desiren · 4 months
eve rn.
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taehyungsbabyygirl · 3 years
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Chapter 1
Genres: Light fluff, tinge of romance and wholesome(?)
Warning(s): The littlest bit of sexual tension if you squint
Fortune, fame, beauty.
Those are the things that people had associated you with.
Who does not know Y/F/N Y/L/N? You're basically in every magazine cover, every Youtube thumbnail and news headline. Surpassing Kylie Jenner as quote unquote The World's Richest Young Businesswoman and even beating Ariana Grande as the most followed female influencer on Instagram.
Who really are you? Well, to explain it simply to people who are unaware of you, your businesses and socialite status, you are the owner of a multi-billion dollar brand.
What started with a small online business at 16 which sells nightwear for women with affordable, cheap prices had bloomed into a luxury brand known for their elegant, classy clothing line, ranging from lingerie to formal clothing such as glamorous dresses to charming suits and tuxedos for both men and women.
The brand name? After years of rebranding, it's finally official that the name is, Socialità. Fitting with your brand's target market which were rich socialites from across the globe. Of course there was a reason for that, considering that the materials were high quality, imported ones such as satin and silk from Japan, Egyptian cotton, and French lace, also the designing and productions team who were amongst the best in the art of fashion and exclusivity of everything that was made under the brand, without a doubt would result in a higher cost of production and simultaneously a higher price for the merchandise itself.
And all this success did not come easy, there were countless times when you wanted to hideaway and give up on everything you had invested on. At the age of 28, you finally got to where you are now, thriving with the business that you had built with your own bare hands from the confines of your own bedroom.
But, there was one thing that you were lacking in, the love department. Although you were pretty much well-known by youngsters to elders alike, luck does not seem to be on your side when it comes to romantic relationships. It's not that you weren't romantic or sweet enough, gosh you are a hopeless romantic actually, but you just somehow fall for the wrong person, time and time again.
All the people you had dated once you established a name in the fashion world were either self-centered jerks or gold-digging leeches who were only there for the fame and riches. It's as if you had dated way more men than Taylor Swift ever had, except, you don't call these people out in songs.
Aside from owning a lavish clothing brand and billions to your name, having to work with socialite circles, had granted you the socialite status too. You'd be lying if you say that no rich bachelor had tried to flirt around with you but, your previous horrible experiences with dating as a successful businesswoman made you put your guard up and in the end turning you into the most sought after bachelorette of the 21st century.
"What??? The Bachelorette?? Gosh guys, that would be a horrible idea." You shook your head, swirling the red wine in your glass before sipping on it.
It was a normal weekend evening for you and your peers aka your personal management team which consisted of Selma, Carrie, Lulu, Trey and Giovanni. Sitting in the dining room of your enormous mansion in Calabasas while drinking cheap wine and munching on Cheeto Puffs.
You just finished ranting about how you are so unlucky in love and that you're almost turning 30, without being cuffed to someone. In your opinion, people in their late 20s had already met that person and having good balance in their work, social and love lives but you're here having a nonexistent love life instead.
Tired of constantly listening to the same rants over and over again, Giovanni proposed that you put yourself in a controversial yet exciting TV show, The Bachelorette.
"Girllll you should give The Bachelorette a try, I mean I know that the show is basically scripted but it seems exciting, no?" Giovanni chirped.
"Oh my god yasssss! I'd have the time of my life if I'm surrounded by a dozen of good-looking hunks!" Carrie joined in and daydreamed.
You snorted and put your glass down on the marble surface of the table.
"Yeah but the men on there are usually insincere and only in it for their 60 seconds of fame and the winner of the show is probably just motivated by money. What difference does it make with me going to a private party or nightclub and getting to know dudes there?" You retorted; brow raising to your two friends.
"Sis, the difference is, these men would have to submit a form regarding their background and audition for the show! If you want, we could even be your reps during the audition. We know who are the best people for you!" Selma answered your rhetorical question while pouring herself another glass of wine. She's your PA and bestie so she knew how to reply with the same energy as yours.
Sighing deeply with your fingers pinching your nose bridge, you thought once, twice, thrice and made your decision. Well, what's the worst that could happen right?
"Fine, fine! I'm in with the idea. But if this thing goes south, I.Am.Out." The dominant businesswoman persona in you presented herself whilst the others, especially Giovanni, cheered upon your agreement with their idea.
After months of preparations for your big reality TV debut, it was finally the day for the first week of The Bachelorette. Although you're the one being the prize and the one being chased, you felt uneasy and nervous to meet the men who had passed the auditions to become contestants.
"Don't worry! Me and Giovanni made sure that we only let the best ones pass the audition. And when I say the best ones, I meant, socialites, doctors, businessmen and even kinsmen of royalty!"
"Only the best for our QUEEN!"
Those were the words that came out of Selma and Gio's mouths. Thankfully you have these reliable people to help filter through the applicants of the program. If you gave the show's producers 100% control over who comes in and comes out of the show, it'll be a hot mess and they'd probably choose the men based on their looks and bulkiness but not necessarily the brains and skills.
Throughout the audition process, all of the men's background and names were kept a secret from you by Selma and Gio, it'll be a surprise, they said and you trusted them with it.
Sitting at the back of a limousine alone, you started to fidget with the dangling diamond of your earring subconsciously; a habit that you developed whenever you had cold feet.
The vehicle was heading towards the villa where the first meeting would happen between you, the bachelorette and your suitors.
You and the production team had discussed about how the first meeting would be. You thought that the idea of having to stand in front of the villa's front door while the men arrive in limos were quite cringy and not to mention time-consuming and unnatural so you proposed the idea of having the men arrive in a first come first serve basis and sit in numbered rooms in the villa while awaiting you. In that way, you could see who was punctual and who was late. But the catch is, the contestants only have 5 minutes to chat up with you and leave a good first impression.
Alas, you finally reached the villa and stepped out of the automobile. Your dress was a satin, rosé coloured one with a modified A-line, basque waist and halter neckline; glamorous yet not over the top, suitable for a socialite like you.
Not wasting any time, once the cameras started rolling, you entered the ginormous villa and headed upstairs to the rooms, knocking the door gently before entering the space.
The first man you met was Kim Namjoon, he introduced himself as an engineer, a sound engineer. He was confident from the get go and eloquent too.
"Hmm an engineer ay?" You propped your head with the palm of your hand; leaning against the couch's back pillows.
"Yeah.. My family insisted I do that. I wanted to be a musician at first, and that's why I took up sound engineering now." He gave out a dimple smile which you couldn't help but grin at. They're adorable.
You liked his presence and how outspoken he was but sadly the 5 minutes were before you knew it.
Next, you met up with a gentleman named Im Jaebum. A winery owner. He gave you a warm hug from the first time you entered the room.
"I heard that you're a wine conoisseur yourself Y/N? I'd love to take you to Napa Valley where my winery is. I'm sure we'll have a blast there." He smiled and acted a bit smug.
"That sounds like a plan.. I'm not a person who would say no to wine." You replied with a light wink, returning the smugness to him.
Continuing on, after Jaebum, you entered a room which looked bigger than the previous two you'd been in.
By the big window, there was a man with broad shoulders who introduced himself as Kim Seokjin, as he turned around, he greeted you and pecked your hand.
"Nice to meet you I'm Kim Seokjin, just call me Jin." He smiled softly, inviting you to sit down next to him.
"Nice to meet you too Jin.. So what do you do?" You asked carefully; quite intrigued by how good-looking he is with the slicked back hairstyle he has.
"Well I'm a professor of English and Korean Literature. Probably one of the most uninteresting jobs among the other guys." He timidly admitted; being quite humble.
You immediately disagreed with his statement, telling him that literature components are fascinating and that educating people about it is a magnificent job.
Afterwards you conversed with a man named Park Jinyoung. He was also extremely dashing and he's a car dealer. But not just any car, the ones he sells are top brands such a Lamborghini, Maserati, Tesla and Ferrari.
"My job is amazing. Good money, good image, but there was something missing and I think we both could relate to that, we both are looking for love." He half-bragged which didn't really impress you but you agreed nonetheless.
As you politely excused yourself to move on to the next room, where the man was leaning back and scrolling through his phone. Fair skin and contrasting ebony coloured hair.
This guy gave off a cold vibe to you but that made you even more intrigued to get to know him.
"Hi..." You sat on the couch with him and he gave a small smile as he put his phone the side.
"Min Yoongi.. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand out to shake yours. A pretty formal greeting despite the consequences you two were in at the moment.
You two kept the conversation going by talking about your jobs and background. Everything you asked, he answered in all honestly and you liked that. The push-and-pull game was a fun one to play but with Yoongi, the small talk you had was chill and relaxed, the most natural one you had the whole night.
Up next was a kind looking male, taller than Yoongi who seem to be nervous about meeting you for the first time.
"Hello!" You greeted him with a bright smile to ease his anxiousness.
"Hi, hi.. I'm Mark Tuan. I'm an artist.." He abruptly greeted you back.
"Ooh! Like musically or..?" You tilted your head.
"Visually.. I draw and paint."
You led the conversation with the man since he looked very hesitant and awkward the whole time.
The next room had a bubbly and energetic man who was basically radiating good vibes as you entered the room. His name was Jung Hoseok. As you peeked into the room, he immediately walked towards you and gave you tight bear hug with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Well besides my job as a paediatric specialist, I also enjoy dancing. Do you like to dance?" He jumped off the seat and proceeded to pull you up with him to playfully salsa. His actions made you laugh happily.
"You're so spontaneous!" You hit his chest lightly, still laughing at you guys' actions.
After the exciting interaction between you and Hoseok, you had to calm down and lower your expectations again after it skyrocketed because of the doctor earlier.
That's when you met a muscular man, if Hoseok earlier had radiated good boy vibes, this one radiated bad boy vibes.
He was Jackson Wang, a well-known socialite who is the heir of Wang Co. Ltd. A company which sells electronics such as smartphones, tablets and computers.
"Hello.." You said softly, slightly intimidated by the man's comparably bigger size to you.
"Hello, pretty lady." He took your hand in his and kissed it just like Jin had but his way of executing it was different. The male kissed each of your knuckle and it got you culture shocked.
"Oh wow.. Okay.." You laughed awkwardly as you looked at the man kiss your hand.
The conversation went well with him despite you noticing that he was practically staring at your with those deep brown eyes while you spoke about yourself to him.
The sexual tension was there and you were hoping, praying that the next man would tone down a bit and let you relax, thankfully custom jeweler, Park Jimin did.
"I'm a jeweler.. And can I just say, I adore these diamonds. You have remarkable taste." He proceeded to run his hand gently through the diamond earring you were wearing.
"Thank you! And I absolutely adore this choker you have on.." You reciprocated his action which made him smile softly.
Next up was the room of a private jet pilot named Choi Youngjae.
"Nice to meet you Y/N! I hope we could create good memories here. I'd love to bring you on a helicopter and show you the aerial view of California." He mused but you're not entirely impressed but acted as if you were in order to not hurt his feelings.
"Aww I'd like that. The view must be amazing!" You cringed at your own words but smart enough to mask it.
Hmm, you foresee someone who's potentially going to go home first in this show. His words lacked personality and character and not well thought.
Come on, you obviously had rode a helicopter and saw the aerial view of California. You ride it to work whenever the traffic is congested. He could at least thought of another country or state but instead he settled with Cali, the state where you are based in.
Disappointed, you moved on to the next room, surprisingly, the atmosphere was different, the area was dimly lit and the man sitting on the chair had his legs spread.
"Hi.." He spoke with a deep, low voice that caused you to bite your lip.
"Hello.." You smiled amidst the tense situation, making your way towards him.
"Kim Taehyung.. Fashion designer and owner of TH Couture." He answered without you asking.
The male was quite blunt but his demeanor was alluring. There was a mysterious aura circling him, totally someone to keep an eye on. The conversation was as intense as Jackson's but the two of you had the same interest which was fashion so you didn't feel as awkward as when you were with Jackson.
After Taehyung, it is down to three more people, you were already losing momentum and excitement as you already had spoken to 11 men that night. Before entering the next room, you took a deep breathe and loosen up your shoulders.
In the room was a man, he looked the most different, he had a lengthy name, a Thai one.
"Kunpimook Bhuwakul, but just call me Bam Bam.. I know my name's quite long and I'm also more comfy with Bam Bam.." He bowed to you like a gentleman and smiled handsomely at you.
"That's an adorable name! Bam Bam huh?" You sat down and grinned at the latter.
"You think so? You're adorable-er" He winked at you and caught you off-guard.
As the five minutes of jokes and flirty pickup lines ended, you bid farewell to the Thai man, little did you know that the person you just talked to was related to the Thai royal family.
Entering the 2nd last room, there was a tall man, looking around the well-furnished room but as soon as you came in, his attention diverted to you.
He greeted you with enthusiasm, introducing himself as Kim Yugyeom, an app developer and gaming streamer.
"Gosh you're pretty." He said straight-forwardly while smiling brightly and hugging you snugly.
"And GOSH you're tall!" You replied with those words and the same smile as what he had on his face. At this rate, reciprocation is really your best friend when you don't know how to react or reply to a certain remark from the suitors.
You talked about the apps Yugyeom had developed and the variations amazed you. He had created tons of apps such as games, workout apps, e-commerce platforms, online stores and sorts. But when he started talking about games, you began to lose interest in the chatter. Games weren't your strongest suit but you were happy that he is passionate about them and sharing it with you.
Finally! The last room! Which meant that this person is the last person to arrive to the villa. You wonder who this latecomer is and when you got into the area, your eyes widened.
Jeon Jungkook? He was somebody you had worked with and still actively working with. He is the person in charge of the photography and videography for Socialità and seeing him on The Bachelorette is a huge surprise.
"Wait.. JK?" You didn't know how to react.
"Hey! There's my girl!" He walked towards you with his bunny smile and gave you a hug. You couldn't believe that this was happening, Selma and Gio must've put him in to pull a prank on you.
"One question. Why?" You laughed in disbelief.
"Can't a man try?" He questioned back cheekily.
You two continued the conversation casually without any awkwardness as the two of you had known each other already. That was when you got to know that he had taken a liking on you ever since you two started working together. Everything he told you had sounded sincere so far.
After the first meetings were over, all the men were put in the lounge to get to know each other's competition while you were interviewed by the crew regarding your first impressions of all of your suitors.
"Well everyone was pleasant. But there were a few who didn't pass my vibe check. I guess we just gotta see how it goes." You gave an ambiguous answer to the camera.
"Who do you think caught your eyes the most?" Henry, the producer asked.
"Hmm.. I don't want to seem bias, I mean this is the 1st episode after all but... Hoseok was fun to be around.. Jackson came off very strong. And well Jungkook too of course!"
"You seem to know him.." The producer stated.
"Yes yes.. We actually work together.. I didn't know that he'd want to participate in this show too." You shrugged and flashed a pearly white smile.
"Do you see anyone who might be going home soon?"
"Oof.. That's a dangerous question. That'd probably be ..."
To be continued (3 March, 12 AM, KST)
Author's note: Sorry for the delay guys! I underestimated the length of this chapter but I hope you guys like it! Don't forget to like and reblog this to show support! Also follow so you don't miss out on updates! This chapter is more of an introductory chapter so we'll be seeing more action and interaction between Y/N and de boyzzz.
Who do you think would be eliminated first?
Tagging @aretha170
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mochi-marie · 3 years
hello! I would like to request a haikyuu matchup please :D (I apologize in advance if I write too much aksjk hopefully it'll make it easier to match me up?)
1) I'm a straight female and use she/her pronouns
2) I'm about 5'6", have straight brown hair (my friend says it looks orange-ish in the sunlight??), brown eyes, and I've been told that I'm kinda pale (but unfortunately flush easily lol).
As for things that make me stand out, I have patches of eczema littered all over my skin. I have a few on my hands and wrists and even though ik they're not a good thing and of course would much prefer not having eczema, I kinda like that it makes me unique. I also have round glasses (my eyesight is extremely bad ㅠㅠ), wear a lot of black, and recently have been wearing this tan overcoat everytime I go out bc it's big and comfy. oh, and I've always loved black low-top converse!
I'm overweight so I'm kinda insecure about my physical appearance, but I've been dealing with it for so long that ig I've come to terms with it and have just accepted that this is how I am (but I have been trying to exercise... >_>)
3) I'm a gemini, istp-t, and enneagram type 5. I think I treat people how they treat me; if someone doesn't talk to me, I probably won't talk to them unless necessary, and if someone is very friendly and nice to me, I'll be a bit more open and talk more. I'm usually pretty reserved and go with the flow, but around people I'm more comfortable with I can be very sarcastic and playful. I'm kinda a mom/therapist friend. I'm very lazy and an expert procrastinater (I do what's necessary in the most efficient way possible, unless it's something that I enjoy).
Some things I enjoy: cooking & baking, arts & crafts, reading, sketching, 80s music, watching anime/tv/movies (especially crime, mystery, and thriller), and photography (as far as taking scenic photos with my phone goes lmao). idk if this counts as interests, but I'm planning on majoring in business administration and accounting. and as for my clothing style, I currently dress for comfort bc I'm always inside, but if I get a chance to redo my wardrobe I'd like to dress in a style more like dark academia/comfy casual? I have no idea if those are the right words to describe it 😅
4) I'm pretty sure my love language is physical touch, but I also really enjoy receiving spontaneous gifts or stuff I've been wanting (and money lmao I'm a big saver)! I've never been in a relationship, but I know I would definitely have to be friends with someone before even considering a serious romantic relationship, so I would ideally be comfortable around them already. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions and I'm honestly a bit of a tsundere, so I think I might be shy in voicing my wants/initiating things. as for my type, I would prefer someone tall, mature but able to be playful and can take a joke (I sometimes use "idiot" as a term of endearment sksj I can be kinda mean sometimes tbh), patient since I'll take a while to open up, and ideally ambitious and willing to take initiative (bonus points if they're able to keep up with my sarcastic banter!)
5) I definitely like to sleep in, but if I need to wake up early and I can do so relatively easily. ig you could say I'm more of a night owl. I'm in a constant state of tiredness (possibly fatigued but idk) lol. I could technically live without music but would 100% prefer not to. my favorite song is "eyes without a face" by billy idol. I've never really thought about what my ideal first date would be, but I would like if it was well thought out and personal instead of the typical movie and dinner I suppose.
thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! I apologize again for writing so much 😅 hopefully you'll be able to have some fun writing, and I hope you're doing well! and no worries if you're unable to get to my matchup; please prioritize your wellbeing <3
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i had such a blast reading through this entire thing!!! thank you for writing this much, seriously — i love it, it makes it so much more interesting and easier on my part to find a match!! <3
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♡ . . . REASONINGS : filtering through the information, i have decided that, in my personal opinion, you are best paired with kuroo tetsurou!
starting off, the trench coat? comfy and casual dark academia fashion style? from looks alone, you seem like a pretty good match-up with kuroo. on the outside look in, i feel like you both would look like a really smart, cute, and sensible / mature couple! in all honesty, i think that kuroo would find your big glasses adorable ( and if you're prone to loosing them, he would find it sickeningly cute if you cling to him while you both searched for the glasses ). i imagine his breath hitches whenever his eyes lay on your figure in the setting sun, turning your hair into a pretty orange-brown shade that makes his heart beat a little bit faster. kuroo is used to being around more reserved people ( as he was once reserved, and now his best friend is rather reserved as well ), so becoming a friends-to-lovers dynamic would be easy. your playfulness and possible sarcasm seems to perfectly interact with his own, and considering some research about your enneagram and personality type, i think that your ( possible ) creativity and curiosity really intrigues him and keeps him curious and attentive with you. i feel that he might always be wondering what's going on in that pretty head of yours, curious to know what your next wonderful idea is or what your mind is thinking about. as an obvious friends-to-lovers trope, i think your relationship with kuroo would be very cute! i have a feeling that he'd love that your love language is physical connection, and would pick up on any ques if you're feeling cuddly and can't get the words out to ask for soft intimacy and cuddles! sarcastic banter? mature yet playful? i think your ideal type seems to perfectly match up with kuroo -- he would most definitely be able to take whatever playful insults you have to throw at him, and be able to throw some back. he knows when to be playful and understands if he ever goes too far, and will own up to any mistakes he may make. considering your hobbies and interests, i think your interest in crime shows / mystery and thriller movies / anime may really pique his interest, and he'd eventually be hooked right along side you. and he may not be the best in the world, but imagining the both of you together, baking or cooking something ( possibly late at night because of midnight cravings ) could be really cute!
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♡ . . . staying up late at night and ending up heading into the kitchen together to make a midnight meal doesn't happen too often, but sometimes all you both need is a look at each other as your stomachs growl after a food-related ad on tv. ♡ . . . would absolutely make you feel like a queen all day and everyday if he can help it! will exercise with you if you would let him, and would celebrate all achievements with you; big or small! ♡ . . . kuroo is surprisingly one of the most thoughtful boyfriends, in my personal opinion! i feel like the dates would be well planned, memories eagerly waiting to be made! ♡ . . . the banter between you both is so cute!! it can be sarcastic, but it's never hostile, always playful and light, a smirk plastered onto his lips in a charmingly charismatic way! ♡ . . . stay-at-home-and-watching-a-show-dates!! whether it be wide-eyed and open-mouthed concentration on crime shows, or close-cuddling while watching some thriller or mystery shows / movies / animes!
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♡ . . . akaashi keiji, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, daichi sawamura
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pestopascal · 5 years
Sometime late into the Ronin line. Judith in @saintsrow1‘s canon with Mickey
It takes at least five flicks of her phone, before she presses number one. Speed dial, specific number. Eyes still shut in the dark, but habit drew Jude to finding some comfort in hearing the other line ring out. Like there was still family on the other side, somewhere far from here. 
Thirteen rings. New record. Straight to voicemail, and Jude hears the cheery voice of her sister filter through. Her nieces and nephews, chipper and bubbly and she smiles despite herself. Makes her feel just that little heavier, like her mattress was going to swallow her whole. Did Adele even have her number anymore? It’d been nearly five years this September, she figured. Give or take a few good weeks. 
Snaps her phone shut when the line dies, no message left. Never did anyway. Better to let Adele live her life with Michael, or Steve, or Bob. Whoever that guy was. The one who bought her flowers everyday and got them that fancy house, lots of land. Dogs and shrubs and the white picket fence. Photos had long since stopped rolling in, but that didn’t mean Jude didn’t stop looking. Double checking. Look her up on social media, and watch her family age. 
One day she’d just roll up at Adele’s door. When she wasn’t skinny and bruised and her hair was brushed. Not like the last time. A few more hundred in the bank, and Jude was sure she could just leave this place behind.
There’s a knock at the door. One that echoes through the empty apartment. With an eye cracking open, almost immediately closing at seeing the sunlight that had managed to get through her curtain, Jude realised it was getting on. Creeping into the afternoon. Appointment soon, probably? Right? Had to get her face on. Had to answer the door.
Jude drags the blankets with her, as she approaches the knocker once more. Someone was impatient. She had half a mind to consider that if she opened the door, she might get blasted right in the face. Be it Ronin, or Brotherhood, or even stragglers of Los Carnales out for some payback. Jude thinks of her phone, and how the call rang out. She didn’t really give a fuck, anyway.
Pulling the door open until the chain stops it, she peers around. Nothing remotely shiny or dangerous appears in her line of sight, just a shirt pulled a little too tight over a chest. 
“I didn’t think it was my birthday today.”
The delivery wasn’t quite there. Even she could tell. Mickey at least gives her something in the way of a disapproving sigh, sidestepping any sort of emotional confrontation at two in the afternoon. Too early for her to be sobbing over a bottle of wine, surely. 
“May I come in?”
And Mickey? He’s too polite. Too careful. Even as she shrugs as best as she could under her blankets, popping the chain and letting the door just swing open, he gives her space. More than she was used to. Jude was used to the ones who sidle up, try to touch, try to speak. Weird being treated as a person, and not a service. She hadn’t quite decided if she liked it so much.
It all boiled down to money, in the end, anyway. Only reason she was still on the Saints’ payroll was because the income wasn’t awful, and it meant more in the safety deposit box, while the Ronin kept topping her off — at least until that ended, whenever that would be. More than once, Jude had begrudgingly asked the Saints to give her a timeline. Los Carnales closed up shop a little too early last time, when she was still coasting the business. Apparently they still existed in some capacity, but it wasn’t the same. 
At least the Ronin gave her business class seats when flying her out whenever she was needed.
“Who’s the guy?” Was it wrong to consider this some form of being pimped out? Jude had long since done this sort of shit, or at least, thought she had. Mickey claimed it was private contracts through him, but sometimes she still had to take her bra off. Flopping on the couch, she can barely see the clock. She might be able to fit in an assassination around dinner, if need be.
On the coffee table, covered in magazines, and magazines, varying handhelds and other things, does Mickey place a paper bag. The smell hits her first, inciting her whole body to yell food! at the face of the red haired mascot. 
Carefully, she opens the top of it. “You brought me food?” Like the smell hadn’t told her anything else, but it was still. Weird. So weird. Like the last few weeks had been a gradual chain of weird events, that just seemed to take another corner whenever it was time. 
Jude wasn’t sure if she was failing upwards. But the burger smelt good, and the fries were salty, and Mickey just flicked through tv stations while she licked sauce off her thumb.
More news, about buildings going up in flames and people dying in the streets. A regular Thursday in Stilwater. Jude spills a pickle on her blanket, flicks it away, and tucks her feet underneath herself. Like Mickey had unlocked the secret to getting her more active so early in the day: greasy food.
“So, what’s the job? Been a couple of days since I last saw you.” Which was true. Last she’d seen Mickey, it was a rush job. Some cop turned politician turned whatever the fuck he was spouting, just before his brains had ended up on the pillows. 
Mickey shifts from his position in the armchair. Crosses and uncrosses his legs, like he was uncomfortable. Jude did have to spare a quick look to check that yes, she was wearing clothes under the blankets, so it wasn’t on her. Just him, and his politeness, and his weirdness.
It’s the first time he didn’t look her in the eye when he spoke. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And that you had eaten, ma’am.”
Almost habit to roll her eyes at the name, by this point. “How sweet.”
“You did kill a man.” And had she been any other kind of gal, Jude would’ve understood.
Except she wasn’t. “You say that like it’s never occurred to you that I’ve killed lots of men before.”
For the first time, she manages to get Mickey to look surprised. Sure, he’d always been the one to take the shot. Before things got too heavy, stepping out of the bathroom or the closet, silencer on. Jude just figured it was some professionalism on his behalf. The dots just had never connected that he had been trying to prevent her from bloodying her hands. That was adorable to consider.
“I hadn’t—”
“It’s fine. Not like I introduce myself that way… you wouldn’t have known.”
Something sits on his face. An emotion Jude couldn’t place. One that took the air out of the room, and there wasn’t enough bun left for her meat to distract her anyway. She settles for draining the remaining part of her cola, far too noisy (something to fill the quiet). 
Almost like. Almost like he cared on some retrospective level she didn’t have time for. Jude didn’t chase that sort of thing, because it didn’t mean much in the end, anyway. Like Mickey was the first guy to come along, hand her a bunch of papers, a few photos, set her out to work. How did he think she got her apartment, for starters. If that was sympathy, directed towards her, Jude wanted it gone. Leave feelings at the front door.
Clearing her throat and throwing the wrappers in the bag, Jude wipes her hands on the couch. Kicks her feet up on the table, and looks at Mickey expectantly. Move on, she thinks. Move on. “Anyway. Back to my question: do you have a job for me?”
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tinfoil-jones · 6 years
Motorcity: Legacy, Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Motorcity, or the song. Motorcity belongs to Disney, and the song belongs to Five Finger Death Punch Title: Burners Legacy Rating: T-M depending on chapter Summary: He didn’t want to be his carbon copy, but he might have to be in order to rescue him from Deluxe. Pairings: MikexChuck, DutchxTennie, ClairexFoxy, DukexBabs, Juliex?, OCxOC Warnings: Don’t read if you don’t like or are triggered by violence, death or dystopian societies Author’s Note: Some characters you like died.
Chapter 3: Never Enough
\In the end we’re all just chalk lines on the concrete Drawn only to be washed away For the time that I’ve been given I am what I am\
“My bike!” Miles exclaimed as she surveyed the damage from this mornings patrol -  the energy blasts from the hound bots did it fact hit her a few times, and now most of the paint had been seared off and the metal making up the body was damaged. Being a motorbike, Prowler just couldn’t tank hits like the other vehicles could.
Dana, the lead mechanic stood by her with her gloved hands on her hips, surveying the damage. Dana didn’t look much like her father, Dutch, she instead looked more like her mother Tennie; the most obvious thing being that she was the shortest Burner. Her skin was a cocoa brown color and her eyes were a deeper shade, almost black. Her black hair was set it short boxbraids and parted at the center that didn’t quite brush her shoulders. She wore a violet shirt with a sky blue burners symbol in the center of the chest, and blue denim shorts, and sky blue high-tops, under her clothes she always wore black capri leggings and a black skin tight elbow sleeved shirt. The most notable thing, however, were her violet electricians gloves that were far too big for her hands, which were actually quite slender and small. How she had mobility of her hands and fingers with those on, Miles could only guess, but it was probably a Cablers thing.
“It’s not too bad girl,” Dana assured her “I’ll have it fixed up by tomorrow more, just leave it with me overnight.”
“No problem.” Miles said, although she didn’t really mean it; she didn’t want to hoof it home, unlike the other Burners she didn’t mainly live at Jacobs place. And it was really best that she wasn’t seen along the way.
“Are you going to stay over this time" Asked Kam as he was laying under his vehicle, Leviathan, fixing something in the undercarriage; probably his transmission again, which always leaked no matter what they did.
“I have to go home, I’ll just take the bus.” Miles replied, leaning over the counter of her work station.
The shorter Burner motioned to her car, Stinger “You don’t need to, I’ll just drop you off-” Dana began, but Miles quickly cut her off.
“That’s nice of you but it’s fine.” She insisted, and Dana didn’t push it. Miles wasn’t upfront about her life outside the Burners, and the other Burners (for the most part) respected her privacy.
“Oh come on Miles, it’s been a year, would it really hurt to have us know where you live?” Kam, exception to pretty much everything, inquired as he slid out from under Leviathan; Miles had neat, dark red hair, and dark brown eyes with fair skin and a prominent jawline. His clothing as a Burner was a color-swap of his Deluxe clothing; he wore a dark green letterman-style jacket with light green sleeves and a dark green Burners logo on his right arm, olive cargo pants and brown trainers. Mile’s might’ve found him cute if he wasn’t so... himself, and if she wasn’t already engaged.  “I mean, I’m beginning to think you don’t trust us.” Miles simply sneered at him and grabbed a sanding block and a blowtorch to smooth out the charred and serrated metal parts of Prowlers body.
Dana put her hands on her hips again and bent over Kam, who was still on the ground “Mind your own business, Kam, everyone has a right to their secrets.” This seemed to convince the red-head, oddly enough, and he got up again, cleaned the transmission fluid off of his hands with one of the many small grease cloths they had scattered around the garage.
Sighing in relief, Miles put on a pair of heat resistant gloves and a face shield to start working out torching off some of the dings and dents in her bike; she was just glad her bike was easy to work on compared to the behemoths her friends drove. Dana and Kam were taking a break from maintaining their cars and were watching TV in the kitchen area that was offset from the garage.
Kam changed the channels when he came to Duke of Detroit television, Dana stopped him from flipping again “Wait! I like this show.”
“Oh come on it’s just a rerun.” He complained, grabbing a room temperature cola from the other side of the counter.
“Well I haven’t seen it yet.” Dana told him and watched intently. The show was a five-minute segment on DD-TV called ‘Crimes against Fashion’, hosted by the Duke’s daughter the Duchess of Detroit. Duchess had the same tall, lanky build as her father the Duke, but her face was more like her late mother No.2. The most prominent trait she had was her hair; it was in two differently coloured layers just like the Duke, except the top layer was bright red instead of brown, and her hair was much longer and smoother. She had a large singular fringe covering her left eye, and a plat on the other side framing the right side of her face. She had the same sea-blue eyes as the Duke, and wore candy-red eyeshadow on the visible eye. The older teen, who had to be almost twenty by now, always wore a white sleeveless v-neck, red tights with a white stripe down the side of both legs, and white heeled boots with red stripes down the sides.
In the segment Duchess was sitting in an extravagant chair, with a sly Duke-like grin, and was talking about the outfits worn by various people caught in shots around Motorcity. And surprisingly, after the two minute mark a snapshot of Mitch came up, where he was sitting on the stoop of an apartment complex and was playing his stratocaster.
“And then there’s this guy!” Duchess said to the camera and audience “The leader of the new Burners himself. I don’t know if it’s a phase he’s going through but he wears too much black! We get it Chilton you’re an edgelord, it doesn’t mean you wear black all the way up to your chin!” Dana couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, Kam rose an eyebrow.
“Geeeze, she’s so hot it’s a shame she has to be such a bitch.” Kam said in regards to Duchess, Dana nudged him.
“Oh be nice Kam, she has a point you know; Mitch doesn’t exactly dress to impress.”
“Should he? And even if he doesn’t it isn’t nice to blast someone on television either when he was just minding his own business.”
“To be fair, I think it was the Duke’s orders, you know he doesn’t exactly like the Burners. Especially Mitch’s dad.”
“Doesn’t make it okay.” Kam muttered, taking a sip of cola “If you ask me, Duchess is just as bad as the Duke. Daddies girl or not, she’s just as much of an overdramatic brat as him.”
Dana nudged him again “Come on, that’s not fair; her mom died in Hellfire Rain, all she has is her dad.”
“And a ton of money, a ton of territory and a bunch of servants - she’s not the only one who lost a parent; Miles and Teddy lost their mom too. Hell, I don’t even have a dad and you don’t see me blasting people on television.”
They heard a yelp of pain and turned to see Miles was standing up and hopping about. “Are you okay?” Dana called from the kitchen.
“A cinder block fell on my foot!” She hissed painfully, and Dana began making her way over.
“Let’s go see Teddy.”
“I’m fine!”
“Come on, don’t try to be tough those cinder blocks weigh more than you do. I mean, it’s not hard to but-”
“Your foot is fine, a little bruised but I don’t think you’ll get any sort of infection.” Teddy told her after looking Miles over.
“Thanks doc,” She sighed, Dana was seated at a different chair next to the doctors chair, and was reading an old magazine “What’s with the face mask?” She asked; Teddy had a surgical mask on since before they came in and hadn’t taken it off.
“There’s a flu going around - haven’t you wondered where Mitch is?” He asked with a quirked brow - his communicator, a usb-stick like device at the end of his layard started going off, a call from his mother, and like always he pressed decline.
“I figured he was brooding.”
“No, he, Texas, and Little T are all down with the flu - in fact, let me check you over.” Teddy went into his medical ramble and grabbed a thermometer and pulse oximeter.
“I feel fine- Teddy, really?” There was really no use getting through to the medic, as he already put the pulse ox on her finger . Sometimes he was really such a hypochondriac by proxy.
He got out his thermometer and put a probe cover on the stick “Open,” he ordered, and she listened, as it took a few seconds to take temperature he turned to Dana “I’m checking you right after.”
“Fine.” The mechanic deadpanned and turned the page of the magazine.
The thermometer beeped and he looked at the screen of it “You have a 103 degree fever.” She groaned a little bit, knowing Teddy was probably going to blow it way out of proportion “That’s a high grade fever Miles.”
“I’m- I’m okay.” She stopped herself from saying ‘fine’ for what must have been the millionth time that day. Teddy didn’t really listen to this and instead focused his attention on Dana, he took her vitals as well and she had a 102 degree fever.
“Everyone’s getting sick; that’s it, work day over, everyone’s going home.” Teddy sighed, adjusting the surgical mask and switching it for a a filter mask instead.
“But I live here,” Dana pointed out, Teddy gave her a stern look.
“I’ll take you back to your parents home at the Cablers settlement,” Teddy said, grabbing the keys to Sunback “I can’t nurse a flu for more than three people at a time. I’m going to check Kam quickly-.”
“I’m going home.” Miles announced and got up abruptly. “I’ll take my bike it works just fine just looks ugly.”
“Miles I’d highly advise-”
“I said I’m fine.” She said with more emphasis, irked at this pointed, and the medic didn’t push it this time. The brunet hobbled over to her bike, pulled her face mask up to her nose, and drove off.
“She really needs to start wearing a helmet,” Teddy said to Dana, and she nodded in agreement; really, at this point it was amazing the Prowler driver hadn’t cracked her head open.
The Cabler settlement was Dana’s actual home ever though she primarily stayed at the Burners headquarters. Her parents lived there, and as did her older brothers Cekis and Carlos.
“Get better, and have a nice day.”
“Thanks Teddy.” She smiled weakly as Sunback turned around, unlatching Stringer from the towline, and watched the vehicle as it drove off and disappeared from Cabler territory and her sight. Sighing heavily, Dana trudged her way to her childhood home.
She loved her family, she really did, but… she had her reasons for not coming home very often.
The short Burner knocked on the rounded door, and waited as she heard the electronic locks click, and finally the door opened. A much, much taller figure stepped out. “Baby girl!” Dutch exclaimed as he knelt down and swooped his daughter into an all-encompassing hug so tight she had some difficulty breathing. Being the patriarch of not just the Gordy family but also the Cablers themselves, Dutch wore electrician-style Cabler gear these days with a blue star on his shirt where his Burners symbol used to be. He still kept his hair up in a large afro, and also had a beard, but both of these had a few gray strands.
“H-Hey dad,” she coughed and smiled weakly, and she was dragged into the house. The cable house looked the same as it did every time she came back home, furniture arranged the same, picture frames where they’d always been. R.O.T.H, her fathers constant companion even to this day was charging on the kitchen counter.
“Tennie!” Dutch called his wife; he finally put his much smaller daughter down and had his arm wrapped around her instead.
“Dad I’m sick-” Dana protested and tried to pry out of his affectionate grasp, but this did little to deter him; her mother fast-walked from the hallway. Tennie Gordy was the Cablers leader and despite her unimposing stature looked the part; her hair was a lot longer and not kept in pigtails anymore, and instead flowed down to her back, but she had a blue bandana wrapped around her head to keep it all out of her face, and if it was off one would see that one of her ears was bright red and shriveled compared to the other one. A reminder of Hellfire Rain.
“Dana honey! It’s so good to see you!” Tennie said as she walked over and covered the teens face in kisses.
“Yuck, yuck- mommmmm.” Dana protested “Dooon’t, I’m sick.”
“You’re sick?” Her mother asked, concerned, Dana nodded and explained to them what Teddy had explained to her “Well, that’s no problem, we haven’t touched your room. Go lie down for a bit sweetie, I’ll bring you some food and medicine in a bit.”
Dana nodded obediently and Dutch escorted her to her room “Are… the twins home?” She asked, referring to her older brothers.
“No, they’re working on a centre right now.” Her father explained as he opened her door; her bedroom seemed to be a juxtopisional space, it looked lived-in but it felt lifeless. It had a hammock bed with a storage boxes under it, a dresser, a small desk and a few stuffed toys scattered her and there, along with clothes in the closet that she didn’t wear anymore but kept because it wasn’t like she’d grown any taller since she was twelve.
She lay down on  the hammock and looked as her father put a fleece blanket on top of her. “Just shout if you need anything,” he said and kissed her forehead.
“I’m too old for that, dad.” She reminded him, getting flustered at this point; he only laughed softly and left. Dana curled up into a ball under the blanket once she was left alone; and now that she was left alone to herself and her thoughts with the lights off she realized that her head and face did in fact feel really hot. Had she been this tired the whole time?
She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Muttering to herself as she parked her bike in a lot, Miles went into a pharmacy - not more than ten minutes since her diagnosis and she was already feeling the full brunt of the fever. It was almost like the knowledge she was sick made her ever sicker. Weird how that worked. If she was going to make it back home, she’s have to have some kind of pick-me-up. Maybe she should have taken the bus.
She went inside and looked around for some cough medicine, but they were sold out as usual; living in a subterranean city, they were always low on stuff like medicine, especially cold pills which people frequently turned into crystal meth. Ever since Kya’s son Fallow of the Terra’s opened up a weed shop hard drug usage wasn’t as bad as it was say, ten years ago, but it was still there.
Giving up her search for cough syrup, and picking up some ibuprofen, she came back out with a brown paper bag in hand. However, a few steps out of the door and she was hit with a wave of vertigo; she almost dropped the paper bag as she reached her hands up to hold her head, and cast her spinning vision to the ground.
She was vaguely aware of someone hooking their arm with hers and escorting her to her bike, but she was too dizzy to really do anything other than be dragged. “Thanks…” She muttered as she gripped the handles of her bike.
“No problem.” A robot voice said, almost humorously. She froze and turned back around to see it was Red. On impulse she reached for her communicator.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Red warned and red energy sparked around his fists, reluctantly the brunet listened “good. Not that they’d help you, everyone but your medic is sick too.”
“What do you want?” Miles asked, irked. She’d be confused even if she wasn’t sick; why would Red help her to her bike instead of just attacking her when she was weak?
“I wasn’t ordered to attack a bunch of Burner babies.” Red told her, snatching the baggy from her “I was told to observe. And I have to say, I’m not impressed.” He looked into the bag and reached his hand inside of it.
“Give me that!” Miles snapped and snatched the bag back “I don’t know what angle you’re playing at, but leave me alone.”
“Whatever you say,” Red began, bringing his face in a little closer, so he could mockingly whisper “princess.”
Miles already pale face drained of colour “W-What-”
“Don’t think I don’t know your little secret,” The armoured man said, and turned away “frankly, I’m surprised your little friends haven’t caught on by now.”
And then he was gone, and Miles was dizzy, feverish, panicked and confused all at once.
“Here sweetheart.” was a statement coupled with a gentle shake that woke Dana up from her uncomfortable fever sleep, but being awake again was twice as uncomfortable, she opened her eyes a crack to see her mother standing by her hammock; she’d brought a small one-person fold out table and had on it a steaming bowl of soup and glass of orange juice.
“Thanks mom…” Dana said quietly, grabbing the orange juice; she wasn’t sure how long she’d been out but apparently it was long enough to dehydrate to near death. Tennie smiled down maternally at her daughter.
“It’s so nice to have you home again! Of course I’d prefer if you were well - but still nice nonetheless. Your brothers are home by the way.” Dana coughed as she swallowed the wrong way. “They’re not going to bother you, but they’re home if you want to see them.” Dana’s older brothers, Carlos and Cekis were older than her by four years, they were twenty-one, and identical in every way. They didn’t live at home because they were jobless or bums or anything like that, but because like their parents they were influential figures among the Cablers.
They were the golden children, and she’d always played second fiddle to them as long as she could remember.
They were both prodigies and grew to be much-needed pillars of the Cabler community; carpentry, hardware repair, and electrician were a must-have in the Cabler settlement and the twins were skilled in all. Now, Dana was a skilled electrician also; but she was better with vehicle technical skills, which aren’t as important in the Cabler community as it was to the rest of Motorcity. Not to mention she hated doing general repairs and was poor with carpentry.
The twins were artists also, just like their father, something that inspired the rest of their community. She didn’t have that same spark. She was good at other things; she knew basic first aid, she was good at fighting, good at cooking, but…
She wasn’t good enough at anything that was important to the Cablers, or her parents, she didn’t live at home anymore because that meant living in her brothers’ shadows.  Kameron had been her childhood friend, like the other Burners, and he was the first of the original Burners children who got his license. Dana always tagged along with him driving, and when Jacob and Texas proposed restarting the Burners she jumped on that bandwagon right away. She wasn’t anything special in the Cabler community, but among the Burners she actually meant something. She could fix cars better than the others, she could make them look new just with a discerning eye.
As a Burner, the Stinger driver was important. As a cabler, Dana Gordy was just nobody.
“Do you need anything else dear?”
“No thank you, mom.”
The Dukes territory was a formidable place to trespass even if it was a junkyard; the guard dogs, the henchmen on patrol, all of the cameras. It was like there were eyes everywhere.
At least, that’s what you would think if you didn’t understand the territory like Miles did.
There was a narrow blindspot; this was a run where a lot of the guard dogs congregated, but they never barked at her because they knew her. Still, the area was narrow; but it was narrow enough for a speeding Motorbike like Prowler to slip through undetected.
Miles came close to the Duke’s mansion, and when she was close enough she stopped her bike at an overpass of junk; it was easy to hide her motorbike with the abundance of junk, and usually a pane of sheet metal did the job as she leaned it against a mound of junk. It was actually this area that she’d found Prowler; back then it had just been an ancient, rusted, delivery Motorbike but she’d fixed it enough to make it at least work.
And then one fateful day, over a year ago she’d come across Mitch. Moonstrucks radiator took a shit because Mitch neglected to change the water. But Mitch had only just got his license so it was a forgivable mistake since it was a common mistake for new drivers especially if they had an old car. She helped him fix his radiator, jumped his battery and opted to be his spotter on the way back to Jacobs garage. Here she met the rest of the gang, and became the last of the new Burners to join. They helped her fix up Prowler to its current sleek, destructive glory.
Keeping herself as small as possible, Miles went through another narrow blind spot; there was a large, mostly dead, monstrosity of a mutated tree next to the mansion, which blocked the security cameras view for a small range, but enough range for Miles to squeeze through; once by the mansion she opened the window; she had jerry rigged it to make it looked locked from the inside when it wasn’t. Once inside, she sighed in relief.
The room was mostly red, with some white accents; it was an overall plush, velvety room; it had its own large master bathroom , and walk-in closet with full-length mirrors on the doors. The bed was king sized and had a soft, bright red duvet, and an abundance of plush white pillows. There was a large TV in one corner with a red leather couch and glass coffee table in front of it. Finally, there was a large dresser with a number of accessories on it, including a large jewelry box almost overflowing with it’s tasteful content, there was a mirror attached to the dresser also, and a small velvety vanity stool. On top of the jewelry box, there was a small Titanium ring, made a shimmering green via anodizing, which she resented too much to ever wear.
Placing the paper baggy down, the Burner sat on the stool and looked into the dressers mirror. Her reflection stared back; a fair-skinned girl, with fever-flushed cheeks, tied up brown hair, and brown eyes bespectacled with geeky round glasses. Her face.
Sighing heavily as she usually did at this part of the day, Mile’s took her leather jacket off first and hid under her dresser. She undid her ponytail, and her brown hair fell to the middle of her back. She looked at herself in the mirror again as she took off her glasses; her eyes went from boring brown to a brilliant sea blue. Finally, she took her red hair clip out, and her bangs fell to the left side; the brown color of her hair shifted as the pixelated disguise faded out; her hair became softer, fuller and two-toned, with the top layer becoming bright red and the bottom layer blonde.
She looked into the mirror again and this time the Duchess of Detroit was staring back at her.
“Dude, autoscope.” Mitch complained into his headset to his online companion, who was probably some smug seven-year-old judging by their online gaming shenanigans. The brunet Burner was sitting at a couch with a blanket over his lap and a wet cloth on his forehead that stopped being cool fifteen minutes ago but he was too lazy to remove. His baby sister was curled up under the same blanket, and was sleeping with her head resting on his thigh. Fever had sapped her usual abundance of energy, and Texas was the same as Mitch hadn’t heard a peep from the older Burner all day. Mitch, however, had a hard time sleeping fever off, and decided to instead spend the day playing video games.
“I didn’t think I’d see a day where everyone was greener under than gills than me.” An old, rusty voice croaked; Mitch put on a weak smile when he craned his head to the doorway to see Jacob. The old man was not in good shape these days; most people in Motorcity didn’t live past seventy because of respiratory issues, and Jacob was still kicking. Probably because of his diet being heavy in vegetables. Among other age-related issues, his worst ailments were rheumatoid arthritis, and lung cancer.
The only reason he wasn’t heavy on treatments was because he didn’t have a very aggressive form of lung cancer, he reasoned that old age would kill him first. Depressing thought, but he fought for the free thought of everyone, he had the right to have a say in how he’d die. He consumed a lot of cannabis edibles these days.
“It’s just a bug, they pass.” Mitch said, and the old man hobbled over. Little T hummed and gripped the blanket, burrowing deeper into the fluffy cocoon.
“I’m impressed, neither of you two are as insufferable as your father when he got sick.”
“Which one?”
“Mike,” Jacob said “he was just- just, awful when he was sick, especially when he was around your age. ‘But I have to do this’, ‘but I have to do that’, ‘but it’ll only take an hour to blast all of those hound bots’.” Jacob impersonated, which made Mitch snort a small laugh “We had to use a whole bottle of cough syrup to put him to sleep to keep him from doing anything. Your other father had a heck of a time dealing with that.”
Now that Mitch thought about it, anytime Mike was sick he was basically in a coma for the whole day. He used to think that was just how sick people recuperate, but in retrospect Chuck probably drugged him with a bunch of cough syrup or something, because it /was/ weird that Mike would be inactive for such a long stretch of time. Much like Little T, he had to always be moving, and couldn’t sit still for long. Mitch was restless too, but not because he felt the need to constantly be doing something, but because he just naturally functioned on small amounts of sleep. Chuck would always tell him it was hereditary, but he may have just been trying to excuse his own bad habits.
“By the way,” Mitch inquired as Jacob sat at the other side of the couch and grabbed a controller as well “was Kam sick too?”
“No,” Jacob told him and toggled on the two-player “Teddy sent him back to Deluxe for safety though, illness is so rare in Deluxe it’d be really strange if he suddenly came down with the flu.”
“So everybody but Kam and Teddy is down?”
“Well, I hope it doesn’t last too long; if Red reported this Kane would jump at the chance to attack us.” Jacob hummed thoughtfully at Mitch’s observation.
“I don’t know…” Jacob began “Red’s changed… he just, doesn’t seem very destructive. I don’t think he takes the Burners seriously anymore.”
“That’s fine with me,” Mitch shrugged “if he doesn’t think we’re a threat, that’s a benefit to us. Kane will underestimate us. And dad always told me there wasn’t a bigger blunder than underestimating a foe.”
“Oh princess! Are you home?” The knocking at her door almost made Duchess jump out of her skin, but it was just her father. She was glad that being a girl, the Duke never just barged in, she was especially thankful that he’d shown up right after she’d gotten into her pajamas.
“I’m here dad.” She said, sliding under her covers to make it look like she’d been there the whole time - just in time for Duke to throw her door open.
“What are you still doing in bed sleepy head! It’s three in the afternoon!” He bellowed, but jovially. He walked over, she looked up at her father and smiled weakly.
“I’m sick.” She told him, sitting up slightly. And he frowned, making the age lines in his face much more apparent; the brown layer of his hair, and his once well trimmed but now scruffy beard was streaked in gray while the blonde layer was streaked with white and he just seemed to add more and more colourless streaks each day. Even though he was older than a lot of people realized, he’d managed to retain a youthful appearance; that was, until her mother died.
“Oh sweetheart why didn’t you say so! I’d have gotten one of our servants-”
“It’s just a flu dad.” Duchess insisted.
“Still, only the best for my little girl. This isn’t from that fiance of yours is it?”
“Dad you know as well as I do that I’m never around him unless if I have to be.” She reminded him, and she looked up at him with narrowed eyes as she did. It was an arranged marriage, arranged by him when she was only eleven.
The Duke kissed her forehead, which might have been for affectionate purposes but was definitely mostly to check her temperature. “Darling you’re absolutely burning,” he concluded “no more Crimes against Fashion for you this week.”
“Okay,” Duchess said with a sigh, sinking back into her mountain of plush pillows.
“Don’t worry about business this week,” The Duke continued “you just focus on getting better princess.” She just nodded and turned onto her side with her back facing him. He turned out her lights and then left, and when he did she flopped back onto her back to stare at the ceiling.
Duchess felt like more of an asset of her father than an actual daughter sometimes. Okay, pretty much all the time she felt this way. And everyone else saw her as just an extension of the Duke as well, instead of as an individual person. When she was younger she loved it; everyone wanted her attention, wanted to be her friend. As she got older, she realized they just wanted a piece of the Duke’s money and power, and saw her as a meal ticket. Or people just assumed she was a spoiled heiress without a thought in her head, like Kam did.
Over time, she realized that in order to be herself she had to stop being… herself. She used some of her father’s connections to get pixelating technology; a hair clip that made her hair appear brown, and rounded glasses that changed not only the color of her eyes, but also made her eyes appear rounded instead of the natural almond shape.
Once she had those, all she needed was a ride, different clothes and a name. She’d scavenged her bike from the dump, she bought more casual, palette-swapped versions of her regular clothes and a leather jacket. The name Miles was typically a male name, but it had special meaning to her; when she was little she had the childish habit of talking a lot, and talking fast, to the point her mother frequently told her she ‘talked a mile a minute’.
When she was Miles, she wasn’t the Duchess of Detroit, she was just a nerdy biker chick. She’d gone to the same high school as Mitch, Dana, and Dana’s brothers and none of them knew that she was really Duchess. When she’d ‘met’ Mitch that fateful day at the side of the road, he saw her as a stranger.
And she was not just fine with that, she /relished/ in it.
As Miles she could ride Prowler instead of a limo with someone else driving. She could be taken seriously, she could get in as many fight club brawls as she wanted, she could be seen as a person and not just an extension of Duke. She could be a Burner.
She loved her father, she really did, but he coddled her, and almost kept her hidden from the world; she wasn’t allowed to have many friends as a kid, anytime she went anywhere she had to have an entourage of bodyguards with her, she was rarely allowed to even drive the limo unless if she was racing because ‘that’s what the help do’, she had to always wear red-and-white, she wasn’t even allowed to date because he arranged her a marriage for power and affluence.
His over-protectiveness and coddling wasn’t always so bad, but it got worse after her mother died, though not immediately. He pushed her away at first out of grief, for about a year, but then suddenly he was all over being her father again and she was smothered to near death after a year of being neglected.
Duchess pulled the blanket up over her face; sometimes she wished she could wake up and be Miles forever. Well, okay she didn’t really wish that. She was at a constant impasse with her identities because she loved being Duchess too, just not all the time.
First, she needed to sleep. She reached over to grab the bottle of ibuprofen from the paper bag, but it fell from her nightstand when she grabbed it wrong. When she looked to her floor, her blue eyes widened in shock.
There was a bottle of ibuprofen, but also a new bottle of cough syrup.
/I’d rather hate you for everything you are Than ever love you for something you are not I’d rather you hate me for everything I am Than have you love me for something that I can’t
It’s never enough, it’s never enough No matter what I say It’s never enough, no it’s never enough No matter who I try to be It’s never enough, no it’s never enough No matter how I try to change It’s never enough, never never enough I’ll never be what you want me to be/
Authors Note: Cars introduced are; Leviathan = squid motif, green. Stinger = wasp motif, purple.  Mile’s lives a double life.  Parallels can be drawn between Dana, who just wants to be noticed, and Miles who just wants to not be noticed so she can be herself, but both of them just want people to appreciate them for who they are. Also, who’s Miles engaged to? And why would Red go out of his way to intimidate Miles, just to also turn around and give her the cough syrup she needed? The song is ‘Never Enough’ by Five Finger Death Punch.
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scarletkate1881 · 6 years
Coming Down - Chapter Three
A/N: If you’re reading, THANK YOU! And don’t be a stranger, send some requests if you want. I just want friends.
To say I’d become rusty may be a huge understatement, after only twenty minutes of basic training in the Danger Room I’m out of breath and have a stitch in my right side. Sweaty and panting, I watch as my fellow teammates whiz by me; Colossus charging full speed toward the “Sentinel” while Kurt pops up here, there and everywhere. Thankfully, Gambit was nowhere to be seen, I wonder if he’d just skipped or if he just didn’t have to practice alongside the rest of the team.
It’s not like I just sat on my ass while I was away, I did go running most days when I could be bothered, maybe I should have joined a boxing class or something.
“Rogue, I know you’ve just came back, but we can’t have anyone here lacking; get it together!” Cyclops shouted from the other side of the room before turning on his optic blasts and propelling a flying Sentinel into the ceiling before it came crashing back down.
“I know,” I muttered, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hear me, but I did try to get back into the action.
Gaining control of my powers had come with other perks; the powers I’d absorbed I could call upon, at least the ones that I’d had the most exposure to, like Wolverine’s and Magneto’s. So, channeling the old bucket head himself, I pulled his abilities to the front of my mind.
It. Felt. Amazing. Just to feel the metal around me, it made the hairs on my arms and on the back of my neck stand up, while also giving me chills. The fact that I could tear this room in two filtered through my mind, and I’m not sure that those thoughts could be solely blamed on Magneto.
I scoured the room, looking for who needed the help most. My eyes landed on Jubilee, who still wasn’t allowed to go out on proper missions as Summers didn’t think she was ready.
Easily, I lifted myself into the air, going higher and higher until I was eye-level with the thirty-foot Sentinel; it’s focus was on the small girl who was throwing harmless firecrackers at it. So, I raised my hands and extended the power to grasp the metal giant.
“Might want to move, Jubes!” I called down, I didn’t look to see if she heeded my advice, I kept my eyes on the robot as I concentrated on stripping away it’s iron shell from its face; it was easy, like pulling down wallpaper. I got the sudden instinct to clench my fists, so I did.
The thirty-foot metal monster crumpled like it was nothing but paper; the yells and bangs behind me stopped as the ball of jagged iron fell to the ground with a loud crash. As I lowered myself to the ground I could feel their eyes on me and hear the whispering.
I took a deep breath as I worked on pushing Magneto back into his cell before I turned around and faced them with a smile on my face. “If Sinister’s anything like this, I think we’re in with a chance,” Keep smiling, stay confident, you totally meant to do that. I moved some of my white fringe back behind my ear. “I might just be this team’s lucky charm.”
“That was awesome!” Bobby exclaimed with a wide smile on his face; Scott and Jean didn’t seem to share this opinion if their worried looks were anything to go by.
“And that brings a close to this session, go clean up everybody, same time tomorrow.” Scott instructed, his eyes still on me, so I knew he probably want me to stay behind.
It took a few minutes for everyone to filter out and for the simulation to shut down, so we were just standing in a bare metal dome room. So, I was left facing Summers and Grey, the main team leaders.
“Rogue, I get that you want to help, but using those types of powers could go wrong; we don’t know how much hold you have over them, they could easily spiral out of control which may cause more harm that good.” Scott spoke slowly, as if he was talking to a child, while I may have been doing work on my social skills, one thing I didn’t even bother trying to change was my quick temper, that would take too much work.
“Don’t you think that’s the reason why Mystique and Xavier wanted me back here? Because I have all of these powers? To maybe give you guys a slight advantage? I’m practically a one-woman army here!”
“That’s really not a good thing, Rogue, remember what happened before when you absorbed too much? Maybe it’s the same if you keep calling up those psyches, if you keep using them they may take over.” Jean, as always, trying to be the calm voice of reason with a soothing smile.
“Fine, I’ll just rely on being a leech and knocking people out, without giving them a taste of their own medicine, sure, that’s just great.” I muttered as I turned and stalked out of the Danger Room, not waiting to hear either of their responses.
After a blissful shower, I ventured down to the common room, not really wanting to just sit in my temporary room in silence. I was surprised to see only Kurt, Jubilee and Rahne sitting around; then again, I guess now that most of the occupants are in their twenties and have a lot more freedom than they did when they were teenagers, they’d be out doing other stuff, rather than just sitting around watching TV or playing video games.
Maybe it was because this place didn’t house as many people as it used to; from dinner last night, I’d heard talk that Sam, Amara and Ray had left, they stayed in contact with some people here, but they were either back with their families or doing their own thing. I wasn’t too sure about Jamie or Sunspot. And those were just the people I knew during my time here, I knew from Logan that for the first two years after I left, there had been an influx of mutant children passing through the doors of Xavier’s, yet none had remained after the school was shut down, not that I could really blame them.
Jubes and Rahne were busy reading celeb trash magazines and gossiping, while Kurt was raptly watching some cartoon, from what I could gather in the couple of seconds I was taking in the scene, it was about a grandfather and grandson going through portals.
“Hey Rogue, what you did in training was awesome!” Jubilee exclaimed when she noticed me in the doorway.
“It’s too bad Cyke and Grey didn’t think so,” I muttered as I sat next to Kurt on the couch, he barely even acknowledged me, too captivated with the TV.
“They’re both stressed out, you know, with the whole Sinister thing and the wedding,” Rahne said almost absentmindedly while flipped through her magazine with a bored expression.
“Scott and Jean are getting married?” I wasn’t sure if the cold feeling that washed over me was from the jealousy that Scott and Jean were really in love, even though I thought my infatuation with Scott was over, or maybe it was due to the fact that yet again, Jean was getting everything that I always wanted but never could get, and I don’t mean Scott; just anybody who would love you enough to want to marry you.
“Oh yeah, they’ve been engaged for about three years, though, Jean kept putting it off but this time they’ve really started to get everything together; she’s even got her dress sorted, I’m not much of a fan of it, I preferred another one she tried, but apparently, she values Kitty’s opinion more than mine, but you know, whatever.” Jubilee ended bitterly.
“So, they’ve set a date?”
“Oh yeah, October 12th, so save the date!”
I restrained myself from making the point that I probably wouldn’t get an invite, and even if I did, I wouldn’t really want to go; hopefully, I’ll be out from here by then. Instead, I turned my attention to my fuzzy blueberry of a brother.
“Kurt, don’t suppose you want to do something? I feel like I’m gonna go crazy if I just sit and stare at a wall.”
“We can play pool?” Kurt offered, finally ungluing his eyes from the television set with a hopeful expression; I guess it wasn’t really that common for me to actively want to do something social and it must have taken him by surprise.
“Sure, just don’t raise the stakes too high; wouldn’t want to swindle you out of your comic book collection.”
I jinxed myself, that’s the only explanation that I could think of after the third game Kurt beat me at. Pool had always been my game! Mainly down to the number of hours I used to play it alone; when I was a child, Mystique used to visit this friend of hers and because they were talking business, I’d have to find something to do; it was a big house however most of the rooms were sparsely furnished, but there was a room with just a pool table, I’d play for hours, normally having to stand on a beer crate to be able to reach the table. I’d even been able to score me some food money in California by betting against drunks in grimy dive bars.
“Since I am clearly the king of the table, I deserve a reward,” Kurt proclaimed with a victorious, goofy smile.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have much to offer, would you take seven dollars?” While it may have sounded like I was joking, it was the truth, I’d spent most of my money just getting here.
Kurt pretended to consider my offer for a moment. “As tempting as that is, I’d prefer something else. I want you to do something for me.”
I visibly braced myself, expecting him to ask me to get revenge for him against Bobby for something stupid or maybe something more demeaning. “And that would be?”
“I want you to make me a promise; that you’re not just going to disappear when this is over, if you need to get away, please tell me and stay in contact,” he took a pause, but before I could respond he started again. “I’d also like you to give Mystique a chance – “
“Now hold on a moment,” I interjected, but he carried on.
“I know you don’t trust her and knowing what I know, I don’t blame you, but I’d like to think you trust me, so when I say that I believe that she has changed, that she does want to be part of our lives in a positive way, that you’ll accept it.”
There was only a couple of seconds of silence, but it felt like hours. Kurt was staring at me with pleading eyes; I sighed loudly, I really must have changed in the years I’d been away from here, because in the past his puppy eyes never worked.
“You asked for a reward, not two,”
“I won three games, so really, I still have another one to claim, but don’t worry, I think I’ve asked enough for one day, I’ll just wait for the right time for my last one. But please, Rogue, she wants us to be a proper family.”
A proper family? And what in the world is one of those? Are we gonna have dinner together and talk about our day? Go on vacation and play board games? My face must have given away my thoughts, as I saw Kurt’s shoulders slump and he lowered his gaze to the ground.
“I understand, I know – “
“I’ll try, but I can’t promise you more than that. I’ll spend time with Mystique with you, but if she thinks we’re gonna go on shopping trips and have girlie days out, then she’s got another thing coming.”
“No, no, that’s enough for me,” Kurt’s smile was like nothing I’d ever seen before, he was practically glowing. “Can I – uh – can I hug you?”
I didn’t even have to think about it, I set down the pool cue I’d been leaning on and walk around the table to him; he didn’t waste any time in enveloping me in an almost bone crushing hug.
When we parted he looked serious again. “I want you to say that you promise.”
“I already did,” I argued lightly, he just raised his eyebrow and waited. “Fine, I promise won’t disappear and I promise I’ll try to get along with Mystique as long as you’re in the same room.”
“Danke, Schwester. And now, my stomach is telling me it’s time to eat.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to pinky promise, just to solidify this agreement?”
Again, Kurt pretended to think about my offer. “No, I think I’ll trust you this time.”
I let myself smile as he bamfed off in search for food. Kurt trusting me is all well and good, but I couldn’t whole heartedly say that I could stick to my promise, mostly because I don’t believe that Mystique has changed, I wondered if she gave him the same speech she did with me and he was foolish enough to believe it.
Shaking my head, I set about setting the table back up, even though I was usually the only one considerate enough to think about the next person wanting to play. As I did, a thought popped up in my head; if I was about to accept Mystique back in my life, I should probably reconnect with Irene; I still thought of her as my mother, even though she knew what Mystique wanted from me and didn’t try to help me, she was still the one who gave me the most love and affection.
Back for only two days and already I’ve thrown myself into a tangle; it was sure to drain me, I was already fully aware of that being the case when I decided to come back here, this place had a really good way of making people face up to their problems. Makes me remember why I left in the first place.
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sey2017-blog · 7 years
// August 29 2017
To describe the past week and a half? I would say... bipolar. 
I finally finished my first week of work. I met some really good people. David, the 29 year old artist/white guy, Jinny 22, Henny 23, Stella 23, JiHun 23, Jung Hyun 25 were all my mains this week. I had dinner with a girl named JunMin, which was fun and sometimes I walk to work with Mina when I run into her. People in Korea are really kind in terms of helping you out. Stella treats me like her own sister already and I’ve known her a week and a half. If I spill something on my shirt or have wrinkles on my shirt she would help me straighten it out, she introduced me to people that would be good to network with, put in a good word for me at work so I can work in my desired section, and gave me a lot of advice for work- opportunities that I need to take and how to do better than the other interns that are going to come. I JUST met her and she was bending her back doing things I wouldn’t even have thought to do for my acquaintances. She even showed me the best bathroom in the building to poop (without me even asking). She... is the definition of the real MVP. She also called me randomly and we chatted this weekend til 2AM. Jung Hyun Oppa also lent me his portable charger when I was going to fix my phone, tried to trouble shoot my phone, walks me to the station, gives me directions everywhere, etc. I slept over at Jinny’s house and she let me sleep in her bed alone, shower, and even made me breakfast after knowing me for a week. People are just really kind and feel like family fast in Korea as opposed to America where people need some time to become close. 
They are leaving this week and it will just be me and JiHun left for the interns....  I met SO many people! Last thursday I went to an event where all the interns of all offices gathered and talked to the ambassador. More people than I’d meet in a year in Eugene! I also saw this really handsome man that I saw last month but it turns out he works at the US embassy too. I realized I definitely like the dark hair dark eyes tan skin look. It makes me feel good that I met all these nice people and am excited for the interns that will be coming into our office. I also realized that I had been only hanging with people my own age for a long time, andd now that Im with a lot more people in their 20s, age is more negligible than  at other ages. Like how I can have good convos with the guy that’s 29 even though he’s 8 years older, as opposed to if I was 11 and he was 19. I’m going to take it as a true sign of being an adult. 
Working at an embassy is interesting. There is a lot of exclusivity. I can go into areas other people can’t because I have a badge, and I get to escort guests because they can’t go anywhere without an escort. But also, there are a lot of places I don’t have access too, like the Base. The base is where the american diplomats and their families live. I got to go to a party in the base two nights ago and it was interesting because when I mentioned going in the base, my fam/friends were shook and excited because not just anyone is allowed to go. I don’t know how I feel about this exclusivity thing. People are definitely NOT treated as equals, and I think that kind of bugs me. Also, it bothers me that kids of diplomats can just get jobs and get paid for it in the embassy just because they are the kids of the diplomats, while we are out here working for free. Jinny was complaining to me about having to go to work (she lives 10mins away and has a shuttle that takes her which would make it 4 minutes) and she gets paid and does less work, and I just told her to stop complaining. Also her sister was telling me how she works in the embassy and just naps and nobody notices (and she gets paid for it). Jinny joked about her and i skipping work the next day and the other interns said if Sey does that she will get fired!!! and Jinny said oh... I can’t get fired... cuz the Americans view me as their own kid messing up.... because they are also diplomats like my dad. I understand people come from different backgrounds,  but that just didn’t sit quite well with me and just bugs me. It doesn’t make sense that something that’s supposed to be so professional like diplomacy can be run that unfairly (from my point of view). I’m realizing that maybe it isn’t what I thought it was.
When I went to the intern lunch, I saw grad students that were 23, who had passed the FSO exam and would be going to DC in the fall to start their careers as diplomats. At that young age! I was so impressed. Also, listening to the ambassador’s story of travels, diplomacy, and experiencing different cultures, I realized what an important and meaningful job being a diplomat was and it made me more interested in becoming one. Being around people who have accomplished a lot and are going places makes me set my sights even higher and be excited for my career. 
I’ve also been very discouraged as well. My family got annoyed with me and thought I was being rude cuz i was cranky when I napped and didnt eat dinner, and they were passive aggressive with me for a couple days. They aren’t that interested in what I have to say about work, and always seem to be stuck in their own bubbles, which is fine. One night I didnt want to go home because I was annoyed at my fam and I just sat on the swings outside my apartment and had my alone time. I feel like I have to watch my actions at home and at work and can never truly be myself or have alone time. I havent had time to watch TV or my hobbies and even writing this is such a treat for me. I’ve teared up multiple times because I’m so drained from dealing with family, not having enough alone time, being so tired, and I have to take care of myself. It was fine doing it in eugene but here it’s discouraging because they wanted me to stay in this city instead of moving so they could take care of me and they havent been doing that that well. Sometimes they try. yesterday i treated myself at Daiso, an asian dollar tree and I bought stuff that I like and a cute bulletin board to remind me of people who I can be myself around. I put up messages from nomuna, jessy and brenda from nomuna’s birthday gift last year. It was a friendly reminder. 
My family is going on a vacation without me because i cant get the days off. They didnt even talk to me about it they just said... “can u get 11th off?” and i said hesitantly “uhhh....” and then the other aunt said “whatever she cant it’s whatever” so i think im going to be home alone. I got mad at mom last week cuz she wrote me 10 pages on how I should act around my family. She said dont just do ur dishes, do EVERYONE’s dishes. Dont be picky with food, say this to gma, act like this to this aunt, like that to this aunt, blablabla. I got mad at her because I already feel so uncomfortable living with family here because... they seem to care less about my work or day than even my friends back home. It’s just so weird that they are family but are less family than my friends and that’s just so uncomfortable to me and awkward. I was very open at first sharing my day but i can tell they don’t listen attentively and brush things i say off. they DO have their way of showing love, such as calling me when it’s raining LOL (which is useless like wtf r u gonna do by calling). I just miss being myself, and I miss being heard. 
I went to a party on Sunday and it was SUCH a blast!!! Koreans know how to have a good time. We played TONS of games and I won at most of them. :) I also realized how quiet I was compared to other people and thought to myself, “ i am so awkward in group settings”. 
Last friday, I went to Han river with the childhood friend. it was an AMAZING time. We sat on the grass and ate pizza and joked around and took pictures of the city and walked across the bridge of life / suicide bridge and read the quotes. He is probably the only one I truly 100% feel myself around in Korea, and I really like hanging out with him. 
There are also so many couples here. Couples kissing, couples hugging, couples in couple shirts, couple shoes, couple pants, couple hairstyles.... Too many couples. It makes me feel single and I aint even single. I miss bryan a lot too. I just miss having someone there to experience everything with me and knowing all my problems and asking how my day was in person. After being here, I am even more appreciative that I have someone who I can really truly be myself without having to filter myself. It makes me miss home, but in all honesty, I just miss the people.  
Also, I get fat shamed a lot here. By my gma, by a kid in an elevator, basically by random people like aunts too. And i hear a lot of other crap too sometimes, about my personality, about my habits, but fat shaming is the most prominent. The fact that i can hear that stuff and not give a flying f/laugh about it really has shown me i don’t care about what people say and am really confident in who I am, which I think is something good I realized. I truly believe that if you want to go far, you should not be able to let people’s opinions or judgments deter your belief in who you are.
It took a while to write this. But the point is, I miss my friends, but I’m making new ones, staying busy, having fun, trying to treat myself and love myself once in a while, and even if I can’t be myself most of the time, I really am trying to find some alternatives. These past weeks have been so eventful, so busy, and I am so blessed to meet so many good people and to be learning so much. <3 
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