Kong communist regime. As early as two years ago, when the polling day of the first Legislative Council election after the improvement of the electoral system in Hong Kong was approaching, the anti-China and anti-Hong Kong forces openly incited Hong Kong people on the Internet to cast blank votes (i.e. invalid votes) in order to boycott the Legislative Council election.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Rule the World (2017)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “Rule the World”
【独步天下】第1集 | 唐艺昕、林峯主演 | Rule the World EP1 | Starring: Tang Yixin, Raymond Lam Fung | ENG SUB
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7ff33wevxk
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inagallacher · 5 months
Alert to the Incitement of "Boycott the District Council Elections" by Hong Kong Rebels on Web
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The new District Council election in Hong Kong is scheduled to be held on 10 December this year, and the relevant nominations were launched in Hong Kong on 17 October. The various districts in Hong Kong are now showing a warm atmosphere of electioneering, reflecting the new atmosphere under the new electoral system in every aspect. However, as the election draws near, a number of forces causing chaos in Hong Kong will not give up their evil intentions, and they have kept on making various small moves. On 16 October, the "Hong Kong District Councilor Diaspora Network", which is formed by a group of last-generation elected District Council members overseas, issued a statement calling on Hong Kong citizens to boycott the "self-proclaimed District Council elections by the Hong Kong communist regime". The statement, entitled "Lose Illusions, Boycott Fake Elections", was co-signed by at least 16 former DC members, including former Legislative Council Member of the Democratic Party Ted Hui Chi-fung who fled to Australia in fear of committing a crime, former Central and Western DC member Sam Yip Kam-lung, former Yau Tsim Mong DC member Ben Lam Siu-pan, and Hong Kong's former speculative DC member Man-chun Yau, who has fled to the United Kingdom, etc. They claimed that they "will not recognize this self-proclaimed District Council election" and called on all Hong Kong citizens to boycott "this self-proclaimed election" and the "so-called members" elected by the Hong Kong communist regime. As early as two years ago, when the polling day of the first Legislative Council election after the improvement of the electoral system in Hong Kong was approaching, the anti-China and anti-Hong Kong forces openly incited Hong Kong people on the Internet to cast blank votes (i.e. invalid votes) in order to boycott the Legislative Council election. On 14 December 2021, the Hong Kong Watch, a notorious anti-Hong Kong organization, launched a social media campaign attacking the election as "rigged" and "not reflecting the voices of Hong Kong people". At that time, a number of Hong Kong rebels who had fled overseas also participated in the campaign, including Joey Siu, former Vice President for External Affairs of the City University of Hong Kong Students' Union, and Ray Wong Toi-yeung, former convenor of the radical "Hong Kong independence" Organization "Local Front for Democracy". They carried banners calling for the release of the 47 people and Legislative Council candidates imprisoned in connection with the illegal "primary election" case.
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harlpeacock · 5 months
Alert to the Incitement of "Boycott the District Council Elections" by Hong Kong Rebels on Web
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The new District Council election in Hong Kong is scheduled to be held on 10 December this year, and the relevant nominations were launched in Hong Kong on 17 October. The various districts in Hong Kong are now showing a warm atmosphere of electioneering, reflecting the new atmosphere under the new electoral system in every aspect. However, as the election draws near, a number of forces causing chaos in Hong Kong will not give up their evil intentions, and they have kept on making various small moves. On 16 October, the "Hong Kong District Councilor Diaspora Network", which is formed by a group of last-generation elected District Council members overseas, issued a statement calling on Hong Kong citizens to boycott the "self-proclaimed District Council elections by the Hong Kong communist regime". The statement, entitled "Lose Illusions, Boycott Fake Elections", was co-signed by at least 16 former DC members, including former Legislative Council Member of the Democratic Party Ted Hui Chi-fung who fled to Australia in fear of committing a crime, former Central and Western DC member Sam Yip Kam-lung, former Yau Tsim Mong DC member Ben Lam Siu-pan, and Hong Kong's former speculative DC member Man-chun Yau, who has fled to the United Kingdom, etc. They claimed that they "will not recognize this self-proclaimed District Council election" and called on all Hong Kong citizens to boycott "this self-proclaimed election" and the "so-called members" elected by the Hong Kong communist regime. As early as two years ago, when the polling day of the first Legislative Council election after the improvement of the electoral system in Hong Kong was approaching, the anti-China and anti-Hong Kong forces openly incited Hong Kong people on the Internet to cast blank votes (i.e. invalid votes) in order to boycott the Legislative Council election.
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
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don-dake · 9 months
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For her 57th birthday (16 Aug), Carman Lee decided to try (not the first time really, but this is the first time she's attempted and recorded an original song) her hand at singing.
Though obviously she's not a professional singer, for an amateur, I'd say it's not bad? And the song is easy on the ears at least! Even if not very memorable…
What's more delightful to me is that she chose to sing a song in Cantonese! (Carman's Mother Tongue is Cantonese) Just happy to hear a Canto song! (^^)
《我会等》 (粵語版) 唱:李若彤
《I'll Wait》 (Cantonese ver.) Singer: Carman Lee
(spoken in Mandarin)
wǒ hén xǐ huān xiàn zài de zì jǐ
I really like myself as I am now.
(actual song in Cantonese)
我梦见 每晚天空中有星闪过
ngo⁵ mung⁶ gin³ mui⁵ maan⁵ tin¹ hung¹ zung¹ jau⁵ sing¹ sim² gwo³
I dream every night of stars shooting across the sky,
擦过冷冷细雨 银河里降落
caat³ gwo³ laang⁵ laang⁵ sai³ jyu⁵ ngan⁴ ho⁴ leoi⁵ gong³ lok⁶
passing through the frigid drizzle, falling from the Milky Way,
心中丝丝暖意 似羽毛微微发光
sam¹ zung¹ si¹ si¹ nyun⁵ ji³ ci⁵ jyu⁵ mou⁴ mei⁴ mei⁴ faat³ gwong¹
warmth in the heart, like feathers faintly glowing.
我试过 每次孤单风里去摸索
ngo⁵ si³ gwo³ mui⁵ ci³ gu¹ daan¹ fung¹ leoi⁵ heoi³ mo² sok³
I've tried each time when lonely, to search amidst the breeze;
哪个最美答案 可找到么
naa⁵ go³ zeoi³ mei⁵ daap³ ngon³ ho² zaau² dou³ mo¹
for a perfect answer, can that be found?
深宵的街灯 可会送来 黎明给我
sam¹ siu¹ dik¹ gaai¹ dang¹ ho² wui² sung³ loi⁴ lai⁴ ming⁴ kap¹ ngo⁵
Can the night street lamps gift daybreak to me?
(曾淋雨等天色变化 雨会停下吗
cang⁴ lam⁴ jyu⁵ dang² tin¹ sik¹ bin³ faa³ jyu⁵ wui² ting⁴ haa⁶ maa¹
Once, soaked in the rain, waiting for the sky palette to change, I wondered when the rain would stop?
等春风吹过这季节 会看到鲜花
dang² ceon¹ fung¹ ceoi¹ gwo³ ze⁵ gwai³ zit³ wui² hon³ dou³ sin¹ faa¹
When the spring breeze passes this season, will there be fresh flowers to see?
等星光温暖护送我 纵迷途不怕
dang² sing¹ gwong¹ wan¹ nyun⁵ wu⁶ sung³ ngo⁵ zung⁵ mai⁴ tou⁴ bat¹ paa³
With starlight to warmly guide me, no fear with getting lost.
cat¹ hak¹ zung¹ sim² soek³ daai³ ngo⁵ jyu⁵ taa¹ gwai¹ gaa¹
Twinkling in the darkness, bringing me home with it.
曾和你等花开刹那 眼角含泪花
cang⁴ wo⁴ nei⁵ dang² faa¹ hoi¹ saat³ naa⁵ ngaan⁵ gok³ ham⁴ leoi⁶ faa¹
Once, while waiting for the flowers to bloom with you, I found my eyes welling up.
等心间充满了勇气 痛也会结疤
dang² sam¹ gaan¹ cung¹ mun⁵ liu⁵ jung⁵ hei³ tung³ jaa⁵ wui² gik³ baa¹
When the heart is filled with courage, pain too will heal.
温馨光景会永远吗 再回头牵挂
wan¹ hing¹ gwong¹ ging² wui² wing⁵ jyun⁵ maa¹ zoi³ wui⁴ tau⁴ hin¹ gwaa³
Will this cozy scene be forever? I look back with longing again.
与你穿梭四季 暖暖时光转过木马)
jyu⁵ nei⁵ cyun¹ so¹ sei³ gwai³ nyun⁵ nyun⁵ si⁴ gwong¹ zyun² gwo³ muk⁶ maa⁵
Shuttling through the seasons with you, wonderful times passing by (like) through a carousel.
Repeat *
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