#Kaptein Sabeltann
chiropteracupola · 7 months
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finally... the blonde sailor collection...
(l -> r: ben hawkins, jack aubrey, william laurence, røde ruben, alexander smollett, chadwick goodfellow, & gwilym parry)
[ben, goodfellow, and parry have been lent to me by @benjhawkins, @natdrinkstea, and @sailorpants, and the delightful idea of collecting this lad pile was inspired by @gigamuffin!]
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gigamuffin · 7 months
color palette ask! color palette ask! y'know what I think sabeltann himself could look really cool in 'cheesecake'... or perhaps jack aubrey in 'self?'
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hiv o' hoi o7
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captainsvscaptains · 7 months
Round 1 Part 5 Poll 2
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I love [Tusktooth] !
Two words: Goth Pirate! He is such an icon over here in Norway! Kaptein Sabeltann (literally Captain Sabertooth how sick is that!) is the king of the seas, the most feared pirate ever. They say he's immortal, but scared landlubbers often say such crazy things. He can literally smell gold! Look at how he's dressed and tell me he isnt cool as hell! He would not hesitate to harm children, which is hilarious because it's for kids! It's a musical too!!
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ifindus · 9 months
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yes, I'm not done with him 🙈✨🏴‍☠️
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gigamuffinsofie · 11 months
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literally how am i still obsessed with them
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densortedame · 8 days
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Kaptein Sabeltann - Havets Hemmelighet 2024
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spicy-cucumber-salad · 2 months
Words cannot describe my love for silly lizard homosexuals and pirates
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bununiniji · 4 months
repost bc tumbr messed up the thing AGAIN anyways here r some doodles. been doing mostly anatomy studies n gesture stuff lately hrkdjfldk
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the eureka zane, creature zane and kaptein sabeltann r for my brother lol
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iadoremusicals · 14 days
The Kaptein Sabeltann to Barbossa pipeline is real, y'all!
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You can't in all honesty serve us Kaptein Sabeltann (played by Terje Formoe, I'll brook no substitutions!) as kids and not expect us to take one look at Barbossa and go "Yes, please!"...
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harbek · 2 years
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Kaptein Sabeltann
My all-time favourite pirate king, from my all-time favourite Norwegian musical kids franchise, spanning film, TV, books, animation, and a series of stage musicals that have been running since 1990.
The Captain is hundreds of years old and he can smell gold from afar. He throws a big baby tantrum if people don't do as he says. He's the most feared pirate on the seven seas, and the most beloved king of The Invisible Land. He's terrified of ghosts. His ship has a giant skull on the stern. He says ladies have cooties and he hates getting up in the morning. He routinely threatens people with violence and murder. He sings pirate shanties. His favourite food is tandoori chicken. He's defeated countless warriors, witches and sorcerers. I adore him.
Captain Sabertooth
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theheroheart · 11 months
I now have one of those tumblr stories that people would say is fake, except for the fact that it requires a certain amount of context from Norwegian kids entertainment to actually be impressive.
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into-september · 8 months
no thoughts just the needless Krolock vibes to his costume
and also the lyrics
and also that he is also a count
the Tanz der Vampire/Kaptein Sabeltann crossover in my head is horrible and beautiful
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gigamuffin · 7 months
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[The Villains] [Landlubbers] [Media links]
You may recognize the name Kaptein Sabeltann in some of my posts and may have wondered "Hey who is that totally sick and awesome pirate?" Well here's a (mostly objective and unbiased) introduction to our main crew!
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Kaptein Sabeltann (Captain Sabertooth) himself is the most feared and revered pirate of the seven seas and the self-proclaimed king of the sea. He is known for his love of gold and the ability to literally smell it + the catchphrase of the show "Hiv o' Hoi". He is a stubborn, decisive pirate who expects everything to follow his way. There is a rumour that Kaptein Sabeltann has sailed the seven seas for a hundred years, but this is often dismissed as scared landlubber tales.
Kaptein Sabeltann sails onboard Den sorte dame (the dark lady) with his crew: Langemann, Pelle, Pysa, Benjamin, Skalken and a young cabin boy Pinky. They reside in a port called Abra Havn, hidden away on an island surrounded by fog and through a narrow passageway only Langemann knows how to get Den sorte dame through. This place is called “Det usynlige land" (the invisible land)
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Den sorte dame (the dark lady). Fun fact her skull actually opens and closes it's mouth, and if you don't think that's cool you're not real. They sail her around for the show at night and in the daytime, she is free to ride in the park itself!
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Let's talk about Kaptein Sabeltann's first mate and right-hand man: Langemann (Longfinger) (pictured on the left). He is Kaptein Sabeltann's most trusted man and helps keep the crew and sometimes the captain himself in check. He is the only other person with free access to Kaptein Sabeltann's castle. Langemann is known as "Sabeltann's shadow" because "Where Langemann is Kaptein Sabeltann is close by."
Langemann is very serious about his job and makes sure the usually incompetent crew actually does their duty. But off duty, he knows how to joke, flirt, sing and just be an average guy, which is something he uses to his advantage to spy on landlubbers (one of his main jobs is to fool them for information on treasures). Langemann is Pinky's father figure, and behaves very much like dad in general.
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And this is Pinky (Tiny, pretend his english name isn’t real), he's technically our main protagonist and has the overarching plot of the show. Pinky was found on a shipwreck as a baby by Kaptein Sabeltann and his crew (but mostly by Langemann). He grew up in Abra Havn amongst pirates and dreamed of becoming the world's youngest pirate, which is something Kaptein Sabeltann scoffs at. Kaptein Sabeltann only sees Pinky as "the kid that Langemann picked up in that shipwreck" and doesn't take his wishes to become a "real pirate" seriously at all. Langemann on the other hand does try to encourage him to become a pirate someday. He is currently 11 years old in canon. After he realizes he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore he dreams of finding his biological dad, Morgan, instead. This is his overarching plot of the show.
Langemann used to be close friends with Pinky's biological dad Morgan and raises Pinky assuming Morgan is dead. Pinky lives at Langemann's house and often follows him around when he's in Abra Havn. Pinky looks up to both Langemann and Kaptein Sabeltann a lot growing up. Pinky is valued for his ability to read but other than that he is just a cabin boy in Kaptein Sabeltann's eyes.
Now we can move on to the other crew members.
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Pelle and Pysa (Wally and Wimp) are twin brothers and huge mama's boys. They can't read, write or count, which is often the butt of some joke. Pelle (Wally) sees himself as the "older brother" of the two, despite being only a few minutes older. He is often very bossy and mean to his brother Pysa. Pysa (Wimp) as his name implies is more of a coward. Other than that they are very similar. They are the stereotypical stooges, comedic reliefs, and love food, especially their mother's cooking. They are always bickering and even have a whole song dedicated to just that.
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This is Benjamin (no yeah he's Benjamin in english too we're blessed), he is lazy first and foremost, and boisterous. He usually tricks Pelle and Pysa into doing his job for him. Despite doing very little he often brags about being one of Kaptein Sabeltann's most famous and talented crew members. He often twists words or cracks jokes (often referencing things from modern day, aimed at the adults in the audience) that annoys Kaptein Sabeltann and the crew. He very much prioritizes fun and jokes over doing his job and being serious. If Pelle and Pysa are the physical comedy he is the verbal comedy. Benjamin also has the best eyesight of the crew and is often stationed at the crow's nest.
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Finally there is Skalken (Tully, his name actually translates to crust)...... Skalken is the ship's cook, and just by looking at him you can guess he isn't very good at it. Skalken only cooks food that makes the rest of the crew squeamish. He is often on the hunt for rats and cockroaches to put in his "famous" rat soup. According to him, rats and cockroaches are nutritious meals and a necessity to pirates. Despite everyone verbally and physically hating his cooking he just laughs and goes on believing he is a first class gourmet chef. He is our gross-out humour guy. Skalken, like Benjamin, often makes jokes that go over kids' heads, only Skalken has the ability to break the 4th wall.
And that's the main crew of Den sorte dame! I plan on writing another post for the villains, the side characters and the shows themselves in the near future. I will also have a short post with links to some of the media up soon. See you then!
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Fanart for chapter 4 of the fanfic "jeg faller faen meg ikke for sjarmen din!"
(the colours might be a little too vibrant for phone screens fyi, sorry for that...)
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ifindus · 11 months
det at the nordics kledde seg ut som spøkelsespirater i stede for kapteinsabeltann og hans crew i halloween episoden er urealistisk...smh🙄
Såå bortkasta! 😫 Kaptein Sabeltann my beloved 🥰
Kaptain Sabeltann (Captain Sabertooth) is my childhood okay. There is so much - it was everywhere!! There are books, audio-books with songs, a tv-series, a movie, musicals, a theme park!! and an ice cream!! I fucking loved Kaptain Sabeltann, I would dress up as him all the time when I was younger. He is a vibe - the best anti-hero. My friends and I also still play the music at parties 🙈 Here is a taste of Kaptein Sabeltann for people interested.
But yes, missed opportunity with the Halloween episode. We could have had this instead!!
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🎨 How do you feel about fanart?
💸 Do you own any merch of your source?
Oh gosh, I generally like fanart!! I'm more "forgiving" of fanart of my more obscure sources (Kaptein Sabeltann, Mune, etc) because in that scenario all food is good food, but for more well-known sources (Lord of the Rings, the Grinch) I'm a bit more "meh" about it because I can afford to be picky, haha.
As for merch - I own merch for Kaptein Sabeltann! A hat and a flag, a t-shirt, two jackets, a headband, a pen, a pencil case, a blanket, some necklaces... a toy figurine? All of it official. For the Grinch I have a scarf my mother made identical to his/mine, and for Gimli Gloinul (Lord of the Rings) and Mune (Guardian of the Moon) I unfortunately have nothing. It's so expensive to get shipped here!
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