loganslowdown4 · 7 months
It’s been 5 years!??!!!
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autisticlogankin · 3 months
This endcard ages like spoiled milk
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riseuplogan · 1 year
As much as a fuss everyone makes about the fuss everyone makes about Logan refusing to become a puppet I still think Virgil at least respects his choices fairly well ("only if you want to" at the end) (and also character Thomas helps find suitable reasoning for Logan remaining in his human form that he's comfortable with)
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analogicalreasoning · 5 months
welcome to the sasi fandom!! my fave analogical moment is in LNTAO when logan is getting frustrated and virgil interrupts him to say "you're lost... it's okay" in that quiet caring voice... ohhhhh they love each other sm
YEAAA AND AND The following lines are so good too!! Virgil comforting Logan that he doesn't Have to be serious all the time because he's been there before! He's been lost and wanted to be taken seriously too because that was his job, but now he's learned that it's more beneficial to Thomas if he's a "pal" rather than a "gloomy dude" because there's collaboration instead of fighting!!
"No one wants to be a joke" "but a life free of jokes is incomplete" staring at Logan so hard, Im so proud of him he got it in the end 💙
Also thank you for inviting me in, I'm happy to be here!! /g
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we-all-horny-here · 4 months
Logan and Roman have so many issues between them and I need them to make out abt it
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emoprincey · 10 months
The thing is that the whole point of Sanders Sides is that the sides literally love each other so much. I'm not exaggerating at all, the whole plot is about the sides learning to work together and being accepted by each other and Thomas in spite of (or even because of) their flaws. And it doesn't work unless they care about each other so so much. Do u get me
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transfemlogan · 4 months
Where did you get that Patton hates Logan?
literally every interaction they have /j /silly
im exaggerating, i dont think patton genuinely HATES logan or something.
but they interact like theyre coworkers who get along bcuz they work in the same area. theyre very obviously not friends, if u watch szn 2 u can see that NEHRKFN
id need 2 rewatch the series 2 get specific examples bcuz i dont have timestamps in my mind rn but the way logan treats virgil, his close friend, is so different from how he treats patton, an aquaintance, & then how patton treats roman (in szn 1) & then how he treats logan. which is why i don't think they r friends.
logan treats virgil w/ genuine compassion & care, & then will turn around & treat patton like shit. & then like. patton & roman feel like actual buddies & then it feels like patton just treats logan politely bcuz they stand across from each other.
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ralexsol · 1 year
need me a sanders sides episode about dealing with fucking stress
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theepsizet · 2 years
Announcement: Update on Real-Life Events
Ok, 2-day is the day that I’ll be leaving (for about two weeks) for Spain & South France so I may or may not be around here.
Come to think, I’ll rarely be on Tumblr. But with that in mind, what’s going to happen afterwards?
1: Sanders Sides Posts
About time, really. I haven’t been working on it that much b/c of exams, but I really want to get back to them:
Personal analysis on LNTAO
Personal thoughts on DWIT
2: Fanfics?
This one is a bit more tricky, but I have some drafts and I’m hoping to get to them as well (and maybe give some sneak previews). This might be easier to do while I’m in Europe, but I also really want to get to drafting them out and, perhaps, share them. Maybe. Probably. We’ll see. Ok, that’s it for now, so I’ll have to say is bye! Oh and enjoy this Crazy Ex-girlfriend song about cats and their (ironic) symbolism with loneliness.
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intrulogical · 6 months
do new sanders sides fans know about innerworks. or that one day video delay for accepting anxiety pt. 1. or the ready as ever as i'll ever be animatic. or how we thought the drought of content leading up to lntao was long. or that post that blew up after clbg saying "virgil was never a dark side and even if he was he is too good to be one" or something like that. or how people personified thomas' other skit characters like the months and the stove because we were Desperate during the lntao drought. or how everyone thought virgil's name is angel.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
/images from patreon video under cut
You’re gonna have to put up with me gushing about this
Myself and @miguel-manbemel were talking about the livestream that aired on the YouTube membership after Learning New Things About Ourselves and Thomas and Joan had mentioned in it that they were thinking about posting the footage of Thomas acting out what the puppets were supposed to do as reference to Nate, the puppeteer, on his second channel. Well since nothing had manifested from that, I proposed Miguel and I ask if Thomas could release the footage to patreon if he still had it/had time. Well the man actually wrote that down and turns out? He still had it!
So my fellow fanders, if y’all have Patreon or are thinking of getting it, this is your sign to got for it. It is AMAZING to watch. LNTAO without puppets lol
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And now imma talk about it to death here I gooooo 😂
First my favourite screen shots of the boys as human puppets 🩵💙💜❤️
❥quick little sneaky 4th wall smile from Pat 😍
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❥’An ARM’ funniest joke in the whole Ep of amazing jokes
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❥Virgil almost saying LOVE 😳
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❥Stretchy arm Logan ❤️💙
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One joke that ws not clear to me all these years:
C!Thomas: Let’s not point fingers
Puppet!Patton: *points a finger* You can say that again *realizes he’s pointing a finger* Whoops butterfingers.
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I’ll tell u I never understood bc the puppet can’t point a finger! 😂
More Patton beloved 🥹🩵🤍
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Roman ❤️ getting hit in the eye
If he only knew how much Logan regretted it 💔😔
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I love him so much here. Seriously none of them have to even wear the outfits, you just know it’s that character. He can wear green all he wants! 😅
Virgil 💜 I still can’t get over Virgil’s face when he almost says ‘when you love someone’ 😳😂 nooo they can’t know I love themmmm
The laughing is him doing the Count bit
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Joan hug is ‘don’t hug me I’m scared’
Logan 💙
I feel like this whole thing proves the sides should have ‘casual day’ at some point
Logan as a robot but human is just LOOK AT HIM 🥺💙
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Lemme do a reblog Ive got more…
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fangirltothefullest · 21 days
Oh I just realized the reason Logan probably got angry enough during LNTAO to throw the paper is because Roman used the term "stupid" to refer to his clarifications. He directly called a part of Logan's functionality stupid.... yeah I can absolutely see why he was upset.
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i got to thinking after yesterday’s post (linked here if you haven’t read it) about svs and decided to talk a little more about patton and logan’s relationship in specific contexts throughout the series.
as thomas explained to us in a behind-the-scenes video, logan and patton’s names were derived from logos and pathos, both of which are a form of appeal in persuasion. logos pertains to logical fact and reasoning and pathos pertains to emotion. very in-line which logic and morality, aka logan and patton.
so in essence, they’re opposites. we see this in one of the earliest sanders sides videos— THE MIND vs THE HEART— where logan and patton have differing opinions on the same matter, and they tend to cause thomas a great deal of confusion and anxiety when he tries to make a decision regarding those matters.
it’s the question that everyone often gets asked: do you listen to your mind more, or your heart?
however, one thing that stays consistent throughout the series is that patton, as the moral compass, is the most often listened to. thomas relies heavily on his emotions to get things done, specifically as seen in svs and svs redux. but patton also seems to know when something is missing, and encourages thomas to listen to the other sides.
an example of this would be “Accepting Anxiety” where patton calls out roman and logan for not realising that virgil’s absence is the cause of thomas’ current state of mind.
like i mentioned in my previous post, patton is usually the one to ask for logan’s input, and often needs logan to explain the things that he can’t put into words. there are lots of examples of this in LNTAO, where patton and logan are able to understand each other’s points of view and put them into easier terms.
i also have to mention this little moment of patton waving excitedly when logan pops up— it’s clear that patton does value logan both as a person and as one of thomas’ sides, and that he’s also important.
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first is the part where thomas figures out that he’s stuck in a loop, but he can’t quite understand why. the rest of the sides are unable to provide an answer, until patton chimes in with his own explanation, which despite being confusing, is the only explanation that anyone had been able to think of. patton is unable to elaborate because as he says, “words can be tough”.
but logan is able to pick up on what patton meant and provide a more clear understanding. he also finds that patton is correct, and it was an ingenious solution.
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he holds back his admiration, possibly because of his reputation as “unfeeling” and also not wanting to admit that someone else made a valid point. even less so that the person who made that valid point was patton, who usually was silly and lighthearted but who thomas listened to most, too.
in fact, he disregards patton’s comment of “puppets!” simply because he finds it ridiculous and unlike roman who immediately backtracks on his skepticism (which is a whole other post), he stays unwavering on his opinion of patton’s suggestion.
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when logan doesn’t agree with everyone else turning into puppets, patton is the first to try and convince him by telling him that they need him there.
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as logic, it’s logan who prioritises learning, and patton knows this. he also knows how much logan likes to teach others about things, so he appeals to that emotion to persuade logan to stay. he doesn’t even insist on logan changing into a puppet, he just asks that logan stays for the entire conversation.
he even backs logan up when logan and roman are fighting about the usage of “figuratively”, by telling roman not to assume which logan thanks him for.
when logan finally snaps and throw the paper ball at roman, it labels him as the problem, as he instigated physical violence against roman (even though roman was egging him on). so logan decides that he needs to leave, similar to how he did in “Moving On”. at this, patton finally raises his voice too, telling logan that he needs to stay and they can’t have the conversation without him, he’s part of the sides too.
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when thomas agrees to hear logan out, patton agrees too, once again asking logan for his thoughts on the matter. he seems to be diffusing the situation as best as he can, and that means allowing everyone to speak once and be listened to.
logan refers back to the point that patton made, and acknowledges it as something that patton came up with instead of simply saying that there was a point made and listing it out. he could have easily said that it goes back to a point they’d established earlier, but even though he hid his admiration, he’s still giving patton credit where credit’s due.
another interesting thing: when logan insists that he’s not a joke, that he can’t be seen as such, the camera pans to patton and you can see his reaction through the puppet face. you can imagine what patton must be thinking right now as he puts the pieces together.
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finally, during the puzzle song, logan is first to object and wants to get back to discussing things seriously without grasping that that’s what they’re doing, just not in the way he’s used to. once again, patton calls out to him, pleading with him to understand. he’s the only one making such a genuine effort to have logan be part of what they’re doing since he thinks that it might really benefit thomas.
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so at the end, when everything is sorted out, patton is relieved that everyone has gotten along and that logan seems to be on par with the situation.
it’s clear that patton listens to logan the most out of all the other sides, and that logan expects patton to listen to him and heed his words. that’s why he was so shocked during the events of svs when he thought that patton had betrayed him by intentionally keeping him out of the courtroom scenario. patton’s comments are usually also understood best by logan, who clarifies them into more logical points for the others.
they’re meant to work together as a team. one cannot function without the other, otherwise thomas will be at risk to making entirely rational choices and forget to have empathy, or at risk to making choices on emotion alone and burning himself out.
that’s it for this post! join me again next time where i discuss patton’s character and how he’s trying really hard, but also failing intensely.
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halfhissandwich · 26 days
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Keep in mind that this was basically the conflict of LNTAO
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clydesavage-thefox147 · 3 months
So wait, is Quil not aware of the fourth wall breaks for them being aware it's a series? Is that retconned? Are the sides no longer aware? Is it like a reality show to them..like they're aware of cameras but minimally scripted and all real?(seemed like that from the Anniversary Vid)
Am I reading too much into a blooper, probably.
Also Roman..It wasn't just Logan, Patton also called himself daddy as well called you and Logan it in LNTAO, get your facts straight. I know that's impossible for you but try lol
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transfemlogan · 2 years
Also i never correctly rewatch sanders sides. I always skip episodes & its still hard 2 rewatch NSHSJFND
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