wewontdieunbloomed · 2 years
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thought id post before i am likely to disappear for a while. tomorrow is the last day of my a levels! its just a bio paper 1 which is a pain to study for because its too small to put that much effort into but not easy enough to totally ignore it so ive been mostly relaxing this week and doing past year papers and getting tired of the tedium. excited for all this to be over tomorrow and i can properly be free for the first time in 12 years. i will have to think of university and what to do with my time but for now im just excited to leave this behind
that said i am probably going to post a lot less even though yes this isnt supposed to just be a study blog but i dont have much to post about otherwise. i do intend to start some long projects and work on myself in the many months ill have free next year so i might pop in now and then, but for now, i will see you soon i have had a great time since starting this blog in 2020. stay productive everyone and try to feel alive every now and then
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