rosewind2007 · 1 year
New genders just dropped:
Hugga: Camouflage
Mallo: Cupcake
Kronk: Laboritory (sic)
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I’m Kronk laboritory, which isn’t spelt wrong on their website, but is on this huge window display…
Just odd—can anyone explain?
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ngeruma · 2 years
“The laser collision” | Perpetual Testing #259
By T1ckbase
Today we investigate the importance of proper 90° science in a test chamber that is not only, very compact, but actually a pretty complicated laser logic lock, that is until it isn’t and it turns into a case of washing the floor and sucking your gut in.
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More Test Chambers
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shroomboi67 · 1 year
Welp i havent posted in a while so lets have some of my headcannons to celebrate the new version of the sexy blonde bioweapon.
Wesker wears his glasses constantly due to his light sensitivity and unnerving eyes he keeps his glasses on even when inside if he needs a break from wearing them he closes the blinds in his office for a momentary reprieve from the metal indents in his nose. If you did go to his house for whatever reason you'll find its rather dark his walls a seal grey with dark oak furniture but its cozy in some retrospecs.
Wesker suffers from chronic insomnia spending nights at his work desk drinking coffee and filing forms even if he does end up going home he ends up cleaning his house top to bottom and over again until he's exhausted all his options and either goes for a walk or goes to bed. Most pills and drugs have little to no effect on the man due to the progenitor virus in his blood stream so no amount of sleep aid helps. He's just glad his glasses cover the bags under his eyes so he's not seen as weak. Small mercies and all that. But if you do want to get him to sleep lay him down gently and lightly run your hand up the arch of his back to his shoulder blade amd back down and that man is putty.
There is literally no startling or surprising this man. Don't even try as its a futile attempt this man is stone cold you can try anything and his face doesnt budge just don't try startling him he'd choke the life out of you in seconds.
This man is an excellent cook he can make you a four course meal effortlessly cooking everything perfectly with a flick of his talented hands his favourite things to cook are wine infused meats. Delicious.
He definately had some previous dancing experience with that slim, hour glass figure, built chest and lithe easily lifted body he makes the perfect partner for an elegant salsa dancer.
Despite how it seems Wesker is awful at romance he can cook you a nice meal, give you a dance but it ends there he cannot woo anyone he can be quite flirty when it suits him but flirt back and this man melts he is so weak when it comes to someone whos interested in him which who would be? An uptight blonde with a god complex? Yes please.
But if he does get into a relationship he is distant at first but you can bet this man is possessive as shit he would kill someone for you always wanting to hold you in his arms, touch every inch of you, kiss you breathless his favourite pass time is to climb on his your lap and just bury his face in your neck inhaling your scent till he's dizzy.
Due to Weskers past of being treated like a weapon and growing up in a laboritory things can trigger him like nightmares or occassional things like needles. He will immediately break down into sobs and trembling limbs. Avoiding and distancing himself from anyone using.. other methods to stablise himself that is less than ideal but with no family he has no one to go to but find ways to ground himself.
Anything else you want me to mention or anyone else you want headcannons for please let me know! Thank you my lovelies ♡
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agent-calivide · 8 months
Did I post this somewhere else already?
Yes. But I feel it needs to be shared more sO:
IEYTD characters with lovebug/yandere viruses.
The basic thought? Zoraxis tried to make a mind control virus to get everyone to love and worship Zoraxis. Phoenix spits in the virus and drinks the only cure while flipping off Zoraxis, but it warps and now they’re immune to a virus that makes everyone love and obsess over Phoenix.
Zor would be full yandere, but they wouldn't wanna be with Phoenix. No, no they like the distance. They'd be constantly stalking and watching Phoenix, obsessive, creating elaborate plots to trap the Phoenix, but not kill them. If they were to capture Phoenix, they'd put the agent in a gilded cage, fancy, elaborate, maybe a bit gaudy but it's only one room. They like watching them in their cage, keep that safe distance, simply enjoying the fake presence and watching Phoenix squirm whenever they turn on the intercoms and talk, feeling a sadistic joy in knowing that nobody gets the birdie but them.
In a weird way, I feel likee Sans would be the most chill. He strikes me as the type to rationalize the illness as "just feelings" and shrug it off to the best of his abilities. He's still clingy, and if Phoenix goes to leave his laboritory while he's working the have to practically answer a questionaire of where are they going, what are they doing, what's the time frame, etc, but otherwise he's actually very high functioning with the virus.
I feel like Caliente would just be like- an abusive boyfriend. Possessive, aggressive, I think he'd get angry at Phoenix if they paid attention to anyone else. He'd incinerate people right in front of them if he ruled they were getting "too clingy" which could be anything from active fliriting to just talking. He doesn't have them constantly monitored because he doesn't have access to tech like the others, but if Phoenix is out of his sight for a moment he's immediately interrogating them. Where did you go? What were you doing? Why didn't you wait for me?
Hivemind would constantly have at least one bee on Phoenix at all times for monitoring purposes. The bees also have the virus and are super clingy to Phoenix. It would be endearing, if they didn't sting anyone who Hivemind deemed a threat, which was basically anyone who took Phoenix's attention. Resource guarding is a very common thing in the animal kindom, and Phoenix's attention is a resource.
Anna would be incredibly paranoid, even after getting Phoenix to herself. Phoenix would be geared up with body cams, monitors, tracking chips, she's seen what Zoraxis can do, she is not allowing them to disappear ever again. If she had it her way they'd be off the field, but she knew long ago that the secret agent life is the one for Phoenix. However, her paranoia makes her tracking of them beyond extreme. If they're even one minute late getting back from work she already is in the process of a nervous meltdown, grabbing a gun and her tagging gear and is almost out the door to go find them herself.
Solaris strikes me as the type to be very calm, very collected with the sickness when she has Phoenix. If they're in her lab, on the Death Engine, anything the like she's just her usual, slightly unhinged mad scientist self. But the second Phoenix tries to leave she goes off the deep end, getting angry, shouting, demanding they come back right that instant. I could see Solaris threatening to use a laser on Phoenix to make it so they can't escape, either by killing or maiming them.
Fabricator would spoil Phoenix. At least, in the only way she knows how. She'd put them in the lap of luxury, dote on them, give them all sorts of lavish designer items (that she made herself), and always have them resting up in only the finest luxury apartments if she has to travel for work, because obviously she can't leave them alone. However, the other thing she loves is watching Phoenix thwart her traps. She likes watching them panic and struggle to stop the swinging ax, the deadly laser, carefully disarm the desk just in time to be okay. And if they're not? Oh well, now she gets to patch them up, because there's no way she's letting them die on her.
Juniper would be kinda like Zor, but rather than it just being one fancy room and a bunch of cameras, he'd want that person to person contact, that connection. He'd take them everywhere, on set, to Zoraxis meetings, to any celebrity galas or photoshoots or anything. Phoenix would be on a tight leash, always right by Juniper's side, not allowed to go more than a few feet away. Of course, when they go home Phoenix has full reign of any estate, after all he wants them to be happy, but the security is at max whenever they're home. Phoenix is not getting out.
Ollie is clingy, begging Phoenix to stay by his side so he won't be alone like he was in that Zoraxis base for three days. He's never been shown such kindness by an operative, he needs them. He'll do whatever they ask just please please don't leave him alone again.
Prism I think would be kinda like Sans at first, but as the virus went on and she got more and more obsessed with the Phoenix, she'd be equal parts obsessed with Phoenix and improving them. I think it wouldn't help that she was obsessed with proving her robots were better than them, if this is post-I3YTD I could see her trying to create more with Phoenix. After all, "You're the best thing I've ever made", but how can she make them better? What can she add or change about them, maybe prosthetic limbs? New enhancers on the implant? OO- maybe a heart fused with kinesium! Sure, it'll hurt at first, but it's fine. She's making them the best agent the world's ever seen.
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waywardvoidpoetry · 10 months
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Lil doodle of DC(Dark Comedy) from my little laboratory (spelt Laboritory iykyk)
I always think about what a my little lab 2 would look like, it would probably just be about DC trying to find Paint Bracket but regardless, I like where the original lab left off.
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thefinalvoid · 1 year
Hello I would like to ask about your oc apus:)
Apus is a Kosei Aima, also known as a Universe Eater. Specifically the good kind tho, the kind that eats dead universes (bad universe eaters that eat viable universes are called Dautri Aima)
Apus was trapped by scientists that found a crack in their unvierse, forcing Apus into a compressed state so that they could study apus. However, funds ran out quickly and Apus was sealed away in the abandoned laboritory. Not used to the confines of a universe, Apus slewly began to starve and almost died. Luckily due to extremely long lifespans of kosei aima, Apus survived long enough to be found by an urbex enthusiast. The Urbex enthusiast did their best to work with Apus to get them home. In return, Apus made sure to spread the word of their name to others in the Liminal (the space between universe) so that should they be found without a home universe, they would have a safe place of rest.
If you have any more questions about Apus, feel free to ask! :D
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urdadthinksimfine · 8 months
Which dreams are dead and should be buried and mourned?
Which dreams should I say good bye to? Tell them, to rest in peace?
being a 17 year old anymore that trainers put their faith into?
being a juvenile anymore that people of authority want to help out and mentor?
being in some sort of program like kpop stars, where they have to give their everything
becoming a dedicated dancer/ singer/ rapper in the industry
Its so beautiful, this dedication of Ippo, this hard, hard work, the exhaustion that feels worth, when you notice improvement, the love for something, the passion for some matter, not just a vibe, but the whole things itself.
the vibe seems to emerge from living the matter. i dont love a thing. i love what happens around it, the vibe.
the getting up in the early mornings to go running, when its still foggy or in the midday or even evening, the schedule, with road work and in the gym, the people around him, that help him improve, root for him.
he has goals and he gives his all. he wants to give what it takes. ive never had that, but i couldve had that with capoeira maybe, if i wanted to.
even with other goals but becoming the best of some sport, there was no.. supporting enviroment for very strong dedication, there was no passionate enviroment for anything, because there was no passion within my family. it died with grandpa.
what is there, that i could still be very passionate about? with people rooting for me?
being best at some school stuff (school over, but university)
music producing (like yoongi etc getting no sleep and becoming obsessed but thats their life and what they chose, what they need to do, what they need their life to be like)
becoming a very good business woman trying their best with their international connection and relationship to some asian market
a social worker maybe who is working hard to make an beneficial establishment or institution or make a positive change in the education system or something
If i could just dream of what or who i am.. it would be..
me, dedicated to music and performance,
hustling because i know its for this dream of mine, spending those hours of hard work in the studio, in the dance studio
working to pay the expenses i have for my life dedicated to my music
expressing feeling in song and dance and choreography, in video making, in producing, maybe in photography, maybe in writing..
for myself most of all, but also because its my job, with passion, with dedication, with need, with blood, sweat and tears
Its very kpop-y... but can i still do it, just for myself? even if everyone id meet on this path is younger or more experienced than i am?
what if i did all that, passionate, but really just for myself, do my stuff, upload it, work on more pieces, or more styles, just for myself?
if i missed my chance by saying bye to kanghee, missed my chance by living my life undedicated the way i did with no skills,
could i just do it amateur-sytle for myself, with art and music as an ventil for my pain, for my desires? instead of destroying myself?
or am i thinking easy again, because i dont even try going big, with studying it, giving it my MORE, with reconnecting with kanghee, with trying to go bigger road with studying something connected with the field?
or is it just me burning for something, give SOMETHING my all?
becoming an architect, a scientist in a laboritory, something that i have to spend hors in the library for in order to learn and master it?
do i just want to be dedicated, like those japanese next to me in the library? they seems to have a creative thing to study for, because one of them is drawing architectual stuff. reminding me of this one insta-drawer-girl that did those classic, barock-ish drawings of bts. the studied art, too. she studied it, had to find out stuff about it, learn, practice it and its history and aspects.
should i just learn to be a laborant, so i can do that all my life and on my free time be a nerd for music, writing stories and ff, learn japanese for fun and for my vacations there..
if i learned business administration with focus on asia, or east-asian studies or japanology id definitely end up with other nerds, which gives me chance to get into a crowd of weirdos, find a weirdo boyfriend and be fine with it. it would make my free time less lonely, because id be surrounded by freaks.
maybe.. maybe..
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The Laboritory
“Enter!” he says as you swing open the door to his Laboratory. For that’s what it was, sure most of the room was taken up by a four poster bed and there was a large wardrobe next to the window, but a place filled with bubbling test tubes and frothing beakers could never be described as anything other than a Laboratory.
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goldiers1 · 1 year
An Introduction to Louis Pasteur – The Father of Microbiology 
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  Louis Pasteur was one of the most influential scientists in history. He made incredible contributions to science and medicine, changing our understanding of the microbial world and paving the way for revolutionary medical treatments and public health initiatives. If you would like to learn more about this great scientist, keep reading!  
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Louis Pasteur portait 1822-1895. Photo by Euclid vanderKroew. Flickr.  
Who Was Louis Pasteur?
Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822, in Dole, France. His parents were Jeanne Etiennette Roqui and Jean Joseph Pasteur (Tanner who worked with hides). Dispite being dyslexic and dysgraphic his early education focused on chemistry and physics. He would later become one of the most important microbiologists in history. In his lifetime, he made tremendous contributions to science ranging from discoveries related to fermentation and pasteurization to advancements in medicine and public health. His research revolutionized our understanding of microorganisms and disproved theories popular at the time about a spontaneous generation - the idea that microbes could arise from non-living matter.  
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Louis Pasteur in his laboritory. Photo by Sanofi Pasteur. Flickr.  
What Did He Discover?
Pasteur’s major breakthroughs included demonstrating that fermentation is caused by microorganisms, discovering pasteurization as a way to prevent spoilage of milk and wine, and developing vaccines for rabies and anthrax. These discoveries had far-reaching implications for advancing healthcare globally as well as improving food safety standards everywhere. For instance, Pasteur's work on pasteurization has been credited with saving many lives by helping reduce contamination in food products such as milk, beer, juice, cheese, and many more items. In addition, his development of vaccines helped make infections like rabies much less deadly than they once were.  
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Human rabies immunoglobin vaccine and packaging. Photo by Institut Mérieux. British Science Museum.  
How Did He Change The World?
Put simply, Louis Pasteur changed the world with his microbiology research. His discoveries led to major advances in healthcare that continue to benefit people today from reducing contamination of food products through pasteurization to preventing infectious diseases through vaccinations. Moreover, his work inspired generations of scientists after him who continued making groundbreaking advances in medicine & public health based on what he started over a century ago!  
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State funeral of Louis Pasteur at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Lithograph by C. Hentschel, ca. 1895.  
Final Years
During his lifetime, Pasteur worked tirelessly to develop revolutionary treatments and methods that remain highly influential today. In the final years of his life, Louis Pasteur continued to achieve incredible feats. In 1895 he discovered a vaccine for rabies, which remains an effective treatment today. His accomplishments were recognized by various awards, including the Legion of Honor from Emperor Napoleon III in 1853 and numerous honorary degrees from universities around Europe. After Pasteur’s death in 1895 at age 72, millions of people around the world paid tribute to him as one of history’s most important scientists.  
Louis Pasteur was an incredible scientist whose impact cannot be understated — from his discovery of fermenting agents causing disease & spoilage through vaccine development for diseases like rabies & anthrax! His legacy continues today with countless lives saved due to improved food safety standards & reduced risk from infectious illnesses around the globe! If you’re interested in learning more about this extraordinary scientist & his accomplishments then we recommend taking a look at some additional resources online or even checking out some books written about him! Thanks for joining us on a brief introduction to Louis Pasteur – The Father of Microbiology!   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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With @louschnickens Making hats and sculpts in the mad scientist lab... #3dprinting #laboritory #workshop #artsyfartsy
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oopsl · 3 years
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The Bedlam in Goliath by The Mars Volta, 2008
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ngeruma · 3 years
“Wheatley’s Reprisal” By Skyferret - Parts 1 to 3
Does anyone know how this little advertiser friendly expletive keeps getting control of the Aperture facility? Any way. I’ve put aside my personal feelings towards Wheatley to play “Wheatley’s Reprisal” made by the very talented Skyferret. I’m sure there is no possible way what so ever that Wheatley will betray us. ….right? All the Skyferret maps i have played in the past have been fantastically well made, and this series is no exception. Skyferret has an incredible talent for visual destruction, and these maps have destruction a plenty! One of the highest rated mini-series collections on the steam workshop and one of the most highly requested for me to play through.
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katatty · 3 years
I'm glad you're making over the hobby lots, they need it! Especially Games of Glory, the bright different coloured chairs are cool but that blue carpet... not a vibe. Anyway you mentioned that people can make makeover requests, I was wondering if you could do a beachside lot makeover of the Bell's house? I think it could look cool as a big beach house with less space in the front and a backyard beach (seriously why is their front garden so big??) It would be cool if the gazebo could stay too (1
Also it's obviously totally cool if you're not interested in doing it or don't have the time for it or something :) (2
You’re welcome! I have made over Aspirational Laboritories, Desirable Discourse and halfway through Dreamy Fields so far so Games of Glory is next on the list. I plan to release the whole hood as a functional replacement for the hobbies subhood so haven’t been releasing them as I go like I usually would. (Since they’re specialy hidden lots, I mean. I guess I could convert them to normal community lots and release them like that? But it’s a hassle and I keep going back to tweak the existing ones as I playtest.)
The Bell house is actually the next Desiderata Valley lot I wanted to make over anyway so I can totally do that! How important is the beach-lot element, is it a dealbreaker? Because I was planning on doing it in a style closer to The Aspir house, since the families are friends and the houses are both made of brick. I also kinda want to have a few beachside community lots and think Natasha should live in a beach house, and the coastline doesn’t have lots of space, plus I don’t want the rest of the neighbourhood to look too empty? Making two versions probably wouldn’t really be too much extra work, though, if you have your heart set on it! Let me know?
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morrak · 3 years
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Origin: Costa Rica
Region: Grecia, Naranjo, West Valley
Farm: Finca la Alquimia
Variety: SL-28
Process: Honey (yellow)
Altitude: 1650 m
Although I’ve had this coffee before, it was only one or two cups of drip last year. This time it’s been selected for espresso, so it might as well be my first time with it. For variety, I’ll take you through my thought process more forumlaically than normal, according to the header above.
OK, Costa Rica. Nice. Rich, flavorful, sweet stuff, but usually with a pretty light body. I’ve had the weird luck to sample some flamboyant exceptions, so my perception of these is way skewed.
Naranjo is a big name coffee region for Costa Rica, but I really don’t know much beyond that. I looked up this particular mill in Grecia and it seems like a cool operation. Owned by two sisters and their husbands; most of their selling seems to be to the Japanese market.
As for the farm, I’ve got nothing personal to add beside my love for Alquimia as a farm name. If you look up the farm, you’ll get a few hits for Japanese and Korean sites, but few English-speaking roasters. A good sign; those buyers typically pay top dollar for good stuff.
SL-28, you say? It’s a very important African variety, but has some presence in Central America recently. Descended from one of 42 trees in the 1930s at Scott Agricultral Laboritories in Kenya. Other SLs (thinking of SL-14 and SL-34) are still around, but this is the big one. Excellent cup quality at high altitudes and very rustic, but succeptible to disease and a full-size tree. (Always remember that SL-28, like anything good colonizing scientists ever pulled off, was built on the backs, labor, and knowledge of people who’d been at it successfully for ages without them. So there’s that.)
Honey process is a cool find. Pretty much relegated to El Salvador and Costa Rica until recently, it’s a sort of hybrid between natural (dry) and washed (wet) processes. ‘Yellow’ refers to its location on the washed side of the natural-washed continuum, but I still expect some more body and fruitiness.
High altitude, but not crazy high. Nothing important to say about this given everything else I know; it’s really just a formality. Now we can finally get to the drink.
Unlike on drip, where this had some winey, cherry-y stuff going on, this is closer to what I’d expect from a lighter natural. It’s got a kick of tropical sweetness up front (dried pineapple or sweetened coconut, maybe), then mellows out into a dark caramel or toffee sweetness. The finish is way at the back of your mouth, which I liked. My coworker said it smelled like pretzels, and she was right.
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rhiannathompson · 3 years
Friday Artist Notes 22.01.21
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‘Untitled’ - 1986
DONALD JUDD (1928 - 1994) - an American minimalist artist, despite . Creating pieces using repeating shapes and patterns, using machine-made materials like iron, steel etc, while keeping it simple. The minimalist movement is the direct opposite of the abstract movement. Judd’s aim when making his pieces, was to make the object the main focus, being able to stand alone, without making reference to any hidden meanings. This has also been called literalist work, as what you see is all it is, the relationship you as the viewer make with it. Judd’s work is a reference to consumer culture, as well as the aim to  make art more accessible to more people as it was simple and comprised of minimalist pieces.
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‘Aten Reign’ - 2013
JAMES TURRELL - an American artist celebrated for his work combining light and space. Turrell was a pilot who brought his love for art into his flying, treating the sky as his canvas and material, the space around him being his studio. His work is the light, not to be confused with it being about the light, or how it works, but just the light itself and it’s presence in the area he presents it, is the art. Examples include cutting openings into the walls of a room, and allowing the light to spill in. Turrell describes his work as having “ no object, no image and no focus”, he wants the viewer to be in the moment and experience it as h presents it. There are no hidden meanings to get sucked up in, just your own wandering thoughts to cycle through. He aims to create an experience. 
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‘La situazione antispettiva’ - 2003
OLAFUR ELIASSON - is a Danish Sculptor famous for his large displays of which included elements likes light, water, and air temperature. He used this as a way to add to the experience of those viewing it. He was born 1967. During 1995, Eliasson built the Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin, which was a laboritory to be used for spatial research.  Eliasson used to be a professor in the Berlin University of the Arts during 2009 until 2014. Since then, he has been a professor in the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design in Addis Ababa. His work also aims to portray our role in globalization and enviromentalism. Eliasson uses materials such as moss, light, and reflective metals. Combining the contrasting materials of man-made and nature.  His work aims to present the connection between art and science.
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tomasorban · 4 years
Our rediscovery of the accurate 3D Dharmata geometry is based on the novel Timewave discovery of Novelty Theory, visionarily rediscovered by ontologist Terrence McKenna, initially in the 1970s.
The Timewaves’ typological morphology has been acredited by UCLA scientist and mathematician, professor Ralf Abrahams (A Chronology Of Time), as the fractal symmetry of the ontological morphology of time itself.
The Timewave verified to be an accurate cartography of time’s temporal wave architecture within the atomic clock observation measurements made by Los Alamos Laboritory physicist, Dr. Sheliak. The temporal behavior within the scale of the ATOMIC clocks, behaved accordingly to the Timewave-1 graph topology…
Thus, Puharich’s assertion to the ATOM’s nucleus MM force within the proton, to be following fractal electric/magnetic charge, which he also relates to the Mandlebrot set — is clearly here highlighted for the very first time. Especially when we understand the relation between the Timewave, Dharmata, and the mandlebrot fractal, as follows…
This leads us to our findings… By tracing the complete Timewave graph into 3D computer animation software; replicating the design 180° in mirror symmetry; and then rotating this into 3 dimensions, the beautiful and remarkable precise morphology of the Dharmata was resurrected from the catacombs of antiquity. Dharmata’s shape is traced by the Mandlebrot fractal symmetry outline.
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Before Leonardo Da Vinci’s version of this mandelbrot fractal design within his Leicester Codex, he was preceeded by several hundred years in the remarkable labour undertaken by Monk Udo of Achen, who spent 9 years calculating the accurate Mandlebrot set which he called Divinitas (“Godhead”), rather than using Abacus, he utlised the Vedic mathematics of ‘algorythm’ calculations that utilised the Vedic arabic numerals (based on Brahmi-script), (The forgotten genius of Udo von Aachen", Schipke, R.J. and Eberhardt, A., Harvard Journal of Historical Mathematics, 32, 3 (March 1999), pp 34-77), which itself is derived from Vedic mathematics. He depicted it as the star of Bethlehem.
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The Timewave, also appears to be the accurate morphology of the full permutation of the DNA genom (by the implication of Dr. Martin Schönberger’s accademically impeccable I-Ching and The Genetic Code: The Hidden Key To Life). Thereby, the fractal MM fields of the hadronic force in the proton, through 8hz electrolysis of water, producing the amino acids and full proteins in the very same fractal symmetry as itself… which itself is the complete permutation of the DNA code, is extraordinary…
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That is: proteins “Made in the Image of its Creator,” the organising 27D Hadron through its MM fractal symmetry… and which turns out to be the symmetrical geometry of the full permutation of the DNA codon language.
Thereby, giving a fractal (self-similar, self-organising, self-reflective/conscious), hyper-topology of the All-One Macro nature of the hadron’s hyperdimensional unified hypercharacteristics... The hadronic mechanic’s Macro Irreversible Hyper-Organisation of all life.
Thereby: the hyper-morphology of indivisible wholeness that is all-one Hyper-Intelligence — HTI: Hyper-Temporal/Hyper-Terrestrial Intelligence.
Thus, some initial major decipherments of the Universal Language orchestrated by the Hadronic-Intelligence Hyper-Organisation of Life, have been decrypted, self-embedded and axiomatic within the very cipher codes of life itself, and within the very heart fields of proto-matter (proton-matter proper).
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Hereby, we have identification of the fractal Universal Language composed of a hadronic hyper-semantics that has seamless axiomatic similitude in its linguistics between the fractal design of the code of life and the fractal geometry of the MM force comprising the alphabet of all the periodic elements that composit the universe…
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Same fractal semantics as the DNA life code and the organising fractal force in the heart of all the periodic elements that built the universe… And the application of one (the fractal MM within the proton), upon the element water (by 8hz electrolysis), produces living complex amino acid chained proteins that grow according to the fractal Dharmata/Mandlebrot image/symmetry, that is the characteristics of the MM proto-force in the atomic heart; and which is also the fractal image of the entire ontological morphology of the DNA code, itself a composite of amino acids…
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Talk about Self-Organisation, Self-Reflection, Self-Similarity… The same, self-similar, universal All-One Mind-Heart — the indivisible unity between the, so called, inanimate and the animate (such a consequence is also objectively established by hadronic hyper-mathematics. Arbitary connections have been eliminated, illusive assumptions vacuumed into nonexistence)
The human genome is some 3.6 billion DNA letters in length, whilst one single X-chromosome is a macro-DNA molecule some 160 million DNA letters in length. Dr Robert Pollack relates that the DNA:
“Is also a form of text, and that therefore it is best understood by analytical ways of thinking commonly applied to other forms of text, for example, books.”
— R. Pollack A Crisis In Scientific Moral, Nature, 385,1997. pp 674
One cannot analyse a text like a book, if one presupposes that there was no intelligence behind writing it. The very fact that the DNA turns out to be an intricate language, written in complex grammer, reveals an intelligence that has a far more holographically integrated hyper-semantics than our present use of languages.
The DNA resonating crystal is an intelligently ordered linguistics with a holographic laser resonation communication continuum, as molecular biologist Dr. Frank-Kamenetskii relates:
“The DNA crystal is aperiodic, since the sequence of base pairs is as irregular as the sequence of letters in a coherent text.”
—M. D. Frank-Kamenetskii Unveiling The DNA. New York, VCH Publishers, 1993. Pp 31
Or as noted biologist Sir Charles Dobbs had relayed:
“The whole of the protein in the human body is replaced in roughly 160 days… When one contrasts the great complexity of the protein molecule with the fact that millions of these substences are constantly being built up and disintegrated in the human body, and moreover rebuilt to precisely the same structure, one cannot help but speculate about the controlling mechanism.”
—Sir Charles Dobbs, quoted in Dr. Harold Saxton Burr’s, The Fields Of Life (Ballantine, New York, 1973).
Thus, to find the same fractal self-similarity in the DNA code’s permutations as that of the organising force within the protons from the hadron omegon, should seriously transcend the primitive assumption of zero intelligence behind the DNA life book.
The fractal self-similarity thus of DNA, time, the proton’s hadronic magnetic monopole force, and the fractal growth of life exposed to the 8hz ELF field of this fractal force, demonstrates a post modern fax simile of the Veda’s, “man made in the Image of the Original Model of Manu,” and the Biblical, “Man made in the Image and the Similitude of God.”
Puharich’s observation of the fractal ‘mandlebrot’ geometry arising from the Magnetic Monopole force within the proton, in the 8hz electrolysis of water, and his above mentioning of this being the fractal electric and magnetic charge within each of the 3 quarks that compose the proton of the atomic nucleus, now has some astounding and surprising cross-verifications…
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That is: the Timewave fractal form discovered by McKenna, vindicated by Temporal Chronologer Dr. Ambraham, and observed to be the actual nature of the fractal geometry of time within the atomic clocks, by Dr. Sheliak.
However, clarity descends only when our novel discovery of the Dharmata 3D symmetry of the Timewave was renderred, and the Dharmata is beautifully outlined by the Mandlebrot set.
The Vedic description of the Dharmata (which also means “the universal law of divine love”), and taken forwards all the way into Sanskrit/Buddhist art and cosmology, is also utilised as the geometry of time, the Dharma Maha Kala (“Law of Omni-Time”).
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Java, Indonesia, Meru temple with 72 Dharmata Stupa’s upon the AUM Sri Yantra, 27 line geometry. With 432 Buddhas. Charting the 27 Lunar mansions
Forinstance, the 72 Stupas placed on Mt. Meru, in Java, Indonesia, is a prime example. Not only the outline of the Dharmata, but the fact that there are 72 of them on this version of the Meruprastara mountain (the sum of each row of bricks that build the Meruprastara pyramid equates to the sum number sequence that 8hz established upon itself within water… 8, 16, 32, 64 etc… Meru AKA the Sri Yantra, or the Sierpinski pyramid of modern mathematics).
These 72 Dharmata/Stupas are arranged on the Meru pyramid (itself acting as chronomonitor of the 27 lunar mansions through which the Moon passes in one lunar year), in such a manner as to mark the 1° of precession shift of our planet within the 12 zodiac houses — 72 years per degree, 360 x 72 for the complete zodiac wheel (nevermind the axiomatic 27/72).
Meru Prastara Vedic Pyramid Altar & Chonomoniter
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